Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 01, 1894, Image 4

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1 Cast Your Eye
Upon This Space
It will contain something1 worthy the attention of every reader in
the very near future. In the meantime, do not lose sight of the
fact that for
Tho Plattsmouth Journal,
C. W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One copy one year, in advance, by mail (s 00
One copy six months In advance, by mail . - 5
One copy one month, in advance, by mail . 50
One copy, by carrier, per week 10
Published every afternoon except Sunday.
Single copy, one year .11 00
Single copy, six months..... 50
Published every Thursday. Payable lu advance.
Entered at the postoffiee at Plattsmouth, Ise
braska, as secoudcluss matter.
It must be admitted that the income
tax is unpopular, but that is because it
falls upon people with whom any tax is
The republicans in the New Jersey
legislature have evolved a scheme to
enact laws without the signature of
the democratic executive. It was
against republican laws, enacted
without the signature of a democratic
executive, that New Jersey revolved at
the last presidental election.
Ix euchre no player should try to
play it alone without both bowers and
the ace. A democratic president
should call on his partners for assist
ance. They hold trumps, and he can
not possibly hold a club suit strong
enough to win without them. There is
more politics in Iloyle than in E.
Ellery Anderson.
terests and opinions of the people?''
Either the people do not know what
they want or Mr. McKinley does not
know what he is talking about.
We never look for logic in a repub
lican speech under any circumstances,
but such palpable inconsistencies at a
Chicago club banquet place the orator
under suspicion of something besides
insincerity. St. Louis Republic.
In calculator g the merits of the
Bland seigniorage bill, the economists
of the house should bear in mind that
we are soon going to need for business
purposes all the cash now stored in the
banks, and maybe a great deal more.
Silver certificates are better money
than greenbacks, even in the view of
gold bugs. That seigniorage money
will be useful when trade gets to go
One of the saddest pictures in Ne.
braska politics shows Matt Gering in
the act of relinquishing hope of secur
ing appointment as U. S. district at
torney. This place was promised him
by Secretary Morton, who, when no
longer able to use the splendid little
orator from Plattsmouth, cruelly cast
him aside. If ever politician was faith
ful to another, Matt Gering was faith
ful to Morton, and now the shameful
treatment he is receiving in return for
his loyalty ought to damn the Otoe
statesman in the eyes of all democrats.
I'apillion Times.
In yesterday's Lincoln Journal, one
of the most rabid republican sheets in
the entire state, appeared the following
New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 24.
Five out of the six Wasmutta mills
will start up Monday on full time. This
is the rrst time the mills have run on
full time since the financial depression
last August. No. 6 Wasmutta mill will
shut down indefinitely on account of
the strike in Pittsburg in that mill.
The above is only a sample of what
the Lincoln Journal has been printing
almost every day for the past several
weeks, and yet the claim is constantly
made that the Wilson bill has sounded
the death-knell to all American indus
tries and that every one must shut
down. The real facts and the claims
of republican sheets do not appear to
Washington, I. C, Feb. 23.1S94.
The battle now on in the house over
the coinage of the seigniorage silver
bullion in the treasury adds renewed
force to the observation heretofore
made that the contests most hardly
fought and intensely waged in con
gress are questions that have grown up
between the interests of the east and
northeast and the west and south.
The democrats who have been joining
with the republicans in refusing to
vote, in order to prevent making up a
quorum, without exception, are all to
be found east of the Ohio line and
north of the Potomac river. The few
republicans who support the Bland bill
are western men. The avowed pur
pose of these eastern men is to be
found in the declaration of DeWitt
Warner, of New York, who favors con
fining legal tender money to gold and
vesting in the banks the power to issue
all the paper money. On their part it
is a battle for corporation control of
the currency. In fact, the accumulated
wealth of today is fighting to make its
power predominant in the future.
Through the national banking system,
as a nucleus, the money power which
G9n. Jackson once overthrew in remov
ing the deposits from the United States
banks, is once more on deck, de
termined to fasten its grip on the
throats of the people, to forever pre
vent an honest and equal distribution
of the earnings of toil. To such a con
dition have we come that the fountains
of patriotism have been broken up in
the east by greed and avarice. The
same power which, with fiendish in
difference to the injury and want and
woo which their conduct might create
among the poor, could coolly conspire
to bring on the panic of last summer,
is now standing out, in common with
the party's enemies, and refusing to
vote, in order to prevent all action on
the part of the house on this important
question. They are doing more than
the republicans have the power to do
to break up the party and make it im
possible to elect a democratic majority
in the house next fall. Hereafter
democrats of the west will be apt to
understand that they must fight the
battles of the people without the as
sistance of the eastern so-called demo
crats, whose allegiance is first to the
money power, instead of the people.
Congressman Bryan has had the
satisfaction of having the committee
on banking and currency to agree to
report favorably on his bill to provide
greater penalties than the present law
afforded for the violation of the na
tional banking law. If the bill passes,
such scoundrels as Mosber, who wreck
national banks, will not get off with a
beggarly five years' sentence, but will
be punished in a measure commen
surate with their crimes.
The last week in January, I believe
it was, Secretary Carlisle issued $50,-
000,000 in oonds, for the avowed pur
pose of securing gold for maintaining
specie pay mec ts. The opponents of the
measure held at the time that such a
move would only afford a temporary
relief, and that the men in New York
who were urging him to take that
course were only waiting the chance to
draw out that gold by the presentation
of silver certificates or treasury notes
That prediction seems to have been
well based, for on the 20th inst. the
U. S. treasurer made an official state
ment to the effect that $18,645,000 of
that gold had already been drawn out
since Feb. 1st nearly a million dollars
a day ! Could anything be more foolish
than that bond issue has proven
itself to be? If Mr. Bland's bill were
to pass it would provide a means for
retiring the treasury notps issued under
the Sherman act whenever they should
Neat-Fitting, Stylish and
Extra Quality -
Prices, Like the Clothing, Guaranteed to Please.
be presented, as well as the silver cer.
tificates, so that the present process of
drafting the gold out of the treasury
would come to an end. That is the
feature of the Bland bill which meets
the greatest opposition on the part of
the eastern Shylocks.
Mr. Bryan left Washington on the
afternoon of the 21st,' for his western
trip, thinking himself entitled to a
short recess, after his four months of
labor on the ways and means commit
tee in preparing the tariff and income
tax bill. lie expects to be gone about
ten days. Before going he arranged
with a Minnesota republican for him
to vote to make a quorum whenever
necessary, in his place, so that his ab
sence would make no difference iu the
progress of business.
Some weeks ago Mr. Bryan received
a telegram from Mr. McIIugh of the
Jackson club at Omaha requesting him
to address the club during his western
tour "on the income tax." To this he
replied that he could not agree to do
that, but would be glad to speak if his
subject was not limited. He did not
propose to have his bands, or rather
hi3 tongue, tied in that way. This did
not seem to suit the managers of the
club, so the arrangement fell through
with mutual satisfaction, apparently.
If the Omaha club really desired to
hear Mr. B. it could have done so by
the expression of a fair degree of con
fidence in his sense o' discretion. The
fact was the gold-bug portion of the
club wanted to confine bis talk to the
income tax, and Mr. B. didn't propose
to gratify them. And I think he did
The president is proceeding so slowly
with the appointment of democrats
in the public offices now held by repub
licans after their lerms have expired
as to leave the impression that it is a
small matter to him when these
changes are made, or whether they are
made at all or not. Public office is a
public trust and not a private perqui
site, and Mr. Cleveland has no right to.
ignore the wishes or expressed will cf
the people when they put him in the
presidency instead of Mr. Harrison.
They did that fo a purpose and that
purpose included just as much a change
ot the other offices as it did the forma
tion of a cabinet to suit the wishes of
the president. C. W. S.
Some striking commentaries on the
efficacy of republican protection are
being afforde I nowadays. ne is the
statement that the Amalgamated As
sociation of Iron and Steel Workers is
about to dissolve, having never re
covered from the blow administered in
its defeat at the hands of the Carnegie
Steel and Iron company, limited. An
otberis furnished by the communica
tion of the striking silk weaveis of
New York to the Tribune of that city
in , reply to the assertion that their
present condition of enforced idleness
is due to the threatened reduction in
the silk tariff schedules proposed by
the Wilson bill.
The lockout by the Carnegie Steel
and Iron company, limited, came
within less than a year after the Mc
Kinley law became operative, as a re
suit of the refusal of the operatives to
agree to a reduction of wages proposed
by the company. The iron and steel
schedule in the McKinley law, dictated
by the Carnegie and associated steel
and iron interests, was the worst ever
made a part or any tariff law in this
country. The demand for a reduction
of wages under it came before the last
presidental election, when the Wilson
bill or any other measure of general
tariff reform was as remote as the ac
cession of the democratic party to full
control of every branch of the federal
government. It was dictated by greed
and hostility to organized labor, and
its success was understood to mean the
imminent disorganization of the Amal
gamated Association of Steel and Iron
Workers, which, as the greatest of the
laor organizations, had given constant
and valuable support to the republican
party and its protection fallacies.
The striking New York silk weavers
say to the Tribune that there has been
a gradual process of wage reduction
going on in their business for some
years past. In the list of reductions to
which they have been compelled to
submit, as they have tabulated them
for the Tribune's information, the
most sweeping are to be found in the
years which have followed the opera
tion of the McKinley law. The first of
these reduction was made a few
mouths ater the law became opera
tive. "For many years," say they to
the Tribune, "the silk ribbon weavers
of theUuited States have found them
selves in a very deplorable condition.
inasmuch as their wages have been con
stantly reduced," and then they point
out the fact that the industry has l-een
protected by a duty of 50 percent. The
duty before the adoption of the McKin
ley law was 49.54, but after that law
went into operation this was increased
to 53 56. Yet within a few months at
ter this increase the weavers were com
pelled to accept another reduction in
There is not an item in the silk
schedule on which the Wilson bll does
not propose a reduction in tariff duty
below the duty now maintained by the
McKinley law. The fact that the silk
ribbon mills at Patterson, N. J., have,
in the face of such a proposed tariff re
duction, advances the wages of their
weavers 20 per cent, i an eloquent
commentary on th farce and fraud ot
the McKinley law as the friend of la
bor. It has been an instrument in the
hands of oppression with which to op
press labor and despoil it of its rights.
Harking back to the presidental
election of 1392 for comparison, our re
publican c mtemporaries reckon that
the election of the Hon. Galusha Grow-
as congressman at large proves Penn
sylvania nearly three .times as repub
lican as when Clevelano was elected.
The conclusion is farcical. There are
no degrees in Pennsylvania republican
ism. Its best is its worst and it wvrst
is its best. The voting strength of the
state ii for the most part divided into
two classes the tariff barons and their
slaves. If the former want a majority
of 150,000 or 250,000 for that matter,
all they have to do is to push the bell.
Voting in Pennsylvania, in other
words, is most the exercise of a metal
or moral faculty; it is an automatic
operation recording the wishes of the
tariff barons. These gentry are on the
alert at present. They need in their
business a. very emphatic expression of
"the popular will" on the Wilson bill.
They have plundered the country ad
libitum for almost a generation. The
Wilson bill proposes to put an end to
their plundering and to give the
American people for once a chance
against the pampered thieves and their
hungry, hollow-eyed horde of imported
And it will do so. Tuesday's vote
counts for nothing. Chicago Times
Said Mr. McKinley to the Chicago
Lincoln club, referring to the present
session of congress: "It is a condition
where the people's representatives are
legislating against the interests and
opinions of the people. But
what else could you expect? They are
pledged to reduce the tariff."
Is the joke on Mr. McKinley or the
people? It is certainly not on the
democratic party. We are inclined to
the belief that Mr. McKinley has made
himself the victim of bis own satire.
The fact that the democrats are
"pledged to i educe the tariff " carries
with it the conclusion that they have
become the "people's representatives"
because of that pledge. How then can
they be legislating "against the in-
Chicago Times.
From that school section republican
organ, the Chicago Tribune, which,
with characteristic, fatuity, becomes
more and more a protectionist sheet as
the influence of protectionists de
creases, the following significant ad
mission is culled:
Today, as never before, the American
wheat grower is obliged to compete
with the grain raised in Uussia, iu
other parts of eastern Europe, in India,
in Australia and New Zealand, in
Argentine and Chili.
But today, as never before, the
American wheat grower is enjoying
the blessings of that system of protec
tion of which the Tribune is an
eleventh-hour exponent. He is taxed
on the iron in his plow, on the clap
boards which sheath his house, on the
clothing he wears, on the tin out of
which his milk pails are formed, on his
agricultural implements, and on the
rails over which his wheat is carried to
market. If he complains he is told
that all this is to secure him an un
divided home market, and that for his
further benefit a duty of 25 cents per
bushel is imposed in any foreign wheat
which seeks to enter into compel ition
with his.
This is what the farmer is told when
the republican congressman for his
district attends the county fair and
makes a speech, but when the wheal
grower ha wheat to dispose of and not
votes he hears a different story. Then
lie leains. as the Tribune well puts it,
that "today, as never before, the Arner
ican wheat grower is obliged to com
pete with the grain raised in Russia,
in other parts of pa-tern Europe, in
Australia and New Zealand, in Argen
tine and Chili." Never n word hears
he about the blessings of protection
and his profitable monopoly of a great
home market. He learns instead, as
the Tribune puts it, that "the world's
market is Great Britain and western
Europe" a market which not all the
taxes he pays to protected mamifuc
turers in this country can enlarge for
The laws of trtde and the promises
of politicians do not always go .veil to
gether. Ot this fact the American
farmer can convince himself when he
contrasts wheat at 60? cents with the
bright and glowing eulogies of protec
tion which last dropped from the lips of
his republican representative in cou
giess. "Now good digestion waitson appetite.
And health on both,"
says the great tSheakespeate. but he
did not have in mind a coated tongue
or torpid liver, with all the symptoms
of biliousness, so common in this
country. . All this, and more, can be
cured by Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical
Discovery, a pmely vegetable com
pound, which restores t ho action of
the liver, pivfs tone to the flagging
energies of tjie dyspeptic's stomach,
and thus enables '"good digestion to
wait on appetite, and health on both."
By druggists, j
State or Ohio, CitV or Toi-rno, I
Lie AS C'OtjSTT. f
Frank J. Chkney makes oath that
he is tne senior partner of tke firm of
F. J. Cheney cv Co., doing business in
the City of Toledo, Couuty and State
aforesaid, and tlhat said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for eacti and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Cat a nun Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this ;6th day of December,
r!PAt i A. W. LKAON,
ISEAL.j . xotary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J- CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
J6fS-SoId by Druggists, 75c.
Buy corn lauds in Charles Mix
county, a Missoiin river county in
South Dakota, south of the north line
of Iowa. For particulars and for map
ndiiresa Pn i ut t-s lM IX ColTNTV L 'li
Co., Eiigerton. Souh Dakota.
heinite who was stftick bv B. & M. No
3 Rome weeks ago, ik progressing very
nirelv nnrl his nhvsician hones to be
able to have him talfcen across the river
tomorrow to hia home.
Park Obesitt Tills will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from la to Impounds a month.
NO STAKVIXU. sickness or injury; NO PUB
LICITY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving No WRINKLE- or
tlabbine-s. STOl'T ABDOMENS and dithcult
breathing sure y reliey 1. NO EXPERI M ENT.
but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only
after years of ex perienee. All orders supplied
direct from our otlice. Price f 2.110 per package
or three packages for J.VOO by mall postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents.
JiAU correspondence strictly confidential.
PA UK KEN EDI 10., Boston J.'ass.
I!. J. Streight.
J. battler
SurcoHnors to Henry Hoeck,
Furniture i Undertaking
Pianos and Organs,
Our Furniture line In complete in every detail
An investigation Is certain to convince.
Has purchased the Parinele & Ruther
ford stock and will run both the
Main-st. and Sckildknecht Barns. I
Rigs of all descriptions, from a Saddle
horse to a Sixteen-passenger Wagon.
Cabs. Pail Bearer Wagon. Carryalls mil
everything for picnics, weddings and
Ti'tilii rl.i-M
Telephone 70.
Prices Reasonable. No credit over 30
days. Old and new customers are In
vited to call, when satisfaction Is guar
anteed. W. D. JONES
The Plattsmouth Mills,
C. HEISEI,. Prop.
This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best manufacture
in the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour
Has no Superior ir; America. Give it a
trial and be convinced.
Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal
Always on band. Orders delivered in
city promptly.
TKISMS Casli or 30 day' tirao.
Dr. A. P. Barnes, V. S.
Night calls attended promptly.
office : j
Bonner Barn, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
fVeaiif ..
j. ir. .tons sos .
fi e- Vrt i den t.
rn io
Citizens' Bank,
Capital paid in $50,OOC
J W Johnson. W. I). Merriam, Wm. Weten
kamp, D. C. Morgan. Henry Likenbary,
M. W. Morgan and W. II. Cushing.
A general banking business transacted. Ir
terest allowed on deposits.
E. E. BONN iL,J"E,
Manufacturer and Deiler in
2015 O Street.
I.inroln. Xtltrartn
Attorney at Lav,
OFFICE In the Todd block, east of new ourt
hne. second rlnor
Jas. P. Antill's
New Oyster Parlor
Opposite Uatf rman Block
Oyctera in all sty lei. Fried oyster tperialtj.
For. a good stsk or Lunch call on Jtn.