Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 01, 1894, Image 2

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    p.Httsmouth Journal
C W. SHERMAN. Publisher.
The News Condensed.
Important Intelligence From All Parts.
R( irnlar Session.
Thb senate was not In session on the 17th.. ..In
the house Mr. Bland was again unable to secure
a quorum to close debate on the silver seignior
age bill Mr. Hicks (Pa.) introduced a bill for
the encouragement ot the mining of silver In
the United Slates and the formation of silver
cuarantee banks. Eulogies were pronounced
on the late Representative Lilly, of Pennsyl
vania. On the 19th the Hawaiian resolution was
called up In the senate and Senator Daniel
(dem., Va.) spoke In support of It. The nomi
nation of Senator Edward D. White, of Loui
siana, as associate Justice of the supreme
court was received from the president and was
confirmed ... In the house the effort to secure a
quorum to order the previous question on Mr.
Bland's Motion to close debate on the silver
eign!orage bill was unsuccessful.
The session of the senate on the 2)th was
devoid of special interest. Senator Daniel
Va.t concluded his spoech on the Hawaiian
question, and while supporting the course that
has b--ea followed by the administration, he
declared that now there was nothing to do but
recognize the new government and wish it god
speed In the house the deadlock on the
HI ind seigniorage bill was not broken.
On the "1st the Hawaiian resolution was
further discussed In the .senate after a lively
debate tetween several members on the tariff
quf-stion. ..In the bouse Mr. Bland again
failed to secure a quorum on his motion for a
vote on the seigniorage bill, and after four
hours of fruitless roll-calls the hoube ad
journed. In the senate on ths 22d a resolution was of
fered to instruct the finance committee to pre
pare a bill for tne free coinage of silver at the
ratio of Id to 1. Also a resolution directing the
judiciary committee to prepare a joint resolu
tion, providing for tae election of senators by a
direct vote of the people- Adjourned to the
"6th.... In the house a bill was Introduced to
enforce reciprocal commercial relations be
tween the United States and Canada and one
to repeal that part of the act ot 1875 which au
thorizes the secretary of the treasury to issue
bonds. Exciting events growing out of the
w holesale arrest of members for being absent
led. to disorder and tumult, vhicb. after con tin
Ins; for hours, was suddenly terminated in an
Euwaro C. Gkamm, sent to jail vt
Harrisburg, Pa., for assault and bat
tery upon the oath of a brother, com
mitted suicide.
Feed Meyers and Anton Skinhoi
were suffocated by gas in a hotel in
Kenosha, Wis.
Grain men say the recent heavy
snow will make a wheat crop of 100,
000,000 bushels in Kansas.
Thirty-seven of the fifty-eight coal
miners charged with riot at Pittsburgh,
Pa., were found guilty.
By a n-istake Mr. Luke, of Nashville,
I1L, was confirmed by the senate as
postmaster at Nashville, la.
The steamer Australia sailed for
Honolulu, Hawaii, from San Francico,
bearing1 fifty cases of rifle cartridges.
Rev. Joshua C. Briggs, supposed to
have been killed by a train near Ot
tawa, O., was murdered.
Fire partly destroyed the Illinois
state building on the world's fair
Two women were fatally hurt near
Olanthe, Kan., by the explosion of
dynamite placed in a stove to thaw.
The lumber output of the Pacific
northwest has decreased during the
last year 700,000,000 feet.
Mrs. Lease, of Kansas, claims to be
a mason and says she will organize
lodges of women throughout this coun
try. School officials of Concordia, Kan.,
have resolved to withhold the pay of
any woman teacher who marries during
the term.
The works of the Griswold Oil com
pany at Warren. O., were destroyed
by fire with 80,000 barrels of linseed
product. Loss, 1175,000.
Gov. Rich, of Michigan, formally re
moved from office Secretary of State
Jochin, Treasurer Hambitzer and Land
Commissioner Berry, the erring officials
who failed to canvass the returns upon
the salaries amendment last spring.
Chas II. Lusosib, of New York, was
elected president of the League of
American Wheelmen at the annual
meeting in Louisville.
Surrounded near Visalia, Evans and
Morrel. the notorious California ban
dits, surrendered to the officers.
Jim Mitchell, of Richmond, Tex., a
man long known for a desperate char
acter, shot to death three men, one lit
tle child and wounded a woman in the
railway depot at Houston.
A suit which involves St. Louis prop
erty valued at $30,000,000 has been
brought by the heirs of Jean Baptiste
A warrant was issued for the arrest
of Gov. Hogg, of Texas, who was said
to have killed a deer in the close sea
son. Indianapolis laboring men refused
to work in relays with their unem
ployed fellows and a riot was narrowly
In South Chicago 470 families, J, 500
poverty-stricken persons, were depend
ing upon the relief society for the nec
essaries of life.
The immense tin can and japanned
ware factory in Chicago of Norton
Bros, was burned, the loss being $600,
000. Six hundred employes were
thrown out of work.
Chaska. the Santee Indian at Chey
enne River agency, S. D. who was
married to Cora Bell Fellows three
years ago, has eloped with a copper
colored belle.
Three boys were killed and six in
jured by the explosion of a boiler on a
plantation near Houma, La.
Mrs. F. J. A doe and Mr. McDonald
son were fording a swollen stream
near Colfax, CaL, when the wagon
overturned and they were drowned.
Matthew R. Asuton, convicted of
murdering his aunt, Mrs. Daniel Stone,
died of smallpox in the Dane county
(Wis. ) jail.
Frank Cripe, who has served elevsn
years on a life sentence for murder in
Indiana, was pardoned by Gov. Mat
thews. The state of Minnesota has filed suit
to recover 100,000,000 feet of pine stolen
jfrom school lands.
Tmt thirtieth anniversary of the
founding of the Knights of Fythias was
celebrated in various portions of the
J. Fkomak shot his wife at Maysville,
Mo., because she would not live with
him and then shot himself.
At Emporia, Kan., the city council
passed an ordinauce prohibiting the
sale of cigarettes.
A bill requiring the United States
flag to be displayed on all Iowa school
buildings during school terms was
passed by the legislature.
Over 5,000 threatening men gathered
at the state house in Boston and de
manded aid. They were finally dis
persed by the police.
Two Mexicans armed with rifles
secured a large amount of booty by
robbing a stage coach near Spearfish,
S. D.
Me mb ei of the Illinois Press associa
tion began their twenty-ninth annual
meeting at the Lexington hotel in Chi
cago. By a St. Paul train striking a funeral
procession in Chicago Joseph Hugo and
George Rossewhilo almost lost their
The Masonic Benevolent Association
of Central Illinois has failed. It had
J11.101.3S to pay death losses of $124,
331.35. Enraged residents of Stanton, Ala.,
were avenging the murder of Mrs.
Ruckerby killing a number of negroes.
The barbers' Sunday closing law has
been declared constitutionalal by de
cision of the Michigan supreme court.
ATtheir annual meeting in Louisville
Denver was chosen by the national
wheelmen for the -next meeting place.
Negroes were barred from member
ship. The Second Congregational church
at Kockford, 111., was destroyed by fire,
the loss being $: 00,000.
With difficulty 213 female inmates
were rescued from the burning insane
asylum at Rochester, N. Y. The loss
was $120,000.
A ONE-THOU8AND-barrel-a-day oil well
was struck at Fostoria, O. It was said
to be good for 5,000,000 feet of gas a
As A jury was being polled on its
verdict in a case at Galena, 111., one
suddenly changed his mind.
The residence of Simon Jacobson, a
San Francisco money lender, was en
tered by burglars while the occupants
were asleep and robbed of $12,000.
The report of the state board of
health of Indiana for 1S93 shows that
21,149 marriages took place in the state
that year. There were 83,76 births
and 61,S05 deaths.
All kinds of fruit in Texas have been
badly damaged by cold weather.
A party of American capitalists will
go to San Domingo to place its finan
cial and economic system on a more
solid basis.
R. Clark Forsyth, a Chicago real
estate man, was robbed of $25,000 by
three men while riding on the platform
of a Wabash avenue car.
The business portion of Watertown,
Conn., was destroyed by fire.
Mrs. Sophia Beresford, wife of a
prosperous San Francisco drayman,
died of glanders, contracted from a
J. H. Hofewell and wife, restaurant
keepers at Des Moines. Ia., committed
suicide by taking morphine. Business
reverses were the cause.
During a quarrel at nagsr, Mich.,
Frederick Westfall fatally cut his wife
with a knife and then killed himself.
Fire caused a loss of $200,000 in the
wholesale business district of Quincy,
Erastus Wiman, the well-known
capitalist and railroad magnate, was
arrested in New York on two charges
of forgery.
Ill health caused the resignation of
W. O. llughart, for twenty-two years
president of the Grand Rapids & In
diana railway.
A schedule of 120 games has been
adopted by the Western Baseball asso
ciation. The season will open May 5.
Omaha police uncovered a gang of
female counterfeiters and two of its
members were under arrest.
Five woodchoppers were caught in a
siiowslide near Verdi, Nev., and only
one was rescued alive.
The report of Statistician Robinson,
of the agricultural department, for
January shows that on January 1 there
were 161,733,453 farm animals in the
Footpads attacked Dr. Francis M.
Abbott at Indianapolis. He shot one
of his assailants and was himself fatal
ly wounded.
The British steamer Fairy, of Vic
tora, engaged in smuggling Chinese
into this country, was seized near
Point Morrowstone, Wash., by the rev
enue cutter Wolcott.
Charles Crouch, who died at Fay
etteville. Ark., confessed on his death
bed that he had murdered three per
sons in the last few years.
Rev. J. F. Henslit, of the Methodist
Episcopal church, who had been hold
ing a series of protracted meetings near
Flora, 111., was killed by a runaway
Mrs. Freda Rothschild, of Omaha,
was badly disfigured by a tramp pour
ing coal oil upon her and setting her on
Eight men were killed by an explo
sion in the coal mines at Blossburg,
N. M., and three others were injured.
It was understood in New York that
Erastus Wiman would plead guilty
to forgery and trust to the court's leni
Repeated attempts to burn Peca
tonica, 111., have aroused the residents
to excitement and extra precautions.
Washington's birthday was observed
in many places throughout the coun
try. -
Secretary Morton has written a let
ter saying the government has no busi
ness appropriating money for thistle
The executive board of the Knights
of Labor declared a general boycott on
St. Louis' English syndicate beer.
A bronze tablet was erected in Bal
timore to mark the spot where the con
tinental congress met in 1776.
Five men were killed and several
injured by the ex'plosion of a boiler in
a mill at Compte, La.
TnE steamer Oceanic arrived at San
Francisco, bringing news that nothing
of importance had occurred in Hono
lulu since last advices.
The Culver building in St. Louis oc
cupied by the Tyler Desk company and
the Udell Woodenware company was
destroyed by fire, the loss being $250,
000. Jacob Heaston, living at Warren,
Ind., handed over $1,500 to three masked
midnight robbers, turned over and
went to sleep.
Alderman Wadsworth hoisted the
English flag above the American at
Philadelphia, but residents made him
haul down the first.
The farmers of the Indiana gas belt
have organized a series of detective as
sociations for the apprehension of criminals.
Richard 1'. Dana, who went around
the world five times, died at his New
York home.
Julia Tunison (colored) died at
Newark, N. J., aged 114 years.
The National Woman Suffrage asso
ciation in session in Washington re
elected Susan B. Anthony as president.
Joseph Keppler, the caricaturist,
the editor and part proprietor of Puck,
died at his residence in New York, aged
59 years.
Mrs. Monette Love died in the
home of her grandson, Julius Jacobs, in
New York, at the age of 105 years.
New Jersey's rival senates have been
forced by Gov. Werts to submit to the
arbitrament of the supreme court.
Official returns from all but nine of
the sixty-seven counties in Pennsyl
vania give Grow (rep ) for congress
man at large a plurality of 180,133.
Commander Edwin T. Woodward, U.
S. N., died suddenly with heart failure
in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., aged 50
The prohibitionists of Rhode Island
met at Providence and nominated a full
state ticket with Henry B. Metcal, of
Paw tucket, for governor.
French imports in 1893 amounted to
3,936,000,000 francs, this being the first
year since 18S3 that they have fallen
below 4,000,000,000.
Reports that Brazilian insurgents
tired upon a launch belonging to the
Newark, of the American navy, are
A bomb found in one of the busiest
streets caused another Parisian sensa
tion. The loss of the tug Millard off the
coast of Nicaraugua with sixty souls
on board was confirmed.
Frank Randall and his wife and
three children were drowned in the
river near Prisido, Mexico.
The deaths from yellow fever average
sixty daily at Rio de Janeiro.
Minister Willis reply to President
Dole's letter, recently made public,
was given to congress, with other Ha
waiian correspondence.
By another bomb explosion in Paris
five persons were hurt. One infernal
machine was found just in time to pre
vent damage.
Brazilian officers were said to be
forcing American colonists into service
and the American consul had been ap
pealed to.
Advices received in London say Guat
emala has suspended payment on its ex
ternal debt, owing to silver's decline.
Signor Bianchebi was elected presi
dent of the Italian chamber of depu
ties, receiving 191 votes on the second
Mexico has sold 200,000 acres of land
in Chiapas, on which a colony of the
Salvation Army will be established.
There was no session of the United
States senate on the 23d. In the house
the members under arrest were finally
discharged from custody by dispensing
with further proceedings under thecalL
Mr. Bland, in another futile effort to
secure a vote on the silver seigniorage
bill, called the filibusters anarchists,
and said: "We were sent here to do our
duty, and a time when the cities are
thronged with mobs and the people
cannot go to bed in peace and comfort
is not the time when mob law should
obtain here." At the evening session
to consider pensions the lack of a quo
rum prevented the transaction of any
The Indiau mission school at Ncah
Bay, B. C, was burned and several In
dian children lost their lives.
The number of immigrants that ar
rived in the United States from Europe
in January was only 8,192 against 11,
330 for January, 1893.
A business block and a public school
building at Fort Wayne, Ind., were de
stroyed by fire, the loss being 8120,000.
There were 288 business failures in
the United States in the seven days
ended on the 23d. against 323 the week
previous and 193 in the corresponding
time in 1893.
Jacob A. Moore, aged 86, and Mrs.
Slack, his housekeeper, aged 90, were
found murdered in their home in Bush
ville, N. Y. Robbery was the motive.
Gotham's millionaires were subscrib
ing liberally to the fund for relief of
the unemployed. W. W. Astor gave
Jacob Smith, of Gerard county, Ky.,
the oldest mason in the United States,
died at the age of 99 years.
Seven of the eight members of the
Kruger family near Michigan City,
Ind., died from the effects of eating
pork containg trichina.
A BUG or containing Walter Black
man, aged 19 years, and Miss Minta
Rogers, aged 21, was struck by an en
gine at Shelby, O., and both were in
stantly killed.
The British bark Montgomery Castle
encountered fearful storms near the
Azores and eight of her officers and
crew were drowned.
Many" settlers will be dispossessed
by a decision establishing Nebraska's
claim to 25,000 acres in Boyd county.
Indictments were found by the grand
jury at Lansing. Mich., in the election
frauds case against Attorney General
Ellis, Secretary of State Jochim, Treas
urer Hambitzer, Land Commissioner
Berry, and Clerks Warren, Potter and
Senator White of Louisiana, the
Recipient of a High. Honon
President Cleveland Nominates Him M
Justice Btatchford's Successor on the
Supreme Bench, and tbe 8enat
Immediately Confirms Blm.
Washington, Feb. 21. Senator White,
of Louisiana, was nominated for as
sociate justice of the supreme court.
The senate upon receiving the nomina
tion immediately went into executive
session, and confirmed it at once, with
out opposition.
The nomination was a complete sur
prise. No one had the slightest inti
mation of it. Those nearest the presi
dent believed that he would nominate
Judge Cullen, of New York. Senator
White called on the president this
morning by special invitation. His
colleague, Senator Caffery, went with
him. Upon entering the execu
tive room the president tendered
Senator White the nomination. Both
senators were profoundly aston
ished. When they recovered their
composure the president expressed
the hope that the senator would
accepr the offer. He spoke of his
legal attainments and his manifest
qualifications. When he finished the
senators conferred together for a few
minutes. A long talk between them
followed and ended with Senator
White's accepting the high honor.
When Assistant Private Secretary
Pruden appeared at the capital there
was a rush of anxious ones for him.
The assistant private secretary was
as much in the dark about Sena
tor White's nomination as anyone
The first person besides the
president and the two senators
to learn of it was when one of the sen
ate clerks opened the official envelope
brought by Mr. Pruden and laid a pa
per before Senator Vilas, who was pre
siding, and Senator Manderson, who
was standing by. Their faces betrayed
their astonishment.
It is the usual custom in the senate
when a senator is nomiuated to con
firm him without waiting to refer the
nomination to a committee. A single
objection to confirmation without ref
erence would earry the nomination
over. At 3:05 p. m. the senate went
into executive session on a motion of
Senator Caffery (dem.. La.), with
a view to confirming Senator
White at once. The motion to con
firm the nomination of Senator White
as associate justice was made by
Senator Pugh (dem., Ala. ), who made
a speech eulogistic of the nomination
and was followed by Senators Hoar,
Teller, Hill and Cafferty, all except
the latter members of the judiciary
committee. Senator Hill said that
while he regretted that the president
had in his wisdom seen fit to go out
side ot New York for a man for the of
fice he was pleased that the choice had
been made so wisely.
The injunction of secrecy was re
moved from the confirmation of White
and the fact was made known official
ly. The new justice, it is supposed,
will receive his commission and bo
ready to take his seat on the bench
when the supreme court reassembles
the first Monday in March.
The nomination is considered a
splendid one from a standpoint of per
sonal fitness. Senator White, though
serving his first term in the sen
ate, is regarded by his colleagues
as one of the foremost law
yers of the upper house. He
is a fine orator and his speech
last session against the anti-option
bill placed him at once in the
front ranks of the senate. He is a
large man of imposing presence and
will make a good appearance on the
bench. He was not in the senate when
the nomination came in. He is a cour
teous gentleman and a very popular
member of the senate.
Mr. White was born inthe pariah of Lafourche,
La., in November, 1845. lie was educated
at Mount St. Mary's, near Bmmettsburg,
Mi. at tbe Jssult college" In New Orleans
and at Georgetown college. District of
Columbia. He served In tbe confed
erate army. After the war he began study
lag' law and was admitted to practice
by the supreme court ot Louisiana in 1884 Six
years later he was elected to the state senate.
He was appointed associate justice of the su
preme court of Louisiana in 1878. He waa
sleeted to tbe United State senate as a demo
crat to succeed James B. Kustts, taklnp bis
eat March 4, 189L HiJ term will expire Marco
I, 1897.
Death of a Famous Cartoonist.
New York, Feb. 21. Joseph Keppler,
whom the public knew as the great
cartoonist of Puck, died at his home.
No. 27 East Seventy-ninth street, Mon
day afternoon. He was stricken by an
affection of the spine and for six
months lay on a bed of agony. Sur
rounded by his wife and three children
he passed away Monday afternoon
Post Office lilown Up.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 21. The post
office building at Woodlawnwas blown
up and fired by unknown parties Sun
day night, the fire communicated to
other buildings and resulted in the de
struction of the stores of May & Flem
ing, J. T. Hood and Dr. McGIathery.
The loss is $15,000: partly covered by
insurance. It is supposed the post of
fice was robbed before being blown up.
Cattle Suffered bnt Little.
Topeka, Kan., Feb. 21. Reports
from the ranges show cattle suffered
but little in the recent storms except
in Kansas and Oklahoma,
Condition of Business as Shown by Dunn
and Bradatreet.
New Yorl, Feb. 28. R, G. Dun fc
Co.'s weekly review of trade says:
"A waiting condition of business is one in
which weekly fluctuations mean nothing.
Business of all kinds Is .hesitating until more
can be determined about the future, and mean
while orders which will keep hands at
work for a time are given and
accepted, this week increasing aa
in some others decreasing, without affording
reasonable indications of the future. Prices
are again greatly depressed, as low or lower
than ever having been made in wheat, sil
ver and some manufactured products, and
neither cotton, wool nor raw iron have
advanced. Tbe glutted money markets
continue to show that the volume of
business is stilt inadequate to employ tbe cir
culation available, and the withdrawal of about
160,000,000 from the New York market by the
sale of government bonds does not cause the
expected strengthening of rates. With gradu
ally decreasing shipments ot merchandise to
other countries foreign exchange rises, and
some exports of gold are expected
"The volume of domestic trade does not seem
to increase. In the clearing house payments
the decrease Li 44.8 per cent, for the week,
against 37.8 for the previous week and about
87.5 per cent, for tbe month thus far.
"Industrial changes have been few, but a
little better demand for some textile goods has
started more mills than have slopped. There
is a better feeling in fancy cottons, though
some goods are a shade lower. Woolen
dress goods are steady with fair demand,
and though orders for heavy woolens
and worsteds are light, tbey are a little
better, some agents having made fair progress.
Encouragement Is felt by some in the calcula
tion that clothiers have done about CO per cent
of the usual spring business, while manufac
turers have done about 32' J per cent, so that
clothiers' stocks must oe reduced.
"Prices of commodities now average about
1.4 per cent, higher than a month ago, but 11.7
per cent, lower than a year ago, and. excepting
Ibis year, have never been as low on tbe whole
as they are now.
"The failures during the last week numbered
in the United States lS. against 19J last year,
and in Canada 51, against 37 last year. Both in
number and in magnitude commercial disasters
have diminished, and in the tirst half of Febru
ary the liabilities thus far reported or all firms
fallng amounted to only I8.319.6-S8, of which
t3,67a.845 were of manufacturing and t4,5r9,35
ot trading concerns. The aggregate of liabili
ties was 9,649,252 in the llrst two weeks of Jan
uary." Bradstreet's says:
"The most encouraging feature of the week
Is a report from Chicago that while store busi
ness has fallen off order business has increased
very largely, so that the total volume of trans
actions In staple Unas is fully equal to that of
one year ago.
"Boston reports ro material change in busi
ness, but improved collections, decreased fear
of failures and increased offerings of com
mercial paper. Trade Is quiet at Baltimore,
where there Is a decrease In the volume of
sales. Wool is moving more freely at Pitts
burgh. Buying at Philadelphia is for imme
diate wants.
"There Is a fair demand for groceries, shoes
and dry goods at Cleveland, but at Cincinnati
transactions are limited to wants, activity
being noticeable In flour and provisions only.
Leading lines are dull at Detroit, except for
groceries and drugs. There are fair takings of
clothing, shoes and hardware from Chicago
jobbers, and the cold weather has stim
ulated interest in coal. St Louis job
bers in dry goods are doing a fair
business, but interest in hardware and furni
ture has fallen off somewhat. Trade at Kansas
City is fairly active, cold weather having stim
ulated the demand for seasonable goods.
Omaha, on tbe other hand, reports a smaller
volume of business, due to snow and storm.
Demand is only fair at Milwaukee, but collec
tions there are easier."
Holief That Krastus Wiman Will Plead
New York, Feb. 20. It is now stated
on good authority that Mr. Wi
man will endeavor to secure
bondsmen for the f25,000 which
was fixed by Judge Martine. Mr.
Wiman's reason is his anxiety to reach
the bedside of his son, William
Dwight Wiman, who lies at the point
of death from pneumonia at New
Brighton, Staten Island. Mr. Wiman's
arrest is unkuown to the sick man, but
Mr. Wiman wishes to console his own
and the sick man's wife, who are
heroically striving to bear up against
their combined troubles. In answer to
a note sent him by a reporter, Mr. Wi
man wrote with a pencil the following:
"I did not intend to ask for bail, but the dy
ing condition of my eldest son, the dreadful
sorrow that overshadows his mother and wife,
surely demand my presence beside them. If I
can get a friend to go on my bona I am com
municating with a gentleman I hope to be able
to go to Staten Island to-day. As to the rest, I
can say nothing."
The last sentence of Mr. Wiman's
answer was accepted as comprehending
a noncommittal answer to the inquiry
as to his reported intention to plead
It is believed that when Mr. Wiman
is called upon he will plead guilty and
that it will be shown that he was in
the habit of borrowing the amounts
paid to Bullinger & Brower. and that
while he did forge their names he did it
with no criminaluntent. His friends be
lieve that the best course he can pursue
is to throw himself on the mercy
of the court When all the story is
told the friends of Mr. Wiman expect
that a different sentiment will be
created from that existing at present
and that only a nominal penalty, if
any, will be imposed. The same men
eay that Mr. Wiman is not in a position
to deny that he forged the names and
will not deny it.
Eight Men Drowned.
Loxdos, Feb. 26. A dispatch from
Fayal. one of the Azore islands, brings
a terrible tale of disaster at sea. In
some manner not explained in the
dispatch the British bark Mont
gomery Castle, bound from New
York to Anjer. Java, has reached
Fayal after experiencing fear
ful weather. All the bark's boats
were washed away, her cabin was stove
in, everything movable on her decks
was washed overboard and she was
leaking. In addition, during the storm
eight of her crew, including all the of
ficers, were washed overboard and
drowned, leaving nobody on board the
ship capable of navigating her.
TuERe has recently been disinterred
among the stores of the lord chamber
lain at Windsor castle, a sedan chair
belonging1 to Henrietta of France, wif 3
of Charles I.
The seven living children of John
Bachover, of Lyons, N. Y., have at
tained great ages. The youngest is
seventy-eight years old and the oldest
The roofs of Egyptian temples are
composed of huge blocks of stone laid
from column to column.
Mrs. Mart B. Day has been elected 1
tate librarian of Kentucky.
Five Thousand of Boston's Unem
ployed Invade the State House.
They Make a Demand of the Legislator
ad Appeal to the Governor Becom
ing: Riotous tha Police Drive
Them Hack.
Bostox, Feb. 21. The unemployed
troubles in this city culminated in a
demonstration on the common Tuesday
! afternoon which for a time threatened
to end in a riot. Five thousand men
i hungry, ragged and ugly crowded into
! tbe state house and adjoining grounds.
and demanded immediate aid. The
: jjovernor addressed them from the
Bteps of the state house, although he
made no satisfactory answer to their
i requests. An attempt was then made
by the leaders of the demonstration to
(ret a petition before the legislature,
which was then in session, but the
' toles precluded this, and then things
began to look serious.
I When M. 1. Swift, an avowed an
archist and the spokesman of the mob,
appeared in one of the balconies and
told them that the legislature
had refused to accept their
petitions they broke into yells and
hisses. Swift leaned over the
balcony railing and launched forth
into an impashioned tirade against the
legislators, who, he said, were too
busy creating corporations to listen to
the voices of starving men. lie de
nounced the treatment the men had re
ceived, and his threats to clean out the
state house were received with appro
bation. The few policemen who had been
detailed to take care of the crowd were
powerless, and soon the police wagons
from the nearer stations were flying
through the streets leading to
Beacon hill, loaded with bluecoats,
' and soon there were 100 policemen
! on the scene. Placing his hand
topon Swift's shoulder an oflicer
warned him of the danger, and Swift
stopped speaking. The furious crowd
below mistook the action for an arrest
j and cursed the police. The speaker
quickly assured his followers of the
real state of affairs and the excitement
; subsided.
j Meanwhile the house of representa
: tives had remained in session, and
j upon the advice of some of the mem
j bers considered the petition from the
', mob. It was decided to appoint a
; committee of seven to meet representa
tives of the unemployed to consider
ways and means for their relief. Speak
i er Meyer.of the house.sent a message to
; the crowd apprising them of this de
I cision, and it appeased them greatly..
! A special attachment of police arrived
at the side entrance of the state house,
j They entered and began forcing the
mob slowly toward the big front doors
Clubs were drawn and the disgruntled
crowd gave way.
Then there was an uproar, and many
of the desperate members urged an at
tack upon the legislature, but those
more sensible prevailed and the
crowd slowly retreated. The police
forced them 6teadily back, but
outside the gate the disappointed
workmen refused to move far
ther. Finally the captains of the vari
ous police divisions held a hurried con
sultation and decided to drive th era
still farther back. The crowd slowly
retreated across Beacon street and final
ly halted in the common. No attempt
was made to take another stand and
the men slowly disbanded.
A committee was appointed to see
Gov. Greenhalge and present to him a
petition asking him to formulate and
put into operation some plan to al
leviate their suffering. They also
asked for state farm and factories
where the unemployed might work
and to appoint a permanent commis
sion to attend to the wants of the un
employed. McKINLEY'S OLD HOME.
Purchased from His Assignee with Fundt
Raised by Private Subscription.
Cleveland, O., Feb. 22. The prop
erty which Gov. and Mrs. McKinley
coveyed to trustees last summer, when
the governor was forced to make an
assignment by the failure of a Youngs
town manufacturer for whom he had in
dorsed notes, has been transferred back
to them. This result is due to the ef
forts of the trustees, Mr. II. U. Kohl
6att, of Chicago; Myron T. Uerrick, of
Cleveland, and Judge William R. Day,
of 1 Canton. When they received the
trust they decided, without consulting
the governor, to raise the money with
which to meet the governor's obliga
tions. This has been fully done by
private subscriptions. The final papers
have been filed in the probate court at
Canton, the property deeded back to
Gov. and Mrs. McKinley and the trus
tees discharged.
A Maysville Man Shoot His Wire and!
Fatally Wounds Himself.
Matsville, Mo., Feb. 22. Tuesday
night J. Froman shot his wife, who in.
trying to ward off he gun received
the load in her right hand and
breast. Froman then placed the muz
zle of the gun close to his abdomen,
worked the lock with his foot, and
received the entire load in his abdo
men. He will die. but the woman may
recover. She says that he stole into,
the house from the back way and be
gan to abuse her, and when she pleaded
with him to go he seized the gun and
6hot her. She had refused to live with
him on account of his ill treatment.
The Chicago Ottlcea.
Washington-, Feb. 23. President
Cleveland has sent to the senate the
following nominations:
Martin J. Russell, to be collector of customs,
port of Chicago.
Frank ti. Hoi ne, appraiser, port of Chicago.
relos P. Fbolps, United States sub-treasurer-arChtcap-o.
John W. Arnold, marshal for the northern
district of Illinois.
James W. Hunter, collector of internal reve
nue lor Peoria, Illinois district.
Will Take Ills Seat March 5.
Washington, Feb. 23. The selec
tion of Senator White, of Louisiana, as
a justice pleases supreme court judges
Be will be sworn in March 5.