Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 01, 1894, Image 1
HE L4TTSI WEEKLY ' t r I P OUTB JOUMAL "BE JUST AND FEAR NOT." . i VOL. 13, NO. 10. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1894. $1.00 ' " " ! ! ! II I ... I II - .Ill " '"' I " r V ART COUPON. PHOTOGRAPHED. i Send or bring to The Journal t!.! coupon, w ith ten cents in coin, and receive portfolio No. 1 or '-America rnotograpnea. inis coupon num ber changes every week. Be sure to m cup it every weei. coupon -lxj c. i. ART COUPON. "Midway Types") Coupon No. 6. Tli Coupon Xnmbw Changes Evry Week fsg'-s'end or bring to The Jour nal this coupon, with ten cents in coin, and you will receive Portfolio No. 6 of the "Midway Types. For particulars read below. rt Coupon. THE Yanisliijg White City Send or tring to Thi Journal this cou pon and tea cents in coin and receive portfolio No. 1 of "The Vanishing White City," In either English or German. This coupon camber changes every week. Coupon No. 1. "The Vanishing White City." or fceacs of the world's fair, are printed wi.b the descriptions in German. Any Journal subscribers who wish the German edition can secure tuem at the same price as the English edi tion. One coupon and 10 cents gets a number. Twenty numbers complete the set. Abandoned the Hoe. Walt Mason in Sunday's LincolD Journal describes J. A. McMurphy's return to journalistic duties in the fol lowing: RETURNED TO THE TRIPOD. The pen Is a few lines mightier than the hoe. Jim Mallon. All the people of the globe will be eaiaed to learn that John A. MacMur nhv. who has been facetiously referred to as the warhorse of Nebraska jour nalism, has abandoned useful toil to accept a position as associate editor and junior warden of the Plattsmouth News. Some years ago the people heaved a sigh of relief when they learned from a rpliahlp source that Mr. Mac. bad j nit the newspaper business and bad purchased a small triangular gravel pit near Omaha for the purpose of run ning a market garden. They felt that there would be a greater demand for his gardiiig sass than there had ever been for his editorials, and they were right. The demand materialized, but John couldn't meet it. He, who bad for years been telling the farmers how to farm their farms, couldn't success fully conduct a garden tbe size of a Columbian stamp. lie tried to raise yams, for instance, and bad a chicken coop filled with birds of Paradise and a pool of water filled with electric eels; he thought he could beat the Bell company by mak ing the eels furnish tbe battery lor a telephone line, and was fooled. It was painful to see him doddering around that alleged garden trying to rise something without the aid of a derrick, and trying in vain. Finally tbe garden caved in and John had to have some thing todo, so he went to Plattsmouth. Mr. MaeMurpby is a pioneer in Ne braska journalism. He ran the Waboo Wasp for several years and then pur chased R. D Kelley of Fremont and issued him as a weekly until the in dignant subscribers threw a bomb into tha nffiiu A ftop thi h rfreaaetl him self as a irl of sixteen and tiled to .marrv Nat Smalls, but the fragments of ree lunch on his mustache gave bion awav. We cordially welcome blm tack to journalism, which is the true market .garden of the world. WILL BUILD THE ROAD The City Council Will Assist the Free Ferry Project. THE NEW INDUSTRY PROJECT. I .nut Week's Mhih Meeting- Calls Out An Enthusiastic Audience A Strong, United Full May Vet Land the Prire Notes. Will Establish a Free Ferry Road. The city council met in special ses sion at the council chamber last night. Mayor Butler presided, and in the ab sence of Clerk Fox, Councilman Graves officiated as clerk. The question of ordering a special levy lor the purchase of ground to the value of $5,000 on which a market place was to be erected, was broached and after considerable discussion i Grimes moved that the question be submitted to the voters of the city at the next election. The vote was an overwhelming defeat for the market place, standing as follows: Aje Jones, Longenhagen and Gtimes. Xay Steirnker, Spies, Lake, Smith, Bridge and Graves. Undaunted by the defeat of the mar ket place movement, Grimes again brought up the free ferry project. His motion was that it be the sense of the council to render all possible aid toward the construction of a perman ent road to the free ferry which the business men will soon commence running at their own expense. On Monday night the council sat down a . a. upon trie same motion, dui lasi night several of the "dads" had evi dently experienced a change of heart, for they proceeded to vote it through with a celerity which was relishing. The record of the ballots is as follows: Aye Jones, Longenhagen, Grimes, Spies, Steimker, Lake, Bridge and Mnitb. Xay Graves. This ended the session. The Distillery Meeting. The mass meeting of citizens at the court boose for tbe discussion of the distillery project called out a bigcrowd and was productive of good results, tbe subscription lists being increased a fairly liberal amount. The final proposition of the agents for the indus try was read, and was received by the audience as being exceedingly fair and one which tbe town should strain every nerve to meet its requirements The bonus required in the lastpropo sition is a trifle larger than was re quired by tbe general understanding of the first proposition, but the in crease is really so small that the town can not afford to give up at tbe last moment just when success is close at hand. A bit of earnest hustling will result in tbe subscription of tbe re quired amount. Let all be up and do- ingl The Free Ferry Meeting. Our business men interested in the free ferry project met at Judge Arch er's office last night and discussed the terms of several propositions from parties for operating the ferry. A committee consisting of Messrs. II. It. Gering, Sam Guttman.J. W. Ilendee and F. J. Morgan were appointed to confer with the several ferry men, and were given power to con elude terms and agreements for the operation of a free ferry for the coming season. Tbecommitte met this afternoon at Gering's drug store but did not arrive at any agreement with tbe ferrymen. Another meeting will soon be held. Burglars at Louisville. The town of Louisville was visited by burglars on Wednesday night. An entrance was effected at J. X. Drake's general store, and a quantity of gloves. mittens and clothing was taken. There was no one sleeping in tbe store tbat night, as Mr. Ball who lives in tbe rear of the store was away. They broke the large glass in the front door and when they were inside lit tbe lamps and proceeded to help them selves. It is surmised they must have been frightened away, as the loss was small. You are cordially invited to tbe bal masque to be given at the White opera house Friday evening, March 30th. Admission 15 cents. Dance tickets 75 cents. Parties holding dance tickets admitted free. Maskers must show faces at tb dpor. Grand march promptly at 6:30. I I 1 .- I : . i '' ljnd prices. ""Xjlaos. AROUND THE CO OUT KOOMS. DISTRICT COURT.' Candidates for citizenship are rush ing in rather rapidly of late at the district clerk's office, in anticipation of the coming April election. Tne Ger mans and Swedes are in the lead. Judge Chapman last Friday, while holding district court at Nebraska City, sentenced the following prisoners to the penitentiary: Charles Tolliver, for robbery, sixteen months; Thomas Martin, assault with deadly weapon, one year; Henry Durand, burglary, one year; Joseph Wachtler, burglary, fourteen months. COUNTY COURT. License to wed was issued in county court yesterday to Mr. Frank Deck and Miss Pearl Marks. The prospective groom hails from Saunders county, while the bride resides on the old Por ter farm south of this city. License to wed was issued in county comt Tuesday to Mr. Ransom M. Cole and Miss Maggie Spangler. The par ties are among the best known young people in Cass county and are worthy every joy which wedded life may bring. fiiK Journal extends congratula tions. C A. Fankonin, the Louisville pre cinct farmer who wanted his son-in- law, Frank Wannamaker, put under bonds to keep the peace, appeared be fore County Judge Ramsey last Satur day and took it all back. The judge dismissed the case, but Mr. Fankonin was called upon to pay the couit costs, which included the fees of the sheriff in journeying out into Louisville pre cinct to make the arrest. JUSTICE ARCHER'S COURT. Justice Archer rendered an opinion Monday in the suit of J. M. Giaigvs. John Johnson, and gave Craig a judg ment for $ ISO. 3-5, the full amount sued for. The horse trading case, wherein Lon Marshall and Cal Graves are the inter ested parties, was set for hearing last Saturday, but was continued until March 10th. The case of Dr. E. E. Reynolds vs. Chas. Correll, wherein the doctor brings suit on account of medical ser vices, was set for bearingbefore Judge Archer Saturday, but was continued until March 13th. Chas. Xoyes, a farm hand, was run in Saturday night, and on Monday contributed $10.3-5 in police court for having absorbed an abundance of corn juice. Xoyes had quite a pocket-full of money and the police strongly sus pect that a smooth-appearing stranger had dosed Xoyes with bad whiskey, with the intent of possessing his wealth. COURT ROOM NOTES. Dr. Waterman of Hay Springs is in tbe city, the guest of his brotber-in law. County Judge Ramsey. Deputy Sheriff R. W. Hyers jour neyed to South Bend Tuesday to serve notice on Mrs. Tbad. Streigbt that her husband, now of Wyoming, has commenced divorce proceedings in tbat state. Mrs. Jno. McDaniels, the woman who was adjudged insane Monday by the authorities, was taken to the Lin coin asylum Tuesday by Sheriff Eiken bary. From Lincoln the sheriff will journey to Hastings in charge of Mrs Holden, a former Cass county inmate at the Lincoln institution, and will turn her over to the authorities in charge of the asylum for chronic in sane patients at Hastings. The idea that Harry Hill has been granted a new trial has become so general that County Attorney Travis is beseiged almost every day by a small army of persons, none of whom fail to put the question as to bow the matter stands. To answer them all would be to invite paralysis of the throat muscles due to overaction, and by his request The Journal will state tbat Jailer Denson's star boarder, Mr. Hill, has not yet secured a new trial. Lilt of. Letters Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth Feb. 27, for week ending Feb. 20: Rurtt, Edward Clark, Mrs. Delia Treeman Chas. E McKay, Mrs. Vina Meek, Dollle Sheldon, Mrs. Nellie Spaulding, L. C. Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." n. J. Streight. P. M. Omaha editors are very much in hot water just now. Editor Rosewater is on trial charged with criminal libel, and Editor Hitchcock stands charged wjth the offense of publishing lottery advertisements. More can sei-- ' For pu.rtit Works, nia BOUNTEOUS BANQUET Tendered Landlord Hamilton By Our Leading Citizens. MADDEN SECURES HIS FREEDOM J u mire htewart Exceeded Mis Jurisdiction In AxseSKlne the Fine Property Owners Have a Duty to Per form Other Notes. The Business Men's Banquet. The complimentary banquet ten deied by the business men and leading cit izens Friday night in honor of W. F. Hamilton, manager of the Hotel Riley, was a very pleasant affair and will long be remembered by those who were in attendance. The Riley has estab lished a reputation of being one of tbe best appointed bostelries inXebraska, and is an institution in which the citizens of Plattsmouth take a great deal of pride. Under Mr. Hamilton's management the hotel has been a suc cess in the full meaning of the word, ami in recognition of his efforts and enterprise the banquet was tendered hi:-.'. last night. Guests to the number of nearly one hundred assembled at the hotel and passed several hours pleasantly at cards and conversation until supper was announced, when all repaired to tbedininc room. Mayor Butler pre sided as toast-master, and toasts on appropriate topics were responded to by Matthew Gering, R. B. Wind ham. Guy Livingston, Byron Clark, J. L Root, D. O. Dwyer, II. D. Travis. M.Archer and others. The menu of the feast was very elaborate and added to Mr. Hamilton's reputation as a Qrst-class hotel men. (ranted the Writ. County Judge Ramsey Saturday passed upon the application for a writ of habeas corpus, whereby it was sought to release one John Madden from the county jail, where be has been confined for the past two weeks. It was shown that Justice Stewart of Miirdock had fined Madden $100 and also sentenced him to ninety days in the county jail. Tbe assessment of double punishment for misdemeanors is held unlawful by the supreme court, and County Judge Ramsey could do nothing but grant the writ, thus giv ing Madden his freedom. The Mur- dock justice also made another blun der in sentencing the prisoner to ninety days' imprisonment, as the statutes fix the maximum punishment at thirty days. Madden's offense was tbat of smashing in the windows of the Rock Island depot at South Bend. Heavy Property Owners Have a Duty.' There are several heavy property owners in I'lattsmoutb wbo, com paratively speaking, have contributed almost nothing to the distillery pro ject. As tbe matter now stands the bonus lacks but little of completion These men certainly are possessed of some judgment and common sense. They must surely know that the loca tion of an enormous industry in our midst will have tbe certain effect to increase the value of their property to a considerable extent. Why, then, do they persist in holding back when tbe location of the industry here means a certain gain to them selves? Let them come manfully forward and subscribe an amount in proportion to their wealth. The pro ject can not succeed unless they do their duty. In no sense are they sacrificingthemselves. Having grown wealthy as residents of Plattsmouth they now have a splendid opportunity to do something for the town. Will they do it ? We shall see I The Magnates Were Here. President Perkins of the Burlington system and some half dozen other rail way magnates, in accordance with the previous announcement in these col umns, arrived from the east on Tues day at 6:30 on a special train, consisting of private coaches Nos. 99, 100 and 200. The train was sidetracked at this point and tbe party passed the night within Plattsmouth. They departed Tuesday at eight o'clock for the northwest, the train being in charge of Conductor Weeks. The depot at Xehawka was broken into Monday night by tramps, it is supposed. Fortunately, the agent had taken all his ready money home, so the burglars did not secure any cash They broke through one of the win dows. Little damage was done. They forced tbe money drawer and ticket case, but tbe agent thinks nothing wag taken. Dan Lauer Is Dead. J. Dan Lauer, one of Lincoln's most widely known citizens, died suddenly Tuesday afternoon at bis .home on Sixteenth and X streets. Mr. Lauer has been ailing for some time and on Tuesday afternoon his condition ap peared more critical than usual, and his relatives were called in about half an hour before his death. Deceased was for many years connected with tbe State Journal, was a brother-in-law of II. D. Hathaway of that paper, and was once one of the most widely known newspaper men in Xebraska. Mr. Lauer was steward of the insane asylum, and figured prominently in the recent trials against the officers of that institution. lie was indicted on a number of charges but was acquitted in the September term of the district court of Lancaster county. It is said no serious results were anticipated from his illness, and it was reported that he was seen down town on Tues day. His Btldden death will be a sur prise to his many friends and ac quaintances throughout the state. Struck by An M. P. Passeager Train. Mrs. Donahue is an old Irish lady about 70 years of age, and has been in the Douglas county hospital for some time. Sunday she wandered away. She was walking along the Missouri Pacific railroad tracks at Thirty-ninth and Leavenworth streets in Omaha about five o'clock Sunday afternoon. She is somewhat deaf, and did not bear the train as it rumbled down up on her. She was thrown high in the air and alighted on ber head in the deep gully beside the tracks. Her head was badly cut. The train , which was the north-bound afternoon pas senger, was slowed up and the un fortunate woman was carried to the Webster street depot, where a doctor dressed the wounds. She was out of her head and talked gibberish. A bot tle of brandy was found in her posses sion, which she said she got from an Omaha drug store. It is feared that she had teen drinking just before the accident. The old lady is expected to recover, although most any other per son would .have been killed in a similar accident. Crystal Springs Church Division. The revival meetings which have been in progress at the Crystal Springs church southeast of town for tbejast three weeks, under the direction of Rev. Jne. Folding, of Tabor, Iowa, came to a close last Sunday. An in teresting feature of the concluding service was the resolving by the con gregation to divide into two denom inationsa part going over to tbe United Brethren faith and the re mainder clinging to the Christian de nomination. In the future the two denominations will divide time at the church, the first conducting services during one week and the other during the week following. Rev. Folding will look after the spiritual welfare of the United Brethren, while Rev. Smothers of this city will preside for those of Christian belief. The division was consummated in a thoroughly amica ble manner, and there is every pros pect that both denominations will thrive. Not On the Program. The Bavarians of Omaha had a grand ball at Germania hall Saturday. They took in nearly $300. The dancing wen on merrily until 4 o'clock i n the morn ing. At that hour John Murphy, a Bavarian, tapped the till and dashed for tbe door with over $50 In his pos session. Two hundred dollars of the money had been removed an hour be fore. The fugitive, with the three sets of Virginia reelers at bis heels, made a dive for the front entrance. To his intense dismay be dashed right into the caressing arms of two policemen, who stayed him in his flight. The drawer of money was returned to the thoughtless cashier. The thief was jailed. A Forgotten Board Bill. Jas. B. Filbert, the relator in tbe somewhat famous Filbert habeas cor pus suit now pending for a decision before the state supreme court, has taken his departure. He left on the south-bound M. P. train last Wednes day night. His departure was quite unexpected, in fact he even forgot to inform Landlord Hamilton of the Ho tel Riley of his going and as a conse quence a portion of his board bill re mains unpaid. The statutes of Xe braska make it a punishable offense to jump board bills. Mr. Hamilton will first draw upon the gentleman and in case the draft is dishonored there is strong possibility that Filbert may be called upon to answer for his summary departure for other states with an un paid board bill in his rear, " TTJeSjconseuel to eesaion of ' police r ustice com THEM. P. GRAIN RATE Grain Rates Given Shippers Over the M. P. to be Investigated. THEIR MONOPOLY IS AT AN END Z. T. White Is Found Guilty at Nebraska City Wholesale Expulsions at the High School Sold the Doc tor' Tools Notes. Roaring About Grain Kates. For a long time past the town lo cated along the line of the Missouri Pacific railway have almost monop olized tbe grain trade of Cass county, and fully eighty per cert of -the grain " shipped out of the county has been carried to market over that line. The reason for this appears to be tbat ship pers were given the benefit of lower freight rates or were in receipt of re bates. For instance, tbe market price of corn at Mynard has at times been two cents per bushel higher than at Cedar Creek, and farmers living near Murdock have hauled their corn through that town and marketed it at Eagle; where the price was several cents per bushel higher. The B. &M. and Rock Island companies have thus been completely shut out of grain carrying business in this vicinity, and have decided to take some action in the matter and the rates given ship pers over the Missouri Pacific will be investigated, probably by the inter state commerce commission, as it is in direct violation of the inter-state com merce act to give lower rates or rebates to particular favorites among shippers. White Found Guilty. The case of the state vs. Z. T. Whi:e, charged with libelling Secretary c' Agriculture Morton, was resuraediptv Tuesday morning at Xebraska City t nine o'clock. Quite an array of wit nesses were called, who established a complete chain of evidence around the defendant. The jury retired about twelve o'clock, and in a short time re turned with a verdict of guilty as in dicted, but recommended that the judge be lenient in his sentence. Hon. John C. Watson and D. T. Hayden conducted the prosecution, and W. C Sloan and W. F. Moran ap peared for the defense. The case was hotly contested throughout, but there was a preponderance of evidence in favor of the state, and the defendant's guilt was established beyond a doubt. The defendant will be sentenced on Friday and the general opinion is that be will escape with a light sentence. The case against H. W. Iloerath for the same offense has been continued until the November term of court. Stall Gets a Verdict. Justice Archer handed down an opinion last Friday in the suit of J. F. Stull vs. the Missouri Pacific rail way, tried in his court on Tuesday. Stull was accorded a judgment for $232 and the railway company is to pay the costs. Stull sued for $252, which amount be alleged was the value of the hay set afire by sparks and de stroyed as a result. The M. P. will take an appeal to the district court. Sold the Doctor's Tools. Deputy Sheriff R. W. Hyers yester noon sold the case of surgical in struments belonging to Dr. L. G. Powell, which the sheriff levied on to secure the payment of bis costs in tbe case Powell brought against Fred Goos. Dr. Cummins was the pur chaser. A corrected report of the suspension proceedings which occurred at the high school building yesterday shows tbat thirteen boys were requested to leave the schools for periods ranging from a week to two months. The youngest was twelve and the oldest thirteen years of age. As was antici pated, a certain class of the patrons of the schools object to the affair, but Superintendent McClelland insists that all of tbe boys were given abund ant opportunity to mend their ways, and their failure to comply with tbe rules, after sufficient warning was given, could have no other end than suspension. Midwinter Fair Rates Are Down. The Burlington route is now selling round-trip tickets to San Francisco at $35.50; one way, $20.00. Think of it ! Four thousand miles for less than forty dollars I See the company's local agent and get full information, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Xeb. Clip the art coupon in today's paper vf " " .. nv . ... .. .... rfsville at 5 A.licatsl odor in perfiTcae Lilac ! and wai delV'' S ' Snl 1 n.Xv,. r,- I. ,. iVC t- i i r I f 3 ' 4 I F i