Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 22, 1894, Image 3

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Thos. W. Sbryock, postmaster at
Louisville, is in town Tuesday.
Miss Mate Newell, cashier of the
Cedar Creek bank, was in town Satur
A citizens'' ticket is believed to be
among the probabilities for the coming
city election.
Louis Kohrell.Coon Vallery, jr.. and
Will Rumniell.of the precinct, w ere in
Omaha Saturday.
Prof. Rikestraw of Nebraska City
has been appointed general inspector
of Indian schools.
E. R. Todd of the precinct is ill with
a complication of ailments. Dr
Schildknei ht is attending him.
Fred II. Gorder, the Weeping Water
implement merchant, was in the city
Sunday, the guest of his mother.
The name of J. I. Unruh is being
mentioned in connection with the re
publican nomination for city treasurer
Mrs. Kate White of Eagle arrived
last Thursday over the M. I. for a
few days visit with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Fred Stadelmann.
The business men of Omaha con
tinue to discuss the project of building
a canal from the Platte river for the
purpose of securing power.
Geo. Spangler returned on Monday
to his studies at the Western Normal
college at Lincoln, after a week's visit
with his parents out in the precinct.
C. A Kaufman, of Avoca, and L. A.
Tyson, of Elm wood, were awarded
nharmacists' diplomas by the state
board in session at Lincoln Thursday.
The old Mormon cemetery at Flor
ence, in north Omaha, was visited by
grave robbeis Tuesday n'ebt, and the
body of a woman disinterred and taken.
The store room formerly occupied by
B. A. McEUvain. beingovei
ha tiled and repaired and will soon be
occupied by S'jerwood & Boeck's shoe
The associated chanties of South
Omaha have bfen feeding a large num
ber of men all winter, and Thursday
when thev requested them to work at
shovelingsnow but one man responded.
The insurance on the Herald office
building has been adjusted and the
loss fixed at $344.92. The damage to
the material will be fixed by a board of
appraisers and will be determined this
Four confidence men secured over
$500 from Omaha business men by 'he
sale of tickets for an alleged charity
btll, and have been artestni. All tb
"suckers"' in Nebraska do not "reside
in the rural districts.
Wiley Black, the stock buyer,
shipped a consignment of hogs to Om-J
aha on Tuesday and among them
was one porker t hat tipped the beam at
675 pounds. This grand specimen ot
Cass county's resources was raised by
Wm. Mertens.
Chairman Dutton of the county
board is of the opinion that the
amount of hard coal used at the county
jail i9 too laige by several hundred
majority, lie proposes to refer the
matter to Sheriff Eikenbary for the
latter to invesitgate.
Charles Barr. an old resident of Ne
braska City, died Thursday, aged
ninety years. Deceased shook bands
with Lafayette during the latter's last
visit to this country, in 1824, and was
a member of the congressional con
vention that first nominated Garfield.
The commissioners of Colfax couniy
have secured a quantity of dynamite
for the purpose of blasting the ice from
around the wugon bridge across the
Platte at Schuyler, so it will not be
carried away with the ice when the
latter rises and goes down stream in
the spring.
Plattsmoutb is becoming quite a
moral town. Thus far in the month
of February twenty days the police
have made but two arrests. The
tramp nuisance has been entirely
abated by the c rid weather, so the
police ara not troubled from that
J. O. Pbillippi, formerly B. & M.
agent here, is soon to be promoted to
the position of assistant general pas
senger and ticket agent of the Mis
souri Pacific, with headquarters at St.
Louis, so says the World-Herald. Mr.
Philippi's Plattsmouth friends will be
pleased to bear of his promotion.
Headsman Maxwell says he has guil
lotined over 2,000 more fourth-class
postmasters during the past ten
months than J S. Clarkson did during
the same period of the last adminis
tration, lie says there is scarcely a
fourth-class republican postmaster
left whose services can be dispensed
Someone started a report at Gales
burg, III , to the effect that the C, B.
&Q had postponed their February pay
day. The report nearly caused a strike
in the railroad shops, and the road paid
off the next day as usual. A reward
has been offered for the arrest and
punishment of the person who started
the report.
A party of twenty young people
journeyed in sleighs Saturday evening
out in the country to the home of Miss
Florence Ilicliardson. daugtiter of
Samuel Richardson and wife, and
whiled away tlte hours in a highly
pleasant manner. The party returned
home during the small hours of Sun
day morning.
Thomas Dalton, one of the oldest
settlers in eastern Nebraska, died at
his home near Sarpy Mills, four miles
south of South Omaha, early Sunday
morning. Mr. Dalton was eighty
years of age and has resided at the
place where he died for forty years
The remains were interred in St
Mary's cemetery, at Bellevue.
Representative Mercer Thursday se
cured a favorable report from the
house public lands and grounds com
mittee upon his bill appronriating
200.000 for a federal building iu South
Omaha. The bill is now almost sure
to become a law. The committee has
reported in favor of but four public
buildings in this congress, and South
Omaha leads them all.
Attorney Allen Beeson has a griev
ance. v tme nis attention was occu
pied in trying a case in Judge Archer's
court on Monday some distinguished
individual decamped with the lawyer's
headgear a new plush cap and left
in its p'ace an old one. considerabl
tne worse ior wear. Air. lieeson is
not at all satisfied with the exchange.
and would be greatly obliged to the
party who made the trade if he would
return his property.
The local insurance agents at Hast
ings met as a board and sent in a pro
test against the 20 per cent increase in
rates to their respective companies
The companies sent back word to the
agents to collect the rates or q-iit busi
ness, and also discharged thesecretarj
of the board and thus ended its exis
tence as a board. Hastings people
claim to have paid $22.0OO in perm-
iums in the last three years and have
received only $3,000 in fire losses. The
talk of organizing a home company.
L. II. Barnes of Cody, Neb., was
captured by Deputy Marshal Bray of
Hot Springs after a hard chase on the
charge of introducing liquors on the
Indian reservation. He was bound
over in the sum of $300 to appear be
fore the first session of the United
States court for trial. It is said that
the little town of Cody has not to ex
ceed twelve or fifteen male residents.
and at the present time four of them
have been bound over for selling
iquor to Indians.
The democrats of Otoe county are
very much cut up over the recent ap
pointment of William rflspaing as
tagger at the packing house. Mr
Pfiaeging has always been a staunch
republican, a prominent and aggres
sive worker for republicanism, and re
publicans are delighted at his selec-
ion. But a howl has arisen from the
horde of hungry democrats who have
een awaiting the appointment that
never came. J. he appointment was a
bad one for the cause of democracv.
Lawyer Guy Livingston of this city
was guiitv ot trying and winning a
aw-suit iu the village of Louisville
ast week, and the miserable young
ignoramus who edits the Courier-Jour
nal in that town took it upon himself
to criticise the youug bairister for the
manner in which the suit was con
ducted. It is not the general custom
for lawvers to conduct their cases to
uit the May fields, and as the C.-J.
editor is the biggest chump in the fam-
ly. Guy will doubtless stand excused
for daring to try a law-suit without
first consulting the chump-like Courier-Journal
lOO He ward.
I beg to advise my patrons and neigh
bors that there are several peddlers
traversing the country to be
Mr. Hirschberg, or connected with
him in buisness, and trying to impose
upon the public at large, by offering an
nferior class of Spectacles and Lye
Glasses for Hirschburg's Diamond and
Non-Changeable Spectacles and Lye-
Glasses. Do not be deluded by such
mpostors. Their representations are
false. MygoodB are not handled by
"Peddlers." as we have loc;il agei ts.
A reward of $100. will be given to any
one securing tne name ana wnre
abouts of such pirties. Respectfully,
Pbof. H. Hirschbero,
629 Olive street, St. Louis. Mo., and
30 E. 14th street, New lork.
Carruth Jewelery Co., sole agents
for Plattsmouth, Neb.
Clip the art coupon in today's paper.
The members of the Knights of
Pythias of Pacific Junction on Monday
night celebrated the thirtieth anniver
sary of the foundation of the Pythian
order in a banquet. Some ninety
people were seated at the spread and
altogether the affair was a thorough
Engli6h Spavin Uniment removes
all bard, soft or calloused lumps and
blemishes from horses, blood spavins,
curbs, splints, sweeney. rine-bone,
stifles, sprains, all swollen throats,
coughs, etc. Save $30 by use of on
bottle. Warranted the most wonder-
blemish cure ever known
... O
oiuii vy a .
G. Fricke
& Co., Druggists,
Many different methods of charity
are being discussed in the magazines,
but they seem to overlook the one
which would be the most effective.
Give every man a chance to work and
the army of tramps will disappear.
Bhenmstiiim Cured in m Iv-"Mystie Cure"
for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures
in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re
m irkable and mysterious. It removes at once
the cause and the disease immediately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits. t." cents.
Bold bv F. G. Fricke i Co., druggists Platts
mouth Neb. 12--ly
A J hi-ui at Auction.
The undt-rsigued w ill sell at public
auction on the premises, 2 miles west
and 1 miles south oi Ashland, and 3
miles north and 2 miles east of Green
wood, on Wednesday, Feb. 28, J SU4, be
ginning at 10 o clock a. m , their im
proved farm consisting vt the south
half of the southwest quarter and
south half of the northwebi quarter, of
section 10, town 12, north ot range 9
in Saunders county. Nebraska, and the
north halt of the N- W . quarter of
section lo, town 12, north of range 9.
east of the Gth principal meridian in
Cass county . consisting of 24t) acres.
Said farm is well fenced and Las 190
acres under cultivation, 30 acies of
pasture land, with running water, 20
acres of good hay land, and has 100
fruit trees in bearing and a quantity
of small fruits
It is known as the W. A. Johnson
The house is nearly new containing
six large rooms and has a good cellar
There isa large new barn with stable
room for 22 head of horses and hay
room to feed same, one double corn
crib, rapacity 4000 bushels, grinarv
with capacity. loOO bushels; a good well
with wind mill and pumn covered with
a large reservoir, capacity 75 barrels.
and also a small tank; also a food
fhickpn house, and a 10.000 lb. Fair
hank's wagon scale with stock franip
This is one of th verv clmippst and
rst improved farms in eastern Ne
Terms. $3,000 cash and balance on
rime at reasonable interest.
Col. J. K. Clarke. Auctioneer.
The man who edits the average
country newspaper canr.ot well avoid
treading on somebody's toes contin
ually; must expect to be ensured of
ten for unintentional failures; must
expect hard work and little thanks;
must expect to be called a coward be
cause he does not "pitch into' every
thing that somebody thinks is wrong,
and a fool if he speaks out too plainly
on putjlic evils; tie must expect to
grind other people's axes and tr.rn the
grindstone himself. ol I.vtitr
Remaining uncalled for in the post-
ofiiee at Plattsmouth Feb. 20, for week
ending Feb. 13:
Archer. Fred
Orussen. John
Dart, John
Foots. F A
Gum muii. L 15
Larson, Mrs. Celia
Merriam. W D
r leemau, Chas
lohnson. C
Lyford, 1$ F
I'rice, Mrs. Fhillinda
I'ersons calling for any of the above
etters or parcels will please say 4'ad-
vertised." II. .1. Stkeigiit. I. M.
Mystic Lif Itenewrr
This wonderful Health Builder and Constitu
tion Kestorer in indeed a renewer of life; be
cause it possesses such marvelous powers to cure
11 torms ol lnaikfstion. iysih'iih. rservous
Diseases. Heart Affections. Female Weakness
nd Wasting Diseases. Every bottle warranted
o c; ve satisfaction or money refunded, r ree
bottie at F. .;. Fricke & t'o.'s. druggists. Platts
mouth Neb. 1-b-ly
Administrator' ale.
In the matter of the settlement of the e-tate of
Jese li. Kyau, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of the Honorable amuei M. Chapnmn,
uutcc ot the second juaivial District ot .Ne
braska, in and for (.'ass county, made on thettb
av ot December, lsisl. tor the sale of the real
state hereinafter described, there will be sold
t the south doot of the Court r-ouse of Cass
county, at Plattmrutu. Nebraska, on Saturday,
the the 3d aav of M irth. ls'.4. at 2 o'clock p. m..
public vendue, to the highest bidder: SjtoO
a-h in hnnd. imlance of the purchase price to
be divided in three equal payments, payable in
one. two and three years, and to bear interest at
the rate of eitht per cent per annum, payable
nnuallv, to ne sei-ured bv tirst mortgaixe upon
he premises hereinafter described, and being
the same premises herein ottered lor sale.
! tie norm Halt ( i or tne southeast iiuarter.
SE1!. section twentv-six. f-t'. iovnshi;.eleven.
11. range nine yj, east tith P. M.. in Cass
county. Nebraska
said sale shall remain open tor one hour.
Dated this 5th dxy of February, lkv4 R. Jordan, Administrator of the es-
Im t of Jse B. Hvan. deceased .
H. D. Tkavis Attorney for Administrator.
Aiiniuitrittrix's Appointment.
tate of Nebraska, i
Cass County. t
In county court To al! persons Interested in
theestate of Cornelius McCarthy, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that on the li'th day of
March, A D., 1M4. at the hour of lo o'c.ock
m.. at the county judge's wftice, in Platts
mouth. in said county, the petition, asking or
the appointment of Mary McCarthy as admin
istratrix of said estate, will be heard
nd considered ; at which time and place
11 persons interested may apear and show
cause if any they nave, why she should not be
ppointed as such administratrix.
Oated this nun aay oi reuruary, A. u.
3 B. . KAMsEl , County Judge.
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the last will and testament
of Hiram McDonald, deceased :
n the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice is nereoy given mat rrancis m.
oung. executor of the estate ot the said Hi ram
McDonald, deceased, has made application
for final settlement and that said cause is set for
bearing at my office at Plattsmouth on the 20th
av ot .March, A. u.. 1H!H. at ten o'clock a. m.
on suid day. at which time and place all per
sons interested may te present und exumine
said accounts. U. S. Ramset. County Judge.
Plattsmouth. February Hi. Iy4. tf-3
Admlnistrator'H Appointment.
State of Nebraska. I
Cass County.
countv court To all persons interested in
the estate of Caroline tngel. deceust-d :
Notice is hereby given that on the lu:h U:iv of
March. A. D., ls. at the hour of lo o'clock
m . at the county judge's office, in Piatts !
mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for I
the appointment of Stephen A. Davis as Hduiin-
trator of said estate, will be heurd and con-:
dered : at which time and place all persons in- I
terested mav appear and show cause, if any
bev have, whv he should not be appointed as !
such administrator.
Dated this luih dav of February. A. P.. 1?94
9 3 B. RAMSEY. County Judue.
t inal siettlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of W. II. II.
In the county court of Cass county. Neb.
Notice is" hereby given that R. Z Penn,
aominis-trator of the estate of the said W if. II .
Penn. deceased, has made titiDHfation for final
settlement, and that said cause It set forhearlne j
at mv office at Plattsmou h. on the 1st day of
March. A. D . Isi4. at two o'clock P. m.. on !
ilor- at n-liif!i tintd arid tittii.u nil , . w
...... H"s " ,'-':
m eresieu may ie present ana examine sail
B. S. Ram-jet, County Judue.
Plattsmouth, Feb. 0. lsyi. 7 3
Administrator's Appointment.
State or Nebraska, I
Cass Coi-ntv. i
In county court To all persons interested in the
et iteof Joseph Amick. deceased:
Notice is hereby Eiven that on the loth dav of
March, A. D., 1!M. at the hour of n o'clock
a. m . at the county judge's otlice, in Plufts
mouth. In S lid comity, the petitimi. asking for
the appointment of John P. Amick as nd
miiiistrmnr of s.iid estate, viiil be heard
and considered, at which time and place
all iersons interested may appear and show
Cttise. if any they have, why be should not be
appointed us such administrator.
Dated this 15th dav of Fehrurv. A. D., lii4
93 B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
Order to Show Cause. j
In the district court of Casscounty. Nebraska. I
In the matter of the application of William '
Merteim, administrator of the estate of Llenry
MerteuK. deceased, for an order of license to '
seil real estate of Kaid deceased : j
This caue enme on for hearing upon the pe- j
tition of William Mertens. administrator of the !
eMate of llenry Mertens. dec-eased, for an order
of license to sell the real estate of aid de-
ceased, to-wit: j
Lot twenty (.to in section twenty-nine i'8!t, !
section twelve (Ilm. ratine lourteen (H) and lot
four (4) In the southwest quarter of the south
west quarter is. W. X of the S. V. i) of section
seventeen ( 17 and lot three f31 in the southeast j
quarter of the southwest quarter fe, K. a of the
S. w. X J of section seventeen 17, all In town
ship twelve l-.'J, range thirteen 13. in Cass
county. Nebraska, containing in all sixty-eight
and fx'.-liH) acres more or less, or a sufficient
amount thereof to bring the sum of il.0oo.oO
for the payment of debts Biid expenses of ad
ministering the estate of the said Henry Mer
tens. deceased, there not belnu sufficient ier
tonal property of said deceased to pay said
aetitsnnu expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estntu appear before me iu open
court at the district court room in the county
courthouse in Plattsmouth. Cass county. N'e
bras t a, on the tenth (lutb) day of March, A.D.,
1U4. at 10 o'clfM-lc a.m. of said dav to show
cause why a license' should not be granted to
said administrator to sell so much of above real
estate as may be n cesser to pay said debts
and expenses.
Dated this "1st dav of .lanuHrv. A. D.. 1W.
Judge of the District Court.
Ciias., Att'y for adm'r. 6 4
I.egul Notice.
Michael Cooney will take notice that on the
1st day of February, lsi4. Thomas J. Wilburu,
plaintiff herein, tiled his petition In the dis
trict court of Cass county, Nebraska, against
id deteiuiar.ts. tne object and prayer of which
is to quiet and confirm the title of the land
hereinafter described in said plaintiff, to-wit:
The northeast quarter INEK1 of the south
east quarter (E'I of section twenty 'J0J in
township numuer twelve 12, range nine W,
east of the sixth P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska. That suid defendant's deed of record, bearing
date of January -jyth. 1S74. is a cloud upon
ph. muff's title, who holds said land under a
quit claim dred of August 31st, lHci. the basis
of said quit ciaim deed resting upon a tax deed,
benring date of Sept. 14th. lfeTo.
ThHtsaid plaintiff further sets up In his said
petition nsrainst said defendant as a further
cans1 of action exclusive adverse possession of
the above described lands tor the full ext nt of
the statutory limit vesting Said plaintiff with
comulete title In and to the above described
Wherefore plaintiff prays that the cloud cast
upon his title to said land by said defendant's
deed ot record as aforesaid may be removed
and that the title to said lands may be quieted
and confirmed in plaintiff, and for all and such
other a d further relief as justice and equity
may require.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before lhe 1m h day of March. A. D.. 1SW.
Dated this 31st dav of January,
4 By Gko. V. Clark, bis att'y.
A (tin in 1st ra tor's A ppoint men t .
State of Nebraska.
Cass County. C5"
In county court To all persons interested In
theesttte of Benjamin j. Brick's, deceased :
Notice is herenv given that on the 3d day of
Murch. A. D , Is'Aj, at the hour or 10 o'clock a.
in., at the county judge's office, in Plattsmouth,
in suid county, the petition, asking for the ap
point men t of John 11 Becker as administrator of
said estate, will be heard and considered : at
which time and place all persons interested may
appearand show cause, if any they have, why
he should not be appointed as such adminis
trator. Dated this th day of February. A. D. 18M.
s r it. s. iiAaET, county Judge.
Administrator's Appointment.
Stte or NrauASKA. t
Cass Coi-ntt. )"
In county court To all persons Interested In
the estate of John Ritchie, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of
March. A. D . 1U. at -the hour of 1(1 o'clock
a. m . at the county judge's office, in Platts
mouth. in said county, the petition, askingfor
the appointment of A. Baxter Tn!tii as ad
ministrator of said estate, will be neard and
considered: at w hich time and place all persons
interested may apear and show cause. If any
they have, why he should not be appointed as
such administrator.
Dated this 7th dav of February. A. D. 18m.
'. :: 1! S. RAMSEY. County Judge.
Notice to Creditor.
SillKOl Nkbraska. '
Cass CoONTY. as. I
In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Guth
Jiiatui. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the claims and
demands of all iersons against Elizabeth Uuth-
nniiiu. deceased, late of said county and state,
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
Count v court nt the -court house in Plattsmouth
on the sth day of August, A D, I8H4. at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon. And that six months from
and after the 8th dav of F'etrttarv, A. D,
l'.'l. is the time limited for creditors of said
deceased to present their claims for examina
tion and allowance.
Given u.ider my hand this 2d day of Feb
ruary. A. 1).. 18M. B. S. KaMsey.
: i County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska.
ass County. S " '
In the matter of the estate of Stephen 3IcC.
Lloyd, deceased :
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de-
mauds of all persons against Stephen McC.
Liovd. deceased, late of said county and state.
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
countv court at the court house in Plattsmou th.
on the l.'.th day of August, A. D.. lsw, at two
o'clock in the afternoon , and that six months
from and after the 15th day of February, A. D ,
lm. is tne time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for examination
and allowance.
Given under mv hand this 10th day of Feb
ruary, A . D.. ly
s-1 B. S. Uajiset, County Judge.
Notice to Creditor.
Statk of Nebraska, i
Cass County. '
In the matter of the estate of William Lloyd,
deceased :
Noth e is hereby given that the claims and de
mauds of all persons aealnst William Lloyd, de
ceased, late of said county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by the county
court Ht the court house in Plattsmouth, on the
15th day of August. A. D.. 18m. at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, and that six months from and af
ter the l."th finy of February. A. D.. 1HIM. is the
time limited for creditors of said deceased to
present their c aims for examination and allow
ance. Given under mv hand this 10th day of Feb
rinirv, A. D., 1SS4'.
k-4 B. s. RAMSEY. County Judge.
Notice to Creditor
,'TTE or Nebkaska
Cass Col'ntt.
. ss
In the mtter of the estate of John Mriegel, ;
deceased. I
Notice is hereby given that the claims and i
demands of all "iersons against John Strle- j
cel. deceased, late of said county and state, j
w ill be received, examined and adjusted by the j
county court at the court house in Plattsmouth. !
on tne in ihv oi August, a. jj., imh. at n
I o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months
I from and after the 8lh dy of February, A. D..
! is the time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for examination
and allowance.
Given under tny hand this al dav of Febru
arv A. D.. D'U. B. S. Ramset.
" 4 County Judge.
instant Killer of Pain.
Internet and External.
GIA, Laiue Dark, sjprains. Bruises,
welliuirs. Stiff Joints, COLIC ana
.CttAMlti instantly. Cholera Jlor-
tms Croup.jJiptheria, tore Throat,
iit-AUACiit, as u Dy magic.
iTF HflPF PSflNn Kspncially prepared for
Ifit nUl.vC CHMRU, stock, Double tstrenpth.
thnmost I'orrerfu! and PenetratiuirLimnientfur Jlau
nr liettst iu existence. Larce f l siie 76c, Cue size lUc
?.'.;dir-itej r.r!:i Toil;-, The Grrr.t Skin Cur nnil
r"-?e Bcnutiller. Lediee whl rind it tno rau-t
celicata aud r igh'y perfumed Toiiet Hoai on
tt , luarket. It is acsoluteiy puro. Makes the
bort and velvety end r--!or tiie Ut com
panion; is a luiury ror t!i? Bath tor Irtfnrtta.
If aH.y Itching. cu-atieKs the scilp an I promuu.:
12.' or, -will of iiuh', JtiwOc. lorsuiehy
F. ii. FKItKi: & CO.. I III '.'.ISIS,
Sole agents, Plattsmouth, Neb.
C3 -
f2 0?
o o 43
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A. "L W A. FltEWH.
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Special attention to Funerals. Hacks will be
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Capital, paid up ... . $50,000
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