Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 08, 1894, Image 8

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    News From Washington Is Ex
pected Very Soon.
Editor Calhoun la Turned Down, but
Bryan Names the Man Toe Farm
ers' Institute Session Comes
to a Close at Nehawka.
Anxiously Waiting.
News from Washington concerning
the appointment of a democratic post
master for Plattsmouth hs been
anxiously looked for all day, but up to
the hour of going to press uothing has
been heard. It is generally given out
that the plum will fall to Mayor But
ler, but City Clerk Fox will remain in
the race until the very end.
When the nb"s concerning the
Lincoln office arrived this after
noon it was interpreted to mean
that the president had coucluded to
allow Mr. Bryan to name the post
masters within his district, while
others were of the opinion that a com
promise had been effected whereby
Bryan named the postmaster at Lin
coln, Morton at Nebraska City and
Boyd and Castor the local office. But,
as one good democrat remarked, "we
shall see what we shall see.'"
Calhoun Is Tarned Down.
A telegtam from Congressman
Bryan to The Journal this afternoon
brings the information that the presi
dent refused to appoiat Editor J. D.
Calhoun to be postmaster at Lincoln,
and requested Mr. Bryan to name an
other man for the position. The con
gressman named J. H. Hailey, and the
appointment was made and sent to the
senate for confirmation.
All through the fight for the Lincoln
office the name of Mr. Harley has
never been mentioned in connection
with the office, so that he was a dark
horse in the race. He is a druggist
by occupation, and is one of Lincoln's
leading business men.
The many friends of J. I. Calhoun
in the newspaper vineyard will be
sorry to learn of his failure to secure
the appointment.
Farmers at Xehawka.
The farmers' institute held in Ne
hawka Tuesday and Wednesday was
a great success. The men who were
sent by the Nebraska state university
gave the farmers a great deal of prac
tical information. The meetings were
well attended and a great deal of inter
est shown. Prof. Card gave some very
profitable information about grafting
and planting trees. Hon. S. C. Bas
set of Gibbon discussed "Dairying" In
a business way that aroused an inter
est which brought forth a number of
questions. Prof. Bruner of the state
university talked to the school children
about the different bugs and their hab
its of life and generation. He gave
the farmers some remedies for destroy
ing the cutworm, chinch bug and po
tato bug.
Hon. Charles Steele of Norfolk
talked on the "Sugar Beet Industry."
He showed the manner in which beetB
are raised, how to care for them and
the financial gain to be derived. It
was clearly brought out that it will be
impossible to continue the beet indus
try if the tariff and bounty are both
removed from sugar. Prof. Ingersol
came to fill the place made vacant by
the inability of Governor Furnas to be
present. The professor spoke upon
the general theme of the university.
He showed the relation it bears to the
people of the state. The Btate uni
versity is a child of the state, he
thought, and all its citizens ought to
feel free to apply to the university
upon any subject. The benefits to be
derived from an education and the
need particularly of books on agricul
ture for every young man and woman
was set forth very clearly.
Nebawka possesses some local talent
that added much to the interest of
things. Among the different papers
read were: "The Trimming of Fruit
Trees.'' Isaac C. Pollard; "Selecting
Seed, Rev. Mr. Fulcomore; "Moral
Culture for Boys," E. A. Kirkpatrick,
'?How to Make Farming Popular," D.
V. Foster; "Farmers Institutes," G.
F. Switzer; "Stock Raising," L. C.
Todd. Some choice music interspersed
here and there added much to the en
joyment. This is Nehawka's first in
stitute, but judging from present indi
cations it will not be her last. Every
one was well pleased with the meeting
and departed with a kinder feeling for
the head of Nebraska's great school
This evening, at seven o'clock, at
the home of County Commissioner
Geo. W. Young, in Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, will occur the marriage of
Stephen &1. Davis and Miss Hattie J.
Toung, Rev. T. K. Surface officiating.
The groom is a son of Anderson Da
vis of Eight Mile Grove, one of Cass
county's prosperous farmers, and the
bride is a daughter of Commissioner
Young. The future home of the bride
and groom will be on the Con ally
farm, near Murray, and Tile Jour
nal extends congratulations and best
wishes in advance.
The Todd, Dundas & Sage bridge
company of this city had in a bid before
the county board of Nemaha county
far the county bridge work and were
beaten out by the narrow margin of
one cent a foot. Tom Crummel, the
Otoe county bridge contractor, was
the lowest bidder and was awarded
the work.
Cbet. H. Smith will be found in the
future behind the prescription case of
Druggist O- A. Brown, mixing pills
with the same vigor he was want in
days of yore, when Smith & Black
Bros, constituted one of the best
known drug firms in the city.
The Journal's "Midway Types"
are on hand and ready for distribution.
Bring in your coupons and ten cents
and get the first portfolio.
Lawyer J. H.IIaldeman, of Weeping
ing Water, was at County Judge Ram
say's court today arranging for a final
settlement in the estate of the late
Ann Allison, of which be is adminis
trator. Incidentally it might be proper
to mention that Mr. Haldeman is
planning to remove hither in a few
months to continue in the practice of
law in this city. Mr. Haldeman has
no property interests in the town, but
he was magnanimous enough to sub
scribe toward the distillery project.
Mr. Haldeman is welcome. There is
room for such men in our midst.
Wm.Eikenbary had a bath Wednes
day that he did not enjoy to any great
extent. While assisting in getting out
his supply of ice at the river he stepped
upon a large piece which had been
sawed, and the consequence can easily
be guessed. By the assistance of by
standers he crawled from the hole, and
suffered only a cool, refreshing bath in
the muddy waters of "Old Muddy."
Union Ledger.
Theodore Davis was arrested at Ne
braska City yesterday, charged with
robbing a store at Julian, Otoe county,
a few days ago. The stolen goods
were found In bis house. His brother,
who was his aceomplice, escaped.
; Will be paid for any Cough or
; Cold that the Crown Cough Cure
; will not cure.
; The same rule applies to Brown's
; SarsapariUa.
610 Mais Street.
A real, live kitten was received in a
mail bag from the west at the Ashland
postoffice one day last week, says the
Ashlar d News. There was no name
attached, hence if any one is expecting
anything of the kind they are hereby
notified that the kitten has arrived and
can be had on application at the post
There is no news to be had regarding
the gold mine, as work has been aban
doned awaiting the investigation at the
assay office- Everything indicates,
however, that the ilnd is a rich one.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
A copy of the special boom edition of
the IIavelck Mechanic is on our table
and it is by all odds a neat publica
tion. Its publishers are deserving of
no small credit for its excellent ar
rangement and neat typographical ap
pearance. Success to the Mechanic.
Clip the art coupon in today's paper.
Mrs. Palmer's Meeting;.
A full house greeted the evangelist,
Mrs. Anna Palmer, at the M. E.
church last evening. From the scrip
ture lessons she proved the importance
and power of God's spirit as a controll
ing influence in the hearts and lives of
Christian people; the efficiency of
united, earnest prayer, and with a
consecrated church the rum traffic and
its attendant evils would be banished
from our midst. Mrs. Palmer is a
fluent, ready, happy speaker, and held
the attention of the audience through
out the evening. It is safe to predict
much good will result from her week's
labors in Plattsmouth.
Clip the art coupon in today's paper.
Ed C. Bailey, a representative of the
Hawkeye Commission company, has
rented the room in the Rockwood block
just above the Bennett & Tutt grocery
Btore, and will open therein a commis
sion house. Arrangements have been
perfected with the telegraph companies
which will enable Mr. Bailey to post
the latest Chicago markets at all times
of the day. The place will be ready
for business Before the last of the week.
Horses For Sale.
The undersigned has for sale a span
of good work horses, a span of 3-year-olds
and a good 2-year-old colt. Cash
will buy them cheap. Drop a card to
P. H. Mahonet, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Will Petition Judge Dundy.
It is expected that representatives of
the American railway union will be in
Omaha Thursday to present to Judge
Dundy a petition signed by 5,000 em- j
ployes of the Union Pacific protesting
against the recent equalization wage
schedule ordered by the circuit court
of this district. Eugene Debs, presi
dent of the union, has wired the Om
aha union officials that be will be in
Omaha Thursday, and it is expected
representatives of unions on the en
tire system will be present to urge
Judge Dundy to withdraw the order
granted some days ago. In speaking
of the order Mr. Debs is represented to
have said:
"The court not only reduces wages,
but compels the employes to accept
the reduction. If they submit without
a fight their enslavement is accom
plished, and no possible plea can lift
them a thousandth part of an inch
above the dead line of degradation.
Federal judges are treading on dan
gerous ground. If they are not totally
mortgaged to their corporate bosses
they will take warning of the mutter
ings their cruel and infamous de
cisions are exciting. The American
railway union may be relied upon to
do its duty, totally regardless of Judge
Dundy. The real anarchists occupy
the federal bench. The issue is upon
us and I am in favor of facing it. If
the men are true to their manhood
they will rise as one man from end to
end of the system, to resent the
monstrous judicial outrage that strips
them naked of their guaranteed con
stitutional rights."
The "Plan Sif ter"flour is the popular
brand. Ask for it from your grocer.
The "Urns Rehearsal."
On next Saturday night the two-act
operetta, the "Dress Rehearsal," will
be presented by home talent at White's
opera house. The best talent of the
city, including Mrs. Geo. E. Dovey,
Mrs. Geo. F. Houseworth, Mrs. Chas
S. Sherman, Misses Minnie and Flor
ence White, Tillie Vallery, Ethel
Dovey, Florence Waugh and Phyllis
Petts, will take part in the production,
and they will be assisted by a chorus
of twelve or fifteen voices. An ad
mission fee of fifteen cents will be
charged, and the proceeds of the en
tertainment will be used for charitable
Constable J. II. Thrasher will
promptly attend to all business en
trusted to him. Collections a specialty.
'Plattamonth Illustrated. "
City Clerk Fox has several thousand
copies of "Plattsmouth Illustrated"
yet on hand which will be furnished
free of cost to parties who desire to
send copies to their out-of-town
friends. These books contain several
dozen half-tone engravings of the pub
lic and private buildings, besides dis
criptive matter, and everybody should
send several copies away. The postage
is two cents per copy.
Dr. Marshall, DENTIST Fitzger
ald block.
For Sale.
I have for sale a 120 acre farm one
half mile from Murray, every foot
under cultivation, 15 acres of hay land.
A great bargain, and as good a piece of
land as there is in Cass county. Call
on me quick, as the laud must be sold
in the next thirty days or taken out of
the market.
T. U. Pollock, Waterman block.
Japanese Pile Cure is the only one
that can be guaranteed, as it is the
only cure. Sold by Fricke & Co.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. desire
to state that their evangelistic meet
ings, to be held at the Methodistcburch
during the coming week, are not held
for the purpose of antagonizing our
"new enterprise." as has been reported.
Arrangements for these meetings were
made some time ago, previous to the
advent of the "new enterprise"project.
Vest's Eyes.
What the Hon. George G. "Vest says
in regard to the superiority of the
Hirscbberg diamond and non-changeable
"I am using glasses which I pur
chased from Prof. Hirschberg. and
they are the best I ever tried. It af
fords me great pleasure to recommend
Prof. Hirschberg as an excellent opti
cian, and his glasses are simply un
equalled in my experience.
"G. G. Vest."
These glasses are for sale by Carruth
Jewelry Co., agents for Plattsmouth,
Public Rale.
Henry Jasper will sell at public auc
tion, at his farm on Tuesday, Feb. 20,
one high-bred stallion, two work
horses, two colts, five milk cows, thir
teen heifers, two lumber wagons,
spring wagon, road cart, plows, culti
vators, and other implements.
O.L.Rice, Mendota, 111., writes
"Have used your Japanese Pile Cure
and found it a sure and permanent
cure." Sold by Fricke & Co.
Merchants and professional men
should not lose sight of the fact that
of late The Journal's job depart
ment has been greatly improved, and
we are now able to turn out strictly
first-class job work at very reasonable
figures. A sample job will convince.
This is a good time to renew your
subscription to the Weekly Jour
nal. A dollar paid in advance will
be as good as a dollar and a half at
the end of your time.
Having purchased the bulk of the Murphy
Shoe Stock at Forced Sale, I am determined
to close out the line
Special Sale is Now On,
And will continue until all is closed out.
Call Early, while the Assortment Is Unbroken.
The Mid-1Ylntr Exposition.
The low rates to California now of
fered by the Burlington route, consti
tute an uuequalled opportunity of
visiting that land ot sunshine, fruit
and dowers.
On account of the mid-winter expo
sition California's world s fair
agents are now celling round-trip
tickets to Sati Francisco, Los Angeles,
San Bernardino, San Diego, etc..
Tickets are good to return until
July 15, 1894. and are very liberal as
regards as stop-overs and transit
limits. Wide choice of routes going
and returning.
This is the vear of years to visit
California, aud the Burlington is the
route ot routes to get there.
Ask vour nearest ticket asent ior
full information or wriie to J.Francis,
General Passenger and Ticket Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
The B. & M. pay car will distribute
wealth among the company employes
II. & M. Stockholders Will Meet.
Vnt ir ia hnrehv criven that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of the
Unriinrrtnn X'. Missouri River railroad
company in Nebraska will be held at
1 . . - i i .... .
the otuce or tne company in jl ian.
mouth. Neb., on Thursday, the 22d
day of February, 1894. at live o'clock p.
m. The meeting will be held for the
oioctimi nf ninp directors of the com
pany to serve during the ensuing year.
and tor trie transaction 01 any "i:i
business that may legally come before
the meeting. W. J. Ladd, Sec'y.
Jan. 18th, is4.
Caal at Clark's.
Plenty of good coal at Timothy
Clark's coal yards, for cash only. No
CA6H,KO COAL. ' J- tLAIlh.
M. P. Hotne-Seekers Excursion.
The Missouri Pacific will sell tickets
at the rate of one fare fr the round
trip on Veb. 13, March 13, April 10,
and May 8, to all points in the state
of Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana on
the line of the company. Tickets lim
ited to 30 days. For particulars in
quire of
Local Ticket Agent.
Will Sell the Cable Ferry.
By reason of a contemplated depart
ure from the city I have concluded to
dispose of my cable ferry boat which
operates across the river at this point,
together with all the accompanying
equipments. Cash will buy the entire
outfit at a low figure and will insure
the purchaser a paying business. Call
on address, Sam S. Archer, Pro
prietor Cable Ferry. d-tf .
$7 Shoes, Now
$6 Shoes. Now
$5 Shoes, Now
S3 Shoes, Now.
The landlord may be a square man,
but you can depend on finding him
round on rent day. Bing-hamton Lead
er. Most women have a good deal ol
romance in their dispositions. If they
hadn't, very few men would ever suc
ceed in getting married. Somervilla
Tomson "Jackson is a wise man-"
Johnson "In what respect, pray?"
Tomson "You surely must have no
ticed it. He always laughs at his em
ployer's jokes."
Leap, girls, leap with care;
Leap with a pop t your part'nera,
No more need for trap and snare.
Pop, girls, pop to the bachelalre.
Lowell Arena.
First Boston Girl. "Did you hear
the new Chicago elocutionist?" Second
Boston Girl "I did. I never knew be
fore that Byron wrote dialect verse."
Indianapolis Journal.
Brown (at an ultra full-dress even
ing party) "What enchanting cos
tumes these ladies appear in to-night.
Fogg "Yes, that's what I should think
if I were a mosquito." Boston Tran
script. One of the questions that agitate
the bosom of the young man of to-day
is whether the girl he admires sings
popular songs because she likes them
or simply to test his affection. Wash
ington Star
Family Honor. Brown's Boy "My
fader licked a cop las' night." Black's
Boy "Pooh, yer needn't put on airs,
Tommy Brown. My fader was de first
prisoner to occupy a cell in de new JaiL"
Yankee Blade.
Only a mean father will cut a regis
ter hole from his ehamber to the front
parlor where his daughter is in the
habit of entertaining her young man
Thursday evening of every week.
Somerville Journal. ... . -
Trained by Instinct.
Dissatisfied Purchaser I thought yoa
said this dog was trained.
Former Owner So he is.
Purchaser' Wha is his specialty?
Former Owner Killing sheep
trained himself. Jury.
He Would Have None.
Weary Watkins Have some vbAgmr
on dose tomatoes?
Bagged Ruggles Naw! I understand
that vinegar works. Detroit Free Press.
Lumber and Coal.
Mendota coal 25
Hard coal 0
Canou City coal
3 50
Main Street,
n. & M. R. K.
No. 3, daily 3:48, p. m.
No.6. daily 9:15, a.m.
No. 9, daily except Sunday 4:44. p. m.
No. 11, daily except Sunday ..5:06. p.m.
No. IS), Sunday only 5:n5, p. m.
No. 91, daily except Sunday 7:15, a. m.
No. 2, daily 6:05, p. m.
No. 4. daiiy 10:26, a. m.
No. 10, daily except Sunday 11:55, a.m.
No. 12, daily except Sunday 7:50. p. m.
No. IS, Sunday only 7:60 p. m.
No. 93, daily except Sunday 12:10. p.m.
M . f. M. K.
Passenger, No. 1 ...4:50 s. m.
Passenger, No. 3 S.8S p. m.
Freight. No. 127 (dally exc'ptSunday) 5:67 p. m
Passenger, No. 2 11:09 p. m.
Passenger, No. 8, St. Louis express... 1 :31 p. m.
Kraignt, No.l26(daUyexceptSuiiday)S:56. va.
of the Journal is fully
equipped to print any
thing from a visiting
card to a full sheet pos
ter. Call and drop in a
job and see the wheels
go round.
Any reader of The Weekly Jour
nal can get The Twice-a-meek Re
public free by sending in three new
yearly subscribers to The Republic
with $3.00.
Iu addition to obtaining the greatest
news weekly in America, every sub
scriber to The Republic will save ten
times the price of the paper, or more,
every year by the special offers made
subscribers from time to time.
Sample copies of The R public
will be sent anyone upon receipt of a
postal card request. Address all or
dors ' THE REPfDLIC, St. Louts,' Mo.