Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 08, 1894, Image 3

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Dr. J. A. Hasemeier, of Louisville,
was in the city Tuesday.
Phil Barnes, of Weeping Water,
was in town yesterday.
Miss Isabella Fickler w as a visitor
in Council Bluffs Saturday.
Thomas W. Shryock, postmaster ait
Louisville, was in town Tuesday.
Tom Akeson of Center preciDCt, sen
of the late Matt Akeson, was a county
seat visitor Tuesday.
Loaded wagons crossed the Missouri
river at Nebraska City on .Saturday for
the first time this season.
A bouncing boy baby, whose advent
occurred Tuesday evening, is tbesause
of much rejoicing at the household of
County Clerk Dickson.
Travel on the Burlington is ircprtv
ing. About 30 trains per day are now
running. In freight, grain shipments
continue light, but a great deal of stock
is being marketed.
The Journal acknowledges the re
ceipt of a due photograph of tle state
university grounds and buildings at
Lincoln and for which the doner.
Chancellor Canrield has our sincerest
While Clarence Allen of Elmwood
was returning from Murdock on horse
back, the horse jumpea from the road
and plunged over a steep embankment.
The boy received a fracture of the left
leg and tbr horse had one hip knocked
The building of a new steel bridge by
the B. & M. across the Platte gives the
city of Plattsmoutli a splended oppor
tunity to enlarge her trade with
Sarpy county folks by buying the old
company bridge. The scheme is one
well worthy an investigation.
Chief Grace has come into possession
of a new saddle, taken from a you:h
of pilfering instincts, which he
stroncly suspects as having been
stolen. Any one who has recently
missed such an article can recover the
same by applying to the chief.
The largest porker that was ever re
ceived at the South Omaha yards was
broucht in Tuesday from Tabor, la.,
by Davis & Munsinger, who shipped in
a consignment of several car loads. It
was a stag and weighed exactly 940
pounds The hog as eleven feet long
from the tip of its nose to the tail.
A Fourth ward citizen is said to have
amused himself the other evening bj
beating his wife, and faint mutterings
are heard upon the street that the ftl
low may be called out some evening
by a "committee" and accorded a
generous castitration with a horse
whip. We shall earnestly await de
velopments. Gov. L. G Todd of Liberty precinct
was in the city Friday attending to le
gal business on his way to his faim
from a trip to South Omaha with a
shipment of fat cattle. lie stateB that
he is duly thankful for his cup and
saucer (of D;ieo make) and that he now
enj s his coffee with more than ordi
nary relish.
The Lincoln News says: S. II. At
wood and Patterson. Murphy & Co..
from bora Marshall and other cred
itors of Kets & Bullock secured a $3.c00
verdict for conversion of property, ask
the court for a new trial, claiming that
the verdict is excessive and contrary to
the evidence. About sixteen errors of
the court are also pointed out in the
matter of excluding evidence.
Uncle Henry McMaken is patiently
waiting for Hick's storm period, which
is supposed to brine a season of cold
weather between the 7th and 11th of
February. The ice in the river front
ing town is not quite thick enough for
the veteran ice man, but he has abund
ant faith that during Hick's storm
period it will become congealed to
about the required thickness to afford
another rich harvest.
According to the Omaha W. II.,
Geo. W. Holdrege, general manager
for the B. & M., denies that the com
pany contemplates the erection of a
new steel bridge across the Platte
above this eity. The denial, however,
is not convincing, for railway officials
are not in the habit of divulging com-J
pany secrets merely for the asking.
There are plenty of proofs that the
bridge will le built. We believe that
Mr Iloldiege meant to infer that it
wasnobodv's business.
The statement made by Plattsmouth
papers that forty or fifty men were let
out of the shops here last week is
away off. Seventeen were laid off and
three quit. Of this number only ths'ee
were high-priced workmen, so that the
pay roll is affected but very little, lhe
twenty let out covered the number of
additional men taken on jut-t before
full time was resumed last month and
who were used in getting the rtih
work for the Wyoming division iin
ished up. At that time 2S0 men were
employed and now there are 260.
Ilavelock Times.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
has served notice on the chairman of
the Western Passenuer association
that hereafter they will make an open
rate of two cents a mile for theatrical
or other parties of ten or more person?
travelling together on one ticket.
This rate is to apply fn m the Mis
souri river and points west thereof,
and will cause some confusion among
competing lines. The Santa Fe's
edict mav thus result in a wholesale j
slashing on passenger rates. The pub
lic will not say nay.
"In my estimation," remarked
prominent citizen of opposite political
faith to this organ, "The Journal is
an excellent local paper and a decided
credit to this city," and he emphized
nis remarks by informing TriE Jour
.sal representative mat nis name
should be enrolled upon the paper's
subscription list. The publishers are
glad to learn that their efforts to print
acreditable daily are thus appreciated
and the assurance is given that noth
ing will be spared to Keep the paper al
ways at the front.
The best proof that business is con
stantly improving is that real estate
has commenced to change bands, buy
ers seemingly having no fear to spend
their money for dirt. C. II. Babcock
the hustling real estate agent, states
that his business has shown such im
provement of late that he hDds it
necessary to keep his oflice in the
Union block open during the evening
from seven to ei ht o'clock, and re
quests The Journal to state that
seekers for realty bargains can find
him on hand in the evening as well as
well as the day.
lhe county commissioners were in
monthly session at the court house
Tuesdav. The first piece of legis
lation was the re-appointment of Mr
J. II. Davis of Avoca precinct as a
member of the Soldiers' llelief com
mission, his term to extend through a
period of three years. The rest of the
dav was spent by the board in ex
amining and allowing claims. The
letting of the county printing, the ap
pointment of county physicians and
the selecting of sixty names, from
which the grand and petit jurors will
be drawn for the March term of dis
trict court, are matters which the board
will dispose of during the present ses
Anselmo B. Smith of Denver, the
veteran civil engineer for the B. & M
arrived Tuesday on the Burlington
flyer to look after private business
matters in this city. For a dead
m-.n he exhibited considerable
activity, and the manner in which
reeled off large gobs of
caustic English because of the report
circulated last week of his endeavor
ing to duplicate the disappearance of
the immortal Charley Ross, was some
what of a caution. It is understood
that Mr. Smith now does his swearing
in Hindoo or some other outlandish
tongue, as he is credited with using so
much of English adjectives on his re
turn to the land of living as to have
used up all his stock of English.
A mass meeting was held at Weep
ing Water on Monday night for the
purpose of taking steps to secure the
next grand army of the republic dis
trict reunion for Weeping Water.
The district comprises Cass, Sarpy,
Lancaster and Saunders counties. A
committee was appointed to attend
the meeting of the officers of the asso
ciation, which was held at Greenwood
Wednesday. The committee presented
resolutions from the business men
there pledging everything necessary
for its success. At the meeting the
vote was unanimous for Weeping
Water and the da e set Tuesday.
August 21, continuing four davs. The
oilicers of the association are: David
McCaig.president; Chappell of Lincoln
vice president; Colonel J. Matheny,
secretary; and E. C. Coleman quarter
Lint of Letter
Remaining uncalled for in the post-
office at Plattsmouth Feb. G, for week
ending Jan. 30:
Benson , Jno
Buehel, Katie
Lane, J P
Mason, Efiie
Paul. J no
Ulm. Lawson
Johnson, A A
Lawson, Carrie L
Matthews, Prescilla
Sear, Antram
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." II. J. Streight. P. M.
Dissolution Notice.
To w hom it may concern: Notice is
hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between J: rank
Carruth, Fred W. Carruth and Arch
L. Coleman, known as "The Carruth
Jewelry Co ," has tiiis Sth day of Jan
uary. 1S94. been dissolved by mutual
consent, said Arch L. Coleman con
tinuing the business.
Frank Cakkuth.
FliED W. ('ABBt'TH,
Arch L. Coleman.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. Jan. 8. lblt
Bert Armstrong, who watches the
fruit crop of this county very closely
and who is therefore the best of au
thority on such subjects, infoims the
News that the late cold snap has killed
the peach buds. He says: "I looked
at the buds today and found them
killed, so you can make up your mind
there will be no peaches grown in this
section this fall." Nebraska City i
English Spavin Liniment removes
all tiard, soft or calloused lumps and
blemishes from borses, blood spavins,
curbs, splints, sweeney, ririR-boiie,
stiit'B, sprains, all swollen throats,
couphs.etr. Save $50 by use of on
bottle. Warranted the most wonder
blemish cure ever known. Sold by I.
G. Fricke & Co., Druggists. Platts
mouth. 30
Rheumatism Curort in a Iljri't ystic Cure"
for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures
in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re
mirk able and mysterious. It removes at once
the cause and the disease Immediately disap
near. The first dose preat'.y benefits, to cents,
sold by F. G. Fricke sc Col, druggists Platts
mouth Nab. 12-S-ly
That Aketuu Reward.
The Akeson reward case furnished
material for a lengthy session of the
Lincoln excise board. Conway, the
claimant of the reward, and Tom Ake
son Were represented by attorneys and estate of Henry Mertens. deceased, for an order
r J . , . of license to sell the real estate of said de-
recited the fact that Chief of Police ceased, to-wit:
Cooper refused to turn pver the prison- Bert?onT
ers to the Cass county officers until the fourt-n m the southwest quarter of the south-
...... - west quarter S. V . J.; of the. W. 1 of section
reward had been paid, which IS a VIO- seventeen t and lot three 3 In the southeast
1-itinn rvf th law frtiiniT inswirprl quarter of the southwest iiuaner S, E. of the
IdllOIi OI lUe la. OOOper answerea w- j,;) of eetiou seventeen 17, all In town-
that be Was Simply Uolding the money ship twelve .VJ), range thirteen 13, in Cass
. ,,, it. - ' countv. Nebraska, containing in all slxtv-eight
for Whom It properly belonged. It IS and flG-l0 acres more or less, or a sufficient
sttrr hv trnnp of trip nnlirp ot hers ! amount thereof to bring the sum of il.oou.oo
siaiea oy some or me ponce ou -ers , forthe pavD1(Mlt of det,,s uA expenses of ad
that ere the Case was tried in county i ministering the estate of the said Henry Mer
. . . . . .i i I tens, deceased, there not being sumeieut per
Court Chief Cooper paid one-third OI i sonal property of said deceased to pay said
the reward, or $100, into Malore s
hands, and one officer says that he saw
the money thus paid over. If this be
true, it is believed by those who have
watched the case that all the wrang
ling over the depositing of the $300 in
a safe place is to no purpose, and that
it only tends to strengthen the parable
that one cannot deposit in a safe place
that which one hath not
State or Ohio, Citt of Toituo, i
LfCAS tOt'SIT. t '
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is the senior partner of tlte lirra of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in
the Cit of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and suscribed in
mv presence, this 6th day of December,
L.eal.j Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally and acts d'rectly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Snd for testimonials, fiee.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
S?"Sold by Druggists, 75c.
At the meeting of the Livingston
Loan and Building association, held at
.) udce Archer's office Monday night. the
former officers were re-elected. The
sociation is in a prosperous and
flourishing condition, two hundred
shares in the eleventh series having
been subscribed for within the past
week. These two hundred shares
represent an investment of S40.000
I lie success ot the association is in a
gnat meaf-tire due to the efiorts of
Secretary Henry Gering. who was very
properly re-elected secretary for an
other vear.
Takx lfTthe Horns.
The undersigned is now ready, wit!
a eood portable chute and tools, to re
move tue useless weapons 01 corned
cattle at tea cents per head. It never
eets too cold to dehorn cattle: any time
rxcept fly-time is the right time. If
those who wish euch work done would
address me at llock Bluffs. Neb., they
will be promptly answered.
S. L. Furlong.
VI OO Reward.
I beg to advise my patrons and neigh
bors that there are several peddlers
traversing the country claiming to be
Mr. Hirschbere, or connected with
him in buisness, and trying to impose
upon the public at large. by offering an
inferior class of Spectacles and Eye
Glasses for Hirschburg's Diamond and
Non-Chanceable Spectacles and Eye-
Glasses. Do not be deluded by such
impostors. Their representations are
false. My goods are not handled by
Peddlers." as we have loc;d aget.ts.
A reward of $100. will be given to any
one securing tue name and where
abouts of such parties. Respectfully,
Prof. H. IIikschheku,
629 Olive street, St. Louis. Mo., and
30 E. 4th street. New York.
Carruth Jewelery Co., sole atrents
for Plattsmouth, Neb.
I O. Dwyer, lawyer. Plattsmouth.
Mystic Lif Kenewer
This wonderful Health Builder and Constitu
tion Restorer is indeed a renewer of life; be
cause it possesses such marvelous powers to cure
all forms of Indigestion. Dystcpia, Nervous
Diseases. Heart Affections, Female Weakness
and Wasting Diseases. Every bottle warranted
to give satisfaction or money refunded. Free
bottle at F. G. Fricke t C'o.'s, druggiBts. Platts
mouth Seb. li--ly
Administrator's bale.
In the matter of the settlement of the estate of
Jesse ii. liyun, deceased.
Notice is herebv given that in pursunnce of an
order of the Honorable samuel M. Chapman,
Judge of the t-econd judicial District of Ne-
brabka. in ami lor ( ass countv. made on the 7th
day of Decent tier. for the sale of the real
estate hereinafter described, there will be sold
at the south doot of the court t'OU'e of Cass
utility, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on Saturdav.
tt e the 3d oay of Mirth. 18!4. at 2 o'doek p. m..
at public vendue, to the highest bidder: tti
cash in hand, balance of the purchase price to
be divided in three equal payments, payable in
one, two and three years, and to bear interest at
the rate of eight per cent per annum, payable
annual ly, to be secured by first mortgage "upon
the premises hereinafter described, and being
the same premises herein offered for saie.
The nortn naif (N1-,) of the southeast iiuarter.
fc. '4 1. section twenty -six. lfci .township eleven
11, range nine Vj, east Uth P. M., in Cass
countv, Nebraska
Suid sale shall remain open for one hour.
Dated this 5th dHy of Fehrusrv. Iy4.
Cdable" R. Jordan, Administrator of the es
tate of Jesse B. Ryan, deceased.
H. D. Tkatis Attorney for Administrator.
Administrator's Appointment.
State or Nebraska,
CASS cot-Kir. t
In county court To all persons interested in
the estate of John Kitchle. deceased:
otice is heeby civen that on the 1st dav of
arch, A. D , 1WH. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m . at the county ju 'ce s in Plutts-
I mouth, in said county, the petition, sskinfor
J the appointment of A. Baxter fmith as ad
ministrator ot said estHte. will be heard and
considered; at which time and place all persons
interested may appear and show cause, if any
tbey have, why he should not tie appointed us
such administrator.
Dated this 7th dav of February, A. D. ISM.
7-3 H. S. RAMSEY. County Judfre.
Fimal Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of W. H. II. Penn,
In the county court of Cass county. Neb.
Notice is" hereby given tiiat li. Z. Penn,
administrator of the estate of the said W. H.H.
Penn, deceased, has made application for final
settlement, and that said cause it set forbearing
at my otlk'e at Plattsmou b. on the 1st day of
March, A. D.. I1, at two o'clock p. w.', on
said day: at which -lime and place all persons
interested iney be present and examine Maid
B. S. Raxset, County Judge.
Plattsmontb.Fab. 6, l!W. 7 3
Order to Show Cause.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the application of William
Mertens, administrator of the estate of Henry
Mertens. deceased, for an order of license to
seil real estate of said deceased:
This cause came on for hearing upon the pe
tition of William Mertens. administrator of the
debts ana expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all persons Inter
ested in said estate appear before me in open
court at the district court room in the county
court bouse in Plattsmouth. t'ass county. Ne
braska. on the tenth (luth) day of March, A.D..
Ih'.u. ut 10 o'clock a. in. of said day to show
cause why a license should not be granted to
said administrator to sell so much of above real
estate us may be necessarr to pay suid debts
and expenses.
Dated this.'Ust dav of .Tanuorv. A. I)., lxw.
Judee of the District Court.
Cdas. Ueives, Att'y for adm'r. 64
l.ej;il Notice.
Michael Cooncy will take notice that on the
1st day of February. iw.14. Thomas .1. Wilburu,
plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the dis
trict court of Ctss county, Nebraska, against
s-iid defendants, the object and prayer of which
is to quiet and coniirm tiie title of the laud
hereinafter described in said plaintiff, to-wit:
The northeast quarter INK! of the south quarter SE' ) of section twenty 'auj in
township number twelve range nine (6),
east ot the sixtn P. M., In Cass county, Ne
That said defendant's deed of record, bearing
date of January :ftnh. 1S74, is a cloud upon
plaintiffs title, who holds said land under a
quit clulm deed of August 31st, lsJ. the basis
of suid quit ciaim deed resting upon a tax deed,
bearing date of ;ept. 14th. lt7..
That said plaintiff further sets up in his said
petition against said defendant as a further
cause of action exclusive adverse possession of
the above described lands for the full ex t"nt of
the statutory limit vesting said plaintiff with
complete title in and to the above described
Wherefore plaintiff prays that the cloud cast
upon his title to said laud' by said defendant's
deed ot record as aforesaid may be removed
and that the title to suid lands may be quieted
ami confirmed in plaintiff, and for all and such
other ad further relief as justice and equity
niHv require.
Von are required to answer said petition on or
before lhe litth day of March. A. I.. 1SV4.
Dated this ;;lst dav of Januarv, ism.
-4 Hy t;to. W. Claiik, his att'y.
Order to Show Cause
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska:
in the mutter of the estate of John B Bev
erage, deceased :
This c ause came on for hearing upon the pe
tition of George W. Miyder. administrator of the
estate of John I. Heveraue. deceased, praying
tot license to sell the following described real
estate, to wit :
The south one half (S'i) of the southwest
one-quarter rsV;4 of sectiou seven i7j, town
ship eleven (11 , ran;re thirteen 13i, east, in
Cass count), Nebraska, or a sufficient amount
thereof to bring the amount of six hundred and
sixty-eight ?;(. TUi dollars and seventy cents,
for the pa ment of debts allowed against said
estate and the expenses of administration. there
not being sufficient jiersonal property to pay the
suid detits and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all persons inter
csted in said estate appear before me. at the
oilicc of the clerk of the distri 't court, in Platts
mouth, Cass county. Neb-aska. on the tenth
i lOtu i day of February. A. D.. Ism. at U o'clock
p.r.i of snid day to show cause w hy a license
should not be granted to said administrator to
sell so much of the above described real estate
of said deceased as may lie necessary to pay
said debts am! expenses.
Dated this od dav of Januarv. A. D.. lsiH.
Judge of the District Court.
Cuas. Krimes, Att'y for Administrator. 2
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska :
Sauaii Conkau, plaintiff,
Si.nos P. Ssider, et al.. defendants.
Simon P. Miyder. as guardian of Mary M. Con
rad : John H. Conrad, as guardian of Nellie ti.
Conrad, Howard t. Conrad. Hoy K. Conrad and
lloss E Conrad : Elias christuian. as guardian
of Melvin Christman. Mary Christuian. Roy
Christman and Florence Christman. minors,
and stolomon II. Conrad, executor of the last
will and testament of Jacob Conrad, deceased,
and Mary M. Conrad. Nellie t. Conrad. Howard
S. Conrad. Koy E Conrad. Ross E. Conrad. Mel
vin iChristmau, Marv christman. Koy Christ
man and Florence Christman, minors, all being
non-resident defendants and residing in the
siate of Ohio, and interested in the es
tate of Jacob Conrad, deceased, will take
notice that on the -Jd day of Jan
uary, 1AM, Sarah Conrad, plaintiff herein,
widow of Jacob Conrad, deceased, late of
Holmes coutitv. Ohio, tiled her petition in the
county court of Cass county, Nebraska, against
said defendants, toe object and prayer of which
are that the judge of the court of probate shall
issue nis warrant to three discreet and disinter
ested persons, residents of Cass county, author
Izmir ano requiring tnem to set on tne (lower or
plaintiff by uieets and bounds in the west half
of section seven (7), township eleven (11 1. range
ten ( lo, east of the sixth P. M., lyiuR and being
in the countv ci cass. ano slate of Nebmsta.
and that the same may be adjudged and decreed
to tie her dower in the lands aforesaid, and
that the same may be confirmed unto her.
1 ou are required to answersaid petition on or
before the ath dsy of March isi. By order of
the county judge
Dated at fiattsmouth, ye')., .fan. 23. imh
By Maxwell A; Suat.p and 11. D. Travis, her
Attorneys. 6-3
otireto Creditors.
CamCoosiv. IS. I
In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Guth-
mann, deceased.
Notice Is herebv given that the claims and
demands of all ersoiis against Elixabeth Guth-
limnn, deceased, late of said comity and state.
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the coirt house la Plattsmouth
ou the Hth day of August. A D. ISf 4. at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon. And tbat six months Trom
and after the Sth day of Fetruary, A. D ,
Isy-J. is the time limited for creditors of said
deceased to present their claims for examina
tion and allowance.
t.iven u.ider my hand this 2d day of Feb
ruary, A. D., ISM. B. S. Ramset.
-4 County Judge.
Notiee to Creditors.
I C'ASsCorXTT. i "
I In the matter of the estate of John Striegel,
I deceased.
I Notice is hereby civen that the claims and
I demands of all persons ttgalnst John Strie
i pel. deceased, late of said county and state.
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in Plattsmouth.
on the lh dsy of August, A. D., IpM. at 10
o'clock in the forenoon . And that six mouths
from and after the sth dsy of February, A. D.,
lSiil. Is the time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for exnminatiou
and allows nee.
t;i ven under my hand this 3d dav of Kebru
arv A. D., 1W. h. K. Hameet.
" 4 County Judge.
instant Kii!crc1 Pain.
Snterral and External.
tyiA, lin.o Buct. Sr.ruii!. l-'ruies,
:v-llin-.", SI iJT J.iint. t OLICmid
,"iiAil'S iii'tuntly. Chuiera aior
.r. Ci ou'i.H.ptkei ia, Sore Throat.
lILADAOili:, as if by magic
Hpi"ciu'jr Tirrpp-'?d fov
blori. Ihci;!e K'TeTirth-
' P.Wf
fa: p( rt trnU.igi.tnimeu.f ir i'au
trn .-. si t,ic site 4vV. r.ii ' T..::et. T::f 'lr?t Stein Cum sid
rjco IS3uut:iie ", Li,i.ea v.-;:i ni i- dio ma.i
-tiiiCJStu aj.': riahljr perfumed Toiie' Ki en
-l' marttl. ii ts ausaiuta!!' ptiru. '.:3kt the
ok. i r.of c inJ vr ivetj rn;i i:: es the l-t ccm
Oie.tion; is a iux'jry fir t!'.? Ufitri for tnfr-tc
tiiayH il-!umr. ciuauer 1htis-iiip on I l-rojoies
iho growth of ii:.'. price 2jc for saie by
Sole agent Plattsmouth, Neb.
Real Estate
A Big Bargain :
So acres, 5 miles from Union.
Cass county; timber will pay
for land. Nearly every foot
could be farmed if cleared.
Easv terms.
lOO-acre Farm, adjoining Platts
mouth; 70 acres under cultiva
tion ; good buildings, etc., etc.
If you want a bargain on easy
terms come and see me. This
is smooth land.
I Go acres south of Plattsmouth ;
no acres under cultivation, at
32.50 per acre.
160 acre improved eastern Colo
rado Farm good soil near
railroad Price $Soo $150
down, balance long time.
A nicely improved So acre Tract
near Plattsmouth $50 per acre
Easy Terms.
5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 acre tracts
adjoining Plattsmouth, $$0 per
acre easy terms. Worth 75
to $100, and could not be
bought for any less adjoining
any town of like size in this
An improved 90 acre farm near
Murray Fruit Living Water,
etc., etc. Price $35 per acre.
A highly improved Clark county,
Kans., farm fos good acre prop
erty. This farm is clear and
improvements cost 2,000. I
will make some man a big bar
gain on this farm.
Good improved farms and wild
lands for sale and trade in
nearly every county in this
state, Kansas and eastern Colo
rado, and parties contemplat
ing moving west will do well
to see me before going as I
can discount any price offered
you by others.
Quick loans made on Improved
farms at lowest rates.
Don't forget that I also write In
surance. G. H. BABCOCK.
Ileal Estate, Loan and In
surance Agency.
Main Street, Plattsmouth.
Teas and Wees Unexcelled,
Curtice Bros Celebrated
Th ltest in the World.
Tbe "XXXX" and "Best" Brands.
Has purchased the Parinele & Ruther
ford stock and will run both tbe
Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns.
Kiss of all descriptions, from a Saddle
horse to a Sixteen-passencer Wapon.
t'abs. Pall Hearer Wairon, arryalls and
everything for picnics, weddings and
Train Orders
Telephone 7ti.
Prices Reasonable. No credit over 30
days, old and new customers are in
vited to call, when satisfaction is guar
anteed. W. I). JUNES
II. J. streighl.
J. sattler
Successors to Henry lineck.
Furniture i Undertaking
Pianos and Organs,
Our Furniture line is complete in every detail
An investigation is certain to convince.
Park Obesitt Tills will reduce your weipht
PERMANENTLY from IS to l." pounds a month.
NO STAKVINi;, or injurv: NO PUB
LICITY. They build up the health and beautl
tv tbe complexion, leaving N WRINKLE" or
tlabbiness. STOUT AHllOMENS and difficult
breathiiiK surety relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only
afteryears of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our othce. Price 2.00 per package
or three packaces for " 00 by mail postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealedl 2 cents.
"A 11 correspondence strictly confidential.
flick KETIOI (., Boston Mass.
Capital, paid up ... . S50.000
John Fitzgebald President
F. K. White Vice-president
S. Wacoh Cashier
John Fitzeerald, I). Hawksworth. F. E. White,
S. Waugh and Cieorge E. l)ovey.
Careful attention given to the interests of cus
tomers. Collections made and promptly remit
ted for. Highest market price paid for county
warrants and state and county bonds.
Sixth Street Checkered Barn.
C w vaa" iul attAtitinn (n TTiinaraiC TTaob-a will Ym
riui to all trains. "Promptness and Fidelity to
i ud ionic ' m hi in w
Jas. P. Antill's
Opposite Waterman Block.
Oysters in all styles. Fried oysters a specialty.
rora good Meat or Lunch can on Jim.
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE: Second floor of the Todd block, eas
of the court house.
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE In the Todd block, east of new court
house, second floor.
Attorneys at Law,
OFFICE F'tzutrald block.over First Narl bank
The Celebrated French Dure,
" IDHDnniTIUP or money
to cure
rw iiiiwwi ini
To Pou oi A
to cure bt form of
nervous disease or
any disorder of the
generative organs
ot timer ieiv
whether arisinsr '
nsoi tumuianta, Aran
Tobacco or Opiatn, or through youthful indiscre
tion, over Indulgence. &c.,sucn as ixwa oi umia
Power, Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in the
back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pros
tration, Nocturnal Emissions, Leucorrha'a, Di
tine8, Weak Memory, Loss oi Power and Impo
tence, which if neglected often lead to premature
oil age and Insanity. Price J1.00 a box. 6 boxes
lor lo on. pent tv man on receapi w yrn-c
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE la given for evrr
Ki.on order received, to refund the money If .
txrmanmt cure Is not effected. We have tbofl
aands of testimonials from old and young, o
both sexes, who have been permanently cured
bytheuseof ArhrodiUne. rircularfree- AddlH
Western Branch. Box 27, PokTuand, OK.
Gering & Co.. Druggists
Plattsmouth, Nebraska