Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 08, 1894, Image 2
WILSON WINS. Trbo Tariff Bill of Which He Is the Author Passes the House. The Income Tfti Feature Is Adopted, Well as the Amendments Placing Sut;ar aj.J Wool on the 1'ree Lint. FINAL VOTE. 204 TO 140. Washington-. Feb. 3. At 0 o'clock Thursday night, at the conclusion of one of the grandest, most imposing' and most impressive scenes ever witnessed in the American capitol, the Wilson tariff bill passed the house of represen tatives by a vote of 204 to 140. The events leading up to it were almost un paralleled in our annals. At 12 o'clock, after a preliminary skirmish of an hour over the barley schedule, the bill was reported to the house and the closing speeches were made. Women Kulnt in the Crowd. Such a vast concourse as assembled to hear the last arguments upon the prcat economic issue about to be sub mitted for final arbitrament to the representatives of the American people had never before been seen within the prf;ucts of the nation'6 legislative c-Uol. Nothing like it was ever known in the history of the oldest in habitant of the capital. For hours bef jre the debate began the corridors leading to the galleries were a surging mass of humanity, which finallj' became so great that men cried out in terror and wom en fainted in fright. It was estimated that over 20,000 persons attempted to gain admittance to the jralleries of the house. Their seat ing capacity is about 3,000, and every available seat was occupied long before the gavel dropped. The people were lined against the walls and banked against the doors; so great did the crush become that the members of the house secured permission to bring their wives upon the floor. A Brilliant Audience. When Mr. Reed, the first speaker, arose at last to deliver the final plea for protection the overhanging galleries were black and dense with the specta tors who thronged them. Every inch, of space upon the floor was taken. It was a brilliant as well as a large asse mbly. Only tea of the .354 members of the house were ab feont. Many grave and reverend sena tors and other distinguished person ages were on the floor, and in the gal leries were Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs. Vice President Stevenson and other ladies of eminence and distinction, their dresses fiecUicg the scene with color. The "Big Three." Then for three hours the oratory of the champions of the economic systems followed Reed, Crisp and Wilson while their partisans made the air vocal with their shouts of approval. The ap pearance of the speaker of the house upon the floor engage in debate was, in itself, a remarkable as well as an un usual thing. Each of the speakers teemed to be in his best form and the fepeeches which they delivered Thurs day will rank among the most brilliant of their lives. When these were fin ished Mr. Wilson, who spoke last, was lifted on the shoulders of his admiring colleagues and carried triumphantly from the hall amid a scene of un matched enthusiasm. The Voting Begins. The time had now arrived to vote on the bill and pending amendments, but the disorder was so great that the ser-geani-at-arms was called upon to clear the aisles and the wives of mem 'b?rs who Lad been allowed upon the Coor were obliged to retire. It took twenty minutes to restore order, so that the public business could pro ceed. The speaker then announced that there were two pending amendments "that the committee on ways and means to increase the duty on barley from 20 to 25 per cent, ad valorem, and on bar ley malt from 25 to 35 per cent., and the amendment of Mr. Tawney (rep., Minn.) to increase the duty to 22 cents a bushel on barley and 32 cents on bar ley malt The first vote was taken on the Tawney amendment, which was lost upon a yea . and nay vote of 120 to 197. The committee amendment was agreed to 202 to 104 t ree Wool and Sugar. The speaker then announced tnat the vote was upon the amendments adopted by the coinmittee of the whole. Mr. Johnson (O.) demanded a separate vote on the wool and woolen amendments. Mr. English (dem., N. J.) upon the in eome tax i.nd upon the petroleum amendment. The other amendments, including that amendment abolishing the bounty on sugar and that placing refined sugar on the free list were then agreed to ia bulk without division. The first amendment which Mt. John sou desired a separate vote upon was that placing wool upon the free list immediately upon the passage of .the bill. This amendment having been vitiated by a later amend ment placing the date at August 2, a point of order was raised that the latter amendment must first be voted upon, but after some discussion the chair decided that the Johnson amendment roust first be voted upon to perfect the text and that the real test would come upon the amendment to Mrike out the words "immediately after the passage of the bill" and insert "on and after August 2." The Johnson aiuenament was therefore agreed to without division. The other amend ment was agreed to 205 to 147. Mr. Johnson tried to get the yeas and nays, but could c uly muster five votes to his aid. The amendment fixing the date as December 2 when the manufactured woolen schedule should go into effect was also ac.opted 200 to 130. .Mr. Johnson again being unable to M-cure the yeas and nays, the vote was then taken upon the amendment pro viding for reciprocity in petroleum, and it was carried 17" to 47. Voce on the Income Tax. The last amendment to be voted upon was that providing for the income tax. air. Cox demanded the yeas and nays vpon this amendment. It was signlfi eaat that the republicans refused to second tiii demand for the yes.s and nays, but, enough democrats arose (fifty-one) to order the roll-call. It was then found that the income tax could not be voted upon as a separate propo sition, the speaker deciding in accord ance with a precedent, which he cited,' that the internal revenue amendment having been reported as a single amend ment could not be divided. The vote, therefore, was upon the entire rejec tion of the internal revenue amend ment. ' The republicans, with few excep tions, refused to vote, but the amend ment, including the income tax, was adopted 182 to 50. The populists voted in the affirma tive, as did the following republicans: Bowers (CaL), Fletcher (Mo.), Eartmann (Mont), Marsh (11L). Pickler (S. I.). White (O.) and Sweet (Idaho). Those who voted against the amend ment were: Bibcock (rep.. Wis.). Bartlett, Beltzhoover, Brawley, Brosius (rep., Pa., Cadmus. Camp bell, Causer, Clancey, Cock ran, C'ampton, Coomba, Cornish. Covert, Cummings, Davey, Be Forest, Dunn. Dunphy, English, Everett, Fielder, Gelssenhainer, Haines, Harter, Hen drlx, Lapham, Lock wood. Manner, McAleer, M.Call (rep.. Mass ). McKaig, Meyer, Moore (rep., Mass.), Mutchler, O'Neill, Page, Powers (rep., VL), Price, Haynor, Keilley, KusK, Kyan, Scherme rhorn, Scranton (rep. Pa.). Sickles, Sperry, Stevens, Talbott (Md.), Warner and Wolverton. Passed by a Majority of C. Then came the final vote on the bill itself,- on which a yea and nay vote was asked and granted by a rising vote. The roll-call was watched with marked at tention, and frequent bursts of applause greeted accessions to one side or the other. Beltzhoover (dem.. Pa.) was the first to win applause by his yea vote, indicating that the Pennsyl vanians were falling into line. Im mediately after this, Blanchard (dem., La.) was applauded as he voted yea and showed that the Louisianian op position to the bill was not in tact. Mr. Cockran's vote in favor of the bill brought out tumultuous cheering. The climax of the demonstration was reached when the name of Mr. Wilson, author of the bill, was reached, the democrats cheering vociferously as a final recognition of his leadership. The speaker asked that his name be called and he an swered in the affirmative. Then the speaker announced: "On this question the yeas are 204 and the nays are 140 and the bill is passed." Summary of tne Vote. The vote summarized is as follows: Yeas, 204 : democrats, 198; republicans, 0; people's party, 6. Nays, 140; democrats. 18; republicans, 121: people's party, L Total. 344. Democrats voting against it were Bartlett, Campbell, Covert, Cummings. Haines, Ilendrix, Schermerhorn and Sickles, of New York; Cadmas, of New Jersey; Sperry and Page, of Connecti cut; Geary of California; Cooper, of Wisconsin; Sibley, of Pennsylvania; and Devey, Meyer, Price and Robertson, of Louisiana. Democrats Were Happy. When the speaker announced the vote cheer followed cheer upon the democratic side, papers, hats, congres sional records and, in fact, everything which the democrats could lay their hands upon, were flung high in the air, and amid a perfect pandemonium oi joy the house adjourned. FIRE IN CHICAGO. A ltigr Warehouse and Several Dwellings Are Destroyed. Ceicago, Feb. 3. The big five-story brick warehouse of Felix & Mars ton, wholesale dealers in wooden and willow ware, at Henry street and Stewart avenue, has been totally destroyed by fire and a number of lives were endangered. The building, which was 100 feet wide by 175 feet long, extending south half a block to West Fifteenth street, was valued at $00,000, and with the stock, estimated at $75,000, ia a complete loss. Felix & Mars ton's loss, aggregating $135,000, is covered by insurance. Three or four frame cottages owned by poor people were crushed to pieces by the falling walls of the warehouse, and hard work by the firemen barely prevented the flames from spreading toward Canal street. William Snooks, who was caught on the second floor, where it is supposed the fire started, leaped to the street below and was in ternally injured. While standing at the window hesitating, the flames swooped down upon him and burned him badly about the head. He did not wait longer, but dropped 30 feet into the street, where he was picked up by the police and carried to his home at 040 llenrv street. OPERA HOUSE BURNED. English Folly Company, in a Tour In Ohio, Loses Its Wardrobe. Delaware, O., Feb. 3. In Prospect, Marion county, Wednesday night, the opera house, valued at $3,000; the electric light plant, $10,000; Cook's residence, $1,000, . and the entire wardrobe, worth $2,000, of the Eng lish Folly company, were consumed by fire. There was no insurance. S. Wy att, part owner of the burned property, was struck by falling electric light wires and seriously injured. The blaze caught in the dressing-room of the op era hall as the company was preparing for the evening performance. Twelfth W oman Admitted to Practice. Washington, Feb. 2. The twelfth woman has been admitted to practice before the United States supreme court and has signed the roll at that bar. She is Miss Kate II. Pier, a pre possessing young lady from Milwaukee, and Senator Vilas of Wisconsin moved her admission. Mrs. Iielva A. Lock wood, of Washington, was the first woman attorney to uppear there. She was admitted in 1S75. Killed Her llahy. Toledo. O., Feb. 3. At Elyria, O., Mrs. Jacob Hartley, while despondent over the death of her husband, killed her 10-months-old child by cutting its throat with a razor. She then by a similar effort tried to end her own life. Her recovery is doubtful. People Starving in Spain. Cadiz, Feb. 3. The governor of this province reports that thousands of peo ple out of work and starving are tramp ing through the country and that in consequence he anticipates disturb; ances in the rural districts. LEADERS TALK. Tha Closing Speeches of the Great Tariff Debate. Mr. Reed Champions the Cause of Protec tion, While Speaker Crisp and Sir. Wilson Vrg the Passage or the Hill. GIANTS OF DEBATE, Washington, Feb. 3. Aside from the great attendance and the final vote on and passage of the tariff bill, the features of the session of the house on Thursday were the speeches, closing the debate, of Mr. Reed (rep.. Me.), Speaker Crisp.andMr. Wilson (dem., W. Va.),the author of the measure. Prompt ly at noon the committee of the whole rose and the chairman (Mr. Richard son), according to parliamentary for mula, reported that the committee of the whole had had under consideration house bill 4.S04 (tariff bill) and re ported it to the house with sundry amendments. The speaker then an nounced that three hours would be allowed for closing debate. He recognized Mr. republican leader wild cheering and the galleries and his party friends Reed, and the rose amid the hand-clapping of the huzzas of about hi in. Mr. and shook his the demonstration Reed frowned head as though were distasteful to him. He waited for the applause to cease. Standing in the aisle, clad in a long Prince Albert coat, with head erect and defiant, he looked a physical and intellectual giant. I Says the liill Satisfies No One. i When the applause had finally sub sided Mr. Reed began his speech. He said: "In this debate, which has extended over many weeks, one remarkable result has already been reached, a result of the deepest Impor tance to this country. The result is that the bill betore us is odious to both sides ot the house. It meets with favor nowhere and com mands the respect of neither party. On this bide wo believe that while it pretends to be for protection it does not afford it, and on the other side they believe that while it looks toward free trade It does not ac complish it Those who will vote against this bill will do so because it opens our markets to the destructive competition of foreigners, and those who vote for it do it with a reservation that they will instantly devote themselves to I a new crusade against whatever barriers are left. "It is evident that there is no ground for I the hope entertained by so many moderate men that this bill, bad as It is, could be a resting place where our manuliic-.uring and i productive industries, such as zu-ty survive, can reestablish themselves or h-vo a sure foundation for the future, free i.oiu party ' bickering and pa. ty strife. H ..ce, also, there can be no foundation for t. at cry, so insidiously raised, that this bill should be passed at once, because uncertainty is worse than any bill can possibly be. bo utterly un disputed and so distinctly visible to every human being in this audience has been our growth and progress that whatever tho future industrial system of this country may be, the i past system is a splendid monument to that series of successful statesmen who found the country bankrupt and distracted and left it first on the list of nations." Advantages of the American Market. Sir. Keed eulogized tfae American market as being the best in the world, owing to the high w ages paid L-ire enabling workingnien to pur chase largely of the comforts of lite Instead of increasing this market, he said, by leaving i it to the steady increase of wages w hich the ligures of the Aldrich report so conclusively I enow, and which have rot only received the i sanction of the members from Xew York but . of the secretary of the treasury and the demo I cratic bureau o! statistics, by tbts action our committee proposes to lower wages and so , lessen the market and then divide that market with somebody else, and all on the chance of getting the markets of the world. Mr. Keed continued: ) "To add to the interesting impossibilities of : this contention the orators on the other side say they are going to maintain wages. How can that be possible? All things sell at the cost of production. If the di3erence between cost of production here and cost of production in ' England be not equalized by the duty, then our cost of production nius. go down or we must go out. Our laws have inviied money and men and . we have grown great and rich thereby. 1 "To sum it up, if this protection gives us : money and men, and our vast country needs ; both, it may show why we have eo wonderfully , prospered. If it does I am Inclined to think that the way to have two jobs hunting one man ' is to keep on making new mills and try to pre . vent the committee on ways and means from pulling down old ones. I Itut What About the Parmer? I "But what do you say about the farmer? ; Well, on that subject I do not profess uny ' special learning, but there is one simple state , ment I w ish to make and leave the question j there. If with cities growing up like magic, I manufacturing villages dotting every eligiblo . sue, each and all swarming with mouths to be tilled, the producers of food are worse off than ! when half this country was a desert, I abandon ; sense in favor of political economy. I "If the hope of agriculturists is ii English I free trade they had better ponder on tho fact that while the w ages of artisans have Increased ; in England si 43 per week since 18.V) the wages of agricultural laborers have only increased 7 cents, and while the Lancashire operatives in the factories live as well as anybody, except Americans, the agricultural laoorers are hard ly Letter oil than the continental peasantry. England's example will cot do lor agriculture. When a Tariff Will liaise Wages. "Here let me meet one other question, and let me make it fairly. We are charged with having claimed that the tariff alone w ill raise wages We have never made such a claim in any such form. Free traders have set up that claim for us to triumphantly knock It over. What we do say is that v here two nations have equal skill and equal appliances and a market nearly equal and one of them can hire labor at one-La!r less, nothing but a tariff can maintain the higher wages, and that we can prove. "We are the only rival that England fears, for we alcne have in our borders the population and the waxes, the raw material, and within ourselves the great market which in sures to us the most improve a ma chinery. Our constant power to increase our wages insu: s us also continuous prog res If you wish us to follow the example of England, I say yes, with all my heart, but her real example, and nothing less. Let us keep protection, as she did, until no rival dares to invade our territory, and then we may take 'our chances for a future which by that time will not be-unknown." Keed tiets an Ovation. Throughout Reed's speech he was frequently interrupted with applause, and at times the democrats joined in. As his speech closed there was a burst of applause which swelled in to a tumultuous demonstration as the enthu siastic galleries gave shouts, hurrahs and sharp whistles which are often heard in theaters but seldom in the halls of congress. Jdr. Keed bowed his acknowledgment to the demonstration, and, without resuming his seat or waiting for the many hands extended to con gratulate him, made bis way back to the re publican cloakroom. Half way up the aisle he was met by a page bearing a huge basket of American Beauty and La Franco roses. Speaker Crisp licglns Hit Speech. While the demonstration was goln on Speaker Crisp- relinquished the chair to Mr. Hatch (Mo.) and assumed the old seat which he occupied in the days before he was elevated to the speakership. When he arose in his place he received an ovation. As Mr. Crisp prooeeded be was given gener ous applause by hia democratic associates on the floor, but his points were of an argumenta tive character, w hich appealed to the students of the question rather than to the galleries. He read from the minority report and criti cised that feature which, declared that the for eigner paid the tax. Not a ltenefit to tabor. After his opening introductory remarks Mr. Crisp declared that an examination of the pro tective system would show that while it was built up for the ostensible beneflt of labor it was in truth constructed for the benefit of the manufacturing classes. He ointed out that the wages of laborers ia protected industries went down and those in unprotected industries went up as a result of the McKinley act. This was shown by tho statistics gathered by the senate committee on finance. The speaker referred to the artificial condition created by protection. It took men, he said, from their natural chan nels and diverted them to unnatural channels. The same was true in tho diversions made in the channels of trade. Protection was a Chi nese wall which not only shut out the world but shut in the United States. Keed's Arcument One of Prejudice. Mr. Crisp w as greeted with applause when he said that the thirty years of protection was a period of unrest during which the masses of people had constantly rebelled against -the heavy burdens of taxation. The people bad always been stilled at the poi:s by the repub lican promises to reduce the tariff, but once successful at the polls, the republican legislators surrendered themselves body and soul to the munuTacturln? classes. The speaker declared that the gentleman (Mr. Keed) had throughout his speech refrained from the ar guments of reason and had used only those of prejudice. He pointed to the Chinese as an example of what had resulted from a protective policy of hundreds of years, which had sought to make China rich by trading with itself. Mr. Crisp said that for twenty-five years the democratic party had been trying to get into power. It had told the people that if given power it would reduce the burdens of taxation. The people had accepted this promise and given the party power. This tariff was a re demption of these pledges to the people. It was not a perfect bill, but It was a step in tho right direction. Cheers for the Income Tax. In referring to various features of the bill ho spoke of an income tax, which brought out long and loud applause from the strong income tax element in the house. He cited a speeeh of Senator Sherman delivered twenty years ago to the effect that a tax which fell heaviest on consumption and did not bear heavily on the wealth and in comes of the country was intrinsically wrong. Mr. Crisp supported the income tax in vigorous terms. He said 530,000,0-O of tax on accumu lated wealth was but a small tribute ia return for the benefits it received. Mr. Crisp closed with an eloquent appeal to his democratic associates to waive minor ob jections and to look at the great democratic principles involved. "Let us stand together," he said. "Let us pass this bill and it will bring gladness to the consuming masses, to the farmer, to the laborer and to the American people." There was a triple round of applause as the speaker closed. A page walked toward him with a large potted plant with red flowers above, surrounded with white roses below. The applause continued for more than a minute, during which Mr. Crisp was warmly congratu lated. He left the body of the house and re turned to the speaker's desk. .Mr. Wilson Closes the Debate. Mr. Wilson at once arose to close the debate. He was greeted with great cheers. Mr. Wilson eloquently portrayed the advance of freedom. This bill, he said, was but one of those ad vances. No McKinley bill could stem the ad vance of human progress. Great causes could not be laughed or ridiculed away, and the gen tleman from Maine could not draw from his armory of sarcasm and wit In order to stop the advance of this cause of lightening the burdens of taxation. Mr. Wilson then related the story of the English herrinR merchant who wrote to Sir Kobert Peel that he did not want free trade as to herring, as it would let in Norwegian her ring, but that on other goods he was a thorough free trader. Mr. Wilson appealed to tis fellow democrats not to allow any herring arguments to impede the movement toward the overthrow ot the protective system. Denies Charges of Sectionalism. Referring to an income tax Mr. Wilson said he had not wanted It attached to this bill, but once so attached, he supported it with all the loyalty at his command. There was continued applause as Mr. Wilson denied the charges of sectionalism in the bill. He said that the ani mating feeling of those who had framed this biil was to make this country one in which one man would not be taxed for another, one in which religion, science, culture and education would go hand in hand as the common, untaxed heritage of every citizen. Mr Wilson closed with a u lojunt appeal to his fellow-democrats. He told them that the record of the house would permanently record no passing event, but a great epoch in American history. He wanted every demo cratic name recorded on that historic roll. In that case, he said, the day would be a proud and happy one for him. His closing words were: "in the name of honor, in the name of freedom, I summon every democrat to vqte for this bill." W ilson Carried Out in Triumph. Mr. Wilson's glowing peroration aroused the democrats and the galleries to the highest pitch of enthusiam, and tho demonstration w hich followed his last words has seldom been equaled in the house. The whole democratic side rose to its feet; books and records were thrown into the air: cheer followed cheer: the people in tho galleries joined with voice and hands In the tribute. Before Mr. Wilson could sit down three of the demo cratic members, bubblinc over with enthu siasm Messrs Johnson (O ), Tucker Va.) and Bryan (Neb.) rushed -up the aisle, lifted Mr. Wilson upon their shoulders and carried him in triumph to the rear of the hall, where for ten minutes he listened to the words of praise that were showered upon him. It was a remarkable demonstration in every re spect. FAIR DIRECTORS WIN. The Kule Fining Them for Contempt of Court Reversed. Chicago, Feb. 3. Judges Shepard, Waterman and Gary of the appellate court have handed down an opinion in the appeal of world's fair directors, reversing- the order of the superior court, fining them for contempt. They find that the superior court had no juris diction or power to issue any injunction in the suit o Charles XV. Clingman against the World's Columbian exposi tion. Mr. Clingman in his bill charged that the rights of the people to use Jackson park were inter fered with by the pretended deal made between the South park commis sioners and the exposition and that tho only day upon which he could attend the exposition was Sunday. He prayed for an injunction to restrain tho closing of Jackson park on Sun day. Judge Stein granted the injunc tion. Consequently the superior court was applied to for a rule on Directors William D. Kerfoot, Charles I, Hutch inson, Lyman J. Gage, Andrew Mc Nally, Charles Henrotin, George R. Davis and Victor F. Lawson for contempt for violation of the order of court. The directors were ifound guilty of contempt and fines of $1,000 each were imposed on XV. D. Kerfoot, C. L. Hutchinson, Lyman J. Gage, Andrew McNaliy and Charles Hen rotin. George K. Davis was fined $250 and Victor F. hiwson $100. From this order the appeal was taken and in the opinion handed down the matter of contempt was net entered into at all. The finding that the su perior court was without jurisdiction disposed of the matter at one stroku. A GOOD MAN GONE. Death in Philadelphia of Georpre V. Childs. The Famous Journalist and riiilanthro. plst Succumb to an Attack of Paralysis Aecount of His Career and Work. HE WAS A MAX BELOVED. Philadelphia, Feb. 5. G. W. Childs, proprietor of the Public Ledger, died this morning at 3:01 o'clock at his resi dence at the southeast corner of Twenty-second and Walnut streets from the effects of a stroke of paralysis Bustained by him January 19. George William Chjlds was born in Balti more, Mil, May 12, l(J2s. He was educated at private schools in his native city, and when 14 years old removed to Philadelphia. Soon afterward he became a clerk in a book store and after a service of four years there opened a small store of his own in the old Leduer building at Third and Chestnut streets. In due time ho became a publisher of boons and at the ri2 an or 21 was at the head of the Arm of Childs &. Peterson. Even at that early day Mr. Childs' ambitions and inclinations were well formed. He had deciJel to be a newspaper publisher, and it is related that soon after he engaged iu business in the . Ledger building he stated that some day he intended to be the proprietor of the paper. Hut meanwhile ho achieved con siderable success in the publishing business many of the works issued by Childs &, Peterson being of intrinsic excellence, among them be ing "Dr. Allitone's Dictionary of Knglish and American Authors." Other standard works were brought out in profusion. In ltta Mr. Childs retired from tho firm and the following years witnessed the consumma tion of his cherished ambition he was the owner of the Philadelphia Public Ledger. True, when he acquired control of the property thu Ledirer was unremunerative: but soon after his energy, his enterprise and his determination to make it succeed won him abundant success The Ledger sprang sud denly into public favor an! has continued to this day the most profitable newspaper in Philadelphia, and, indeed, one of the best paying in the United States. At his own expense Mr. Childs caused a stained glass window to te placed iu West minster Abbey in commemoration of the poets, William Cowper and George Herbert, and he also caused a monument to be placed over the hitherto unmarked grave of Lei?h Hunt in Kensal Green. He rendered a similar bervice to ahe memory of Kdgar Allan Poe, and was tho largest subscriber to the fund col lected in this country by Gen. Wilson and in England by Samuel C. Hall for the purpose of placing a memorial window for ike poet Thomas Moore in the church in ljrumhum, where Moore and Ilessie." aro in terreX In lsCS he gave to the Philadelphia Typographical society the printers' cemetery. Woodlands, with a liberal sura, th'3 interest on w hich is to be expended in keeping the grounds In order. Mr. Childs took an especial interest in the printers, and nowhere will his death be more deeply deplored than in the composing rooms. It was well that he should provide a resting place for the printer after death, but he did better knade provisions for such of them as became unequal to the struggle for life. In coinpauy w ith the late A. J. Dreitel. of Phila delphia, he endowed the Printers' home at Colorado Springs, Col. They gave S10.UJ0 to felan the fund uqJ the Typographical union made up the remainder by assessments, pro viding for the maintenance of the home in like canuer. The holiday season was the most delightful portion of the year to him, for it was then he fc-id the greatest opportunity for giving. His employes always received a Christmas gift of from 5li to Sooy in their pay envelopes Christ mas w t ek. Mr. ChilJs attri fcuted Lis success to the fact that he always attended to his own business and never interfered w ith others. He had two proverbs which were the guiding rules of his conduct. One Wis: "Do your best; let go tho rest." Tho other was: "What can't be cured must be endured." Another secret of his success was the care ho gave his men. Those who worked honestly and faithfully for him al ways received more than their stipulated sal aries. He always gave them every encourage ment to make them successful. He watched their personal habits. If they were not in clined to savo ho tempted them to become economical by making good investments for them, so that they were obliged to save in order to carry on the investment. As a rule all of the employes of the ledger who have faniiles live In houses of their own bought and paid for by Mr. Childs, who. in return, has only received bacit the printipil advanced. He insureJ the lives of all the principal men of his pajx-r aud paid the premiums himself. Sor.19 of the leading n;en in his oflict, have such insurance uoon their lives to the amount of i25.l). This kind proprietor watched more carefully after the interests of those under him than the average nun looks after himself. He paid them all good wastes: he lidged them in the most luxurious of quar ters: lie never made an over-demand upon th-ir attention: he insured their lives for their families: he bought theni homes and established them, and wh-a they were broken down with the stealy grind of their daily work he sent them o;T for a vaca tion w ith thi-ir families and paid the expenses of these families as well as their own. When they became old ani broken down in his serv ice he retired them upon full pay. No man in tho Uui'.ed Stites In an unofficial capacity ever had a wider or a more intimate acquaintance with great men than Mr. Childs. His friendship for Gen. Grant was most nota ble, particularly when the general met with the re verses which hastened his death. Mr. Childs" private ofllce in the Ledger build ir. was little less than a museum, the exhibits men in lit erature, art, statecraft and war who esteemed h,:n as a friend or benefactor. It was a creat How to the owner when fire destroyed the Ledger ofiice, and vith it most of these treas ures, aud the w hole country s nipaihizel with him. SPOONER FOR PRESIDENT. C hairman Carter Says the Wisconsin Man Will ISo iu the cc Nkw Yohk. Feb. o lion. Thomas C. Carter, chairman of the republican na tkinul committee, was asked if tho northwest would present a candi date at the next republican presi dential convention. " Well," re plied the ex-congressman from Montana, "the friends of ex-Senator Sspconer, of Wisconsin, speak of him as a stri ng candidate who is thoroughly identified with the interests o iho northwest His name will no (iou'jt receive favorable consideration." III jygij, I GEORGE W. CHILDS. j BENHAM'S ACTION The Admiral's Prompt Work Commended by Secretary Herbert. Washington, Feb. 3. The feeling of pride and exultation in navy depart ment circles over the achievement of Admiral llunham and Com mander Urownisou at Rio is dis played without any effort of con cealment. It is well understood tho admiral has acted on his own discretion throughout the affair. After the firing on American merchantmen on Satur day the admiral cabled the navy de partment what he proposed to do in view of certain conditions. The message sent to Admiral l?en ham Thursday by Secretary Herbert is an unequivocal commendation of his course in every particular. The confi dence of the department in his capaci ty is further shown by the fact that he is left entirely to his own discretion in the further conduct of affairs iu the delicate task he has embarked upon. Secretary Herbert's message saj-s: "We are satisfied entirely with the prudence and judgment with which you have carrie.i out instructions and protected American commerce. Ksly upon you for continue i exercise of wise ttlscretiou." Secretary tlresham has received a dis patch from Minister Thompson at liio tie Janeiro confirming the details of Admiral Eenhaia's encounter with the iusurgenta Alter relating tiie story of the occurrence exactly as told in Ad miral Henham's dispatch to Secretary Herbert, Minister Thompson sa3-s: "lienham has not interfered in the least wt'.h military or naval operations of either side, nor is it his intention to do so. He has notified the insurgents that it is his duty to protect Americans and t'jj commerce of thu Unit;d States, and this he intends to Co, and says American vessels n.utt tot bo interfered with in their movements, but they must take the consequences when getting in the line of fire w hen legitimate hostilities are actually in progress. Until lelicivt rights are aecorded.tne insurgents have :.o riht to exercisu authority over American vess-1:; or property. The right of insurgents to st.irch neutial vessels or to seiz? any port . f their cargoes is denied, even though t. i.y e within the class which maybe tlehued v.i c -a-traband of war, during hostilities between t -r independent governments. I'orcibi-: seizure ot such articles in lhe present status of the i!:-.'.:r-gi'nts would constitute an act of piracy. "Slnco the effective action of Mon iuy every thing is quiet Attempted blockade to com merce and traJeis broken, and the events move smoothly. All foreign commanders concur, as far as 1 am advised. Thompson." BOND BIDS OPENED. Offers for S54.S08.IOO, with About S3, 000. 01H) More on the Way. Washington, Feb. 3. More offers to take the 5 per cent, bonds to be issued by Secretary Carlisle were received at the treasury department Thursday. Promptly at noon the time elapsed at which offers could be received, al though it was said that such as had been mailed before that time and had not arrrived on account of delayed trains would be received. The subscriptions received amount to $54,508,100 at prices ranging from 11.7 223 to 120. 8'-!. There was also an offer of 200 for one bond of $.10. There are known to be on -the way additional sub scriptions amounting to more than S5, 000,000, which, owing to delay in the arrival of the mails, wiil be entitled to consideration when received. The fol lowing are tho names of the sub-treasuries at which tae subscriptions are to be paid: Xew York ?4i..-m.C.V) Hoston. .... .. 5,:-itf 5-) I'hiiadeli'hia 7J1.5.-J Haltiniore Ol.IjJ Cincinnati. 04o (jjO New Orleans 7 -KJ St Louis L7..()) Saa Francisco II . Washington 3.17.5.S0 Chicago. 2-SJ.U5J Place of laymen t njt stated -uj.-L-J Total $34,5uS,llA It was said at the department that it will probably be February 15 before an actual exchange of bonds between the government and the purchasers is con summated. It will be several days be-. fore the bonds are finished by the bureau of engraving and printing. At the lowest figures viz., the secre tary's upset price of 117. '2'J3, the gold received will amount to more than $53, 000.000. This is on the presumption that gold will be used entirely in paying for the bonds. It may be, however, as has heretofore been pointed . out in these dispatches, that legal tender and treasury notes will be used indirectly to some extent in the payments for the bonus. The gold reserve is in round numbers $05, 000,000. and if the bonds were paid for to-day in gold at $58,000,000 the total reserve would be 5120.000,003, or 523, 000,000 more than is regarded as the customary limit. PUSHED THE WAGON AND DIED. A South Ilakota Farmer's Wife Kill Iler-f-elf in a 'ovt Manner. Yankton. S. D., Feb. 3. Mrs. Hans Olson, wife of a Norwegian farmer in this county, com in it ted suicide by hang ing herself to a lumber wagon. She fastened one end of the rope about her own neck iu a slip noose and tied the other end to tho rear axle of the wagon. Then she gave the wagon a push down a short hill and the weight of the vehicle strangled her to death. SERIOUS RIOT AT EOGOTA. Mob Dispersed by the l'olice and Many l'erwons Are Killed. Fan AM A, Feb. 3. A dispatch from llogota says that serious riots have broken out in that city. They are a protest against the monopoly in to bacco. A mob of over 7,0;)J men at tacked the government officers in spite of the efforts of the police. The troops were called out at last and they charged the mob. Many persona wero killed. Wages of Jtailroaders Kestored. Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 3. General Superintendent A. li. Welby, of the Ilio Graude Western, lias issued an order restoring tho wages of all en gineers, firemen anl tiiutncn on that line. Wages were reduced 10 per cnL last October, aai the increase in busi ness makes tiie restoration over the system possibly- The ordr went into effect Thursday morning. Voisoiled by Eating Canned Grap IIock Island, 111., Feb. 3. Charles Iehuiaa died from eating ' canned j; rapes. His w ife aud child were also poisoned and are not yet out of daa rv