Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 25, 1894, Image 5

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FIT and
earch of CLOTHING
Which Will
And at Prices to Conform With Your Pocketbook,
ust Surely Deal With JO
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The annual teachers'' institute for
Caaa count J will open on June iSlii.
The wife of County Attorney Travis
is quite sick with a complication of
li'nsr fever and la grippe.
Geo. Traver, one of Greenwood pre
cinct's prominent farmers, was a
I'iat tsrmu.tu visitor .Saturday.
The postmaster at Dakota Ci:y is
not an injrrate. He ha named his
lirst boru Tobias Grover Schriever.
Mrs. Sae. w 1h has been the guest
of relatives in this city tor the past
few days, departed last Thursday for
her home at Alliance.
Wm. Taylor, sdd of A. li. Taylor, the
weli-kuown farmer out in the precinct,
is quite ill wi;u an attack of lung
fever, and Dr. .St-hildkuecht, his physi
cian, is called i ui ti see him almost
Oiiicer June iilack, ho has b-en
bed-ridden lor the nast ten vetks.
shows marked and continued improve
ment, and his piiysician hopes to have
him out of the sick room within a
The little village of Pleasanton.
twenty miles north of Kearney, wa
entirely wiped out by lire on Monday
afternoon. The only building left in
the business part of the town was the
bank buildiug.
The funeral of Mrs. Bishop, a daugh
ter of V. II. Shufer, occurred at noon
Saturday from the Methodist church.
Mrs. Uf-dmp lived in this city for a
number of ye;trs. bur has Lttely been
living near Ashland.
Chas. II. Warner last Friday pur
chased eighty acres ot laud just west
ot town Horn Leonard lJjrne, pacing
the neat sum oi &4,00t lor the same.
The sale was consummated through
T. II. Pollock's real estate agency.
Dr. F. S. Gibson, who formerly
lived at Weeping Water, wasseriously
injured by leing crushed in an eleva
tor in the Burr block, Lincoln, Thurs
day mnrning. The d -ctor is a brother
of A. li Gibson, the well-known at
torney. Lhe remains of the late T. J. Potter,
a well-known ehiciigo, iiuriingtin Jc
((.uincy railway olhciai, were disin
terred, together Willi those ot hio
dauguier, ul O.i-Uinwa, la., l'hursda)
anu Laken lo Uui'iinton for reinter
xueut mere.
The -DocMiddleton wild west show
of Chadrou has written to :ongress
man Merctr at "A uihiugtou, asking for
his good offices in securing from the
Indian ftiiee permission to take a num
ber ot Indians troin the Pine Hidge
The will of the late J. W Love was
probated at Fremont List Saturday.
It was dated April 1. 18S6, and was as
follows: "I wnl all my property, both
personal and real, to my bel ved wife,
Therza S. Love, tor the use of hersell
and our children.'
A year ago la.t summer two Omaha
real estaie shares through misrepre
sentation secuieda warranty deed to
the llngeboom farm, near the town of
La Platte. In the district court oi
barpy county last week the deed was
ordered cancelled on the record.
For the ben. tit of the Louisville
Courier-Journal we will slate thai
Chris Won If anli is the Piattsmouth
man who will embark in tUe furniture
business in the town ot Louisville.
Messrs. Unruh. streiglit and Boeck are
perfectly content to remain here.
TheLmcoln Journal's coiiesponueut
at the national capital sat: ' The
w hite bouse is now using in itskiicnen
the product oi the .Nebraska City
cereal mills. Secretary Morton having
presumed tue president a line of these
delicious edibles ot limine production."
Heal estate matters are evidently
picking up. C. II. Uaycock, the Union
block realty dealer, reports naving
consummated the sale on one day last
week ol SO acies of tunning land near
Union, i&o acres adjoining t!iscit.a
house ami lot in Vallery addition, 1G0
acres in Duell couuty, and 320 acres in
FraiiKliu county.
The outlook for the new distillery
grows brighter dai.y, and subscrip
tions to the bonus lund continue to
come. The soliciting committee's
hearts were m-trle glad on Saturday by
generous subscriptions trom two par
ties who now reside in Omaha and
Lincoln, but win have large interests
in this city.
The funeral of Mrs. CaroI;ne Engel
took place from the family home on
North Fourth street at 2:30 o'clock
last Fridav. Mrs. Enffel hd been
a resident of Pi:ittsmiitb for the past
twenty-five venrs. and several years
aero became demented and was taken
to th state i'.sylum at Lincoln, at.
which institution her death orriirrpd
Thursday Three sows and one daugh
ter survive her.
Frru the Auburn Post we "earn t hat
A. Bird, of local canning factory fame,
has submitted a proposition to the
Anbur peopl- to locate a canning
factorv in their Tiidst. If the people
of Auburn, and Hush FellowB par
ticularly, want to know bow a real
canning factory should be operated
several people living in this city have
a large amount of experience for sale
I cteap for cash.
Mrs. Kettie Ilulfish of Murray is
visiting in this vicinity.
John Colbert has moved from Mur
dock to tl is place.
Dr. D. Hoot, late of Eimwood, has
located at Wabas-h.
The protracted meetings, which have
been in progress here for the last two
weeks, closed last Sunday night.
The Laurel Hill school has been
temporarily closed, we are informed,
on account of scarlet fever.
Fred Shirley left for Colorado last
Mr. Squires of Weeping Water has
rented the blacksmith shop form rly
occupied by Joe Sever, and has gone
to work. We bespeak for him a good
patronage, as we are informed he is a
first-class workman.
U. T. Richards is ali smiles on ac
count of a girl baby that came to his
house Monday morning.
J. W. Siaton, a former M. P. agent,
is here awaiting a call irom that com
pany. It speaks well for our town when we
say we have no empty houses. If we
are not mistaken, Wabash will awake
from her liip Van Winkle sleep and be
heaid from.
John E.lington and family are visit
iuu in this neighborhood. The proba
bilities are that John v ill again become
a citizen of Cass county.
Qjite a number of Modern Woodmen
trom Muidock v.tre uown Saturday
uiiihi visiting our local camp.
Mi53 Marina Shank departed last
wetk for Chillicothe, Mo , to take up
her studies in music.
Air. and Mrs. Coppage, who have
been Here visiting then daughter, Mrs.
Fowler, returned to their home on
Friday la.-;t.
li. & M. SKtckliulUeiB Will Meet.
Motive is hereLy givtu that the au
nuci; mteiing ot the stockholders of the
fJuilington & Missouri liiver railroad
company in .Nebraska will be neld at
the o:hce ot the company iuPlatts
inouth. .Neb., on Thursday, 22d
day of .February, 1SH4. at rive o'clock p.
m. The meeting will be held for the
election of nine directors of the com
pany to serve during the ensuing year,
and for t!i transaction of an other
business that hi iy legally come before
the meeting. W. J. Ladd, Sec'y.
Jan. IS li, lSftU
ltiHnolution Notice.
To whom it may concern: Notice is
hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between Frank
Carruth, Fred W. Carruth and Arch
L. Coleman, known as "The Carruth
Jewelry Co ." has this Sth day of Jan
uary, 1S94. been dissolved by mutual
consent, said Arch L. Coleman con
tinuing the business.
FliAXK Cakeuth,
Fhed W. Carruth,
Arch L. Coleman.
Piattsmouth, Neb., Jan. 8, 1894.
I saw it. I tried it, I liked it,
bought it of Meisinger & Lohman
the White sewing machine.
This is a good time to renew your
subscription to the Wkekly Jorn
vai. A dollar paid in advance will
be as good as a dollar and a half at
the end of vour time.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or calloused lumps and
blemishes from horses, blood spavins,
curbs, splints, sweeney. ring-bone,
stifles, sprains, all swollen throats,
coughs, etc. Save ?50 "by use of one
bottle. Wurrauted the most wonder
blemish cure ever known. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co., Druggists, Piatts
mouth. 30
Klipnniatisin Curni in m ly---'Mvstic Cure"
for Rheumatism ami NeuralpiH radically cures
in 1 to 3 rtavs. Its action upon the Byntem ix re
mnrki.bie and mysterious. It removes at once
the cause aii4 the disease immediately disap
Pears The first dose crpaliv benefits. 7.icentn.
Sold bv F. ti. Fricke fc Co'., druggists Piatts
mouth Neb. 12-s-ly
Ordrr to Sliow Cause
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska;
in the matter of the estate of John B liev
erasre. dec used :
This cause came. on for hearing upon the te
tition of George W. Snyder, mlministr'itor of the
estate of John B. rseveraue, deceased, praying
for license to sell the following described real
estate, to wit:
The so'i'U one-half (S'il of the southwest
ore-ouarter ' SV.'& of section seven (7, town
ship eleven (11). range thirteen I3. east, in
Cuss cou:it. Nebraska, or a sufficient amount
thereof to tiring the amount of six hundred and
sixty eiKht ii'.70i dollars and seventy cents,
for the payment of debts allowed against said
estate and the expenses of administration. there
not being sutlicie lit personal property to pay the
said debts and eipen-es.
it is theref ore ordered that all persons inter
ested in said estate appear before me. at the
I oEiec of fie clerk ot the distri t court, in riatis
motith, Cass county. Nebraska, on the tenth
l (loth) day of February. A. I).. IS-. ! . at 2 o'clock
' p.m of sai i day to show ev use why a license
! should not be granted to said administrator to
sell so much of the aitve described real estate
of said deceased as may be necessary to pay
said debts and -xpenses.
luied this 3d dav of .lanufirv. A. I).. 194.
I Judge of the District Court.
Cha. GniJiE, Att'y for Administrator. 2 6
You'll gei a Square Deal and a Heap Lot Above Your Money's
Worth, FOR CASH. Everything at Bottom Prices. A purchase
will convince. Try it.
Old StandCorner Room, Waterman Block, Plaits mouth,, Nob.
Mystic Life llenew cr
This wonde.iul Health Builder and Constitu
tion Restorer it inoeed a renewer of life: be
cause it possesses suchtuci i-elous powers to cure
all forms of Inditrestjoi-. Ovspepia. Nervous
Diseases. Heart Affections, ''etnale Weakness
and Wasting l)iseases. Eve-y bottle warrunted
to give satisfaction or money refunded. Free
bottle at I". G. Fricke fc L'o."s, druggists, Platts
mouth Neb. 12My
Notice of I'rulMt of Will.
Si AT: OF Nebraska.
Cash I'orsTT. ss. I
In County Court In the matter cf the last will
and testament of John stricgel. dec ascd :
Notice is herebv given that on the 1st day of
February. A.l , isiM, at the ottice of ihe county
judge, ill Piattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
at the hour of 0 o'clock iu the forenoon, the
following matter will be heard and con ddeied :
The petition of Anna striegel an 1 A. II.
Weckbach to admit to probate the last will
and testament of John Siriegel. deceased, late
of Piattsmouth, in said county, and for letters
testamentary to Anna Striegel and A. li. Weck
bach .
I):ited this 5th day of January, A. P., IK'i.
1'y order of the court. 15. s. Hakset.
3 3 County Jndge.
Aoumiist Tutor's Appointment .
Suite of Nebrsska, (
Cass County. )" "
In county court To all jcrons interested In
theestite of Stephen McC. Lloyd, deceased :
Notice is hereby given that ou the Mh day of
February. A. 1). 111. at the hour of 10 o'clock u.
in., at the county judge's otlice. in Piattsmouth,
in said county, the petition, asking tor the ap
pointment of DavidM . Lloyd asadministrator of
sai l estate, will le heard uud considered : at
which time and place all persons interested limy
appearand show cause, if any they have, why
he should not be appointed as such adminis
trator. Datid this 11th day of January, A. P. lsit.
4 3 li. S. Ramset, County Judge.
Administrator's A ppo: lit uicnt .
State or Nr.niiASKA, i
('as tucm. f
In county court To all ptrsons interested in
the estut of John Corb't. deceased:
Notice is hereby given that on the lnih day of
Februarv , a. P. isv4. at the hour of lo o'clock
a.m.. at the county ju'ge's otlice. in Piatts
mouth. in said county, the petition, asking for
the appr.mment of Robert J. Corbet as ad
ministrator of said estate, will be lienrd and
considered : at which time and place all persons
interested may apjear and show cause if any
they ha ve. why he should not be appointed us
su-h administrator.
Dated this 17th dav of Januarv. A. P. lfM.
4-3 B. 8. RAMSEY, County Judge.
Administrator's A ppoint incut.
St.ite of Nebraska, I
Cass County. f
In county court To all persons interested in the
est 'te of William Lloyd, deceased:
Notice is herebv given tiiat on the 8th day of
February, A. P.." l;'l. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. in. . ct the county judge's otlice, in Piatts
mouth. in s iid county, the petition, asking for
the appointment of David M. Lloyd as ad
ministrator of said estate, will be heard
and considered, at which time and place
all iersons interested may appear and show
cause, if any they have, why he should not be
appointed as such administrator.
Dated this 11th day of January. A. D.. ls4.
li. S. Ramsey, County Judge.
.Administratrix's Appointment .
State op Nebraska, 1
Cass County. i
In county court To all persons intere-ted in
iheestatt of Frank II Corbel, deceed:
Notice is hereby given that on the ln:h day of
February. A D. li4. at the hour of lo o'e.oek
a. m.. at the county judge's w3iee. in Platts
ciouth, in said county, the petition, asking for
th" 'appointment of May A. Corbet as admin
isrratrix de bonus non of said estate, will be
heard and considered : at which time and place
all jersons interested may appear and show
cause if any they have, why she should not be
appointed as such administratrix.
Dated this 17th dnv of Januarv, A. I). .
4-3 B. S.'KAJIsEY, County Judge.
Livingston Loan & Building
Of I'lattsiuoatli. Nebraska, on the 15 1st
Pay of IJeccmber, 1893.
First mortgage loans 10.720.00
Loans secured bv stock of this associa
Real estate 412.10
Kxpeusts and taxes paid I.kpj.s
Cash with treasurer and on hand S,l:l 77
Interest paid on withdrawals"
Interest paid on bills payable ,V2.fiO
Due from stockholders.! 2.2HU i
Total S3:K.q
Capital stock, paid up i'J".47 (10
Premiums paid, earned and unearned.. 3.90.
Interest received and charged H.Ois 4t
Fines collected and charged 4.T4.0S
Membership lees 4-1.75
Transfer fees iSt.75
Total ?38,31S94
Btate of Nebraska,
Cass County.
I. Henry H. Gerinc. secretary of the above
named issociation, do solemnly swear that the
foregoing statement of the condition of said as
sociation is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. Hesry R. Gerixu.
Subscrilied and sworu to before me this th
day of January, l!1!. Thom: Walling.
A ppro ved : N otary Publ ic.
P. It. Smith, i
W. A. Weite, j- Pirectors.
Joe Klein, )
Instant Kll!2rcf Pain.
rntcrraS r.ntl Externa?.
:;A, Tuiie Back, B&rsuf. Ifrni: c.
.';;;.w?. Bt:3 Joizitf., COi.lC
.'tX.'.'iii'S iD t.iDti;.-. Clio!f-a M.w
, r..-r,aM.J)ip,Ji',ria, :o riL. jiii,
ACilll, ua if Ly ni:-:.,'.
T-'f'T J'-Tci.-l''- pre; -i-j-.l
ir-oi '::n :. t-t::" i
..:.: raiiiit-i.iiiin 1
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i-'-Jj M-SrfomeS i'-i ' ' : : '.
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--i.y f:-r x.:e Ert!i ; ."
l'r:ccil-c. i'jrEalo'.;-
F. (. F ill KB & CO., l)i:C(.'lSTS,
Sole agent Piattsmouth, Neb.
Having' purchased the bulk of the Murphy
Shoe Stock at Forced Sale, I am determined
to close out the line
And will continue until all is
Call Early, while the Assortment Is Unbroken.
Dr. A. P. Barnes, V. S.
Night calls attended promptly.
Bonner Barn, Piattsmouth, Neb.
Physician and Surgeon,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
8015 O Street,
Lincoln. Kebrmsk
ale is
ST Shoes, Now
$6 Shoes, How
$5 Shoes, Now
$3 Shoes, How
The Piattsmouth Mills,
C. HEISSIi. Prep.
This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best manufacture
in the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour
Has no Superior In America. Give It a
trial and oe convinced.
Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal
Always on hand. Orders delivered In
citj promptly.
TERMS or 30 day time.
:the first hatiqkal bank,
1 Capital, paid up ... . 850,000
John Fitjigeeald
. F. E. White
' S. Wacoh
: John Fitserald. D. Hawksworlh. F. E. White
b. Waugb and George E. Dovey.
J Careful attention jriven to the interests of cus
' tomers. Collections made and promptly remit
. ted for. Highest market price paid for county
; warrants and state and couuty bonds.
I Lumber and Coal.
Mendota coal 9 4 25
HaTd coal 10 00
Canon City coal 7.60
Now i
closed out.
Maiiii Str eet ,
fllain Street, Plattsmoutli.
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled,
Curtice Bros Celebrated
Pillsbuty's MiNJ
I test In the orltl.
The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands.
it. a. CUSIIISG,
Vi ec- President.
Citizens' Bank,
Capital paid in $50,000
J W Johnson. W. D. Merriam, Wm. Weten
kamp, U. c. Morgan. Henry Eikenbary.
M. W. Morgan and W. 11. Cushing.
A peneral banking buiness transacted. In
terest allowed on deiosits.
s h
own s Pjh'lii,
jday at teteFJft