Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 11, 1894, Image 8

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    earch of CLOTHING j
AKi-K Aill I
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vviii WEAR
And at Prices to Conform With Your Pocketbook,
You Must Surely Deal
Tf in
With JOE.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Jan. 2, '9i.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present Jacob Tritscb, S. W. Dutton
and J. C. Hayes. county commissioners,
and Frank Dickson, county clerk.
J. C. Eikenbary, sheriff; John Clem
ents, coroner.
Assessors W. II. Gates, E. A. Kirk
patrick, P. E. Ruffner, J. C. Williams,
M. McFall, O. M. Torrence, W. L.
Propst. D. J. Pittman, August Fanska,
D. Lynn, G. V. Pick well, Amsdel
Sheldon, M. L. Freiderick and Jas. M.
Justices of the Peace Wm. Hand.
Theo. Scheuffer, A. R. Smith, G. W.
Peterson, Truman Hall, C. Russell, J.
T. Burnett, Frank Boyd, Joseph Wildi,
Joseph Graham. II. G. Beardslee, O
P. Stewart and John Clements.
Constables A. P. Woodard, C. D.
Quinton.II. J. Edson, Edward Parish,
Tom Carnes ana Thos. Smith.
Overseers of Roads John Hirz, Gus
Freiburg, August Panska, Geo. Schue-
mann, J. H. Becker, C. F. Vallery, W.
B. Porter, jr., G. G. Pitz, W. 11. Smith,
Wm. Morrow, C. F. Lau, Sam Cox. A.
A. Leusley, J. T. Burnett, Geo. Han
son, Albert Weichel, M. M. Shipman,
Louis Foltz, Henry T. Pell, Ed Conrad,
M. E. Compton, Henry Hayes, W. M.
Buster, Andy Sutton, Henry Hard
nock. J. C. Horsh, W. W. Willetts, M.
B. Williams, Frank Davis, C. D. Quin
ton, John Tromble and Joe Lynn.
Report of G. W. Noble of the in
stitute funds for the fourth quarter.
1893, filed and approved, said report
showing a balance on hand of $204.30.
Jan. 3. 1894. Bonds approved O.
J. Wortman, overseer; E. E. Hilton,
surveyor; W. E. Dull, overseer.
Jury fees to the amount of $1,227.75.
for the special term of court for De
cember, 1S93, filed and allowed.
Henry Meisinger was appointed road
overseer for distiict No. 4, and F. F.
Everett for district No. 44.
Jan. 4, 1894. Bonds approved
Josiah Tighe, L. J. Griffith, Wm. Ing
nerson.A. Babbitt and R.S.Wilkin
son. Cost bill State of Nebraska vs. Geo.
Close was laid over as a misdemeanor
until such time as the law provides for
its payment.
Petition for public road, commencing
at the northwest corner of the south
west quarter of section 20. town 10,
range 9, thence east one mile, termi
nating at the northeast corner of the
southeast quarter of said section, was
taken up for final consideration and
This being the day for the officers
elect to take charge of their offices, the
board adjourned to meet at 1:30 p. m.,
when the new board will organize.
Jacob Tritscb, sal and exp $ 44 85
SW Dutton, same T. 49 SO
J C Hiyes. same 51 05
J C Eikenbary, bdg paupers lees rent... 120 50
Jos Fetzer, shoes to poor 2 50
C C Parmele. expense and work 81 96
A Clark, mdse to poor 3 85
G W Noble, sal and exp 101 50
W J White, coal 53 53
Ben Hempel, Janitor 64 50
F 8 White, mdge to poor 17 00
Geo A Bennett, Omaha bdg Hill and
Ben well 77 00
Bennett & Tutt, mdge to poor. 21 00
A H Week bach, same 5 00
Plattsmouth Journal, printing 36 00
Jos Sliera, mdse to poor 24 00
F McConrt, same 37 00
Leach & Reed, mdse to poor 6 00
Dora Flashmau, keeping poor 18 00
Jos Graham, same 30 00
Lehnhoff Bros., mdse to Co 0 50
Wm Herold & Son, mdse to poor 7 83
H D Travis, salary 4th quarter 230 00
John S wo bod a, mdse to poor 18 00
GerardetA Emens. same SI 45
State Journal Co., stationery . 9 75
J C Smith, care of poor 10 00
,W F HiimiltoQ. bdg Jurors and bailiffs 295 00
S Rector, coal to poor 4 00
J I IT n run, mdse, etc., 5 75
W H Dearing, expense State vs. Ben well. 18 55
I Pearlman, md ie to Co 20 20
P J Hansen, mdse to poor 11 00
A J McDonald, same 1 00
Wm Mostin, work at Jail 4 50
Omaha Printing Co., mdse to Co 6 75
Roettger & Arends, mdse to poor 6 00
Dr. Thomas, post mortem ex. Akesoo ... 15 00
Dr. II ungate, same 15 00
Dr. Dearing, same 10 00
John Claus, sexton same .... 6 00
E Ratnour, team, same 5 00
J I Unrub, labor and exp., same 10 00
II D Travis, ex law books 12 55
C S Polk, stationery 8 00
P A Jacobson, mdse to poor 17 Oo
Omaha Printing ., mdse to poor 2110
J G Claus, RdK Hill and Benwell 10 00
Daniel Coffey, same 42 00
Frank Buttery, same 20 00
N Cunningham, same 6 09
II A Booth, same 44 00
Jno Henderson, same 13 00
V U Dearing, ex fees district court 74 65
Aug Bach, mdse to poor 8 00
W L Street, rent of house to poor 3 00
Frank Dickson, work sal and exp . 150 03
Wm Tighe, bdg, ldg pris., etc 282 25
R W Hyers, bailiff 24 00
J C Eikenbary, same 14 00
John McAfee, same 20 00
John Tighe, same 42 00
J n Thrasher, same 24 00
Ed Fitzgerald, same 42 00
Geo Dearing, same 12 00
S P Holloway, same 24 00
Harvey Holloway, same 24 00
Geo K Staats, same 10 00
W H Dearing, fees State vs Chas Wade... 2 33
W H Dearing, fees State vs. Cade Rogers. 12 48
Wm Tighe, same 7 35
J N Black, witness, same . 2 00
W A Humphrey, same I 00
John Kinser, same 2 00
Geo Lindsey, same 2 00
Robt Mitchell, same 2 00
John Robbing, jr., same 2 00
taurt Livingston, same 2 00
S A Davis, same 2 00
John Denson, same 2 00
Wm McCarty. same 2 00
C Brekenfield, mdse to Co 2 65
Blauchard & Potter, printing 9 50
Byron Clark, services State vs. Hill and
Benwell 200 00
H D Travis, expense 155
W H Dearing, fees State vs. McGuIre..... 2 48
Wm Tighe, expense State vs. Benwell and
Hill 76 70
Jacob Trltsch, sal and exp 11 90
C E Wescott, mdse to poor 8 25
Matthew Gering, def Hill and Benwell
and expenses 411 42
Neb. Telephone Co., telephone rent 22 70
Cost Bill, State vs. Harry Hill 504 03
Cost Bill, State vs. John Benwell 349 59
L C Eickhoff, expense acct 33 93
Est. W B hryook, room for election 1S92 3 00
Dan" Coffey, gdg Hill 8 CO
n A Booth, same 8 00
Stander Bros., mdse to poor 32 00
J A Hassemeler, aid to pauper 20 00
I Pearlman, mdse to county 21 50
H E Palmer & Son, Insurance 80 00
Cost bill State vs Ward Barr 12 55
Cost bill John GuTger, insane 190 20
John Swoboda, mdse to poor 6 00
Neb Telephone Co, telephone rent 9 65
J K Nichols, mdse to poor 10 00
H Murfln, lumber 1 73
Weeping Water Lumber Co., sarre 17 65
South Platte Lumber Co., same 2190
Todd A Dundas, bldg bridge 65 28
Weeping Water Lumber Co, lumber 16 00
Coleman McPherson, lumber 24 02
SackettBros., spikes 8 58
Sackett Bros spikes 80
RD McDonald, spikes 1 50
J H Davis, repairing bridge Dist. 43 15 00
Joseph Shaw, repair road tools dist 37 4 25
HG Strong, tiling 16 10
Jan. 4, 1894, 1:30 p.m. Board met
pursuant to adjournment. Present
S. "W. Dutton, J. C. Hayes and Geo.
W. Young, commissioners, and Frank
Dickson, clerk. Board met and organ
ized for ensuing year, with S. W. Dut
ton chairman and Frank Dickson
Notice of appointment of It. W.
Hyers, Harvey Holloway and John R.
Denson as deputy sheriffs, filed and
Notice of appointment of W. A.
Sweariogen as deputy county clerk
tiled and approved.
Bonds Approved F. Devora, justice
of peace; W. II. Harrison, assessor.
The following appointments were
. G. Laughlin, overseer of roads,
district 7; Henry Stander, district 9;
lien Hassemeier, district 12; J. A.
Davis, district 19; Samuel Cashner.
district 29; J. M. Beekley, district 31;
James Carey, district 32; J. L. Sbrader,
district 35; George Lloyd, district 36;
Will Chalfant, district 40; Alex
Mitchell, district 45; Will Khoden,
district 51; A. H. Austin, district GO.
Jan. 5, 1894. Board met all present
when the following business was
Settlement was made with the over
seers, according to law, the following
amounts being allowed:
Dist. No. Am't.
E R Todd 1 . 131 80
L Born 2 36 50
Jacob Meisinger 3 34 70
Justus Lillle 4 36 75
Paul Rager 5 3000
Jacob Pearson 7 32 5f
CT Richards 8 3165
C J Zaar 9 81 66
David Lelne K) 34 00
John II Becker 13 30 00
CFVallry 14 30 00
W B Porter, Jr 15 30 80
O G Pitt 16 29 80
Lewis Samson 17 30 00
Wm Morrow 18 39 85
R Morrow 19 30 SO
You'll get a Square Deal and a Heap Lot Above Your Money's
Worth, FOR CASH. Everything at Bottom Prices. A purchase
will convince. Try it.
Old Stand-Ccrner Room, Waterman Block, Plattsmouth., Nob,
O E Chandler 21
W G Pankonin 22
John Erhart . 23
Arthur Rikli 24
SMCox 25
Geo Hurlbut 26
JT Burnett 27
Geo Hanson 28
J M Campbell 29
A H Weichel 30
Jos Cunningham 31
Fred Lau 32
M M Shipman 33
W J Doty 34
Geo W Young 35
J C Smith 36
ATotten 37
L B Brown 38
U T Pell 39
David Albin 40
Ed Conrad 41
Chas Heebner 42
J II Davis 43
Frank Towle . 44
M W Waltz 46
31 95
30 00
30 55
31 65
30 75
31 75
30 oo
31 25
30 00
30 00
30 65
41 00
0 00
21 40
32 50
40 00
36 75
30 00
39 30
38 30
30 35
30 00
31 20
32 65
38 25
17 00
30 50
32 65
30 25
33 90
33 50
30 00
30 50
36 25
31 00
44 00
31 80
W M Buster 47
A Sutton 48
J J Bahr 49
Hans Wulf 50
Jacob Schutrum 51
WW Willetts 62
M B Williams 53
Patrick Hayes 54
John McKay 55
Floyd narshman 5K
John Tromble 57
Jos Lynn 59
AH Austin 0
Overdrawn 20 cents.
Jan. 9, 1894. Clerk was ordered to
notify all physicians of Cass county
that bids will be received until noon
of Feb. 6. 1894, for medical and surgical
aid to the poor.
Clerk was ordered to advertise in the
State Journal of Lincoln, Neb., and
the Plattsmouth Weekly News that
bids will be received until noon of
March 8, 1894, for the erection and
completion of county bridges for the
year 1S94.
Bond of the Bank of Commerce at
Louisville, Neb., in the amount of
$400,000 for the safe deposit of county
funds, said bank having been selected
by the treasurer as the county de
pository, was tiled and approved.
Board adjourned to meet Tuesday,
Feb. 6th, 1894. Frank Dickson,
County Clerk.
This is a good time to renew your
subscription to the Weekly Jour
nal,. A dollar paid in advance will
be as good as a dollar and a half at
the end of your time.
The Burlington & Missouri River
railroad is getting after the tax col
lectors of Kansas with a sharp stick.
Tax Agent Pollard bad injunctions
issued Monday against county com
missioners and officials of Cheyenne,
Cloud, Norton, Rawlins, Republic.
Washington and Atchison counties.
A settlement has been made with Phil
lipps and Doniphan counties. The in
junction is to restrain the officials of
the various counties from beginning
proceedings for the collection of the
taxes. As is familiar to the readers of
these columns, the various railroads of
Kansas were taxed stiffly this year in
each county traversed. The Union
Pacific, Missouri Pacific and Rock
Island paid the taxes, but the Burling
ton & Missouri River and Santa Fe
fought the levy. In Doniphan county
the commissioners assessed the Bur
lington & Missouri River for 811.120.46
in 1893. when in 1892 the assessment
was $10,042.96. The road settled with
the commissioners for JS,000. The
road has tendered the commissioners
83 1 per cent of the amount due, as a
basis of litigation. Whether or not
the state board of railway assessors,
which is included in the injunction
proceedings, will accept this tender
rather than make a fight in the courts,
is not yet known at headquarters in
Dissolution Notice.
To whom it may concern: Notice is
hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between Frank
Carruth, Fred W. Carruth and Arch
L. Coleman, known as "The Carruth
Jewelry Co has this 8th day of Jan
uary, 1894, been dissolved by mutual
consent, said Arch L. Coleman con
tinuing the business.
Frank Carrtjth,
Fred W. Carruth,
Arch L. Coleman.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Jan. 8, 1894.
Coal t Clark's.
Plentv of good coal at Timothy
Clark's "coal yards, for cash only. No
Burt and Cass Shake Hands.
Three prisoners escaped from the
Burt county jail at Tekamah oq Sun
day night by prying loose two iron
bars. The deputy jailor caught the
last one as he dropped from the win
dow, but the prisoner broke away, only
to be caught again eight miles north
of town. Another was caught Mon
day morning and the sheriff is now
scouring the country for the third man,
Fred Barton by name and a barber by
trade, who was imprisoned for burglary
of a barber shop at Craig.
At the meeting of the Associated
Charities last Sunday afternoon, a step
was taken in the right direction in the
appointment of an executive board,
whose business it shall be to find out
the worthiness or un worthiness of the
persons apply ine for help, thus pre
venting any imposition being practiced
upon the society. The purpose of the
organization is not to make people de
pendent upon it who are able to take
care of themselves, but to aid those
who, by reason of sickness or misfor
tune, are suffering for the necessities
of life. The public has been very
generous in donations for this work,
and the society proposes to see the
worthv ones helped thereby. The re
ports last Sunday showed that about
twenty-five families were receiving aid.
The clothing committee reported a
need of more apparel, especially foi
children. Shoes also are greatly
needed. Anything left with II. J.
Streight -r Benj. Hemple at the court
house will be taken care of and used
in this work. The next meeting oc
curs on Sunday, Jan. 14. at 3:30 p. m.
A Card.
Having this day purchased Messrs.
Carruth & Son's interest in the jewelry
store heretofore known as the Carruth
Jewelry Co., I will be able to furnish
you with any article usually kept in a
first-class jewelry store. The stock i
at present by far the largest and most
complete in the city or county. Hop
ing to merit a share of your patronage,
I am Very respectfully,
ARcn L. Coleman.
Cheap Coal.
The best hard coal at $10 00 and
Mendota soft coal at $4.25 per ton
Delivered to all pirts of the city
Leave orders with
8-tf Waterman & Son.
Each pupil in the public schools of
the United States costs on an average
$17.22 a year.
E. Nulty of St. Paul, Minn., writes:
Was ct nfined to bed for 3 weeks, doc
tors could do me no good; Japanese
file cjure eutirely cured me." Sold by
t . (j. iricke & Co.
Notice or Probate of Will.
Stateo Nebraska, !
In County Court In the matter of the last will
and testament of John Striegel, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of
February. A.D . 18S4, at the otlice of ihe county
judge, in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
at the hour of 90 o'clock in the forenoon, the
following matter will be heard and consideied :
lue petition or Anna striegel and A. 11.
Weckbach to admit to probate the last will
and testament of John Striegel. deceased, late
of Plattsmouth, in said county, and forletteis
testamentary to Anna striegel ana A. it. wect
bach. Dxted this 5th day of January. A. D., 1894.
By order of the court. ii. S. Kajiset.
3 3 County Judge.
Livingston Loan & Building
Of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the 31st
Day of December, 1893.
First mortgage loans
Loans secured by stock of thin associa
tion Real estate
Expenses and taxes paid
Cash with treasurer and on hand
Interest paid on withdrawal
Interest paid on bille payable
Due from stockholders
2,191 77
52.. V)
3.200 73
Total..... $38,348.94
Capital stock, paid up $25,478 00
Premiums paid, earned and unearned.. 3.96.96
Interest received and charged 8,058 40
Fines collected and charged 4.34.08
Membership fees 41.75
Transferfees. 29. 75
Total $38,348.94
etate of Nebraska,
Cass County. f BS
I, Henry K. Oering, secretary of the above
named Hssnclatlon, do solemnly swear that tbe
foregoing statement of the condition of said as
sociation is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. Uenbt R. Gebikg,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th
day of January, 1894. Tiioa : Wallino.
Approved: Notary Public.
D. B. Smith. 1
W. A. White, V Directors.
Joa Klbin, )
$10.0000 TO liOAN
On Good Cass County pfms
On Long or Short Time.
At Low Sates of Interest.
Plenty of good Bargains in Cass County Farms,
Western Land and City Properly
Life, Fire and Accident Insurance.
General Insurance Heal Estate and
Form Loan Agency.
Waterman Bfock,
Vmt'ii Kyes.
What the Hon. George G. Vest says
in regard to the superiority of the
Ilirschberg diamond and non-charjpe-ible
il am using glasses which I pur
chased from Prof. Ilirschberg, and
they are the best I ever tried. It af
fords me great pleasure to feeommend
Prof. Ilirschberg as an excellent opti
cian, and his glnsses are simply un
equalled in icy experience.
G. G. Vest.''
These glasses are for sale by Carrot I
Jewelry Co., agents for Plattsmouib.
The "Plan Sifter" flour is thepopulai
brand. Ask for it from voiir erocer
OiNlViT 81 A YvAll.
Any reader of Tiie Wekkly Jouk-
nl can get The Twice-a-eek Re
public free by trending in three new
yearly subscribers to The KKruitLic
with $3.00.
In ddition to obtaining the greatest
news weekly in Am rica, every sub
senber to Tub Republic will save tei
time? tie price or the paper, or more
every year by the special offers made
subscribers from time to time.
Sample copies of The Rhpublk
will be sent anyone upon receipt of a
postal card request. Address all or
Con nty's
Has purchased the Par'nele .t Ruther
ford stock and will run both the
Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns.
Rlirs of all ascriptions, from a Saddle
horse to a Sixteen-passener Wbrod.
Cabs, Pall Bearer Wauon. Carryalls and
everything tor picnics, weddings and
Train orders
Telephone 70
Prices Reasonable. No credit over 30
days. Old and lew customers are In
vited to call, when satisfaction is guar
anteed. W. D. JOSE
Jas. P. An ' ill's
Opposite Uatrrman Block.
Oysters In all style. Fried oysters a speclaltv.
c or a g'xxi Meac or i-unen cai on Jim.
Lumber and Coal.
Mendota coal 4.25
Hard coal 10 00
Canon lty coal 7. B0
i'iatlsinoulh. Neb.
Sixth Street Checkered Barn,
-HM'in! attention to Funeral, Hitrks will be
in to all trains. Promptness and Fidelity to
I. J. Ptrdsfci.
J. tattler
SaecesHor to Henry Itflfck.
Furniture I Undertaking
Pianos and Organs,
lur Furniture line is complete in every detail.
An investigation is certain to convince
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE In the Todd Work, east of new court
bnnse, second floor.
Attorneys at Law,
OFFICE-F'Usrfcrald block.over First Narl hank
CAtrriON ir dealer offer W. I.
Iooglas boes mt a reduced price, or aay
he has them without name stamped on
bottom, put him down aa a fraud.
W. L. Douclas
W. t. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit-ting-,
and trivo better satisfaction at the prices ad
vertised than any other make. Try-one pair and
be convinced. The stamping of W . L. Douglas
name and price on the bottom, which guarantees
their value, saves thousands of dollars annually
to those who wear them. Dealers who push the
ale of W. L. Douclas Shoes fraiu customers,
which helps to increase the sales on their full line
cf eoods. They can afford to sell at a less profit,
and we believe you can save money by buying ail
your footwear o'f the dealer advertised helow.
Cataloeue free upon annlication. ah
W. JL. DOUGLAS, I)ru. kton, Ma... Sold br
' f
' i 1