Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 11, 1894, Image 6

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Review of Many Tblners That Hap
pened DuriDg 1893.
The Most Important of the ITeavy Bul
neti Failures Startling Casualties and
Crimes Historic Events at .the Co
lumbian Exposition, Etc
Feu I First national bank of Utile Rock,
Feb. 20 Farmers bank at Harrisburg, Pa.
Feb t3-Gate City national bank at Atlanta,
Ja ; fc.0 OJ Jt
Mar 13 Kansas Trust & Banking company
at Atchison; tfcjO.o-.O Atchison House Fur
nishing company, of Boston: H.5J0.UUO.
Mar. H Alabama national bank at Mobile.
Mar. 25 Commercial national bank, of Nash
ville, Tenn.: 5o0.OJ0.
Mar. 2J Mechanics' savings bank at Nash
ville. Tenn . 5 0 000.
Apr. 4 Crocker. Flsk &. Co., milling firm of
Minneapolis: 1 1.200.000.
Apr. 25 In Sioux City, la.. Union Stock
Yards company. tww.OJJ, and Union Loan and
Trust company, 8745.0U).
May 8 Chemical national bank of Chicago,
with branch at Jackson park. U.030.000.... Hu
bert H Warner, patent medicine manufacturer
at Rochester. N. Y.. foOO.OOO.
May II Columbia national bank. In Chicago, ',000 Capital national bank at Inaanapo-
Ua. H.000,000. (Resumed Juno li.)
May 1- Failure of Columbia national bank
In Chicago caused failure of banks at Russia
viile. Greentown, Oxford. Morristown, Arcadia,
Spicelaud, Orleans. Hebron, lirookston, Dun
kirk, Geneva. Boswell, Knox, West Lebanon
and Greenwood in Indiana; at Kichland. Ed
wurdsburv, Lawton, Kockford and Charlevoix
In Michigan; Bank of Oregon. Wis.; Hank of
Casey. 11L, und liank at Clearmount, O.... big
department store of Frank A. Lappen &. Co.
end furniture store of Lappen Furniture com-
xianvln Milwaukee: S50U.MJJ Whisky Arm of
V. H. Thomas Son; 4600,000.
May 3 Elmira (N. Y.) national bank.
May -4 David C Robinson, of Elmira, N. Y. ;
May 20 Charles Foster, of Fostorla. O.. ex
eecretary of tte United States treasury; tOOO,
oou May 87 Coal firm of Weaver, Getz & Co., of
Chicago; 1500,000.
June 1 Merchants' national bank In Tacoma;
tCuu,(.O....Plankinton batik of Milwaukee;
June 6 Washington national (resumed July
), W ushington savings and Citizens" national
banks at Spokane Falls. Wash.
Juno 12 Dank at Burr Oak. Kan., and Peo
ple's guarantee savings bank at Kansas City,
June 13 Nashville (Tenn.) Savings Co., R82,-
676 American national bank at Omaha, w0,-
000 (resumed J&ep. L)
June 14 Lake county bank at P-ainesyille, U.
....Citizens' bank at Fairmount Ind.
Juno 15 Farmers' and Merchants' bank at
Fairmount, Ind City bank at Parsons,
Kan... Exchange bank at Weston, O.... First
national bank at Kansas City, Kan.
June 16 First national bank of Grundy
Center. Ia.
June, 19 Kanawha Lumber Co. at Boston,
for Tbot00... Oil Well Supply Co., of Pitts
burgh. Pa.: tl.lU),0L0....Bank failures reported
at Chattanooga. Tenn., and at Plainvllle, Kan.
Juno SO University bank (resumed July 10)
and Citv savings bank at Los Angeles. CaL.
June 21 First national. Southern California
national (resumed July 10): Broadway (re
sumed June 27) ana East side banks, all at
Lcs Angeles. Cal.. and at San Diego the Con
solidated national bank and the Savings bank
.... Citizens' savings bank of Portsmouth, O.;
Juno 22 Bank closed at Santa Ansa, San
Diego (resumed June 26), Pomona and Ontario,
In California, and at Greenville, Mich.
June '3 tot ate bank at Minneapolis, Minn.,
First national bank at San Bernardino, CaL
(resumed July 21), People's home savings bank
at San Francisco.
June 20 Bank of New England at Minneap
olis. Minn.. .Bank of New City, Kan. ...Queen
City bank at Buffalo. N. Y.; 42,328,754.
Juno 27 Second national bank of Aahland,
Ky. (resumed July 21) American Exchange
bank of Minneapolis, Minn.
Juno 28 Union Trust company.of Sioux City,
la.: S35O.O00 State bank of Lockhaven. Pa.
June 23 Pine county bank at Hinckley,
Minn., and branch bank at Sandstone.
June 30 Bank of Clear Creek county at
Georgetown. CoL; 1233.000.
July 1 Exchange bankat Webb City, Mo....
First national at Ouray, CoL (resumed Oct 18.)
July 3 American national bank of Leadville,
-Col: 1342.UX).
July 5 American savings bank at Pueblo,
"Ct'l Flndley county bank at Garden City,
Kan Nobles county bank at Worthington,
July 8 Bank at Lesueur. Minn Northern
national at Big Rapids, Mich. ...Citizens' bank
.ot Winneconne. Wis.
July 10 Chamberlain Investment company at
Denver; J2.362.U8.... Banking house of W. F.
Thornton & Son at Shelbyvllle, I1L: loOO.OW.
July 11 Kansas City (Mo.) safe deposit and
-saving bank; 1,700,000.. ..North Galveston
'icx.) Land & Improvement association; loOu,--000.
Julv 12 Bank of Commerce at Springfield,
Mo.: "tl76.0oo Bank of Barnett, Kan.
Julv 13 Nebraska savings bank at Lincoln:
f $u y 14 National bank of Kansas City, Mo.:
Si. 000.110 (resumed Oct 4.) Franklin savings
bank cf Kansas City Schletsinger syndicate,
'larpe oneratcrs in ore at Ishpeming. Mich....
"W. H. llus"h and N. M. Tabor, lessees of Brown
'.Palace hotel In Denver; 650.00.
Julv 15 Northern bank at Kansas City, Kan.;
July 17 People's savings bank (J1.350.noo),
Colorado savings and Rocky Mountain dime
-and dollar savings bank, at Denver.... Missouri
national bank (resumed July 31) of Kansas
City: I 700,000.
July 18 In Kansas, Citizens' bank of Kansas
City, Bank of Richmond. Farmers' and Mer
chants' bank of Osawotomle and First national
bank (resumed Aug. 15) and People s savings
fiank of Fort Scott. ...Three national banks,
ho Union (resumed Aug. 19). the Commercial
and lh National bank of commerce (resumed
Aug. 17), and the Mercantile (resumed Aug. 23).
the Capital and the North Denver banks, in
July 19 In Colorado at Dcver State nation
al. German national ai People's nation,
banks (resumed Aug. 19).
July 21 Commercial bankln Milwaukee: 11.
636 850.
July 22 In Milwaukee the Milwaukee na
tional (resumed Sap. 2) and the South Side
ravings bank State national bank at Knox-
ville, Tenn.... First national bank at Russelll
July 21 City national bank at Louisville, Ky.
.... Citizens' bank at Connersville, Ind.
July 25 Wisconsin Fire & Marine com
pany's back in Milwaukee.... Bristol Banking
& Trust company at Knoxville. Tenn In
dianapolis national bank.... Bank of Commerce
at Indianapolis. Ind At Louisville. Mer
chants' national. Louisville deposit and Fourth
national (resumed Auk. 23 banks.
July 2.1 German exchange bank at Portage,
July 27 Oregon national bank at Portland
....Farmers' bank at Mount Sterling, Ky....
Bank of Sparta, Wis . .First national and
Montana national banks at Helena, Mont....
National Granite state bank at Exeter, N. H.
First national at Miudlesboro, Ky....
Traders' bank at Mount Sterling. Ky.
July 23 First national bank at Great Falls,
Mont Farmers' and Merchants' bank at
!ovintrton, Ind.... German-American bank at
Pert Washington, Wis.... Seymour's bank at
Chippewa Falls, Wis.
July 30 -First national bank at Kankakee,
III "Dollar savinzs' bank at Youngstown, Q
....Citizens Savings and Loan association at
Akron, O Commercial bairk at Eau Claire,
Wis ....Savings bankat Baraboo, Wis.... First
national at Ashland, Wis.
Julv 31 First national bank at Portland. Ore.
First national bank at The Dalles, Ore....
Pendleton saving tank. Ore.... Springfield,
savings bank. Mo.... Akron savings bank. O.
... Park national bank, Livingston, Mont
Aug. 1 In Chicago, following members of
board of trade: John Cudahy. E. W. Bailey
& Co., Wright & Haughey. A. Helmholtz & Co..
J. G. Stevens & Co.. North American Provi
sion company: liabilities amounted to nearly
14 OJ'J.OOO ...Seven Corners bank at St Paul,
Minn ...Safety Deposit & Trust company at
Jenver, Cot
Aug. 2 El Paso (Tex.) national bank. ...First
national at Birmingham. Ala.... Savings bank
at Anthony, Kan In Chicago, following
board of trade firms: D. Eggleston & Son com
pany, G. G. Parker & Co., Thcuts Craig; lia
bilities exceeded H.00i,0UO.
, Aug 4 Equitable Accident Insurance com
Jpany of Denver ...The Jam H. Walker big
dry goods concern of Chiuago; f2.4uo.oo0....
Jirst national bank at HjJnmond, lud.... Cit
izens' national bank at Muncie. Ind ....First
national bank at PlattsvUle. Wis.... Exchange
bank at Colby. Wis.
Auk. 6 Bank of fct James.. Minn State
bank at Mapleton. Minn... Exchange national
bank at W heeling. W. Vs.... Farmers' and
Traders ban at Leon, la. ...Garden Grove
(la.) bunk Citizens' bank at David City, la.
Auk. 7 BttPk of North Branch. Minn Na
tional bank of S.urgis. Mich Greene couzx;y
bunh of pringneld. Mo.
Aue S-Bank of Wellsbnry, Pa.. ..Madison
square bank In New Yori...B comit
fcaok at Rice Lake, Wls....T. U. Hotchktss A
' Co of New York stock exchange; 800,000. ..
Robert H. Coleman. Lebanon (Pa.) Iron king;
Aug. 9 Bank of Colfax. Wash... .Sutton
county bank of Sonora. Tex. ...Commercial
bank bf Minneapolis, Minn Union national
bank cf Nashville, Tenn.
Aug. Id American national bank at Nash
ville. Tenn. presumed Sep. I) ..Caldwell coun
ty exchange bank at Kingston, Mo.... Exchange
bank at Polo, Mo.
Auz. 12 Prairie city bank at Terre Haute.
Ind Josiah Morris & Co., private bankers at
Montgomery. Ala.: tl.100.OJO People's bank
at Lcwlsburs. Tenn.
Aug. 14 citizens national bank at Attica,Ind.
Bank of Springileld. Mo People's, Citi
zens' and Commercial banks at Pnlaska. Tenn.
....A. It Bfclt Lumber company at South Chi
cago. 111. ; frrtJ.ooa
Aug. 15 Hartford bank of Phoenix. A. T....
Northern Pitcltic Railway company.
Aug. 16 Union national bank at Racine. Wis.
....Banks at Uiver Falls and Ellsworth, Wis.
Aug. 17 First national bank at Dubuque, la.
(resumed Aug. SJ).... National bank of South
Penn at Hyhdman. Pa Bank at Albany.
Mo Oliver Iron & Steel company of Pitts
burgh. Pa.; 1700,000 ...Standard Wagon com
pany at Cincinnati; ?7CO.000.
Aug. 22 SmwI W. Clark, lumber dealer of
Zanesville. O.; $1,500,000.
Aug. 24 Navarro Mill company In San Fran
cisco, tl.0JO.O0O Dillon national bank at
Helena. Mont
Acs 25 Ford county and First national
banks at Pax ton. 111.
Aug. 28 First national bank of York. Neb
George C. Cribb, dealer in agricultural imple
ments in Milwaukee; IW00.00J.
At:g. 30 Nicaragua Canal Construction com
pany of New York.
Sep I Equitable Mortgage Co. of Missouri,
at New York: fl9,000,UX).. Denver (Col.) sav
ings bank; IGTO.Outt
Sep. 18 Crippen. Lawrence & Co., Denver
lean concern: H.OOO.Ouo.
Sep 19 Mast. Uufford & Burwell Carriage
company at St Paul; S1.200.00O
Oct 6 Merchants' bank of Lockport, N. Y.
Oct 18 National bank at Hutchinson, Kan.,
Nov. 1 James C. Sarery. proprietor of ;!a
largest hotel in Iowa, assigned at New York;
Nov. 22 American Casualty company In New
York; trl.700.UUO
Dec. 11 Receivers appointed for agricultural
implement establishment of C. Aultman & Co.
at Canton, O. ; IH.OjJ.OOO.
Dec. 15 Crane Iron company of Ph'Iaticiphia;
Jan. 11 Explosion in coal mine at King, Col,
killed 24 men.
Jan. 21 Death of 30 persons caused by ex
plosion resulting from a railway noUision near
Alton. I1L
Feb. 9 County farm insane asylum near
Dover, N. H., burned. 41 inmates perishing in
Mar. 3 Thirty-three persons killed in cyclone
in Georgia Seven persons killed by cyclone
in Marion, Miss.
Mar. 23 Every person In town of Kelly,
M.'ss., killed in cyclone; 25 persons also killed
in Tunica and Cleveland.
Apr. 12 Two persons killed at Rockport,
Ind.: 17 others at Robinnville. Miss.: nine at
Coudray. eight at Hawkins bank, rive at Lex
ington, two at Stanbury and five at Pasre. towns
of Missouri, by cyclones and windstorms.
Arr. 14 Cyclone striking Thibodeans, La..
killed 15 persons Thirty men reported killed
by explosions in Homestead, Terra and High
land mines near Deadwood, S. D.
Apr. 18 Seven persons killed in cyclone at
Boles, Ark.... Nearly 6J persons killed In cy
clone in Jasper. Clarke and Jones counties
Apr. 20 Nine lives lost in storm on Lake
Michigan near Chicago Waterworks crib at
Milwuukce washed away by storm, and 14 men
Apr. 25 Seventy-five persons reported dead
as result of cyclone In Oklahama territory....
Ten persons killed In railroad wreck near Som
erset Pa.
May 25 Twenty persons killed in cyclono
which destroyed town of Ladonia. Mo
June 9 Twenty-two clerks killed by the fall
ing through of floors in Ford's theater building,
in Washington, used by pension and record di
vision of the war department
June 21 Twenty jersons killed In cyclone in
Jefferson county, Kan Srven persons killed
by lightning striking a circus tent at Kiver
Falls, Wis.
Julv 6 Cyclone starting- at Quimby, la.,
killed 82 persons.... Seven persons drowned by
capsizisg of yacht in Gravesend bay near New
July 10 In fire on world's fair grounds at
Chicago 2J men perished.... Man, wife and four
children drowned in flood on border of Kansas
and CneroUee strip.
Aug. 19 Over IjO persons supposed to have
perished In hurricane on Atlantic coast
Aug. 28 In territlc storm along the Atlantio
seaboard principally on and off the coast of
South Carolina aud Georgia it was estimated
fully 1,500 people perished.... By capsizing of
yacht in Lake Cbamplain, six persons of Port
Henry, N. Y., drowned.
Sep. 29 Micbigamme river breaking through
Mansfield iron mine near Crystal Falls, Mich.,
drowned 28 employes.
Oct 2 Nearly 2,000 persons reported killed In
terrible storm in portions of the southern states
along the gulf.
Oct 14 At Magnolia Beach, S. C, cyclone
killed 15 persons In storm that swept entire
chain of lakes 20 persons perished ...By sink
ing of steamer near Dunkirk, N. Y., 18 persons
Oct 20 Near Dattle Creek, Mich., In Grand
Trunk yards, 20 people killed In railway collis
ion. Oct 31 Wolves killed and ate 20 men near
Shensi, Wash.
Nov. 7 Steamers Albany and Philadelphia
collided on Lake Huron off Point aux Barques
drowning 24 seamen.
Dec. 15 Fourth span of bridge over the Ohio
from Louisville, Kv., to Jeffersonville, Ind.,
fell, killing 33 workmen Wreck on the New
York & Pennsylvania road six miles north of
Dunkirk, N. Y., caused eight deaths.
Jan. 4 At Bakersville. N. C, In struggle to
prevent a lynching 11 of sheriff's posse and 11 of
mob were killed.
Jan. 10 Jury at Pittsburgh found guilty the
10 Duquesne strikers charged with riot
Jan. 14 Being told that be must go to work
Thomas Kilday fatally shot his father, mother
and sister in Philadelphia.
Jan. 20 District Master Workman Hugh
Dcmpsey, K. of L., found guilty in Pittsburgh
of giving poison at Homestead -with intent to
Jan. 25 Charles Burg shot Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Whipple at Butte, Mont, then killed
Mar. 22 William Frazler killed his wife, her
sister and cut off his baby's leg at Hitcman,
la At Laramie. Wyo.. W. J. Hunter shot his
wife fatally and then Killed himseif.
Mar. aj Choctaw feud resulted in encounter
at Antlers, IT.; 10 persons Killed Edward
Slerrett, of Auburn, Neb., shot his wife, then
killed himself.
Apr. 30 Joseph Halsoa killed h!s wife and
seven children near St Augustine, Tex., then
himself; insanity.
May 15 In battle at Dawson, Pa., between
Hungarians and officers, nine of the farmer
were killed and seven of the latter fatally
May 20 At Marietta, O . Georgo Lankford
killed his wife, then himself: domestic trouble.
June 14 Near Pleasant Hill. W. Va., Mrs.
Philip Kerch killed four of her children, then
herself; insanity.
July 7 D. 8. Krieder. wife and four children
butchered at Condo, N. D., by Albert Baum
berger. July 21 In a fight between state troops and
outlaws. In Wise county, Va , four soldiers and
six outlaws fatal'y wounded.... W. R. Shoe
maker, of Metropolis, HL, killed George and
Richard Lukens, then himself.
July 23 Allen E. Jones, living near Texar
kana. Ark., beat out the brains of his wife and
tbreo children, then killed himsx.-R ; partial in
sanity. July SO Employes of Northwestern Pacific
Elevator Co. of Minnesota charged with issuing
forged duplicate grain certificates and victim
izing 73 New England banks toextent of 1,50J.
0OJ. Aug. 5 William a,nd Ed Conrad, suspected of
killing their father last winter, opened tiro on
a mob which purposed to lynch them, killing
live of the men, in Boone township. Ind.
Aug. 11 In battle with cltizensof Clark coun
ty, Ala., 13 of the Meachlm gang were killed.
Sep. I In fight between deputy marshals
and remnants of Starr and Dalton gangs near
Ingalls, O. T., seven outlaws and three officers
moria'iy wounded
Ser 5 Marshall Bosworth, of Smithwyn, S.
X..Villed his wife and three children and himself.
Sep. 11 Train robbers secured l!50.iM) near
SCendallville, Ind. on Lake Shore road.
Sep. 15 Robbers secured 75.000 cash from
Mineral Raugo passenger train in Michigan,
near Boston station.
Sep. 19 Eutiro family of Denson Wratten of
pix persons found murdered In home near
Washington. Ind.
Sep. 20 Benton hangineThomas Smith, a ne
gro prisoner at Roanoke, Va, mob and soldiery
clashed. 11 of former kiked.
Oct 28 Carter H. Harrison, mayor of Chica
go, killed by Patrick E. Prendergast
Nov. 16 At Deadwood, S. U , Joseph Thas
killed his wife, twoother persons and himself.
Nov. 24 Jesse D. O. Smith killed his divorced
wife, another woman, then fatally shot him
self, at Kankakee, liL
Nov. 25 Clinton Jordan killed his wife,
father-in law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law and
shot himself, near Seymour. Ind.
Nov. 28 Mvron A. King killed his wife and
himself at Grand Rapids, Mich.; domestio
Dec. 4 O. B. Sawyer, of Palestine Tex., shot
him wife and killed himself; business troubles.
Dec. 0 Charles Crannels killed his wife and
shothimsclf at Greencastle, Ind.
Dec. 12 Joseph Sims, of Dover, Tenn., killed
his wife and himself; domestio troubles.
Jan. 10 Fire starting in wool store of Hecht
Bros. & Co. in Boston caused loss of 12.001.000.
Jan. 23 Wheat elevator at South St Louis
destroyed; fl,BO0,O0U
Feb. 2 Five weekly newspaper offices in
Topeka, Kan.
Mar. 10 Flames among business buildings In
Boston caused loss of 14.500.00.).
Mar. 19 Tremont temple of Boston totally
destroyed: fcSOO.OOO.
Mar. 21 Planet mill at Litchfield, 111., de
stroyed: 700,000.
Apr. 7 Lumber company's plant at Ironton,
O.. and 30 dwellings; M7,000.
May 11 One-hair of Spring Lake. Mich., de
stroyed. May 20 Fire destroyed E75 buildings and
their property atSjginaw, Mich.; SOoJ.Oud.
May 2.-S Sugar reunery at Baltimore, Md.;
Juue 7 Nearly entire business portion of
Fargo, N. D.; M.500,000.
June 18 In Wisconsin, Virginia and Moun
tain Iron destroyed bv forest lires an 1 Mcsaba,
Bawabik and Merrill partially destroyed.
July 10 Cold-storasro building at world's fair
grounds, Chicago; t.VD.OUU
July 12 Many notable buildirgs and business
houses at Princeton. Ina Main buiidiug of
John Morrall & Co.'s packing houso at Ot
lumwa, la. ; to 0.000.
Aug. 4 Forest tires spread over II farms in
Alpena county. Mich, with lmmenso Vss.
Aug. 13 Two incendiary tires in Minneapolis
destroyed property amounting to tl.5W,oju
Aug. 11 C'oatesworth elevator at Uutfalo, N.
Y. : 1.500.0.)).
Aug. i.'4-At South Chicago, 20 ticres of build
ings: eCJOOOJ.
Sep. 11 Forest fires in northern Wisconsin
destroyed homes and bcionglnes of 50 furnuers.
Sep. 15 Forest tires in northern Vt iscousin
repilercd huri..T'J xuiiolos- mid did damage
to .irtc- i..i.teO ','SSVi
Sep. 16 Fire Rtarting In Soarlcf mill de
stroyed two-thirds of l'.t.uw:n.. v.
Sep. 17 Forest Uf,t. & Wisconsin covered
over 20J icliire uj'u-m.
Stv. 5'3 I'hree solid blocks of retail stores In
EC Isoeph. Ma; l.0U),U0Jl
Oct 12 Four blocks of buildings In Sioux
City, la.; M.w.OJO.
Oct 18 Damage of t3,5'W,000 caused In New
York by blaze in wall paper factory and several
tenement blocks.
Nov. 14 Business rortion of Portland, Ark.
Nov. 16 Business portion of Brooklyn, Wis
Nov. 17 Entire busiutss portion of Graud
Bulge, 1 1L
Nov. 18 Western Storage company's build
ing at Kansas City: SoWVio.t
Nov. 20 Property valued atS8J0,o00 destroyed
at Jonesville, Ala.
Nov. 21 Business blocks at Springfield,
Mass; I2.0C0.0O).
Nov. 2J Edson, Moore A Co.. Detroit. Mich.,
wholesale tirv-goods merchants: t78J,i00.
Nov. 21 Two theater. and hotel iu Columbus,
O.; l,CO).0 K)
Dec. 14 Tie Arcade and several blocks at
Buffalo, N.Y.; 750 0t0
Dec 17 Terminal Elevator company's build
incsat Buffalo. N. Y.; tl.oOO.GoO.
Dec. 20. Business portiou of Waxahachie,
Jan. 6 M. Charles do Los.ep? and M. Marlus
Fontaine make cocfessions in prison implicat
ing prominent men in the Panama canal steal.
Jan. 12 Robbers tired a temple at Kam Li,
China, whieh was tilled with natives, and 1,400
people perished.
Jan. 28 Hawaii's government overthrown.
Queen Liliuokalani deposed, and provisional
government headed by President S. B. Dole,
p-litloned the United States to annex the
Jan. 31 British parliament c -"lvened.
Feb. 9 In Panama caual c:. vjii defendants
found guilty of swindling and .n-each of trust,
and sentenced as follows: M Ferdinand do
Lessens, imprisonment for Lve years, lined
6,000 francs; Charles de I.isseps, five years in
prison and a tine of 3,750 francs; M. Marius
Fontaine acd M. Cotter each two years and a
Hne of 3.7! francs, and M. Kiffel two years and
a line r?f O.txK) r runes.
F-jti 24 M. Jules Ferry elected president of
French senate.
Mar. 17 M. Jules Ferry, president of the
French senate, died In Paris; aed 51.
Mar. 22 Oxford boat crew won by two lengths
its twenty-seventh victory over Cambridge on
the Thames at London.
Mar. -Si M. Challemel Lacour elected presi
dent of Freuch seaato
Apr. 4 New cabinet formed in France, with
M. Dupuy as premier.... Commercial bank of
Australia at Melbourne failed: COJ.OOJ.OOO.
Apr. 12 The Ensh-li, Scottish and Austral
ian charter bank at London failed for fMO.OoO.UM.
A'pr. 13 U. S. 11 as lowered from government
building at Honolulu, and the protectorate of
ficially declared at an end by Commissioner
Blount, leaving public affairs in solo control of
provisional government
Apr. 14 A bloodless coup d'etat effected at
Belgrade and King Alexander L, who bad bo
fore governed through regents, assumed con
trol Report from Zanzibar aunouncod killing
of Emin Pan.ha in battlo in eastern Africa.
Apr. 20 Jn Mexico rebels captured Guerrero,
killing 6J0 federals and Santa Toman ...Aus
tralia Joint Stock bank failed for oj,00j,000 at
Apr. 25 London chartered bank of Austra
lia suspends.
Apr. iS) National bank of Australia at Mel
bourne failed for Jt7.5oO.oOO In battlo be
tween government forces and revolutionists
near San Luis, Brazil, 80 men wcro killed.
May 2 Over 4)0 villages in China Hooded by
a rise in River Hoangho and hundreds of per
sons reported drowned ....Nineteen thousand
employes in jute mills in Dundee, Scotland,
went on strike.
May 5 Colonial bank of Australasia at Alex
andria, Victoria, suspended: 615,000,0.10. .
May 8 Position of poet laureate in England,
made vacant by Lord Tennyson's death, offered
to John Raskin. ...Gen. Manuel Gonziles, ex
president of Mexico, died in City of Mexico,
aged 73.
May 9 Bank of Victoria at Melbourne sus
pended: W.OOO.00O.
May 15 In Australia Bank of North Queens
land and Queensland national bank suspended:
140. 500,000.
May 31 Isinglass won great English derby.
June 8 Vllle Mario convent at Monklands,
near Montreal, burned: $1,000,000.
June 23 H. M. S. Victoria, tia?ship of Vice
Admiral George C Tryon, K. C 11., commander
of the Mediterranean station, was run into and
sunk by the Camperdown, drowning :-58 of the
officers and crew including the vico admiral.
June 24 Goldsbrougn. Mort&Co.. Melbourne
(Australia) bankers suspended; i.SOO.oOJ.
July 30 Siamese government, to prevent
war, accepted all terms of French ultimatum.
Aug. 15 Court of arbitration cn subject of
dispute between United States and Great Brit
ain to rights of seal fishing in llehnng sea de
cided in favor of Great Britain on every point
of real dispute.
Sep. 18 Lord Aberdeen sworn In as governor
general of Canada in legislative council cham
ber at Quebec.
Oct. 7 Bombarding again resumed by-rebels
at Rio Janeiro with great loss to hfo and prop
erty. Oct 17 Field Marthal Maurice de Mahon,
ex-presi'tent of France, died in Paris; agedSJ
....'iho Urano, a rebel vesfiel, sunk by Rio
Janeiro forts: many lives lost.
Oct 18 Charles F. o-ounod, eminent French
composer, died at Paris, axed 75.
Oct. 31 Steamer Republic rammed trans
port R:o do Janeiro, which was conveying l.HK)
troops to Santos, and 500 men went down with
transport.... Forty of crew of armed steamer
Urano killed by shell from Rio.
Nov. 3 King Lobengula reported captured
by British troops; 3.0.X) Matabeles killed ia re
cent battles ,
Nov. 4 At Santander, Spain, ship Volo,
loaded with dynamite, caught tire and exploded;
1,0 0 persons killed.
Nov. 8 During u theatrical performance at
Barcelona, Spain, explosion of bomb thrown by
anarchists killed- 23 persons.
Nov. 13 Floods in southwestern Japan
caused 1.557 deaths.
Nov. 18 During tcrrlfle storm throughout
British islands 2J7 persons were drowned.
Nov. 24 Italian cabinet all resigned.
Nov. 25 Owing to dissensions over socialism
and proposed income tax, French ministry re
signed. .
Dec. 9 Bomb thrown by anarchist in French
chamber of deputies Injured bJ members.
Jan. 29 State troops ord-ared out to quell
riot caused by strikers in Brooks locomotive
works at Dunkirk, N. Y.
Mar. 25 Striku of the 7,000 miners in the
Mononeahela (Pa. ) valley ends with victory to
Apr. 10 Striko of 12 hours duration ended
jcticefully at world's fair grouuds: over 6.00J
uuion men inwiveu.
Anr. 21 f Snala Fo mechanics nt
Topeka, Kaj., which btrw Apr. 8. declared off.
the terms making it a complete victory for the
company. .
Apr. 28 Decision of striking miners in Pitts
burgh district to accept last year's wage scale
has national effect preventing prospective
strike of 30.000 miners in tie United States.
May 1 In Ohio. 20,000 misers struck for 5
cent advanco per ton in price
June 2 In combats with striking quarrymen,
several men were injured between Romeo and
Lemon t III.
June 3 Because of workmen s demand ror a
nlne-bour day some 70 furniture manufacturers
tn Cincinnati shut down.
July 1 Iron mills at Youngstown. O., shut
ting down threw 7,000 men out of work.
July CO Closing down of silver mines in Col
orado threw 30,000 men out of work.
July 20 Alexander Smith tt Son's oarpet
mills at Yonkers, N. Y., shutting down threw
6,000 hands out of work.... Thousands of per
sons out of work from closing of several larpe
factories in Lew is ton. Me., uuiil Worcester,
July 27 Over 1.000 men out of wo'k from
closing of Strarge sillf Hills at Paterson, N. J.
Jewelry manufacturers in Plainville. North
Attleboro. and Atlleboro. Mass., closing shop
threw 3.0j0 persons out of work.
July 28 Vermillion mines in Minnesota shut
ting down threw 2,000 men out of work.
July 29 Waltham (Mass.) watch factory
closed down.
July 31 Amoskeag mills at Manchester, N.
IL, closing down threw aOJO men out cf work
....Cleveland (O.) Rolling Mill Co., closing its
plate, wire and rod mills and steel woiks threw
3,090 men out of work.
Aug- 2 By shutting down of 12 New England
mills 6,(K 0 persons thrown out of work.
Au.t. 4 Pennsylvania Iron millers instructed
superintendents tocmploy hereafter only Amer
icans Bromley's worsted goods mill at Phil
adelphla closed, throwing out of work 3,0uO per
se ns.
Aug. 5 In Fall River (Mass.) factories about
TOo.OiiO spindles stopped, throwing out of work
J.OXt persons.
Aug. 11 At New Orleans nernshelm's cigar
factory, Maginnls' cotton mills an 1 Fisher's
sawmills, employing 2,0 K) hands, closel
Au'j. 17 Okfor 6, JO unemployed men in New
York smashed doors and windows and took
forcible possession of a hall.... Pennsylvania
railroud hhops in Altoona, Pa., employing 8,000
men. ordered to work half time.
Aus l Thousands of persons thrown out of
work by closing of most of the mills of Fall
River. Mass.
Nov. 16 By shutting down of Iron mines In
Gogobiu rango, Mich., 20.000 reduced to starva
tion. Nov. 18 Employes of Lehigh Valley road
wenton strike. ....
Dec. 5 -Lehigh Valley railroad strike de
clared off.
Dec 9 Gen. Alger induced owners of mines
In Michl.-an peninsula to open mines and em
ploy starving men.
Mar. 10 Several villages flooded by breaking
of Immense gorge In Susquehanna river, W llkes
barre. Fa.
Mar. 13 Thousands of acres inufiated by
tho giving way of dams at Howlandsville,
Plain well and Otsego, Mich.
Arr. II Business and one-half of residence
portion of Parker, Mo., destroyed by cyclone
City of Akron. Ia., almost entirely wrecked
by cvclone, tho storm following Sioux valley
south to Wcstlleld with much damage Wil
lis, Everest and Powhattan, townscf southern
Kansas, laid In ruins by cyclono
Apr. 13 Salino, Mich, entirely wiped out by
cyclouo Hillsboro, Ind., almost completely
blown away by tornado.
Apr. 17 Village of Gravelton, Ind., com
pletely blown away bv tornado.
Air. 21 Cvclone in Vlrcrinla did great dam
age at Danvnlo, South Boston, Martinsville,
Greensboro and other towns.
May 3 Village of Lakeview washed away
and J5.000 acres inundated by breaking of west
bank of Lowiston reservoir near Huntsville. O.;
damage iJ.000.OiA Damaging tornado in Lex-
in?tou and Newbury counties, N. O.
May 17 Heavy rains caused flood at Erie,
Pa., doing about ll.uOJ.OOO worth of damage.
Losses ulso froii hich water at Titusville, Oil
City, Beaver Fills, New Castle and other Penn
sylvania towns.
May 23 Terrific, windstorm destroyed tl.000,
00'J worth of property In Lima. O.. and vicin
,ty, and did much damage at Flndlay. Fremont
and other places.
May 'i'yla central Missouri, cyclone entirely
destroyed Ladonia, killing 20 people and much
property destroyed at Mobcrly, Sedalia, Brook
Held utid other places.
May 27 Heavy datnaire from floods due to ex
cessive rainfalls done to planters throughout
Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana
i:cent floods in Louisiana left 10.000 people
homeless and hungry in East Carroll, Moore
house, West Carroll and Maui son parishes.
June 2 Near Cottoa Plant, Ark,, cyclone
spread death and destruction... .Great damage
to life and property by cyclone in Huntingdon.
Falcon. Camden and Trumble. Tenn.... Eldo
rado. Ark., destroyed by cyclone.
July 0 Cyclone in Iowa, did immense dam
age to lifo and properly in Calhoun, Cherokee,
Buena Vtata, Ida. Sac and Pocahontas coun
ties: loss conservatively placed at t80J,000; 50
lives lo-it In Pomeroy aloca
July 27 Great damage to life and property at
Pueblo. CoL, by floods.... Heavy fall of snow in
Brewster county. Tex.
An?. 28 Cyclone swept Kernesville, N d
One ot the most terrible storms, both In
severity and iu extent, ever reported raged
along the whole Atlantic seaboard of the United
St ites. Losses in life, property, crops and ves
sels were enormous.... Light frost in South
Dakota, northwest Iowa and northern Ne
braska. Aug. 29 Meteor falling at Deleran, Wis.,
caused fire destroying 11 buildings.... Nearly
entire apple crop destroyed, corn crop swept
down and great damago caused to grapes by
Sale in western New York and eastern Ohio....
lusiness portion of Baltimore, Md., flooded by
storm with great damage.
Sep. 14 Intense heat caused 152 prostrations
at fair irrounds in Chicago; thermometer stood
at 95 degrees.
Sep. 19 Village of Crlclersville, Va., almost
wiped out by flood ia Robinson river.
Oct 2 One of most destructive storms in
years in portions of southern states along- the
gulf: nearly U,0 lives lost
Oct 15 Heavy frost throughout lower Missis
sippi valley with great injury to cotton.
Jan. 10 John E. Kenna, United States sena
tor from West Virginia, at Washington: aged
45 Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, In Washington;
aged 74
Jan. 17 Rutherford B. Hayes LI D., nine
teenth president of the United States, at Fre
mont, O.
Jan. 23 Associate Justice Lucius Qulntus
Clncinnatus Lamar of the United States su
preme court, at Macon, Ga.; aged 67 Phil
lips Brooks. D. D.. bishop of the Episcopal
diicese of Massachusetts, in Boston: aged 58.
Jan. 27 James Gillespie Blaine, in Washing
ton: aged S3 Ex-Judge James Campbell.
postmaster general in President Pierce's cabi
net, in Philadelphia: aged 8a
Mar. 22 United States Senator Eli Sauls
bury from Delaware, at Dover; aged 74
Mar. 24 CoL Elliot F. Shepard, editor of the
Mad and Express, in New ork.
Apr. 19 Congressman-elect James A. Tawney
from Minnesota fatally injured by falling down
a flight of stairs in St Paul.
June 0 Ea win Booth, famous tragedian, in
New York: aged 6Ji
Juno -1 Senator Leland Stanford from Cali
fornia at Menlo Park: aged 69.
June 22 William McCoy, minister to Liberia,
at Mora via.
June 2J Congressman William Mutchler from
Pennsylvania; at Easton.
Juue 30 Anthony J. Drexel. Philadelphia
banker and philanthropist, at Carlsbad, Ger
many. July 5 Moses Kelly, ex-secretary of the
treasury at Washington; aged 74.
July 7 Samuel Biatohford, associate of the
United States supreme court, at Newport, R
L: aod7.J.
Juiy 13 Congressman Gen. W. H- Enochs of
Ohio, in Ironton.
July 14 Young-Man - Afraid -of - His - Horses,
head chief of Sioux nation of Indians, at New
castle, Wyo.
Aug. 17 Congressman John Logan Chipman,
In Detroit. Mich.; aged 63.
Sep. 7 Hamilton Fish, ex-governor of Now
York and ex-United States senator, at Garri
son's, N. Y. ; aged 83.
Oct. 19 Lucy Stone Blackwell. temperance
advocate and woman suffragist, at Dorchester,
Mass.; a jed 75.
Oct 23 Mayor Carter H. Harrison of Chicago,
killed at his home; agedCd
Nov. 31 Ex-Secretary of Agriculture Gen.
Jeremiah McClair Rusk, at Viroqua, Wis.;
aged 63.
Nov. 24 Ex-Gov. John J. Jacob, of 'West Vir
ginia, at Wheeling; aged 64 ...Ex-United
States Senator Ma Morgan C Hamilton, at
San Diego, Cal ; aged 81.
Nov. 25 Charles O'Neill, senior congress
man, in Phlladelohia; aged 72 Gen. Thomas
Mulcaby, hero of 88 battles in civil war, at
Omaha: aged 85.
Dec. 1 Gen. William Lilly, congressman at
large from Pennsylvania, at Mauch Chunk.
leo. 10 Nathan A. Farwell. ex-United States
senator, at Rockland, Me.; aged 8i
Dec. 11 Ex-Congressman Jeremiah H. Mur
phy, from Iowa, in Washington: aged 58.... Ex
Gov. Jacob B. Jackson, of West Virginia, at
Parkersburg; aged 65.
Jan. 2 Donaldson Caffery appointed U. S.
senator by Gov. Foster, of Louisiana, to fill un
expired term of la:e S.-nator Gitson, deceased.
Jan. 9 Presldoutial lectors chosen in No
vember cast votes as follows: Cleveland, 278;
Harrison. 144: Weaver, 22. Popular vote stood:
Cleveland, 5,579,734: Harrison, 5,144,409; Weav
er. 1.016 659: Bid well. 288,801. -
Jan. IJ First regular session of the twenty
fifty annual convention of tte National Ameri
can Woman's Suffrage association opened in
Washington. . m .
Jan. 17 U. S. senators elected as follows:
Michigan. Francis B. Stocttbridge (rep.): In
diana, David Turpie (denx): Tennessee, W. B.
Bate (dem.): New York. Edward Murphy
(dem.); Massachusetts, Henry Cabot Lodge
(rep); Connecticut. Joseph R Hawley (rep.);
Maine. Eugene Hale (rep.): Delaware, George
Gray (dem.) .... George T. Welts duly Installed
as governor of New Jarsaj ,
Jan. 13-F. M. CockreH (dem.) elected tj. 8.
senator from Missouri. Steven M. White
(dem.) from California. Cushmar K. Davis
(rep.) from Minnesota, David Turtle (dem.)
from Indiana, and Matthew S. Qiy irep.)
from Pennsylvania.
Jan. 21 William M. Stewart reelected U. S.
senator from Nevada, Roger Q. Mills re-Sected
from Texas. Messrs. Faulkner and Camden
chosen from West Virginia
Jan. 25 James Smith chosen U. S. senator
from New Jersey John Martin (pop.) elect
ed U S. senator bv Kansas legislature.
Jan. 27 J. u. Mitchell elected U. S. senator
from Wisconsin.
Feb. 2 Howell E. Jackson nominated by the
president to till vacancy on supreme bench left
by L. Q. C. Lamar, deceased.
Feb 3 National live stock exchange in an
nual session In Omaha.
Feb. 4 Hawaiian commissioners state their
case to Secretary Foster, expressing desire for
Feb. 6 Judgre Allen elected U. S. senator
from Nebraska.
Feb. 9 U. S. senate decided not to repeal
Sherman silver law
Fob. 14 Mr. Cleveland announced for his
cabinet the following names: Walter Q. Gresh
am (11L), secretary of state: John G. Carlisle
(Ky. ). secretary of tho treasury: Daniel S. La
mont (N. Y.), secretary of war; Wilson S. Bis
sell (N. Y.), postmaster general Judge Wil
liam Lindsay succeeded J. G. Carlisle in U. S.
senate from Kentucky.
Feb, 15 At Topeka, Kan., republican house,
barred out by armed populists from hall of rep
resentatives, took forcible possession. Militia
called out by Gov. Lewellinir Hoke Smith,
of Georgia, announced as secretary of the inte
rior in Mr. Cleveland's cabinet.
Feb. Ill Gov. Le welling, at Topeka, Kan,
gave republicans p issession of legislative hall,
and withdrew militia and deputy marshals,
thus affording temporary settlement of difficul
ty until decided by the courts.
Feb. 17 American Newspaper Publishers
Association in annual session In New York
elected James W. Scott, of Chicago, president
J Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, chosen as
secretary of agrioulture in Mr. Cleveland's
Feb. 20 William N. Roach (dem.). of Grand
Forks, elected U. S. senator from North
Feb. 22 Hilary A. Herbert of Alabama,
chosen as secretary of the navy, and Richard
Olney, of Bostou, for attorney general.
Feb. 23 A. C. Beckw'th appointed by Gov.
Osborne, of Wyoming, as U. S. senator, for
next two years.
Feb. 24 Mrs. Adlal E. Stevenson elected
president of tho Daughters of the Revolution in
session in Washington.
Feb. 25 Karsas supreme court decided re
publican house to be the legal house of repre
sentatives of the state.
Feb. 28 Gov. Mitchell appointed Samuel Pas
coe to act as U. S. senator from Florida.
Mar. 4 Vice PreslJont Morton declared the
senate adjourned, then Vice President Steven
Bon took oath of office; Speaker Crisp also de
clared tho house of representatives adjourned.
Grover Cleveland inaugurated as twenty
fourth president of the United States. ...Lee
Mantlo (rep ). of Butte, appointed U. S. sena
tor from Montana by Gov. Rickards.
Mar. 10 Governor of Wasninsrton appointed
Jo.iu B. Allen to succeed himself in U. S. sen
ate. Mar. 23 Mr Manderson resigned position of
president pro tern, of U. S. senate, and Mr.
Harris, of Tennessee, was elected in his place.
Apr. 3 James II. Eckels (111.) nominated by
president to be comptroller of the currency.
Apr. 4 Carter Harrison (dem.) elected mayor
of Chicago with 18.0X) plurality.
Apr. 0 Dedication ceremonies of the great
Mormon temple at Sal t Lake City begun.
Apr. 15 Extraordinary session of U. S. sen
ate adjourned sine die.
Apr. 19 Samuel Pascoe elected U. S. senator
from Florida, to succeed himself.
Apr. 26 Carl Scliurz elected at New York
president of National Civil Service Reform
May 4 Rev. William Lawrence, of Boston,
chosen bishop of Massachusetts to succeed late
Phillip Brooks.
May 10 National convention of Republican
League clubs met at Louisville, Ky ...G. N.
Pierce, of Dayton, O., elected president of the
Young Men's Christian association in toirtleth
international convention at Indianapolis....
President appointed James A. Blount, of
Georgia, minister to HawaiL
May 15 U. S. supreme court declared Geary
Chinese exclusion act constitutional
May 19 John A Cockercll, of New York,
elected president of press clubs in convention at
St PauL
May 21 Walter Williams, of Columbia, Ma,
elected president of the National Editorial as
sociation at Chicago.
May IX) E. Nelson Blake, of Massachusetts,
elected president of Baptist Home Missionary
sooiety. in session at Denver.
May 31 in sixty-ninth annual meeting in Sar
atoga Springs, N. Y.. Homa Missionary society
of the United States elected Gen. O. O. How
ard. U. S. A, president... Presbyterian gen
eral assembly, in session at Washington, found
Charles A. Brings guilty of heresy by vote of
3b3 to 116.
June 1 Presbyterian troneral assembly in
Washington suspended Charles A. Briggs from
the ministry.
June 8 Marsden Bellamy, of Wilmington, N.
C. elected supreme dictator of the Knights of
Honor, in session at Milwaukee.... John A. Lee,
of St Louis, elected president of tho Travelers'
Protective association, in session at Peoria, I1L
June 11 L. C. Storrs, of Michigan, elected
president of conference of charities and cor
rections, in Chicago
June 14 F. C Camprell. of Minneapolis,
elected most worshipful graud master of Loyal
Orange Lodge of America, in session at Minne
apolis. June 15 D. H. Mann, of New York, elected
right worthy grand chief of international Su
preme Lodge of Good Templars in session at
Des Moines Ia.... International Typographical
union reelected, at Chicago, W. B. Prescott, of
Toronto, president
June 10 Gen. Horace Porter, of New York,
elected president of Sons of the American
Revolution, In session at Chicago.
June 20 Gov. Allgeld, of Illinois, pardoned
Schwab, Fieldea and Neobo. anarchists sen
tenced to Joliet charged with complicity in Hay
market massacre of May 4. 1884.
June 27 Nelson A. Miles (U. & A.) elected
president of Society of the Army of the Poto
mac, In session at Boston.
June 29 Annual convention of the Epworth
league met in Cleveland.
June 30 President Cleveland issued procla
mation for congress to convene in extraordin
ary session on August 7.
July 14 Baptist youcg people, at Indianapolis,
reelected John U. Chapman, of Chicago presi
dent. July 21 Si-nate of national union in session
in Detroit Mich., elected H. T. Brian, of Wash
ington, president
July 22 Ex-Gov. George C Perkln9, of San
Francisco, appointed United States senator to
succeed the late Leland Stanford.
Aurj. 2 Silver convention in Chicago adopted
platform declaring against all legislation in
demonetizing silver and restricting coinage
thereof, also o gainst policy of United Slates
being made dependent upon policy of any for
eign country.
Aug. 7 Both houses of the Fifty-thirS con
gross met in extraordinary session in Washing
ton; Charles F. Crisp, of Georgia, ele ted
speaker of the house.
Aug. 15 National encampment of Sons of
Veterans at Cincinnati.
Aug. 17 Supreme council of American Le-
Slon of Honor in session in Milwaukee elected
. M. Gwinuell, of Newark. N. J., supreme
Aug. 24 International botanical congress, in
session in Madison, Wis., elected Prot E. L.
Groene, of University of California, president
Aug. 28 U. 3. senate decided by vote of 32 to
29 that Mr. Mantle, of Montana, and Mr. Allen,
of Washington, were not entitled to seats, and
that state governors have no right to fill va
cancies whero legislatures acjourn without do
ing so House of representatives passed in
favor of unconditional repeal of silver purchase
clause of Sherman bill by vote of 240 to 110.
Sep. 1 Judge Thomas Cooley, of Michigan,
elected president of American Bar association.
In nessrion at Milwaukee. ,
Sep. 14 B. F. Jacobs, of Chicago, elected
president at international Sunday school con
vention at St Louis.
Sep. 6 Grand army, ia annual encampment
at Indianapolis, elected John G. Adams, of
Lynn, Mass., commander In chief, and decided
to have '94 encampment at Pittsburgh.
Sep 7 In session at Indianapolis ladiqs of
Grand Armv of the Republio elected Mrs.
Amanda J. VVithrn, of Minnesota, as presi
dent Woman's Relief Corps selected Sarah C
Mink, of New York, as president.... National
enoampment of grand army adjourned.
Sep. 9 At noon President Cleveland for the
second time became father to a girl baby.
Sep. 16 Nearly 100,000 persons made race for
land in the Cherokee strip.
Sen, 18 Centennial anniversary of the laying
of the capitol's corner stone at Washington ob
served. Sep. 19 President sent nominations to senate
as follows: W. B. Hornblower, of New York,
for associate justice of supreme court. James J.
Van Alen, of Rhode Island, for ambassador to
Italy .
Sep 21 Supreme council, 33J degree. Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite masons, in 81st an
nual session, at Chicago ... Society of the Army
of the Cumberland, in annual session in Cleve
land, reelected Gen. W. S. Rosecrans as presi
dent. Oct 1,1 Tucker bill to repeal federal election
law passed in U. S. house of representatives by
vote of 209 to 101.
Oct 11 Gen. Lucius Faircblld. of Wisconsin,
elected commander in chief ot Loyal Legion at
annual meeting In Chicago.
Oct 13 After continuous session of forty
Hours U. S. senate adjourned 1:45 a. m. without
voting on bill for unconditional repeal
of silver
w ,
r. to m m White, of Cincinnati.
president of American uanners wnot"
Chicago Monument at Trenton. N
honor of Washirgton's victory of 1HS7. unveiled.
Oct 20 National Woman' ChrLsti-m Temper
ance union reelected Frances E. Wlllard presi
dent at Chicago.
Oct 30 Three months' campaign in U. S. sen
ate for unconditional silver repeal ended by
passing ot Voorhees' bill: vote 43 to 32 ..Pres
ident nominated Edwin F. UhL. of Michigan, to
be assistant secretary of state.
Nov. I U. S. house of representatives
passed senate silver bill by vote of 193 to 94 and
president signed it
Nov. 2 At fourth annual convention In Chica
go of nonpartisan W. C T. U. Mrs. Ellen J.
Phinnev, of Cleveland, elected president
Nov. '3 Both houses of congress adjourned
sine die President issued proclamation nam
ing Thursday. November 30, as day or thanks
giving Nov. 7 Election returns gave Palmer (rep.)
for secretary of state in New York 35,000 plu
rality; Eartleit, for Judge, 89.700. and a -cpub-lican
legislature. In Pennsylvania Jackson
(rep.) had 12S.0J0 plurality for state treasurer.
Republicans gained New Jersey legislature.
Greenhalge (rep.) for governor of Massachu
setts had 31.000 plurality. In Ohio Gov Mc
Kinley reelected by 80.000 plurality In Iowa
Jackson (rep.) for governor jraiued by 3..i00
plurality. Democrats carried Maryland. Ken
tucky and Virginia, and populists Nebraska.
Nov. 27 Knights of Labor in general assera
bly at Philadelphia elected J R. Sovereign, of
Iowa, master workman, vice T. V. PowUerly.
Dec. 2 J. J. Van .Men declined appointment
as ambassador to Italy.
Dec. 4 Both houses convened in first session
of Fifty-third congress, and president's mes
sage read.
Dec 13 House passed bill admitting Utah to ,
statehood with amendment prohibiting polyga
my forever.
Bee. 14 Farmers' national congress at Sa
vannah, Ox, elected D. F. Clayton, of Iowa, a4 j
president I
Deo 13 House of representatives voted 185
to 61 to admit Arizona as a state.
Dec. 17 American federation of Labor in
session in Chicago reelected Samuel Goiapers
Dec. 18 Both houses of congress received
president's message on the Hawaiian natter.
Dec. 19 Virginia legislature elected Gen.
Eppa Hunton to U. fi senate for short term
and Thomas S. Martin for long- term.
Feb 4 John S, Johnson lowered amateur -mile
skating record of America at Minneapolis
to 15:20 4 5.
Mar. 7 Austin Gibbons defeated Mike Daly
in tight at New Orleans for purse of t-J ou.
Mar. 8 Bob Fitzsimmons defeated Jim Hall
at New Orleans, winning purse of Mj.Ojo.
Apr. 27 National baseball league opened its
May 5 Relay bicycle race from Boston to
Chicago took 112 hours.
May 10 Lookout won Kentucky derby at
Louisville in 2:39'i.
June 3 Frank Ives, of America, won Inter
national billiard match in London.
June 2J Cornell's freshman crew defeated
Columbia at New London, Conn., making S
miles in 10:08.
June 24 Boundless captured American Der
by in Chicago: time, 2:o&
Junt 27 Berry won cowboy race to ChicaSo.
begun at Chadron, Nob., making the L040 niilt
in 13 days 15 hours 33 minutes.
July l Harvard won college baseball cham
ionstaip. July 15 Columbian 100-yard sprint for Amer
ican championship won by Morris. of California,
in Goshen. Ind., in 9 3-5 seconds; gain 1-5 bec
ond on world's record.
July 22 Frank Waller, of Indiana, broke 25
mile bicycle record, mailing run in 1 hour
minutes 10 seconds, at Detroit
Aug. 3 At Buffalo, N. Y.. Hulda rode fastest
mile on recorS for live-year-olds in 2:o8'i.
Aug. 12 L S. Melntjes, of South Africa, won
62-mile international championship at bicycle
tournament in cnicago; time z uours v minutes.
Sep. 6 A. A Zimmerman, world's bicycle
champion, went a mile at Spriugtleld, O.. m i
Sep. 11 L S. Meln'.Jes. of South Africa, at
Springfield, Mass., lowered 5-miie bicycle
record to 11 :09 3-5.
Sep 13 In bitycle race at Springfield. Mass.,
Sanger beat Zimmerman, lowering competitive
mile to 2: 11 1-5.
Sep. 14 Alix trotted mile at Chicago. In
2:06 At Le Mars, la.. Free Coinage lowered
three-year-old paring record to 2:ll3i
Sep. Hi At Chicatro. Frank Ives defeated
John Roberts.Eurlisb champloaia match parae
of billiards: score". Ives. 6.O00: Roberts, 5.3 13.
Sep. 25 George Dixon, world's feather weight
champion, defeated Solly Smith, of California,
at Conev Island, N. Y.
Sep. 811. C Tyler made new world's bicycla
record at Springfield. Mass , going 2 miles,
with standing start in 4: 15 3-5.
Sep. 3j League baseball season ended. Bos
ton winning tho pennant
ci. . jonn itoDerts, r.ngiisn cnampion. aer
feated Frank Ives in billiard match at Ner
York by 1.150 points, himself making 10.0 M.
Oct 13 New York sloop Vig:lant defeated
fo3th!rd and last time English sloop Valkyrie.
In 0-mile race for America's cup: time, 3 hr..
53 min. 5J ssc. First race run Oct 7; time. 3 hr.
32 min. 20 sec., and second race on Oct 9; time,
3 hr. 2 min.
Oct 18 At Nashville, Tenn.. Directum
trotted heat in free-for-all in 2:o5. breaking
all previous race records.
Oct 19 At Nashville, Tenn.. May Marshall
made new record for pacing mares, a mile in
Oct 24 Lena Hill made new two-year-o'.d
pacing record at Dallas, Tex., making a mile In
Nov. 4 Grecnlander at Terre Haute lowered V
stallion trottlm? record for 2 miles to 4:32.
evelft record at Tndenendence. Ia.. roi.iff a mile
in 1 :55 3-5 flying start
Nov. 25 Yale beat Harvard 6 to 0 in annual
football game at Springfield, Mass... Jake
Shaefer beat Frank Ives in 4.000-point 14-inch
balkllne billiard game at Chicago; soore, 4,UA
to 3,945.
Apr. 27--Argentina, Holland. Germany, Great
Britain, Russia, France. Italy. Spain. Brazil
and the United States participated in Colum
bian naval review at New York.
Apr. 28 Famous Liberty bell arrived at Chi
cago from Philadelphia Naval review at
New York ended with street parade of marines
and blue jackets.
May 1 World's Columbian exposition at
Chicago opened. President Cleveland starting
all the machinery at noon by pressing an elec
tric button.
May 12 Local directory decided to open fair
on Sundays after May 21, admission being 2 .
May 15 Women's congress, first of world's
fair auxiliary congresses, opened in Art insti
tute. May 18 Local directory decided to abrogate
contract with congress by which the fair was
to have closed on Sunday by returning money
and opening the whole exhibition.
May 2 World's congress of journalists
opened in Art institute.
May 30 World's medical congress opened in .
Art Institute.
June 8 It was decided before Judges Woods,
Jenttins and Grasscup of United States circuit
court that fair stiould close on Sunday.
June 10 Chief Justica Fuller of United
States supreme court granted Exposition com
pany supersedeas allowing fair to open the fol
lowing Sunday.
July 4 Largest attendance for any day since
oposing recorded 30i9J8 admissions. f
July 10 Cold storage building destroyed by f
fl 17 rutvHsnna n..rluhlnir In thu AaTnuu
.Tnlv 11 Aftpr A nrotrfteteil letr:i.1 flpht frn t '
which the Sunday opening question had been I i
carried to the United States supremo court V
and the case won for Sunday opening tho na
tional commission voted 54 to 6 for Sunday
closing principally on account of the small Sun
day attendance.
July 12 A fac simile of Lelf Erickson's vis
ing ship arrived in .'hieago.
July 14 Local directory rescinded action of
May 16 and ordered gates closed on Sunday
after the 16th.
July 18 Coroner's Jury investigating cold
storage fire held Director of Works Burnham,
Fire Marshal Edward W. Murphy, J. U Skin
ner and Charles A. McDonald to grand jury for
criminal negligence.
July 21 Director General Davis, President
Higinbotham, (omniissioners St. Clair and
Massey and Director C U. Schwab served
with notice to appear before Jud-o Stein for
contempt of court In violating ' injunction
against closing gates in Clingmi.n Injunction.
July 30 Gates opened In accordance with or
der of council of administration.
Aug. 2 For contempt of court in closing
irates July 23 Judge Stein fined ofllrtaJs as fol,
lows: Lyman J. Gage. tl.OOJ; Charles I
Hutcnings. ci.uoo; diaries llenrotin, 11,00.);
William D. Kcrfoot, tl.UOO; Andrew McNally,
H.OOO: Victor F. Lawson, tlhO; Director Gen
eral Davis, C2TjOL
Aug 4 Theodore Thomas tendered resigna
tion as director of music
Aug. 31 Judge Gopgin. overriling Judges
HnnnA Anil TIpAnLnn I . .
dav opening.
Sep. 10 World's parliament of religions
opened session in Cblcasro. , '
Sep. 27 World's parliament of religions at i
Chicago adjourned. .
Oct a Paid admissions on Chicago day 716.
Oct SO Fair came to an official end. Pai4. 'v.
attendance recorded at 81,277,21ft paases. ,052,-
Nov. 6 World's Columbian commission and. I
the lady managers adjourned sine die. i (