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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1894)
.the nniiNTV vmm '1UU X i UUUUi Commercial Bank of Louisville Gets the County's Cash. INCREASED RATES OF INTEREST The New Contract Shuts Off Litigation, in Ad ditto u to Indenting the Interest Earnings on the Various Funds Other Notes. The letting of tbe county funds to the bunk or corporation offering the highest rate of interest was taken up by County Treasurer Hickhoff Mon day afternoon, and resulted in the funds being awarded to the Commer cial bank of Louisville, at au annual rate of 4.55 per cent for all funds, with the contract to extend throughout a period of two years. The bids offered by the several batiks, were as follows: liank of Commerce, Louisville 4 55 Hank of Cass County, I'lattsuioutli .4 25 First National, Plattsmouth 3.50 Citizens', Plattsmouth 3.00 Exchanee. Elmwood 4.00 State, Elmwood 4 .(H) First National, G -eenwood 4.50 First National, Weeping Water. . .4.00 During the past two years the First National of Greenwood has had pos session ot the county funds, at the same rate which the bank asked for a renewal as noted in the above list of bids. The amount of interest paid to the county on the funds for the same period was $5 .702.05. but of that sum over $2,000 was paid by the Greenwood bank under protest, and a suit is now pending in the courts between the county and the bank in regard to the matter, the difficulty arising over the claim tnaite 1-y the bank people that it was exempt from paying iuterests on certain funds. Under the contract with the new depository, the Commercial of Louisville, it is specifically understood that 4.55 per cent, shall be paid on all funds de posited by the county. The sew con tract is thus more advantageous to the county than the one in force for the two years, as the interest rate is larger and as there is no existing pos sibility of the county being forced to collect the interest in the courts. The Commissioners' Estimate. The county mmissioners this morn ing completed their estimate of the funds needed to operate the county government dnring the current year. The estimate in detail is as follows: Court expends $10,000 County cnmmisMoners" salary. 2,."00 Asessina eounty and making return- 3,000 Salary county superintendent.. 1,200 Printing tax list for -!U W0 Hooks, blanks, printing and stationery.. 3.500 Election expenses Fuel for court house. ioor house and Jail. 1.400 Jail expense and jailor" fees 2,0(0 Agricultural society SOO County clerk's salary 4' JO Incidental expense?- 5.0C0 County attorney's talary and expenses . . 1.200 Bridging 14,000 i;oad work lu.OOO Soldiers relief fund l.l!00 Court house bonds H.ouo Total 2.TO0 The above estimate is $S00 less than in "93 and some 830,000 lower than the estimate of '92. Juntire Must be Done. The Elmwood Echo grows foolishly sentimental and publishes the follow ing: "How sad the awful fate of the murderer; to think of it almost wins the sympathy of even the stoutest heart. And yet it is law that the mur derer must die and give up his own life, not that the one he has taken iaiht be restored, but that public sentiment might be appeased. On the 13th day of April another life will have been tatsen, and that, too. by the hand that cannot give. The scripture says no murderer can enter the kingdom of Heaven. Is the hangsman that pulls the trap from beneath Harry Hill a murderer? Are the jurors who con victed him murderers? Who dare say? God alone gave this life; who dare take it? Because Harry Hill murdered Matthias Akeson.and thus jeapordized his own soul, was that a justifiable cause for others to blot out a life which they cannot give? Will they be held accountable? These ideas are ad vanced by serious meditation and simply given as food for thought. v Dr. Wallace has in hia possession a silver dollar of very peculiar shape, and we doubt if there is anotherof the same hind in the world. The peculiarity about the coin is the defective milling and the fact that one with such defect should escape detection at the hands of the inspectors in the mint. About ore-half tbe thickness of the edge of the coin is milled ull the way round while the other half bears no marks of tbe milling machine. Considering the fact that the silver coins pass the in spection of numerous employes in the mint it is singular that this one should be sent out on its debt-paying mission bearing the mirk that would brand it as bad coin in case of detection. Mr. Wallace thinks he has the only one of its kind and would not part with it for ten timeB its face value. Union Led ger. F. G. Fricke & Co druggists, recom mend Johnson's Magnetic Oil. the great family pain killer, internal and external. IN AND ABOUND THE TOWN. Ex-County Commissioner A. C. Loder of Greenwood was in the city Monday. Mrs. Frank Moore of the precinct departed Saturday over the E. & M. to visit with relatives in Kansas. James Unruh. the eight-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Unruh, died at 1 :30 o'clock Saturday .of spinal fever. The funeral services were held from the family residence at two o'clock Monday afternoon. The U. P. fast mail flyer met with a smash-up at Claiks, Merrick county, Sunday, in which the rear-end sleeper was burned. Five passengers were in jured, but none seriously. A broken rail was the cause of the wreck. Attorney llalueman of Weeping Water, while assisting to extinguish the recent fire at that town, cut hit arm on a piece or window glass, sev ering the radial artery. Prompt medical attention save him from bleed ing to death. Lydia Martin, a Nebraska "ity girl, while attending revival services at the Evangelical church Thursday evening, became prostrated by religious en thusiasm and is now a raving maniac. She is very violent and it requires the combined strength of several persons to hold her. Charley Breaks of Weeping Water met with a painful accident Monday evening while cutting wood. His axe caught on a clothes line stretched over head, aud the tool turned in such a way that Mr. Breaks received an ugly gash an inch aud a half in length, which laid the bone bare just over the left eye. Attorney Frank Wiles has returned from Rising City. Butler county, where he has been busied for the past three months in attending to the legal bus iness of a llising City lawyer, who was absent on a prolonged visit. Frank is searching about for a location, but will temporarily reside with his parents in this city. The Jackson club ui Omaha cele brated Jackson day at the Paxton ho tel Monday night in a banquet and tbe affair is said to have been a grand suc cess. U. S. Marshal Frank White, Hon. J. M. Patterson -md Lawyer Matthew Gering of this city were pres ent as guests of the Jacksonians of Omaha. Thomas Akeson, who was made part defendant in the case brought to re cover the $300 reward paid for the capture of his father's murderers, asks that the case be dismissed as far as he is concerned on the ground that he has already paid the amount and ;anuot be made to pay it over again .no matter who finally gets it. Lincoln Journal. Only one newspaper man is in heaven. How he got there is not posi tively known, but it is conjectured that he passed himself off as a mormon and stepped in unsuspected. When the dodge was discovered they searched the realms of felicity in ali their length and breadth for a lawyer to draw the papers for his ejectment, but they could not find one. so he held the fort. The postutlice case remains in statue quo. or words to that effect. Unin formed people call at White's store and the district clerk's ofiice daily to inquire for their mail, but the repub lican appointee continues to do busi ness at the old stand. While the two avowed candidates for appointment and their friends are doing some tall hustling several dark horses are being quietly groomed to enter the race. In the trial of the celebrated Irvine divorce suit at Salt Lake City, Utah, the presiding judge has entered an order awarding Mrs. Irvine 830,000 alimony, to be paid in three install ments at three, six and nine months from date. She is also awarded 83.000 as attorney fees, to be paid in twenty days, and Irvine is to pay all costs, in cluding her witnesses, which alone amounts to over $1,000 for mileage and attendance. IrviDe will file a motion for a new trial, which will undoubtedly be overruled, and an appeal taken. Eflie Mason and Irene Williams, a pair of Plattsmouth misses whose character is commonly reported as not being above absolute reproach, have deserted their respective firesides in this city and lelf for unknown parts. They took their departure last week, and the last seen of them was on Thursday when they boarded a train at Pacific Junction bound tor Council Bluffs. The Ftep-father of the Wil liams girl, J. A. White, was in Council Bluffs and Omaha Monday in search of the missing girls, but could find no trace of their whereabouts. If you want something nice, lovely and sweet go to Meisinger & liOhman. Nice Clean Millet For Sale, At $3 per ton. Jt'aities wishing any of this hay can secure same by applying at my farm, five miles west of Mynard. or by addressing me at the Platts mouth postoffice. 4-dl-w3 IlENIiT EXGLEKEMEIEI.. I saw it, I tried it, I liked it, I bought it of Meisinger & Lohman the White sewing machine. RhrnmaiUm turl iu a Iay.-"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. It action upon the system Is re mnrkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease Immediately disap pears. The tirst dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke v Co., druggists. Platts mouth Neb. 12-e-ly List ot Letter Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth Jan. 9 , for week ending Jan. 2: Arnold. LL Buckwarth, MissB I)ray,FE Hendrickson,Mrs J Hughes, Oscar Kresckoovre, Tony Parmer, Hattie Fauer, Wm Peters. Geo Price, Mrs Jane Scott, Lewis Shepherd, Mr Smith, W S Tomas,Joe Young, T N Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." H. J. Streight. P. M. lOO Reward, $100. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hairs Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offe'- one hundred dollars tor any case that it fails to cure. Snd for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all drop gists, 75c. SlOO It e ward. 1 beg to advise my patrons and neigh bors that there are several peddlers traversing the country claiming to be Mr. Hirschbere, or connected with him in buisuess, and trying to impose upon the public at large, by offering an inferior claps of Spectacles and Eye Glasses for Hirschburg's Diamond and Non-Changeable Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Do not be deluded by such impostors. Their representations are false. My goods are not handled by "Peddlers,'' as we have local agei.ts. A reward of S100. will be given to any j one securing the name and where- abouts of such parties. Respectfully, Prof. II. IIirscfii:eko, 629 Olive street, St. Louis. Mo., and! 30 E. 14th street. New York. Carruth Jewelery C., sole agents for Plattsmouth, Neb. Mrs. A. I. Dickson and daughter, Grace, of Elmwood. were in the city Thursday, the guests of County Clerk Dickson and family, and departed ; Friday morning to visit with relatives at Maxwell, Iowa. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood snuvins. curbs, splints, sweeney, ring-bone, stil'es. sprains, all swollen throats. 1 coughs, etc. Save J."0 by use of one j bottle. Warranted the most wonder-j blemish cure ever known, sold bv F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists. Platts mouth. 30 F. G. Fricke & Co druggists, recom mend Japanese Liver Pellets for con stipation and sick headache. Small, mild, easy to take. 50 pills 2 j cents. Order to .Show Cause In the di-triet court of Cass county. 5ehratsa; in the matter ot the estate of John I! Bev erage, decea sed : This cause cane on fr hearing ujoi. the pe tition of tjeonre W. Snyder, administrator of the estate of John I!. lieverane. deceased, jiravins; for licence to sell the following described real ; estate, to n it : ! The smith one-half -'i of the southwest one-quarter ! 4 I or section i.ev.;n (... town ship eleven (11 . range thirteen east, in t'ass count). Nebraska, or a suflicielit amount thereof to tlrinii the amount of six hundred and sixty-eiuht s.7i' dollars and seventy cents, ; for the payment of debts allowed against said estate and the expenses of administration. there not bein sufficient personal property to pay the said debts and exjenses. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in haid estate appear before me. at the office of the clert of the district court, in l'latts Diouth. Cass county. Nebraska, on the tenth loth i day of February, A. D.. ls'. . ut 2 o'clock P.m. of said lay to show cause why a license should not be era n ted to said administrator to sell so much of the above described real estate of said deceased as uiay be necessary to pay said debts and exjenses. Dated this ;;d dav of January. A. D.. 1SW4. AMUKL M. CHAPMAN. Judue of the District Court. ( ni. (;ries, Att'y for Administrator. 1M Administrator A ppnintmeiit. State of Nebraska, I Cass County. f ' In comity eourt To all persons interested in the estate of William Guthmann. deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the lMth day of January. A. 1).. lVii. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. hi the county judge's otlice, in I'latts mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for the appointment of Mux Lemrn us ad ministrator de bonus non of said estate.will be heard and considered, at which time and place all l ersous interested may appear and show canst;, if any thev have, w hy lie should not be appointed as such administrator de bonus lion . Dated this 27th day of Deccmler, A. D.. iSX 1-."1 . U.S. Kamsf.y, County Judge. Administrator's Appoint men t . Stte of Nebraska, Cuss County. V ' In county court To all persons interested in the estate of Elizabeth (iuthmsnn, deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the ISth day of January, A. D. IW, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the county judge's office, in Plattsmouth. in said county, the petition, asking for the ap pointment of Max Lemm as administrator of said estate, will be beard and considered : at which time and place all persons interested may appearand show cause, if any they have. vhy he should not be appointed as such adminis trator. Dated this lT7th day of December. A. D. ltM. 1-3 15. S. KamsET, County Judge. Mj'stic Life Ilenewer This wonderful Health Builder and Constitu tion Kestorer is indeed a renewer of life: be cause it possesses such marvelous powers to cure all forms of Indigestion. DysjK-psia, Nervous Diseases. Heart Affections, Female Weakness and Wasting Diseases. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Free bottle at F. G. Fricke A: Co. 's, druggists. Datts mouth. Neb. 12-s-lv MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is so'd with written 'ft? DlrrOnE - AFTER JJ. softeAinKf ;hc Srair., racing Ttfieery, Insanity and Death; Itiirrni'-ss, jinporcnry, Loot Power in either sn, Premntu Old Aee, Involuntary Losses, caused by over-ijii-.'.ic-uci!, over-exertion of the Brain and Errors Youth. It given to Weak Orerais their Jiaturai Vuj'ir ami coabiw the joys of life; cure i.Ut orrliuja and Femu.e Weakness. 4 month's treat njfut, Li iiluin package, by mall, to any address, fl I"-r b.vr.6 txixfM$.". Vi it b every i order we give a Written Guarantee to cure or refund tbe money. Circulars free, iiuaraiitee issued ouly by our ex clusive agent. F. G. FRIIKE & CO., DRUGGISTS, Sole agent Plattsmouth, Neb. i ' V 1 guarantee to cure fg $50 ,on, FliS. Dixzi- W t V '' rteSB,ll-aunchtaiid vvi f&T Neuralgia aud Wake L-tSV- li-.V- JS?' fulness.cau-e.lbyex- Pf V Z" -iyik. cenaive useof Opium, V-r"' 1J I.' Tobarco end Alco- FOR 30 DAYS R A R P ft f IT v 1 WILL DELIVER MDUUtii djpianos and Organs t 'to customers in their houses at LJ n q I I MANUFACTURER'S th 1 j H Of Q ID JjO L Ci Uv A rY"T'l 0"Y T -J 'L J J V O C A Big Bargain, 120 Acres, 6 miles from Union, Cass county all fenced 40 acres under cultivation ; house insured for $200; stable and sheds for 10 head of horses; 85 apple trees, 100 bearing grapes, and other small fruit ; 2 good wells. Easy terms Price, S1.S00. 100-acre Farm, adjoining Platts mouth; 70 acres under cultiva tion ; good buildings, etc., etc. If you want a bargain on easy terms come and see me. This is smooth land. 160 acres clear Farm; in Chey enne county 45 acres under cultivation smooth land No Sand. 160 acre improved eastern Colo rado Farm good soil near railroad Price $800 $ 1 50 down, balance long time. A nicely improved So acre Tract near Plattsmouth S50 per acre Easy Terms. 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 acre tracts adjoining Plattsmouth, $50 per acre easy terms. Worth 75 to ioo, and could not be bought for any less adjoining any town of like size in this state. An improved 90 acre farm near Murray Fruit Living Water, etc., etc. Price $35 per acre. A highly improved Clark county, Kans., farm fos good acre prop erty. This farm is clear and improvements cost $2,000. I will make some man a big bar gain on this farm. Good improved farms and wild lands for sale and trade in nearly every county in this state, Kansas and eastern Colo rado, and parties contemplat ing moving west will do well to see me before going as I can discount any price offered you by others. Quick loans made on Improved farms at lowest rates. Don't forget that I also write In surance. C. H. BABCOCK, Heal Estate, Loan and In surance Agency. UNION BLOCK, PLATTSMOUTH. Offer Extraordinary! NET CASH PRICES AT THE FACTORY LESS TEN PER CENT. The MASON & HAMLIN PIANO with their improved Stringer, pronounced by experts the greatest improve ments in Pianos in half a century. Among our other Sons, Boston; STkCK, Chicago, and others. Also the world-renowned Mason & Hamlin Organ. Call and investi- ate anc secure a bargain. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY. 1 JAS. PETTEE, Manager. NEVILLE BLOCK, To Wearers BOOTS and SHOES. THIS PROCESS OF MARKING GOODS UP AND THEN SELLING AT A DISCOUNT FOR CASH, DON'T GO WITH HIS WARES ARE MARGIN A New and Stylish Line of Footwear Just Arrived. Give FETZER a call. 7 F YE GLASSES I PATE JmYZlVH5 F. S. WHITE, Main Street, Plattsmoatb. GROCERIES ALWAYS nt EC-ill. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled, Curt let Bros Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillshury's MINNESOTA FLOUR, The JHest In the World. The ."XXXX" and "Best" Brands. The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEL. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture Jn the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour lias no Superior In America. Give it a trial and be conviuced. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always on hand. Orders delivered in city promptly. TKKMS Cash or 30 daya time. w. ii. cuauixa. President. J. IF. J OBKS O ft . Vi ee- Pre idem t . tiie: Citizens' Bank, I'LATTS M OUT II. NEB. Capital paid in, $50,000 IHUECTOKS : j J W. Johnson. F. K. Guthmann. Wm. Weten i kamp, J. A. Connor. Henry Eikenbary.M. V. i Morgan, E. &. Greuiel, W. II. Cushiui;. A general banking business transacted. In terest allowed on deposits. E. E. BONNELI.E, j- Manufacturer and Ieler In . ! TAPTIT17 inA nP AXTTX17 MONUMENTS AND ALL CEMETERY FIXTURES. SI015 O Street, . Lincoln. Nebraska CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, KEB. OFFICE: Second floor of the Todd block, eaa ot the court house. D PLATTSMOUTH. NEB of MARKED AT AN HONEST AND THERE THEY STAY. PROTECT YOUR. EYES. The well-known eve expertof 629 Olive st . St. Louis, Mo., and 3n E 11th st.. New York, has appointed THE CAKKCTH JEW ELKY CO. a nzetus for his celebrated Noo-ChDteble Spectacle nl!e. These glasses are the greatest invention ever made in spectacles, and every pair purchased are euaraiiteed. no that at any time a chanee is necessary (no matter how scratched the lerjst they will furnish the party with new pair of classes free of charsre. The Carruth Jewelry Co. have a full assortment and Invite all who wish to satisfy them selves of the (treat superiority of these glasses over any and ah others now iu use to call and examine them, at The Carruth Jewelry Co.'s, sole agents for Plattsmouth, Neb. So peddle .supplied. Dr. A. P. Barnes, V. S. VETERINARY SURGEON. DENTISTRY AND CASTRATING A SPECIALTY. Night calls attended promptly. office : Bonner Barn, Plattsmouth. Neb. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLATTS.HOl'TH , NEB. Capital, paid up ... . $30,000 OFFICERS: John Fitzgerald President F. K. White Vice-president S. VirB Cashier DIRECTORS: John Fitzgerald. I), liawtsworth. F.E.White, i. Waugh and George E. Dovey. Careful attention given to the interests of cus tomers. Collections made and promptly remit ted for. Highest market price paid tor county warrants aud slate and county bonds. W. A. HUMPHREY, M. D., HOMCEOPATHIO Physician and Surgeon, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. TUi! u 1'lty or fmin-j Promptly Anwerxl RICHARD LORD. Physician and Surgeon, LOUISVILLE, NEB. Calls answered day or night. Office, over the bank building. 48 lm The Celebrated French Cure, Warranted APHRODITINE M or money refunded. to cure TS fOU OW A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease or any disorder of the generative organs of either ixt whether arising BEFORE use of BtimolanU. Ar I url Tobacco or Opiam, or through youthful IndiscTe- t'on. over indulgence. sc.,sucn as uoat oi cram Power, Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in the back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pros tration, Nocturnal Emissions, Leucorrhoea, Dia sinesa. Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impo tence, which If neglected often lead to premature old aire and Insanity. Price $1.00 a box. 6 boxes for In 00. Sent bv on receipt of price. A WRITTEH GUARANTEE i given for even S5.00 order received, to refund the money it txrmanrnt cure is not efTucted. We have tho ands of testimonials from old and young, o. both sexes, who have been permanently cured. bTtbeuseof AphrodiUne. Circularfree, Adores THIS APHKO HZD1CLNB CO.. Western Branch. Box 27, Porriu.M, Osv. FOE SALE BV Gering; & Co.. Druggist Plattsmouth, Nebraska