Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 11, 1894, Image 2

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    pattsmoutlt Joitnwt
C W. KM K KM AN. rubltaher.
The News Condensed.
Important Intelligence From All Parts.
Itefftolar Session.
Senator Fkve (Me.) introduced a resolu
tion in the senate on the 3d that there should
le eo interference on the part of tho United
Suit's government by moral influence or phys
ical force for the restoration of Queen Liliuo
kulaui or for the maintenance of the provi
sional government of the Hawaiian islands dur
ing ite prnding congressional investigation
In The house Mr. Wand introduced a bill to
m.iUe the seigniorage silver in the treasury im
mediately available ly issuing certificates
aga:cw it and then coining the silver. A reso
lution was adopted setting aide Friday and
SaturJay next for the consideration of the Ha
waiian matter. The resignations of Represent
atives Krllows and Fitch, of New York, were
I re st' n ted.
In the senate a resolution was introduced on
the 4th calling on tho sf-cretary of the treasury
lor a statement of the sums paid Mr. Blount as
commissioner to Hawaii, and the orders and
law tnJer which such payment was made. Ad
journed to the 8;h In the house lack of a
quorum prevented taking up the tariff bill. Mr.
1! Arrnond (Mo. ) introduced a resolution for
the appointment of a special committee for the
purp.ise of investigating the feasibility of re
moving the capital and locating a site.
Thk minority members of the foreign
affairs committee iu the house bitterly
attacked Mr. Blount's Hawaiian policy
in their report.
In 1S93 the number of persons who
committed suicide in the United States
was 4,436, against in the previous
The biggest trust ever organized has
been almost perfected by the organiza
tion of the saloonkeepers of Ohio.
St. Loris officers caught two coun
terfeiters with a complete outfit for the
manufacture of bogus monej'.
Six dead bodies were recovered from
the ruins by fire of a Buffalo (X. Y.)
The value of the three principal
metals produced in Idaho during- 1893
was: Gold, $1,045,000; silver, $1,M)2,000;
lead. $775,000; total, $3,922,000; against
a total of $7,063,000 in 1S92.
Albert Schock, of Chicago, won the
6ix-day bicycle race in New York, beat
ing all records with 1.600 miles.
In the United State 533,319.866 were
given to charity, education and popular
entertainment during the year 1S93.
J. W. Burke & Co., publishers at
Macon, Ga.. failed for $100,000.
The receipts of the government for
the first six months of the fiscal year
were $155,431,314 and the expenditures
$189,500,032, a deficiency of receipts
ver expenditures of $34,003,718.
The body of Lucy Stone, the philan
thropists world-renowned thinker and
defender ,,of the rights of woman,
whose death occurred at Boston Octo
ber IS last, was cremated in Boston.
J. Iv-i Edmistox was arrested on the
charge' 'of' embezzling $30,000 from the
suspended 'Walla Walla (Wash.) Sav
ings bank, of which he was president.
Cbazt, from drink John Cummings
locked himself and family in a burning1
Omaha hquse and four perished.
The total number of post offices in
operation in ' the United States is 6S,
800. .1;
During the year 1893 78.839,233 pieces
'of money were. coined at Philadelphia.
A negro- :ancl.. his three sons were
whipped," twfth' 'hickory switches by
masked men at Waco, Tex., for maim
ing live felocki',,'-l';
The i total number of murders com-mitted-iaithe.United
States in 1S93 was
e,615, again st, 6,79,1. in 1893. The num
ber of lega executions in 1S93 was 126,
against 107 in 1H92,' .and the lynchings
numberect'2to):J Kil
A UTS amite ' petard was exploded
outsido the parliament house at Athens,
Greece.dqing ; great, damage to property-
.ej r; urp
After twenty-three' years of silence,
caused ' by; terror,' Mrs. Kuertl, living
near Valparaiso, Intl. recovered her
speech?" ii tui,;ii m: )!.
The xmtputt: of arort ore in the Lake
Superiop:iregion;Tin0lSa3, was 6.135,000
ton, against.. 9,074.293, .tons the pre
vious year.' " " ,.','.
So far as repdr&d !d,085 lives -were
lost on tlieoeean and -2I&' on the lakes
and river i of i this ' country in 1S93,
against 3,846 in IW. o:U
The; railroad disasters
in the United. Slates, in. ,1S93 was 4.603,
against 4.428 in. 1S92. "
The losses by flrein thXUnited States
for the year 1693' aggregated 8188,356,
940, showing a 'barge -increase as com
pared with the losses of iWlZJt
The GlDbtj theater and several other
building in,. Boston were burned, the
loss bein $500,000....
Whilst Mrs.' Phoebe ' Johnson and
John Cleaveri:were standing 'up to be
married 'in PatersonJ 'N. J.' the woman
died of heart disease.! .i )inoO X
The public debt; statement;; issued on
the 2d sbowedi.that tb ,debtj Jucreased
$7,125,723 during the ' month of ' Decem-
ucr. aho ;iwu uamuce in me treasury
was $90.375.5.Vt v The! total ' debt; less
the cash balance in the-treasury,
amounts to 963,605.trT? " )
The .Montgomery I company of
Port Kennedy, 'amade an assign
ment with liabilities' of $330, doo! x"'r"f
On com plaint' of, his 4 wif eV Ch'irles
Kohler," a' Toledo peddler, was 'arrested
for a murder committed in' 188f.'','',',
All. riders' wh6 took' ptirt' iti the six
day bieyele. race Ln:Nevi Yark3iape been
suspended - by . the National Cycling association-
,., .,r. :no1 If...
Most pfj the. business . portion of. lied
Key, Ind., was destroyed by' fire. '.
lowA;-is"'dvefrun 'with"'Wampa;'"wno
resort to fyrce'lf a' pitiful stdry'does not
bring fobd'undshelter.!'.f;rf''J I!i v or:;;;
Geobs e r. A.-BvK le , A' crankv , a tr;
tempted to kill Gov. Renfrew, of Old. a-,
homa, because he was not given an of
ficial position. r ..
Faiia'ces, ana . .suspensions , of all
kinds fn'LouisVille', Ky.,'-Jfor 'the'ye'ar'
1893 aggregate litV's tilting in actual 1
liabilitiefcof 4.027.353.54. Ti.'.r; : J rriia:
At Broadway. Va., a iierrb' named
Edward Williams was publicly given
200 lashed.
East-bound railway shipments dur
ing 1893 amounted to 3,281,2S0 tons,
against 3.749,650 in 1892.
The Gloucester (Mass.) fishermen
had a fairly prosperous year, the value
of the season's catch being placed at
The Columbus Watch company's
property at Columbus, O., went into
the hands of a receiver with liabilities
of $250,000; assets, $400,000.
The amount of national bank notes
outstanding December 31, 1893, was
A gift of $50,000, to be expended in
the purchase of books, was made by
John D. Rockefeller to the Chicago
The coinage executed at the United
States mints during the month of De
cember aggregated 8.714.551 pieces of
the value of $10,490,775.25.
In a collision between stock and
freight trains near Linwood, Kan.,
three men were killed and twelve in
jured, two fatally.
Three men were killed and several
injured by the premature explosion of
a blast in a quarry near Boston.
Francis T. Walton, better known
as Plunger Walton, proprietor of the
Grand hotel in New York, failed for
The internal revenue features of the
Wilson tariff bill have been agreed on
by the house committee. An income
tax of 2 per cent is among the pro
Two hundred of the unemployed at
Cleveland, O., marched to the city hall
and demanded that they be given work
or food.
Rev. Dr. Howard was convicted at
Jackson, Tenn., for using the mails for
fraudulent purposes in carrying on a
bogus business of securing alleged
claims upon English estates for people
in the United States.
The belief that only seven of the
1804 silver dollars were in existence has
been an error, for the eighth one has
turned up in Philadelphia.
The Children's Endowment associa
tion of Minneapolis failed for $150,000.
Donald Kennedy, one of the most
notorious opium smugglers in the coun
try, was arrested at Detroit.
Garnier's masterpiece. "Le Hoi
S'Amuse." valued at S100.000. was
ruined by the carelessness of a St.
Louis elevator boy.
Sarah R. Angle was victorious in
her suit against the Omaha road for
$205,833 due her husband's estate for
work done.
The Southern Land and Improve
ment company at Frankfort, Ky., went
into the hands of a receiver with lia
bilities of $500,000.
Flames originating in an elevator
destroyed $1,300,000 worth of property
in Toledo, O., and caused the loss of
two lives.
The fire losses in New York city in
1893 aggregated $5,630,937, against $5
060.937 in 1892.
E. A. Nelson, treasurer of Bruns
wick, Ga., who had disappeared, was
said to be $50,000 short in his accounts.
The large safe of the Franklin Grove
(I1L) bank was blown open and every
thing of value taken. The loss was es
timated at $35,000 in cash and paper.
The wholesale drug house of T. II.
Ilinchman & Son in Detroit. Mich.,
was burned, the loss being $150,000,
and other property valued at $100,000
was also destroyed.
A letter has just been returned to
the La Porte (Ind.) post office from the
dead letter office that was sent from
La Porte by N. Weber fourieen years
An earthquake shock was felt in
Telluride, Col.
The United States government has
just been informed that Minister Willis
had written to the provisional govern
ment in Hawaii requesting that they
surrender office, as the United States
government had decided in favor of the
restoration of the queen, and that
while President Dole had promised a
reply soon it was hardly expected that
this would be favorable to the queen.
Albert J. Stone confessed judgment
in Chicago for $172,547. It was said the
money was lost in building operations.
The Haynes Realty & Financial com
pany, conducting one of the heaviest
real estate businesses in St. Louis,
failed for $175,000.
The beet sugar factory in Lehi, U.
T., the largest in the world, finished
the season with a record of having man
ufactured over 4,000,000 pounds.
Powder exploded in the bouse of
Sol Collins at Spring Creek, Mo., and
Collins, his wife and four children
would die.
Representatives of many states met
in Detroit. Mich., to form a new secret
labor society, ,
Twenty-eight Arabian horses from
the world's fair were sold at auction in
Chicago, the average price being $360 a
Judge Long, of Michigan, will get
his pension, Commissioner Lochren de
ciding that its suspension was notlegaL
Jake Kilroy went to bed with a
lighted pipe in his mouth near Tuscum
bia, Ala., and he and two children were
fatally burned.
Receivers were appointed for the
Louisville, Evansville & St. Louis and
the Ohio Valley railway companies. ' j
E. F. Cashman, the retiring treasur
er of Greeley county. Neb,, was 6aid to
be short $24,000.
D. J. Cushman and William Morrill
were killed and George Keifer fatally
hurt in a freight train collision at War
saw, N. Y.
WagkwOrkers in Chicago were
asked to contribute one day's pay
toward relieving the distress of the
poor and needy.
Mrs. Mary McGrath, worth $40,000
d:ed an hour after being dug out of
the rags and filth in her St. Louis
A statement from the treasury de
partment puts the stock of gold money
,in the principal countries in the world
at $3,901,000,000, silver at $3,931,100,000,
and uncovered paper money at $2,700,
000,000. ' Chief Ford's figures show the value
'of the country's foreign trade for 1893
ttf be the greatest since 1864.
Resolutions congratulating Gov.
Matthews on his stand regarding the
Roby prize fights were adopted by In
diana Presbyterians. i
Gold-bearing quartz assaying twelva
ounces to the ton has been discovered
at Crooked Creek, Col.
Samuel Yarham, the oldest inhabi
tant in central Kansas, died at Abilene,
aged 109. He was thirty years in the
English army.
The legislatures of Ohio and Virginia
convened in regular session.
Thomas Payne King, who was in the
charge of the Light brigade at Bala
klava, died from apoplexy at Wichita,
Nathaniel Wheexeh, president of
the Wheeler &. Wilson Sewing Machine
company, died in Bridgeport, Conn.,
aged 73 years.
Mrs. Ann Baldrigk. 104 years old in
October, fell at Terre Haute, Ind., and
broke her thigh. Slie could not re
cover. David J. Williams died at Saratoga,
N. Y., at the advanced age of 103 years.
Ilis father lived to be 1 13 years old and
his grandfather died at the age of 129
The New York legislature convened
at Albany.
The Mississippi and Kentucky legis
latures convened for business.
Worthington C. Smith, ex-member
of congress, died at Sr. Albans. Vt.
Orlando B. Potter, aged 70, and a
memncr of the Forty-eightn congress,
dropped dead in front of the Bucking
ham hotel in New York.
The Maryland legislature raet at An
napolis for its biennial session.
The republicans of Pennsylvania in
convention at Harrisburg nominated
Galusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna, for
congressman at large.
The Massachusetts legislature con
vened at Boston.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lynch, th; oldest
resident of Mason county, 111., died at
Decatur, aged 104.
Frederick Thomas Grkenhalge was
formally inaugurated governor of the
commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Harry Kennedy, the famous song
writer and ventriloquist, died at his
home in Brooklyn, N. Y.
At Teneriffe, one of the islands of the
Canary group, a thousand deaths from
cholera have taken place.
The Manchester (England) ship
canal was formally opened to traffic,
A hundred thousand persons lined its
By a vote of almost 2 to 1 the prov
ince of Ontario declared for prohibi
tion of the manufacture and sale of
French police visited the homes of
10,000 supposed anarchists and made
many arrests.
Cossack soldiers murdered 100 Cath
olics at K rose ho Kowne, Russia.
Accused of conspiracy against the
government of Brazil, twelve naval
cadets were shot on the plaza at Per
nambuco. Anti-tax rioters at Campobello,
Sicily, applied the torch to mills and
public buildings and a third of the
town was destroyed.
At a state concert in Munich Freiherr
Truchsess, formerly Bavarian minister
at St. Petersburg, fell dead of apoplexy
in the presence of the royal party.
War between Nicaragua and Hon
duras has begun in earnest, and the
Honduras insurgent leader has estab
lished a provisional government at Cor;
Sicily has been declared in a state of
siege and Gen. Mora di Livriano has
been endowed with full powers.
Europe was storm swept, extending
as far as Trieste. The suffering among
the poor was terrible and many per
sons had been frozen to death.
The United States senate was not in
session on the 5th. In the house rules
were reported to govern the tariff de
bate, but the absence of a quorum pre
vented their adoption.
Mrs. Joseph Wentz, at Miamisburg,
O., drowned herself and babe while in
sane. There were 511 business failures in
the United States in the seven days
endeu on the 5 th, against 344 the week
previous and 231 in the corresponding
time in 1893.
Two-thirds of the business district
of the town of Corwith, la., was de
stroyed by fire.
Officers at Muncie, Ind., arrested
two of a gang of counterfeiters and
secured a complete outfit for making
The D. La thro p company, Boston
book publishers, made an assignment
with liabilities of $250,000. '
Dan Gilchrist (colored) was hanged
at Rockingham. N. C, for the murder
of his father-in-law.
Alk Davis, an old negro, was lynched
in Lonoke county, Ark., for stealing
Cipher dispatches were received by
the state department from the revenue
cutter Corwin, just returned from Ha
Rioters attacked the troops at Ma-
rineo, Sicily, and thirty of the mob
were killed and fifty wounded.
Sheriff Broward, of Jacksonville,
Fla., has taken a hand -in the Corbett-
M itch ell complication and he will stop
the big fight.
Gen. Crespo was reelected president
of Venezuela.
Warrants were out ibrThe arrestof
forty Akron (O.) residents who wit
nessed a cock tight in a hotel.
Five-cent restaurants were being es
tablished in New York city for the ben
efit of the suffering unemployed.
The Gutsch Brewingcompany at She
boygan, Wis., failed for $100,000.
Martin Reed (colorea) was hanged
at Kansas City, Mo., for killing his wife
on September 10. 1S90.
Thomas and Kate Kinney, an aged
ouple living in Orange, Conn., were
burned to death in their home.
Tnu schooner E. F. Willard went
ashore near Ipswich, Mass., and eight
of the crew were drowned.
The exchanges at the leading clear
ing houses in the United States during
the week ended on the 5tii ult. aggre
gated $030,800,551, against $77S,30,129
the previous week. The decrease, com
pared with the corresponding week in ;
1893, was 25.8.
Important Action of the House
Tariff Subcommittee.
It Decides to I-vy a Tax of 3 Per Cent.
. oo Personal Income, and to Increase
the Tax on Whlnky and Play
ing Cards.
Washington, Jan. 4. The advocates
of the individual income tax proposi
tion were triumphant at the meeting
of the democratic members of the
ways and means committee Tuesday
afternoon. The eleven members were
present when the final meeting was
held at the treasury department at
6 o'clock. Comparatively little time
was: wasted in discussioa. The
ground had all been argued and fought
over time and time again, and Tues
day afternoon the issue was joined on
two propositions, one to levy a tax of
2 per cent, against individual incomes
over $4,000 and against the incomes
from corporations (that is, the differ
ence between the gross income and the
operating expenses, or, in other words,
the net income); and, second, a proposi
tion offered as a substitute by Mr. Cock
ran (N. Y.) to tax the incomes from cor
porations 1 per cent, and inheritances
6 per cent., to place a tax of ten cents on
whisky and to restore sugar to the duti
able list at one-half a cent to a pound.
The vote on . Mr. Cockrau's substitute
proposition, which was taken first, re
sulted in its deft-at 7 to 4. The origi
nal proposition was then submitted and
carried by a vote of 6 to 5, as follows:
Yeas McMillin, Turner.Whiting, Bryan, By
num and Tarsney.
Nyas Wilson. Cock run, Stevens, Montgom
ery und Brecklnridi-e.
It was also decided, in connection
with the latter proposition, to increase
the whisky tax ten cents a gallon that
is from ninety cents t one dollar to
be levied against whisky in as well as
out of bond. Upon the representation
thpt this increase would work undue
hardship to the owners of whisky in
bond it was decided to extend the
bonded period from three to eight
years. The tax on playing cards, at
one time fixed at six cents a pack, was
reduced to two cents, and the contem
plated tax on perfumes and cosmetics
was discarded. No increase was made
in the tax on cigars, but the increase
on cigarettes $1 per 1,000 was allowed
to stand.
The committee estimates that the
tax on the incomes from corporatiena
and individuals (corporations being
treated as individuals) will raise $30,
000.000 revenue $12,000,000 from cor
j orations and $1S, 000,000 from individ
oals. The increase in the whisky tax, it is
estimated, will give an additional rev
enue of $10,000,000 per annum. The
proposed tax on inheritance, which was
to be levied in case the proposition for
an individual income tax failed, wm
not deemed necessary.
During the Month of December the Total
W Swelled by SS.K61 ,663.
Washington, Jan. 4. The public
debt statement shows the net increase
of the debt, less cash in the treasury,
during the month of December to have
been $0,8f'.i,CG . The interest-bearing
debt increased $9J, the . debt " on
which interest has ceased sinc ma
turity decreased $25,850, and the debt
bearing no interest increased $2,003,
301. The reduction in the cash bal
ance during the month was $4.824, 06 L
The interest bearing debt is S585.039,
310, the debt on which interest has
ceased since maturity is $1,913,
530, and the debt bearing no in
terest is $376,053,077, a total debt
of $903,005,917. The certificates and
treasury notes offset by an equal
amount of cash in the treasury amount
to $004,317,424, an increase during the
month of $5,088,122. The gold reserve
is 80,891,600 and the net casn balance
$9,483,955, a total available balance of
$90,375,555, a decrease during the month
of $4,824,001.
The total cash in the treasury is
$737,614,701. The total amount of
national bank notes outstanding De
cember 31, 1S93, was $20S,442,027, an in
crease in circulation since December
SI, 1892, of $34,141,215 and a decrease
in circulation since November SO of
$408,761. The circulation outstanding
against bonds December 31 was $1S5,
087,703. A NEW BRIDGE.
It Is Formally Opened in the Presence of
Thousands at Leavenworth. -
Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 4.- Fif
teen thousand people, in addition to the
20,000 living here, celebrated the
formal opening of the new steel
draw-bridge across the Missouri river
at this point. The parade was over
a mile long. D. R. Anthony pre
sided at the dedication exercises and
the test was made under the super
Vision of Engineer George L. Morrison,
of Chicago. The test was most thor
ough. Then followed a gala train of
Burlington and Rock Island cars.
Speeches were made by several noted
men. In the evening there was a grand
illumination and a mass meeting.
Work on the five bridge piers was be
gun December 20, 1892. October 1 last
the first piece of iron was put into
place and on December 15 the bridge
proper was finished. It was the quick
est piece of large bridge building on
record. The structure cost $(570,000 and
is a combination railroad and wagon
Crop; of Raiwi Threatened by Frost
Gloomy View of the Situation.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 4. The Rus
sian Agricultural Gazette takes a
gloomy view of the prospects for
1894. The remarkable mildness of the
winter so far and the absence of snow
are regarded as of evil augury. The
mild frost which set in lately con
tinues, threatening the totl destruc
tion of the crop. Specialist Ivanon
Etchenkoff writing to the Grajadanin
predicts' a widespread famine in 1894.
This fear is largely shared by well
informed persons.
They Can Loss of Life In New York and
Went VI rein la.
Warsaw, N. Y., Jan. 6. A freight
collision on the Buffalo, Rochester fc
Pittsburgh railroad at about 2 o'clock
a. m. resulted in the death of two men
and serious injury of another. Tho
first section of train 33 left this sta
tion at 1:30 a. m., and, having to
take on some cars at Rock Glen,
ten empty coal cars and the caboose
were left on the main track in charge
of a flagman, who must have gone to
sleep and failed to set the brakes. The
cars and caboose, in which the three
men were doubtless asleep, came
down grade at a fearful speed
and struck engine 94 on the sec
ond section of No. S3 just as it was
pulling out of the west end of the
yard. The caboose and six coal cars
were utterly wrecked. The killed were:
D. L. Cashman, of Machias, and Wil
liam Morrell, braketnan. residence El
mira. George W. Keifer, the flagman,
is badly injured. Cashman's body was
found under the wreek, and Morrell's
on top of the boiler of the engine. He
was evidently in the cupola of the ca
boose. Faikmount, W. Va.. Jan. 5. There
was a fnghtful accident at the mines
of tho Monongah Coal it Coke compa
ny, 5 miles from here Wednesday after
noon, caused by a train of four loaded
cars breaking loose from the toil ropo
on the inclined entry and running back
where the miners were at worlc
Robert Hitter was crushed against
the wall and died in two hours.
Fennimore Anderson was frightfully
cut about the head and had his skull
fractured. Frank Gallagher had his
left arm crushed off and sustained
other severe injuries. Both Gallagher
and Anderson are expected to die.
Kecelvers Named for the Louisville,
Kvunaville C St. Louis Koal.
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 6. The
finaucial diflieulties of the Louisville,
Evansville & St Louis Consolidated
Railroad company culminated Thurs-
j day with the appointment of two re
ceivers ice President L. O. Hopkins
and James II. Wilson, of Springfield,
111. The petition upon which
the receivers were appointed by
Judge Woods alleges that the funded
indebtedness, which is in mortgage
bonds upon the railroad propert3 is
$:0,OOO.C0; that there is a floating
debt of $900,000, of which $500,000 1
past due; that the pay rolls for March
and December have not been caid,
and that the interest on the bonded
debt falling due January 1 has been
defaulted. This interest, it is al
leged, amounts to $132,000. It is also
alleged that the company is unable to
pay its operating expenses; that its
securities have been pledged for tem
porary loans at greatly depreciated
value, and that their value as assets
of the road is menaced by the proba
bility of their sale in default of tak
ing up the temporary loan. Tho
railroad company in an answer which
is signed by E. O. Hopkins, vice
president of the road, admits all the
allegations of the complainants. Judge
Woods issued an order appointing Hop
kins and Wilson receivers, and fixing
their bonds at $25,000 each. The re
ceivers are instructed to operate the
road without interruption.
The Long-Mlsslnc Leather Itand Has Iteea
Chicago, Jan. 6. At last the long
missing strap on the trunk sold to J.
B. Simonds by Clerk Hatfield, of A.
II. Revell & Co.'s furniture es
tablishment, has been located. Hat
field has identified it. The
state has found it in the pos
session of Adam Doerr. an old
shoemaker at 142Jj' North Clark street,
who says it was brought to him a few
days before Dr. Cronin's murder by a
man who wanted the buckle repaired.
The job was done but the man never
came back. This man answers the de
scription of Martin Burke. The identi
fication of the strap adds another clew
to the men concerned in the murder.
The latest development in the Cough
!in investigation supplies the state with
a brand new witness. On the authority
of .Mr. Bottum, who is not given to re
tailing idle rumors, this new witness
will testify positively to having seen
Daniel Coughlin in the neighborhood
of the Carlson cottage May 12, 1S89.
The name of the new witness for the
state is Mrs. liorton and she lives on
Woodside avenue. She knew both Foy
and Coughlin and it is asserted that
she will . swear that she saw both men
named at the corner of Roseoe street
and Ashland avenue May 12, the day
the cottage floor was painted.
Death ot Kllsabeth I. I'eabody, a Leader
la Kducatlonal ileforna.
Boston. Jan. 6. The venerable Eliza
beth I. Pea body, of Jamaica Plains, is
dead. She was one of the advanced
educators of the century and was di
rectly uoncerncd in the introduction of
the kindergarten system in this coun
try, and has been foremost in all edu
cational reforms, especially in that of
establishing new and important meth
ods in the existing school system. She
was born in Billerica, Ma6s., May 10,
1804, and was the daughter of Nathan
iel Peabody, a well-known dentist
Her 6ister, Sophia, became the wife of
Nathaniel Hawthorne, and another sis
ter, Mary, married Horace Mann, who
founded the school for the deaf and
u m Ii
The Youth "And what shall I do
to hav5 my fellow-men speak well of
me?" The Sage "Die."
"Willie has a terrible cold on his
che6t." "Dear me! How did he catch
it?" "Went out one day without his
Stadehoue-"They tell nie the aver
age cowboy's language is fall of dash
and piquancy." Binwestr "I don't
know about the piquancy. P:om a
printer's standpoint, though, it b cer
tainly full of dash."
Several liusiness Blocks Horned The Loss
Estimated at Vl.300.000.
Toi.odo, O.. Jan. 5. A fire which,
caused a loss of $1,300,000, sweeping out
several of the largest business blocks in
the city and causing the probable loss
of two lives, began in this city at 6:30
o'clock Wednesday night. The West
ern Union is completely burned out and
the Tostal is urable to take messages.
These facts are -nt by long distance
telephone and the Western Union at
Detroit. The fire commenced on the river
front of F. M. Quales' elevator, and
was probably caused by an explosion
of dust. This elevator was located at
the corner of Madison and Water
streets It was filled with grain, and,
although the Sre was discovered before
it had done much damage, it had
seized such a hold on the inflammable
building and contents that it soon be
came evident that the elevator could,
not be saved.
The general alarm was turned in ami
the twelve fire companies responded.
Capt. Frazer, of Company No. 1, took
four of his men to the top of the ele
vator. The flames spread furiously
through the lower part of the build
ing and it was soon seen that
the building could . not be
saved. Three explosions of dust
followed soon after and the burn
ing building fell, a mass of ruins.
Timbers were thrown in all directions
and dozens of people were struck by
them, many of them being badly in
jured. Capt. Frazer was badly burned.
His companions miraculously escaped.
Julian Odell, a hoseuian in Company 6,
was run over by his cart and so badly
injured that he is dying.
After the explosion the flames shot
across Water street to the chamber of
commerce building. King's elevator
and oflice block across Madison street
also caught and both buildings soon be
came masses of flames. The chamber of
commerce was a six-story stone building,
containing about 120 offices and two
banks. Wonderland theater was next
door to it, on Summit street. Across
Summit street from the chamber of
commerce, which extends from f.ummit
to Water, is the Hartford blo-k and
government building. A terrific wind
was blowing the flames straight
toward them. The Hartford block
was badly damaged, but by heroic
work on the part of the fireman the
progress of the flames was blockevi. As
it is, about 200 offices and business
houses are burned out.
The largest losses are as follows
T. B. Brown, chanber of commerce build
ingr, 2jO.O0O, insurance f.lO.tOO; F. N. Quales.
grain and elevator, tSO.'XW, fully inured:
Frank T. King, grain and elevator,
1 160,000. (i 18.U00 insurance; Toledo Press,
club. t-.00, no insurance: C L. Luce estate
building. J60.UO0; Wonderland tbeater, onr.ei
by Moore and others, of Buffalo, toC.OuO;
Samuel Youd? building. 150.000; '"est &
Truax, wholesale drugs. 175.000, insurance
145.000: William Baker. Hartford block. (10 'JOO;
Mrs. K. Bullock, Cincinnati. Anderson block.
flO.000: Second national bank office fixtures,
etc., (25.CO0. In tbe vault which lies in the
ruins is more than S2J0,OjU It cannot now be
told whether this is destroyed or not Spit
rer &. Co, bankers' and bond brokers' orilce
fixtures, 2J.0J0, besides a large sum in the
vault: Western Union telegraph, about K5,0J;
American District telegraph, i-iJ.oOJ: Bacon ti
Huber, architects. HO.OuO; E. O. Fallis. archi
tect. 130.000: A. B. Sturires. architect. i25,0u0:
Union Central Life insurance, (15,000: S?ep
Coad, saloon, HO.OUO; John Poag estate build,
ing, 115,0110 Robison Street Railroad company
general offices, about (10.000.
The remainder of the losses are made
up among lawyers, insurance men, etc.
The fire was gotten under control about
9 o'clock. A riot alarm was turned in,
to which four companies of mili'.ia
and one of artillery, under com
mand of Col. II. S. Bunker, re
sponded. The soldiers did gxxl
service in keeping the crowd away
from the danger. It looked at one time
as if the entire business part of the city
would be swept away. At 1 o'clock
telegraphic service had been patched
up and the burned out firms were look
ing for new locations.
Owing to the high wind help was re
quested from the nearest cities and re
sponded tc promptly by Cleveland,
Detroit and Adrian. The latter two
reached the city before the fire was
under control aud rendered efficient
service. This is the largest fire which
has ' visited Toledo for the last twenty
. Loss of 8250,000 to Detroit.
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 5. Fire started
from some unknown cause in the third
story of T. H. Ilinchman & Son's whole
sale drug house about 6:30 o'clock
Wednesday evening. The building was
shortly beyond saving and the
firemen directed their efforts to rav
ing adjoining buildings. The Ilinch
man building was four stories high and
extended through the block from Jef
ferson avenue to Woodbridge street,
with an addition on the Woodbridge
street end. Adjoining the latter is.
Standart Bros.' wholesale hardware
house, which also suffered heavily
from fire and water. W. H.
Edgar & Co., wholesale sugar
dealers, sustained a loss of sev
eral hundred dollars from fire,
water and smoke. Another building,
occupied by Louis Blitz & Co., fancy
glass manufacturers, was somewhat
damaged with small loss on stock. The
Hiuchman house was one of the oldest,
and largest in the state. Their loss or.
building and stock will probably react.
$165,000; insurance, $115,000. Th
Standart stock and building were val
ued at $115,030, nearly covered by in
surance. Their actual loss cannot cow
be estimated, but it is believed the en
tire loss will be about 250,000.
The American Rrprpsentwtive t Durder
Scotland. Pastes Anaj.
Washington. Jan. 5. The depart
ment of state is informed by cable of
the death of George XV. Savage, Uaitett
States consul at Dundee, Scotland. Mr.
Savage was an invalid for several
months, his age, 00 years, tending to
the rapid progress of his disease. He
was born in New York, and appointed
in President Cleveland's first term from.
New Jersey consul at Belfast. Las
June be was appointed consul at Duo-dee