Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 19, 1891, Image 1

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yf T
VOL. 10. SO. 9.
$1.50 lv Year
Tii' ily lu Possession of the Biave
(.raod Army Boys.
IntuWttliiK Session at the Opera House
Today Tb. W. K. C. Here in Great
X umttern anil Hold a Meeting
at KiKkwouil Hall.
rn.m' Dally.
At the department lull call this
morning 232 delegates answered to
their names, ami were given badges
indicating their membership of the
Not tieing able to be present himself
the annual address of the department
commander was read by the adjutant.
Tim following excerpt gives its open
ing paragraphs:
CoMiiAims: Once more we are as
sembled, at our fourteenth annual
business encampment, here in this
beautiful city, the guests y fits hospita
ble citizens. Let us see to it that their
welcome is cordially returned. Our
department has made steady progress
during the year, adding considerably
to its numlers and growing in enthus
iasm and interest, notwithstandingthe
visitations of l'rovidence, which have
made this a hard year on the old boys
and a most arduous one for the Com
mander. 1 1 have traveled over 5.000
miles in the interest of the order;
visited and encouraged a great many
Mists, camp tires and reunions; have
organized eighteen new posts, with a
membership of S0, ami reorganized
four posts, with a membership of 104,
and made a net gain in the department
of 65)1, leaving a present membership
in good standing of 8,137.
Senior Vice Commander J oseplt Tee
teer, Medical Director V. II. Johnson,
Chaplain Rev. Wm. E. Kimball, .ass.
Adj. Gen. John B. Sawhill, Ass. Qm.
Gen. C. L. Howell, Chief of Staff Chas.
E. Ru.mestfr.
Council of Administration - J. W.
Thomas, II. W. Short, J. II. Malone,
John Diener, W. D. Wildman.
Fast Commanders I'aul VanDer
voort, A. V. Cole, II. C. Russell, R. II.
Wilbur, S. J. Alexander, II. E. Palmer,
J. M. Thayer, W. C. Henry, S. II. Mor
rison. Kearney post 2. Omaha Michael
Coady, James Davidson, John Reagan,
Chas. Kohlmeyer.
McPnerson post 4, Fremont I. P.
Custer post 7, Omaha J. W. Honza,
J do. A. Cuscaden, John 13. Sawhill, M.
J. Feenan, A. Allee, J. C. Wilcox.
l,vou post 11, Grand Island Jno.
M. Thayer, N. II. Herford, S. P. Mob
ley, J. T. Connell.
Strickland post 13, Hastings II. G.
Knight, C. J. Dillworth, J. J. Bu
chanan. Edgar post IB, Edgar S- C. Beck
J. K. Kidd.
Morton post 17, Hebron J. II.
Stanton post 20, Rising City A.
Roberts, D. F. Canfleld-
Wadsworth post 21, Syracuse J. F.
Wilson post 22, Geneva C. C. Shum
way. Bauiner post 24, Nebraska City
Chas. G. Fisher, S. 11. Morrison, J. C.
Farragut post 25, Lincoln Martin
Howe, Chas. Gould, J. C. Bonnell, K.
C. Hazlett, O. C Bell, Phelps Paine,
J. W. Bo wen, 4. B. Strode, Henry
Meyer, J. D. Garner, J. S. Warwick,
Joseph Bolshaw, Jerome Shamp, Jas.
Reynolds post 26, Osceola II. XV.
Kennard, II. F. Bense.
McCook post 31, Ashland Z. J.
Sheridan post 34, Schuyler J. W.
Schultz, II. C. Russell, J. D. Mill.
Rawlins post 35, Beatrice J. E.
Hill, G. L. Cole, O. H. Phillips.
Mitchell post 33, Waverly Wm.
Mocroft, P. II. Walker, P. Il.Sudduth,
R. S. Cooley, Jas. Welch, Amos Peck,
Henry Carpenter, M. V. Blauchard,
M. II. Mills, J. V. Jones, John Tom
kinson . , ,
Oliver post 43, Fairfield W. S. Ran-
d McConihie post 45, Plattsmouth
J. W. Johnson, II. J. Streight, Thos.
Wiles, Malou Dixon, S. P. Vanatta.
Ileckathorne post 47, Tecumseh
R. T. Brown, Peter Piatt, J. S. Dew,
Purdy Platl. J. W. Bouffsu.
Wallace post 50. Hubbell L. wells.
MansQield post 54, Palmyra C. II.
Dahlgren post 55, Pa pill ion J. x.
Hildebrand, John Q. Goss.
winslow post 56, Milford J. II Cul-
Gates post 5S, Lyons R. S. Hart.
Lafayette post 61 weeping water
J. w. Thomas, J. II. Davis.
Upright post 2, lieuiiett D. Ellis.
Fremont post, 68, Neligh R. F.
Beadie iost, 72, Hardy C. T.
Douglas post, (I!, North Platte R.
II . Stuart.
Russell post, 77, Fairbury F. R.
Peteb, J. T. Thompson.
Geary post, 81, Juniata B.F. Smith.
A. V. Cole.
Veteran post, 84, Falls City wm.
Curtis post, 81), De Witt D. F. Bow
dish. Andrew post, 00. Wahoo John
Steen, Ott F. Steen, E. E. Lyler C. M.
Copp, . Thorpe.
Strong pot, yi, Minden Josep.i
Ingram, 05, Pawnee City
Edgar Wood, A. D. Strunk, C. II.
Hare, L. A. Wheeler.
Sill post, Sterling J. 1. Jump.
Wyman post, 101, Firth C. M.
Roberts post, 104, Talmage Peter
Brown, J. M. Cathcart, Christian
Mathewson post, 10!), Norfolk P.
Grant post, 110, Omaha Chas. F.
Manderson, C. S. Chase, E. A. Pai me
lee. C. E. Burmeister, II. II. Benson,
Q. II. Shinn, . Bloom.
Glover post, 111, lloldrege J. E.
Reno post, 112, Lexington I. P.
G lis wold.
Whitehead post, 114, Orleans W.
II. Barnwell.
Coleman post, 115, Wymore James
Crawford, W . II. Frost.
Stoneman post, lift, Tonca A. B.
Hoyes, . Bohan.
Boomer post, 118, Tekamah B. F.
Hunter post, 122, Ohioway L. II.
Cor bin, . C. Mmslow, J. M. Walker,
Wm. Matsou.
Kenesaw post, 123, Elmwood D.
Lookout Mountain post, 127, Friend
A. J. Justice, W. F. Doudna.
Stacy post, 130, Friend E. Whit
comb, P. C. Johnson. W. F. Wolfe.
Slocum post, 141, Endicott W.
Chase post, 143, Madison W. P.
Kleven post, 146, Culbertson N.
Mishler, W. D. Wildmau.
Live Eagle post, 147, Fullerton J.
Z. Jackson.
Mission Ridge post, 149, Greenwood
Ira Tinhham, E. C. Coleman, J. W.
Stott, J. Kamo.
Corinth post, No. 153, Genoa Henry
Indianola post, 154, lndianola G.
W. Hurt.
Valley post, 156, Minden Edward
Freas post. 163, Beaver J. T.
Sumny, J. B. Fevis.
Volunteer post, 164, Dawson B.F.
Gere post, 165, Table Rock A. D.
Ussawattomie post, 179, Hartington
W. H. Stephenson, B. Olsen.
Harvey post, 182, Tilden J. D.
Moorehouse post, 188, Tobias Jas.
McCreedy, D. C. Marsh.
Garrison post, 189, Fletcher Elijah
Kendall post, 190, Stanton Samuel
Gher, J. Eberly, Jno. A. Earhardt.
Barnes post, 207, McCook II. H.
Mulligan post, 209, Western A. II.
Frost, J. Mullin.
Appo.i.-ittox post, 214, Lincoln L.
T. Pace, Paul Cook.
Hay Springs post, 223, Hay Springs
-v-.I. M. Waterman, B. F.Diffenbacher.
Lennington post, 227, Chadron T.
F. Powers.
Jordan post, 239, Clay Center Elder
Nickajack post, 245, Diller J. W.
Ileurys, D. R. Kelleys, James Condon.
Crook post, 22, Omaha Geo. C.
Bruner, Thos, L. Hi.ll, L. F. Maginn,
B. R. Ball.
Gering post, 265. Gering W. H.
Johnson, J. P. Finley.
Norton post, 226, Daykin T. J.
Hull post, 269, Palisade J. N.
Little Phil post, 270, Tecumseh W.
II. Miller, C. II. Halstead, Robert Hus
ton. Atlanta post, 275, Platte Robert
Price, . Smith.
Drury post, 273, Pender Aaron
Livingston post, 282, South Omaha
J. Cress, S. II. Dennis.
Ogelsby post, 3S4, Huntley O. H.
Sackett post, 285, Haigler W. D.
Thompson post, 309, Brownville
Dewitt Hickmann.
Gossard post. 315, Herman James
Mead, . Triplet.
G. A. B. Wot..
Cant. Teeter of Lincoln has the call
as a candidate tor uepartmenc com
mander. A lively contest is on for the posi
tion of adjutant general between the
incumbent. J. B. Sawhill, of Omaha,;
and Brad P. Cook, of Lincoln. j
Gov. Thayer and Speaker Elder of
the house are among the promiment
personages visible in the crowd at the ,
Kiley. The latter is a delegate.
M. V. Wood of Elmwood precinct
was among the visitors to the encamp
ment today. He said he wws glad that
the county seat trouble was settled at
last, and thought talk of a new petition
was a hoax.
The Riley and Perkins were filled to
overflowing and a large number of
the delegates went to other hotels.
Both of these hotels are provided with
cots so that they can provide for still
others if there should be a demand for
Phelps Peine is not here for fun, but
is having a good share of it all the
same. The rotund form of Paul Van
dervoort is visible about the encamp
ment lobbies. He is looking after the
special welfare of Speaker Elder. Of
course there is no politics in that.
Miss Celia Clarksjn, daughter of
Department Commander Clarkson,
died on Monday at Colorado Springs.
This distressing event has taken Col.
Clarkson to Denver, and made it im
possible for him to preside at the pres
ent encampment of the department.
The funeral of the deceased young lady
will take place at Omaha tomorrow.
Met at llockwood hall at 11 o'clock
and was called to order by the pres
ident, Mrs. Mary R. Morgan, with a
full list of officers and some forty corps,
represented by about 150 delegates.
A committee on credentials was ap
pointed and routine business was at
tended to until after dinner. At the
afternoon meeting reports of executive
oflicers for the past year were made
and listened to, and the national of
ficers were presented.
The appearances indicate that a
most interesting session will ensue.
The following is the official roster of
the convention:
President Mary R. Morgan.
S. V. president Laura A. Bates.
J. V. president Otelia Dudley.
Chaplain La Dell Stillson.
Executive boardV-Lyde M. Bonne,
Sophia L. Bennett,! Julia L. Bowen,
Mary E. Miles, Jennie L. Holmes.
Secretary Amanda M. Lnfferty.
Counselor Helen E. Cook.
Inspector Theresa Woodward.
Coiresponding secretaries Julia S.
Bowen and Laura A. J es.
Past department pr .ents Emma
Manchester, Mary R. Morgan and
Lyde M. Bonn.
W. K. C. Notes.
Relief Corps delegates from Madi
son Mesdames M. V. Allen, Mary L.
Carder, Wm. Parkinson, Carl T. See
ley. The following delegates were present
from the Madison Relief Corps: Mes
dames M. V. Allen, Mary. L. Carder,
W. Carkinson, and Carl T. Seely.
The W. R. C. convention is com
posed of the most intelligent, refined
looking and handsomely-dressed com
pany of ladies the reporter has ever
seen in the state.
The local Rel'ef Corps ladies are
having a serious time securing enter
tainment for the many delegates pres
ent, while it is notorious that many of
the best equipped mansions in town
are entertaining no one. This is
Daath of Mrs. B. Windham.
The Glenwood Opinion says in re
gard to the late Mrs. Windham: After
several days lingering on the verge of
eternity the spirit of Mrs. B. Windham
took its fight on Sunday morning at 8
o'clock. The funeral services were
held at the family residence on Mon
day at 3 p. m. The house was inade
quate to contain the great num
ber of friends that attended.
Revs. Hunt, Nutting and Stephens
participated in the exercises, the two
former making fitting addresses and
the latter readirg appropriate passages
of the scripture. The following rela
tions were present: Mrs. Anna M.
Goodell and son of River Forest, Ills.;
Mrs. Sarah Madison of Los Angelos,
Cal.; Mrs. II. H. O'Neill of Danville,
Ills., and R. B. Windham of Platts
mouth, Neb.
Death of Mrs. Ann Erwln.
Monday's Dally.
A telegram vas received last night
from Louisville announcing the death
of Mrs. Ann Erwin, grandmother of
Telegraph Agept R. W. Clement of
this city. Mrs. Erwin was born in
New Castle, England on the 17th. of
February eighty-two years ago. Mr.
Clement and his mother will leave for
Louisville tonight or in the morning.
The funeral will be held Thursday.
Plenty of A No. 1 flour on hand to
exchange for wheat at the Factory ville
Roller Mills. Wheat taken on deposit.
38-tfl T. W. Wakne.
'Wedding Anniversary.
On Saturday the 14th of February ',
Mr. and Mrs. r. M. loung jr. cele
brated the twentieth anniversary of
their wedding day at their home six
miles southwest of Plattsmouth. It
was also the fiftieth birthday of Mr.
Young, he having been married the
day he was thirty years of age to Miss
Eliza Law.
About seventy persons, old and
young, gathered at their home to cele
bi ate the event, to renew old friend
ships, and to make glad the hearts of
those whose anniversary they were
celebrating. The day was spent in
social visits of old acquaintances, and
in musical entertainments by Mrs.
Frank Root and Miss Lin 11a Young as
organists, assisted by Miss Lillie Kau
ble with her violin. During the after
noon seventy-two persons partook of a
bountiful dinner prepared by the host
ess and her lady friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Young received a lull set of stone
china ware dishes costing $20. 1 hey
also received the following presents
from individuals. A wine set, a cake
stand, and a box of cigars from Miss
Tillie Bauer of Louisville, a lady's and
gentleman's cup and saucer from Mr.
and Mrs. Leavitt of Lincoln, a china
mug ami three china vases from Mr.
and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, and a china
fruit dish from Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Conn of Nehawka.
There were present at the anni
versary Messrs. and Mesdames
I.S. White, J. W. Conn, Joseph Sans,
S. G.LattaA. Root, A. M. Holmes,
L. II. Young and daughter Luella,
A. B. Taylor, Hiram McDonald. T. W.
Faugbt, Frank Root, Win. Morrow,
R. t Dean and daughter Grace, F. M.
Young, sr., and daughters Anna and
Kate, Joshua Gapen and daughter
Anna, S. L. Furlong, D. A. Young,
W. A. Royal, Henry Boeck, Frank
Moore, E. A. Kirkpatrick, and Lee
Kirkpatrick and sister Kate, and Mes
dames Wm. Holmes, Wm. Taylor,
Austin Johnson, Lizzie Cochran, Wm.
Ellington. Misses Lillie Kauble.Jennie
Young. Tillie Bauer, Satchell, Messrs.
Wm. Young, Wm. Gilmour, Byron
Young, Sam and Lloyd Gapen, George,
Ray and J. II. Holmes, of Sherman
The following named persons at
tended the anniversary who were at
the wedding twenty years ago: E. A.
Kirkpatrick, who acted as groomsman,
Wm. Young; D. H. Young, Miss
Jennie Young, Mrs. Lizzie Cochran,
Henry Boeck and wife, L. II. Young
and wife, A. M. Holmes and wife. S.
G. Latta and wife, and S. L. Furlong
and wife.
In the evening about seventy young
people gathered at home of Mr. rnd
Mrs. Young and enjoyed themselves at
various amusements until 12 o'clock
and then dispersed for their several
Saicide at South Bend.
Saturday'. Dally.
From J. M. Grace, who came in from
South Bend this morning. The Jour
nal, learns that a man there named
Wilcox had committed suicide last
night by taking two ounces of aconite,
and was found dead in bis bed this
Wilcox is described to have been a
shiftless sort of a fellow, about 50 years
of age, who has lived in town there
since last fall, engaged at work at
times about a livery barn, and pre
tending to be a horse doctor. He
lived in the house with his former
wife, who was divorced from him.
About three weeks ago he had some
difficulty with the owner of the livery
stable where he stayed, and soon after
the barn was set on fire, and also the
man's house. After this he got on a
big spree, and was heard to say that
he was suspected of burning that barn,
and be then threatened to burn the
Threats of his arrest .followed and
he skipped out for some days, return
ing recently. The next heard of him
was this morning, when he was re
ported dead, as above stated.
Coroner Unruh and Sheriff Tighe
were called on to go out today to in
vestigate the matter.
Nebraska City to Plattsmouth. -
From the Union Ledger.
It is almost a settled fact that the
B. & M. road will build from Nebraska
City to Plattsmouth, and it is also a
settled fact in the minds of some of
good judgment, that if it builds at all
it will follow the river. While the
people of Union and vicinity would
gladly have this line of road from
Nebraska City to Plattsmouth via
Union they need not lose any sleep
because of the route it will likely
take. While it will do us no good it
will do us no harm, by way of causing
a new town between ours and the
river, because it is evident that a sta
tion of any importance, could not
exist in such a small bit of territory as
will be allowed it. Union has a large
territory around it and is so situated,
with its railroads, that it is almost
impossible for a town to build up near
to its detriment. In fact, our town
can take care of itself; Union is a good
name for it. but Independence would
be better, and our people have nothing
to do but pay up their obligations to
it and watch it go to the front ranks.
His Career on I be St reets of IMaMs
mouth Saturday Mght.
His LM-ad I tori y Found on No mil Kirl
Street The Coroner's IiiU-hI Miuwm
Death to Have K-Miiltd from
Old Age and Kxiomii re
Hurled Monday .
John Finisher finished his journey
upon this earth sometime early in the
evening of Saturday last. As Anton
Nilka, William Suiithman and William
Mayall were on their way to the I J. O.
T. B. dance, between H and o'clock
Saturday evening, tliev discovered the
body ot a man lying about hall a block
north of the East Fourth ward M ltool
house. The body proved to be that of
John Finisher, a well-known character
and an old resident of I'lattsinouth,
whose house was iu uhat is km wn a
Ilapp) Hollow. The police wne
uolilied and the body taken to the
undertaking rooms of Coroner I'niuh.
Mr. Unruh was out of the city at
.South Bend holding an impiest on the
suicide Wilcox and the inquest upon
Finisher was therefore postponed un
til 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. At
that time Messrs. Geo. Weidiriann,
Ben Hempel, M. Archer, II. II. Van
aranain, W. D. Bates and T. L. Mur
phy were empaneled as a jury, and,
alter hearing the testimony, returned
a verdict of death resulting from ex
posure and old age.
Mr.Finisher was an eccentric old man
a widower (by divorce) and lived alone
in his own property in Happy Hollow,
where he owns lots 10. 11, VI and 13 in
block 10, on one of which is his late
residence. S- far as is known he has
no living relative and his property will
go to the state. He had no trade and
worked as a laborer most of the time
of late years for the city. In 18G8 Mr.
Finisher was the landlord of the River
hotel and at that time he was still
living with his wife. His wife, about
whom there is little known, was a
little loose, and in 1878 Finisher got
a divoree from her on the ground of
desertion. She then m.i rried a Richard
P. Cartwright, a B. & M. shop employe,
and went with him. In 1879 Finisher
bought the Happy Hollow property,
built him a house and has since lived
there in bachelor style. For a nnmbeY
of years thereafter he was employed
by Walter White and T. L. Murphy.
Mr. Finisher was considered indus
trious and was honest in his dealings
with all whom he came in contact.
Nothing, not even a scrap of paper was
found on his person, and at first there
was a suspicion of foul play. But the
coroner, in company with Messrs. Geo.
Weidmann, Ben Hempel and Police
men O'Neill visited his house, which
was unlocked, and there found his
keys, pocket-book and household be
longings in good order and thus disap
peared the foundation of the foul play
Geo. Weidmann, with whom the
deceased was well acquainted said
that Finisher often told him that he
had no relatives, and expressed the
wish he would be decently buried when
he should die and that he cared noth
ing of what became of the rest of the
property. The decased was a Hun
garian by birth, and was about GO years
of age. He w as buried in Oak
Hill cemetery Monday afternoon at
3 o'clock and there were no services, no
one seeming to know of the deceased
ever expressing a desire for such
How the Contest Resolution Was Killed.
In the senate Wednesday the vote on
the passage of the joint resolution
providing for the contest was as fol
lows: Yeas Coulter. Day, Dysart, Hill,
Michener, Poynter. Randall, Sanders,
Smith, Stevens, Warner, Williams 12.
Nays Brown. Christoffereon. Col
lins, jGggleston, Keiper, Mattes. Moore,
Schram, Snumway, Switzler, Thomas,
Turner, Van Housen, Woods 13.
Senator Kountz was paired with
Senator Wilson. Senator Starbuck with
Senator Horn and Senator Beck with
Senator Shea Senator Taylor absent
and not voting.
A Historic I'en.
The contract with Architect Gray
for the plans, specifications and super
intendence of the erection of the new
Cass county court bouse was duly
completed and signed by the county
commissioners and Mr. Gray Thursday
evenine. The pen with which the
signatures were affixed has been pre
served by County Clerk Critchfield and
vill be used likewise to sign the con
tract with the builder when that is
made, and it is proposed to place the
pen and holder in the corner stone of
the structure when that is formally
laid, as a relic of the occassion.