Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 20, 1890, Image 7

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jftynopala of Ilia Annual Report of th
.forking of tlm War ieprtnent Iur
C til Vcr.
Washington, Nov. 17. Secretary of
far I 'roc tor ban submitted bissocond an
ual report to tho President showing the
ntlition and n fed of the department,
thilo admitting that tho (iovemment
little to fear from invasion tho Sec
retary say no great civilized nation
Jin morn just canso to look well to tho
ondition of its roast defense.. Under
bo fortilli'ation act of last session posi
ions for forty--ight mortars in three
roup of sixteen eacli and for three of
11 o new long-rang punn will Lo prc
ired in New York harbor; for one
roup of mortars and one gun in lloston
larbor, ami for one group of mortars
.ml two guns at San Francisco. He
trust thut a fixi-d policy may bj a'loptcl
9 the liny of u rc:iHnalili- yearly appropriation
r the i-ornpl-.-tion f the wurk on which tho
Nation N tint ' rntt-rim?. With .such a
llry manufacturers couM n:ifrly put in the
jTes'-ary plant ami he utile to furnish
"niitcriiil at a chiiirr r:it!. With
annual appropriation of I H,QjO,OiO t.
'), -only a little more than that of tho
e-41-nt year th construction unU emplacu
i nt of inn.-t an:l mortars, works of torp."Jo
efrnse, for the whole coast can 1.? carrlvii on,
tntl in ten years our principal harbors anj
tics rcmlercU casonably secure.
.The Secretary calls attention to tho
d visibility of tho three-battalion
urination for infantry which already
revails in tho other arms of the service.
' Tho number of desertions from tho
Army for the twelve months ended Sep
'oi:iler no were 2.0SU, as against 2,7."1
for tho samn peiiod last year, a decrcaso
f 21" per cent. This result is duo to
Ilea C Thurman Illarhlr Honored on
th Ocratiou of the Celebration of III!
77th Ilirthdity Hun Ircd Tender Their
Congratulations A Ilanquet at Which
thrVeneralleHtateaman Announces Ilia
.Retirement from Politic.
Columbus, O., Nov.- 14. Thursday
was Thurman day in Ohio and Demo
cratic politicians from more than half
the States of the Union journied to
Columbus to pay their respects to that
Nestorof Democracy, Allen (. Thurman,
on the occasion of his 77th birthday.
The eyes of tho country were on Colum
bus and its central figure, tho Old Ro
man, whoso rugjjed honesty has likened
him to those patriots of old who placed
the public welfare above considerations
of self. To no retired statesman of
recent times has come such a flood
of universal good will and loving
sentiment. The list of distinguished
visitors and those who have procured
Beats at the banquet tablo is not com
posed exclusively of Democrats. There
are many Republicans hero from Ohio
nd elsewhere who come, no; as par
tisans but as citizens, to show their ap
preciation of tho public service ren
dered by Judge Thurman.
The most notable arrival was that of
ox-President (Jrover Cleveland, who
camo i bursday morning, lho ex-l'res-
vas accompanied by his former
uch improvements 'in tho service as r,',,J "af
could be accomplished under existing jT'A. x$-v&'m
legislation. fif J&A
l''no number of oflicers now awaiting &?'
retirement is about sixty. These men jS f
re tr "ormtng no service whatever
jut reccivM full pay, while junior ofli
;ers doing taeir duties for them are un
!ustly deprived of both the pay and the
ank which tho intends to attach to
tho positions they are filling. The in
congruity of tho present law is illus
trated by the fact that where an officer
is disabled in the linn of duty instead
of opening tho way for the promotion
of juniors it may and often does actual
ly retard it.
In order to obtain exact information
concerning Alaska tho Secretary has
approved the organization of a sys
tematic survey of that Territory and he
recommends an appropriation by Con
gress for that purpose,
i The expenditures under Secretary
Proctor's direction for the year ended
i' June :;0 were: Salaries, etc,;
t military establishment, 523, 9J 1,30";
U public works, $15,3S2,7S5; miscellane
V. us objects, 0.072,900; total, $47,357,-
750. The total appropriations for the
jrjrrn ii'u uuno .o. isji, aro co, '.!'.',
, The total estimates for the next
scadl year ending Juno 30, 1S92, are -13,-
V .
Joaapli Itl. Carey (Kep.) elected to i:r-p-
resent Wyoming In the I'ppcr House of
CiiEvrxXK, Wyo., Nov. 17. Ex-Del-
J egato Joseph M.Carey, who practically
I went before tho people for the place at
pine eptemoer election, was chosen a
i United States Senator by tho Logis-
'laturo Saturday by a viva voce vote.
All the Republicans present, number-
ing thirty-nine, pronounced Carey's
name when called upon to vote. The
I .even Democrats declared for George
iV. IJaxter. who was defeated for the
!overnor.ship by F. E. Warren,
ienator-elect Carey is a stalwart Re
mblican. He studied law in New York
fnd I'ennsylvania, was admitted to the
' Philadelphia bar in 1S07, carae to Wyo-
fiing and has been here ever since,
lo sat on the Supremo Uench. was
'throe times mayor of Cheyenne anl
three times Representative in Congress,
l-?ing elected once without opposition.
tie is implicity trusted by tho people
'ind earned the Senatorship by getting
( ihe Statehood bill through Congress,
pis colleague will be chosen this
vwcek. It will likely be Governor
Warren, though John W. Iloyt and M.
C. Drown are both gaining strength.
; t
.An Illinois Frmer with a Imputation for
' Desperate Ie;ds Kills Ilia Wife and
' Himself.
1 1 C.txrox, 111., Nov. 17. The most hor
lble tragedy in the annals of Fulton
i Jbunty was enacted Sunday morning at
.tiea. ten miles southeast of Canton.
Philip T. Smith, a farmer, aged 60, had
or some time teen jealous of his wife,
iged 50 years. Mrs. Smith had been
ibse-nt from home attending a sick
lagh ter-in-law. On her return Sunday
Doming Smith at once bezan a
Wuarrel, and, throwing her to the floor,
verely choked her. Mrs. Smith got
'.rway from him and ran into the yard.
Iroith seized a Winchester riCe and
olio wed her, firing four shots into
ler body. When she fell Smith went
ack into the house, exchanged the
ifle for a revolver and returned to the
ide of his wife's body. Ascertaining
bat she was dead he laid down by her
"ide, placed the muzzle of tho revolver
b his mouth and blew out his brains,
aith was known as a desperate char-
)'-r for years, no less than four men
ving been killed by him.
I Work of Incendiaries.
Iodix. I1L, Nov. 17. A $25,000 fire
iited this place Sunday morning and
Jtroyed the mammoth hay-barn of A.
' Woodward and Cox and the adjacent
filings of W. B. Morrison, Miss Jane
.kin and James Peart. It is sup
"i to be the work of incendiaries.
private secretary, Daniel Lamont. Mr.
Cleveland was accorded a splendid re
ception upon his arrival. A largo crowd
of people enthusiastically cheered him
as he stepped from tho train. He was
driven to the Governor's residence,
where breakfast was sorved. The pub
lie reception to ex-Prosident Cleveland,
announced to take place in the Gov
ernor's oOlco from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m
was taken advantage of by thousands of
At the conclusion of the reception at
the capital the ex-l'resident drove to
tho 'residence of Judge Thurman and
congratulated him on the anniversary of
bis 7tth birthday.
At the banquet hall tho decorations,
perfected under the artistic hands of
qualified workmen, wero a marvel of
imposing beauty. It was just 8:15 when
ex-l'resident Cleveland and Judge
Thurman entered the room. They
were arm in arm, the President support
ing uis venerable companion, who, fur
ther assisted by a cane, walked slowly
up the halL A' mighty cheer went up
Irom a thousand throats as "the audience
caught sight of the two distinguished
guests or tho evening. Simultaneously
every man arose from his seat and
waved the traditional red bandanna
handkerchief in honor of the Old Ro
man. With di?nitv. vet smilintrlv. Mr.
Thurman bowed to his 1,000 frantic ad
mirers, and Grover Cleveland did like
wise, as cheers for tho ex-President rent
the air.
At the conclusion of the banquet Mr.
John J. Lentz, chairman of the Thur
man Club, rapped the vast assemblage
to order and delivered the address of
welcome. He was followed by Joseph
Ji. uuthwaite, the toastmaster of tho
simultaneously 1.000 people rose to
their feet as the toastmaster concluded
his remarks with the words: "To the
health, long life and continued happi
ness of our guest Applause. The ap
plause which had greeted the toast was
renewed as the "Old Roman"
rose to respond. It swelled from
applause to cheers, from a
mild acclaim to a deafening
roar, and 1,000 bandana handkerchiefs
were waved frantically in the air. It
was five minutes before the cheering
which greeted the toast subsided suffi
ciently to enable Judge Thurman to re
spond. Tho inspiration of the occasion
caused his massive frame to regain all
its old-time vigor.
Mr. Thurman spoke feelingly, ex
pressing gratitude for the demonstra
tion made in his honor. In conclusion,
referring to the fact that his name had
been mentioned as a candidate for the
Vice-Presidency in 1S02, he said:
' Let me say to you. In a'.l sincerity and with
out the least mental reservation, that I am not
nor shall I ever again be a candidate for office.'
1 have been sufficiently honored by my party
and neither ask nor desire any further honor
than continued friendship and good wiU."
Ex-President Cleveland was heartily
cheered on responding to the toast "Cit
izenship in America."
Don M. Dickinson responded to "The
Democracy of the Future;" William T.
Wilson to "The House of Representa
tives;" Judge R. A. Harrison to "The
Early Ohio Bar;" Thomas Ewing to
"The Democratic Party in Relation to
Future Public Economy;" ex-Senator
McDonald to "The Senate;" W. C P.
Breckinridge to Democracy In Amer
ica," and Congressman Springer
to "The Press."
At 2:10 a. m. the banquet closed amid
the greatest of good cheer, the band
playing the "Star Span;l4 Banner,
lie Doesn't Tako Much Medicine and Ad
s-iaes the Iteporter Not To.
'Humbug f Of course it is. The so-called
science, of medicine is a humbug and has
been from tho time of Hippocrates to the
present. Why tho biggest crank in the In
dian tribes is tho medicine man."
"Very frank was tho admission, especially
so when it came from one of tho biggest
young physicians of tha city, one whose
practice is among the thousands, though he
has been graduated but a few years," says
the Buffalo Courier. "Very cozy was his
office too, with its cheerful grate fire, Its
Queen Anne furniture, and its many lounges
and easy-chairs, lie stirred tho lire lazily,
lighted a fresh cigar, and went on."
"Tako tho prescriptions laid down in the
books and what do you find? Poisons
mainly, and nauseating stuffs that would
make a healthy man an invalid. Why In the
world science should go to poisons for its
remedies I cannot tell, nor can I find any
one who can."
"How does a doctor know the effect of his
medicine?" ho asked. "He calls, prescribes,
and goes away. The only way to judge
would be to' stand over tho bed and watch
tho patient. This cannot bo done. So,
really, 1 don't know how he is to tell what
good or hurt ho does. Sometime ago, you
remember, tho Boston Globe sent out a re
porter with a stated set of symptoms. He
went to eleven prominent physicians and
brought back eleven different prescriptions.
This just shows how much science there is
in medicine."
There are local diseases of various char
acters for which nature provides positive
remedies. They may not bo included in tho
regular physician's list, perhaps, because of
their simplicity, but the evidence of their
curative power is beyond dispute. -Kidney
disease is cured by Warner's Safe Cure, a
strictly herbal remedy. Thousands of per
sons, every year, write as does II. J. Gardi
ner, of Pontiac, R. I., August 7, 1S90:
"A few years ao I suffered more than
probably ever will be known outside of my
self, with kidney and liver complaint. It is
tho old story I visited doctor after doctor,
but to no avail. I was at Newport, and I)r,
Blackman recommended Warner's Safe
Cure. 1 commenced the use of it, and found
relief immediately. Altogether I took
three bottles, and I truthfully state that it
cured me."
0e nhotoGTarjher invited another photo
grapher to lunch with him, but neglected to
order any thiujr to drink, until his friend
asked him if he worked the ,ldry plate--
altogether. Texas Sittings.
Trades and Occupations.
The Youth's Companion for 1S91 will srive
an instructive and helpful Series of Papers,
each of which describes tho character of
some leading Trade for Boys or Occupation
lor Girls, i hey give information as to the
Apprenticeship required to learn each, the
V ages to be expected, tho Qualities needed
in order to enter, and the prospects of Suc
cess, lo JNew Subscribers who send fl.
at once the paper will be sent free to Jan. 1
1891, and for a full year from that dale. Ad
Tue i. ocTn s Companion, Boston, Mass,
"I want a hard-boiled egg, waiter. Boil
it, sa.v, four minutes. And hurry up, too'
added the traveler; "my train goes in two
minutes." Harper's uazar.
TnE voune man who forced his wavto
me iront is now in ine penitentiary. sh. x.
LIVE STOCK Cattle . .
FLOITK Fair to fancv.
Minnesota Patents..
WHEAT Xo. a Ked
No. 3 Ked
Ungriided Mixed
OATS Mixed Western.
K K -Western.
New York. Nov. 17.
tl 25 (it 4 5
4 00 & H HO
3 40 6s 4 3 0
4 15 ( 5 35
5 15 Kit 6 W
1 00 1 0J
Stt'iG fc'4
45 C 50
7; da XO
6 aru?i 6 so
A) (it US'.
I'OKK-Mess 1125 6tA2 fi:
j.-Mtii evtoru Ste-im
liUTTEK Western Creainerv.
BEEVES-Shipphig Steers....
i fWS B
StocUer.- ,
llutchers' Steers
93 00
1 25
2 10
3 S0
Hulls i m
5 SO
Co. 3 75
8 60
(, 3 1)
at. 3
(it 3 5
4 05
(i 5 25
HOUS Live 3 .V,
BUTTE It Creamery- 13
Go. ;d to Choice Dairv 15
EGGS Fresh 21
Hurl 3
Seli"- orkinjj 3
CrorUeu 1'..rt 2'i
POTATOBS. tpt-r bu.) fo (Tr.
1'UKJ.- .Me.-. 9 25 fr 9 37;4
LAKI1 Stenni f, 00 m 6 IC)
FLOUIl Spring Patents a 0 i 5 50
mter Patents 4 90 5 25
Bakers 3 40 (, 4 00
Strni -his 4 50 fih 4 73
GRAIN When', No. 2 8y (TA Wi'-i
Corn. No. 3 4Jij(
Oats. N.). 3 40'4rti 40
live. Xn. 2 r5 cl w"i
Barley. No. 2 November 78 80
LUJlliKU-' 19 00
Fi;xn;i 32 0(
nmmu.-i Boards 1.: 00
FoneI:.p n 50
Latu Dry 2 50
Shingles 2 00
CATTLE Steers f 3 90
fttockers and Foedt-rs in
nous-Fair 10 Choice Heaw.. 3 SO
Mixed Grades s so
SHEEP 4 00
CATTLE Prime g 3 00
ncy 4 45
1 air to Good 2 80
-J1 00
ft,:;4 00
3 13 50
(Tttla 50
& 2 CO
Oi 2 eo
5 00
Cf. 3 l t
a 3 to
Oi 3 h0
Ot, a 15
4 55
& 4 SW
fc. 4 OO
i5ot a Local
Because catarrh affects Tour tipjl it. 4a ri
therefore a local disease. If It did not exist In your
blood, it could not manifest itself In -rnnr nn blood now in your brain is before you finish
resuiuK lun anicie, Dsci in your Heart again and
soon distributed to your lirer. stomach, kirinom
and so on. WhateTer impurities the blood does not
carry away, cause what we call diseases. There,
fore when you bare catarrh of the head, a snuff or
other inhalant can at most gire only temporary re.
-i"" umj way m eueci a cure la to attack the
disease In the blood, by taking a constitutional
remedy like Hood's Sarsapartlla, which eliminates
all impurities and thus permanently cures catarrh.
The success of Hood s Sarsapartlla as a remedy for
catarrh Is Touched for by many people It has cured.
Hood's Saroaparilla
Sold by an druggists, fl; six for IS. Prepared only
by C. I- HOOD CO., Apothecstrlea, Lowell. Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
The California Limited.
The limited express for Ban Francisco. Los
Anjrelcs and Han Diego, leavos Dearborn
Ktation everyday and runs via the Atchi
son, 1 oteKa and tsanta Ko Kailroad. Doth
palace uud tourist sleepln' cars run throueh
from hicago without change, and as the
fania re is the only lino giving this accom
modation for all California points, it is en
joying a large patronage from jcrsonsgo
mir to tho Pacific Coast. It is certainly es
tablished as tho preferred routo.
"Yoc're always full of news," said tho
letter to tho box. "I'm glad you've dropped
in," replied the box. "I'll keep you posted."
Ann any of tho new-fangled washing com
Hjund.s a.s good as tho old-fashioned soapf
Uobliins' Electric Soao has been sold every
day for 24 ymr, and is now just as good as
ever. Ask your grocer lor it and tako no
The man who can write love letters with
out making an ass of himself has kept the
matter very quiet. Ham's Uorn.
A Soke Thikiat or Cove. n, if suffered to
progress, often results in an i icurablo
throat or lung trouble. "7iroiy' UroncliM
7'rurhes" givu instant relief.
The hen i3 useful as an article of food, as
a destroyer of insects, as a layer of eggs, ft
BCtter-y. Washington Post.
TnosE who wish to practice economy
should buy Carter s Llttlo Liver Pills.
Forty pills in a vial ; only ouo pill a dose.
Sigxs of autumn "Ovster stews:" "Ilot
Frankfurts;" "lloasted Chestnuts." Bos
ton Herald.
Rl'wake of the under-tow when you see
a blonde younjj wouiau in a black wig.
Texas Sif tings.
The Public Awards tho Palm to Hale's
Honey of Uorehoimd and Tar for coughs.
Pike's Toothach-J Drops euro in one minute.
When Chicago is asked how she is feeling
nowadays she answers: "Fairish, thanks."
A' Ojx'im in Piso's Cure for Consumption.
Cures where other remedies fail. "5c.
TnE gas-motor must make both ends mete
our gas bills run up so rapidly. Puck.
JlniuipoIiSi "Wc?., Jan. 6, 90.
'"J" have often used, ST.
SjtCOISS OIL,, anil find it
a good, Itiniment."
Gov. of Md.
Both the method nnd results when
Syrup of FiS 13 taken ; it 13 pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
gentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Ilowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, licad
cches and fevers and cures Labitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs in tho
only remedy of it3 kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to tho Ftomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial m it3
eflects, prepared only from the most
healthy and acrrceablo substances,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to ell and have mado ' it
the most popular remedy known.
Fyrup of Fig3 is fur enlo in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept
any substitute.
V9 W
"By athoroneh knotrlpilno of tho rnturnl laws
r-hlrn govern trio opnratloiis of digestion sua nu
trition, nnd hy a curpfiil arinllrauun of tlie flni
properties fit well-srlctcd Cocoa. Mr. EpiS IihS
provided onr br-nlt fat tables with a di-hcatel jr
flavoured lievcrnue which may oave tis many heavy
doctors' bills. It is by th Jinlioious uo of ku:I
articles of diet that a constitution may boctadual
ly built up until strong enough t- resist every ten
dency to disease. HundredBof mihtle maladies aro
floating aro:nd us ready to attack wherever thera
is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft
by keeping ourselv a well f ortitied with pure blood
and s properly nourished frame." '' Civil IStrvict
Made simply with boiling water or milk. 8ol4
only in half-pound tins, by Orooers, labelled thus;
JAMES EPPS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemists.
London. England.
A BOX. -33
Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired
Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.,
AC71NQ LIKE MAGIC on tha vital organs, strengthening the
muscular system, and arousing with the rosebud of health
The Whole Physical Energy of the Human Frame.
Beecham's Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE
FEMALES to complete health.
Price, 25 cents per Box.
Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, Bt. Helens, Lancashire, England.
ji. T. AJjI.ES CO., Sole Agent for Unitrd Staten, 363 37 Ctinnl St., New
iorfc. tcho (if your tfrunmat fioes not Keen tliemj tail man Jlrecham'a J'illt on
receipt of prtee onr tnotiirf nm. i mention i
-SStrajige Indeed
i "i 7 tr
ike jljb u snouia
Vna.ka every bhing so brijfthhbub
"A needle clolrhres others, cnd is ihseljr
na.kecT.Try ihin yournexthouse-deajiing
"What folly it would be to cut frraas T7ith a pair of scissors! Yet peo
ple do equally silly things every day. Modern progress has grown up
from tho hooked sickle to the swinging scjtha and thence to the lawn
mower. So don't uso scissors!
But do you use SAPOLIO ? If you don't you are as much behind the
age as if you cut crass with a dinner knife. Once there were no soaps.
Then one soap served all purposes. Now the sensible folks use one soap
11 i i j At iT A 1 i XT L VI J O 1 HAT Trt
in ua lOiieE, anomer in vuu, una euup iu ui9 mumuiou, huu baxjalj
for all scouring and house-cleaning.
My wife and c-ild having a severe attack of Whooping
Couph, we thouerht that we would try Piso's Cure for Con
sumption, and iound it a perfect success. The first bottle
broke Tip the Couerh, and four bottles completely cured
them. H. Stbixgeb, 1147 Superior St, Chicago, Illinois.
I ELY BEOTIIER3. 60 Warrea 6t Kew York. Price 60 eta.
M J-v mm
V n r. il
fin e rj s i o rj vv uTsto n j1". 'r
1 1 Ttm PrioeiB! Exsminer TJ. 8. Pension Bureau.
U S yr in war. 15 adjudicating ciauii. attytmca
yiuMBiiMWi iii iiwia
t-w hena ronn sketcn or coeap model of
Indention IMXCUUTEIT fo J.
i in
at a Dargain.
Eighty Acres LAKD
In Price County. Wl. For particulars apply to
ix. a. criiu, mv sixiy-seTenin b v, tnKiewoud.iii.
A. X. K. A
stst laat ysa saw tke Aavertiacsscat ti