Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, November 20, 1890, Image 2

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    gtottsmonth .journal.
C. "W. N1IF.RMAX. PahlUhfr.
pi.ait.smoutk. . inemiaska
The News of the Week.
Henry M. Stanley, the African ex
plorer, was greeted by an immonso au
dienco on tbo 11th at the Metropolitan
Opora-I louse in New York, it being1 his
first lecture in this country.
Dit. ISoswem, Gorman, a prominen
physician and farmer and a veteran of
tho Confederate army, was shot and
killed by a colored employo at hii homo
near Lexington, Ky.
It was believed that the recent explo
sion of tho Dupont powder works noar
Wilmington, DeL, in which ten work
men were killed outright, was caused
by a gang of fire-bugs.
Jack ISuckinuiiam (colored) com
mitted suicide at Noble Lake, Ark., by
taking morphine. This was tho firs
negro suiciuo mat ovor occurred in
Fiktkkx persons were injured in a
railroad collision near Yarmouth. Miss,
Attorn ey-Gknkkal gave an
opinion that tho anti-lottery law does
not prohibit tho "guessing contests'
now much in vogue among newspapers
as a means of advertising.
Tiir fourth annual session of the Na
tional Fraternal congress, comprising
nearly all the Dencucial organizations
in tho country, began on the lltu at
Pittsburgh, Pa.
In a iiro in George W. Burnside's
livery at Sioux Falls, S. D., thirty-four
horses were burned to death.
A list of losses from tho Gloucester
(Mass.) fishing fleet this year show that
of eighty-six lives lost eighty-live wero
A. F. Anderson, at one time tho lead
ing attorney at Tiffin, O., was sent to
tho workhouse in default of a $i0 fine
for drunkenness.
The Knickerbocker Fire Insurance
Company of Now York announced its
intention of going into voluntary liquid
ation. It was probably the oldest iiro
insurance company doing business on
this continent. It was founded in 1787
and had just completed tho 103d year
ot its existence.
The financial crisis in Wall street,
Kew York, came to an end on tho 12tb,
the prompt action of tho clearing house
in assisting the banks restoring confi
. t .. The remains of General George Crook
were taken from Oakland, Md., on the
12th and interred in the National Ceme
tery at Arlington with military honors.
A passenger train going west on the
Reading jumped the track noar
Annvillo, Pa., was thrown down an em
bankment, and seven persons were bad
ly injured.
The amount of gold coin and bullion
in the United States Treasury on tho
12th was 5157.550.331.
An unfinished house at Marion, IncL,
was blown to atoms by natural gas
which had escaped from pipes and accu
mulated between the foundation walls.
The board of managers of the Adams
Express Company decided at a meeting
in New ork to boycott lotteries.
1 Every house in the town of Cape
CJracios, La., was blown down by a hur
A special census agent finds that
there are 5,500 Indians in the State of
j Mary and Ann Meyers, two old maids
who lived at Hartford, Conn., wero
found dead. Neglect and old age was
the probable cause of their deaths.
A meat market at Middleport, N. Y.,
was burned and Joseph Spalding, who
lived on an upper floor, perished in the
At the depth of twenty feet a well-
digger at La Harpe, 111., found some
curious wooden and clay irnarjes of
quaint design.
John Beck was burned to death in a
fire which destroyed tho Hamilton
Hotel and other buildings at Biggs, Cal
D. G. Campbell, of Merriam, Kan.,
was struck by a train at a crossing and
instantly killed. He was 70 years of
age and a promineut temperance lect
The safe in the store of A. B. Meyer
at New Orleans was biown open and
robbed of 54,000 in cash and S3J.0D0 in
Near Millersburg, Ky., a passenger
train ran into a hand-car on which were
five track-repairers, and all were fatally
James B. McSloy andS. Benson were
killed by an engine at Erie, Pa., and
Henry Sutter, on learning of the death
of McSloy, who had been a warm friend,
shot himself fatally.
At Orange, N. J., Robert Kerr, aged
35 years, shot and fatally wounded Mrs.
K noble, aged 30, because she refused to
marry him, and then blew out his own
Henry II. Stanley left Now York on
the 13th for bis lecture tour throughout
the country, which will end on April 6,
A fire at Tiburon, CaL, destroyed a
dozen of the principal stores and houses.
The little child of John Lanaban, of
"Wesley ville, Pa., was burned to death,
and the mother was so severely burned
as to be crippled for lifo.
Rube Smith, one of the Burrows gang
of train robbers, was sentenced at Jack
son, Miss., to life-imprisonmsnt.
The Knox County Savings .Bank at
IL Vernon, (X, susj ended. '
The base-ball war is practically over,
the Players' League having virtually
gone out of existence.
Jcdoe David McLean, ex-president
of the Savannah (Mo.) National Bank
was sentenced to two years in tho peni
tentiary for defrauding depositors out of
SI 00. OOi).
Jacoii Stroebel, a farmer living near
Saginaw, Mich., drank a pint of whisky
on a wager and dropped dead a few min
utes after.
Commodore George Dewey, chief o
tbo naval bureau of equipment, in bis
annual report says that during tho year
sixty-five vessels were either wholly or
partially equipped at an expondituro of
A large deposit of copper oro was
found near Mellen, Wis.
The Wertheimer building in San
Francisco was burned, causing a loss of
The Kansas City Packing Company
at Armourdale, Kan., failed for S500.000.
Governor Fiff.r decided not to
pardon Oscar W. Noebo. who was con
victcd in Chicago in 1886 of participa
tion in tho Ilaymarket riot with tho
othor Anarchists.
The National convention of the
Woman's Christian Temporanco Union
met in Atlanta, Ga., on the 14th, Miss
Frances H. Willard presiding.
The excitement among the Standing
Rock Indians in South Dakota over the
arrival of their long-looked for Messiah
has subsided and no trouble was antici
The business failures in tho Unitod
States during tho seven days ended on
tbo 14th numbered 200, against 215 the
preceding week and 205 the correspond
ing week last year.
Three workmen wero blown to pieces
by a premature explosion of dynamite
in a stone quarry at Omaha, Neb.
Trains collided on the Pennsylvania
road at New Florence, Pa., and the
wreck took fire and one Pullman c;ir
was burned. Two persons were killed
and eighteen injured.
The business portion of the town of
Burton, O,, was dostroyed by fire.
Consul Co.VNpLi.Y in a report on the
wool-growing industry of New Zealand
says that the number of sheep exported
last year with and without wool
amounted to 1,964,231. The value of
imports from the United States during
ISStf was 51.712,180. and the exports
were valued at $1,706,860.
The report of a New York commercial
agency showed that the legitimate busi
ness of the country was the largest ever
known and that trade had not beou af
fected by the flurry in Wall street.
They said that the demand for money
was largely due to the unprecedented
volume of business thus far.
Commissary General Dit Barry
states in his annual report that $2,500,
010 was expended for the needs of tho
subsistence department of tho army
during the fiscal year.
Ix a collision between gravel trains
on the Lackawanna fc Western road at
East Buffalo, N. Y., John Swombosky
was instantly killed and nine others
were injured, three of them fatally.
manding the army, in his report to the
Secretary of War recommends the in
crease of the military force of the coun
try to 30,000 men.
Mrs. Wachter, the Whitehall (Pa.)
faster, had on the 11th gone 221 days
without tasting food.
Official returns from the recent eieo
tion in California give the Republicans
four of the six Congressmen, making
the delegation the same ass he previous
The Alabama Legislature convened
on the 12th.
Wyoming's first State Legislature
met at Cheyenne on the 12th. There
were forty-nine members, nine of whom
wero Democrats. W. It. Schnitger, of
Cheyenne, was elected president of the
Senate, and O. P. Kellogg, of Cook
County, was chosen speaker of the
The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholas Fisher, of Elkhart, Ind., was
celebrated on the 12th.
The returns from all the counties in
Indiana give tho following as the result
of the recent election: Matthews
(Dem.), for Secretary of State, 233,881;
Truster (Rep.), 214,302; Blount (Pro.),
11.934; Prindle (People's), 17,351;
Matthews' plurality, 19,579.
Official returns from the recent elec
tions show that the Democrats elected
the entire fourteen Congressmen in
Missouri and eloven of the thirteen in
Indiana. In Pennsylvania the Con
gressional delegation stands eighteen
Republicans and ten Democrats.
Edwin Booth, the great actor, was 57
years old on the 13th
The 77th birthday of Allen G. Thur-
man was celebrated in Columbus, O., on
the 13th, prominent persons from all
over the country being present. Mr.
Thurman has lived in Ohio seventy-one
Rev. Dr. II. M. Dexter, editor of the
Congregationalism of Boston, died sud
denly at his home in New Bedford, aged
69 years.
Rev. Charles S. Armstrong, a Pres
byterian minister of Jackson, Mich..
died on the street of heart fail ii re at
Battle Creek, Mich. He was 67 years
old and had been in the ministry forty
The Prohibition party of Missouri
having' failed at the recent election to
poll tbo 3 per cent, vote requisite un
der the Australian law to preserve the
party's official standing, have deter
mined to adopt tho name of National
party and to embody additional issues
uieir platform.
The official returns show that Patti
on (Dem.) was elected Governor of
Pennsylvania by 16,554 plurality. The
Republicans elected tho remainder of
the State ticket by pluralities ranging
from 22,305 to 25,491.
Daniel S. Appleton, head of tho
publishing firm of D. Appleton & Co.,
died at his home in Now York, aged Gti
It was estimated that 20,000 ballots
wero thrown out for alleged defects in
the recent election in Indiana.
A LAr.CE tobacco factory . valued at
S200.000 was burned at Madrid, and 10,
000 men wero thrown out of employ
ment. Over 200 Jews expelled from Russia
sailed from Bremen for tho United
Ten persons were killed in a collision
between a passenger train and a freight
train near Taunton, Eng.
Great damage has boen done on the
Welsh and Irish coasts by violentgales,
and shipping has suffered severely.
Kino Humbert, of Italy, has refused
to ask the usual appropriation for the
heir to the throne, saying that the coun
try is too poor.
President Booran, of Honduras, was
forced by Sanchez to evacuate Tegucig
alpa, the capital, and temporarily sot
up his government at Tamara.
Five million dollars' worth of newly
discovered pine timber is the result of
the Candadian Government expedition
of exploration that has returned from
the northern portion of the Province of
The British torpedo cruiser Serpent
foundered oft tho coast of Spain, and out
of a total of 270 souls on board only
three wero saved.
Queen Emma has been appointed
regent to govern Holland during the
illness of King William.
Since Mr. Balfour returned to En
gland from his Irish tour his guard" of
detectives has been increased.
IL M. Wanzkr & Co., sewing-machine
and lamp manufacturers at Hamilton,
Ont, failed for S200.000, and J. H.
Gendron, flour merchant at Sherbrooke,
Que., failed for 5125,000.
Tiik rebellion in Honduras, headed
by General Longinos Sanchez, was
practically ended, the revolutionary
forces having been utterly routed by
the army which President Bogran had
gathered from all portions of the coun
try. Advices from Zanzibar say that the
Sultan's decree abolishing the slave
trade was almost a dead letter, the
Arabs persisting in the traffic under the
very eyes of the authorities.
Rf.oinai.d Bikchai.L, whS decoyed
Frederick C. Benwall, a tetiuw country
man, from England on a pretenso of
helping him to learn farming in Canada
and murdered him on February 17 last
in a swamp near Woodstock, Ont., was
hanged in the jail-yard at that place on
the 14th.
Mr. John D. Dei.lii.e, tho American
Consul at Bristol, Eng., died in that
At the leading clearing-houses in the
United States the exchanges during the
week ended on the 15th aggregated
51,502,834,479, against 81,284,502,874 the
previous week. . As compared with the
corresponding week of 18'J the in-;,
crease amounted to 23.2.
At Reddick, Fla., a shooting affray
occurred in which two men were killed
and three or four others mortally
Complete official returns show that
the new North Dakota Legislature will
be composed of 53 Republicans, 31 Dem
ocrats and 9 Independents, giving the
republicans a majority of 13 over all.
At Utica. 111., Phil Smith shot his
wife dead and then killed himself.
Domestic troubles caused the deed.
John Dawson;, of Terre Haute, cele
brated his 101st birthday on the 15th.
He was in good health. Mr. Dawson is
the father of fifteen children, four of
whom are living.
The Kansas City Packing & Refrig
erating Company of Boston made an
assignment, with the liabilities esti
mated at upward of 51,000,000.
Iiiirty Turkish soldiers were killed
and forty injured in a railway accident
near Salonica.
The Atlas sulphate mills at Appleton.
Wis., were burned. Loss. 8100.000.
General John C. Starkweather,
formerly of Wisconsin, and a prominent
division commander in the lata war,
died at his home in Washington. .
J. he Wyoming Legislature elected ex-
Congressman Joseph SL Carey as
United States Senator. .
Near Huntingdon, Tenn., Constable
Ross and his nephew, James Ross, were
shot dead by a farmer named Waddis,
from whom they were trying to collect
a debt.
At a mass-meeting in Lincoln, Neb.,
Governor Thayer said 5100,000 would bo
required to relieve the destitute people
in the western part of the State.
Three boys, Charles Osterman, tua-
ward Brown and Fay Bartoe, broke
through the ice while skating at Pnil-
lips, Wis., and wero drowned.
Mr. Gray, of Collax, Wash., ran a
foot race and boat the world's record by
making 125 yards in llfi seconds.
Settlers on the farms and ranches
south of Mandan, N. D., vera on the
16th Beeing from their homes, believ
ing that an Indian uprising was near at
The revolution in Honduras ended
with the capture of Genetal Sanchez
and other leaders of the revolt, and
they were shot in the public square at
Itoafoeaa Can't IU Cored
by local applications, as they can not reach
tho diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure Deafness, and that is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an innamed condition of the mu
cous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When
this tube pets inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or iniperfoct hearing, and when it is
entirely closed Deafness Is the result, and
unless tho in Humiliation can bo taken out
and this tube restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will bo destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh) that
wo cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Cheney At Co., Tolodo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
On tho plantation of John II. Roberts,
near Robertville, S. C, there is a tree,
if notdestroyed by the turpentine hands,
that does not touch the ground by six
feet. A pine sapling, cut down at
some period unknown to tho oldest in
habitant, lodged on the limb of an adja
cent tree. Tho growth of the tree and
limb gradually closed around it until it
became completely imbedded. Draw
ing it3 lifo from the tree, it grows and
presents a luxurious appearance. All
trace of the stump from which it was cut
has long sinco disappeared.
From the Herald of Faith, St. Louis, Mis
souri, August 10, 1SS7:
Referring to Shalleuberger's Antidote for
Malaria, tho business manager of tho Her
ald of Faith would say, that ho gave this
medicine a personal trial, and was speedily
cured of an unpleasant Intermittent Fever.
Ho then recommended it to F. J. Ticfen
braun, 1115 Papin street, and to police ofti
cer Meideuger, at tho Union Depot, both of
whom were cured by it of chills aud fever
of several years' standing. Recently his
wife, after a fever of several days' duration,
took a singlo dose and was perfectly cured.
In view of these remarkable cures, and re
membering how much money is spent for
quinine, so little to bo depended upon, and
often f-o injurious, wo cun only wish that
Shallenberger's Autidoto would come into
general use.
"This is the worst snap I ever struck,"
remarked the woodehuck when he got
caught in a steel trap. Binghamton lie
publican. Mcst not bo confounded with common ca
thartic or purgative pills. Curter'sLittleLiv
er PiUs are entirely unlike them in every re
spect One trial will prove their superiority.
Dyspepsia is flfe bane
of tbe present veneration. It Is for Its
care and it attendant!, Nick Head-
acne, Constipation and Piles, tnat
nave become so jTamons. They net
speedily and srently on - he digestive
organs, art vine: them tone and vigor to
assimilate i ova. Aognpingornaiuta.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray St., Now York.
The Braid that Is known
the world around.
Dr.BdrsCounh SyrepcVnsuErS
hakes CHILD BIRTH easy
Book to "Mothers'1 Mailed Free.
and 96 paze Cat a lop. l,xm illus
trations of Scroll Saws,l)eiBT)s &
SAW DESIGNS "''it lor loc in
stamps. co-taJofc alune So. We
have tbe Largest Catalog and
Stock of Scroll Ktvi. TOOLS anil
In the United States. tlfrjee
our Catalosrue before rnu buy.
r-SAMS I Hid rAPEKararj ttm joa writ.
Choice ftlursery Stock.
We hars nanr new enecialtiea to offer. Per-
tnanent employment. Salary or Commission
Do not delay in writing ua for tarda. Address,
MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen. Rochester, N.Y.
mrniMM this ripicwTta. rann,
Bend for a Free Soecimen Copy and read oar an.
Bouncetnents for 1SVL. Head our China Tea Set and
other premium oners. Write for our conAdential
terras to agents and learn how to make MUM) a day.
Send your address anyhow. We want to send every
body a specimen of the het Weekly Paper pub
lished. TIIK BLADE, Toledo, Ohio.
mrMAMM tHIS Pirumi ami yoawns.
ifinhl CVCCSont to any
iMUiUl l. v "uaress. rite
w for Dirt rnlin
to TR- 47 A HFIET.D. EVEind ka It
1 SPECIALIST, 163 State .Street, Chicago.
T BT-XAMMtUiM PATXA nro jssmaa,
Da. BEti'a Settj- cures PITQ Epilepsy. Bt
Vit-s Dance. Sleeplessness f I I X and all nervous
diseases. By drupsists. 1.50 1 "P per bottle; i for
5. Send for pacipolets. Ad. Bell Med. Co., St. Louis JIo.
mr-HAMS THIS PAPCS 1 1 wj Hit yaamfla,
oa inngiifina isii i
Talking of patent medicines
you know the old prejudice.
And the doctors some of
them are between you and us.
They would like you to think
that what's cured thousands
won't cure you. You'd be
lieve in patent medicines if
they didn't profess to cure
everything ,and so, between
the experiments of doctors,
and the experiments of patent
medicines that are sold only
because there's money in the
" stuff, " you lose faith in every
thing. And, you can't always tell
the prescription that cures by
what you read in the papers.
So, perhaps, there's no better
way to sell a remedy, than to
tell the truth about it, and
take the risk of its doing just
what it professes to do.
That's what the World's
Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, of Buffalo, N. Y., docs
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery,
Favorite Prescription,
Pleasant Pellets, and
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
If they don't do what their
makers say they'll do you
get your money back.
FOR ONE DOLLAlt sent us by mail, v.o will
deliver. free of ail chargi-H, to any pcron ia
tho United States, all tho following urticles
carefully packed in a neat box:
Ono two ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline, lOcts.
One two ounce bottle Vaseline Pomade, li
One jar of Vaseline Cold Cream 15 '
One cake of Vaxoline Camphor Ice 10 "
Ono cakoof Vaseline Hoap, tinsconted... 10 "
One enke of Vaseline Soap, scented 25
One two ounce bottle of White Vaselina 26
Or for stamps any ainele article at tbe price.
If you have occasion to use Vaxclino In any
form bo careful to accept only genuine goods
put up by us in original packages. A great
many drupifists are trying to persuade buyers
to tako VASELINE put up by them. Never
yield to such persuasion, as the article ia an
imitation without value, and will not give you
th-5 result you expect. A bottle of Blue Seal
Vaseline is sold by all druppists at ten cents.
Chehroiirh Mf 'r. Co., 24 Slate St., Ji'ew lork..
Mim THIS PAPCKmrr Hat joawnw.
1 1 rrrni mnu'n
Beware of Imitations.
AKT (,zr
fl P''ct:re pood pay weekly
I fttl cun VH-firot In vour own
jtl vicinity to OUT1.. IN or-
WWII ders lorourreliuMe hardv
Nursery Stock.
25 A good IXt'OHP, enn be secured by
writiuu at once with references to
CKT L. L. t.lAY U CO.,
s XnrArTfnn- T-'Irtrfif h n t? I Kttn1mun
NAXs TIII3 PAPEK .vary Cm, 70a vnu.
Our Well Machines are the most PTll II8U.II.I I
iuey uoMOICr: HllliK and
They HM-II Wrlla where
others KAIL! Any size, 2
inches to 44 inches diameter.
AMS TUI3 PAPER mrj that juuwrau.
Use tin "W.S.&D." Fins Linen
in vour corrcTondneo. We carry the fnKt line of
-SAJIS THIS PAPZK .nrr Cu. rx vrita
This Trady
Mark Is en
m Best
In tho world.
Sen?I for IHrMtrated Ctaloircs. A. J- T"rrr1 rVntm,
Gersnaa Asthma Cure never fnilm to jf' e immrli-
lite rriirfin the worst cases. intires comfortable
-deep; effects evrea where all others fail. A trial I
'vmtnnces the most BkeptcaL Price &Oe. and 1,
of Drucrslst or by mail. Sample llttK by
mall. UK. K. Kiuu AA, t-I'uul. AlJna.
IT II rSETs by CniL-
n U (In B Cj lr-5l Tbooiancls of foaaf men asd
I I I U 1 1TI nCLMwome In tha C. 8. A. w
their Urea aa4 tbir health an
their happlafrota lUdre'i Pood
tb4r danr di-t la Infaary
and C hildhoad bavicgbtn
Ki'Ire's Food. Ht lrotnrt
ALL tObaTUULH. At CO.. PaLmrr. Jlaaa.
Mind wandering cored. IVoVs lesmed"
in one reading. Ttitimoniiis from all
parts of the srlobe. Pror;ecr us POST
rBP.E. sent n annlicstion to Prof.
A. LoiseUc, .1 Fiita Ae. New York.
For lOc. in silver t will tend
tour Curtttrs to any address.
Address flushforth Hair Curler, Lawrence. Masa
i g si nt a i r