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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1890)
JPLATTSMO UTI WEEKLY JOUfiNAL 44 BE JUST AND FEAU NOT. VOL. 9, MO. 48. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1890. $1.50 Per Year " 1 " 1 " " - BRYAII FOR SPRINGER Nebraska's Slightest longressaan Favors DIs Candidacy. REI EPT10X aT TELE UOTGL LULEY The Congreaaman-Klect from' the First 11 X- trict Visits FlattsmoatU and Thanks the Cans Democracy Bright Out look for the Party He Favors Senator Vest's Program for for Tariff Befarm, Thursday, Daily. The Hon. William J. Bryan, con- gressman-eiecc irom this district, arrived in town yesterday and during tlie evening neid an informal reception at the Hotel Riley. Hundreds of people shook hands with him and congratulated him upon his election. He shows no signs of being worn ' ozt by the hard work of the cam paign, but says he is tired and that he will rest and try to catch up with his neglected business in time to take a run down to Washington during the closing session of the fifty-first con gress, and get acquainted and famil iarize himself with affairs at the national capital. In an interview, Mr. Bryan stated that while he was at all times willing to answer questions in which the pub lic was interested, that there were some things which at present he did not care to discuss in the newspapers. The following are some of the ques tions put to him and his answer there unto: What do you think of the necessity and probability of an extra session of the fifty-second congress? "The sooner the new congress is called together the better. The McKinley bill should be repealed or modified as soon as possible." Do you think there is any chance of changing the present tariff laws, in view of the fact that the republicans have the senate and the president? 'Yes, I do. The republicans will have but a very slim majority prob ably not more than four in the senate. The western senators will not be so easily kept in line with the protection ists as they were before the people had spoken. Self-preservation is the first law of nature with senators as well as other people and in view of the situation, there is, I think, a good prospect of succeeding in procuring at least partial relief from the new con gress." Would not Harrison veto such legis lation even if it should pass congress? "I think not. In the first place the republicans are not united in favoring the maintainance of the present law, and if congress should pass a bill or bills lowering the duties upon the line advocated by the democratic party during the recent campaign I do not believe the president would dare disre gard the verdict of the people and use the veto." "The suggestion made by Senator Vest of Missouri, that separate bills affecting special articles be passed, seems to me to be a good one. I look upon such a course favorably for the reason that it seems to be the most practicable and effective as well as the quickest route to relief. Each man would have to go on record on each bill ami tnere would be less log-rolling than would be the case should an attempt be made to pass a general tariff law. Take for instance, binding twine. A bill to place that on the free list alone, and without entangling alliances, would in my opinion meet with little opposition. And so with other articles." Will the republicans in the last session of the present congress attempt to pass the force bill? "No, I don't believe they will. I regard that bill as dead." What about reciprocity and Blaine? "Reciprocity was a positive damage to the McKinley bill, as will be more apparent when it is better understood. Its attachment to the bill is prima facie evidence that the republicans believed the bill weak, and its prac tical effect in working will be to alienate the trade of other countries in our agricultural products. It dis criminates against the agriculturist and in favor of the manufacturer, and I believe was put there at the instance of the trusts. Unless foreigners buy our manufactured goods, we retaliate upon our farmers." Which is the best party policy for the republicans, to stand by or modify the tariff bill? "To pass a law repealing or modify ing it is an admission that it was wrong, and inconsistent with what they have claimed, i. e., that time would show the wisdom of its passage. To stand by it would be consistent as to faith in it, but not as to the party's boasted claim that the people should rule. Either course places them in'a bad position. I believe that the best party policy for any party is to do what is best for the country. In other words, in legislation I believe a man best serves his party who in determin ing economic questions forgets that he has a party and remembers only that he nas a country and then does what he thinks best for it." What about McKinley's future in politics? "Mai. McKinley's future in politics will depend largely upon the results of the next elections, and those elections upon the practical effects of the tariff hill o n 3 r Vkk Annraa nf fha Hamwsrora " s a a nun vuw w u. aj va vuv uvauvx" va How do you stand upon the speaker ship contest? "I am in favor of recognizing western interests. I formerly lived in Mr. William M. Springer's district in Illi nois, know him quite well, know him to be a man of ability and integrity, like him as a man and a public servant, and am naturall friendly to his can didacy." What have you to say as to the Eermanency of this ascendancy in Ne raska of the democratic party? "That all depends upon circum stances. I am what you would call a conservative radical. I am radical in belief and conservative in action. The victory in Nebraska is like that in the country at large. If the democrats act with conservatism and wisdom they will retain their advantage. If not they will lose it. I believe they will do right and retain it. We have good leaders and I think the rank and file will be willing to be led by them in a way that will be commended by the people. In Nebraska we have the bet ter of the republicans as to the inde pendent voters Their general tend ency is toward us. Then we have lost very much less heavily than the repub licans. The alliance party drew from ns but about fifteen thousand votes, while nearly four times that number were taken from the republicans. The latter are more likely to antagonize the independents in regard to a legis lative policy than are the democrats." Have you had much annoyance from place-hunters? No. 1 have been remarkamy tree from that. Of course I have not much to give, but I shall make no promises, preferring to be free to act when the time comes as my better judgment shall dictate." In regard to possible democratic candidates for the presidency' Mr. Bryan refused to commit himself. The situation in New York he had given no consideration. He remarked that he did not look upon isiame as a formidable antagonist for any demo crat in '92. While he was not quite so prominent in railroading the tariff bill through congress, he endorsed it and as his reciprocity scheme will be a failure he would be an easy candidate for the democrats to beat. Mr. Bryan is very proud of the many republican votes he received in this district and is grateful for that evidence of their Jconfidence in him. He said: "While those votes swelled my major ity, I do not believe my election was dependent upon them. Had I but polled the vote given the party ticket. I think I would have carried the day." Mr. Bryan is wearing his first diamond one presented to him a few days ago by some of bis Omaha friends as a testimonial of their regard for him. He left Plattsmouth at 3:30 this morning for Lincoln and today goes to Leavenworth, Kansas, to attend a Thurman anniversary banquet, where he is announced to respond to the toast "The Caucus." Phjraieal Coltnre. The Plattsmouth Turners have en gaged Mr. Henry Kummerow as in structor of calisthenics and gymnastics, who will give lessons at Turner hall, on Washington avenue, every Tuesday and Friday, both in the afternoon and evening, for boys and girls, at the fol lowing hours: Girls, from 3:45 to 4:45 p. m.; boys, from 7 to 12 years of age, 4:4-5 to 5:45 p. m.; boys, from 12 to 18 years of age, 7 to 8:15 p. m. Only 25c per month will be charged to each pupil. Applications will be received by Mr. Kummerow at Turner hall dur ing any of the above mentioned hours. Com. Platts. Tuknvkbikx. In Jail for Forgery. Friday's Daily. F. S. Smith, alias Perkins, was ar rested in Brown county for the sale of a forged note of $41.25 to D. C. West at the Nehawka bank, and brought to town today. The note purported to be given by Bennett Chriswisser. in favor of one Perkins. Smith had his pre liminary examination before a justice at Nehawka this morning and was bound over in the sum of $1,000 to dis trict court. He is now in jail here awaiting trial. Ledgway Schmldtman. Friday's Dally. In the presence of twenty or thirty relatives and personal friends Mr. John Ledgway and Miss Julia Schmidt man of this city were united in mar riage by the Rev. J. D. M. Buckner last evening at eight o'clock. Quite a number of handsome presents were given the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Ledgway had fitted up their new house on Wintersteen hill and are now at home to friends. THE SOLDIER BOYS. The Talkers Take the Place of AeUrs Last Mght. SAUKDEBS, THAYER AND MAJORS. The Drawing at the Opera Hoase Tonight--A Banquet at Fltagerald Ball. What the Boys Have Been Do ing TodayCamp Fire. Thursday's Dally. The old soldiers and their friends the citizens filled the opera house last night, and they enjoyed them selves until a late hour listening to short talks from the veterans. A quartette of young men favored the audience with music and Col. Ginger's Co. Q., F. L. N., pleased the old sol diers with a drill exhibition. Comrade John Q. Goss presided and the first speaker called upon was Col. S. P. Vanatta, who, on behalf of the citizens, welcomed the veterans to Plattsmouth in earnest words of heart felt cordiality. . He said that the city was proud of the fact that the soldiers had twice chosen this city as the place of their reunion and that it would be glad to welcome them every year and at any and all times, the hearts and homes of Plattsmouth would be open to receive and honor those to whom she owed the privilege of existence in the freest and grandest country on earth. He was followed by War Governor Saunders, who said that he alone, of all the governors who served from the beginning to the close of the war, re mained in the land of the living. Gov. Kirkwood of Iowa was still alive, but he was not in office quite all of the time during the late misunderstand ing. - Gov. Saunders complimented Plattsmouth and Cass county upon the part taken at the outoreak of the war and said that he as. governor, had recognized their promptness ai.d valor by giving to them t v o . ihv iiost im portant commissions at his command those or uaptain ljivmgston and Major McCord. To both of these gentlemen he paid a high tribute as to their quali ties or head and heart, lie also re ferred to Captain Cooper as another to whom he had issued a commission and who had by his action justified the faith reposed in him. The governor said that we owed a debt of gratitude to the soldier which could never be paid except indirectly, but that he be lieved, yes knew, that the people did appreciate the services of the boys in blue, and would always see that they and theirs were taken care of. While in the U. S. senate," said he, "my voice and vote were always on the side of the veteran." Ha gave a graphic description of the anxiety ex hibited by those who remained at home to know the result of each bat tle. "We watched the newspapers and the gold market,-' said he, "and do you know that the gold market was one of the most accurate indications of your success and reverses. It told us the quickest also. When gold went up and greenbacks went down we knew the news at the front was bad. When gold went down and greenbacks rose in the New York stock market the people at home knew the boys at the tront were meeting with success. The gold market never failed to tell us the truth and generally sooner than any other messenger." Gov. Saun ders did not forget the women. He acknowledged the debt that both the stay-at-homes and the soldiers owed to the patriotic support of the mothers, wives and sisters. Major Paddock was next introduced and made one of the best speeches of the evening. He said the good sol diers also made the best of citizens. The impulses and aspirations of the true soldier were of the noblest kind and such a character was the grandest production of Almighty God. He said it was to the machinery rather than management of the war to which we owed its successful ending. To the vol unteer private from the farm, the shop, the office, the store and the school, who, moved by the loftiest sentiments and sense pf duty, went to the front and fought for victory with a vigor and determination that was impossible for a hireling to feel or act. He re ferred to the great battle of Vicksburg and of its great importance in the con flict, and in that connection of the late Gen. John A. Rawlins and bis services to the country. He told the story of an eye witness of the first meeting at Galena, Illinois, called to discuss the Suestionof the rebellion, and of the ramatic and passionate enlistment of Rawlins in the side of the Union. Comrade Burmeister of Omaha re cited the pathetic story of the meeting, years after the war. of a New Jersey veteran and his old colonel at the bar of justice. Theold private a prisoner charged with intoxication, and the colonel the jndge upon the bench. It was well rendered and realism made it all the more appreciated. Comrades Strode, Richards, Pear man and Thayer also made brief re marks. All the speakers referred feelingly of those who had answered the last roll call and the illusions to the late Gen. B. R. Livingston were particularly touching and beautiful. The association also voted to go in a body todayto the residence of his ven erated widow and pay to her their respects and assure her of their sincere sympathy. This morning the soldiers' associa tion met in the opera house at 10 o'clock. The transaction of business was very slow. The boys like to talk and they must crack their jokes at each other, even though'' it interferes slightly with business. The officers elected for the ensuing year are: President, John Q. Goss, Bellevue. Vice President, Wilson Majors, Peru. Treasurer, Chris. Hartman, Omaha. Secretary, G. V. Hall, Lincoln. Assistant secretary, P. C. Richards Lincoln. Chaplain. Dr. W. S. Latta, Lincoln. After a pretty lively discussion it was finally decided to hold the next re union at Cushman Park, Lincoln, next September. The exact days of the month are left for the executive com mittee to determine. The proposition of Editor Coulter of the -Western Veteran, Topeka, Kan., was accepted and that newspaper is now the official organ of the associa tion. Under the terms of the agree ment Mr. Coulter is to make up a com plete roster of the Nebraska regiments and furnish each member with a copy. At 11 o'clock the veterans, in com mand of Tom Majors, marched to the residence of the late Gen. R. R. Liv ingston and paid their respects to the widow. There were no speeches. The visit was purely an informal affair. Mrs. Livingston was assisted by her daughter, Anna, and Mrs. Thayer in receiving the comrades. Motes. If the ladies do not love the old soldiers it is not the fault of the speak ers. Every talker has made it a point to give them special praise. The bova exnressed themselves as much pleased to notice the leniet manner in which time nas aeaic witn the respected widow of their old com mander. Whatever may be thought of Lincoln capturing the next re-union, there is no question but that Cushman Park itself is the finest place in the state for such an affair. v?.Col. Ginger has shown himself an admirable enterprise manager. The entertainment was a great success, and his pupils showed the effects of careful training. The old war horses pricked up their ears this morning when President Mc Maken read the headlines and dis patches in the morning papers to them concerning the Indian situation. The following young men ure those who assisted in the evening's program: Messrs. Guy Livingston, B. A. McElwain, Geo. Palmer, Bert Mor edge, Lem Cooper, Ed. Burris. Ed. McMaken, Harvey Mann; Frank Johnson, Oliver Buzzell, Will New land. John Kurtz, R. E. Smith, Peter Hanrahan, John Bobbins and Jame3 Hickson. The music hy Heck's orchestra was no insignificant feature of the enter tainment. Its members were Walde- Beck, leader; Miss Mary Grant, piano; Robert Sherwood, jr., and Frank Hoffmann, violions; Gus Buttons, viola; Harry Dray, bass; Henry Donat, clarinet; A. II. Dray and J". E. Hawksworth. cornets; E. II. Schulhoff, trombone; F. W. Lehnhoff, drum. The following are the memDers of Co. Q, 1st Neb: The Misses Delia Tarsch, Katie Neville, Anna O'Reilly, Nettie Ballance, Rose McCauley, May Dutton, Bertha Nitka, Ella Clark. Lizzie Leach, Anna Critchfield, Hattie McMaken, Maggie Oliver, Frances Stiles, Georgia Oliver, Maud Vivian, Mamie Stiles, Bertha Wise, May Pat terson, Ida Boeck. Lizzie Miller, Mary. Wales, Mamie Coffey, Hattie McCrosky and Katie McCarthy. The association will charge admission at the next year's re-union, Cushman Park, for all except soldiers and their families. This resolution was only passed after spirited discussion and active opposition, led by Maj. Pearman and Comrade Weidman. In the first place neither of these gentlemen wanted Lincoln to get the re-union, but they were voted down. The strong argument of the Lincoln pleaders was the tender of the use of the Cushman Park by Mr. Andrus, and the opportun ity it afforded to put a little money in the association treasury. Fine artistic cabinet photos 99 cents Sir doz. at Hnrd Bros, art stndio. abies and groups a specialty. Cor- uer uriauike sweet uu uiuto are., Plattsmouth. 10-dtf Try Gering & Co.'s spectacles and eyeglasses. They guarantee a fit or no sale. 15-dl0t-w2t GRAND AMY BOYS. The Opening Entertainment Last Night a Magnificent 8uceess. VETEK1KS' S0XS AD DAUGHTERS. Col. Ginger a Success as Stage Manager and Drill MasterThe Hoys Only Second to the ;irl In the Hearts of the Audience. From Wednesday's Dally. Last night there gathered in the Waterman opera house the grandest has ever contained. The occasion was the opening entertain ment of the Grand Army of the Re public Fair, under the management of that versatile genius, Col. Lew Ginger, and assisted by the children of the ex soldiers of Nebraska. Long before the hour for the curtain to rise the en trance, stairway and the street in front of the opera house was a jam of struggling, but good-natured humanity endeavoring to obtain admission to the building. Hundreds gave it up and went away. When the curtain rolled up Col. Ginger came upon the stage and faced the largest audience which ever assem bled in the building. He, in behalf of McConihie Post, G. A. It., the Women's Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans, thanked the citizens for their liberal aid in this laudable enterprise. Dur ing the five years that he has been engaged-in this work he says he has never received a more generous assistance from the people of any town. He said there had been three thousand tickets issued, and there were about two hundred presents donated for distribu tion on Thursday evening the last night of the Fair and Soldiers' Re union. On that evening the audience will select a committee of three gentle men and two ladies, and this committee will do the drawing. The coupons of the tickets will be placed in one box and the tickets containing the names of the presents in another. The ladies will draw from the boxes and the numbered coupon coming out opposite the prize ticket will entitle the holder to that prize. Col. Ginger closed by introducing Col. S. P. Vanatta, who very brielly addressed the people, and again thanked them for their liberality. He told of the establishment of the G. A. R. organization and explained the objects for its existence. The funds, he said, realized from this fair would be used in erecting a memorial hall in this city, which would be in honor of the Nation's defenders and one of which every citizen would be proud. The curtain next rose on a military camp scene. Will Ackerman, one of the campers, sang very well "We are Camping Tonight on the Old Camp Ground" and his comrades joined him in the chorus. Then followed a drill at the reserve post, and a song "I'm a Soldier." by Col. Ginger, assisted by the Boys in Blue. The scene representing a surprise and "Midnight Attack" was well per formed by the squad Vets' sons and the audience showed its appreciation by hearty applause. The "grand military drill" by Co. Q of the First Ladies of Nebraska was one cf the prettiest features of the evening's program. Their manuevers were admirable, considering the little time they have had for drilling, and their charge on the double quick brought down the house. Miss Annie O'Reilly recited "Sher idan's Ride" splendidly, and was fol lowed by Col. Ginger with a parody "Schneider's Ride" which was thor oughly appreciated and heartily ap plauded. The entertainment closed with the comedy," Virginny Mummy," in which Col. Ginger as Ginger Blue, Guy Liv ingston as Dr. Galen, Miss Annie O'Reilly as Lucy, his ward, Bert Mori edge as Capt. Rifle and Lucy's lover, Will Ackerman as the doctor's servant, O'Leary, Geo. Palmer as artist, and B. A. McElwain as Mr. Patent, each per formed creditably their parts and made the whole a pronounced success. The audience was well pleased with the entire program, and should it be repeated it is probable that the house would again be filled. Jadge garage Dying. The manv friends in thi rtv nf Judge James W. Savage of Omaha will be pained to learn, as reported by the World-Herald, that while he has Deen recovering from the effects of a surgical operation to which he sub mitted last week, was attacked yester day by pneumonia, and that all hope of his recovery has been abandoned, and it is believed that the end is not mere than three or four days distant. Try Lotus Lily and Paradise Pink, the latest in pert umes,at Gering & Co.'s. v r