PAGE TWO PLATTSHOUTH SEMI yEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, SEPT. 25, 1939. the Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SE2a-WEEKLY AT PLATTSHOUTH, KEBBASXA Enttred at Po-tofflc., PlatUmouth, Neb., as iecond-claw mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Pnbliiher SUBSCRIPTION PBICE $2.00 A YEAS IN FIRST POSTAL ZON35 Subscriber Uring In Second Postal Zone. $2.50 per year. Bey on a 600 miles. $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, $3 50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly In adranee. I SOUTH BEND (Last Week's Delayed Letter) - Mrs. V. D. Livers called on Mrs. Axel Zaar Tuesday afternoon. Bill Rosencrans and Mrs. F. J. Knecht were in Omaha Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blum. Helen r.nd Hubert were Friday evening call ers at the W. J. O'Brien home. ' Elaine Fidler spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Jason Ptreipht. while her parents were in Omaha. Thursday afternoon callers at the V. J. O'Brien home were Mrs. Henry Stander of Ashland and Nancy Streight. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leddy drove to l"erii Tuesday, taking their daughter, Miss Patricia, to begin her work at the state Normal college there. Mrs. Helena Timm received word or the illness of her sister, Mrs. Zamzow of Ashland. She is receiving treatment in a Lincoln hospital. Sunday dinner guests at William rium's were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoff r.ran and family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hart man and twin daughters. Fred Weaver and F. J. Knecht re , turned home Saturday evening after having spent two weeks visiting Mr. Mr. Weaver's daughter, Mrs. Eula Lackey and sons, at Minatare, Ne braska, and friend3 in Denver. Mrs. F. J. Knecht called, on her parents. Mr. and1 Mrs. John Wun derlich at Nehawka on Tuesday and pgain Thursday. They are staying with another daughter, Mrs. Sadie Fhrader, during the father's illness. Although everything is being done for the aged man, his condition is still serious. Friendly Circle Club Meets The Friendly Circle club met on Thursday. Sept. 7 with their, vice president, Mrs. George Braun. ' A large crowd responded to roll" call. Plans were made for a Bingo party; apron and food, sale this winter. The club voted to donate $2.00 for each of three evening services at the church. The first meeting will be held on Sunday, Sept. 24. with the Rev. Bennett of Ashland as min ister, services to begin at 8 o'clock. All regular business was conclud ed and the meeting adjourned with the Lcrd's Prayer in unison. The club officers, Mrs. William Blum. Mrs. Oeorge Braun and Mrs. Jess Fidler, served a luncheon of sherbet and cake. Visitors were Miss Lauretta Bur dirk and Miss Helen Saunders. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Homer Carnicle. Funeral of Grandma Leddy , Funeral services for Grandmother Leddy were held at Marcy's Chapel Monday afternoon with Rev. Bullock of the Congregational church officiat ing. Mr3. Leddy was 90 years, 10 months and 1 day old at the time of her death. She has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Philip Duerr since 1928. Her husband passed away in 1914. She is survived by four children. John and William of South Bend; Mrs. Philip Duerr of Ashland and Mrs. Henry Oehlerking of Murdock, also eighteen grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. The pallbearers were four grand sons, Charles and Roy Marshall. Wil liam and John Leddy, and the hus bands of two granddaughters, Earl Nichols and Ople Morris. This aged lady, who endured the many hardships of pioneer life, was ever ready to help friends and neigh bors in time of need and will long be remembered as a friend to all. o f (This Week's Letter) ' Sunday evening callers at the V. D. Livers home were Mr. and Mrs. f red Backemeier and Mrs. Sawyer of Murdock, and Mr. and Mrs. "William plum and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Long of Om bfta and their granddaughter, Sharon Jleisinger of Plattsmouth called on Mr. Cora Campbell and Russel Sun day evening. Mrs. Meisinger is a piece of Mrs. Campbell. Mr. .and Mrs. Jess Fidler announce the birth of a daughter at an Omaha hospital.. Mother and babe are. do ing well and expect to be liome soon. Mi6S Edine Capsey was chosen to Represent South Bend as a countess at the King Korn Karnival korona- tion ceremonies in Plattsmouth on Wednesday evening. Bill Rosencrans went to Lincoln last Sunday afternoon to enter upon his second year of studies at the University of Nebraska. He is located at the Lincoln apartments, 1121 Q street, only a block from the cam pus. A large number of people from South Bend attended the county fair at Weeping Water Friday. School was dismissed for the day so the teachers and pupils might attend. Miss Ruth Kupke spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kupke. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Streight and family drove to Omaha Thursday evesing to visit Mrs. Jess Fidler and baby at the hospital. Sunday evening callers at the J. L. Carnicle home were Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Peterson of Ashland. Mr. and j Mrs. Ray Snyder and children of Waverly and Mr. and Mrs. William Blum and family. Mr. arid Mrs. J. L. Carnicle were Sunday dinner guests of their daughter,- Mrs. Harvey Frahm and family, near Ithaca. They also called on an other daughter, Mrs. Merle Swartz and husband. Rev. Bennett of Ashland will be unable: to conduct .services at the church this Sunday evening, Sept. 24, but will be here on October 1, at 5 o'clock, we are assured. ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Mooney were Sunday afternoon callers at Louis Rotber's. Miss Edith Risness of Lincoln was visiting friends here Sunday. Wedding Announced Mr. and Mrs. Ingomar Neilsen of Coleman. Alberta, Canada,' announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Eleanor, to . Glen Fredrick Weaver of South Bend, Nebr., son jf Mr. Fred Weaver. Miss Nielsen is a graduate nurse of the General Hospital,' Edmonton, Alberta, and has for the past year been associated with the Kahler hospitals, of Rochester, Minn. The wedding is planned for early spring at the home of the bride. ' CR0WDS GOOD EVERY DAY Many folks have remarked at the large crowds that have attended the Korn Karnival this year every af ternoon and evening. Usually in a celebration of this long duration there is at least one day when at tendance drops. This year, however, beginning with ..Wednesday night, when a careful check reveals up wards of ten thousand persons lined Main street from the koronation rlatform west, the street has been well packed before time of holding the different afternoon and evening feature attractions. Weather conditions have been ideal for the staging of a show of this type (although rain is badly needed and would be welcomed at any time by farmers and business men alike). The temperature has also been all that could be asked for neither too hot nor too cold. When the curtain Is lowered on the 1939 show, it is safe to say at least a fourth more people have seen it than any of its predecessors. Not a bad record, and a new high mark In attendance to shoot at next year. The fame of this show has spread to great distances and visitors have been here from as far away as 200 miles, attracted Bolely to see how it is carried out, so they may go home and assist in arranging some similar sort of entertainment in their re spective communities. The permanence of the King Korn Klub and its annual show 13 well es tablished, each year eclipsing the one before, and it can truthfully be said that the 1939 karnival has been a most successful show, with its big ger and better parades and increased attendance and interest. As It draws to a close all can look forward to the ninth annual show of next year and begin laying plans to make it even more outstanding than the present one. a - . -' ' t r I nomas Walling (Jonpany Abstracts of Title . . 4 P&pne 824 - Plattsmtroti The Historical Exhibit is Very Interesting Papers, Documents and Pictures Tell Story of the Early Days - Largest Yet Shown. The attendants at the King Korn Karnival who have failed to visit the historical exhibit in the Jour nal building, are missing something of real value, a glimpse into the old time history of Cass county which is shown in pictures and documents that have been gathered by the descendants of the first settlers of this part of the west. One Interesting object is a sale bill of the firm cf Patterson & Wal ker at Rock Bluffs of the date of 1SG2 and which announces the ar rival of a great stock of goods from the New York market. This firm was composed of James A. Walker and James M. Patterson, who were later among the most prominent residents of the county. The historic pictures and docu ments of Rock Bluffs, then a thriving Missouri river settlement, is very targe and from the pictures one can well realize the sturdy and strong type of men and women that help make the west. The George Mann collection of early day pictures of the Burling ton shops and their employees and scenes of the early day Plattsmouth are most . interesting. In the shop pictures Mayor Lushinsky, Val Bur kel. Joe Libershal appear as ap prentice boys in the shops while the veterans of their trades appear with the long whiskers which were then the fashionable mode for the men. Ox yokes, letters and other things that touch the early day life are to be found in this fine collection. Dr. G. H. Gilmore of the Cass County Historical society is in charge Df this part of the carnival assisted by Val Burkcl. BOXING SEMI-FINAIS GOOD Plattsmouth boxing fans are get ting plenty of their favorite sport during the King Korn Karnival. On Thursday night they witnessed three hot battles, one of them , an even affair and the other two winding up with a verdict in favor of the two lads who had a slight margin of victory. , . . ( , ... Friday. night's scraps, were equally good, with the Judges picking win ners in each of the three bouts. Verdon Keil, one of the battlers in Thursday evening's even break bout, was supposed to be on hand last night and tangle with his opponent of the night before, Willard Tigner, but failed to put in his appearance. so the alternate. Warren Allbee was substituted. Allbee gave Tigner a stiff battle, but caught one of Wil- lard's rights on the chin and Hopped to the canvas for a nine count. All bee came back strong, but his fur ious attack was met by an equally furious return and Tigner won and will be one of the contestants to night. Another fine battle (while it last ed) was staged by Don McBride and enough, but didn't have the know ledge of the manley art or the ex perience that McBride has had, so after a slam-ban g first round in which Starr was lloored for a near finish count just as the gong sound ed, McBride was awarded the vic tory. The final bout of the evening was between Kenneth Cottlngham and Gene Lester. This was' a lively scrap, with both boys trying to land a finisher every minute of the three 2-mir.ute rounds. Gene Lester proved to be a little more durable than Cot Hngham and was awarded the, ver dict, spotting him as one of the pair to mix in tonight's final event for the grand prize given the 'tourney v. inner by the Plattsmouth mer chants. Amateur boxing has won favor with the sport lovers of Plattsmouth, due mainly to the efforts of one of this city's residents. Kid Graves, former World's champion welter weight boxer, who has labored in dustriously to arrange this amateur boxing tourney for the King Korn rCflrnivnl and Yina holna1 in nn email , x .... . . .. . way iu n'-atse mis years iun iestivai so successful. DEPARTS FOR CALIFORNIA From Saturday's Dally . Mrs. W. A. Wells, who has been here for some time visiting at the home of her brother, John Alwln and Mrs. Alwln. departed this morning for her home at Los Angeles. She was called here several weeks ago by the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Alwln and has remained for a visit with the relatives and old time friends. Copy of an Old Time Sale Bill Family Leaving; for Oregon Territory Advertises Possessions, Includ ing Slaves Back in '49 Ninety years ago last March 1, at Versailles, Kentucky, there was held a public sale of property which for those days was quite well advertised. Copies of that crudely printed sale bill have appeared from time to time hi newspapers over the nation. Some ot them, yellow with age, lead per sons viewing them to believe they might be an original, but this is not the case. Frequently, however, these copies are 35. 40 and more years old. It is one of these that was ex hibited with the historical display at the Korn Karnival last week, being the property of Mrs. Hattie Fiddler, who has had this particular clipping for a period of 33 years or more. Be cause of interest In the things offer ed, the Journal is reprinting this sale announcement and perhaps, a score or so years from now, one of these clippings, yellow with age, may be palmed off on the unwary as the one and true "original." To the ex perienced printer, however, this would be impossible, since the form of type dress changes- materially even in the course of a few years, to say nothing of the ninety years that have elapsed since this original bill wa distributed, printed, as it must have been from the crudest of type and with the crudest of equipment. The nearest thing to old time printing we have seen is an original bill announcing a Rock Bluff store, which hung in the window at the historical display here. It was print ed in New York City, as few, if any mid-western printers in those days of the late fifties '."had equipment for the turning out of 6uch a piece of work. ' . As stated, because of the nature of its contents, and not because of any claim to it being an original, we publish below the contents of that much publicized sale bill: Having sold 'my farm and am leaving for "Oregon Territory." by ox team, will' offer on March 1st. 1849. all of my personal property, to-wit: All ox teams,- except two teams. Buck and Ben and Tom and Jerry; 2 milch cows; lgray Inare and yoke; 2 ox carts; 1 iron plow with wood mold board; 200 feet of poplar weather boards; 1,000 three-foot clapboards; 1,500 ten-foot, fence rails;' one' 60-gallon soap kettle; 85 ugar troughs made' of white ash tim ber; 10 gallons of maple syrup; two cpinning wheeles; 30 pounds of mut ton tallow; 20 pounds of beef tal low; one large? loom, made by Jerry Wilson; 300 poles: 100 split hoops; 100 empty barrels; one 32-gallon barrel of Johnson-Miller whiskey, 7 years old; 20 gallons of apple brandy; one 40-gallon copper still; four sides of oak tanned leather; one dozen real hooks; two handle hooks: three scythes and cradles? one dozen wooden pitchfords; one-half interest in tan yard; one 32-calibre rifle; bullet molds and powder horn; rifle made by Ben -Miller; 50 gallons of soft soap; hams, bacon and lard; 40 gallons of sorghum molasses; six head or fox hounds, ail sort moutnea except one. At the same time. I will sell my six negro slaves 2 men. 3 5 and 50 5 ears old: 2 boys. 12 arid 18 years old: 2 mulatto wenches, 40 and 30 years old. WTll sell all together to same party, as will not separate them. Terms of sale, cash in hand, or note to draw 4 per cent interest, with Bob McConnel as security. My home is 2 miles south of Ver sallies, Kentucky, on McConn's ferry pike. Sale will, begin at 8 o clock a. m. Plenty of drink and eat. J. L. MOSS '' 1 : NEW BOOKS AT LIBRARY A number of new books have been added to the shelves of the Platts mouth public library and are at this time ready for use, according to the report of Miss Olive Jones, librarian. Kecent additions to the pay shelf Include five new books: "Listen for the Voices" by Clover; "Black Nar cissis" by Godden; "Tales of Way ward Inn"' by . Case; "Captain's Wife" by Jameson; and "Priory" by Whipple. Four new books have been ndded j as reference for the general uso of the publtc:- "Why Meddle in the Orient" by Carter; "School House in the Foothills" ty. Enslow; "Arts of Leisure" by ' Marjoris GreenMa; and 'Tragic Fallacy" by Margaret Hallgren. ; Subscribe for the Journal. HELP STOMACH DIGEST FOOD Without Laxatives and You'll Eat - Everything from Soup to Nuts T!i ttommcb should digest (wo pound food ittly. When jrou eat hey. reT. eoere or rtrh foods tt when too r nertoua. hurried w chew poorly your tomach often pouri out too much fluid. Your food doein't digest and you bT iu. heartburn, nausea, ut-iu or tour torairh. Too (eel aour; tick and upet all OTer. Doctor aar never tk laxatlra for atomaen rain. It la dangeroua and fooliih. It Mkea those) Lttle bit tablets called Be'J-saa for lcdieenlcn to nsaka the excess stcauch fluid harmless, relieve J'.stre?s in no time aad put you back on ytrr feet. Belief la eo quirk it Is amaiinr and one 2e package kotm U. Ask for eU-asj far ladutstlaa. Children By Judge Copyright 1939 A Bookworm Turns Locksmith Necessity made Lee an incessant reader, for moriey was scarce arid old j newspapers were plentiful. Thought lessness made him a housebreaker when the man downstairs became ongry at a trifle and ceased giving ,him the papers. Skilfully Lee fashioned a skeleton key with which he entered the locked apartment below and took the old periodicals. The irate occupant, re turning home and finding nothing else touched, but the papers gone, called Lee a burglar and persisted in bis demands that the youth be sen tenced to the industrial school. Lee was five years old when his father died; eleven when his moth er passed away. During the parents' lifetime they had purchased a small two-story dwelling. At the mother's death, her insurance was barely enough to pay off the mortgage, the expenses of her last illness and her funeral. Lee's sister, Mary, had been grad uated from high school and held a responsible position with a local busi ness firm, which required her time from 8:00 in the morning until 6:00 at night. In an effort to maintain the home, Bhe and Lee moved to the second floor of the modest residence and let the lower floor at a rental sufficient to pay taxes and general upkeep. Mary made many sacrifices to feed and clothe Lee properly, but, much Flower Show is Bright Spot of Fall Festival Eeautiful Display of Flowers and Shadow Boxes Make Very Inter esting Spot fcr Visitors. Flower - and garden lovers were about the only group not amazed this year, when the annual King Korr. Karnival flower show more than lived upAo its expectations this year. Con sidering the unfavorable weather that hindered the growth and beauty of floral bouquets. the entries were enormous andilha quality outstand ing. Variety of cut:flowers was num erous and not one particular variety dominated the ethers at the exhibits. Among the many exhibits on dis play at the Elks building on North Sixth street is the shadow boxes that have grown so popular in the last few years among the flower show ex hibitors. Among the shadow box ex hibits was one submitted by Mrs. Wm. Schmidtmann, Jr.. and Mrs. Carl Ofe. The theme of their shadow box was "Courtship Under the Oaks." Another exhibited the grave of the unknown soldier, an exhibit that is J almost in reality with the present European crisis still continuing. The Plattsmouth Garden club, who really deserve the credit for making these flower shows possible In Platts mouth, have a very unique and pic turesque display of a model garden or one most viewers would call "A Model Back Yard." Along with the hundreds of Cut flowers asters of all colors, zinnias, roses, cockscomb, and many others was seen a large number of fernery and greenery exhibits, as well as rotted plants of all kinds. Frank Karva nek's cactus display is also one of the important exhibits. Mrs. George Thun's entry to the show was a cotton exhibit; the cotton was grown in Cass county. The Junior Department of which Mrs. Wm. Schmidtmann, Jr. is chair man, was also represented at ine rhow. The entire second floor of the building Is devoted to the younger gardeners of Cass county. Tea tables. Jug collection, art exhibits, bird houses, picture boxes, and arrange ment of teachers desks are some of the highlights put on display by the citv and rural school children. The interior decoration of the buildin consists of asparagus NAGGING Modern life with Its hurry and worry. Irregular habits. Improper eat ing and drinking, exposure, contagion. wnainoi, Keeps uutmri busy, hospitals crowded. 11.: after effects are disturbing ta the kidneys ana oftentimes people suffer without know ing that disordered kidney action may cause ths trouble. After colds, fever and similar Ills there is an increase of bod; impnrltiei the kidneys must filter from the blood. If the kidneys are overtaxed and fall to remove excess acid and other harm ful waste, there is poisoning of the whole system. Symptoms of disturbed kidney func tion may oe sagging oacaacne, persist np(iDAM9S the Crossroads Ernest L Reeker as she would like to do so, her in come was not large 'enough to give him an allowance. Consequently he did not go to movies or participate in any activities which require a bit of money. Probably because death had en tered their home twice within a per iod of five years, Mary and Lee lean ed on each other for companionship. Lee walked with his sister to her work, met her at neons, and again after school. As far as taking the old news papers was 'concerned, the juvenile judge told Lee, that was not such a grave misdemeanor, but to break In to a person's house, using a skeleton key, was a serious offense, regardless of what his object was. Lee was placed on probation to Mary's employer, who immediately provided him with not only an abun dance of newspapers but also other good reading material. The tennant who insisted that Lee be sent to reform school, recently sat in the court room of an adjoining county and heard his only grand child, whom he fairly worshipped, sentenced to a state correctional in stitution. ranged around the lights and ceil ing. Exhibits from many towns out in the county are on display. . Above all don't miss the flower nhow "this year" because such beauty and entries of garden flowers at this time of the year is rare. Mrs. L. W. Egenberger and Mrs. John Woest are co-chairmen.- Mrs. I Anton Trilcty. Miss Lillian White. 'and Mrs." Woest had charge of the :guest book Thursday, afternoon. OCA EL! From Friday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Erantner, of Omaha,' were here Thursday to spend the day visiting with frfends and en joying the King Korn Karnival. . Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mayfield of Louisville were among the visitors in the city Thursday to visit friend3 for a few hours and to enjoy the high spots of the karnival. George Blessing, of the Elmwood Leader-Echo, was In the city today for a few hours attending to some matters of business at the court house and visiting with friends. From Saturday' Dairy Henry Erinkman of Sedalia, Mis souri, was here today to visit with his brother, Charles Brinkman and many old time frlend3 and relatives. Bill Carey and Ed Kalina, stu dents at the University of Nebraska, are here to enjoy the week end with the home folks and many old time friends. Henry Meierjurgen, well known resident of near Murdock was in the city Friday afternoon to look after some business and enjoying the King Korn Karnival. LEAVES FOR CHICAGO From Saturday' DalTr Miss Nora Kennedy is leaving thi3 evening for Chicago where she will join her brother. William, and ex pects to remain there for the winter at least. Mr. Kennedy Is engaged In railroad work at Chicago where he has been located for several years. RECEIVES FINE Thursday afternoon in the county court Forrest Parrlott, of Sioux City, Iowa, was arraigned on the complaint of the state highway patrol charged with operating his car in a reckless manner. On the plea of guilty a ar-ifine of $10 and costs was assessed. BACKACHE ent headache, dizziness, getting tip nights, swelling, pufflness under the eyes a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of strength and energy. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis- THE HEASON DOAW3 turbance may ARE FAMOUS be burning, AU evar the eoaatry scanty or too grateful peeple tell frequent nrlna- other t D'a k tlon. - Jtefpeei mat I rewom- In Such Cases menet tAem tat ?. It is batter to That la why we ear, rely on a med- Atk your neif JsoeW lclne that has won world-wide approval than on something less favorably known. Use Doan't Fill. They have been winning new friends for more than forty years. Be sure to get Doan't. Sold at all drug stores. - gipniLiLg) Butter and lard Substitutes Reduce Nebraska Revenue Farmers and Dairymen Suffer from a Dwindling Consumption of These Two Commodities. For years the Journal has advo cated the use of Nebraska products by Nebraska ns. This policy was often stressed by the late publisher, Mr. R. A. Bates who was opposed to the use of substitutes from far-away mar kets to the detriment of our home producer and outspoken in his con demnation of such practices. Yet, despite all that has been said in the press and otherwise, there haM been a growing tendency to disre gard the appeal and accept substi tutes. So pronounced har, this been that in the past fifteen years, for instance, the consumption of veget able oils and compounds has pnto-' tically doubled in the United States.' The two heaviest losers have been laid and butter, respectively. Both of these products are produced in the middle west and their processing brings much revenue to the farmers who raise hogs and dairy cattle. The income of these livestock pro ducers in Nebraska alone could be increased in the neighborhood of two million dollars or more, it is esti mated, through an improving de mand for genuine butter and lard and a refusal -of the housewives to accept the so-called substitutes. The Plattsmouth Creamery in its advertisements appearing in the Semi-Weekly has advised our read ers that every pound of butter and lard substitutes they buy helps to re duce by just that much the revenue cf our Nebraska farmers and dairy men. During the past week, Wilson & Co., enc of the large packing firms. ha3 sponsored a similar message to our readers. In an advertising effort to re-popularize lard and make it preferred to the manufactured sub stitutes (many of them made from fcreign raw materials) this firm set about to produce a lard of such su perior quality and place it in such a convenient ecstainer that house wives of today, like their mothers end grandmothers, will prefer it to the tlock of substitutes. Included In this program has been the giving of free introductory pound pacSages of the?r new Nebraska-made product to. housewives. .- t This battle to lift larJ a,nd butter out of the "dog-house" of public ne glect and into the kitchen and on the table, where they rightfully be long, is a most interesting one and upon its success hinges many dollars of Increased revenue to our mid western producers that have been going elsewhere. "Accept no substitute," say both the packers and the creamcrymcn. FAIR QUEEN AND ATTEND ANTS ATTEND KORN KARNIVAL Dcrothy Elmore, queen of the Richardson county fair; Mildred Schuetz, raaid-of-honor; Mildred Nemechck and Louise Peterson, ladies-in-waiting were special guests at the King Korn Karnival held in Plattsmouth Wednesday evening. The king and queen of the Korn Karnival were crowned at a special ceremony in which over 100 people took part. There were a number of kings and queens present from other communities and cities. Miss KI- tnorc, queen or ine uicnara county fair nwule a few appropriate remarks over the public address system. Following the coronation cere mony they attended the coronation ball in the Legion hall, in which the Humboldt ' girls took part In the grand march. The girls were accompanied to Plattsmouth by Mr. and Mr3. It. L. Bode, Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Baldwin and Arnold Skillet. All report a very pleasant evening. Humboldt Standard. Phone Prlntlnq ortfers to No. G. q uo i ou want to b Buy Your Suit AT Ready Made $15 Tailored to Taste jj $29 and Ber Wescoti9 - X a dpi. iif ad oninc? k IF SO R fi NOW is the time. Later 8 S cn will be too late. Now S 8 ft b o e