Uefcr. St- Historical Society 51 QUXUMt VoL No. LV FLATTSHOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1939. 170. 64 PBT 1 .PM ma - m MM mm mm mm Scott-Spangler Wedding is Held on Saturday Ceremony Held at St. Agnes Church in Omaha and Followed by de ception for Young People An early fall wedding was held nt 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the St. Agnes church in Omaha when Miss Helen Scott became the bride of Homer Spangler, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spangler of this city. Father Meyers performed the cere mony. The bride is the youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Scott. She wore a gown of tiel blue silk crepe with Burgundy accessories. The bride and groom was attend ed by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slunicko. , a sister of the bride. Mrs. Slunicko wore green crepe with Burgundy ac cessories. Both the bride and her attend ant wore corsages of white gar denias. The groom and best man wore dark business suits. The impressive ring ceremony was used. Following a reception for .the immediate relatives was held at the German hall A huge wedding cake formed the centerpiece for the table. Mrs. Scott was graduated from South high school in the class of 1924 and now operates a beauty shop. Homer Spangler graduated from Plattsmouth high school in 1929 and was active in sports and community affairs. He is an employee of the Peter Pan Baking Co.. at Omaha. After September 15 the couple will be at home at 4704 South 20th street. Omaha. The out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Albln-and on, of Union; Mr. a ad Mrs. Fred Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Linville, Mr. and Mrs. George Mumm and family, Mr. and Mrs Reuel Sack and family from this city, and Dick March, Plattsmouth. DEATH OF MANLEY LADY From Tuesday's Dally Mrs. Mary Mockenhaupt, 75. died on Saturday at her home at Man ley, Nebraska, where for the past two years she has been ill and had gradually grown weaker until death came to her relief. Mrs. Mocken haupt has made her home in Cass rounty for her lifetime and was a lady known and honored by a very large group of friends. She has long been an active figure in the Manley community and in the St. Patrick's rhurch of which she had been a life long member. There is surviving her passing the husband. Chrl3 E. Mockenhaupt; four ons. Peter of Greenwood; Valentine, of Alvo: Walter and John of Man ley: two daughters. Mrs. Maier of Louisville and Sue Mockenhaupt of Manley; eleven grandchildren: one brother, Frank H. Stander of Oma ha and one sister, Mrs. C. R. Erhart :f Manley. The funeral services were held at 10 o'clock this morning from the St. Patrick's church at Manley. Father James Hennessy celebrating the re quiem mass. The interment was at the St. Patrick's cemetery. ARRANGING FOR FARMERS DAY Charles Barnard, of the Farmers day of the King Korn Karnival is urging that owners of saddle horses enter them In the parade on Thurs day, September 21. Those who have horses that they will ride and enter in the parade are urged to get in touch with Mr. Barnard. Dr. O. Sandin, who has the colt ehow in charge on Thursday, Sep tember 21, is urging that the owners of colts get In touch with him as soon as possible. The entries may he from six months to yearlings and two year olds. This show will be held at the garage building on South Third street and prizes of $5, $3, $2 and $1 are to be offered. RESUMES SCHOOL WORK Miss Rachel Robertson departed Sunday for Lincoln where Bhe will enter the University of Nebraska to resume her work as a student. At the university Miss Robertson ia identified with the Delta Delta Delta sorority. ENTERS STEPHENS COLLEGE Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Westover have returned home, from Columbia, Mis souri, where they had taken their daughter, Janet, graduate of the class of 1939 of the Plattsmouth high school, entering Stephens col lege. This one of the leading girls' schools of the middle west and a number of Plattsmouth and Cass county young women have attended it. 'Plattsmouth' Theme of Junior Club Meeting Very Interesting Program Is Pre sented at Hotel Plattsmouth by Local Talent. A large group of members and visi tors enjoyed a program about Platts mouth and put on by Plattsmouth talent. This meeting was held at Hotel Plattsmouth and was the first fall meeting of this organization. Miss Marie Vallery and Miss Mil Ired Hall were in charge of the program arrangements. Fred Busch. president of the Busi ness Men's Ad club, presented Milo Price, of the Plattsmouth high Bchool, who gave a very interesting talk on Plattsmouth. Vacation days were used for roll call and Mrs. Win. Evers. assisted by Mary Evers, show ?d colored pictures which were taken on their vacation in Utah, Oregon. Wyoming, and at Yellowstone Na tional Park. Mrs. Helen Wescott Murdick gave several humorous se lections and Miss Mildred Hall sang three solos. She was accompanied -t the piano by Mrs. L. S. Devoe. An important business meeting was held following the program. A committee consisting of Eleanor Nel on. -Marjorie Born. Mildred Hall, and Lillian Schmitt was appointed to plan a suitable float for Friday's King Korn Karnival parade. The next meeting will be a social In the form of a King Korn party for members and guests. The fol lowing committee is in charge of 'hese arrangements: Virginia Marks hury, Margaret Rummel. Edith Tun nel. Kathryn Howard, and Fern Jahrig. September 25th is the date for the next meeting. LOCAL FOOTBALL SCHEDULE The high school football schedule for the season of 1939 has now been filled and will bring a number of rood teams here for the entertain ment of the fans. The first game will be at Weep ing Water at 3 p. m. Friday. Septem ber 15 as one of the features of the rounty fair. The first home game will be with the Rams from Glenwood on Wed nesday afternoon, September 20th. a feature of the opening day of the King Korn Karnival. Other games will be as follows: Sept. 29 Valley here. October 6 Sidney. Iowa, here. Octofcer 13 Ashland, there. October 20 Blair, here. October 25 Bethany there. November 3 Wahoo. there. November 10 Neb. City, here. For the Glenwood and Sidney. Iowa, games Bill O3oian, will be -eferee. Teal, umpire and Harvey Jieumeister. Nebraska City attorney is the head linesman. For the Valley game here Moe Preasley, veteran sports official of Omaha, will be referee with Hansen as umpire and Councelman as the headlinesman. all of Omaha. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors, for their acts of kindness shown us during our recent be reavement. We thank those who sent floral tributes, the pall bearers, and those taking part In the services for our brother, Henry J. Martens Brothers and Sisters. HERE FROM HOLLYWOOD From Tueadays DafTjr Mrs. Eugene Sochor and daughter, of Hollywood, arrived this morning to visit here at the home of County Assessor and Mrs. W. H. Puis, par ents of Mrs. Sochor. They will enjoy a visit of two weeks here with the relatives and friends In this section. Subscribe for the Journal. Lovely Home Wedding Held at Nehawka Miss Mina Jean Young and William S. Choat Married at Home of Parents of the Bride. Sunday, Sept. 10. Miss Mina Jean Young became the bride of Lyle Cheat, son of William S. Choat of Albion, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parr Young of Ne hawka. The wedding took place at 8:30 a. m. with Rev. W. D. Lenker of the Methodist church of Nehawka officiating in the presence of im mediate family and close friends. Mrs. Towner Livingston, sister of the bride, played the nuptial music. The marriage lines were read be fore a setting of baskets of pink gladioli, candelabra, a wedding bell, and white kneeling cushion. Tapers In candelabra were lighted by Mies Helen Schomaker. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Marian Young, frocked in a lime green wool. She wore a shoulder corsage of pink and white rosebuds. Harold Mizner of Lincoln served as best man. Both he and the groom wore conventional dark suits. The bride wore an afternoon dress of wine silk crepe with bracelet sleeves.. Figures of braid formed lines from the Bhoulder to the waist line. The skirt was full at the back with a narrow peplum which gave the bristle effect. The cos turae waa completed with a necklace and bracelet set. a gift of the groom. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink and white roses. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served, using the wed ding cake as a centerpiece for the table. After a short trip to the Lake of the Ozarks, the couple will return to make their home at 1317 L street, Lincoln. The bride has attended the University of Nebraska the past two years and the groom will continue his schooling in the college of engineering. He Is a mem ber of the Farm House fraternity. ASSIGN U. B. PASTORS The United Brethren conference at Aurora at their closing session made the assignment of the pastors for the state. It Is very gratifying that two of the popular pastors of Cass county. Rev. Paul Dick of My nard and Rev. A. B. Small, of Ne hawka were returned to their charges. Rev. Dick has served In the My nard church since the departure of Rev. H. A. McKelvey and with his accomplished wife has taken a large part in the community life of this section of Cass county, both as a teacher of the Christian faith and a leader in the social and communial life. Rev. Small has served In the Ne hawka charge for a number of years and is one of the best known of the clergy of the county, and it is with pleasure that the friends over the county learn that he is again to serve in the old charge. APPEALS COMPENSATION AWARD In the office of the clerk of the district court an appeal has been filed in the compensation claim of Charles Daniels against the Water ways Construction company. The award Is being prosecuted by the Waterways company. The compensation court has award ed Mr. Daniels the sum of $10 per week for a period of 300 weeks and also medical expenses. He filed the claim for injuries alleged to have taken place on May 27, 1929 while in the employ of the defendant com pany, the injuries caused It is claim ed by reason of lifting heavy rocks. SUFFERS BROKEN ARM Sunday morning Merdith Welser. 6. fell from a tree while at play and as the result had a severe fracture of the right forearm: The lad with companions was playing near the Missouri river and while in the tree lost bis balance and fell to the ground below with the result ot the fracture of the arm. The injured boy ran to his home and reported the accident and was brought on into this city and the injury treated at the office of Dr. L. S. Pucellk. ASHES ARRIVE HERE From Monday's Daily . The ashes of. the late Bertha Por ter, former Plattsmouth woman, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Porter, arrived today at the Fattier funeral home. The deceased passed away some weeks ago at Oak land, California, and the ashes were brought here for interment on the Porter family plot in Oak Hill ceme tery. Skelton-Liddick Wedding Occurs on September 2 LaPlatte Young Lady Well Known in This City United m Mar riage to Ralph Llddick. In a very quiet ceremony perform ed on Saturday morning, September 2 at Papillion. Nebraska. Miss Pearl Skelton. daughter of Jerry Skelton of LaPlatte. and Mr. Ralph Liddick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Liddick also of LaPlatte were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. Judge Harry Collins officiated at the wed ding ceremony in the presence of the bride's father. In the evening a reception was held at the home of the groom's par ents in LaPlatte and the members of the immediate family were present to honor them. The newlyweds re ceived many gifts as tokens of con gratulations. The bride was born and reared at LaPlatte, where she attended school and following her schooling period she came to Plattsmouth where she was employed for a number of years. During her residence here. Mrs. Lid dick. 20. made many friends "who will be glad to learn of the news of her marriage. The recent bride Is a pister of Mrs. Johnhfler of this city. The groom, 26, has also made La Platte his home for a number of years. At the present time he is an employee of the Missouri Pacific railroad at LaPlatte. The newlyweds will make their home In LaPlatte. GROWING BIGGER WITH YEARS It seems but a short time ago that a small group of interested men met at the American Legion building -one warm August night in 1932 to dis cuss the matter of some sort of a fall entertainment in Plattsmouth. There were some who thought the time wasn't right and who counseled waiting until after the depression there were some timid souls who feared it couldn't be done and there were also fearless ones who counseled that nothing attempted, nothing gain ed. It Is doubtful anything would have come of the meeting but for the pres ence of L. S. Devoe. fresh from a tewn that was doing just that sort of thing, and after a glowing word picture by the pedagogue, the idea started to take. So. from this unpretentious begin ning there was born Plattsmouth's King Korn Karnival, which followed more or less in the footsteps of the illustrious Topsy and just "growed" year after year in size and splendor. It has been the uniting bond that stirred the populace of this commun ity to co-operative efforts and unity of purpose and their labor has not gone unrewarded. In another week the eighth annual Korn Karnival will be opening. It is bigger"and better than ever before and will draw people here from a greater distance than ever before. Our King Korn Karnival has grow ed out of its swadling clothes and is headed for still greater success as the years come and go. It is tradit ionally of, by and for Plattsmouth, Cass county and our nearby neigh bors living beyond county lines. SHOWING IMPROVEMENT The many friends over Cass county of William Mettger will be pleased to learn that he is rallying in fine ?hape from his recent operation for appendicitis at the Methodist hos pital at Omaha. Monday Robert M. Walling, Ray F. Becker, register of deeds and C. L. McKissick were at Omaha to visit him. Rubber Stamps, targe or small, at right prices at Uw Journal. Local People Give Opinions on War Crisis Plattsmouth Residents Agree on the Chances IT. S. Will Stay Out of European War. Regardless of politics. Plattsmouth people who were Interviewed regard ing the present European war crisis seemed to think that America can 3tay, and above all, should stay out of war. Do you think we can stay out of the war? How? J. Howard Davis, Chamber of Com merce president and city attorney. 1004 Main street: "The U. S. can Hay out of war. She can stay out I by maintaining her neutrality policy which she has established and by giving her people the facts about the war rather than dishonest propa ganda. With keeping America in formed reliably, the American people will insist on strict neutrality." Dr. H. G. McClusky, First Pres byterian church pastor. 323 South Seventh street: "I think they can hold their neutrality unless one of the enemies perform something that would cause us to draw into war. I think we can stay out of war un less England shou'1 be very hard pressed and in which case we may have to go to war just as before." Mrs. L. S. Devoe, housewife, 110 North 11th street: "I think the U. S. can stay out of war by staying strictly at home and keeping off the seas. America may sell clothing and food to belligerent nations pro vided if they come after it and pay cash for it, but I absolutely am op posed to America sending munitions and other war supplies to Europe. Miss Verna Leonard, assistant li brarian, . Coronado Apartments: "I "hope' and everyone hopes and prays that U. S. will remain neutral, but my own personal opinion is that it depends upon developments." County Register of Deeds Ray F. Becker. Chicago Avenue: "Due to the fact that this small country (Po land) has not made any effort to pay on the present war debt, the United States should remain neutral." Searl S. Davis, real estate and in surance agent, 604 North 5th street, three children: "I think the United States can stay out of war by using its diplomatic corps and having the politicians of the country out of the negotiations. There is no reason for the U. S. becoming involved in this crazy European situation." Frank A. Cloidt, reigning King Korn and cashier at the Plattsmouth State bank, 1104 Main street: "I think we should stay out of the war and I think that we should be neu tral and probably not sell to the warring powers." Miss Etta Nickles, proprietor of the Etta-Belle Beauty Shop, 416 North Fifth street: "Yes, we can stay and will stay out as long as President Roosevelt ha3 the power and the backing of the democracy of the United States to help him. Every one has to pull together." Miss Helen Smetana. stenograph er for the L. W. Egenberger Agency, 221 Vine street: "If the belligerent countries don't interfere with our jhips and our people, I think United States can and will stay out of war. If the people in the U. S. cooperate with the president, there is no doubt that America entering the "war can be averted." T. H. Pollock, superintendent of the Plattsmouth Water Corp.. 724 Main street, two children: "I think the way for America to stay out of war is: 1. To move all embargo on everything to all countries; let them come here and get it provided they pay cash for it. If we sell to all of the countries alike, letting them come and get it, why we are not showing any favors. 2. I think the United States should have as big a navy as there is In the world so that it can protect both coasts. Of course, the complications that brought us into the last war might come again. If we keep our ships off the high seas, except to protect our own course and not going into commerce at all. the U. S. will have no trouble In re maining neutral." Mr. and Mrs. Harry Royal of Lin coln and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Graves of Omaha were here Sunday for a visit at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Mary Burnett. ADDITIONAL NAMES Following are the donations that have come in for the King Korn Kar nival since the last list was pub lished: Smith Capitol Baking Co. $ C. C. Cotner M. D. Brown Elmer Hallstrom, Avoca World-Herald Bond Bread Co. 5.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 25.00 10.00 Warren Scharfenberg, ticket sale 248.74 No Result So Far in Murder Investigation Many Angles to Last Ride of Boyd Hubler Being Traced Out by the Officers. While no suspects have been ar rested as yet in the slaying of Boyd Hubler, 28-year-old river worker, there are many angles to. the case that has kept Sheriff Joe Mrasek and Deputy Sheriff Emery Doody busy In the attempt to trace the last tragic journey that the victim of the mur der took last Saturday night. Many rumors and reports have left a wide field over which the officers must operate to try and definitely tie the crime and the place that it was committed. Possibilities that the crime might have occurred any where from Omaha to Union where he had lived for two years has made the field very difficult for the of ficers. The unusual weapon that was used in the crime may be one of the causes of a break In the trace for the slayer as it is unusual and ap parently made tor the purpose that it was used for, that of a murder or slugging. OXFORD TO PLAY PLATTSMOUTH The fast Oxford baseball team will be the attraction at the Athletic park in this city next Sunday after noon at 2:30 and is being looked forward to with the greatest of in terest by the fans. The Oxford team was here earlier in the season and gave the Mer chants a good fast game and nith the excellent record they have made on the diamond should deserve a good crowd out to enjoy this, one of the last games of the season. ADVERTISING STATION SERVICE Joe Hendrix, lessee of the Conoco Service Station at 6th street and Avenue A, i3 carrying, in addition to regular Conoco advertising appearing in this paper, a series of weekly ad vertisements calling attention to the manifold services the station offers to motorists, more particularly washin and greasing of cars. Read these ads each Thursday under the caption, "You Auto Know." PIG AND AUTO RACE The first four men applying who have an old Model T hand starter or any other kind of a hand crank car can get into the auto-pig race Frl day afternoon of the Korn Karnival Prizes totaling $10 are offered. For particulars see Bruce Rosencrans or Charles Howard. This is going to be good. RETURNS FROM NORTH PLATTE Henry Trout, who has been visit ing at North Platte with his brother. I. E. Trout and family, returned home Sunday. He was accompanied by the brother and his son, S. D. Trout, who returned later in the day to their home. UNDERGOES OPERATION Mrs. Adam Kaffenberger is in St. Catherine's hospital, Omaha, recup erating from an operation which she underwent on Thursday, September 7. Relatives who visited with the patient Sunday, reported her condi tion as "good." FOOTBALL AT WEEPING WATER The Plattsmouth-Weeplng Water high school football team will be called at 3 o'clock Friday at the Weeping Water grounds. In the hills advertising the fair this was given as 10 a. m., which is wrong. Re member the game is called for 3 p.m. Steppat-KIa-bunde Nuptials Occur Sunday Daughter of Former Plattsmouth Residents United in Marriage to Mr. Harry Rlabunde. In a single ring ceremony per formed at the St. Paul's Lutheran church at 25th and Evans streets. Omaha, Miss Florence Steppat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steppat of Omaha, and Mr. Harry Klabunde, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Klabunde of Papillion were joined in wedlock at 2:30 Sunday after noon. Rev. Fraser, pastor of the St. Paul's church at Blair, officiated. Miss Elsa Fraser served as the or ganist and the Lohengrin's wedding march served as the' processional hymn. Miss Rose Mary Steppat, a cousin of the bride, rendered the 30I0. "Oh Perfect Love." The wed ding party left the church to the strains of Mendelssohn's march. White candles and bouquets of palms served as the decorative scheme of the altar. The ushers. Frank Steppat. Jr., brother of the bride, and Kenneth Claussen. brother-in-law of the bride, both of Omaha, were dressed In gray suits, leading the wedding proces sion. In a long white net dress trimmed with white ribbons and roses and wearing a headband of gladioli came Miss Marilyn Stoehr, cousin of the bride and who served &s flower girl. The ring bearer, Harvey Ruther ford of Omaha, cousin of the groom, was dressed in long white trousers. The ring was placed on a white satin pillow. Miss Gladys Claussen, friend of the bride, served as bridesmaid and she mas dressd in a floor-length gown of royal blue turner net with an embroidered top and double net skirt over a royal blue taffeta slip. Both the bridesmaid and maid of honor wore white-gold bracelets and crosses. The maid of honor, Mrs. Kenneth Claussen, the bride's sister, was at tired in the same fashion as the bridesmaid, her color scheme being wine. The bride wore a floor-length wedding gown of white moire taf feta with a long three-yard double veil ot allusion net trimmed with chantilly lace, which was held In place with a tiara trimmed with orange blossoms. Her only jewelry was a pearl necklace and gold pin which was worn at her grandmoth er's wedding and a linen handker chief Imported from India this being a gift of the bridesmaid was seen. She carried a shower bouquet of white gladioli. The groom and his best man. Mr. Bill Martich. wore the double-breasted dark suits. Following the wedding ceremony a reception was held In the church basement. Mbs Gerda Klabunde, cousin of the groom, and Mrs. II. Klabunde. Jr.. sister-in-law of tbe groom, assisted in the evening. Miaa Rose Mary Steppat. cousin of the bride, had charge of the guest book, which was a gift to the bride from a friend. The bridal couple received many beautiful gifts which will long be cherished in their memory. The bride up to tbe time of her marriage has been employed as steno grapher in the offices of the Secur ities Acceptance Corporation, which Is located in the insurance build ing. Omaha. Nebraska. The groom for the past year and a half has been employed by the Miller Chemical company of Omaha. After a short honeymoon to Colo rado, they will make their home in Omaha. Guests at the wedding from Platts tnouth included a number cf the rel atives and friends: Mrs. P. A. Mel- ginger, Mrs. F. W. Nolting. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stoehr and da'ightr. Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Everett S?rr ler and family. Mrs. J. M. Kper- berger and family. Miss Kathleen Nolte, Mr. Harold Meislcger. Miss Rose Mary Steppat, Mr. and Mrs. Will Halmes and family and Mrs. Martha Weiss and son. Albert. We can fumTsTt yoa wrm TT tim ber Stamps made to order at price considerably below that you have been paying. Prompt servlea If you need stamps, ses us.