PAGE SIX MONDAY, SEPT. 11, 1939. "S CIAL From Thursday's Daily Altar Society Meets ueanesaay auernoon a. the general Altar society meeting of the St. John's church vas held in the church basement. Hostesses who were selected and present for the oc casion were Mrs. Julius Pitz. who served as chairman, Mrs. E. G. Ruff ncr, Mrs. Rudolph Iverscn, and Mrs. Ccrda L. Pittman. Despite the heat twenty-five were present. The society's president, Mrs. Baltz Meisinger presided at the business session while Mrs. Lucy Gaylord gave the secretary's report. A social hour of cards. Chinese checkers, and visiting following the business meeting. Mis3 Marie Fitz gerald received the special prize for the afternoon. A luncheon conciuueu the afternoon gathering. Entertains Friends Tuesday the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Divyer was the scene of a very charmingly arranged noonday lunch eon in honor of Beverly and Betty Thorn, granddaughters of Mr. Dwyer. who with their mother, Mrs. Hamil ton Thorn and brothers, Tom and Craig are visiting here. Following the luncheon the members of the group were entertained at a theatre party at tlie Cass theatre. Those to Community Building Club ELECTED SEPT. 9 James Dvoracek $50.00 Not Paid Mrs. Dora B. Marks$50.00 Not Paid Mott Frady $25.00 PAID S50 - $50 - 525 Campbell Tomato Soup L 3 for 23c Sunrise Sweel, Mild COFFEE Mb. Bag, 14i Spare Ribs lean, Meaty 2 lbs. 2c 27c Hamburger Freshly Ground Beef Cuts. 2 lbs Minced Luncheon Sliced or Piece Per lb. 15c FISH BULL HEADS, Fresh fgp Minn. Caught, lb WHITING Headless, Dressed, 3 lbs 20c Sailor Sliced. (In Syrup) PEARS SL2for 25c Calif. Seedless or Tokay GRAPES 4 ft 3 lbs. for JLTf CELERY Tender, Well Bleached tffir Oregon. Large Stalk lU5 YAMS U. S. No. 1 Louisiana Ct Porto Rican. Lb S' Fancy Juicy Bed Jonathan APPLES . CC Per lb. CABBAGE Fresh, Solid, Green Per lb. j)1 Heavy Red Jar Rubbers -j Aq Beg. Pkgs. - 3 for. 2LJ Mason Zinc Jar Caps Carton of Dozen-Pen-Jel Fruit Pectin Pkg. 19' W Hershey's or Baker's COCOA -fl 9c Mb. Can JL& Right to Limit Quantities Is Reserved Ad for Plattsmouth, Tues. and Wed., Sept 12-13 enjoy the event were Eleanor ilinor, Rachel Robertson, Harriett Goos, Jean Knorr and the guests of honor. Presbyterian Federation Meets Following the summer vacation period, the Woman's Federation of th First Presbyterian church re- , ar metIng3 thelr .torHav after- noon in the Fellowship room. This federation also reported a very good attendance. Preceding the business meeting and the social hour, the Prayer Circle convened at 2:15 p. m. and a large number joined in this informal session cf prayer. The federation president, Mrs. Roy Knorr, presided at the meeting. Sev eral committee reports were given. The young people of the church had charge of the program. Mis3 Gloria Johnson led the devotionals. Richard Hitt and Miss Eleanor Giles gave short talks on the work and activities of the Presbyterian Church Summer Conference, which they and other young people aitenaea ai mair wn year. Miss Jaunita Siglcr rendered the solo "Abide With Me," her mother. Mrs. Wiley Sigler serving as her accompanist. The rest of the program hour was devoted to an open r.... rn viKoiInn Tripmnries. Mrs. IUI IllU . ' 1 . TM.-U...V.. - " " H. G.iMcClusky, presiding. Circle 4. of which Mrs. Searl S. Davis is chairman, served a luncheon at the close of the meeting. From Frld- Daflr Mrs. Gerbeling Entertains Mrs. Floyd uerbeiing entertainea two tables of pinochle guests at her home on west Pearl street last eve ning. Mrs. Fred Sharpnack was awarded the first prize, and Mrs. Vernon Arn, Jr., received the second prize. Refreshments were served at the close of the party. The following guests were pres ent: Mrs. Fred Sharpnack. Mrs. Vernon Arn, Jr., Mrs. Louis Tie- Kotter, Mrs. Frank Enearl, Mrs. L. J. Hutchinson, Mrs. John Sander, and Mrs. Richard Beverage. Hold Farewell Party A farewell party, honoring Mrs. Robert Bundy, was given last eve ning at the home of Mrs: H. C. Mnrksbury in the Bloom apartment. The Bundy couple are leavfng soon for Missouri where Mr. Bundy was transferred along with other em ployees engaged in river work. The guest list comprised twelve women and the evening was spent in play ing bridge. Mrs. Walter Smith re- eived the first prize, and Mrs. Ne ville Hodson received the second award. Mrs. Bundy was awarded a uest prize. The hostess, Mrs. Marks bury, served a luncheon at the close of the party. Present at the farewell party were Mrs. Clayton Cross, Mrs. Edward Mische, Mrs. Kenneth Schmitt, Mrs. Russell Kunz. Mrs. Martin A. Webb, Mrs. D. B. Ashbaugh, Mrs. Carl Keil, Mrs. Frank Biggs, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Neville Hodson, Miss Florence Belghley, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Robert Bundy. Anna Marie Rea Feted Mrs. John Bergman. Mrs. Henry Starkjohn, Mrs. Paul Wohlfarth, and Mrs. Robert Rea served as hostesses at a miscellaneous shower tendered in honor of Miss Anna Marie Rea, whose forthcoming marriage to Mr. Edward Ossenkop will occur Satur day, September 16 at the St. John's church. The occasion was held last evening at the John Bergman home at 7th and Timber streets. The guest list numbered around eighty.' The chief feature of the shower To Serve You More Efficiently! THE GREATEST ASSET any business can have is the good will and friendship of those it serves. IN ALL our transactions with you that thought remains uppermost in cur mind. TT O A ran tit a Vinef nnn f - " tsi.t, oil IC JUU I 1 If you have suggestions, we M TTT ill V) A mA1A 4Vi n X I receive them. WE ARE SO BUSY turning out an increased volume of Casco Butter (thanks to the many friends who will ac cept no substitute) we don't have a lot of time to talk but we're always glad to ex change a friendly greeting and listen to any criticism or suggestion for improving our service! PLflTTSnOUTU CREAMERY LOWER MAIN St. PHONE 94 "VI was the enactment of a "Tom Thumb Wedding," by a group of. lit tle folks. The bride was . Miss Eva Ion Weber and she was dressed In a white silk floor-length dress and wore a white veil. She carried a bou quet of white flowers. John Francis Bergman served as the groom and he was garbed in a black tuxedo. Miss Betty Jo Gillam served as the maid of honor and she wore a floor- length dress of orange and yellow. The bride's attendant the brides maid was Mary Beth Gillam. The groom was attended by Marlene Al bin. Patty Ann. Gillam was the flower girl and Bobbie Sue Fitch tied the knot, In her character as a min ister. Iater In the evening Bingo was played and Mrs. Raymond Haith, Mrs. Herman Hough, and Miss Edna Mae Petersen were awarded the prizes. A large parasol was arranged to hold the gifts which were opened by the bride-to-be. At the close of the evening the hostesses served a lunchon. From Saturday's Daily Delta Deck Meets Miss Mathilda Soennichsen enter tained the members of the Delta Deck card club at her home Thursday eve ning. Mrs. Edith Greer, Richardson county superintendent of schools, and Mrs. James Bulin were guests of the club. Prize winners Included Miss Laura Meisinger, first; Miss Mar garet Scotten. second; and Miss Amelia Martens, third. The hostess served a luncheon during the eve ning. Observes Birthday Mrs. George Thun wa& nonorea on Friday evening at her home on South Lincoln avenue. The occasion was the celebration of the anni versary of her birthday. The evening was spent in visiting. Mrs. Thun re ceived several gifts, also a beautiful cake prepared by Mrs. Ralph Hyde. Those present for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Lamphear, Miss Claudlne and Mr. Dayle Frazier. Mr. Thun and the guest of honor. Honored on Birthday The third birthday anniversary or Patricia Ann Painter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Painter, was ob served on Thursday afternoon at. the Painter home. Guests at the occasion included Elizabeth Painter, sifter of the guest of honor. Billy and Jean Birdsley of Auburn, Charles Virgil Kerns, Mrs. Virginia Mitchell, and the members of the Painter family, and the guest of honor, Patricia Ann. Cake and ice cream was served during the afternoon. Honored on Birthday Friday "was the sixty-sixth birth day anniversary of Mrs. Charles M. Gradovllle, one of the long time resi dents of the community and in honor of the event a large number of the children gathered at the family home to join in spending the time with the mother and grandmother. In the evening the members of the family came and showered the mother with remembrances and several hours were passed in visiting. At the con clusion of the evening dainty re freshments were served. Those at tending were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gradoville and family. Mrs. T. C. Kahoutek. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence We8tphalin of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Todd and family of Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bourne and fam ily, Mrs. Frank Ptacek and daugh ter, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. John Blot zer and family. Greeting was also received from Frank Gradoville of Washington, D. C. WINS HIGH HONORS Boba, white collie owned by L. L. McCarty of this city, was one of the outstanding entries at the dog show at the Nebraska state fair and was much admired by the hundreds that visited the show. Boba was awarded the f-rst honors in her class as a collie and was second in the grand prize for the best dog in the show, missing by a fraction of points of winning this honor. VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Thursday was the birthday anni versary of Glen Daniels of this icty and in honor of the occasion a real present was received by the father, a fine eight and three-quarter pound ion. The little one was born at the Clarkson hospital at Omaha and with the mother is showing excellent pro gress. MRS. ELLA BURKE HERE From Saturday's Daily Mrs. Ella Burke of Pasadena, Cali fornia arrived in Plattsmouth today to spend a few days visltingr with her two nieces, Mrs. William Heinrich and Mts. Blanche Price as well as her brother-in-law, Mr. Gus Burke, who makes his home with Mrs. Price. OFFER EXTRA INCENTIVE TO GET EXHIBITS IN EARLY Here's good news for prospec tive exhibitors at the Agricultural Hall at Plattsmouth's biggest and best King Korn Karnival to be held next week. Superintendent James Hall is anxious .to get the exhibits in' and placed early, so he has arrang ed ten special prizes five of $2 each and five of $1 each, to be awarded to exhibitors who bring their exhibits in BEFORE Mon day night, Sept.' IS. This money is in addition to the regular prizes -a sort of reward that goes to the "early birds." In order to be eligible to receive this extra prize money, you must bring your exhibit in either Sat urday, Sunday or Monday, Sept. 16. 17, IS. Mr. Hall and his co workers will be at the Agricul tural hall all three days from S a.' m. to 8 p. m. to receive the ex hibits and get them placed. No entry made after Monday night will be eligible to compete for the special "early bird" prize money. For every early entry brought in, the exhibitor will receive a numbered coupon entitling him to participate in the drawing for the ten special prizes, which are to be awarded Thursday afternoon. Sept. 21. at the Agricultural hall by a committee of three disinter ested farmers.' GET YOUR EXHIBIT In early and be among those eligible to participate in this special award of ten cash prizes five of $2 each and five of 1 each a reward for promptness. The five $2 prizes go to those bringing 10 ear corn exhibits and the five SI prizes go to exhibitors in other classifications. The more exhibits you bring during these three days, the more coupons you will bofd for the special awards. All exhibits will also compete for the regular awards in their respec tive classifications. VISIT IN CITY Mr. and Mrs. H. Bilsborough, of Los Angeles, en route to Chicago and New York, stopped here for a visit with Mrs. Bilsborough's grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Kuns mann and family as well as with other relatives and friends. Mrs. Bilsborough spent many happy child hood hours in this city. She is a daughter of Mr. '" and Mrs. Ed J. Kunsmann of El "Paso, Texas. Mr. Kunsmann was born and reared in this city. MOTOR TO EDDYVILLE from Saturday's Dally Mrs. Earl Leesley and four chil dren, Shirley, Donald, Edwin, and Irwin left at midnight yesterday for Eddyville, Nebraska where they will spend the week-end visiting their son and brother, Gerald Leesley as well as with other friends. This is the first trip the family have made to that city where their son has re sided for almost fifteen years. RETURN FROM CHICAGO From Saturday's Dally This morning Robert Hayes, Stuart Sedlak and Matthew Sedlak returned home from Chicago, where they spent several days on a short outing. The young men. who" are ball players themselves, had the pleasure of see ing the Cubs in action in a number of games and also the reception to Gabby Hartnett. veteran catcher and manager of the Cubs. MARRIED AT PARSONAGE Rev. S. G. Schick, pastor of the St. Paul's Evangelical and Reform ed church, officiated at the wedding on Friday of Emery E. Shaft and Irene B. Lund, both of Omaha, the ceremony taking place at the church parsonage. The bride and groom were accompanied by E. A. Lund, father of the bride and Gertrude McDermott, also of Omaha. MRS. GROSSMAN VISITS HERE Plattsmouth's distinguished visi tor Thursday was Mrs. Fred Gross man of Omaha, area president of the National Council of Garden clubs of America, and also state president of the Nebraska Council of Garden clubs. She had the pleasure of visit ing with a number of her friends, being very well known by a number of the local Garden club members. RETURN FROM OUTING Piom Thursday's Daily Mrs. Frank Horsak and son, Carl and Mrs. I. L. Kocian returned home last evening from St. Llbory, Nebras ka. The Plattsmouth-party took Mrs. Kocian's sister, Mrs. Martin Peter- bettr who-. has -been In Plattsmouth visiting, home. ' Adolph Wesch Writes from Old Home in Baden Well Known Farmer Enjoying Visit With Relatives in Germany Visits Black Forest. Adolph Wesch, well known farm er residing west of this city, who Is now on a trip to bis old home in Germany, writes to friend3 under the date or August 23 from the old heme in Baden, Germany. Mr. Wesch states that he had been visiting with the parents at their home in an attractive village ot Hie Black Forest region of Germany, a part of the country filled with much of the charm and romance of the old Germany of the past cen turies. The parents are 78 and 76 vears of age and celebrated their ;o!den wedding anniversary just after the arrival of Mr. Wesch from the United States. Mr. Wesch tells of the many beauties of the Black Forest, the great pine trees that tower from seventy to eighty feet and are so thick that the sun is seldom able to penetrate extensively into the forest and in the spaces where the trees are less thick antelope are to be found grazing. The scenery along the Rhine Is very beautiful, Mr. Wesch states and the large castles centuries old, dot the hillsides of the historic' river. In thl3 section fruits and the vine yards are excellent and show great yields. At the time of writing the letter Mr. Wesch was contemplating going the next week to Berlin where he would visit a sister and then go east through the Polish country to East Prussia to visit relatives of the Sie moneit family who reside there. The developments of the days since the letter was written have, how ever, changed the plans of Mr. Wesch. as war is now prevailing over that part of Europe. Now the German army and the Poles are battling through the areas wliere Mr. Wesch was to make his Journey and the French and British armies are or- moving-into the sections that threaten the Black Forest section. BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. William Kief of this city have received the news of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James Huddleson. of Denver, on Wed nesday. Mrs. Huddleson was former ly Miss Dorothy Kief, youngest daughter of the family. The condi tion of the mother is reported as be ing critical. This afternoon a message was re ceives here by the Kief family an nouncing the gradual failing of the patient and in response to the mes sage Mrs. William Kief, the mother. departed for Denver. MRS. ANNA SLAT0N LEAVES After spending the summer in Plattsmouth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sedlak and her brothers and sisters, Mrs. Anna Sla- ton left for Aledo, Texas where she met her husband, Timothy Slaton who Just returned from South Amer ica where he has been employed In Colombia for many months. Before arriving at her destination, Mrs. i Slaton visited with friends In Tulsa, Oklahoma, Fort Worth, Texas, and ; Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Slaton anticipate touring the south for many months. ' . DEPART FOR MONTANA Russell Wasley and wife after spending the past three weeks visit- nir his narents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wasley departed for Superior, Mon tana where he is engaged in teachi ng. Russell's host of friends gave his bride a hearty welcome and that re- mpmhrance with the many girts showered on them, we hope, will add to the pleasure and happiness on the new Journey in life on which they have embarked. PAID FOR POULTRY EGGS CREAM We are in the Market for. Springs Special Prices Open Every Evening Bring In Your Produce! HOME DAIRY Conveniently Located 5th and Main Center oz .Business section Pioneer Cass County Woman Answers Call Mrs. Eliza Leddy, Mother of Four Children, Passes Away at Home of Daughter in Ashland. Following a period of failing health in the last year, Mrs. Eliza feddy, widow of the late William Leddy, passed to her last reward Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Duerr in Ash land, Nebraska. Mrs. Leddy, who had reached her 90th year, has been bedfast for the past several months and had gradually grown weaker un til death overcame her. Mrs. Leddy was a pioneer citizen of Cas3 county and a long time resi dent of South Bend precinct. The Leddy family were prominent farmers in that section of the county and were the parents of four children. In her declining years she has made her home largely with her children and at the time of her death had lived with her daughter in Ashland. There Is left to mourn her passing IB WE DELIVER PHONE 23 AND 24 This Ad for Tues. and Wed. m rut wuitc SAL ADA TEA Vz lb. Black 37 VA lb. Black 196 Y2 lb. Green ..33 lb. Green 17 1GA Rolled Oats fftc Large Pkg. W NEW, LIVE RUBBER Jar Rings fftc 3 Dozen MASON Jar Lids Per doz 19c KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes Oftc 2 Pkgs. for and Cereal Bowl Free I Rice Krispies KELLOGG'S Per Pkg. - AA Salad Dressing IGA BRAND 4 ( Full Quart Jar Pancake Flour IGA Brand 3 54 -lb. Bag . . . Wheat Flakes KRAKLKRISP 2 Pkgs. for. . . FIRST PRIZE Hominy O&c 3 No. 2' Cans Fresh Fruits Small to Medium POTATOES flffc Early Ohios 25c Large Size. Peck Home Grown APPLES 7 lbs. for- 2SC rj fm MEAT DEPARTMENT WUson's Certified Vfeiners ggC All Meat. Lb MOCK Chicken Legs They're Delicious and Economical. Per lb two daughters. Mrs. Henry Oehlerk ing of Wabash and Mrs. P. F. Duerr of Ashland; two sons, William and John Leddy of Ashland. RED CROSS TO AID POLAND WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (UP) The American Red Cross, answering the first call for relief from bellig erent nations, today announced that ?50,000 will be expended for hospital tents, drups, and blankets to be shipped to Poland. At the same time the Red Crors announced that $2.",000 has keen ad vanced to the American hospital in , Paris to meet emergency demands created by the conflict. Norman II. Davis, chairman of the Red Cross said that chapters throughout tie United States would receive contri butions from persons desiring to ail. ZITKAS HAVE GUESTS Mrs. Margaret Tefft and son. Tur ner were in Plattsmouth Wednesday nnd spent the day with Mrs. Anna Zitka and family. Mrs. Tefft Is a former resident of Plattsnioiith, she being formerly Miss Margaret But tery. The Tefft family make tin ir home in Omaha. in niP rnp wuiTrp wacufc WW rrv white n NAPHTHA ljJSOflP3E"s10c FLOUR 48-lh. Bags Gooch's Best . . .$1.65 Sunkist $1.65 Square Deal . . . .$1.19 Golden Sun $1.39 NEW CROP CHOICE Apricots UKr Per lb -a. Wilson's Certified Cheese 2-lb. Box 43c Pork & Beans Swift's Tall Cans, each . 10c Pork & Beans AMOUR'S No. 2'2 can. SANDWICH SPREAD or Salad Dressing TASTEWELL 1 Qt. Jar 25c GARDEN BUN Peas fflo No. 2 Tins, each AU PREPARED Peas No. 2 Tin. ENERGY Flour 24-lb. Bag 70c Amaizo Syrup Gallon Pail. 45 dlTn i2-Gallon Pail . DIXIANA Pancake Flour 5-lb. Bag, 23 US l 3-lb. Bag iLjg) Macaroni or Spaghetti pnc 3 lbs. for and Vegetables Fancy Tokay GRAPES f 2 lbs. for Fresh Green BEANS Per lb. Large Juicy LEMONS Per Dozen 35c Fresh Ground Hamburger flflC AH Meat. Lb.. Corn Fed Shoulder Bee Steak Per lb. 22c