The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 11, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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JTONDAY, SEPT. 11, 1939.
Father Hennessy, pastor of St.
Patrick's church, attended the state
fair in Lincoln Monday.
Fred Stohlman and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Rau attended
the state fair at Lincoln Monday.
Henry Vogler has cut 27 acres of
corn, placing 24 of them in the silo
ond leaving the other three acres in
the shock.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Buskirk, who
have been residing in the John
Fleischman home for some time,
moved last week to the Keckler
hqme on Main street.
Miss Lillian Tighe and Mrs. Jose
Hughes drove from Jackson over
near Sioux City to Manley last Sun
day to see and visit with John C.
Rauth, who has been feeling rather
poorly of late. j
The Cochran family of Ashland
spent the greater part of last week
here at the home of Mrs. Cochran's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleisch-j
man while Mr. Cochran was work-j
ing in this vicinity. i
Mrs. Ralph Keckler of Weeping
"Water and Mrs. R. Bergman went toj
Lincoln Wednesday to attend the;
slate fair, enjoying their day there
despite the excessive heat and the
strong hot wind that was blowing. (
Mrs. Nellie Zwirlein of Omaha, a
friend of Mr. and Mrs. Herman J.
Rauth, was a guest at the Rauth
home the -greater part of last week,
enjoying a portion of her vacation
from work, which she feels is much
better than chasing off to the moun
tains or Bome seaside resort. She re
turned to her home in Omaha last
Thursday, rested and refreshed.
Visited Here Last Sunday
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Theo Harms last Sunday there were
gathered the families of a number of
relatives of Mrs. Harms. Among
them were Mrs. Mary Peters and
two daughters. Misses Evelyn and
Letha, Edward Peters and wife and
C. O. Dodge. All enjoyed the pleas
ant day spent together.
Continues to Improve
Jose Hughes, whose skull was
fractured from the limb of a tree fall
ing on him, has been able to leave
the hospital in Sioux City, but is
still in a cast, as a number of bones
were broken. He is doing very nicely,
but it will take quite some time for
the broken bones to knit. . s
Having to Slow Up a Bit
John C. Rauth. who has always
been a tireless worker and accustom
ed to "hitting the ball" as the say
ing goes, after working unusually
hard last week was taken ill and
has found it necessary to take a rest.
The family physician advised him to
Blow up a little.
Visited Hybrid Corn Fields
Herman Vogler and a number of
others from this vicinity were at
Waterloo on Tuesday of last week,
where they visited a number of corn
fields near that place where growers
are specializing in the raising of
hybrid corn for seed. In one of the
fields, comprising 200 acres, Herman
was allowed to select a baker's doz
en (13) ears, which he brought
heme with him and after weighing
them, hung them up to dry. When
they have dried, he will re-weigh
them to ascertain how much the
Khrink will be. The thirteen ears he
brought back: with him weighed
i xactly 13 pounds, or an average of
cne pound each.
Pickards Guests Here
A number of years ago there re
sided in Manley the family of Rich
ard Pickard, who later moved to
Falls City, where Mr. PiPckard was
employed in the Missouri Pacific
r.hcps and where they still reside.
Early last week, they arrived here,
en route to Lincoln to attend the
state fair, and spent a short time in
Manley renewing acquaintance with
their old time friends.
You can get Rubber Stamps at
lowest prices at Journal office.
should injure some one
remember liability suits
run high. One of our lia
bility policies will protect
you from this financial
loss and besides give you
peace of mind.
5 earl S. Davis
Platts. Staie Bank Bldg.
Paul Stock was in Lincoln Wed
nesday, being, an attendant at the
machinery exhibit.
Eduie Craig and wife spent- last
Sunday at Beatrice, where they were
guests of Eddie's father..
Henry Heineman has been busy
during the past week placing a new
shingle roof on the home of Paul
Stock. .
Fred d it Wendt was a visitor in
Murdock last Wednesday, securing
some building material for use on
the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman R. Schmidt
were guests last Sunday at the home
of then daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Oustav Straich.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Thimgan
moved into the Henry Guthman prop
erty a week ago and are now com
fortably settled in their new home.
The Y. P. M. C. held their Sep
tember meeting at Mrs. Alvin Borne
meier's home last Monday evening,
where a profitable time was enjoy
ed. Among those attending the state
fair last Sunday were the families of
Henry Heineman, Louis Wendt and
Fred Wendt. All were pleased with
the exhibits.
Alfred Wilken, who spent part of
the summer with his brother, August
Wilken and family, lias returned to
his school duties at Otho, Iowa, last
week. He teaches in the high school
Stuart Mills was acclaimed as the
purple ribbon winner of the Duroc
pig section at the state fair exhibits
last week. He had eight hogs in his
litter, six months old, which weigh
ed 2100 pounds.
Rev. F. F. Gross and family of
Grand Island, Nebr., were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luetchens a
few days ago. on their way to visit
the mother of Mrs. Gross in Coun
cil Bluffs. Iowa.
Otto Lutchens and parents from
New Albin, Iowa, who have been
here visiting their many relatives
during the last two weeks, returned
to their home in southeastern Min
nesota the past week, after an en
joyable visit in these parts.
Chris Koch, who was engaged in
the cream and milk business, col
lecting these products for a Lincoln
firm, and who was transferred to
a new territory in the vicinity of
Auburn, spent last Sunday at home
with the family.
Mrs. Martin Flatt of Grandon,
North Dakota, has been here for
some time visiting with bis sister,
Mrs. Charles Stroy and other friends
and relatives, and also spent some
time with her brother, August Woit
zel and family, over towards Green
es ood.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amgwert re
ceived the sad news of the passing
of his sister Anna, after an illness
of several weeks in a California hos
pital. They, with other relatives,
left by auto on Friday morning for
1 California to attend the last rites on
Hostesses at State Fair
Mesdames Henry A. Tool and R.
A. Kuehn attended the state fair last
week, where they served as hostesses
at the exhibit given by the 4-H clubs
of Cass county.
Many Attend Ashland Stirup
The fall festivities which Ashland
has been putting on for several years,
and which are appropriately called
the Stirup. were attended Saturday
by many from this vicinity. Among
those going were Henry Heineman
and wife, John H. Buck and family,
Harry Gillespie and wife (who have
been visiting here), W. O. Gillespie.
Walter Thimgan and family, Medi
deth Weddell of Lincoln (who was
also visiting here). W. T Weddell
and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lyon.
To Take Beauty Course
Miss Fern Buch. accompanied by
her parents, went to Omaha recent
ly, where they arranged for a course
of Instruction in beauty work at the
school there. Miss Fern, with her
aptnes3 for work of this character
should progress very rapidly and
make au excellent artist in this
Home from Hospital
Mrs. George Kruse and little son,
John George, came home from the
hospital last Tuesday night, where
the little fellow and his mother had
spent the last ten days. Daddy Kruse,
who is emplyoed at the Mercantile,
has been receiving many congratu
lations and is happy to have ' his
family at home.
Modernizing Parsonage
Plans ' are being developed where
by the ilurdock parsonage is Boon to
become modern and conveniently ar
ranged. When completed, the im-
provements are to be a memorial In
honor of Grandma Dorothea Ruge.
The quarterly conference - was in
formed of this fine gift in its recent
Change in Business Locations
The James Boyd produce station,
which has been operating in the
building owned by the T. W. Engles
Lumber Co., has changed places with
the cream station which has former
ly been operated by Mr. and Mrs.
George Miller in the room west of
the post office, Mr. Boyd taking over
the business of Mr. Miller, who is
storing his goods and household ef
fects in the building where Mr. Boyd
has been in business. Mr. Boyd will
continue to reside in Wabash due to
the shortage of living quarters iu
Mr. Miller has just gotten his auto
reconditioned following the damage i
that was sustained recently in a
wreck, and he and his wife will take
a trip to Missouri and Kansas, and
later go to Oregon to look over the
Mrs. Henry Kirk has been quite
sick at her home.
Mrs. Earl Iden entertained the
M. E. Guild on Tuesday of last
Mrs. Elsie Marvin called on Mrs.
Elton Keller on Friday of last
Miss Lois G umbel of Omaha spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Burks drove to
Kearney Thursday for a load of
Misses Aurel and Lois Cope spent
two days of last week in Weeping
Mrs. Charlie Card has returned to
her home after having been gone for
two months.
A Mr. Hoffman has occupied the
Art Anderson property in the west
part of town.
A number of Greenwood people
attended the annual "Stir-Up" at
Ashland last week.
Billy Caey spent last week at the
btuch, where he visited with his
uncle, who lives there.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes and
Beverly of Springfield were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mrs. Dyer, passed away, at her
home Wednesday. Funeral services
were held at the Christian church on
Mr. and Mrs. Ro6s Casey and fam
ily drove oer to Murdock to attend
a party Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mockenhaupt of
Manley visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Maher Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jardine and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Otto and son
visited at the Frank Hurlbut home
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tweeten are
moving back to town from Lincoln.
Relatives from Ohio are visiting
at the L. C. Marvin home.
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Kyles of Lin
coln and Mrs. Dr. Wallace and child
ren of Friend visited at the Elton
Keller home Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and family
were Sunday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Casey. In the evening they
all attended a show in Lincoln.
Miss Aurel Cope, who has been at
home for the past four weeks with
a broken collar bone, returned to her
work at Weeping Water this week.
Miss Elizabeth Martin, who has
spent the summer with her parents,
will return to Lincoln the coming
week to continue her schooling at
the University of Nebraska.
The Dorcas Society met Friday,
Sept. 1, with Mrs. Joe Kyles and Mrs.
Stella Burks. The next meeting will
be held September 15. with Mrs.
Carrie Armstrong and Mrs. Tommy
Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins
today invited Armour & Company
officials to attend a joint conference
with the packing house workers or
ganizing committee (CIO) here
next Wednesday in an effort to avert
l a threatened nation-wide strike.
I am sure a joint conference en
tered into pood faith by both parties
can pave the way for amicable labor
relations," Miss Perkins said in tele
grams to Armour and CIO officials.
The CIO has threatened the strike
to obtain signed agreements in plants
where it has been designated as ex
clusive bargaining agency after Na
tional Labor Relations Board elec
tions. At Chicago national officers of the
PWOC accepted Miss Perkin's invi
tations. Deeds, Mortgages and all sorts
of legal blanks for sale at the
Journal office.
Wabash News
The Orville Gerbeling and Keith
Munford families "were in Lincoln
Tuesday, enjoying the day at the
Nebraska State Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hardaway
and Carl Hanson and wife made up
a merry party who took in the state
fair at Lincoln last Sunday.
Ralph Keckler of Weeping Water
was a visitor in Wabash last Sunday
morning, coming over with Frank
Marshall when he made his daily trip
to look after matters here.
When L. R. Stanley was in Lin
coln last Wednesday to pick up his
weekly truck load of groceries, he
was accompanied home by his daugh
fpr. Mrs. Fred Patzel. who lives in
the capital city and came down for!
a visit with her parents.
Lest Valuable "Pane"
P. H. Clarke who was using the
brick he warmed last winter to take
to bed with him, for a door check to
keep the door from blowing shut
during the high winds of the past
week, lost the large glass in the
cioor when a sudden gust of wind
caught it and slammed it shut in
spite of the "stop." If glass is to
advance in price like many other
commodities have since they began
fighting on the other side of the big
pond, it will behoove him to have it
replaced at once. Just now the door
provides ventilation a plenty open
or closed.
Visited Relatives in Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCoy and
family of Lincoln, en route home
from a visit with relatives of Mr.
McCoy, at Falls City, stopped here
for a short visit at the home of Mrs.
McCoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
H. Gerbeling.
Continuing on home, they were
accompanied by Mrs. Gerbeling, who
attended the fair in Lincoln and is
enjoying a visit at the McCoy home.
The Friendly Circle club will meet
Thursday, Sept. 14, with Mrs. George
Mrs. Sterl Smith, of California, is
staying at the O'Brien home. She is
a cousin of Mrs. O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vogler and
son were Sunday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Kupke.
Wednesday evening callers at V.
D. Livers were Mr. and Mrs. Dallas
Livers and daughters of Ashland.
Mrs. F. J. Knecht and Bill spent
Tuesday evening in Plattsmouth.
where Bill received his Eagle Scout
Carl Christensen and a friend
from Tayler. Nebraska, were visiting
his sister, Mrs. Bernard Dill and
School opened Monday, Sept. 4.
with Miss Helen Saunders and Miss
Lauretta Burdick of Creighton as
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill and Ver
non. George Vogel. J. L. Carnicle and
W. J. O'Brien were Wednesday even
ing visitors at the Wm. Blum home.
Mrs. Floyd Ronnau and children
returned Sunday after having spent
several days in Syracuse attending
the Otoe county fair and visiting rel
atives. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill and Bion
Dill motored to Lincoln Wednesday,
taking Bob Gans back to his home
alter spending his summer vacation
with his aunt and uncle.
Mrs. F. J. Knecht drove to Ne
hawka Wednesday to visit her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wunderlich.
She found her father somewhat im
proved, although still very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O'Brien came
home from Rochester, Minn., Tues
day. Her many friends are happy to
find Mrs. O'Brien feeling so well.
Miss Nielson. her nurse, came along
to care for her.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peters and
sons of Omaha were Sunday and
Monday visitors at Albert Blum's.
Monday they all attended the state
fair. Mrs. Blum returned home with
the Peters family to spend a few
The Sunday school officers met
Thursday with Rev. Bennett of Ash
land and a representative from the
Methodist Church Association in Om
aha to try to organize for church
services here. Rev. Bennett will con
duct a service at the church Sunday
evening, September 24, at 8:00
o'clock. Everyone welcome.
State Pair Visitors
State Fair visitors on Monday
were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fosberg,
Mrs. Heleue Timm. Mrs. George
Braun. Mrs. Joseph Knecht; on Tues
day, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mooney and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blum
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hart
man and the twins. Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Carnicle and family, Mr. and
Mrs. P. T. Kunn and family; and on
Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Fldler and family.
Elmwood News
George W. Blessing, editor of the
Elmwood Leader-Echo, was a busi
ness visitor in Lincoln last Tuesday.
Vance Shields, wife and son Cur
rin were guests over the week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mi sb Betty Clement left last week
for McCook, where she has accepted
a teaching position in the Junior
Miss Phillis Greene spent a part
of last week in Chicago, where she
was a guest of her brother, James
Greene and sister, Deneen Greene.
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. QuQellhorst,
William Winkler and family and
Leila Schulke comprised a party that
attended the state fair in Lincoln
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Botliwell and
daughter Jean Adair, were in Lin
coln last Sunday, where they visit
ed friends and attended the opening
day program at the state fair.
Michael Shelley of Omaha was a
visitor at home in Elmwood over the
week end, coming to spend Sunday
with the wife, who is assistant post
mistress at the Elmwood post office.
Orville Julian, salesman at the
Ted Hall store, has moved from the
place where he has been residing to
a building belonging to Dr. O. E.
Listen some two blocks west of
Main street in Elmwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Williams
were in Plattsmouth Friday of last
week, where they were guests at the
Russell Reeder and E. W. Thimgan
homes. Mrs. Reeder is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Williams and Mrs.
Thimgan is a sister of Mrs. Wil
liams. Ed Penterman, who has been ill
for a long time, is beginning to
show slight improvement at times,
but at other periods is not feeling
so well. Last week he was much bet
ter and hopes the improvement will
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shadley of
Dallas, Texas, have been spending a
few days at the home of Mr. Shad
ley's sister, Mrs. Herman Penterman
and husband. Accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Penterman all went to the
state fair at Lincoln last Sunday.
Miss Helen Kuntz who is employ
ed by the Telephone company at the
exchange as operator, was away last
Tuesday, and during her absence
Mrs. Lucy Lyle, chief operator, was
taking her place at the board. On
Thursday, Mrs. Lyle and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Floy Buell and family en
joyed attending the Nebraska state
fair at Lincoln.
Harry Landon and wife of North
Platte were guests several days last
week at the home of Mrs. Landon's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Georg? Nickel.
Gordon Nickel, who has been visit
ing at North" Platte, returned home
with them.
Charles E. Wood Improving
Charles E. Wood, who was so ser
iously ill for some time is making
very satisfactory progress toward re
covery, being well enough to be up
and about and to go to the table for
his meals, but is not well enough to
return to his work at the Bothwell
Many Go to State Fair
A large number of the American
Legion members of this vicinity were
in Lincoln last Sunday to attend the
opening day program at the state
fair. Each year, opening day at the
fair is set aside and observed as
Veterans day.
School Term Begun
The school year in Elmwood be
gan last Tuesday, the day following
Labor day and the students are again
carrying books, and hustling to and
from school, being as busy as one
could wish. With a full corps of
capable instructors, prospects are
bright for a most successful school
year. The local school is fully ac
credited and offers opportunity to
the young people of this vicinity to
secure as good a high school educa
tion as can be secured anywhere.
We have not learned, whether the
enrollment is larger this year than
Will Move from Elmwood
William Pahl and family, who
have made their home in Elmwood
for some time, are planning on lo
cating elsewhere. They held a sale
of their household effects last Sat
urday and will be leaving soon, Mr.
Pahl states. They have made good
citizens and will be missed by many
friends who join with us in wishing
them well in their new location
wherever it may be.
150 at Coryell Park for Reunion
Frank Schlichtemeier of Murray,
father of Ronald Schlichtemeier, of
this place, was here Tuesday for a
visit at the home of his son and
family and was telling of the family
reunion of the Schlichtemeier fam
ily which was held last Sunday at
Coryell park, located between Auburn
and Brock. A large number of the
members of this pioneer family got
together for a picnic dinner under
the stately trees on the homestead ot
the early day Coryell family and tc
renew acquaintance and visit to
gether. The number attending was
considerably below normal this year,
but all present enjoyed the occa
sion very much.
Mrs. Wm. Baier has been quite
ili the past week with an attack of
Work has been commenced on the
sinking of a well at the W. II. Mase
man home.
George Huber of near Dunbar was
a visitor in Avoca last Monday, look
ing after some business matters.
Albert Roper of near Elmwood
was looking after business matters
in Avoca Tuesday morning of last
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. F. Ruhge and
Mr. and Mrs. Neumeister and daugh
ter Beth attended the state fair in
Lincoln last Thursday.
G. 1. Easterly who lives oast of
Avoca on the Bond place, is having
some extensive rebuilding and re
modeling done to the buildings.
Mr. and Mrs. K. V. White and
family of Louisville were guests last
Sunday at the home of Fred War
quardt and his mother, Mrs. Caro
line Marquardt.
Mrs. Irene Jacobson is having the
farm buildings on the place remod
eled and put in best condition for
the coming winter to provide the
best of care for the stock.
George Harshman and wife and
Elmer Richardson and wife of Bran
don visited a few days last week at
the -home of Mrs. Anna Harshman,
remaining over the week end.
The Four Corners Club, a social
organization of the community, met
last Sunday at the Roelofsz home,
where a very pleasant time was had
and some good eats enjoyed.
Elmer H. Hcnnings is having a
garage built at his home, large enuf
in size to not only provide storage
for the car, but for such other ar
ticles as cannot be cared for about
the home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert High and
two daughters of Bertrand, who
formerly resided in this neighbor
hood, were guests of old friends in
and near Avoca several days during
the past week.
Roy Ruhge, Norman Schutz, Dean
Jourgeson and Stuart Masemen who
were friends and fellow students in
the Avoca schools, became separated
alter the close of the school term:
v. lien Stuart went "to Bertrand to
make his home, and last week the
other three made a trip to Bertrand
to pay him a visit.
Wm. Wolfe has been having work
men sink a well at his home here.
While they have succeeded in strik
ing water, they are now going thru
a strata of sand, some 16 feet in
depth, which has to be cribbed. Be
low this strata they expect to find
ample water to supply all demands,
with the level rising well up into the
Back at Work in Bank
Oscar Zimmerer, bookkeeper at the
Avoca bank, returned to work last
week after a vacation spent in the
west. He enjoyed his stay at Estes
park, but returned home a few days
before he was due back on the job,
busying himself with some work
about the house.
Complete Coating Highway
State Highway Department work
men who have been placing an armor
coat on the ten mile portion of high
way surfaced with black top or oil
mat type of construction, completed
their work last week and have left
for ether parts. The armor coat con
sists of a heavy coating of oil or hot
asphalt, into which is rolled sand or
fine gravel. There were some places
along this stretch of road where the
black top had become badly cut out,
and it was necessary to replace it
before applying the armor coating,
which is intended to reinforce and
seal the black-top.
Fifth Anniversary
Friday, September 1, marked the
fifth anniversary of the Avoca Ele
vator company under the manage
ment cf Fred Marquardt, who has
been connected with the grain busi
ness in various capacities for a much
longer time than that.
The past five 3'ears of his manage
ment of the business have been most
trying cnes, with general depression
and a shortage of grain still the
business has gone forward each suc
ceeding year. On the anniversary
cigars, flowers and candy were pro
vided for the customers.
Jcurnal Job Printing Pleases.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller and
family were on a fishing trip Fri
day. George Foreman has been working
at the state fair during the past
The Timblin family were visiting
relatives at Murray Sunday after
noon. Forrest Hardnock is doing the
chores for Albert Swanson hile
they are on a trip to Colorado.
Mr. Neizel of Murdock was up
lor Sunday school Sunday morning.
He taught the men's Bible class.
Mrs. Lyle Miller is taking rare
oi the Swanson children while Mr.
and Mrs. Swanson are away on a
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nickel ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jtor
nemeiT to Louisville for the ecle-
bration Thursday evening.
Miss Iris Miller spent a few days
last vetk end with her folks. Miss
Miller has been working at the Leo
Hauptman home in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cook of near
Chicago were home over the week
end for a visit at the Frank Cook
home. They returned home Mon
day Mrs. Roger Williams, of Chicago,
who has been visiting her parent.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Cook, during
the past month, returned to her
home in Chicago Monday.
Miss Katherine Edwards left on
Thursday of last week for St. Eliza
beth hospital, where she is taking
a nurse training course. Friends
wish her success in her new work.
Mrs. Walter Vincent wLo seemed
to be getting along quite well, be
came ill Saturday as the result of
infection. Mrs. Vincent was report
ed to be feeling some better at this
writing. Friends hope she will soon
be restored to her good health.
Robert James, the infant eon, is d
'.v.g nicely.
Aid Society Meeti
Members of the Aid Society met
at the church basement for the Sep
tember meeting Wednesday after
noon. September 6. The president.
Mrs. R. M. Coatman, presided over
the business meeting. The Aid pledg
ed $150.00, the usual amount, on the
church budget for the year.
Mrs. Hammel was in charge of the
About 18 members were present.
Mesdames W. C. Timblin. J. B. El
liott, Jr., Stella Weichel and Earl
Keller were the hostesses. They serv
ed a delicious lunch.
Cn Trip to Colorado
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Swanson. mho
were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Shorel 1 Fifer. left Monday for Colo
rado. They took a tent and plan to
camp while away.
Mr. and Mrs. Fifer will Tisit
Sherell's sister, Frieda and family.
The couples plan to be gone a
Rally Day Services
An interesting day has been plan
ned for Rally Day October 1 at the
Sunday school will be held at 10
a. m.. followed by the church ser
vice at 11 and after that a backet
dinner in the church basement.
At 2:30 p. m., a special program
will be held in keeping with the
Every person in the community is
invited to attend these special Rally
Day services.
School will be starting soon.
Will your car be going to
school this year?
A split-second accident may
cost you the savings of a life
time. Call or Eee
PH0NT 16