THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939. PAGE SJX PLATTSOITrf SEMI - WEEfctY JOURNAL HAVE INTERESTING MEETING The Rotarians had a very inter esting; meeting Tuesday as a part of their weekly Rotary luncheon and which took them in camera and mo tion pictures as well as verbal de scriptions of a journey to the moun tain country and the west coast of our nation. William Baird was the leader of the meeting and presented as the first speaker, William A. Robertson, who gave the highlights of his re cent trip to the west coast with his family and which had covered from southern California to Portland and the northwest and also the journey home" through the perk country. Mr. Robertson in turn presented Wil liam F. Evers, who had traveled over a large part of the west this summer and brought back with him a pic tured record, of the trip, both in stills and motion pictures which was very interesting. The event also marked the birth day anniversary of Frank A. Cloidt, an ex-prexy of the club and which was suitably recognized. Charles Spacht of New Rochelle, New York, was a guest of the lunch eon. Journal Job Printing Pleases. I? ABE SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Grenda, year and a half old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Elder, is reported as being some better after a very severe illness. The little one suffered a stomach attack that was quite serious for a time. EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, August 27 9:30 a.-m. Sunday school. No services as pastor is preaching at mission festival in Falls City, Neb. VARIETY It's easier to plan enjoyable meals when you see Hinky-Dinky's large variety of tender, juicy meats; fresh, crisp fruits and vegetables, and well-known brands of grocery products. At Hinky-Dinky you will find a very good selec tion of nationally and locally advertised brands ! Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat. Aug. 25-26 Pure Cider or White Vinegar -J Qc Per Gallon ii. U (Bring Container) Del Monte Sliced (4 Slices) or Chunklet PINEAPPLE -fl Ac 15 oz. Can.- JJLW Domestic Oil SARDINES 14-size Can - - 6 for 2SC IP5) 3&A EBeeS actt . .5C Trader, Jnlcy, I. S. G railed Il-rf Shoulder Cnt. Frmblr Ground Be. Cnta. " IP r StteaEs. u. .1L5C Choice, Lean StteaE- a.. . .7C E2C Tender I. S. Graded lleef, Shoulder Cut Wrap Pkg. Iiink-Dlnk Snsnr-Cuml Sliced. Minced ILTlll3 Brand, in Bulk. 2 lbs 11 ) C&neese 2 Lb. Loaf . . . Kraft Velveela I'lalu or I'lmrnl. Whiting F5gUh 3 ls.2c TT - ?! Cudahy's Pure, Bex IlradleNM, Dreamed Amaizo Syrup Golden (Pails) 5-lb., 250; 10-lb..Tl3' WHITE, 5-lb., 280; 10.490 Blackberries No. 10 Can Staregon 3LACK- 44 r BERRIES. No. 2 Can . . AXL. 39 Van Camp's Tomato Juice Giant 50-oz. Can 17 IPIEiTUKFIE IPEASLBIIS GRAPES Calif. White Thompson T" Seedless or Red Malagas 3 lbs. -tJLy C U. S. No. 1 Fresh Oregon Italian Excellent for Canning! Per Box. . Idaho Elberta Freestone Finest of the season. Large size. Can them now! Qt Bskt., 150 ; Bing-packed Bu. Bskt. Juicy California ..:GDg ITammG U. S. No. 1 New Louis iana Porto Bican, lb 5c nrairage Medium Size, Doz., 190 Large Size, Eoz Sunkist Valencias 29 c SUNRISE COFFEE l-lb. Bag, 140 3 lbs. 39c Heinz Ketchup Large 14-oz. "fl Q Bottle XL a HEINZ MUSTARD 7-oz. Glass 9c CLOROX Cleans. Bleaches, Pint Bottle130 Quart D4fp Bottle t J SALADA TEA Green A R 12-lb. Pkg,330 ; y4-lb. J. c Brown L, 0. Pekoe 4 At Vo-lb. Pkg. 370 : -lb. JLVC HINKY-DINKY BETTER QUALITY 24-lb. Sack 4-lb. Sack, $1.09 59' Corn Kix The New Corn Cereal Regular Packages. .2 for 23c I mi -r TO INTRODUCE Wheaties Regular Size Packages, each., 10c Omar Flour !J:! 01.29 mmm0 v .J. cuiu vpciio -riaius, van . .... . f gj.yj.. UUttCff'iNUt Salad Dressing, quart jar. SlC THIS ROLL CI a j "0RTHERN biiipbiddi nit.. CPA B A Al r IflTlSSUE illalt Hop Flavored. 3-lb. can 49 C WHEN YOU BUY PWW SisnfipStG Cleanneii ?e,g-Cans iro 4 noiis at.240 Gold Medal Flour ii '& SI.59 252 5 for 25c Shredded Wheat 2 Reg. Pkgs...23c Sllgair Fine Granulated Beet .10 lbs. 40C Jar dubberS Heavy Red, 3 Pkgs. . . .10c Jar CapS Mason Zinc, Ctn. of 1 Doz.. . .HQC Macon Jars ?KVz?;.69!...... S9c Pelt Jel Fruit Pectin, Reg. Pkg. OC T7flA OTOE CHIEF Brand, 48-lb. bag, 99c Of? if&OUr ROYAL BRAND. 48-lb. Sack U3C WHITE KING GRANULATED SOAP Giant Pkg., 490 Large Pkg. L9 WHITE KING TOILET SOAP Beg. Bars 4forl'9 Ideal Ideal noO A 7-Cours. Meal I DOG FOOD Save Ideal Labels for Valuable Gifts 3 for 25' l-lb. Cans Doz.. 98c; Case of 48, $3.85 Specially Mellowed ' Regular or Drip Grind l-lb. Can Vrcr7C or Glass Jar. 2-b. Can or Glass Jar. 5 0 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES County Levy for Year is Set at 4.40 Mills Emergency Makes Necessary Increase Over the Past Year General Fund Increased. The tax levy for the coming year has been announced by the board of equalization ' and shows an In crease in the amount over. the past year, made necessary by the condi tion of the general fund which must care for the emergencies of the coun ty and also in the 'road fund. The levy for the year 1939 is as follows: Mills Amount General Fund 1.970 S 66,451.78 Poor Relief 1.000 33,731.87 Road Fund 1.000 33,731.87 Bridge Fund .360 12,143.47 Mothers Pension, .035 1,180.61 Soldiers Relief .035 . 1,180.61 M. W. A. PICNIC Sunday, August 27 has been the date set for the Modern Woodman Association picnic, which will be held this year at the Eagles park. The picnic is sponsored by the Doug las County Central Committee and Cass Camp 332, Plattsmouth. Free gate lots of entertainment all day and evening. Dancing. Open to public. TOTAL . 4. 400v148. 420.21 The levy for 193S was as follows: . Mills Amount General Fund 1.66 56,295.73 Poor Relief 1.00 33,913.09 Road Fund .80 27.130.47 Bridge Fund ' .40 13,565.24 Mothers Pension. - .04 1,356.52 Soldiers Relief.. .02 678.26 TOTAL 3.92 $132,939.31 The state levy for the year is set at 2.80 mills and with the county at 4.400 makes the total mill levy for state and county 7.200 outside of the school and' city and village levies. ' Subscribe for the Journal. oooooscceoooocosoooooc GRAPES FOR SALE TRUCKLOAD OR BASKET . I At ... A tl q VZ miles nwii emu o nines easi or union on rock noaa. George Lechner I 0 BOYS Here's the newest she for boys our Skyrider '"with "antique" finish a rich, hand-rubbed shade of tan. Come in and look this shoe over, and see all our new Skyriderst Fetzer Shoe Co. HOME OF QUALITY FOOTWEAR AUGU ST. 'Sale! Beddiiii BLANKETS 70x80 Part Wool A Rezl $1 -69-, Blanket Value Jl Pair Full 3 pounds of warm, winter com fort. Choice of five colors, 3-inch sateen binding. Not less than 5 per cent wool. 72x84 PART WOOL Extra Large $0.59 Size & Pair Thick and fluffy biff, double blankets. Beautiful pastel colors. 3 inch sateen binding. SHEETS 81x99 Inch 89c Famous quality 'Saxon' finely bleach ed sheets. Seamless and nicely hem med. A brand known for hard wear ing qualities. 1 PILLOW CASES . ... 25c 42x36 inch "Saxon" Cases. Bleached and hemmed. A sale, special 42-in. Bleach, linen finish Tubing, per yard 19 81 -in. Unbleached Sheeting, per yard. . . . 29 Soennichsen's Plattsmouth, Nebraska 1 Sunshine i- I IB cJ- VL imiSPV CRACKERS America's No. 1 Cracker 2-lb. Box 29c JL-lb. Box 15c Med. Size Box 9c RIPPLED VHEAT Each Box Contains 30 Large Biscuits SPECIAL 2 Boxes 19c Ansnn allows 5sts?.. APi nTinrj1 nrrooirnT" iga Quick-set .12c I Ci ting. 3 Pkgs. iau NEW 1940 WHITER WASH SPECIAL mnSO Lge. Pkg. 19c LUX SOAP 3 Cakes ....... .17c CLEANS QUICKLY... HELPS PROTECT THE SKIN M Med. Bar . . 6c Large Bar . . 9c Peanut. Butter RICH TASTY OTkC 32-oz. Jar ...HSf Salad Dressing 31c IGA BRAND Full Quart Jar. BLUE Q Coee Per lb. 2i IGA Crisp WHEAT Pus -If 15c 2 Boxes for IGA FANCY Tuna Fish 2 Cans for 33c IGA TIPS AND CUTS Asparagus 2 Tall Cans 29c RED MARASCHINO Cherries Per Bottle IGA YELLOW CLING Peaches No. 2 Cans. . . .2 for 3!c IGA Ready-to-Serve Soups : PRn 2 Large Cans IGA Wafer Sliced Beef Per Jar '. 25c SUNSHINE GRAHAM Craclcers 1 -lb. Box 18c Our Finest Blend for Iced Tea Quart Jar 15c "G" GRADE STRONG Brooms Each 57c IGA WHOLE SWEET Potatoes 2 Large Cans 27c MASON Jar Lids Per doz 19c NEW, LIVE RUBBER Jar Rings 3 Dozen 10c FR0ITS 6 VEGETABLES DELICIOUS SUMMER EATING AND COOKINQ Apples, 6 lbs. for 25c 5c SWEET CONCORD Grapes, per lb SWEET AND JUICY or Oranges, 2 doz Jvc FIRM, RED RIPE m Tomatoes, per . lb. &c v.- , ' . - SEEDLESS Grapefruit, each 5C RED MALAGA . Grapes, 2 lbs. or .... . . 1C LOUISIANA Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs.. 25c 10c CHOICE CORN FED SHOULDER Bee Roast, lb CHOICE (2-lb. Pieces and Up) A Pork Roast, lb. CHOICE QUALITY Pork Chops, lb lyC SWIFT'S MINCED HAM or ' Ring Bologna, lb. .... 5C WILSON'S (End Slices) Bacon, 5-lb. box 45c WILSON'S CERTIFIED or GLAZER'S 'A' Veiners, per lb 22 C Combination 4tS Vz'Xb. Cello Bacon... 7W Veal Chops, lb.. FRESH SIDE PORK, per lb. 12c Fresh Chickens - Cat Fish -WE DELIVER . PHONE 23 AND 24 Fancy Veal 1-lb. Fr. pork Liver 4nM I Shouldep ra. ik . -i ioii .220 m sr.."-