The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1939, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1939,
Funeral of
Mrs. Thurman
Held Sunday
Large Number From All Sections of
East Cass County Here for
the Last Rites.
The funeral services for.Mrs. Eliza
beth Elvira Thurman, a long: time
resident of Cass county, was held on
Sunday afternoon at the Horton fun
eral home at Seventh and Oak
streets, with a very large number of
the old time friends of the family
and the departed present to add their
tribute of respect to her memory.
The services were conducted by
Rev. J. C. Ixjwson of the First Meth
odist church and Dr. H. G. McClusky,
pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, who gave the message of the
Christian faith to the comfort of the
bereaved family and friends.
During the services Frank A.
Cloidt of this city, accompanied by
Mrs. II. F. Goos at the piano, gave
two numbers, "The Old Rugged
Cross" and "No Night There," favor
ites of the departed.
The body was taken from here to
Oakwood cemetery at "Weeping Water
in which community Mrs. Thurman
had long made her home, and laid
to the last rest. The pall bearers
were Ed Guernsey. Harvey Gregg,
Guy Heil, Tom Tilson, Frank E. Val
lery, A. W. Leonard.
A very large cortege accompanied
the body to the last resting place in
Weeping Water.
Tuesday evening Mrs. John C.
Rauth of Manley and sister. Miss
Lilly Tighe, of Omaha, departed for
Sioux City, in response to a message
telling of the serious injury of a
nephew. Joseph Huse. of Jackson,
Nebraska. Mr. Huse who just a short
time ago narrowly escaped death
from the attack of an infuriated bull
at his-farm, was injured Tuesday
when struck by a large limb. He had
been out in the farm yard whore a
tree was being trimmed and a large
limb suddenly fell and struck Mr.
Huse on the head and with the result
that he suffered a compound frac
ture of the skull. The injured man
was taken to the hospital at Sioux
City and where his condition is very
Miss Tighe has been visiting at
the Rauth home and as soon as the
message of the accident was received
she departed with Mrs. Rauth for
the hospital. Mr. Rauth accompanied
the ladies as far as this city.
Flying Ants lead to Termites!
Termites Destroy Property
See E. J. Richey
No matter what the hour ... or how great
the distance . . . we are prepared to answer
your call and assume all responsibility!
There is No Extra Charge for Our Services within a
Fifty Mile Radius of Weeping Water
Telephone No. 105 Weeping Water, Nebr.
Phone 95 and 93. We have Four Deliveries Daily
8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
BEEF ROAST, extra fancy quality, lb 16$
PORK BUTT ROAST (Fresh), lb .......... 10
PORK BRAINS, lb. . 10
Pioneer Sliced
5 lb. Box ....
HAMBURGER, fresh cut, 2 lbs 25
LEG OF LAMB, lb 25
LAMB CHOPS, lb 25$
Cold Meals - Dressed Poultry - Dill and Sweet Pickles
From Monday's Dally
Couple Attend Wedding:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard were
in Nebraska City Sunday where they
attended the wedding of Miss Betty
Hollstien and Lawrence Borin. The
nuptials took place at the First
Methodist church at 2 p. m.
The newlyweds were personal
guests at the Howard Home Satur
day. Grigaitis-Bezdek Wedding
At the St. Mary's church in Oma
ha, Saturday, August 12, Miss Sophie
Grigaitis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
August Grigaitis, became the bride
of Charles Bezdek, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. F. Rezac.
The young man is a former resi
dent of Plattsmouth and with his
mother, formerly Mrs. Albin Bezdek
before her marriage to Mr. Rezac,
and two brothers, Stanley and Albin,
and one sister liked in the old Bez
dek home at 1502 Vine st. still owned
by members of the family. Since
the death of Mr. Bezdek the family
have lived in Omaha for a long period
of years.
Marie Horn Entertains
Among the many card clubs that
met last Thursday evening was in
cluded the Bi-Monthly pinochle club,
which met with Miss Marie Horn at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Horn at 324 North Fourth
street. Due to the absence ff Mrs.
Edgar Newton, Mrs. Lucille Gaines
substituted in her place.
The hostess received the first prize
in pinochle nad Mrs. Ida Waters was
awarded the second prize.
Following the party the hostess,
assisted by her sister, served refresh
ments. Hold Steak Fry
The H. M. Extension club of Platts
mouth met Friday evening at G:30
at Riverview Park in Omaha for a
steak fry. Eleven members, Mrs.
Lester Gaylord, Mrs. Edgar Newton.
Mrs. Joseph McMaken, Jr., Mrs. Ham
ilton Mark. Mrs. Edgar Creamer,
Mrs. Fay McClintock. Mrs. Sanford
Short. Mrs. Frank Horsak, Mrs. Fred
Howland. Mrs. Fred Herbster, Mrs.
Floy Moore. Mrs. Ray Bryant; three
guests. Mrs. Robert Hill of Chicago.
Mrs. L. Galatas of Herman, Missouri,
and Mrs. John Woest of Plattsmouth.
were present to participate In the
rala event.
Prom Tueaay' Dally
Entertains at Dinner
Miss Verna Leonard, assistant li
brarian in this t-itf, entertained at
dinner Sunday a number of her
relatives who were in Plattsmouth
for the day visiting her. The dinner
was served in the dining room of
the Hotel Plattsmouth.
Sunday guests of Miss Leonard In
cluded Prof. Asa Kinney and Mrs.
Kinney of Mount Holoyke. Massachu-
3etts, Prof, and Mrs. Leonard Wor
ley of Long Island, New York, Mr.
and Mrs. Jay E. Worley, and Mr.
and Mrs. Max Worley of Lincoln.
Prof. Kinney has a chair of botany
at Mt. Holoyke college, and Prof.
Worley is at the head of the bio
logy department at Brooklyn Uni
versity, New York. At the present
time they are house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Worley in Lincoln.
From Wednesday' Dally-
Hold Covered Dish Luncheon
As their social event of the month,
the local court of the Catholic Daugh
ters of America held a splendid cov
ered dish luncheon last evening at
the home of Mrs. John Cloidt at 1211
Main street. A large group of guests
were present at the occasion: Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Ulrich and son, James Patrick, Frank
Mullen, Misses Shirley Walling and
Mary Holy, the members of the John
J. Cloidt family, and Mrs. John Vorn
dran. Hostesses for the August so
cial meeting comprised Mrs. Cloidt,
Mrs. Emmons Ptak, and Mrs. John
Following the luncheon which was
served at 6:30 p. m., the group of
guests and members seated them
selves to five games of Bingo. The
first five named in order were the
winners of the prizes for the eve
ning: Mrs. Frank Mullen, Miss
Josephine Rys, Miss Eleanor O'Brien.
Mrs. Cyril Kalina, and Mrs. Elmer
On March 14. 1933, during the fa
mous banking holidayw hich was one
of Mr. Roosevelt's first acts upon
taking office as president, the Farm
ers State bank of Avoca called a
meeting of the people of its commun
ity. The people raised $37,250 so
that the Avoca. bank could open on
schedule on an unrestricted basis.
The bank and its stockholders agreed
to waive all dividends until non
stockholders could be paid In full.
On August 10. 1939, last week the
final payment was made to the non
stockholders, who had contributed,
in all, $23,750. (Stockholders con
tributed $13,500.) Announcement
of the completion of this community
transaction, which demonstrated 100
per cent faith in the Avoca bank at
a time when a good many people were
suspicious, was made by Elmer Hall
strom". the cashier . of the bank.
When the bank reopened .in . 1933,
the bank had capital of $15,000.
surplus of $10,000 and undivided
profits of $3,297.03. After making
the final payment to non-6tockhold
era last week, the bank had capital
of $15,000, surplus of $15,000 and
undivided profits of $6,293.16. rep
resenting an increase In the capital
account of $7,996.13.
All Are Pleased
"We are proud of our achieve
ment, Mr. Hallstrom said in an
interview with a Nebraska City
Newsf-Press representative, of the
completion of the transaction. And
the people of Avoca should be, too.
Few banks can point to a similar
achievement. Deposits in the period
have increased. In March, 1933. they
amounted to $205,695.05. On August
12, this year, they were $252,786.69
Two riattsmouth young men,
James Kozak and Frank Aschenbren
ner. are In Kimball, South Dakota
visiting and vacationing: at the home
of the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Sabatka and family
The vouner men left the middle of
last week to seek adventure and em
ployment in South Dakota. In a mes
sage received by Frank's mother.
Mrs. Bessie Aschenbrenner, the two
expect to stay about a month. If
their findings prove beneficial they
will stay longer.
Mrs. Charles E. Allen of Cozad,
Nebraska and Mrs. Fern Hendricks
of Omaha attended the historical
picnic at Rock Bluffs Sunday after
noon. They also called on Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Hendricks in Plattsmouth.
In Plattsmouth are Now
for REFINANCING the Present
- Loan to Your Home ; to PUR
Borrow as much as 80 of value
to purchase home 90 of value
of house and lot to BUILD NEW.
No Loans Less than 9 2,0 00
500 First National Bank Bldgr.
Omalia, Nebraska
Plattsmouth Broker
Children's School
Apparel on Display
Glamorous Fall Fashions in Child
ren's Coats and Dresses at
The Ladies Toggery
Just received a large assortment
of Children's Coats, sizes 7 to 16.
To appreciate the quality and style
of these garments, we ask that you
come in and see them. Two very
popular price groups, $3.95 and
New shipment of Shirley Temple
Dresses, sizes 6 to 14; Deanna Dur
bins, 10 to 16; Cinderella, 6 to 16.
Made with more style than ever this
fall. We ask that you come in and
see these famous little frocks priced
at 1.00, $1.93 and $2.95.
New fall shades in Hosiery. Come
in and see the fresh new colors for
Fall. Young, flattering shades by
Munsingwear that will not only pay
their own way, but will treat you
to Increased wear plus the distinc
tion of fashion prestige, priced at
cnly 79 and up.
Smart Winter Coats for ladies and
misses. Our "lay-away" coat sale
continues, offering you opportunity
to select your coat now and be set
for winter when it arrives. Remem
ber, 91.00 will hold your coat. So
come in and pick out your new win
ter coat now while selections
Fall Hats continue to arrive al
most daily. Many new designs receiv
ed since last week. Never have we
been able to show hats with more
style, of better quality or at lower
prices than you will find in this
large assortment which includes all
head sizes. You will be pleased with
this fine selection and are sure to
find designs that will please you and
complete your fall ensemble in most
becoming manner.
No better time than right now to
do your fall shopping. Drop in this
week end and see what the past ten
days have brought us in new modes
for fall. You'll be impressed with
the many fine oLerings and the un
usually low prices.
It's always a pleasure to show you
merchandise at
Shop of Personal Service.
Members entering the ninth grade
this year may register at the high
school building on Saturday, August
26th from 9 a. m. until noon and
from 1 to 8 p. m., also the same hours
on Monday, August 2Sth.
Students of the tenth, eleventh
and twelfth grades need not regis
ter this year unless they desire to
make a change in their registration.
In the office of the clerk of the
district court a suit in foreclosure
was filed, Italph N. Opp vs. Emma
Opp, et al. The suit is one in which
the plaintiff seeks foreclosure on
real estate of the estate of Nicholas
Opp, deceased, secured by the plain
tiff by a note in the sum of $3,200.
University Extension courses are
available to anyone wishing to gain
more credits in college work. This
is an excellent way to renew certi
ficates, or complete a degree. Those
interested, see Lloyd O. Leyda at the
Plattsmouth high school.
William O. Reeves, who has been
at home for the past fourteen
months, suffered a heart and stomach
attack and returned to the Veterans'
hospital at Lincoln. Tuesday. Mrs.
Reeves and Monroe Mead took him
by automobile.
wire van w
or just holding your own ... in either case,
let us help you plan for a better future !
For a Good Beginning
to provide against future need ... as a new
home or a better home, we recommend
Federal Insured Shares
Monthly payment ... or any amount at any
time a Safe and Profitable investment!
Neb. City Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n
Chartered and Supervised by U. S. Government
The death of Mrs. Ladea Haden,
55, occurred Sunday night at the
family home here after an illness
that has covered the past several
months, she being in critical condi
tion since April.
The deceased lady was born Sept
ember 23. 18S4 in Illinois and in
her youth moved to this section of
Nebraska and where she was mar
ried thirty-three years ago to Anton
For a number of years Mr. and
Mrs. Haden farmed between Manley
and Louisville, later going to Kansas
where they farmed near Leaven
worth for some years. They then
returned to Nebraska and farmed
the Murphy place cast of Manley
until they moved to Plattsmouth
five years ago to make their home.
There is surviving, the husband,
two sons, Arthur and Emil and one
daughter, ' Irene, all of this commun
ity. The body was taken to the Hor
ton funeral home and will be taken
later to Clay Center, Kansas, where
funeral services will be held. Rev.
Cattau of the Louisville Lutheran
church, will conduct the services.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Webb and
Donnie were guests Sunday at the
Ralph Hilliard home in Lincoln, con-
araltinuing the pleasant reminiscence of
schoolhood days of Mr. and Mrs. Hil
liard and Mr. Webb, as they grew up
together in a small inland northern
Iowa town begun here two weeks
ago when the Hilliards stopped for
a visit at the Webb home.
Mr. Hilliard is a carpenter by
trade and was employed with the
crew that placed the statue of "The
Sower" familiarly known among the
workmen as "Bozo") atop the dome
of the Nebraska capitol building.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sigler and
children. Granville and Juanita, have
returned home from a visit in west
ern Kentucky, the childhood home
of Mr. Sigler at Morganfield, a short
distance from Paducah, the home of
Senator Alben Barkley, democratic
senate leader. The family enjoyed
the trip very much and it was an
especially interesting trip to Mr.
Sigler who left Kentucky in 1904.
Mrs. W. F. Iluneke and children,
Clyde and Evelyn, arrived Sunday
from Burlington, Iowa, to enjoy a
visit here with the old time friends
and will be guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Heinrich and
Mrs. R. A. Bates, old friends and
Mrs. Renner Spldell, who was
hurried to the St. Catherine's hos
pital several days ago where she
was operated on for the removal of
her appendix, returned to her home
in the west part of the city Monday
evening. Her condition is said to be
much better since the operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Born, re
siding at 1010 Main street, will have
is their guests the remainder of the
week Mrs. Ray Croft and children,
Virginia and Kenneth Croft of Oma
ha. Mr. Croft will arrive the latter
part of the week and Join the Boms
and his family in the visit.
Jack, fire weeks old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert D. Fitch, Jr., was oper
ated on at the St. Joseph hospital at
Omaha Monday and as the result of
the operation is reported as doing
vecy nicely.
Patrol Pursues
Wild Truck Driver
Monday Evening
From Platte River to Fort Crook
Before Finally Stopped and
Driver Jailed.
Prom Tuesday' Dally
Last evening travelers on high
way No. 75, north of this city were
treated to a race staged by a truck
driver and a state highway patrol
man attempting to bring the' racing
truck to a stop.
The truck was coming north on
the highway, driving at a very high
rate of speed and as it neared the
Platte river bridge passed the patrol
sroing as fast as the truck could race.
The patrolmen took after the truck,
the siren being opened on the patrol
car to attract the attention of the
truck driver, the patrolman also
flashing on his spotlight and also
flashing a red light for the truck to
stop. The truck raced on, barelj'
missing several cars and it was not
until Fort Crook was reached that
the truck was forced into the road
side and the driver removed by the j
patrolman. He was apparently in
toxicated and claimed to have not
heard the patrolman or seen his light
signals. The -man was taken on over
to Papillion where he was lodged in
jail to await a hearing and sober up.
From Monday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spacht of
New Rochelle, New York, and Mrs.
Carl Courtright, of Chicago, arrived
in the city this morning for a short
visit with the relatives and old
friends in the city. Mr. Spacht and
Mrs. Courtright are daughters of the
late George A. Kaffenberger. They
are guests at the home of their aunt,
Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt and family.
While Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sigler
and children were visiting in Ken
tucky they had the pleasure of at
tending the wedding of a niece of
Mr. Sigler, Miss Martha Markham
to Mr. Jack Omar, of Washington,
D. C, the young people leaving im
mediately after the wedding at Mor
gantown. This was the first visit ot
Mr. Sigler there in thirty-five years.
Friends will be interested in learn
ing that Mrs. Sarah Cotner was much
better Monday than she has been for
the past several days, she recognizing
her family and friends for the first
time in days. The mother has so much
improved that Dr. G. W. Cotner was
able to return to his practice at Eu
reke Springs, Arkansas.
For FRIDAY and
iJK)h )
To 1 '
Instead of offering a FEW articles at special prices,
we are going to reduce the price of EVERY article
in the store. (Sugar, Tobacco and Canned Milk ex
cepted). Each one of our already low prices will be
reduced 10 for this special event on cash sales!
Supposing that your grocery order amounted to $3.80
based on our shelve prices, 10 of this amount or
38c will be deducted- and the balance, or $3.42 is
what you pay. A fine opportunity to pare the budget!
The More You Buy the More You Save!
(We reserve the right to Limit Quantities)
1 Cucumbers, Tomatoes,
Potatoes or Watermelons
are Invited to Call at
The Garden Center of
Located 2 miles North of Carr's
Filling Station and 2 miles
East of Highway 75.
Triplex 'Alloy'
Piston flings
Eo away with reboring, honing
or rcgTinding of cylinder walls!
109,089 me
Guaranteed to restore new power
and pep, to stop oil pumping- and
compression leaks, to give proper
performance for 100.000 miles
or they will be replaced with sat
isfactory ones or purchase price
See ine or drop a post card and 1
will show you a xet of
sample rintrs.
been giving you thra these
ads our viewpoints, telling
you we need, appreciate and
want your farm produce.
DOUBTLESS you. too, have
certain viewpoints on mar
keting conditions perhaps
our service to you; and we
say in all sincerity:
any and all times to hear
your viewpoints on how we
can better serve you.
AN EXCHANGE of ideas often
brings about improvement
and, after all, that is what
we're all striving for.
FEEL FREE to discuss with
us at any time anything that
may be to our mutual ad
vantage !