The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1939, Image 1

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    Kebr. State Historical Society
Vol. No. LV
NO. 53
Rock Bluffs
Picnic Sunday at
Informal ProgTam and Review of Old
Times in Pioneer Settlement
Mark Pleasant Day.
The annual Rock Bluffs reunion
was held Sunday at the attractive
grove at the Hutchinson farm near
the site of the old time river city,
some 4 00 of the descendants of those
who once resided there, being pres
ent. In the history of Nebraska Rock
Bluff 3 played a very striking: role in
the pioneer days and ranked as one
of the largest centers along the Mis
souri river and here many of the
pioneers, coming north along the
river founded a home and others
coming from the neighboring state
of Iowa made their settlement. In
the succeeding years the pioneers
have passed on but their descendants
where possible each year return to
the old home for a day of remem
brance and renewing old acquain
tanceship. '
Sunday the morning hours saw the
visitors arriving and the time spent
in visiting among the arrivals, as
well as the preparation for the feast
that was served in picnic style at
the noon hour in the shade of the
With the afternoon the group had
the pleasure of hearing a most de
lightful informal program. Dr. G. H.
Gilmore presiding and W. R. Young
serving in his usual clever manner
as the master of ceremonies and
presenting the various speakers.
Short talks of the early days were
eiven by Glen and Edward Pocock,
telling of many of the incidents of
the early days in the river town.
Readings were given by two of
the present day residents of the Rock
Bluffs community, Mrs. Mike Kaf
Tf nberger and Bobby Shera. both be
ing very much enjoyed by the group.
Mr. Young called upon a great
many of the older residents of the
community and visitors and many an
interesting tale was given of the inci
dents of the early days as related to,
Dr experienced by the speakers them
selves. In this group talks were
given by Frank Massie, of Nehawka,
the oldest man in the party, A. L.
Becker, of Union, William Patterson,
member of one of the oldest families
In Rock Bluffs, now with the Nebras
ka State Journal, 'Ed Grantham, of
Lincoln, whose father was an early
day, physician at Rock Bluffs, Mrs.
C. F. Ladd and Mrs. Watson, of
Lincoln, daughters of the late Dr.
Latta, a pioneer of the early settle
ment. Charles S. Sherman, sports edi
tor of the Lincoln Star, was also a
speaker and gave many interesting
recollections of the early days in
eastern Cass county. James Gilmour
of Ulysses and Forest Shrader of Mon
damin, Iowa, were also heard on the
program, their families having been
among the earliest settlers in this
part of the county.
Tresent indications are that about
85 per cent of the corn that is under
seal will be resealed. Most farmers
feel that the 7c to be given for stor
age of corn resealed is plenty to
Justify the cost of additional stor
age space.
If you feel that you absolutely can
not find space to reseal or provide
additional space with the funds avail
able to keep the corn on your farm;
we suggest that you reseal it in a
local elevator. By resealing in an ele
vator you would still retain title to
the corn but the 7c storage would go
to the elevator. Each producer who
reseats his corn is helping all the
farmers in this area by helping to
raise the price to a profitable level.
Mrs. Mary Urban, of Huron, South
Dakota, is here for a visit at the
home of County Treasurer and Mrs.
John E. Turner and family, coming
here from Elmwood where she visit
ed her sisters, Mrs. Charles West
and Mrs. Sid James, as well as with
O. S. Turner, ,Mr. and Mrs. N. D.
Bothwell and V. G. Clements, the two
ladies being nieces. Mrs. Urban is an
aunt of the county treasurer and
her visit is one enjoyed by alt of the
A group of the relatives of Mrs.
Mary Burnett, oldest of the members
of the Graves family, had a visit
Sunday from a number of the rel
atives at her home on Lincoln ave
nue. Her son, Charles Byers and wife
of Walthill, with their son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. James Byers, of Sioux
City, were here as well as Lee Byers,
of Omaha, another son, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Graves of Omaha and Andy
Graves of Bellevue.
Large Damage
Suit Transferred
to Federal Court
Accident in This City on. Night of
July 3rd Brings Action for
$82,594 in Damages.
Recovery of JS2.594.20 in damages
from the Missouri Pacific Transpor
tation company as the result of in
juries sustained by two people, one
deceased, in one accident, is sought
in federal court at Lincoln. The suits
originated in the district court of
Cass county but were removed to
the U. S. district court. They were
occasioned by collision between an
automobile and motor bus transport
on highway No. 75, in Plattsmouth
on July 3, 1939.
Dorothy Yost, school teacher by
profession, asks damages in the sum
of 135.000 for permanent injuries.
She was riding in the car with Her
man Frederick. Claire M. Frederick,
special administrator of the estate
of Herman Frederick who died five
days after the accident, seeks to re
cover a total of $47,594.20 on three
causes of action: $10,000 for suffer
ing before death, $844.20 for damage
to car, and $35,000 for loss of ser
vices. Both plaintiffs charge negli
gence on the part of the bus driver.
In answering the two suits and
requesting dismissal, the company
denies negligence on the part of its
employe and contends that the acci
dent was due to the negligence of
the driver of the car.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hadraba, who
have been here for the past several
weeks visiting with Joseph F. Had
raba, father of Ted, as well as his
sister and brother, have received the
pleasant news that they are to re
main in the United States for the
present at least.
Mr. Hadraba has been connected
with the department of commerce of
the United States and spent several
years in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in
the interests of his department, be
ing there at the time of the German
invasion. They were later ordered
to Belgium and thence sent home.
The Plattsmouth young man will
be assigned to duty with the depart
ment at Washington and make the
capital city their home. This Is very
pleasant for all of the family to
know that they will be back in the
good old United States.
Mr. and Mrs. August Sanderman
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanderman
of Shayler, Iowa, arrived here Sat
urday for a visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Nolte and family,
near Mynard. The Iowa people are
en route home from a few weeks
spent in the west, they visiting at
Denver and the Colorado parks and
enjoying a delightful vacation and
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Seybert will
have as their guest for the next two
weeks their daughter, Miss Beatrice,
who arrived from Chicago, Illinois
Saturday morning. Miss Seybert,
who is steadily employed in Chicago
will also be a guest at the Don Seiver
home, she and Mrs. Seiver being sis
ters. ,
Glen Henry of this city was in
jured Sunday night in "a. motor car
accident north of this city when his
car and that of William Clark col
lided. Mr. Henry suffered a painful
leg injury as well as a badly bruised
right shoulder.- His injuries were
treated by Dr. L. S. Pucelik.
School People
Married Sunday
at Lincoln
Mks Dorothy Glock Wedded to David
Fowler, Jr., Director of Music
of the City Schools.
Miss Dorothy Glocx, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Glock of Have
lock, and Mr. David Fowler, Jr., son
of David Fowler, Sr., of Fremont,
were quietly married Sunday after
noon at 3:30. The wedding cere
mony was performed in the Meth
odist parsonage at Havelock with
Rev. George Moon reading the mar
riage lines.
The bride and gijom were unat
tended and the ceremony was per
formed in the presence of the im
mediate families of the two people.
A reception, which was held im
mediately following the wedding.
was given at the home of the bride's
parents at 4421 North 60th street.
The bride is a young lady who was
born in this city and when a youth
she moved with her parents to
Plainview where she received her
education. She graduated from the
Plainview high school and later en
tered the Wayne State Teachers' col
lege. For the past three years she
has been a teacher in the Central
building, teaching the fifth grade.
Mr. Fowler was born and raised in i
Fremont, where he received his early
education and training. Following
his graduation he entered the Uni
versity of Nebraska. During the
year of 1938-39 he has been the
musical director and instructor in
the Plattsmouth high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Fowler will make
their home in J. W. Taylor apart
ments while in this city.
Emil J. Weyrich, local druggist
and sister, Miss Clara Weyrich, on
their vacation trip this year enjoyed
a most interesting stay in Chicago
where a great many of the large in
stitutions afforded them an unfailing
source of interest and research. They
found one of the most interesting
places that of the Field Museum of
natural history and the historic col
lection of the Illinois society which
is one pf the largest and best in
the United States.
It had been planned to have taken
a motor trip through Michigan and
Wisconsin, but the many places of
interest found in Chicago occupied
the time of the vacation so thorough
ly that the other points were raid
over until a later time.
Mr. Weyrich, who is one of the
best known photographic enthusiasts
in the west, has preserved for him
self a wonderful collection of pic
tures on his summer vacations and
which makes a most interesting view
of many of the most attractive sec
tions of the nation.
Donald Cotner, sor. of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Cotner, has accepted
the position as saxophone player
with the nine-pieoe orchestra of
Lumir Urban of Omaha. The orches
tra is commonly known as "Lumir
Urban and His Highlanders." The
members of the orchestra are all
dressed in Scottish kilts. Mr. Cotner
filfs the vacancy caused by the resig
nation of Raymond Wooster, who is
at the present time vacationing in
Colorado and California. Mr. Woos
ter has given up entirely his services
with the orchestra.
Among the features of the Farm
ers day of the King Korn Karnival
will be a horse pulling contest that
is being arranged by Charles Barn
ard, chairman of the Farmers day
part of the Karnival program.
The event will be held at the lot
at the Charles Vallery station on
South Fifth street and prizes will be
offered for the most successful of
the animals.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Otto of Auburn
were here Sunday to visit at the
home of Mrs. Otto's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Ferrle, near this city and
with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chriswisserl
in this city and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Sunday the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Patton in the south part of
the city, was he Bcene of a very
pleasant gathering of the relatives,
to enjoy -a visit with this estimable
couple, Mrs. Patton not having been
so well in the last few days. The
party comprised Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Canady, the former a nephew, Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Walker, the former
a Drotner or Airs, rauon, and uu
bert Gladstone, a m-phew, all of
Worth, Missouri. - f
Renner Family
Reunion is Held
Here on; Sunday
Sixty-three of the Family Present
at Meeting Held at Garfield
Park in This City.
The members of the Renner fam
ily, one of the old time groups in
this section of Cass county, gathered
here Sunday at Garfield park to
meet and spend the day in visiting
with each other. A fine picnic din
ner had been arranged and made the
day one filled with the greatest of
pleasure to all of the large group of
The members of the family attend
ing comprised Mr. and Mrs. George
Privitt and son, Kenneth, of Biglow,
Missouri, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hig-
gins and Jimmie of Mondamin, Iowa,
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Elliott, Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Baumgart and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Renner and
Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. Will Renner,
Mr. and Mrs. James Ault, Albert
Ralph Richards, . Renner Spidell,
Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Renner and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Renner and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Renner and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Renner and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kenner. Jr., of
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Renner
and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Boardman and family. Weeping Wa
ter; Mrs. H. H. Ward and family,
Elmwood: Mr. and Mrs. Silas Green.
Ralston; Mr. and Mrs. John Ward,
Prom Tueiday'a Dairy v.
A group of the local vacationers,
members of the local Rotary, were
at Ashland last evening, going there
to make up their attendance for last
week while out on their vacations.
Those making the trip were Frank
A. Cloidt. Dr. H. G. McClusky, John
E. Frady, L. S. Devoe and J. R.
The meeting was at the Hotel
Selma and included a very fine ban
quet that honored Fred Haas, ot
Omaha, district governor, who was
making his official visit to the Ash
land club, starting the swing around
that will include all of the clubs in
the district. Mr. Haas made a very
fine talk to the members of the club
on the work of Rotary over the
from Tuenday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wehrbein
and son. Franklin, departed this
morning for a motor trip to the
northwest part of the state. Alliance
being their destination and where
they will be guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grassman and
family and also take in the places of
interest in that section of Nebraska
and South Dakota.
Mrs. Fritz Kaffenberger and son,
Junior, accompanied them.'
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Taplett and
son. Vernon, of Sioux Falls, South
Dakota, are here to enjoy a visit at
the country home of Mr. and Mrs.
James E. Warga, south of tnis city,
as well as with the old time friends.
While here Vernon is visiting a num
ber of the old time school friends.
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Knorr,' Jean and Billy and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Starkjohn, re
turned home from their outing at
East Battle Lake. Minnesota. They
had a fine time and returned much
refreshed by the outing and the rest
that they had in the north country.
Everett Family
Reunion is Held
Near Union
Seventy of the Members of Family of
John and Anna Everett Meet
at Old Home for Reunion
On Sunday, August 20th the an
nual reunion of the Everett family
was held at the farm of Mrs. Anna
Everett, southeast of Union, at which
were present some seventy of the
descendants of John and Anna
Everett, who had settled there in
the early sixties. The reunion is
held the third Sunday in August ot
each year at the old home.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett, the fore
bears of the group, natives of Eng
land, had come to Nebraska from
Utah where they first settled and
located on a farm homestead along
the Weeping Water creek, southeast
of Union and where they spent the
remainder of their life and where
their family was reared to manhood
and womanhood. Of the original
family, there is but one living, Mrs.
E. B. Terrell, of Avoca, the youngest
child of the family.
The day was spent in visiting and
with a fine dinner served in picnic
style in the pleasant outdoors of
the farm, refreshments of ice cream
and cake being served to complete
the day.
Those attending were: Mrs. Anna
Everett, Mrs. Hausine Hansen, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Gobelman and Har
old. Mr. and Mrs. John Everett and
family. Orin Ervin, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Boardman and Rachel, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Leach and Alice Jane,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Everett and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alda Tay
lor, Union; Mr. and Mrs. George
Edmisten, Angie Edmisten, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Goff and family, Nebras
ka City; Mrs. Adah Newton and
sons, Earnie and Elmer, Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Long and
Janice, Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs.
George Rhodes and Helen, Howe;
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Everett, Lincoln;
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Terrell, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Corbin, Mr. and Mrs.
John Kunz and Esther, Avoca; Mrs.
Vincent Phillips and Sharon, Elm
wood; Mr. and Mrs. George Sttes,
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Schriber and
Mary Ann, Mr. and Mrs. James Ever
ett and John. Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Specht and family, Omaha.
Judge C. L. Graves had a very
busy day Monday in hearing a num
ber of complaints that had beeh filed
In his court, ranging from speeding
to illegal fishing.
James Avery and Ira DeMont, of
Omaha, were charged by a game war
den with having in their possession
bullhead fish under six inches in
length. They were given a fine of
$10 and costs which was paid.
Michael Krupa, ' of Omaha, was
charged by the game warden with
fishing without the lawful permit
and was fined $5 and costs which
also was paid.
Mrs. William Burks of South Oma
ha, was charged with reckless driv
ing of -a motor vehicle, the charge
preferred by the state highway pa
trol and was given a fine of $10 and
costs, which was paid.
From Monday's Dally
Dr. George E. Sayles, who has been
here visiting at the home of his par
ents. County Clerk and Mrs. George
R. Sayles, departed this morning for
Fort Dodge, Iowa, where he Is open
ing his offices for the practice of
dentistry. Dr. Sayles is a graduate
of Creighton university and one of
the outstanding students in his class
and with his exceptional ability
should have a very fine success in
the new location in this prosperous
Iowa city.
Rev. Lentz, Miss Wilma Frledrich,
Miss Betty Schafer. Miss Helen Puis,
Robert Meisinger, Mrs. James Schaf
er and Joe Puis attended the Luther
League convention of the Midwest
Synod United Lutheran church. In
America, at Emerson, Nebr., Aug. 14
16. They report having had a good
time and it being a fine convention.
We have received word from the
Commodity Credit Corporation, that
oar application has been approved
for handling government stored
grain. We are empowered to . issue
warehouse receipts for same, which
have been approved by the U. S. gov
ernment for storage of same. Anyone
may call by phone or in person.
F. T. Wilson, Manager
Murray - - Phone 3311
Local People
Attend Market
Week at Omaha
Many of the Local Business Houses
Are Represented at the Style
Show Held Last Evening.
A large group of Plattsmouth peo
pie, comprising millinery and dry
goods proprietors, clerks, managers.
j.3 well as numerous others, were in
Omaha Tuesday attending the special
show and features that were held.
both during the" day and evening,
in observance of Market Week dis
plays. Both buyers and sellers from
numerous towns and states which
even included Plattsmouth were
seen. Among the lare-e business firms
who sponsored the event at Peony
Park were: The Super-Craft Gar
ment company of Omaha, Borde Gar
ment company, Tootle-Campbell Dry
Goods company all of Omaha.
In the evening at 8 o'clock a style
show was featured a show that at
tracted hundreds into the auditorium
of the Peony Park. Among the
young ladies who served as models",
Miss Maxine Canterbury, former
Plattsmouth young lady, was seen
out on the floor modeling dresses,
coats, hats, and evening gowns. Miss
Canterbury served as the model tor
the Super-Craft Garment Co.
Earle ' "Buddy" Bunker, Omaha
news photographer, came out on top
Tuesday morning . '. . when he start
ed Ehooting some of the new hat
styles at Market Week displays.
Among the three young ladies
that he had caught modeling was
Miss Veda Capps, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John L. Capps. She model
ed a new sailor type with pork pie
crown and ostrich plume. Veda also
displayed the new bustle hat.
The Plattsmouth group attending
the second day of the Market Week
displays were: Miss Elizabeth Hirz,
Miss Mathilda Soennichsen, Miss
Anna Palacek, Mrs. Lillian Living
ston, John Urish, John Livingston,
James Mauzy, Richard Soennichsen,
Dick Livingston, Miss Marie Val
lery, Miss Dorothea Fulton, Miss
Naomi Day. Mrs. Edith Tunnell. Clif
ford Tunnell. Miss Helen Farley, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Howard, Albert
Toman, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Knorr
and son. Bill, daughter. Miss Jean,
Fred Busch, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ash
baugh, Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Soen
nichsen, Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Rosen
Tuesday the district court wai.
occupied with hearing the divorce
case of Lydia P. Williams vs. Mark
T. Williams, an action from the vi
cinity of Eagle and which attracted
a great deal of attention from that
After hearing the evidence, a large
group of witnesses being called in
the case. Judge W. W. Wilson award
ed a decree of divorce to the plain
tiff, taxing the costs of the case and
attorney fees of $75 for the plaintiff,
to the defendant.
The application of the plaintiff for
alimony was denied by the court.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wescott, of
Lincoln, returned home Saturday
evening from a vacation trip and
were accompanied by Mrs. Perry H.
Murdick, II and son, Perry III, who
will visit here at the E. H. Wescott
home and with other relatives and
Miss Antionette Koubek resumed
her usual clerical duties at the
Wurl's grocery store Monday fol
lowing a four-day visit in Wabash,
Nebraska. During that time ehe was
a guest of Misa Gladys Hohman.
District Rotary
Governor to Pay
Early Visit Here
Fred Haas of Omaha, Will Be Honor
Guest at Meeting to Be Held
Here Next Tuesday.
Roy W. Knorr, president of the
local Rotary club, announces that
Fred L. Haas, of Omaha, district
governor of the 120th district of
Rotary International will address
the Rotarians and their wives at
the August Rotary Ann meeting next
Tuesday evening at the Hotel Platts
mouth. Mr. Unas is a past president of
the Omaha Rotary club and at the
3 '
Fred Haas'
state convention held at Grand Is
land last spring he was elected by
unanimous vote to the governorship
of the Nebraska area. He has given
much of his time and energy to Ro
tary," Having attended the interna
tional conventions at Nice, France,
Saft Francisco, and Columbus, Ohio,
this past year. He has a peculiar
interest in Plattsmouth, being the
representative of the local club to
these three conventions. Mr. Haas
has spoken before the Plattsmouth
club previously and has always been
favorite speaker.
Rotary is an international organ
ization with a membership of over
200,000 divided among 5,000 clubs
scattered throughout the entire
world. Of especial Intercut is the
attitude of Rotary in trying to
bring about better international un
derstandings between nations. With
ts membership in practically every
country of the world, it is hoped
that Rotary will take the leadership
in bringing peace among the nations.
In addition to Rotary's interest in
international relations, it in concern
ed with high ethical standards of
business, development of a whole
some community and a better un
derstanding and fellowship among
Its members.
The Plattsmouth Rotary club was
organized In 1927 and has been one
of the prominent units in the state
organization. On numerous occasions
the local club has made contributions
to the district meetings by con
tributing ideas and plans relative to
better international understanding.
On many occasions the local club
has been a leader in the matter of
attendance throughout the past sev
eral years. The following are the
officers of the local club: Roy W.
Knorr, president; George Jaeger,
vice-president; John Frady, secre
tary; J. Howard Davis, treasurer.
Board of directors consists of R. W.
Knorr, George Jaeger, John Frady.
F. A. Cloidt, Howard Davis, E. II.
Wescott, and Art Troop.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, the
former a section boss of the Missouri
Pacific here, had as their week-end
guests Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yonko and
daughter, June Ruth, and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Skutchan all of Crete,
Nebraska. Mr. Yonko Is a brother of
Mrs. Mason, and Mrs. Skutchan a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yonko
Is a niece of the Masons. They left
for their home last evening.
A message has been received by
relatives announcing the marriage
of Miss Isabel Rainey to Fred W.
Tritsch of Wayne, Nebraska.