The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 14, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1939.
Marius Neilson made a trip to
riatlsmouth last Tuesday to deliver
a horse, and on his return brought
home a load of sand.
A number of people from Avoca
attended the two day celebration and
carnival held at Otoe last week and
par the celebration was very suc
cessful. F. D. Straub, son of Max Straub,
who is employed in Lincoln by the
Farmers Mutual Insurance company,
is enjoying his ten day vacation at
the Straub heme here.
Miss Catherine Mae Sindelar, of
Lake Worth, Florida, is visiting at
the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Hallstrom, and with
her cousins, the Hallstrom children.
Osrar Zimmerer made one of his
rather frequent Sunday trips to Om
aha last week. There are nice people
living in the metropolis and Oscar
finds it very pleasant to spend his
Srndays there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cullen left for
Reliance Wednesday morning, where
they expect to visit and look after
land interest 3. They are making the
trip by auto and expect to be in
South Dakota for about ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Thomas of
SI enandoah spent last Sunday at the
home of Postmaster W. IL Bogaard.
The Thomas girls are spending their
vacation in Kansas and were not
here with th?ir parents, as usual.
Mrs. Emma Rawalt has purchased
a new Buick from Carl O. Zaiser,
the local distributor, and will use the
car in going to and from her school
work, as she has been engaged to
teach the Cottage school on O street
during the coming school year. She
has had a garage built at her home
to house the new car.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marquardt and
little daughter, and Mrs. Caroline
Marquardt. mother of Fred, were at
I'tica last Sunday, where they spent
the day at ths home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Hile. Frtd said they found lit
t'e prospect for any corn out that
way. the stalks being less than three
feet high and burned to a crisp.
Enjoyed Call from Friends
Miss Florence Maseman, of Avoca,
v as made happy Thursday by hav
ing six of her friends come to her
lvroe for the afternoon. They brought
their own refreshments and had a
delightful visit with Mrs. Maseman.
-.vno is confined to her home by ill
ness. Those who attended were Mrs.
Kay Norris, Mrs. John Norris, Miss
Urse Shaffer, Mrs. Paul Wolfe. Mrs.
Carl Tefft and Mrs. Tom Akeson.
Get Much Corn Last Week
Carl" Carlson, Zechriah Coatman
and Fred Marquardt were shelling
corn last week, delivering same to
tnc Marquardt elevator. Fred was
tr.elling somr which he has had stor
ed near the elevator. With repeated
lUht rains and the satisfactory ma
iming of tne corn wiv this vicinity.
prospects are good for much more
f,n being raised here than last
car: and there is a tendency to move
.;ine of the old corn. The price last
Tuesday wai 40 cents a bushel for
yellow corn and 4 5 cents for white.
Snrprise Rev. Kokjer and Wife
Following the close of the morn
ing service at the Avoca church.
R-v. and Mrs J. M. Kokjer were sur
P'ised when a number of their
lriends came in with well laden
i.-:sket8 of pood things to eat and
r.iiared their dinner with Mr. and
Mis. Kokjer. The friends were John
H F. Rhuga. Ernest Emschof, Henry
Maseman ard John Nutzman and
'ieir respective families.
Buried at Otce Wednesday
Mrs. Joseph Martaccho, formerly
Miss Eda Ruhga. who sustained a
severe stroke some two weeks ago at
tli age of 4 2, and was taken to the
hospital at Otoe for treatment and
passed away there last Sunday. The
funeral was held at. Otoe Wednesday.
Mrs. Martac no was born at Avoca
in 1897, being a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Rhuga. She was
united in ma-riage to Joseph Mar
tarcho on April 23. 1924. The de-
After a fire, a burglary,
or some other misfortune
. . . will you find that
your insurance was not
sufficient to cover your
loss? If you are concern
ed with real insurance
protection we can help
you ... and will gladly
do so.
Seai'l S. Davis
Plaits. State Bank Bids.
erased leaves to mourn her depar
ture the husband and three child
ren, Bernett. Zona and Byron as
veil as her mother, six brothers and
two sisters. They are "Will Rhuga,
of Oaks; Charles, Nelson, Fred and
Louis, of Avoca; Henry, of Ashland;
Walter and Emma, of Cook, and Mrs.
Walter Love, of Lincoln.
Services were held at the funeral
home in Otoe and at the Congrega
tion church in Avoca, with Rev. R.
I.. Hall officiating. Burial was in the
Avoca cemetery. The pall bearers
were J. H. F. Rhuga, Avoca; Gus
Rhuga, Edgai; John W and Henry
Rhuga, Weeping Water; Herman
Rhuga and Carl Schutt, of Syracuse.
Enjoyable 69th Birthday
Mrs. John IL Hallstrom, mother
of E. J. Hallstrom. was passing her
CTth birthday at her home in Platts
nouth last week and was visited by
.Mr. Hallstrom and family from here,
as well as Mr. and Mrs. James
Mauzy and tbeir son, Jimmie, with
whom the mother resides, providing
a Aery pleasant day for the guest of
Injured in Auto Collision
While Miss Bertha TeSelle was re
turning from a trip in the country,
her car was involved in a collision
with the truck of a Tea company at
the corner near the Trunkenbolz
tulk station. Both cars were dam
ased and tkr occupants shaken up,
cut and bruised. Cuts on the face
of Miss TeSelle required five stitches
to close. She is reported as getting
a'ong very well with prospects of
curly recovery from her injuries.
Found Jobs Scarce in North
Raymond and Theodore Gruber,
Pale and Clyde Pommel, Zup Pall
gross and Emery Paap departed last
week for Minnesota, hoping to find
employment there, but search as
they would, they could find nothing
1 hey remained for four days and
then returned home, realizing they
would be as well here as up there.
During their absence they drove
more than a thousand miles.
W. J. Rau rnd his brother, George,
were looking after business matters
ir Lincoln lann Wednesday.
John Mockenhaupt and sister. Miss
Sue Mockennaupt. were in Platts
n.outh last Monday on matters of
Mr. and Mrs. John C, Rauth and
Walter Mockenhaupt and family
transacted business in Plattsmouth
last Monday.
John Palack and family, who re
side in Omaha, were guests last Sun
day at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
A. V. Stander and Mr. and Mrs. John
A. Stander.
A. C. Munn, and his sister, Mrs.
ElizabetJi Greene, who is housekeep
er at the Munn home, were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Davis, in Mauley, last Sunday.
During tho absence of Rev. Hen
nessy, pastor of St. Patrick's church,
lr-st week, R?v. Sinkula, pastor of the
Holy Rosary church at Plattsmouth.
crime over to conduct the first Friday
D. D. Brann was having natural
gr.s installed in his home last Wed
nesday, joining the list of household
ers who are now using this modern
day convenience that has but recent
ly come to Manley.
Thurston Ludbey and wife, and
their two children. Arthur and Sally,
of Chicago, were over night guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Rauth. whil en route to Colorado
Springs on a vacation trip.
The Altar Society of St. Patrick's
church were hostesses at a very pleas
ant afternoon of cards at the Man
Icy hall Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph
Deitl and Mrs. Frank Seeman com
prised the committee in charge of
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rauth and
a number of irieir children were here
from York, guests at the homes of
M and Mrj. J. C. Rauth and Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Rauth. Aaron says
it is very dry out that way and the
corn crop will not amount to any
thing. They were called here to look
after business matters.
Called on Brother at Hospital
Miss Rena Christensen, of Omaha,
on being advised of the serious acci
dent which sent her brother, H. C.
Christensen to the Bryan Memorial
hospital in Lincoln, hastened to the
hcspital, as did also his other sister,
Mrs. Herman Rauth and husband.
The latter furnished blood for one
of the several transfusions that were
reciuired to build up the patient.
Mr. and Mi 8. Rauth returned home
from the hospital Tuesday evening.
bit went back again Wednesday and
spent the day there.
Everything possible is being done
for the unfortunate man, and the
ductcrs have assured the relatives
there 13 good chance the patient will
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dimmitt and
son drove to Cedar Hill to attend the
annual Sunday school picnic Thurs
day evening.
Miss Florence Taylor spent the
week at the Edwin Taylor home.
Mrs. Lauren Mickle spent Thurs
day at the Win. Mickle home.
Mr. Buttenbauch recently purchas
ed the building that was previously
used for the fire truck, from J. B.
Elliott, Jr., who had purchased it
from the fire department. He ex
pects to use the building for a gar
age, as his garage burned down a
couple of weeks ago.
4-H Boys Camp
Arthur Roelofsz, leader of the
Boys' Rope club and Walter Vincent
took the club boys north of Ashland,
where the group camped near the
river Friday night to fish and enjoy
camping. The boys and their spon
sors returned home Saturday after
noon with 27 fish.
All declare they had a grand time
and the boys are very grateful to
these two men who accompanied
them on the trip.
Enjoying Vacation
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson and
children accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Kitzel on a vacation trip to
Ord. where the two families will
visit relatives for a few days. Later
they will go on to Burwell for the
Entertained at Shower
Mrs. Euell Hart of Bobina. Texas,
the former Miss Maxine Ayres, was
entertained at a miscellaneous show
er by a group of friends at the home
of Mrs. Frank Cook. A large crowd
was present to enjoy the very enter
taining program and see many lovely
and useful gifts bestowed upon the
honor guest. The gifts were present
ed to Mrs. Hart from under a beau
tifully decorated umbrella that had
been cleverly arranged.
Delicious ice cream and small in
dividual cakes artistically decorated
with miniature Japanese parasols
were served by the hostess group.
Many of the guests were from Lin
coin and Greenwood.
Home from Peru
Miss Grace Muenchau returned
home Friday from Teru, where she
has been attending the summer
school session at the Teru State
Teachers' college. Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Swansoa . and Mr. and Mrs.
Muenchau drove to Peru for Grace
Fourth Quarterly Conference
Dr. Bert L. Story was down from
Lincoln to hold the fourth quarterly
conference at the church Thursday
evening. The regular line of busi
ness was transacted and then some
time was spent in planning for the
coming year.
Here from Denton
Mrs. Lauren Mickle of Denton has
been spending the week at the S. C.
Hardnock home. Mr. and Mfs. Hard
nock spent Sunday at the Mickle
home and Mrs. Mickle accompanied
them home. She plans to ' return
home Saturday.
Home from Vacation Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rehmeier,
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rasmussen or
Weeping Water and Mrs. Fred Reh
meier of Weeping Water returned
home Monday from a ten days' trip
in Iowa and Illinois, where the
group visited relatives.
They spent some time in Chicago,
where the men folks attended one
of the big league ball games, while
the ladies enjoyed doing some shop
ping about town.
Ladies Aid Elects Officers
The Ladies Aid Society members
held an election of officers during
the business portion of their meeting
held in the church basement on
August 2nd.
Those elected were: Mrs. R. M.
Coatman, president; Mrs. Arthur
Dinges. vice president; Mrs. Velde,
secretary, and Mrs. Clyde Johnson,
The retiring officers were: Mrs.
Talbert Edwards, president; Mrs.
Een Muenchau, vice president; Mrs.
Paul Coatman, secretary, and Mrs.
Walter Vincent, treasurer.
The hostess group composed of
Mesdames Minnie Peterson, Davis,
Clyde Johnson and Dick Elliott,
served delicious ice cold water
melon. Driving Oil Truck
Orval Gerbeling is driving the
Farmers Union oil truck while Clyde
Johnson is away on his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerbeling are staying
at the Johnson home.
Our stock of legal blanks is
most complete.
Mrs. Chris Koch visited friends in
Lincoln last Tuesday.
Henry A. Tool was called to Lin
coln on business one day last week.
John Gakemeier transacted busi
ness in Nebraska City last Saturday.
Henry Brockmueller of Waverly
wag visiting friends in Murdock last
J. H. Buck went to Eagle Thurs
day, bringing back a cow and sev
eral hogs.
Paul Stock was looking after busi-
ness matters in riaunmuuiu auu
Nebraska City last Tuesday. J
Many evangelists are attending.
the sessions of the Milford Assembly
and some very interesting programs
are given each day.
Rev. C. Jannen and wife have en
joyed a ten day outing at Riverside
park, near Milford, and returned
home greatly refreshed.
The school building has been giv
en a good cleaning and put in shape
for the opening of the school year
en Monday, August 28th.
August Wilkin, who has been in
disposed during the past two weeks,
is now improving and feels that he
has avoided a serious illness.
Herman Kuehn of east of Elm
wood was a Murdock visitor one
day last week, looking after business
and meeting many of his friends
Wm. Bourke, who has been con
fined to his bed for several weeks,
was able to be on the street a short
time last week and is improving in
Mr. and Mrs. George Work and
the children of Omaha spent last
Sunday here at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Tool, parents of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenow and
family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Thieman drove to Ft. Crook
and Omaha, at both of which places
they visited friends.
Reports of the ball game at Chap
pel between the Jitterbug aggrega
tion from here and the Chappel boys
are to the effect that each team was
able to register ten runs.
Frank E. Melvin was at Eagle last
week, where he was building a fill
ing station on the O street road and
also making a room for offices of the
Trunkenbolz Oil company.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenow and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ileineman were
at Fort Crook last Sunday, where
they visited friends, and also went
into Omaha for a brief visit.
Art Lindell, who was kept home
for some time on account of an in
jury suffered when his car over
turned, is now able to be about, the
cast having been removed some time
Fred Buell, who was injured by
his tractor nearly two months ago
and was confined to his bed for seven
weeks, is now able to be up and
around, and is learning to walk
John Kruger and wife were at
Fremont last Sunday, where they
were guests for the day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Landholm. The
two families have been friends for
many years.
Jack Amgwert accompanied the
advertising squad on a number of
short trips to publicize the assembly
at Riverside Tark which onens
this coming Thursday and continues
over two Sundays, August 20 and
Miss Delphine Kupke, of Grand
Junction. Iowa, is a guest of her
friend. Corline Schaeffer, this week,
and also enjoying meeting many of
her old friends and acquaintances in
Murdock and vicinity, as the family
resided here before moving to the
tall corn state.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kuhnes, who
reside in the western part of the
state, have been visiting the par-
ents of Mrs. Kuhnes, Mr. and Mrs.
William E. Rikli during the past
week. They went from here to Kan
sas and were accompanied by Miss
Alvire Kuehn, who is also visiting
in the Sunflower state.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tool, of
Wahoo, were guests Sunday at the
home of Kenneth's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry A. Tool. They also en
joyed visiting his sister, Mrs. O. E.
Bradford, who has been here while
her husband attended the Guard en
campment at Ashland, and Mr. Brad
ford, who spent the day here.
Mrs. Henry A. Tool entertained
the members of the Royal Neighbors
of Americaat a kensington meeting
at her home in honor of her daugh
ter, Mrs. O. A. Bradford, who has
been staying here while her husband
attended the Officers Training camp
at Fort Crook.
Praise for Our Ball Team
R. M. Lockridge, a rea Restate and
itturance man. who holds the posi
tion of Financial Manager in his
home town of Wakefield, Kansas, has
addressed the following letter to the
city clerk here:
"Dear Sir: The Jitterbug Softball
term from your city played ua Aug
ust 2nd. Myseir, W. J. Herman and
Wilfred Nelson and many others of
the management want to compliment
ycur young men not only as ball
players, but as gentlemen while in
our town. We wish it were pos
sible to make their further acquaint
ance. The score has nothing to do
with the quality of the players They
simply could not connect with the
pitcher, as he was unusually good.
Convey our regards and respect to
your entire team. Sincerely yours,
It. M. Lockridge, W. J. Herman."
Most Enjoyable Meeting
The members of the Y. P. M. C. of
Murdock held a pot luck supper on
Monday evening, August 7, at the
home of Mrs. Alvin Bornemeier north
cf town. Most of the members were
present and enjoyed the supper, the
lesson study and the fellowship in
general. Nadine Miller is to repre
sent the group at the Assembly to
be held at Riverside park near Mil
ford. Two Murdock Homes Sold
The Deickman property, consisting
of two residences, was sold last week.
Frank Rosenow. who has been liv
ing in one of the houses, bought it
for $700, while the other, a smaller
house, was sold to Paul Schewe for
To Beside in Murdock
County Commissioner Henry C.
Backemeyer, who has been residing
on a farm west of Murdock, but re
ceiving his mail from the Greenwood
post office, will occupy the residence
property of his mother located in the
southwest part of Murdock. One of
his sons will farm the home place,
where the Backemeyers have lived
for many years.
Has a Little Bed Wagon
Edward McCrorey, who has a
Model T Ford that has come down
from the earlier days of automobil
ing, which he uses as an advertising
medium, has just painted the vehicle
a bright red. giving it a very flashy
appearance as he darts in and out
over the city and surrounding coun
tryside in the interests of the ser
vice station they operate.
Visited at Fullerton Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Goerthey and
the children went to Fullerton to
spend Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Kuehn. They return
ed home late that night. Mr. Goer
they, who is a close observer of crop
conditions, says the corn out that
way is badly burned, but there will
be some raised in the lowlands and
along the rivers and creeks, where
the moisture deficiency in the soil
i3 not so great.
LONDON, Aug. 11 (UP) London
was theoretically saved from destruc
tion during a combined black-out and
maneuver air raid test in the early
hours of this morning, the air min
istry announced today.
A determined defense of the city
by the fire squadrons of the air force
and anti-aircraft guns was coupled
with the efficiency of the observer
corps, whose men crouched in wet,
muddy listening posts all over south
ern England on the alert foi
"enemy" airplanes.
"Some four hundred square miles
of the greater London area inhabited
by S. 000. 000 people looked like a
few small scattered villages," the
air ministry said in describing the
officially-announced success of the
black-out test.
Commanders of planes assigned to
stimulate an attacking bomber fleet
invading England from the continent
said that their crews spotted an oc-
casional patch of light but that it
had been ompossible to fix local-
ities so that the planes had only
night-flying instruments to guide
OMAHA. Aug. 11 (UP) The gal
lant fight for life of Mary Frances
Taylor, 20, Fremont newspaper re
porter, is amazing physicians here.
Brought to Nicholas Senn hospital
on June 17 after an automobile acci
dent in which she suffered a broken
neck and other serious injuries. Miss
Taylor has fought doggedly for near
ly eight weeks.
Her physicians gave her a five per
cent chance to survive after they
had completed their examination.
But to their surprise she seemed on
the way to recovery when a relapse
occurred two weeks ago. Since that
time her condition daily has been
reported as "poor," but the girl has
refused to give up-. Alternately con
scious and unconscious she remains
cheerful during her lucid momtnts.
Phone Printing orders to No. 6.
Elmwood News
Mrs. Lucy Lyle was a dinner guest
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Floy Buell, after which they made
a business trip to Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bothwell and
daughter. Mips Jean Adair Bothwell.
were guests at the home of Marion
Bothwell, brother of Hoardville and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson and
Delbert Ray and wife of Lincoln
were guests over the week end at
the home of Mrs. Lucinda Parish.
The ladies are sisters.
Lemuel Parish, who has been so
ii! at his in South Elmwood
r.nd has been cared for by Albert
Alford, is now able to be up and
around and to get out some. His
many friends are pleased that he is
able to be out again.
Wright Gillette, of Lincoln, was
in Elmwood last Monday visiting his
mother and looking after business
mutters. Mrs. Gillette has been poor
ly since the auto accident that claim
ed the life of her husband, but is
row improving and enjoyed the visit
from her son.
Charles West, who is interested in
having things look their best, has
had the interior of his barber shop
redecorated, the walls being papered
and the woodwork painted. Welling
ton Dennis did the work and the
shop now presents a greatly improv
ed appearance.
Raymond Kuntz and Howard
Stragel were at South Bend last
week, where they camped out and
spent a most enjoyable time fishing.
They had a lot of fun. but we are
not going to say anything about the
amount of fish they caught, as that
w-iuld be betraying secrets.
Herman 1'enterman was doing
the excavation work for the laying
of gas lines into the home last week,
and w hile he was thus engaged. Mrs.
I'rnterman was looking after busi
ness at the store, as both were anx
ious to get the gas installed and
ready for use in cooking and heat
ing. Ronald S..hlichtemeier and the
family were over near Murray last
Sunday, where they were guests at
to home of an uncle. Homer Sch
liehtemeier, end family. Ronald's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sch
lkhtemeier were also guests there
that day and a most enjoyable time
was had.
Stopped Here En Boute Home
Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Dearing, of
Onawa, Iowa, who have been enjoy
ing a vacation in the west, stopped
here on their way home and visited
at the home cf their friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph G'eene and family. The
Dcarings operate a hospital at On
ava. and enioyed very much getting
away from their routine work and
spending some time in the mountain
Expected Home by End of Week
Mrs. Maurice Penterman. who has
been visiting in the West for a num
ber of weeks, was joined by Mr.
Penterman two weeks ago and they
have been continuing the visit as
well as taking in the San Francisco
fair. From there they went up into
Washington for a visit at the home
of a number of relatives, continu
ing on from there to Akron, Colo
rado, to visit :it the home of an aunt
of Mr. Penterman. They are expect
ed home by the latter part of this
Install New Equipment
In order that they may be better
equipped to do all kind of cooking,
both meats and vegetables, the lad
ies of the Methodist church have pur
chased one of the new large size
electric roasters that is little short
of a miniature oven in itself. It is
equipped with all the utensils need
ed for cooking and keeping food in
proper condition to serve and will
prove very useful.
Preparations Going Forward
Preparations for the second edition
f Elmwood'i, Golden Jubilee cele
bration that proved so successful
last year are going steadily forward
nnd already many attractions have
been booked for the three days of
fun that will be provided. Indications
point to an even larger attendance
than last year, when the town was
packed with people. A booster trip
is planned to advertise the event.
The celebration will be held August
23, 24 and 25.
Log Cabin Going Up
The work of re-erecting the his
toric old McCaig log cabin that
housed the first post office in this
vicinity, is going forward rapidly on
the lot east of the Community build
ing. When tti house was torn down,
each log was marked and they are
still in such good condition, after
73 years of service a3 a place of
abode for numerous families, that
they are goirg back into p'ace very
leady, to provide a perfect eiupliate
of the original building. When the
Journal man was in Elmwood Wd
nesday, the building was i.p nearly
to the eaves and it is expected to be
completed before the date of the
Jubilee celebration here. August 23,
24 and 25.
There is much interest in the re
creation of this historical building
here in town, where it may be view
ed by visitor. to the city loth dur
ing Jubilee days and for years to
rcn-.e. The interior will probably be
finished in mote modern style, to
bouse the library and historical ex
hibits of all kinds, which tan be ad
ded to from tune to time. It was a
fine move on the part of those who
conceived the idea and will stand as
a memorial t the olden days when
families lived wholly in these log
cabins and there were none of the
picscnt day conveniences.
Cat Tails Grew Beadily
O. D. Qu?llhorst took h:s daugh
ter and som? other Girl Scouts on
cu outing some time ago. and peeing
some cat tails, pulled up n few aiiid
threw tbem in the rear of the car.
When he came home lie set them out
in some old cans and supplied tl.em
with plenty ot moisture, and n w.
several week3 later, is surprised and
pleased to find them growing at a
result of his efforts.
Attended Bodeo at Erewster
Shorty West and Even tt Brock
r.ian departed early last week for the
northwest, their first stop being at
Ord. where lelatives Thurs
day being the opening day of the
Brewster rodeo, they went there to
attend this exhibition of t-kill in the
popular western sport.
Hand Badly Lacerated
While assisting with the loading
of some cattl for the South Omaha
market. "Shorty" West got his hand
caught in a chain and pulled into a
tight place. As a result a severe?
gash was cut in the back of the hand,
requiring several stitches to close
the wound. As lie was not able to
v.ork while it is healing, be wert to
Old and Brtwster to visit and at
tend the rodeo at the latter named
Graduates from University
Donald Gonzales, son C'f Mrs. Em
ilv Gonzales, who has been attending
the I'niversitv eif Nebrufka, taking
a course in Journalism, was gtad:i
ated last we-i. Donald has bee-n em
ployed by the Nebraska State Jour
nal and will still stay with that
Honored on 90th Birthday
Mrs. Ellen Ohm, of Elmwood was
made exceedingly happy Sunday by
the presence of her children at her
home. As Mrs. Ohm's birthday in
this week and ninety years have pass
ed since her natal day, it was fit
ting that th"r should be a celebra
tion honoring the occasion. All ar
rived with ell filled baskets and a
fine dinner was served after whih
the afternoo'i was ppent visit inc.
It was a I.appy day for Mrs. Ohm
and for everyone present. Those
who attended were Mr. and Mrs.
John Graff and two miis. of K ne
snw, Nebraska: Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ohm. South Bend; Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Keller, Alvo; Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Linch, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Ohm and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Elliot and family. Elmwood:
Mr. and Mr'. Ernest .McKim. and
the guest of honor, Mrs Ohm.
Will Your Car be Going
to School This Fall
If you own a car you need
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Get it now! Tomorrow
may be too late!
PM0N- 16