The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 14, 1939, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1939.
Burke Sees
FDR Candidate
of the Radicals
Believes Both Democrats and Re
publicans to Nominate Con
servative Candidates.
OMAHA. Aug. 11 (UP) Senator
Edward R. Burke. D., Neb., today
predicted the 1940 political align
ment will find President Roosevelt
a candidate on a radical third party
ticket in opposition to a coalition
of conservative republicans and dem
ocrats. Burke predicted that both major
parties will nominate conservative
candidates for president and that
Mr. Roosevelt, in line with his mes
sage to the Young Democrats con
vention in Pittsburgh last night, will
head a new party.
"He will gather together under
his banners all of the radical ele
ments of the country," Burke said:
"then, I believe, the real'democrats
and republicans will decide among
themselves which of their candidates
has the best chance of defeating him
and support that candidate.
"It has long been known in
Washington that one of three things
would happen in 1940:
"1. That Mr. Roosevelt would se
cure the democratic nomination.
"2. That there would be a hand
picked Roosevelt nominee.
"1. That Mr. Roosevelt would
head a third party movement.
"Up until six months ago I be
lieved that Mr. Roosevelt could win
rpnnmi nation but since then the
Hatch bill has been passed and the
president has suffered decisive de
feats. Burke said he would sincerly wel
come such a situation. Burke, who
has been one of Mr. Roosevelt's most
bitter democratic critics in the sen
ate, came home today to begin his
campaign for renomination. Oppos
ing him in the democratic primary
will be Governor R. L. Cochran.
"T Mnpft Cochran will go 100
per cent with Roosevelt whether it
be the scuttling of the democratic
party or any other issue."
Last evening a part of the Mer
chants baseball team staged a prac
tice contest with the Timms' Terrors,
the Merchants kindly loaning Elmer
Hollenbeck to their foes as a pitcher
Tor the hard ball contest. ' Several
of the Merchants were unable to be
on the field owing to work.
In the opening inning the Timms
came to bat first and it was a ques
tion for some time if they would be
retired before dark, massing four
runs off the delivery of Ed Smith,
former American Legion hurler who
has just returned from California.
After the first inning Joe Phillips
was sent to the mound for the Mer
chants and was able to hold the
Timms in check.
In the last inning as the shades
of evening were falling the Mer
chants staged a rally that netted
them five runs to cop the honors.
Hollenbeck was hit freely and the
dusk made the fielding difficult and
the base running of the Merchants
Improved, they racing the bases as
vain attempts were made to halt
their advance.
From Friday's Dally
Under the name. "Cass County
Maytag Co.." Max Gilbert and Keith
Hoagland. of Lincoln, are locating a
sales and service store here in the
corner room of the Eagles building.
Sixth and Pearl. Both men have
been connected with Maytag sales
aiid service of Rudge & Gunzel store
in Lincoln fo Beveral years and have
decided to engage in business for
themselves. They are busy today un
packing and setting up washers and
ironers and 'ill be open for business
From Saturday's Dally
The first game under the lights at
Athletic park this year was staged
last evening between the Fort Crook
soldiers and the Timm team. The
coldiers who have had a very suc
ressful season so far this year, were
Ihe winners over the locals by the
score of 13 to 11. The Timms show
id the effect of their baseball game
earlier In the evening against the
coldiers in the nightcap.
From Saturdays Dally
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jahrig and
daughter. Miss Fern Jahrig are leav
ing this evening on a two weeks'
vacation trip which will take them
to New York City where they will
attend the fair, Boston, Washing
ton, D. C, and. Philadelphia, Pa.
Wednesday the Wintersteen Slug
gers thrust themselves into the soft
ball picture, by soundly irouncing
the South Park Rowdies by a score
of 9 to 5. The sluggers got six
scores in a wild first inning. The
Rowdies came back with four In the
second inning and one in the third.
The Sluggers got another in the fifth
and two more in the seventh on
Phillips' home run.
This was the first game of the
season for the sluggers, and they
showed promise by defeating the
Greeley Stone, who pitched for the
winners gave up only four hits, but
errors let the Rowdies get their five
Frank Lushinsky played an excel
lent game as catcher. His accurate
"pegs" to second would have caught
many a man stealin, had McBride
been able to hold them. He also was
second best hitter, getting a single,
double and triple out of five trips to
the plate.
Bob Cook led in hitting with two
singles, and a triple, out of four
trips to the plate. He played a good
same at third base, making two good
catches. He took a Texas leaguer
over his shoulder and a swan dive
over the north bank to take a pop
Joe Phillips made the only home
run of the game receiving this in the
seventh inning with one man on
base. He also played a fine game
at first base with bout one error dur
ing the entire game.
Bob Dow nlaved a fine game in
left field, taking all line drives n
his territory in fine order. He also
served as an asset on the offense.
The lineup was as follows:
Sluggers McBride, 2b; Stewart,
3s; F. Lushinsky, c; Phillips, lb; G
Petet. rf; Stone, p; Rice, cf; Dow,
If: E. Lushinsky. rs: Cook, -o;
J. Petet. rf; Jones, rf.
Rowdies Steinkamp, , p-ss: Ra
kow. c; Covert, lb; Grauf. cf; Tie-
kotter. rs: Highfield. 2b; Jackson.
3b; Johnson, ss-p-rf; Hitt. If; L. co
vert, rf; RIchter, cf; Dasher, rf-p.
Mrs. Augusta Eaton, 85. of Falls
City, is here to enjoy a two weeks
visit at the home of her brother,
Louis ReinackJe and family and
also with her brother, Albert Rein-
ackle. She is at the Eouls Reinp.ckle
home where she is meeting the many
friends. Mrs. Eaton came here with
her parents, the late Mr! and Mrs.
August Reinackle when a very small
rhild from New York and grew up
imid the surroundings of the pioneer
town. It was here that she was mar
ried to Frank Eaton, then engaged
here with the Burlington, they later
moving to Colorado where Mr. Eaton
was engaged with the Colorado Mid
land for many years. Since the death
of her husband she has resided at
Falls City with her son. Fred Eaton,
who is now in Minnesota on a fish
ing trip while the mother is visit
ing here with the relatives.
This morning at the Nebraska
Masonic Home occurred the death of
Mrs. Mary Butler, 76, who has been
a resident at trie Home since June
1937. Mrs. Butler was a former resi
dent of Franklin, Nebraska, where
she was a member of Franklin chap
ter No. 213 Order of the Eastern
Mrs. Butler is survived by one
son. Walter Butler or Franklin, ana
one brother, John Olson, Arlington,
South Dakota.
The body was taken to the Horton
funeral home and will be taken to
Franklin Saturday morning over the
Burlington for burial at the old
Mrs. E. J. Ferrie, residing west
of this city, had a very pleasant sur
prise Wednesday when her brother,
Max Studer, of Mason City, Iowa,
came in for a short visit with the
Ferrie family. Mr. Studer came here
and paid a short visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chriswisser.
who took him out to the farm home
to give the sister and husband a very
pleasant surprise.
From Thursday Dally
Aileen Reed left this morning for
t three weeks visit in the east. She
was accompanied by her grandpar
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ruby of
McCook. Nebr.. also Mrs. Otto Zick
afoos and son Dale. Vhey will visit
relatives in Michigan and Aurora.
Illinois on their way home.
Mrs. Wilma Aylor, mother of Ray
Aylor, returned home Thursday eve
ning from a visit at Table Rock,
Hoodlums Get
Iron Fist Jolt in
Kansas City
New Police Chief Shows Steel in
First Swift Acts Police
Demand Respect.
the new Kansas City police chief
who came in when the Pendergast
machine was tumbled from power,
speaks with a slow Georgia drawl
and doesn't look hard, but those who
once ignored the police aren't fooled.
Chief Reed Is very hard, and the
hoodlums know about it because one
of their leaders, the Italian alien
Charles V. Carollo, brought them the
Carollo is the man who formerly
enforced the dictates of the syndi
rate that controlled gambling in
Kansas City. A state Indictment
charges that he "muscled" two men
out of a gambling house that paid
him more than $100,000 a year. A
federal indictment charges that he
neglected to pay more than $200,000
in income taxes. He became the
Italian leader when John Lazia was
machine-gunned. He was Lazia's
bodyguard up to that time. All in
all he was pretty tough.
So, when Carollo came back from
a visit with Chief Reed and passed
the word around, why the boys
knew the 34-year-old former G-man
wasn't fooling. It is said that Carollo
a few months ago, would walk Into
police headquarters, put his feet on
the commissioner's desk, and give
orders. His visit with Reed was dif
Lieut. John P. Harrington tapped
Carollo on the shoulder.
"The chief wants to see you." he
"Okeh." replied Carollo airily
"I'll drive down pretty soon."
"No." said Harrington, "you will
come now. With me. In a police
The Reed-Carollo conference was
executive. It lasted 30 minutes and
the pudgy Carollo came out wiping
his brow. Reed revealed some de
"I told him." Reed said, "that the
law would prevail in Kansas City or
that I would quit. And I don't in
tend to ault. I told him that if
necessary wewould bring his kind in
on a slab."
Reed also told Carollo the hood
lums were going to respect the police.
"You are supposed to be the leader
of the boys around town, but to me
you are just one of them," I said
"However, I want you to tell them
they can fall in line or they can
cet themselves a lot of grief. He
said he would tell them that he be
lieved he meant what I said."
After "telling off" the tough ele
ment. Reed carried his case to the
Dublic bv radio. He asked for co
operation. Then he started a depart
mental shakeup. Machine wheel
horses were ousted or demoted. Men
under probation in the vote fraud
cases resigned.
The whole business has been dis
tasteful to gamblers who formerly
worked in the GO-odd open houses
and to the hoodlums who knew they
would be "sprung" if arrested
Many of the big gamblers have
moved ' on. but the lesser fry are
still in town, hopeful that the "heat
will be turned off."
Thursday afternoon Judge C. L
Graves was called upon to unite in
marriage Marie Euretta Robirds and
Andy Jasper Arendell. both of Belle
vue. who arrived here with Cecil B.
Arendell, of Fort Crook, brother of
the groom. The brother and C. A
Rosencrans, well known barber.
served as the witnesses of the cere
from Thursdays
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Newton of
this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Rutledge of Nehawka are leaving
tomorrow morning on a motor drive
for a week's vacation to be spent in
Wyoming. While in Wyoming the
Newtons will be guests of Mrs New
ton's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Born at Hulett,, Wyoming.
From Saturday' Dally
This morning at the city hall oc
curred the marriage of Gordon C.
Cochran and Mrs. Anna Elizabeth
Cohen, both of Omaha. The mar
riage lines were read by Judge C. L.
Graves in his usual impressive man
ner and the ceremony witnessed by
Stuart Gochenour and Earl Hardl
son. Rubber Stamps, Targe or email,
at right prices at the Journal.
Homemade JelfyWins Prize for Farmer!
T AST year Ervln Swinehart, of
AJ Exeland, Wisconsin, received a
premium from the Sawyer County
'Agricultural Fair for . hlshome-
maae.-cnoKecnerry Jelly.
Mr. .Swinehart, . who farms 240
acres, admits that his hobby is help
ing children. .As a school officer and
4-H Club leader, he believes that no
leader can be a good leader without
doing the work himself and when
it comes to lessons In jellymaking.
this prize winner certainly knows
what he's talking about Mr. Swlne
hart's cooking ability "runs in the
family," too for when his daughter.
Sylvia, was only 12 years old she
won first place in the International
Contest. t -
Any man who wants to -make a
batch of homemade jellies would do
well to se a champion recipe like
this one. He'll have a perfect prod
uct every time whether or not he
enters it at the fair to compete for
a prize like Mr. Swinehart's!
Army Board
Probing Cause
Bomber Plunge
Investigation Started as to Reason
of Loss of Flying Fortress
and Nine of Crew.-
(UP) An army board of inquiry
dug in the charred-ruins of a Douglas
twin-motored bomber today for a clue
to the cause of the accident in which
nine army fliers were killed.
Air corps officials were frankly baf
fled by the bomber's sudden plunge
to earth yesterday shortly after tak
ing off on a practice flight. Some be
lieved that the cause might never be
Pilot of the plane was 25-year-old
Lieut. Homer MacKay, Lansing, Mich,
who received his commission in the
army air corps only a week ago after
graduating from the Kelly Field train
ing school in Texas.
Eye-witnesses to the crash could
not agree cn details, the accident oc
curred so quickly. But Lieut. II. M.
Melton, Jr., official Spokesman for
the army, said the board would in
vestigate reports that one or both
of the plane's motors failed after it
had gained an altitude of less than
200 feet.
The inquiry board was convened at
once and, as soon as the burning
wreckage had cooled, began examin
ing the debris. The plane was com
pletely demolished and flames con
sumed all but the metal parts which
were twisted by the crash and fused
by the extreme heat of the fire which
Members of the board who will re
port to army headquarters in Wash
ington after their investigation are
Major Clarence B. Lober, Capt. Wil-
iam H. McArthur and Lieut. Nich
olas E. Powell, all attached to Lang
ley Fied.
The plane was a standard Douglas
bomber of the tvpe known as B-18A
one of 200 of its type purchased
by the army two years ago. It was
powered by two Wright cyclone en
gines and was capable of a speed of
225 miles per hour.
When it took off at 1:28 p. m., yes
terday for a routine practice flight,
it appeared to be functioning perfect
ly. But a minute later it crashed at
the end of the field with a roar and
burned so fiercely that rescue squads
could not approach it.
Most of the eye-witnesa reports
were fragmentary, but one army of
ficer, who asked that h-'s name not
be used, gave the following account
of the accident:
'The plane took off in an unusual
(Makes about 5 medium glasses)
1 cup spearmint leaves and stems,
3V4 cups sugar
cup apple vinegar
1 cup water
Green coloring
bottle fruit pectin
'Wash spearmint. Do not remove"
the leaves from stems.
Measure into 3-quart saucepan
and press with wooden potato
masher or glass. Measure sugar,
vinegar and water into saucepan
and mix with mint.
Bring to a boil over hottest fire.
While mixture is coming to a boil,
add coloring to give desired shade.
Use coloring which fruit acids do
not fade. As soon as mixture boils,
add bottled fruit pectin, st'.rring
constantly. Then bring to a full
foiling boil and boil hard Vs minute.
Remove from fire and skim; To
remove all trace Of mint leaves.
pour hot jelly through fine sieve
into glasses. Paraffin hot jelly at
ly stiff climb and held this position
for about 150 feet, then stalled, the
motors still running they could be
plainly heard from the ground.
"The plane fell off on its left wing.
It pummeted to the earth, the nose
and left wing hitting the ground al
most simultaneously. It did not look
like a normal take-off it seemed the
plane was stalling all the time. I
watched horrified, because I believed
the plane was going to fall."
Would Establish
Bank to Supervise
Old Age Payments
Would Give $100 Per Month to All
Nebraskans Over the Age of
50 Years, Says Petition.
OMAHA. Aug. 12 (UP) Petitions
asking for a referendum at the gen
eral elections on Nov. 6, 1940, on a
proposal to establish a "Bank of Ne
braska," which would supervise pay
ment of $100 per month old-age pen
sions to all Nebraskans over 50 years
of age, are ready for distribution by
the Nebraska State Retirement Pen
sion Plan committee, Roy M. Harrap,
campaign director announced today.
Dependents would draw an addition.
al $30 per month under the plan. Only
those persons whose incomes are less
than $100 would be eligible, but in
come of the others would be supple
mented so that their total spending
power would be $100. The pension
money would have to be spent with
in GO days after receipt.
The "Bank of Nebraska" would be
capitalized at $250,000,000, through
a "letter of credit'' given to the ad
ministrator of the bank by "the people
of Nebraska." The state general fund
would be drawn upon for $2,500000
in cash to get the plan in operation.
Under terms of the constitutional
amendment, either Harrop, George
Evans, Omaha or J. L. Beebe Omaha
must be appointed the first adminis
trator of the bank. The bank would
be housed in the state capitol build
ing with branch banks located in each
of the 93 counties.
Deflation would be prohibited and
interest rates are placed at 3 per
cent in the petition.
"We figure that the big bankers
have taken more than $200,000,000
out of Nebraska by deflation," said
Harrop. We figure 100,000 persons
would be eligible for pensions, so it
would be 20 monhts before Nebraska
gets this money back.''
See the goods you "buy. Catalog
but how about the goods when
descriptions are alluring enough,
you set themT
Lay-Away Plan
Is Very Popular
Many Women Finding This the Ideal
Way to Buy Winter Coat Se
lections Now Complete
The Lay-Away Coat Sale at the
Ladies Toggery is proving a grand
success. A dollar will hold your
coat. Come in and pick out your
winter coat now while our selection
of new fall styles is complete. Pay
as little as a dollar down on any
model you select. We will put in
lay-away and you can pay the bal
ance in easy payments. When cold
weather comes, you'll be all set.
Positively the finest and smartest
coats we've ever offered at such low
prices. $9.98. $1C.75 and $19.95.
Many features of higher priced coats.
We ask that you come in please and
see for yourself.
New Fall Hats. Ribbon trim,
feathers, veils; you'll find just the
right hat to fit your fall ensemble.
All high on your head in dame fash
ion's most approved manner. Colors,
navy, rust, green, brown and black.
$1.00, 91.95 and 92.95.
Children's School Dresses. Just re
ceived a large shipment of Shirley
Temple and Deanna Durbin dresses
in sizes 6 to 1C, priced at 91.00 and
New Fall prints in Ladies Dresses,
sizes 11 to 52. Guaranteed fast color
and plenty of style. Your choice for
only 91.00.
Shop of Personal Service.
Thursday evening a pleasant gath
ering of the Edmisten family was
held at the home of Mrs. Martha
Pickering of Union, this being the
first time for several years the broth
ers and sisters were all together.
At 8 o'clcok a delightful dinner
was served and the evening spent in
visiting and getting acquainted with
the new members of the family.
Those attending the gathering
were Mrs. Alice Pickering and daugh
ters, Beulah and Evelyn, Mr. and
Mrs. William Pickering and chil
dren, Wilma, Myra, Shirley and
Ru Dean all of Kansas City. Mo-
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pickering, Yank
ton, South Dakota: Mr. and Mrs
Alphonse Wurdinger and son, Don
ald of Hoskins, Nebraska: George
Edmisten, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ed
misten and children. Angle and
George of Nebraska City; Mrs. Fran
cis Dukes, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Dukes and daughters, Eetty Jean,
Irene and Tatty of Council Bluffs;
Mr. and Mrs. John Chambers and
children, Leon, Rue Dean and Irene
of Omaha; Charles Edmisten, Mr.
and Mrs. Byron Galland and chil
dren, Jean, Vernon, Analee and
Marilyn of Plattsmouth; Mrs. Mollie
Garrens and grandsons Billie and
Jackie Garrens, James and Thomas
Hamilton, Paul and Winona Picker
ing of Union; and the hostess, Mrs.
Martha Pickering.
Adolph Wesch, well known and
popular young man, residing west of
this city, who is now on a tour of
Germany and visiting his parents in
the land of his birth, has written
greetings to the friends in a letter
from the Bremen, giant German line
steamer, on Friday, July 28th, the
boat then being some 2.000 miles
out from New York City and due
to dock at Cherburg. France, the
first port of call and from which the
letter was mailed. Mr. Wesch, how
ever was remaining in the boat to
land at Bremen on Tuesday, going
on from that city to Baden and the
home of his parents, at Obrigheim
Baden. He states that the seas were
very high in the last days of the
trip, altho the size of the Bremen
made the travel more pleasant than
a smaller boat. He also states the
meals were fine and that the real
German brewed beer on board was
Telling of his Initial Journey Mr.
Wesch states that he was forced to
change busses at Columbus. Ohio, as
the initial bus was too slow and he
took a faster bus and Just arrived
in New York in time for the sailing
on the Bremen.
John Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs
William Kelly of near Manley and
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John
Jlrousek of this city, is In the St.
Joseph hospital recuperating from
tn appendectomy operation which he
underwent on Thursday.
f .
y Thomas Walling Company "f
4 Abstracts of Title b
4. Phone 324 - Plattsmouth
j!.H..H"M"I--I M"I"H M-M-t
Wedding is Held
This Week
Louisville Young Lady and Plitts-
mouth Young Man United by
Justice of Peace at Omaha.
Alyce Gess. only daughters of Mr.
Edward Gess of Louisville, and EKin
C. Shryock, eldest son of Mr. and
Mr?. F. G. Shryock of this city, ere
riarried on Monday, August 7 in
Omaha. The couple was ui.ited in
Piarriage in the effice of the j'"tl'e
of the peace and were attended by
Mr. and Mrs. CheMer Eag--r, the
latter a sister of the bride.
The groom, the eJdst eon nt Mr.
and Mrs. P. G. Shryo k who reside
at 1402 Vine street, was born Mid
reared in this city. A graduate of the
Plattsmouth high school in the tlass
of 1935, he is twenty-two years of
age and is employed with th A. W.
Farney Construction company of.
The bride was born and reared In
the Louisville community and is the
only daughter of Mr. Edward (5ss.
When a babe her mother parsed
away and she was adopted by her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Eager with whom she
has made her home all these years.
She, like her husband, is twenty-two
years of age and is a graduate of the
Louisville high school.
The couple will make their home
with the groom's parents in this
city for the time being.
District Judge W. W. Wilson had
a busy fTme Wednesday in the dis
trict court as a large number of mat
ters of business were pending and
in the court disposed of a number
of cases.
In the foreclosure case of Oscar
M. Smith vs. John Osborn. Attorney
Florence Fouchek was appointed by
the court as guardian ad liteum of
John H. Osborn alias Frank Gray.
In the case of Robert M. Painter
vs. J. V. Hinchman. an action to
quiet title, the default of the de
fendants was entered and the decree
signed by the court.
In the case of Theodore R. Baker
vs. Delia C. Baker, order was enter
ed that defendant was to pay Into
the court in addition to $5 per week.
$20 for house rent for June and
$10 for gas and electricity for June
and July. The case was set for hear
ing later in August.
In the divorce action of Maxine
Cowden vs. Raymond Cowden, th de
fault of the defendant entered and
the plaintiff granted a decree of di
vorce as prayed for.
The damage suit of Dorothy Yost
vs. the Missouri Pacific Transpor
tation Co., the matter was trans
ferred on motion of the defendant
to the federal court for trial.
From the west coast comes the
tragic story of the death of a man
who for a number of years made his
heme here and will be recalled by
many, George Sherbondy, 81, who
was found dead at his home not far
from Los Angeles a few days ago. He
had been receiving old age assistance
and it was found that he had some
small property and led to the request
of the refund of the sums paid out.
The aged man had evidently brooded
over the case and with his suicide
in mind had turned out the chickens
on his small tract of land, fired the
house and was found in his car, a
victim of monoxide gas. He had left
a note and in which he exclaimed
in bitterness, "I thought the old ace
assistance was to make old people
happy, instead of persecuting."
While a resident here some twenty-five
years ago. Mr. Sherbondy was
a clerk at the then Hotel Riley, now
known as the Hotel Plattsmouth.
After leaving here he had gone west
and trace of him was lost by former
friends until the story of his end
came through the press.
Jcurnal Job Printing Pleases.
Uool Suits
for Year Round
Every Style, Every Size
Tailored to Order
Where Quality Counts X