?AGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUMTAL MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1939. P. 1 1 l ! C I : t l I , ; 1 ' 1 I J , T 1 : r the Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, KEBKASKA Entered at Poatofflce, Plattsmouth, Neb.. econd-claRP mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PBICE $2.00 A YEAB IN FIBST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living: in Second Postal Zone. $2.50 per year. Beyond 600 miles, 13.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, f J.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. Wabash News John Wood has his truck hauling Ftone for the county in their work of hardsurfacing the county roads. Louis Schmidt and family spent the day last Sunday as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. "Wink ler. Mr. Schmidt and Mrs. Winkler are brother and sister. AVilliam Vogt has been confined to his home and bed with a severe case of scarlet fever. It is reported the children ara also afflicted with the malady. Thj home is quarantined. Paul Murfit;, who has been on the Mad with a crew of magazine solici tors for some time, has discontinued li is work with them and has accept ed a position on the farm of Robert I ons, near South Bend. Miss r.everly Schmidt visited in Weeping AVater over the week end, btng a guest at the home of Mr. and ?Irs. Guy Hinds and calling on her little friends, the Misses Agnes and Juan Hinds, who formerly resided here. K. M. Jumper of Ashland was a visitor in Wabash and Elmwood last Monday, and as he was passing the point where the wreck occurred that lesulted in such serious injuries to J I! . C. Christensen. he assisted in get- . m . - r i ting the unfortunate man free f rom the wreckage Getting Esady for School With the rapid approach of the time for the opening of the Wabash schools, preparations are being made to get the school house and grounds ready for the opening of the school year. John Cardwell and Jack West are redecorating the building and putting everything in shape. Home from the West Mrs. II. 11. Gerbeling and daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Colbert, arrived home' Wed nesday of la week from a month Fpent in tha southwest. They visited a sister of Mrs. Gerbeling at Los An f.cles and later went to San Fran cisco, where they attended the fair. They were very fortunate in that it rained as they drove through the des ert, while as a rule it is blistering hot and no rainfall. The nights were cool and comfortable. They also called on Mrs. Gerbe liiig's brothers, the Ferguson boys, ai Long Ceach. En route home, Mrs. Gerbeling remained a short time at ti e Colbert home in Lincoln, after which Mr. and Mrs. Colbert brought 1 a r en to Wabash, completing a very pleasant journey and sightseeing trip. SPENT PEW HOURS HEBE Mr. and Mis. Ralph Milliard and youngest daughter of Lincoln, en route to Iowa to visit over the week end. stepped in Plattsmouth Satur day forenoon and spent a few hours at the Klmor Webb home. Mr. and M13. Hilliard and Elmer Webb were rarscd in the little inland Iowa town of Grant City and attended school together there some 33 years ago. With the exception of once during the World war they had not met since 19.0S. A pleasant hour was spent in identifying the various faces on an old school picture, the search for which brought the first ward coun cilman upon an addressed and stamp ed post card he had written to Mrs. Hilliard in the fall of 190S at Sac City, Iowa, but failed to mail and new 31 years later it was delivered in person without benefit of the pos tal service. The Hilliard family are distant relatives of Harriet Hilliard Is'ilson, radio singer, and Ralph's father, now deceased, was long ac tive in musicial circles in that small community, directing a band that vas the prid-J of the surrounding countryside. Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Ray House were in Lincoln. Bertrand McDonald is visiting his father a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ely Adelman took their baby to an Omaha hospital. Mrs. E. L. McDonald's aunt, Mrs. Arnold, of Long Beach, Calif, visited her last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peters were guests at the Koehler home in Lin coln last Sunday. Frank Kyles, of Spaulding, who has been visiting relatives here, left for home Monday. Mrs. E. L. McDonald. John and Robert Lee spent the week end r.t Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kyles were in Lincoln Sunday to see their daugh ter and new grandson. Mrs. Merril Stewart and Mrs. Ear son called at the John Welsh home at Ashland Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welton spent the week end at home. Mr. Welton returned to his work Monday. Mrs. Glenn Peters took her daugh ters, Joan. Panice and Dale to a birthday party in Omaha Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Etheredge, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alton and family of Omaha spent Sunday with relatives at Alvo. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Burks and daughters spent Sunday at Colum bus with Mrs. Burk's sister and family. Dorothy and Jackie Vant left for a visit at Long Beach, California. Mrs. Fred Palmquist was in Lin coin Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kyles and Mr. and Mrs. Urban Kyles spent Sunday at the Dr. Wallace home in Friend. Little Janice Keller returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holke were in Ceresco Sunday, to visit their daugh ters, Margaret and Mamie. Thelma, who has been visiting there, return ee; home with them. Mrs. Glenn Peters visited Mrs. Elton Keller and baby at St. Eliza beth hospital Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Elrod. Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Elrod and Sadie and Joe of Denton called at the Garfield Elrod home Sunday. TENNIS C0UHTS IN FINE PLAYING CONDITION NOW The N'YA Is completing its work hi "Calvert Courts," now under the supervision of the city park board. A nail toothed drag is being con structed and this with the large rol ler will servo to keep the playing s;rface in fine condition. Water has bttn installed and is available for sprinkling t'i'? courts as necessary. The remaining work for the NYA there includes the placing of rock re vetment along the banks and possibly some sodding of the upper portion of the banks later this fall. There is probability the NYA boys v. ill next be put to work on the oft d:snifsed and much-planned sunken c'i.rden project on west Main street, according to Dan Houston, district NYA supervisor, who was here today from Nebraska City. A colored f on li ft, in is included in the plans for the bcr.utification of that tract of ground located on ibe north side of Main 3trcct and just west of the Joseph Hadraba ho:ie, in a natural draw that run3 the entire length of the block from Avenue A to Main street, occupying part of a street vacated by the council ct the time of the first agitation for a sunken garden. The boys employed on NYA are from certified homes and the wages they earn serve to cut down the di lect relief load that would otherwise dt voire upon the county. Subscribe for the Journal. POCKET AND WRIST WATCHES 1.00fo3.95 ALARM CLOCKS '1.00 to $2.95 SOUTH BEND Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zaar were Thursday callers at Mrs. Cora Camp bell's. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hendricksen spent Sunday at the V. D. . Livers home. F. J. Knecht and Bill Rosencyans were business visitors in Omaha Monday. Mrs. Sadie Shader and Gerald were Sunday guests at the F. J Knecht home. Sunday dinner guests at J. L. Car- nicle"s were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Frahm of Ithaca. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fidler and Elaine were Sunday evening callers at -the M. E. Rushnell home. - Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Martin in Ashland "Wednesday even ing, v Mr. and Mrs. Pleas Proctor and family were Wednesday evening sup per guests with Mrs. Nancy Streight and Glenn Thiessen's. Mr. and Mrs. John Novak of Chi cago spent Thursday at the Merril Nannon home. Myra Hendrix of Ashland was also a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blum drove to Omaha Sunday, where they were guests of Mrs. Blum's sister, Mrs. Edward Peters and family. Mrs. Wm. Blum and Helen, and Mrs. Carl Hartman and the twins visited their uncle James Christen sen in Elmwood, Thursday. Saturday evening dinner guests at the Lem McGinnis home were Mrs. Myra Hendrix of Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. John Novak of Chicago. Sunday guests at the David Camp bell home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Preston and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Campbell and son and Mrs. Cora Campbell and Russel. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davis of Hal lom were calling on South Bend friends Tuesday evening. Jerry Streight went home with them for a short vacation before school be gins. Little Jamie Dill was visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill, while his mother, Mrs. B. B. Dill and Vernon Dill drove to Cen tral City to visit relatives and friends. Paul Eugene Reinke returned to his home Friday after having spent a week in Omaha with his aunt. Miss Margaret Thieman. Margaret came to spend her vacation at home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thorwald Hansen and family spent Wednesday even ing with Mrs. Hansen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fosberg. Mrs. Cora Campbell and Russel were also callers. Mrs. Robert Carnicle of Platts mouth was a Wednesday dinner guest at the J. L. Carnicle home. Sunday evening callers at B. O. Mconey's were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cordes and family. Sunday dinner guests at Merril Nannon's were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Axthelm. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Axthelm, Eldon, Marjorie and Don ald Engelbrecht of Lincoln and Mrs. Minnie Nannon of Omaha. Mrs. Ida Thieman and daughters Elda and Margaret, Marvin Sutton and Bill Behrens of Plankington, South Dakota, motored to Reynolds, Nebraska. Wednesday to 'visit Mrs. Thieman's sister, Mrs. V. V. Pierce and family. They returned Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Has wcll and family called on Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel and Loran Thurs day evening. They were celebrating the birthdays of Mr. Vogel and Mr. Haswell. A delicious luncheon of sandwiches, pickles, ice cream and birthday cake was served. Car Accident When Mrs. George Braun, ' who had been visiting her mother, Mrs. Yaeger in Alvo, Wednesday, was re turning to her home, her car struck a large chunk of gravel and dirt teft in the road west of the Conrad Reinke home by the maintainer, which had gone over the road re- Don't Neclect Them t Nature designed the kidney, to do 5lf'Sr Jb-Their taek i. to keep thi flowing blood stream free of an exesaa of toxic impurities. The act of living,?. nVV? ,2.,kldne' must remove from the blood if rood health U to endure! When the kidneya fu to function m Nature intended, there to riXSSoi? of waste that may c.ua. bodJ-Sa. dl trees. One may aufler ninint backache. E,""' nd.che. attack. It ti letting tip mghta, ewelling, puffinem wornVuu Cye-,el tir. VrvSSr 3 .1..",vuent' enty or burning panacea The recognized and proper treatment ? rWf.Ldicin? eFp the kidSJy. pet rid of excess poisonous body waste, k?-?" They jEvVhid mu arug stores. cently. The car overturned and roll ed into a cornfield Mrs. Braun was rushed to a Doctor as soon as pos sible. Her 'nose was broken and her face cut, besides being severely bruised and shaken. Her family docT tor called on her Thursday and found her as well as "could be expected. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. ' . .. Friendly Circle Club The Friendly Circle club met last Thursday with Mrs. Helena Timm. Each lady was to name or sing her favorite song "in answering roll call. Due to threatening rains, many lad ies were absent. Mrs. Nancy Streight received a prize for her solo. Mrs. Helen Mboney, chairman of the re freshment committee, arid her group or ladies served a delicious luncheon. Mrs. Sohl of Ashland was a visitor. Cars Crash at Intersection A serious car accident occurred at the Alex Zaar corner southwest of South Bend last Monday : morning, when the car driven by A. O. Moore, of Plattsmouth, who is ' Burlington agent at Ashland, and a car driven by John Finkle collided. Mr, Finkle was accompanied by II. Christensen of Weeping Water.' Mr. Mcore, who was en , route to work, received minor injuries, but the two Weeping Water men were much more seriously injured. Mr. Christensen was taken to a hospital in Lincoln and is still in a. critical condition. County Sheriff Joe Mrasek was called to the scene of the acci dent. FIRST VACATION IN 23 YEARS CARLYLE. 111. (UP) Robert Shade, elderly janitor in Clinton county courthouse here, enjoyed his first vacation in 23 years. Super visors discovered the only time he had lost in his service as Janitor was during one or two brief periods of illness, and gave him 30 days leave with pay. M i .'! This big, up-to-date Webster Dic tionary has more than 900 pages ; ; : over 40,000 words i i i many special features. Bound in semi flexible black artificial leather, gilt stamped, round corners, red edges, ' headbands, four-color frontispiece . . . printed on strong white paper. It will be sent you postpaid in an attractive carton. ACT TQMY! USE THIS FREE DICTIONARY COUPON MAIL TO PSattsmouih Journal PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. Sample dictionary Telephone Co. Head Ends 40 Years' Service Former Night Operator in Platts mouth Plant Presented With a Diamond Service Emblem. To mark the completion of 40 years of telephone service, Lloyd B. Wilson, president of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., was re cently presented with a diamond service emblem by F. G. Macarow general personnel manager. Like all presidents of. the asso ciated companies of the Bell system, Mr. Wilson came from the ranks His first job with the telephone com pany at the age of 16 was night oper ator In Plattsmouth, Nebr. Aftc. serving in various capacities he was appointed in 1919, general commer cial superintendent of the North western Bell Telephone Co., oper ating in the states of Nebraska, Min nesota. Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota. He held this position until 1925 when he went to Nev, York to become general commercial engineer of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. . In 1929 Mr. Wilson came to Wash ington as president of the Chasn peake & Potomac Telephone Cos. In addition to his business interests, he Is identified with church, civic and charitable activities In the ter ritory. GOVERNOR PRAISES PAY SYSTEM INDIANOLA, Neb., Au-. 11 (UP) Gevernor Roy L. Cochran told Red Willow county old settlers yesterday that Nebraska had kept on a pay-as-you-po basis despite new demands for assistance programs and expanded governmental functions. He said Ne braska had moved with other states in contributing aid to many citizens, p USE THIS COUPON NAME. R. F. D. or ST.. CITY. on display at our office. Book will be mailed Direct to Children . By Judge Copyright 1939 For Her Own Good Irene's parents, quiet, unassuming people, not much given to fun and laughter, could not understand their 15-year-old's popularity. Neither could they perceive any reason for her being invited to more parties than it was possible for her to at tend. To an outsider the reason was obvious. A brilliant mind, an ex ceptionally pretty face, and a sym pathetic nature won her friends not only among her boy and girl class mates, but also among the faculty members of the high school. Difficulties occurred in the home because of her being away too much after school hours and returning too late at night. Like little Cinderella, she did not obey the mandate of. be in:; home and in bed by 11 o'clock. Thinking they might thus per suade her to come home earlier, the parents begsn locking the door against her at night. When they heard her turning the knob, they would arise and admit her. Irene changed her hours not at all. One night the parents failed to awaken when Irene tried the door. She went to a basement window, opened it, and as she was letting herself through, slipped and struck her face, cutting an ugly gash. Then fearful of having her par ents discover her, she went quietly to her room, wiped away the blood, buc not realizing the depth of the wound, took no precautions to pre vent infection. By 3:30 that morning she was i:J. She called her mother and ex plained the accident. Knowing the building: highways, and maintaining state institutions, and still had not The New Universities WEBSTER DICTIONARY With Your , New or Renewal Subscription to Plattsmouth Semi-VJeekly Journal at only 2-00 TTERE is the most sensational subscription offer you have ever seen! This big 900 -page New Universi ties Webster Dictionary is yours ABSOLUTELY FREE with your new or renewal subscription to this paper at the regular rate of $2 plus 19 packing and mailing charge I YOUMUST ACT QUICKLY! This amazing SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER is limited, Mail youi subscription NOW! Plattsmouth Semi-Ueekly (Journal PLATTSMOUTH, NESR, Please send me FREE New Universities Web ster Dictionary. I am enclosing $2,00 for my subscripton, plus 19c for packing and mailing. STATE. Crossroads Ernest L. Reeker girl's fever was dangerous, the moth er immediately telephoned a physi cian. It was necessary for the doctor to perform some surgery before he could sew thi wound because infec tion had mad headway. Irene's face wan scarred beyond repair, her beauty gone. The wound healed, but Irene's personality changed to the opposite of its former cliarm. She developed an inferiority complex and continu ally held her hand over the scar so that the few people she met would not see it. Her place in the world today is in front of a dish-pan in a restaur fnt, where all day long, day in and day out, she washes dishes. Those v ho adored her have a sorrowful memory of how Irene fell from the pinnacle of popularity and progress to menial labor because of her failure to obey a parental injunction made for her own benefit. Returning home late at night should not be condoned by any par ent; neither should the house be locked again-st a child, even though ho may be entirely at fault. Such severe discipline creates delinquency and undesirable habits of behavior. It is natural for children to seek the companionship of other children interested in the same things. The surest way to avoid tragic results in childish attachments is to let a child know that It and his friends are welcome at home. resorted to nuisance tax levies en acted in other states. you by publisher. MM LOOK FOR z&g ON THE DIAL