The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 03, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1939.
Mrs. J. D. Cross was a dinner
guest of Rev. and Mrs. McGaughe?
t-n Sunday.
Mrs. Paul Aprlcgatc and daughter
wcr in riattsmouth last Monde?
looking after some shopping.
Rural calls receive the same
prompt attention as calls closer in
Porter Funeral Home, Nebraska
Mrs. J. C. Snavely was taken quite
sick Sunday night, requiring thi at
tendance of a physician, but, i
somewhat improved.
Supt. . D. Bugbee and wife who
have been at the lakes in Minnesota
for gome time past enjoying a vaca
tion, returned home late last week
Miss Augusta Robb was pleased ?o
have as her guest for a number of
days last week Mrs. Herbert Jones
cf Alliance. Mrs. Jones is a cousin
of Miss Robb.
Last Sunday Dale Karnopp and
family were in Lincoln visiting
friends and relatives and while they
were away the drug store was look
ed after by Donald Wolfe.
Frank Bauer and sister, Anna ami
the girls from Oklahoma, Dorothy,!
Ruth and Bessie Ann, were over to
the river at the Beil lake last Sun
day where they enjoyed a very fint
Mrs. Victor Clarence and daugh
ters, Misses Dorothy. Iola Mae and
Louise, were in Omaha laft Sunday
visiting at the -home of the parents
of Mrs. Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Miss Floy Whitworth was hostess
to Misses Dorothy, Ruth and Bessie
Ann Nickles last Sunday evenir.s
for a very nice luncheon and after
which they all went for a stroll ii:
the evening.
Last Tuesday morning D. B. Por
ter departed in his auto for north
ern Minnesota where he will spend
a week fishing at one of the lakes, j
Mr. Porter was there last year and
found the fishing fine.
Mrs. J. F. Knecht of South Bend
wis in Nehawka and getting hei
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. W:n
dcrlich. brought them to Union for
a ride and also to visit friends here
for a short time last Monday after
noon. On Friday of last week Miss Aug
usta Rohb entertained at her honiei
the Episcopalian Ladies' Auxiliary.!
when a large number of the mem
bership was present and much work
done in furtherance of the interests
of the church.
Mrs. W. A. Taylor has some fit-j
teen young girls taking crocheting
lessons and with each attempting a
difficult stitch is keeping their in
structor pretty busy during the time
of the lessons. However the are
getting along very fine.
Mrs. W. H. Barriot who was in
Omaha for a greater part of last
week with her sister Mrs. Est her j
Bryan, returned home last Sunday
evening. She reports the sister get
ting along nicely now and hopes of
ultimately entirely recovering.
Eugene Applegate of Omaha was a
visitor in Union over the week end.
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Frans and was also visiting
friends. He was also joined by hit
brother. Farmer Applegate who
makes his home at Oakland, Cali
fornia. Miss Dorothy Nickles who has
been at the Frank and Anna Bauer
home for the summer is to depart
for her home at Ponca, Oklahoirp.
:.r exactly
Friday and will enter summer school
the coming Monday. The two sis
ters, Ruth and Bessie Ann will re
main until near September lEt be
fore returning home.
Mrs. Frank Barkus and daughter,
Miss Betty, of Plainview, where Mr.
Barkus Is Burlington station agent,
were visiting over the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Fos
ter, were with Mrs. Foster and their
mother, Mrs. L. G. Larson visiting
and looking after some business
matters at riattsmouth last Sunday
Kenneth Hohaek, son of Mr. an-.
Mrs. John Hoback while working
with the lawn mower had the mis
fortune to get a number of his fin
gers in the cutting apparatus of the
machine with the result that the
fingers were badly mangled. They
were dressed by the doctor and are
getting along very well, although
very sore.
Mrs. Millie LaRue, who has been
visiting in California for some time
is to return home at an early date
and in order to give her a welcome
Mrs. Wyne Garrett and husbano
came down from their home in Om
ha and Hubert LaRue came from
Glenwood. Iowa and cleaned the
house and rearranged the furniture
that they might surprise the mother
on her return home.
Miss Augusta Robb on Wednes
day of this week departed for Lo.-
Angeles where she will be located
at 365 South Clover Dale. Los An
geles, 'where she will visit relatives
for a time, and as to how long she
has not determined, but for the
summer anyway and perhaps th:
Depart on 10-Day Vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Banning and
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Reynolds depart
ed for a vacation trip last Tuesday
which will include first a trip to the
Black Hil's of South Dakota and
after having seen the wonders ot
this rugged mountainous country
will go to Wyoming, and will also
visit at Yellowstone park and as well
the celebrated Jackson Hole country
and will wind up with a visit to
Denver and return home via tho
central Nebraska route.
Give Newlyweds Shower.
One day last week the friends of
Mesdames Donald Hatcliff and Rich
ard Allison who were formerly the
Misses Ada and Mary Armstrong
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John
Armstrong, gave these young ma
trons a shower at which" a large
number of the young ladies were
present and aided in providing i
merry time for them.
Entertains Friends.
Miss Augusta Robb who left Wed
nesday for an extended visit with
friends in California, gave a group
of her Union friends a very pleasant
outing on the previous Monday eve
ning when she invited them to atterd
a show at Nebraska City at the Over
land and later a treat at the Coffee
Shoppe. The guests were Mrs. L. G
Todd. Mrs. W. M. Barritt, Mrs. P. F
Rihn. Mrs. Fannie Eikenhary ard
Miss Mary Becker. Mrs. Rihn kindly
acted as chauffeur, taking the ladies
down in her car.
Methodirt Ladies' Aid.
The Methodist Ladles' Aid met
at the church Thursday afternoon
of last week with Mrs. Ray Youn
ker and Mrs. Winnie Crawford as
hostesses. The ladies quilted at the
church and later repaired to the
heme of Mrs. Younker where they
were treated to a very nice lunch
served by the hostesses.
Here to Apply for Position.
Fred Wolter and wife of Arling
ton, accompanied by a sister of Mr.
Wolter and as well Gerald Wolter
and Rev. G. W. Wolter, pastor oi
the Evangelical church at Arling
ton, were in Union last Monday
where Prof. Fred Wolter was inter
viewing the board of education re
garding his application. The party
were also in their way to Murdoch
where the parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Gakemeier, make their home
end where they visited for a day
and later went to northwest Iowa
before returning to Arlington.
Test This Quick Relief
Try one dose "Dr. Piatt's RIN'EX Prescrip
tion." Relief usually begins in m few min
utes.. A physician's internal medicine in con
venient capsuies, tasteless a boon for suf
ferers from Hay Fever, Rose Fever, Head
Colds, Catarrh. Asthma. Not habit-f onnin.
Sneezing, wheezing, itching- eyes, running
none quickly relieved. Satisfaction within a
lew hours guaranteed or money back, i'our
druggist recommends RINEX. tl.OO.
n ithout Laxatives and You'll Eat
Everything from Soup to Nuts
Ths arnraacb should d.fsst tno pounds of food
alls'. Whn you sat heavy, creasy, coare or
ru h food or whan you ars nerrou. hurried or
"rhaw porly-Tour stoinarh eftea pours out too
taurh fluid. Tour food djrra'l di(sl and you
have gas. heartburn, nauaea. pain or sour
stumarh. Tou fee! sour. lick and uptet alt eaer.
Puctors say nar tat s laiailie for atomb
E-in. It is da nacrous and foniiab. It takes tnuae
tt's b!s-k Ub:e:a called Be!!-aas for ladis-emoo
to auks tf. cxceis ituxaca flulda harmleaa. relieve
el :tre.; tn no time and put yru bstk est your
feet Belief Is so quick It 1" amaslnc aud one 2So
proTss u. AilL for BU-as lor Indifuiion,
Miss Betty Kendle of Omaha is
the guest of Miss Virginia Trum
ble. A large crowd was in attendance
at the Eagle picnic for the first day,
Donald and Jean Axe of Lincoln
arc visiting their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Y. Pier sol.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stradley of
Greenwood visited Mrs. Lydia Wil
liams last Sunday afternoon.
The Trinity Lutheran Aid held an
i-e cream social at the Eagle fire
l.ouse last Saturday evening.
Mre. John Weyers was hostess to
tne East O Street club at hen home
ou Thursday afternoon of last week.
Mss Audrey Fishburn of Chapman
and Floyd llursh of Grand Island
spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. W.
l:. Hursh.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence MjMasicr of Beloit, Kan
sas. July 26th.
Charles Gray, Sr., of Douglas, is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. II.
May and family.
George Trankcnbolz has begun the
construction of a new office building
north of the Walberg service sta
tion. Ralph Rausford arrived home last
Saturday morning. Ralph has been
visiting relatives in California since
the early part of June.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Longman and
Vernon att?nded the funeral ser
vices held for Frank Gillett in Elm
wood last Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ii. H. Root and
Lloyd left :'or Alliance Wednesday
morning of last week. Mr. Root will
thresh near Alliance again this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright Gillett and
son of Lincoln called at the home of
Mrs. Gillett' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Longman, last Sunday even
ing. Miss I.averne Allen of Lincoln has
sTjent the pa.;t ten days visiting her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Alkn and other relatives and
friends. j
Mr. and irs. George Hoffmeister
nnd daughter of Weeping Water vis
ited last Sunday evening with Mrs.
Anna Earl und Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jones and Mrs.
.'nna Kliets h entertained at din
ner on Monday of this week, Mrs.
Klietsch's brther, Fred Kroehler and
Mrs. Kroehli of Havelock.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ilarley Smith during the week
end were Mrs. Kenneth Kennedy
and children of Omaha and Mr. and
Mis. Willard Gillespie of Lincoln.
Mrs. Pauline Ollerman left with daughter, Mrs. Bertha Wulf of
Lincoln, on a motor trip to Califor
nia last Sunday. They will visit
Aaron Vance, Mrs. Wulf's son, while
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Siekman and
children speut Sunday in Columbus
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutton.
Little Miss Maria Mae Sutton ac
companied them home and is visit
ing relatives here.
John Stover and family moved
here from Stella the first of this
v. t-ek and havj located in the house
owned by Mrs. Marie Hamilton. Mr.
Stover will have charge of the Mis
souri i'acihe station.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hite. of Weep
ing Water spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wright the lat
ter part of hist week. They returned
lact week from a motor trip through
the north central states and over
into Canada.
The Yum -Yum Cooking Club
The Yum -Yum Cooking club met
with Velma Siekman July 27. Mar
ion Dysart i.nd Elizabeth Gardner
were not present. Each member took
piece of sponge cake which they
had baked to be judged.
The club took up Problem 4
Cakes, Courteses, Dishwashing, also
Problem 5 Picnic Supper. Salads,
Sandwiches. After the meeting a
lunch of fruit jello, cookies and iced
Clink was served. Following the
lunch, games were played.
Visitors were Joan "Axe and La-
verne Allen. The next meeting will
be held at the home of Margaret
Wulf. Barbara Boren, Reporter.
whether your printing JoT Is
large or smaii. it will recslva our
prompt attention. Call No. 5.
girls with r&lr
If you are peppy nd fiil cf fun, men will
invite you to dances) and parties.
BUT if you are cross, Ustiass and tired,
men won't be interested. Men don't like
"truiet" girls. When they go to parties they
want girls along who are full of pep.
So in case you need a good general system
tonic, remember for 3 generations one
woman has told another bow to go "smiling
thru" with Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. It helps build up mora physical
resistance and thus aids in giving you mora
pep and lessens distress from lemal.6 func
tional disorders.
You'll ftnd Pinkhsm'a Compound WELL
Weeping Water
Lyle Jewcil Is spending this week
at Camp Strader at Crete.
Miss Doris Janet Marshall spent
th week end with her friend, Miss
Pearl Reuter at Murdock.
The Lions club held their regular
meeting Wednesday at the luncheon
hour at the Laurel hotel.
The Danish Ladies Aid Society are
meeting this (Thursday) afternoon
at the home cf Mrs. Herman Rauth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haning of
Waverly were Sunday guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ray Smith.
Mrs. J. S. Shrauger is entertaining
the Bide-A-Wee club at her home in
the Wolcott apartments this (Thurs
day) afternoon.
Mrs. Miller Christensen and
daughter Hilda were week end visi
tors at the home of Mr. and Mr3
Leo Christensen.
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Gray were
Plattsmouth visitors Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Gray's parents, Mr
and Mrs. W. II. Puis.
Mrs. Henry Snell was quietly n
Joying the passing of her bir'lhc'r.j
and was assisting Mr. Snell with the
work at the cream station.
Sam Baker left last week for
Greencastle, Indiana, where he will
be employed as carpenter by Harold
Myers for a number of weeks.
Ralph Jewell and Harold Domingo
are in Barrington, Illinois, where
they are visiting at t lie home of
Rr.lph's bro'her, Robert Jewell.
Newly-elected officers for the
Weeping Water post of the American
region are: Lloyd H. Behrends, com
mander; Cecil G. Davis, adjutant.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fels, o!
Sioux City, Iowa were over night
visitors at the E. A. Fisher home
Thursday. Mrs. Fels is a sister ot
Mrs. Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lien and two
daughters, Mrs. Ray Holtz and Mips
Marion and son. Robert, of Fair
bury, were visiting Mr. and Mrs
C. S. Lien Friday afternoon.
The ladies of the Foreign Mis
sionary Society of ' the Methodist
church held a covered dish luncheon
in the basement of the church Wed
nesday with a program afterward.
Mrs. Herman Roeber and children
of near Louisville and Mrs. LouH
Roeber of near Murdock were in
Weeping Water Tuesday looking
after business and also visiting with
Clair Wolfe, editor of the Weep
ing Water Republican departed for
Fort Crook last Monday to attend
the ROTC and will remain for the
rest of the term in the quartermas
ters division.
Mrs. Henry A. Tool, secretary
treasurer of the Cass County Chap
ter, American Red Cross, was a visi
tor in Weeping Water looking aftr
business connected with the order
last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boyd, John
Sterner, Mrs. Mabel Simmons Wel
len and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dennis,
of Elmwood, enjoyed a picnic sup
per on the river near Louisville
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Lee Schuleter and children of
Omaha were guests for the day at
the heme of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Lane last Sunday whre
they enjoyed a fine visit, returning
home in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Snipes drove,
down from Lincoln Monday evening
to attend the ice cream social on
the Congregational church lawn
and to have a visit with their many
Weeping Water friends.
Mrs. Ole Olsen returned Sunday
f-om Chicago, where she spent the
p;rst month. She was accompanied
home by her daughters, Dorothy and
Pr.uline, who will spend a few weeks
visiting with their parents.
Richard Kecklcr and wife depart
ed early last week for the south
where they are enjoying a vacation
trip which is taking them to Kan
sas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas?.
They expect to be gone about two
Mrs. A. H. Jones was hostess to
the 500 Club Wednesday evening.
There were tight members present
nd a very delightful evening was
spent. Delicious refreshments were
served late in the evening by the
Corporal Verne Amick who is at
the CMTC at Fort Crook for his sec
ond year and has received the at-j
printment of corporal was home lis
week end and returned to remain
until the date of the close of the
training, A.ugust 9th.
Mrs. Nettie B. Amick, mother ol
the postmaster has not been in the
beet of health and has been kept to
her home and a portion of time to bed. However she is just now
3howing some improvement whicn
it is hoped will be permanent.
Mrs. Ewart and son David ol
Wahoo, were calling on friends ir
Weeping Water Saturday afternoon.
They had been visiting their farm
west of town, and a6 David Kaii
"Looking to see if they could spend
their crop money before time."
Chicken stealing is about the low
est form of thieving a man can do.
Some tired housewife works tor
weeks caring for her chickens and
then some lazy good-for-nothing
comes along and carries them away
No penalty is too severe for such
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crew and
dKUghter Betty of Geneva, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Jenkins and son Robert
of Lincoln, Miss Luella Crew of Lin
coln and George Crew of Dayton,
Ohio, were Sunday afternoon and
eninc guests at the Frank Mar
shall home.
James Dew, formerly of Platts
mouth and Weeping AVater, ana
wife, formerly Miss Askew, who
have been making their home in
California returned to Plattsmouth
last week for a visit with the folks
of Mr. Dew and also visiting here at
the home of the parents of Mrs. Dw.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askew.
The ice cream social given by the
ladies of the Congregational church
on the lawn of the church Monday
evening, with the Weeping Water
band giving a program, drew a large
crowd, and proved to be a big suc
cess. The evening was perfect and
everyone seemed to be in the mood
to enjoy the fine music and the
home made lee cream.
Mrs. Mary Cole, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. George Ellis,
returned to her home in Lincoln
Sunday and her relatives here accom
panied her home and all enjoyed a
picnic dinner together in Antelope
Park. Those who went were Mr.
and Mrs. George Ellis, Miss Kath
arine Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wal-
lick, Martha Jane and Buddy; Mr.
ar.d Mrs. Ellis LaRue and Patty.
Martha Jane Wallick remained to
spend a wee!: with Mrs. Cole.
Enjoyable Day at Waverly
A few weks ago there was a
group of six women who lived in the
same neighborhood and organized a
club which met every two weeks.
This group was broken up when
one of their number, Mrs. Ernest
Haning. moved to Waverly. This
week they were reminded that Mrs.
Ifp.ning's birthday occurred on Tues
day, so they prepared a fine chicken
dinner and were taken to Waverly
by s. Ray Smith, who enjoyed the
day as much as the ladies did. As
his car would not hold so many peo
ple and so many baskets of food,
they decided to take the truck. All
went fine until they encountered a
bi rd rain near Eagle, whereupon
they covered themselves with heavy
comforters as in days of yore when
riding in wagons, and went merrily
on. Every one reports a fine time.
Those who went were Mrs.- Robert
Baker, Mrs. W. H. Partridge, Mrs.
Frank Wildrick, Mrs. Fred Wildrick
and Mr. and Mrs. S. Ray Smith.
Ovville Haning and wife, who had
lecently moved to Waverly, were
also present.
Again Using Tennis Court
Two years ago, Ole Olsen donated
ground for a tennis court to the
young people of the community. It
was used until this spring, when it
was allowed to grow up in weeds.
Last Satuiday a group of young appeared and the weeds rap
iCly disappeared. By Monday even
ing the court was again in good order
for playing.
It is a fine court next to the Olsen
apartments, and it will give pleas
ure to a great many young people
this summer and fall. It is too bad
that more men are not public spir
ited enough to allow the young peo
ple the use of their vacant lots. On
the other hand, the young people
should be appreciative enough to
take care of the grounds after they
are donated.
Two New H. S. Teachers
Weeping Water high school will
Lave twq new instructors this year.
Merlj-n Cook will come from Frank
lin to act as principal and George
Ueik of Meadow Grove will be the
new coach and social science teach
er. Other teachers are retained from
list year. They are Lloyd H. Behr
ends, superintendent; Miss Maude
Holden, science and .biology; Jean
G. Jones, music, English and Latin,
and Miss Helen Gorder, English and
social science.
Home From Extended Visit,
Messrs. R. C. Frye and O. E
Frye. brothers, who have been visit
ing in the south returned home 'nst
Saturday night from a visit to points
in Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska
They had just visited at Auburn
with a sister of the late Mrs. Frye
who passed away but a few short
week ago.
Taken to Veterans Hospital
Henry Mogensen. assistant cash
ier at the Nebraska State Bank, was
taLen quite ill Tuesday at noon. Dr.
Thomas was called and it was de
cided to take him to the Veterans
hospital at Lincoln for observation
and care. At present we sre unable
to give a report of his condition.
Every one who is at all acquaint
ed with Henry, is his friend, and
they are all anxiously awaiting good
news from him, and anxious to have
him back at his desk in the bank
Legion Sale Success,
The American Legion have been
sponsoring a sale every week, offer
ing opportunity whereby anyone
having an article for the sale can
come and bring same and have it
sold. The object of the sale is U
afford an opportunity for inter
change of things which the public
desires to sell or buy. The piults
are for caring for those who are de
pendent. They have met with good
success and will continue to hold
these sales as long as the demand
Eenders Arrive Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bender who
have been on a trip for the past
week or ten days visiting at Yellow
stone park, Kstes Park and. Denver,
who returned home via the hot
springs of South Dakota tell of hav
ing enjoyed their trip very much.
Enjoyed Sunday in Omaha.
Messrs. and Mesdames Waltei
Lillie and Earl Oldham were
Omaha last Sunday where they went
to Krug Park to attend the picni
given by the Earl E. May broadcast
ing station and enjoyed the after
noon and evening very much, marret'
by the fact that Mrs. Oldham wnc
taken with a severe case of hry
fever which prevented her from en
joying the occasion as she otherwise
Enjoyed Fine Visit Here.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shields and
daughter of Gosport, Indiana, who
have been visiting for the past week
at the home of Mr. Shields' brother.
Tiers Shields and wife, after havirg
enjoyed a visit here, which included
visiting the principal places of in
terest in Omaha and Lincoln and
enterfained in Weeping Water b
the friends of Mr. and Mas. Itosn
Shields, departed for their home in
Indiana. They left Weeping Water
Monday morning at 2:43 a. m. and
made the entire distance acroRs Iowa
and Illinois and to Gosport, theii
home the same, day.
Honor Harold Myers.
Two parties were given for the
Harold Myers last week end. Fri
day Mrs. Helen Clark, Mrs. Eugene
Day and Mrs. Richmond Hobson en
tertained twelve ladies at a one
o'clock luncheon at the Rest Haven
honoring Mrs. Harold Myers. Bridge
was played during the afternoon.
The guest of honor was the recip
ient of a beautiful guest prize and
Mrs. John Robinson won high
honors. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Domingo gave a dinner fo
Mr. and Mrs. Myers when
guests numbered seven. They were
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Myers, Mr. end
Mrs. Richmond Hobson. Mr. an i
Mrs. Eugene Day and Mrs. Holm
Mr. and Mrs. Myers and two sons,
David and Harold IeTt Monday Tor
Green Castle, Indiana for a stay oi
several mothers.
Enjoy Motor Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. George DomiT"".
Clifford Domingo and Mrs. Joln
Domingo enjoyed a motor trip Mon
day south to Falls City and to Atch
ison, Kansas, where they crossed thej
river to St. Joseph. Mo., and then;
north through Marysville and Tar-j
kio, Missouri, crossing the river j
again at Nebraska City on their i
return trip. They found the corn J
about the same here except in thej
southern part of the state, where (
they had had more rain.
Ccmmunitv Program.
The community program Saturday!
evening was in charge or the -..
camp (Camp Cass and the entire
program was furnished by the Cam;
Glee club, under the direction oi
Jean G. Jones, who accompaniri
the Ringers. Leiutenant Wm. D.
Morgan was the . announcer. Sorr.'
very fine work was done by the solo
is's. Lawrence Hauseman. Lawrenc?
Pfister, Roger Theobald, Harry Port-;
lock and Warren French.
Camp Fire Girls Entertain.
Hard times is usually a sad
jeet but when a bunch of Camp Fire.
Girls give a Hard Times party that)
is quite a different matter for there!
was nothing said about their party
Friday evening when they enter-!
tained the Camp Fire girls from
Louisville at the American Leg'ou
hall. Mrs. Brunson," guardian ard
Mrs. Crawford, assistant g'.rardian I
accompanied the girls and entered
into the fun of old time games, I
riddles and an old fashioned lunri?!
when the orangeade was served from (
a DUCEet ana mey arann irura
dipper. Sandwiches and a salad
'Presents Pictures
Before Weeping
Water Gardeners
Emil J. Weyrich of This City, Well
Known Photographic Artist Pre
sents Lovely Pictures.
It is not often that a busy furl
ness man takes time to travtl f-v
oral miles and give an evening's en
tertainment which brought him ro
recompense whatever except the
great pleasure which it brought to
bis audience. Mr. Emil J. Weyri'l:,
of Plattsmouth is a bu-y drugcii-t
who loves flowers, and who Jovcu
j to travel, and at the same time
delights in taking pictures of all of
the beautiful flowers and of the in
teresting spots when traveling. Hr
calls himself an "amateur photo
grapher." but after seeing the pic
tures which he showed Friday eve
ning at the meeting of the Weepii.g
Water Garden club at the Methodist
church, one fail3 to catch the dis
tinction between an amateur and a
photographer who doesn't hecitnt''
to call himself an artist, for it
would be hard to find pictures which
are more natural and more perfect
in coloring than those rhowu by Mr.
Weyrich. He came fully equipped
with his own portable screen :iim1
his ow n moving pic ture proj- toi .
and first showed pictures taken io
Jasper's green house at Flat turnout h
and then in his own garden, evei
to getting one acquainted with tin
birds who use his bird bath, tho
bees who are in the heart of liiw
flowers and his dog, who seems per
fectly at home in his garden. !'
then took his audience oust to tl'
Tulip Festival at Pella, Iowa, show
ing the quaint costumes of the pe'
pie and the tulips which are culti
vated for the occasic ;i.
He then turned west und the aud
icvice traveled with him through
Wyoming to ThermopoliH. to Yellow
stone park, visited the cliff dwel'ei
ruins in New Mexico, and saw -the
beauties of Kstes Park.
As it is vacation time and s'Tk
of the members are away they m'
cd a rare treat. Guests were invited
to take their place for the evening,
and four guests from the Avo;i
Garden club were present. Trc
were Mrs. Albert Sill. Mrs. J. F. V.
Rugha. Miss Bertha Ncumaster and
Mrs. Edd Morley.
wrre also enjoyed. Peggy Amick was
in charge of the program. Misi
Mayme Michelson, guardian, and
Miss Ruth Wade, assistant guardiin
supervised all arrangements.
Visit in Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harmon (Ruby
Smith) and daughter, Kathrine. f
Dupont, Illinois, and Mrs. Harmon's
brother, Dick Smith, were Weeping
Water visitors Friday afternoon
jpjjjDick has been on a farm in lc:wa
for the past year but be expects t'
return to Illinois to make his hon e?
with his sister. Mrs. Harmon and
Dick Smith are children of the late
Ira Smith, who was brought brc
for burial last spring. They fp'-i t
their early childhood in Weeping
See the pooas you Duy. Catalog
but how about the ooods when
descriptions are alluring enough,
you oet them?
7:30 A. M.
10:00 A.M.
12:00 Noon
6:45 P. M.
10:00 P.M.
12:45 p. rn.
6:45 p. m.
10:00 p. m.
n n n