The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 31, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, JULY 31, 1939.
Paul Siock was railed to Omaha
Jj'.Ft Wednesday, where he went to
lcrk after business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Craig were
in Mauley on last Monday, where
trey were visiting with friends for
a time.
Homer Stolx of Prairie Home was
;i business visitor in Murdock last
Wdnesday afternoon, consulting
with Paul Slock.
Holland Rikli. who was injured
when pinned under his tractor some
tin.e ago. is s. ble to be about and is
improving raridly.
W. T. W-ddell. manager of the
. W. Engles Lumber company yard
l.i :c, was a business visitor in Elm
v e d last Monday.
Matthew Thimgan was called to
Wahoo last ".Vednesday to look af
t" some b.isiness matters in his
l.i.o as a carpc-nter.
Floyd Williams
Weeping Water on
morning, whre he
: ?. matters to look
was tailed to
last Wednesday
had some busi
after. While William Zabol was looking business matters at Louisville,
j:;s. Zabel v. as caring for the busi at the store last Wednesday.
Word received from .Mrs. J. J.
Arnold, who is now visiting in Michi
r; .1. is to the effect that they are
lavintr the same sort of weather as
i:: Nebraska.
Tred Knoll, who was so seriously
iv.iured when his tractor ran over
!.;:;!. has beu making good progress
t' ward recovery and hopes to be able
l'i be about again soon.
Bryan McDonald, who was so se
wie'.y injured some weeks ago. is
ratting alon:r nicely. He has been
r. :!e to get down town with the aid
r a pair of crutches.
Thomas Hornbeck. son of Mr. and
iv;:. Louis Hornbeck, of Lincoln, has
1- tn visiting in Murdock with his
'.;.( le. I. O. Hornbeck. The visit has
Horded him opportunity to play with
h r, former playmates here and has
I." An very pleasant.
I.. Neitzel spent last Sunday vis
iting at the heme of his daughter.
i,... :J !
Mi s.
-ut-ia .iat uiui iuiu auu liuiii,
Omaha. They attended union
.. . !
'.kt'5 r: tne rirst t ongregationai " " r
;:v Pre Syrian churches, which I 'ntry. where the weather is
l..,!d joint s-rvices during July and!"ch rooler than hcre'
Albert Sir.' it h, who has been con
fi fd to his heme on account ot 11
iiifs. is considerable im
provement, bit has not gained suf
fliicntly to walk very far. He has
been able to come down town in the
car and enjoy visiting friends. We
:! glad to know that he is gaining
i -. strength.
Mrs. V.'ayr," Edgar cf Wahoo. who
vr.s Miss Wilma Tanska, was in
Murdock early last week and accom
panied her mother. Mrs. August
Panska. to Elmwood. where they at
t nded the funeral of the late Frank
Gi!!tt. who was killed in an auto
pendent. On her return home. Mrs.
En car was accompanied by her moth
er who will visit in Wahoo for a
short time.
Results cf Tuesday's Games
Last Tuesday night, under the
Prod lights, the Callihan team de
feated the Bible School by a score
.' 1 to 2 and the Tigers won over
a team from Elmwood, 10 to 7.
Eas a New Well
Alviu Ilorncmeipr has just corn-
rifted a well for Henry Gakemeier, i
n the old well that has supplied an
; i undancp of water for many years
1: s been showing signs of failing."
1 he ne w v. ell is expected to furnish
j nty of w.ncr for the stock and
ilbcr use about the farm.
To Buili Crib at Nehawka
Frank Mel via. who hael charge of
i building thr- buildings on the G. R.
h'veland farm, which were destroyed
fire. 'has b.-en contacted by Nelson
IYrger. of Nehawka. regarding the
r ;:strue tion ot a large crib on his
f-i'ni. Mr. Perger is an extensive
c itl" feeder. He was here Wednes
day, calling n Mr. Me-lvin and W.
3 Pi
Hdw small and vet how
vital is a miss of an inch
or two whether in golf
or insurance. Insist on
having your policies writ
ten in a stock company
which V7ill te able to pay
auy chin years from
Searl 5. Davis
OFFlCt'.jli : FLOOR
PUtU. State Dank Blda-
T. Weddell. Mr. Berger has a large
amount of timber on his farm that
cr.n be sawed and his mission was
to ascertain the dimensions of the
lumber needed and have It prepared
and ready for the construction of
the new building, under Mr. Melvin's
Found Fish Bather Scarce
Mrs. A. J. Tool was looking after
business at the store while Mr. Tool
pnd Lacey McDonald were over at
the fishing grounds near South Bend
seeking to renew acquaintance with
the finny trioe. They found the fish
es (both big and little) very shy,
however, and are wondering if they
haven't "swain over the dam."
Very Dry at Milford
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Williams went
to Milford lut Sunday, where they
were guests rcr the day at the home
o- relatives of Mrs. Williams. They
found it very dry out that way and
the corn badly burned. A rain has
since come lj that locality, but the
Ucm crop will be small, as it was
pretty well burned out before the
moisture came.
Eeturned Heme by Herself
Caroline Schew, the six year old
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Scfcewe, who has been visiting them
for some time, left Wednesday for
her home in Denver. She boarded a
Rock Island train here and made the
long journey by herself, under the
watchful eyes of the train crew, of
Conradt Wehrman Improving
Conradt Wehrman, who was ser
iojsly injured last spring, and has
been kept in a cast most of the time
s;nce then, is now sufficiently1 recov
ered to be able to get about at home
with the aid of a pair of crutches.
However, he does not seem to gain
the needed strength to get out and
around. His friends hope his im
provement win continue.
Enjoying Visit at Cheyenne
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buell left last
Monday morning for Cheyenne, at
which place they are visiting at the
home of their son. Noble Buell and
"" 1 -
t -t n mnct ni.iasant visit in the moun-
Attended Judging School
A group cf the girls 4-H
members of Murdock went to
coin to attend the judging school on
Ji:ly ISth. The trip was made in
Mr. ThiePs s-Iiool bus and the girls
ei. joyed a fin picnic dinner at" noon.
They found i- very interesting to see
the different types of work exhibited
and judge which was best.
Our club met July 26 at the home
or Joan La u. Seven members were
present. Wo are working on our
aprons. Several have theirs complet
ed. After the meeting. Mrs. Lau and
Jean served lefreshments. Our next
meet ins will he, held at the home of
Lillie Klemm? on August 0. News
Many Enjoy Swim Week
Lake Pars peol at South Bentl
was a happy place this last week for
those interested in learning to swim.
Permits wero granted 267 persons
Kr this training, which brought the
total for Cass county, to a few more
than S00. Tiie Red Cross chapter
h;.K gained many frientft through this
re-ivice. as parents were in attend
ance and appreciated the privilege
of free instruction and free admis
iie.i. to the pool. They were inter
or.ted to learn that local programs of
the chapter arc possible only through
:hat part o;' each membership re
maining in the. chapter.
We look forward to an increased
cm aliment this fall as our quota is
placed at OS" members for the en
tire county ao why not place our
g?al at l,00o members? We will
then be able to continue our swim
ming program.
The sand pits are hazards that
cannot be removed from our county;
attractions invite our youth and good
reads and oars carry joyous parties
to these placf s so let's get behind
this worthy service of training in
water safety and help reduce the
death rate from drowning, which is
appalling throughout the world.
Red Cross, wants you to feel no
obligation, but it is trying to enlist
:r.ur interest and support in the
many humanitarian services it gives.
The chapter officers express appre
ciation to all who helped to make
our sv.imming program possible.
Dockaga facilities maV Platts
mouth an ideal factory site. Wel
come and a splendid opportunity
to expand should bo an induce
ment to those contemplating a
change in location from the more
thickly populated centers and
llooo. areas of the east.
John Ruge and wife were guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Emschoff last Sunday. j
Business called William Maseman
tf Omaha and Plattsmouth last Mon
day. He accompanied Mogens John
son on the truck.
Howard Ochers, who has been at
the R. O. T. C. camp at Ft. Reiley,
Kansas, was home for a furlough
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Seybolt and
Mis. Margaret Brendel of Murray
were guests Inst Sunday at the home
r.f Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brendel.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Zaiser and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wohlers were
called to Limoln last Tuesday, driv
ing over to ook after business mat
ters. John Maseman. who has been vis
iting at Bertrand for the past ten
days, returned home one day last
week and expects to go to work in
L incoln soon.
George Ludwig is another in this
vicinity who is finding it necessary
i. sink a new well in order to get
sufficient wa'er for his stock and
other use about the farm.
William Goilner has been suffer
ing from an attack of lumbago that
bns been giving him plenty of pain.
We are pleased to report that he
is some better at this time.
Albert Sill, who has been short of
vcter for some time, has had a well
funk in whi. h the water level has
risen to a devth of forty feet, insur
ing an a bun lance of good water.
Mr. and Airs. Edward Midkiff of
Union were quests of relatives in
A oca over the week end. Earl Free
Man and Oscar Midkiff went to Union
to look after the conduct of Ed's
filling station during the day.
Voden Vette. Ed Lewhurst, Verne
I'eck and Hun Meyers left Sunday for
the harvest fields of northern Min
nesota, where they expect to secure
work and w-11 remain there until
the close of the threshing season.
Mr. and Mri Fred Marquardt went
id Nebraska City Saturday night of
h.M week (July 22). where they
met with a .mmber of the grain men
ot this territory to make plans for
rhe convention, banquet and dance
of grain dealers and their families
wiii-h v js n Id there Friday, July
Married Twenty-Five Years
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grauf were
married twenty-five years last Sun
day and in h'onor of the occasion a
gr.up of fri'-nds gathered at their
hfime and a very merry time was had.
Tbev received! a very nice remem
brance a3 a token of the esteem of
their friends.
To be Married Wednesday
Floyd Mohr and Miss Charlotte
Hruschild will be united in mar
riage at North Branch church this
coming Wednesday. August 2, ac
cording to the invitation cards that
have been Lvnt to friends in this
neighborhood. The wedding will take
place at 6:30 in the evening and be
Tc41owed by i dance at the Syracuse
Complete Threshing
Carl O. Zaiser and Dick Maseman
es his assistant have completed their
threshing campaign and pulled in
their outfit Monday of last week.
There was no Ktack threshing to be
done, as it was all from the shock
or windrow. The increased use of
combines has cut down the amount
of work left to the threshing outfits
pry materially.
Ship Cera to the West Coast
Fred Marquardt was shelling out
sime of the corn he has had stored
n cribs and shipping it at the rate
of a carload a day throughout the
past week. The shipment for the day
following thj visit of this writer to
Avoca, was n go to an elevator in
Oakland. California, being No. 1
white corn. The freight rate amounts
to 63 cents a hundred, or 39 cents
a bushel almost as much as paid the
farmer for the grain.
This corn if to be used in the
manufacture of "Snow Flakes," to
provide the f-now 'effects in the pro
duction of moving pictures in Holly
wood. Another U3e for Nebraska
coin and a novel one, indeed.
John A. Standee and family were
guests la3t Sunday at the home of
Nr. and Mrs. Wallace ,'VVarner at
Miss Evelyn Peters and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Birkman. of Talmage.
were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Teddy Harms over Sunday.
A number of the people in and
aucut Manley were at South Bend
last Sunday, where. , they went to
cn?cy its bct rscss 2nd ctisr
numbers cn the water program,
v Lieu were most interesting. Those
from this vicinity included A. V.
Stander and lamily, Mr. and Mm.
Herman Rauth, Fred Flaischman and
wife and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rau.
John Rohrdanz and wife and Hu
bert Rohrdanz and family went to
Garland last Sunday to attend a
family gatheiing of the Rohrdanz
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laurensen have
been getting the Kreeklow property
in readiness lor occupancy. It is re
ported that a family named Proctor,
who have been residing in Louis
ville, will occupy the place.
While working about the barn.
Laving placed the harness on a horse
he was expecting to use, Frank
Bergman was kicked by the animal,
causing him to be lame for a few
days, but he is getting along very
well now.
Miss Margaret Bergman, who is
tking a nurse training course in
an Omaha hospital, was home over
the week en-1, being accompanied by
a nurse friend. Miss Mary Hourihan,
and the girls enjoyed the day at the
Bergman home.
Robert Rhe;den. who has been in
this vicinity soliciting the sale of
some articles and meeting with good
success, was selected to go to the
San Francisco Worlds Fair as a
member of the crew to demonstrate
the goods there.
The extra crew of workmen that
has been here excavating and clear
ing the drainage system along the
Missouri Pacific right-of-way and
building a new bridge south of town,
has completed its work here and de
parted for o'.her points along the
Heat Drove Them Out
Some of the folks who frequent
the Amusement parlor of Pete Mc
Donald and play a friendly game of
cards, with the excessively warm
days, moved out into the street,
where there was a breeze blowing
and it was more pleasant, last Wed
nesday. The only drawback was that
they had to lay small stones on the
caids to keep them from blowing
away, but even at that the boys
liked it better out of doors.
Alice Rougher visited in Waverly
one day last week.
Shirley Buckingham has returned
heme from a visit in Omaha.
Mrs. Louise Hanson called on Mrs.
Jcc Kyles Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Hurlbut's mother has
come to make her home with them.
Mrs. Glenn Peters was in Lincoln
Inst Monday, doing some shopping.
Mrs. Nannie Coleman and Mrs.
Elwood were in Lincoln on Wednes
day. Miss Phyllis Burgess of Lincoln
visited with Marjorie, Nakirk last
Misses Margaret and Mamie Holka
ot Ceresco visited their parents last
Miss Marjotie Newkirk spent Sat
urday night and Sunday with her
Elrrer Fisher and family of Wav
erly had Sunday dinner with Mrs.
Ed Fisher.
The Firemen's Picnic at Alvo last
Thursday and Friday attracted many
Greenwood people.
Evelyn Brokhaga of Ashland vis
ited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Brokhagj last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elton Keller visited
in Alvo Saturday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keller.
The M. E. Guild went to Cedar
Hill on Wednesday, where they were
guepts of tho Guild there.
Mrs. Casev, Billy and Beverly,
were in Lincoln Friday with Mrs.
Leadabrandt and Mrs. Osburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fisher and Mr.
and Mrs. Casey attended the show
at Prairie Home Tuesday evening.
Maxine Hurlbut and Margaret
Schvoeder wiit to South Bend swim
ming with Mr. Vant and Dorothy.
Mrs. Joe Kyles spent Thursday
and Friday of last week in Alvo with
her daughter, Mrs. Wayne Kinney.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Olson and
Mr. and Mr;. Ray Rouse went to
the river on a fishing trip last Sat
in day night.
Mrs. John Schuster and son of
Underwood. Iowa, spent Friday and
Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Nan
nie Coleman.
The Dorrns Society will hold its
next meeting Friday, August 4. Mes
dames Cope, Jardine and Cribble are
lo be the hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. George Blattler of
Kansas left for their home in the
Sunflower State Saturday. They have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Idea and
Mrs. Blattler.
A large crowd attended the "WOW
Field Day Ust Sunday. There were
many races in which the winners
ware awarded some nice prizes. Cer
cjica von the bill'game from Grsear
Elmwood News
Rose Mary McLennen and Mary
Talhurst, who are attending school
in Lincoln, were home over the week
Miss Kathe rine West, who is em
ployed in Lincoln, visited at the
home of her parents here last Tues
day. Donald Gonzales, who is a student
at Lincoln, spent last week cad at
the home of his mother, Mrs. Emily
Little Marvin Race of Lincoln wat?
i guest during the past week at the
home of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. Dennis.
Mrs. Carl Teeters and two daugh
ters of Beavr City were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wood over the week end.
Mrs. August Panska of Murdock
and her daughter of Wahoo were at
tending the funeral of the late Frank
Gillett Tuesday afternoon.
Charles Spohne was looking after
business at Nehawka Tuesday of last
week, calling on his long time friend,
Andrew F. Sturm, while there.
With an inch and a quarter of
rain which came last Monday night,
the ground Mas well soaked, reviv
ing rapidly dwindling hopes for a
corn crop in this vicinity.
Lemuel Parish, who has been so
seriously ill at his home here for
some time, still continues in the
same serious condition. Albert Al
ford has been taring for the patient.
Uncle B. T. Clements was taken
very sick white in Lincoln last week
jind had to rest for a time before he
v as able to return home, but he is
utling much improved at the pres
ent time.
E. S. Shephard. a former resident
oi Elmwood and vicinity, who now
resides in the west, was visiting with
John P. Gonzales and also attended
i he funeral of the late Frank Gil
lette here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hollenbeck
were Sunday guests at the Albert
Shelhorn hoiue near Louisville. They
I were accompanied home by Miss
Darlinc, who bad been visiting there
the past week.
Mrs. Michell Smalley, while en
gaged in cooking last Friday, suf
fered burns about the face and hands
v hen the hot grease popped out of
the skillet. She is getting along very
nicely at the present time.
While in Denver on her vacation
trip recently, Mrs. Lucy Lyle visited
r.:any places of interest, including a
trip to the top of Mount Evans, with
an altitude of 14.260 feet higher
than Pikes Peak, which many have
grown to believe the highest acces
sible point in the Rockies.
Mr. and Mrs. Michell Smalley
t ere at South Bend last Sunday,
where they enjoyed the boat races
tuat were held there. This, with the
swimming classes there from various
towns in the western part of the
county, drew a large number to the
South Bend lakes. They were accom
panied by Miss Ethel Langhorst, all
enjoying a fry.
Mr. and Airs. Chas. Spangler, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Spangler and Mrs.
Tena Christman were callers at the
Ltwis Hollenbeck home Monday
morning. They were from Custer
county and had motored to Cass
county to attend the Spangler re
nnion, being on their way home
when they cslled here.
Dr, O. E. Liston, who has been
isiting and looking after business
n the state of Kansas and at Kan
sas City, returned home the fore
part of last week. He reports con
siderable rain there and that indica
tions point to good crops. He visited
the farm of O. D. Quellhorst, where
everything 3s looking fine.
Frank Gillette at Eest
On last Tuesday afternoon at the
Frst Methodist church in Elmwood
t'ere was IiOid the funeral of the
late Frank Gillette, who was killed
m au auto accident last Friday
night, while they were returning
fiom Lincolu.
A large nrmber of friends of the
departed were: present to pay their
last tribute of respect to the deceas
eJ. who was well known throughout
this part of the county and num
bered his friends by the number of
h'.s acquaintances.
Betuvn from Missouri
' Kenneth West, Oral Kuehn and
Gltu Miller, who made a trip to the
southern part of Missouri, taking the
household gwids and other effects of
Mr. Colburn to him, remained for. a
visit of a week in that part of the
country. They' tell of Mr. Colburn
having a very nice fruit farm, con
Sihting of four acres and a nice, new
cottage. While there they were
guests at a home where they were
entertained most hospitably and on
leaving the people voud take no
P$r. They everyone there is
genial and sociable, easy going and
living quietly but very hospitable.
The only drawback they found was
pu abundance of -mosquitos, from
which they suffered many bites.
Family Eennion at South Bend
Last Saturday at the lake at South
Bend, there were many people as
sembled for the rrogram of boat
racing and other sports. Among them
were member of the Lorenz family,
who enjoyed a reunion and a fish
fry as part of their picnic supper.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Fiank W. Lorenz, of Elmwood; A.
V.. Lorenz and family, Ted Strecter
end family and Katherine Lorenz.
of Omaha; Miss Ella Stirtz, of Coun
cil Bluffs; Guy Clements and family,
of Elmwood. and Arthur Lorenz, with
Andy Andersjn and family of Cedar
Rapids, low. i.
(Last Week's Delayed letter)
Mrs. Albert Blum was an Omaha
visitor Thursday.
Cora Campbell called at the Wm.
Blum home Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Backemeyer of
Murdock visit 'id friends here Friday
Mrs. Oscar Dill and Mrs. Bernard
Dill and sou drove to Lincoln last
Miss Margaret Thieman spent the
week end at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Ida Thieman.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kitrcll of
Lincoln visited his mother, Mrs.
Alice Kitrell Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hendrickson
of Council Bluffs were Sunday af
ternoon guests at the V. D. -Livers
Gerald Su.ader of Nehawka was
a visitor at the F. J. Knecht home
V.ednesday. He is a nephew of Mrs.
Mr. and iirs. Chester Campbell
and son and Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Campbell visited relatives in Elm
wood Sunday.
Bill Eehrns of Plankintou, South
Dakota, came Friday to visit rela
tives. He is a nephew of Albert Mar
tin and Wm. Blum and Mrs. Ida
Mr. and Mrs. Thorwald Hansen
crel children were guests at the
Charles Fosb"-g home on Thursday.
Relatives from California were also
here for the day.
Miss Graca Christensen of Taylor,
Nebr., spent several days with Mrs.
v. D. Livers before returning to her
home Thursday, after having spent
the summer with her sister, Mrs. B.
M. Dill.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoffman and
family of Lincoln and Bruce Schuelke
rf Eagle were Sunday dinner guests
at Wm. Blum's. Arnold stayed for
a week's visit with his aunt and
Bill Robb. .im Sandison and Glen
Lackey of Minatare, Nebr., accom
panied Glenn Weaver on a trip to
the east. They left Friday morning
pud expect lo be gore two weeks.
They will visit the World's Fair in
New York.
Miss Fetrkia Ledely left this week
feir Wyoming, where she will meet
her sister, Ellen. Both girls will be
employed there until fall on a "Dude
Panch.'' This work is different and
very interesting. Ellen reports hav
ing met Father Flannigan from Boys
town in Omaha, who was vacation
ing there.
Mrs. Ida Hartman and Elda. Mar
tin Sutton and Mrs. Wm. Blum and
th twins drove to Omaha Wednes
day evening, where they met Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Hartman, of Maxwell.
Mr. Hartman went to the hospital
r.nd Mrs. Hartman came to spend a
few days with her sister, Mrs. Wm.
I.h.m anel family and her twin daugh
ters, whom r-he hadn't seen for five
me nths.
Mrs. F. J. Knecht entertained eight
girls Tuesday afterntmn in henor cf
ber guest, JOrville Fae Kempton ef
Randolph, Io'.va. The girls enjoyed
bingo, Chinese checkers and other
games. A delicious luncheon was
served. "Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs" place cards were used and
clever little "lloor lamp" favors were
given each guest. Mrs. Knecht pre
sented the honor guest with an
Wm. Led)y, Sr., wa3 an Omaha
visitor Saturday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick of Weep
ing Water caiied on friends Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blum and fam
ily were Tuesday evening callers at
Oscar Dill's.
Geraldine Gakemeier stas'ed with
her aunt. Mrs. John Kurke during
swim week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Winget an
nounce the v nival of a daughter on
Sunday, July 23.
Sunday dinuer guests at the F. J.
I.UEcht horU'j vers John T-Uhel,
Bruno Reichstadt, James Mauzy and
Charles Grosshans of riattsmouth.
They, with Bill Rosencrans. return
ed Sunday from a trip to Entes Tark.
The boys had thoroughly enjoyed a
week of fishing, camping and scout
vei k.
Little Patsy Armstrong, of Lin
coln, is visiting her grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs Ed Rau.
Hannah Menke of Murdock visit
ed from Wednesday till Saturday with
Doris and Lavina Cordes.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad S. hlater of
Lincoln were Sunday evening visi
tors at the F. J. Knecht home.
Miss Ruth Kurke was a Sunday
dinner guest rt the home of her
paicnts. Mr. and Mrs. John Kupke.
Paul Kupkf. Bill Leddy. Jr.. and
Win. Blum drove to Columbus Fri
da to attend a Farm Program meet
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bin in. Helen
and Herbert were Sands y dinner
gaests or I'ct'u- Johnson and Norman
it Alvo.
Mr. and Mn. Harold Campbell and
c'aaghters of Omaha were Sunday
dinner guest-, cf Mrs. Cora Campbell
and Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vogler were
Omaha visitors Tuesday. Lloyd stay
ed with his grandparents, Mr. ana
Mis. John K ipke.
Mrs. F. J. Knecht to.,k Erville
Fae Kempton. who has been her
grest the prust two weeks, to her
home in Randolph. Iowa. Wedncs
rla .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blum, Heba
r.nd Herbert drove to Omaha Satur
ciay, taking Mrs. Hartman and the
twins to see Mr. Hartman in the
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cordes took
Mrs. Mary Rjemlein to her home in
Syracuse Thursday. She had been
Siting her daughter and family the
past week.
Mrs. Ida Thieman, Elda and Mar
vin Sutton -nd Martin Blum drove
to Omaha Thursday evening, takini
their nephew. Bill Lehrens of Plan
kintou, Soutn Dakota, to visit rela
tives there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rau drove to
I ineoln Satu-uay, taking Donald Rau
and Allen B'um up to take a bus to
Dunning, where they will be em
ployed by Charles Rau. uncle of
Donald, for i month. They will als
visit ethcr relatives there.
Mr. and Mis. Homer Cnrnide took
Lloyd Carnicle to the hospital in
Lincoln Friday. Lloyd has been suf
fering from a revere cut on his hand.
received while sharpening a scythe.
The doctor found it necessary to ope n
the arm from the wrist to the elbow
i-i orde r to properly fast -mi the te n
fciif. which were severed. His man)
friends wish Lloyd a speedy recov
Swim Week Grand Success
The final tfMs were given Tuesday
after a very successful Swim Week
under the n-pcrvision of the Red
Crops with Mr. Hnizda as instruc
tor. A large number received their
pins. Those trom South Bend were
Lula Mae jackson. Wanda Niinn,
J(.lin Cordes. Jerry Sirtight, Rosa
line Nelson. Billy Moone y, Joan Fid
!cr, Doris Copsey and Leona Oille?
1 'p. Kenneth Livers finished his
Junior Life Saving and received his
rtecial. There were Co entered fren.i
l.i re.
Everyone feels that this has been
a wonderful and profitable week of
instruction and all are- grateful to
the Red Cro"j and their tireless Muff
of workers.
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