XGXDAT, JT7LT 31. I&39. PIATT32I0TJTH SOU - X7EELT JOTTKJAL , PA02 7E&Z Plattsmouth Ladies See Much of Foreign Life . Wonderful Experiences Are Told oy Hisses Gerda and Alpha Peter son of Old World Tour. Following a four and a hall months European tour. Misses Alpha and Gerda Peterson landed in the United . States on Sunday, July 23, and returned to their home In this city the earlier part of this week. Many countries, one principality, as well as numerous islands were toured by the Plattsmouth ladies. Among the countries and places in cluded in their itinerary were Pal estine, Syria, Egypt, Ireland. Asia Minor. Greece. Italy. France, Bel gium, Holland, Germany, Switzer land. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland. England. Scotland. "Wales. Rhoades Island. Lichenstein, a prin cipality, and Armenia. The ladies left on their European city to city Misses Alpha and Gerda Peterson sailed on eight different .hips. The Easter period was spent In Palestine. They desired to see and view the customary Easter ser Tices and celebrations that are al ways held, but due to the uncertain conditions which, arose about that line the Easter services were called off suddenly. Some of the highlights seen in Palestine were the Dead Sea, the River Jordan, the City of Da mascus, which U the oldest city in the world. Some of the most interesting ard historical eights witnessed by tfce Plattsmouth 'adies were the place where the Last Supper took plaee: they walked near the paths where Christ himself jour neyed during this time; they saw the spot where the crucifixion took place; and Christ's birthplace. Dur ing their travels In Palestine as well as in other places they had a guide to show them and direct them around. One of the most amazing facts that they found was that their guide has been and still is familiar with their home town of Platts mouth. He is quite familiar with a number of the old-time settlers and voyage on Saturday, March 18, and J residents of Plattsmouth he being docked in Naples, Italy. During their acquainted with such names as the trip from country to country and Vallerys, Whites, Doveys and many others. His name was Myers and he left the United States fifty six years ago for Jerusalem and has served many years as a guide. Following their thorough tour through Palestine the Peterson girls visited and sailed to these other var ious countries mentioned above. In Holland they saw enormous beds of tulip fields which were in bloom at that time; in Sweden they saw the Land of the Midnight San; and in Switzerland they visited the birth place of Miss Marie Kaufmann and visited with a cousin of Miss Kauf mann. They also spent some time in Finland and while there they made the acquaintance of the American ambassador to Finland, Mr. Watson. Returning home the Plattsmouth ladies brought with them many souveniers for themselves. Among these was the coin collection a coin from each country that Miss Gerda has at the present time. A collection of dolls representing a number of countries is Miss Alpha Peterson's treasured collection. Some of the dolls that are dressed in fashionable costume representing their country are French. Irish, Assyrian, Greek and Scotch; Some of the disputes in the various countries were also discussed among the Americans and Europeans in the different countries, and. therefore, the American ladies were able to familiarize themselves with the strt of trouble and faults of each coun try. In Palestine there is the Arab and Jewish feud, a trouble that was largely the cause of the postpone ment of the Easter services. In Ire land and England there is at the present the IRA rebellion and in one instance the ladies saw where a beau tiful building had been bombed tc pieces by the terrorists. The Platts mouth ladies desired to tour Czecho slovakia but at that time the German fuehrer, Adolf Hitler took over the country and made it dan gerous and uncertain to travel In that country. Altho making acquaintance ol hundreds, of people was the local ladies' chief delight but in the tour pot a familiar face was seen, with the exception that some of their ac quaintances were fajniliar and knew a number of Plattsmouth people. After completing a very thorough tour of these European countries the many places of interest and facts too numerous to mention the Misses Alpha and Gerda Peterson boarded the Goodwill ship at Bel fast, Ireland and sailed for the United States. Their trip proved to be a very cool one; their return trip especially was foggy, making their landing in good old U. S. A. delayed. When they reached New York Mayor F. II. LaGuardia of New York, was present to greet the ship, a task that he undertook for the first" time dur ing his term of mayorship. Misses Alpha and Cerda Peterson also spent some time at the New York World's Fair before they returned to their home in Plattsmouth, following a vacation period which was profitably spent and enjoyed immensely. VISITORS FEOM LOUISVILLE From Saturday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray, who are now located on a farm near Louisville, were in the city today for a few hours attending to some mat ters of business. The Murray fam ily have purchased a farm near Louisville and are now engaged in having this newly decorated and made into a most comfortable and plcr.sant home. They report the crop conditions there very fine and prospects good at this time. While in the city they were callers at the Journal to renew their subscription. r - u N jL T fv mjiU fi A HERCULES AT THE AG EOF SEVEN MONTHS, as reve.Ied by Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Petf;. bone of Sacrnmerto, Calif, J standi up straight, bends over or kneels -exhibiting true balance and strong back muscles, with only his father's hand servinf as a platform. TORTURING jl MATTRESS MJ" - Vrf 11 it.: . 55: These laboratory workers have developed a special machine to test wearing power of mattresses. A 200 pound roller is pushed, pulled and banged across the surface hour alter hmr.r" to make sure product will stand up nrTZ service. This process is cited by Consumers Information as one "of scores now beir used by American manufacturers to protect the buyer. CHEETAH AND GREY. HOUND IN RACE Aldershot, Eng. As sidelight during the Horse Show held in the Rush- moore Arena recently, a cheetah was matched in a race with a greyhound, and seems to be a favorite. . - t r . - i - IT.- i usar Loirs' . f-x h lip FOR AFTERNOON WEAR (1) Lana Yf i uincr, iiiuvic Btirc9, ncxrk a vboih largely . i - - t - i - -1 - - i , ' , t . ruuu irw era crown and the can either hang the chin or draped and tied at the back of the hat. (2) Many colored flowers are used in the decoration of this dress. The white hat has a split crown decorated with small bows. c j m sid with iris purple belting WOy? Ctf'ri J same colored veil whichP i$ 3 ! at the sides, be tied nnrfgrl i-"- H mi 1 I HAS INDIAN SIGN ON YANKS Emil "Dutch" Leonard, ex- Brooklyn Dodgers "knuckle-ball" Hurler, continues to plague the League leading New York Yankees. So far this season he has won 9 and lost 2 for the Senators. ' r j V. V fZ i-y r NEVER TOO OLD! 81-year-old grand-l mother of Jane Withers, who is making her first visit to Hollywood .to appear in ai movie as a peasant woman. Her salary! will be turned over to the Motion Picture Relief Fund. """W I I t Kl 7i i ll 'I - Lz? ' V7 l " - Relief Fund, , 1 tTf II II ! T VI - I ;- -Cite ul cr. ? - , r'-- -.w : - -:fMX' -; "HGETS BOOS ANDlbl J f ; - ! - ' y - Li:," I CHEERS John T. Hynn, 5wt- r-- s j - f. ' STYLE IN POOL AND ON COURT (left) Two shades of green printed on white satin Iastex makes swim suit that Sonja Henie prefers for comfort and becomingness. (Right) An ardent tennis enthusiast is Laraine Day, rising film actress. She is wearing a smart one-piece backless play suit with pleats in the front. .N VV''a I O ' If f , 1 vi j! One of the three 30,000 J KV A. 13.800 volt. 75 KrM vertical water wbeel generator being constructed at the Allis-Chalmers plant in Milwaukee for the Chickamauga Dam of the Tennessee Valley Au thority. The shaft proper is 34 inches in-diameter and over 21 feet long. The mrnsi diock wucn nas oeen snrunic on to the shaft u shown being mactuned. Approximate weight of shaft as shown in the lathe is 105,000 pounds. L GETS BOOS AND CHEERS John T. Flynn, economist and associate edi tor of Collier's whose recent rhartfe that "waste, collusion and disorganization" in the building industry is raising rents and holding np national recovery, nas brougnt a min gled chorus of praise and Jr.hr, O Public. ;ni : i;ffiriiir to build a house at prevailing rates, A Flvnn hlat. V .v V SEAL SHELLS Miss Jane Walch of Long oeacn aispiays ROidcn sea shells which were awarded as trophies. ' I 8 I LESSONS FOR LADIES ONLY! Mrs. Doro thy Hagene organized the first aviation school in the United States exclusively lor female stu dents, at the Curtis Airport in East St. Louis, 11 L, with tuition equalling the cost of two pairs of stockings. O 4-H NEWS The Happy Iiomemakers held their fourth meeting Tuesday, July 25, 1929, at the home of Beverly Ann Brubacher. All members were pres ent. Our leader being absent, the as sistant leader, Yvonne Deles Dernier took charge cf the lesson, which was on cakes, courtesies and dish wash ing. The next meeting will be held at the home of Irvcne Meisinger August S, 1939. At the close of the meeting refresh ments were served by the hostess. BEVERLY BRUBACHER, News Reporter. Korn Klub Dance Draws Great Crowd to Plamore Park Residents of the City and Friends to the Number of Some 2.000 at Festival. From Saturday's Dally Last evening the dance arranged by the King Korn Klub as a part of the pre-carnival activities at Pla more park, north of this city, drew a crowd estimated at some 2,000 persons to the Platte river resort. The occasion was most delightful to everyone in the cool and pleasant surroundings and the excellent eve ning of entertainment that had been arranged by the committee in charge. Gracing the event was King-Frank A. Clcidt and Queen Martha KaCen berger of the King Korn Karnival and who extended the greetings to the large audience and extending the invitation to the festival which will be held this coming September in Plattsmouth. Two of the live wire boosters of the carnival. Miss Gertrude Vallery Murray Lady Observes 90th Anniversary Mrs. Mary A. Nickles Is Honored at Family Dinner and Party by Members cf Fanily. From Saturday's Daily Mrs. Mary A. Nickles. one of the well known and loved f.rures in the Murray community, observed the passing of her ninetieth birthday an niversary at the family home yester day. Three of her four children and their children were able to Le pres ent to help Mrs. Nickles oli-brat the birthday. Mary A. Rhea was bom in Prince ton, Mo., on July 2S. 1S49. Flie was the eldest of the four living children of her family. Several years ago married Robert Nickles and to this union was born four c-hlldre::. Bertha and Alfred who make tht-ir home with the mother. Mrs. Gforpo Kay of Murray, and Mrs. Lucy Cro;;s er of Wood River. Nebraska. Fbe has eight grandchildren and tix great-grandchildren. Her husband passed away several years ago. Mrs. Nickles has two brother. James Rhea of Oregon, agc-d S4; and R. W. Rhea aged TO, of Yates Cen ter, Kansas; one sister. Mrs. Fanni Runyon, aged 80, of Denver, Colo rado. A birthday dinner was served dur ing the nooir hour and those rres'i:t were: Mr. and Mrs. R. YV. Rhea t Yates Center, Kansas: Mr. and Mr. Walter Swinford. lola, Kansas; Mr and Mrs. Nelson Davidson. Hutch ison. Kansas: Mrs. Geo. Rh?a. Mur ray: Mrs. Esther Thompson and daughter. Rose Marie. A. F. NicHe-s and Miss Bertha Nickles. Among other relatives calline throughout the evening were Mr of the Junior Woman's club and Yin-J and Mrs. J. D. Wurdeman or Leleh. cent Kelley, Jr., president of the ; Nebraska, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Nic k Junior Chamber of Commerce also les and son, Robert. Miss Etta Nick gave short talk3 and urged the sup-jles. Lee Nickles of Plattsmouth. Mr. port of the fall festival and express-j and Mrs. Glen Todd at Murray, and ing the appreciation felt for thej Mr. and Mrs. Alvador Nickles tt spirit of co-operation that had been j Murray. shown by the residents of the city Mrs. R. W. Rhea and Mrs. Esther and the surrounding communities In the pre-carnival activities. Walter H. Smith, genial county attorney, served as the master of;sion ceremonies of the evening and gavej Thompson presented Mrs. Nickles with birthday cakes, which were beautifully decorated for the occa- a very fine talk on the work of the King Korn Klub and the spirit of community co-operation that had made the six years of successful fall festivals possible. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the music fur- EEATEICE AJIN EETUENS HOME Miss Eeatrice Arn. daughter ot ! Mrs. Yernon T. Arn. Sr.. returned j this week from a two wet-ks" visit ! in Osallala. Nebrcskr.. Miss Arn I visited with the Charles, Ern't niched by the Nighthawks under the ar.d Arthur Anderson families, thf direction of Peter Gradoville. they ,men being her uncles, and with her having a program of the popular and; aunt. Mrs. Yernon Fhshman. While swjngful tunes of the present and jn Ogallala Miss Arn had the pleas fhe past days. ant opportunity of renins and visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mad- DEATH OF TOM KASTNER j dox, former Plattsmouth young reo- pie. the latter being formerly Mis? Thomas Kastner, 67, who for more Helen Jane Korp. Miss Arn and than fifty years has been a resident Mrs. Maddox are former schoolmates of Nebraska City, died at his home in and she reported that Mr. Maddox that city Wednesday of a heart at-1 is engaged in construction work that is now In progress on the dam at Ogallala. STATEMENT OF CONDITION tack. He has been in poor health for several years past. .Mr. Kastner was born In Omaha July 21. 1872, son of Thomas and Mary Kastner. He came to Nebraska City in 1SS6 and in 1901 was mar-j tied to Miss Bessie O'Neill, daughter' of the late Albert O'Neill of'Platts-j mouth, they having since that time made their home in Nebraska City, j In partnership with his brother. Terrier:, he conducted a cigr store in ! r.i:son:or:s Nebraska City for many years, one . 1.? h lntftVj:"rH " or trie tsouuiar nr.sine?s r.iaces on i tut nri Central avenue. Ill health forced!. . ; his retirement from active business a i few years ago. There is surviving' his passing Mrs. THE FLATTSMQUTH LOAH & BUHDIKG ASSOCIATION of T'la 1 1 rrr.o'i l. N''t!-k! "-rt ifl-a '.f No 'JO) n' I "1h- -f ltiiMineHs M irtrr.irc Iir-T Ire.tnct .,n r.,aiiM i S".:''.9 ar:.I I'r. raii1 I. ;.! J'.-tat' fvii.l tt.-r , I I nn i n ;.- len'linr jf al lti'.te r M n '.inti'' u n o 12 ' .117." I f i rnurr, J'lsluiff Kastner. three children. Mrs. Robert; i:.uiinn nt .- . . . , . . . , in Fv1fi:il llomr luii r ame, :ei);ttK;i ; ecu wis. h , Hirk C. Nichols and Thomas Kastner, Jr of Iowa City. Iowa. James ar.d Jcs?ph cf Nebraska C!ty also survive his passing. Mr. Kastner was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Henry Timm of tbU citv. Funeral serviced were held on (-..', .T) 1 1 ii nl iit! Iii- fmm Tfi i U j Two brothers. 'fit l.-r Arrets 1 " tn.e: .? !4.'ii4.-.l I.TATILITI HS Jliari-n of t n m-nt Mcn.l't-rs: i :i I ?i- :i !!:ti nt a nl ruN Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Fuit-Vai.t , ..... It'll" :on-(PWi-is Karstens-ratierson cnapei at iseuras-. ,,Iete i,.anM I'f.i'ivi-lcil froflt .. I l iilelntM t . -clare it Phone Printing orcers to Nn. 6 !I:r:r' 1 (a) General !lvi,1- ka City. 1 1 on liicnm- t 'nvii i'l ::u. i::o 4 'i ii i r.i4 ci VxooooacoxocccoGCoocor 8 men's CLEAN-UP Press (r) t'nnl ier-,-l Intert-nt on r..uu) f. . I il lnl Ir.ite Omul 4. ITti.7": f I 1 n 1 I-'-j I ii t , S n I il (in r,iura t . . 4.::." ' (f) Tne. n n'd lim'iratice -AilvaiK-et r.."s: 1 SlTital I.iar.ilitles !.( N sic X ! s A Good Idea! Wescott's S Where Quality Counts County of fafs J I. C A. .tonnon. I'reslilent of 1 1 -al.ive nmeil Ayfuriat ion. ! iiolemril' ?Wf8r tl'fit (tie ftre-i ri tc statement ff tlie con'tltlon of the caul Asoriation 1 f ue far"! correct tc the Lest of triy knowledK" ami r.ellef. C. A. jousns. Arnrovfil: I'resident. M. n. prown. H. F. GOOS. E. P. LIT. Directors. Sulscrlbe(! And 'orn to tiefore rr.. this liitli day of July. A. T. 193!. W. A. IIOBEHTSOV. (Seal) Notary Public. (ily Commission Uxplres Aug. ti. 138; fiecooooacoGGGoecoQcooaoooc