The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1939, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, JULY 24, 1939
Year Peace Pact
Philadelphia Inquirer in Story Says
France, Great Sritain, Germany,
Italy and Poland Agree.
The Philadelphia Inquirer said today
in a copyrighted dispatch from Wash
ington that it had been informed that
Great Britain, France, Germany,
Italy and Poland had reached a ten
tative agreement to preserve peace
for 25 years.
An American ambassador in Eu
rope sent a copy of the proposed
agreement, expected to be ratified atjfajr They wjI1 be KOne about thirty
a five-power conference within twojdays During that time Uncle Henry
weeks, to the state department, thcjwm ,ook ft th, , home and
newspaper said. A "noticeanie iacK
of information about the probable
meeting place of the conference was
Under the terms of the agreement,
as reported by the Inquirer, Danzig
will be returned to Germany, but
would remain a free port open to
Polish commerce, and the status of
the Polish corridor would be modi
fied, presumably giving Germany free
access to East Prussia without im
pairing Poland's communications
with the sea.
Other provisions, the newspaper
said, would give Italy representation
on the Suez Canal directorate and
participating rights in the French
owned Addis Ababa-Djibouti rail
road; establish a neutral zone in
North Africa opposite Gibraltar to
insure British sovereignty there;
guarantee the present Franco-Ger-j
man and Franco-Italian borders per-
manently and those of other Eu
ropean countries for 25 years, and
limit armies of the signatory powers
to a maximum of 300,000 men each
for 25 -years.
The Inquirer reported indications
that the agreement might have been
sent to Washington by Ambassador
Joseph P. Kennedy at London or Am
bassador William Bullitt at Paris and
said that the United States, although
not a party to the negotiations, had
been kept informed of their progress.
The text was made available in
Washington, according to the dis
patch, so that "thep rivate and un
official reactions of these responsible
for American forign rolicy could
be learned."
HYDE PARK, X. Y., July 22 (UP)
President Roosevelt dropped back in
to his role as a Duchess county farm
er today to call for a complete clean
up in the county sheriff's office.
The sheriff is Dwipht Sedgwick, a
republican, but the president said his
opinion was not based on party con
sideration. He suggested the house
cleaning as a farmer of the county
rather than as president and said its
method must be determined by the
voters at a forthcoming election.
His remarks made yesterday at a
press conference were based on a
liquor conspiracy case in which thirty
two persons, including three deputy
sheriffs were indicted on charges of
violating federal internal revenue
laws. Twelve pleaded guilty an-1 four
teen ethers were convicted. The gov
ernment charged it was defrauded of
$2,500,000 in taxes by the violations
which extended back to the period
before Sedgwick took office.
OGALLALA, Neb., July 21 (UP )
Rev. F. M. Latham of Staunton, 111.,
was injured fatally and his wife
hurt seriously when their car over
turned after a tire blowout on a
highway two miles west of here last
The pastor died two hours after
the accident of internal injuries. The
couple was returning to their home
after a visit with a son in Billings,
MT. PLEASANT, la., July 22
(UP) A large grain elevator owned
by the A. D. Hays company was de
stroyed by fire early today with dam
age estimated at approximately
330,000. Firemen said the blaze w-a3
caused by dust explosion. They said
a large amount of grain stored in the
elevator was not burned but was
damaged by water. Firemen battled
the flames for more than five hours
OTTUMWA, la., July 21 (UP) A
horrified crowd saw Walter Thatcher,
21-year-old Indian, plunge 7,000 feet
to his death in an unsuccessful cir
cus "bat man" act at the municipal
airport last night. Thatcher's rara
chute failed to open and a second
Eafety 'chute opened tao late w-Uea he
was 100 feet from the ground.
Wabash News'Eleven-Year-
Frank Marshall and W. T. Rich
ards were in Plattsmouth "Wednes
day morning of last week, having
some business matters in county
court there.
Some- worit has been done to get
the Wabash fchool in shape for the
fall term, beginning in September
which is but a short ways ahead.
M-ss Teresa C olbert, cf this locality,
has been selected as the instructor
for the coming year. -
Seeinjr the Golden West
Mr. and Ilrs. Ralph Colbert and
Mrs. Henry H. Gerbeling departed
via automobile for San Francisco,
wlcre they ixpect to visit friends
iaud relatives and take in the Worlds
, e fQr the farm
Threshing Completed
Threshing lias been completed for
tli3 year in the vicinity of Wabash.
The machine owned and operated by
I J. E. Goldsn and Ralph Richards.
which has been going pretty steady
sii.-ce the completion of harvest, fin
ished up work last Wednesday morn
ing. They made eleven settings and
put through approximately 3,000
bushels cf grain, mostly wheat and
oats. While I his seems like a small
figure, one must remember this has
been a year of small yields and a
goodly portion of the small grain is
r.ow being cared for by combines.
Road is Graded
The road one mile north of Wa
bash which runs parallel with and
j extends from the former McCrorey
piece two miles to the east has been
graded up and put in fine condition,
with entranceways cut into several
fauns along the route, so the occu
pants can get in and out of their
places. Road Supervisor Louis Sch
midt, with the assistance of John
Finkle and Henry Christensen, did
th job and an excellent piece of
wi.rk it is.
Death of Mrs. Jacoby
Mrs. Jennie Jacoby, who had lived
r.eiir Havelock for 50 years and in
the state for 54 years, died at her
heme five miles east of Havelock on
Monday afternoon. She was 70 years
of age.
Mrs. Jacob was born at Knights
fown, Ind., and moved to Nebraska
w hen she wis 10 years old. She set
tled in Otoe county with her father
?i:d lived until April 1. 1S90
v lion she w rit? married to I. W. Jac
o!y. They would have celebrated
uicir goiaen wedding anniversary
next April hid she lived.
bhe was u member of Havelock
ihapter O. E. S. and of the Prairie
Home Ladies" Aid.
Surviving besides her husband are
two sons, Harley of Mason City,
Iowa, and Prank at home; one
daughter, Julia of Norton, Mass.;
one brother, Otis C. Dimick, Bedford,
Oregon; one sister, Mrs. Richard
Schuelke of Lincoln and one grand
son, also a cousin, L. R. Stanley, of
The funeral and burial of Mrs.
, Jacoby were held last Wednesday at
Prairie Home, being attended bv a
large number of friends and neigh-
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stanley
were in attendance from here.
From Thursday's Xaily
This morning J. L. Fisk, general
passenger agent of the Missouri Paci
fic railroad with offices at Omaha,
was in the city to visit with the local
people for a few hours today. The
Missouri Pacific has furnished a very
fine passenger train service to and
rrom this city in the past months and
probably the best that the city has
had for a great many years.
The Missouri Pacific has six pas
senger trains through here each day,
three each way between Kansas City
and Omaha and this service is sup
plemented by four buses, two north
and two south, making it possible to
travel either way in morning or after
noon. While here Mr. Fisk had the pleas
ure of meeting a large number ot
the local people.
Marie Hathaway of this city, a
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
Hathaway was taken to the Orthe
pedic hospital at Lincoln Tuesday for
an operation. Miss Hathaway is ex
pected to be there for several weeks.
From Thursday' Dany
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Fitzgerald
are moving today to their new home
ou South Fifth street between Pearl
and Granite, occupying the
ct William Barclay.
Old Boy Slays
His Sister
Stanley Dobruk, 11 Admits Killing
Sister Because She Slighted Him
Out of Two Cents.
NEW HAVEN, Mich., July 22
(UP) Eleven-year-old Stanley Do
bruk confessed today that he shot
and killed his sister, Frances. 14,
"because she owed me two cents,"
Prosecutor I. A. Johnston announced.
"I didn't mean to shoot her."
Johnston quoted the boy, "I only
wanted to scare her." The confession
was obtained after additional ques
tioning today. The boy's father, John
Dobruk, broke down and sobbed as
he' heard his sen admit the shooting.
Stanley said he and his sister had
been berry picking and that they
had divided the money. He said his
sister withheld two cents from him.
"I got my gun to scare her," the
boy said, as huge tears streamed
down his cheeks. "I did not think
the gun was loaded. I pointed it at
her head just to scare her, but it
went off and she fell down."
At the time of the shooting Fran
ces mother and father were in the
field. They were attracted to the
house by cries of another son, John,
4, that "his sister had fallen down."
CALGARY, Alberta, July 21 (UP)
Calgary's social circles buzzed w ith
speculation today on a motive that
had substantiated the charge of a
student nurse that she had been
tarred and feathered by a socially
prominent mother and her daughter.
Principals were Alice Knowles, 28,
undergraduate nurse still in a hos
pital for treatment of shock and face
and body burns; Mrs. Ethel Allen,
53, wife of a well-to-do physician
and her daughter, Betty. 24, socialite.
Mrs. Allen and her daughter " face
trial July 27 on a charge of "assault
occasioning bodily harm."
Miss Knowles told police Sunday
Mrs. Allen and her daughter visited
her apartment and slapped her. She
feared another attack and, asked pro
tection. Tuesday Miss Knowles,
smeared with stick rouge paint and
feathers, stumbled into a neighbor's
suite after police said Mrs. Allen and
her daughter had been seen leaving
Miss Knowles' apartment. Removed
to a hospital Miss Knowles told po
lice that Mrs. Allen and her daughter
had applied the tar and feathers.
Police Chief David Ritchie de
clined to discuss a possible motive
for the alleged attack and would not
say whether Miss Knowles had fur
nished one.
OMAHA, July 22 (UP) Leroy
Bucklin, 20, lifeguard at the Blair
swimming pool injured in an automo
bile accident near Arlington early
Friday, died at a hospital here last
night. The condition of Victor Payne,
19 also a Blair lifeguard, was con
sidered critical. Sophia Petersen, 19,
and her sister, Ruby, 17, telephone
operators at Bennington, were not
seriously injured. The four were rid
ing fom a dance when Bucklin's car
left the road.
KEARNEY, Neb., July 21 (UP)
An all-time high has been reached
for the number of men reported on
Nebraska public works and irrigation
projects. Douglas Wright, acting
chief PWA project engineer, reported
today. The number. 2,828, for the
week ending July 18 is an increase
over the 1,874 employed In July,
193S. The incerase is due to the
fact that the constructino program
of the Tri-County district now is In
full swing, Wright said.
The U. S. Public Service today pre
pared 8 - grams of government
owned radium valued at $180,000 for
shipment to hospitals in twenty dif
ferent states and Hawaii for treat
ment of cancer. The rare element
is being loaned to the hospitals. The
University of Nebraska hospital at
Omaha i3 one of the radium borrow
PIPESTONE, Minn., July 21 (UP)
Stanley Kozlik, 23, of Howells, Ne
braska, was drowned while swim
ming in ripestone creek near here
last night when apparently overcome
by cramps. Kozlik was a harvest
See the poods you Buy. CalaToo.
but how about the aoods when
descriptions are allurlna enough.
you cet them?
Mrs. Ed Brounkow visited June
Kyles on Tuesday.
Shirley Buckingham is visiting
relatives in Omaha.
Beverly Casey spent Wednesday
night with Connie Osburn.
Mrs. Ed Fisher's granddaughter
from Havelock is visiting with her.
Mrs. Darrell Buckingham and
children visited her mother in Ash
land last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton of Des Moines,
Iowa, visited at the Etheredge home
Saturday night.
Mrs. Elsie Peters ha3 gone to Ver
don, Nebraska, to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Lewis.
The Rebekah lodge met Wednes
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Fred Etheredge.
Many Greenwood folks enjoyed
the Firemen'? Frolic at Waverly last
Thursday evening.
Thelma Ruth Holka spent the past
w eek with her sisters,' Margaret and
Mamie at Ceresco.
Garfield Dunning left Monday for
a visit in Denver. He expects to be
there about a month.
Mrs. Bob Garcia and daughter,
Sharon of hvo visited last week
with her father, Dan Griffith.
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Kyles of
Lincoln wera Tuesday night sup
per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mrs. Lou Ilurlbut and Paul Buck
ingham were Sunday dinner guests
cf Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hurlbut, at
The Woodmen of the World are
sponsoring a Field Day at Greenwood
ou Sunday, July 23, with a ball game
and races.
The Dorcas Society met Friday at
the Christiaa church. Mrs. Travis
Cameron an I Mrs. James Bright
were hostesses.
Greenwood and Ceresco played
baseball Sunday at Greenwood. This
was part of tne W. O. W. Field Day
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jardine of
Lincoln visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hurlbut from Saturday night until
Monday morning.
Mrs. Elton Keller and daughter
Janice and .Marion Wallace spent
Wednesday in Alvo with Mrs. Wayne
Kinney and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus- Brokhaga re
turned homo Sunday evening from
Norfolk, where thy visited her
nephew, Mr. Layman, and family.
Mr. Joe Dyer, age 83, died at
Ashland last week. The funeral ser
vices were he!d at Ashland and bur
ial was in the Greenwood ceme
tery. Mr. and Mrs. Alton and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Etheredge drove to Grand
Inland Sunday to visit Mrs. Ether
edge's daughter. The. returned home
Monday morning.
Mr. and Airs. L. C. Marvin and
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Knolle of Sioux
City. Iowa, visited the John Weid
man family in Lincoln on Sunday,
at which time and place they cele
brated Mr. Weldman's birthday.
Miss Josephine SedJak, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Sedlak, un
dcrwent an operation for the re
moval of her adenoids Thursday
morning at the office of a local phy
sician. Her mother was present
during the operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Fark Coffee, of
Hutchison, Kansas, are here to en
joy a visit with their relatives, the
members of the John Ledgway fam
ily. Mrs. Coffee Is a niece of the
late Mr. Ledgway. '
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Elizabeth Carr. deceased. No. 3415:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Novem
ber 20. I!i39; that a hearing will be
hiici at the County Court room in
I tKttsmmith on November 24, 1939,
at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated July 24, 1939.
(Peal) jy21-3w County Judge.
In the Count Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
. To all persons interested in the
estate of Clara M. Searle, deceased.
No. 3116:
Take notice that the Administrator
of said estata has filed his final re
port, and a petition for examination
a id allowance of hia administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court ou August 18, 1939, at
ten o'clock a. ni.
Dated July 21, 1939.
(Seal) Jy24-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Fayette Kested, deceased.
Nc. 3420:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administra
tion of said estate and appointment
oi Wm. J. Rau as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
lSth day of August, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated July 18, 1939.
(Seal) Jy24-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Ambrose M. Searle, deceas
ed No. 3071:
Take notice that tjie Administra
tor de boni3 non of said estate has
filed his final report and a petition
for examination and allowance of his
ac'ministration accounts, determina
tion of heirship, assignment of resi
due of said estate and for his dis
charge; that said petition and re
port will be heard before said Court
ci August 18, 1939, at ten o'clock
a. m.
Dated July 21, 1939.
(Seal) jy24-.lw County Judge.
Slate of Nebraska
County of Cass j
By virtue of an
Alias Order '. Sale issued by C. E.
Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Nebras
ka, and to mo directed, I will on the
26th day of August, A. D. 1939, at
10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day at
the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth In
s:id county, cell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash the
following real estate, to-wit:
Lots 9 end 10, Block 152,
City of Plittsmouth, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Gailand R.
RLoden et al, defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
a municipal corporation, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 19,
A. D. 19 39.
' Sheriff Cass County,
jy2 4-5w Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Application
of Henry A. Tool. Executor, for
License to sell Real Estate:
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a License to Sell
Real Estate and Order of Sale Issued
by the Hon. W. W. Wilson, Judge of
the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, on the 17th day of July,
11)39, that I. Henry A. Tool, Execu
tor of the Estate of Fred Diekmann,
deceased, will sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, that
is to say, ten per cent on the day of
the sale and the balance when said
sale shall be confirmed by the Court
and deed delivered, at the west front
door of the Murdock Co-Operative
Credit Association Building. Mur
dock, Nebraska, at two o'clock in the
afternoon on ihe 5th day of August
lf'39, the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and
' P in Block 3, Village of Mur
dock, Cass County, Nebraska.
Said sale to remain open one hour,
Possession of said premises to be
given purchaser or purchasers upon
delivery of deed or deeds. Abstract
showing merchantable title will be
given purchaser.
Dated this 17th day of July. 1939
Executor of the Estate of
Fred Diekmann, Deceased.
jy. 17-3w
In the District Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Application
of the Estate of Lucy Johnson, de
ceased for license to sell real estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of the order of Hon. J. H,
Broady, one of the judges of the
District Court of Lancaster County,
Nebraska made on the 1st day of
July, 1939 for the sale of real estate
hereinafter described there will be
sold at public auction to the highest
bidder the following described real
estate, to-wlt:
The North Half of the North
west Quarter of Section 26,
Township 10, North Range 11,
Cass County, Nebraska, and
Northeast Quarter of Section "
35, Township 10, Range 11, Cass
County, Nebraska,
subject to whatever encumbrances, if
any, existed at the time of the death
of said Lucy Johnson.
Said sale to take place on the 29th
day of July, 1939 at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m. at the Northeast Quar
ter of Section 35, Township . 10,
Range 11, Cass County, Nebraska.
Terms of sale are as follows: Ten
per cent (10) of, the purcnase
price to be paid at the conclusion of
the sale and the balance upon con
Dated this 6th day of July. 1939.
Executor of the Estate of
jy6-3w Lucy Johnson, deceased
J, Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
Omaha, Kebraaka
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order entered by the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, on June 26, 1939, in an ac
tion in which Clara B. Weast, et al,
are plaintiffs, and Frank Clement,
et al, are defendants, directing and
ordering the sale of the land here
inafter described, I will, on Saturday,
the 5th day of August, 1939, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m., at the
south front door of the Cass county
court house In the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, sell at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder, the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
The South half (S) of the
Northeast quarter (NE4) and
the Southeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter (SE4 of
NW'i) of Section thirty (30),
Township twelve (12), Range
twelve (12), East of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska uron the following terms: 10 per
cent at time of sale and balance up
on confirmation of sale.
Said sale will be held open one
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
June 30, 1939.
A. L.. TIDD,
y3-5w Referee.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
The Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance Comany, a
William J. Nswham as Ad
ministrator of the Estate
of William H. Newham,
Deceased, et al.
NOTICE is hereby given to "All
the heirs, d;visees, legatees, person
al representatives and other persons
interested in the estate of William
H. Newham, deceased, real names
unknown, and, All persons having oi
claiming any interest in the West
Half of the Southwest Quarter of
Section nine, in Township ten north,
or Range eleven east. Also that part
of the Southeast Quarter of Section
eight, in Township ten north of
Range eleven, east, bounded and de
scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at
the northeast corner of said south
east quarter and running thence
west one hundred six and two-thirds
rons; thence routh sixty rods; thence
e&st one hundred six and two-thirds
rods, and thence north sixty rods to
the place of beginning, containing
forty acres, more or less. The prem
ises in the aggregate containing one
hundred twenty acres, more or less,
subject to public easement for high
ways as now located, Cass County,
Nebraska, real names unknown."
You and each of you are notified
that on the 13th day of July, 1939,
The Northwestern Mutual Life In
surance Company, a corporation, as
plaintiff, filed its petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
apainst you and each of you. Ap
pearance Docket 9, page 140, .the
object and purpose of which is to
secure a judgment and decree of
the amount due plaintiff under and
foreclosing a mortgage made by Wil
liam H. Newham and Sarah E. New
ham, his wife, both of whom are
now deceased, to the plaintiff on the
2Sth day of February, 1931, record
ed on the 12th day of March, 1931,
in Volume 62 of Mortgages on page
559 of the mortgage records of Cass
County, Nebraska, which mortgage
"the west half of the south
west quarter of Section nine, in
Township ten north, of Range
eleven east. Also that part of
the southeast quarter of Section
eight, in township and range
aforesaid, bounded and describ
ed as follows, viz: Beginning at
the northeast corner of said
Southeast quarter and running
thence west one hundred six and
two-thirds rods; thence south
sixty rod3; thence east one hun
dred six find two-thirds rods
and thence north sixty rods to
the place of beginning, contain
ing forty acres, more or less.
The premises hereby mortgaged
contain in the aggregate, one
hundred twenty acres, more or
less, subject to public easement
for highways as now located,
Cass county. Nebraska."
and was given to secure the payment
of one promissory note made by Wil
liam H. Newham, now deceased, to
the plaintiff in the sum of $7,000.00
of which amount $6,400.00 is due
and unpaid with -interest thereon at
5 per annum, from February 28th,
1938. Plaintiff also seeks to recover
$43.97 advanced by it for the first
half of the 1938 taxes with interest
thereon at 10 from June 9, 1939,
and decreeing said mortgage, Inter-
Ml nuri fnxra nrst npn nn sniii
mortgaged premises and directing '
the sale of eaid premises described j
in the mortgage in satisfaction of .'" 1'riie A- -Uiancnard, wife; Gen
the amount so found due in the event fva J- Tomllnson and Juanita L. Mil
it is not paid in twenty days, and jlr- daughters;
foreclosing each and all of said de- Tf?at the interest of the petition-
ftndants. of ail right, title, interest
and equity cf redemption in or to iaif! 13 88 heirs at law of said de
said mortgaged premises, and al- c.eased, and praying for a determina
ting plaintiff costs of suit and
equitable relief.
You and each of you are required
t: anstWAr fiaii on or hfrr
the 28th day of August, 1939, and
If you fail to answer on or before Wi
said date, th allegations contained
therein will be taken as true and
judgment rendered and decree en
tered accordingly.
By Plaintiff.
WM. .M. HOLT, .
Its Attorney.
Subscribe for the Journal.
To Earl D. Jefferson and Esther
Jefferson, husband and wife; Anna
Belle Jefferson and James Jefferson,
wlte and husband:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Alma Amelia Heilman
as plaintiff, on the 20th day of June,
1JJ39, filed her duly verified petition
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, against you and each of
you, together with Harwood M. Penn
and others, as defendants, the object
and prayer of said petition being
for a partition of the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The South Half of the North
west Quarter (86 NW4) and
the North Half of the South
west Quarter (N SW'4) of
Section Eighteen (18). Town
ship Eleven (11), North, Range
Nine (9); and the Northwest
Quarter (NW4) and the West
Half of the Northeast Quarter
(W NE) of Section Thirty
one (31), Township Eleven (11)
North, Range Nine (9), all East
of the 6th Principal Meridian
in Cass County, Nebraska
in which real estate it is alleged that
Earl D. Jefferson has an undivided
one-sixteenth (116) interest and
Anna Belle Jefferson has an un
divided one-eighth (18) interest;
the plaintiff prays the Court to enter
its decree confirming the shares of
the various parties interested in said
real estate, as alleged in said peti
tion, and that if said real estate
cannot be equitably divided, that the
same be sold and the proceeds there
of divided among the parties accord
ing to their respective rights, and
for such other and different relief
as Justice and equity may require.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 21st day of
August, 1939.
Dated this 11th day of July. 1939.
By Plaintiff.
Her Attorney.
State of Nebra
ska 1
ts j
County of Cass
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way, Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Ne-
biaska, and to me directed, I will
on the 12th day of August, A. D.
1939, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house in aid county, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
fo- cash the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Part of the' southeast quar
ter of the northwest quarter de
scribed as follows: Beginning
48 links west of the northeast
corner of the southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter of Sec
tion 32, Township 12, North of
Range 9, East of the Gth P. M.,
running thence west, 77 Ti rods
to the northwest corner of said
40 acre tract: thence south 41
rods to a stone; thence east 4 7 is
rods to Burlington and Missouri
River Railroad right of way;
thence in a northeasterly direc
tion along said right of way, 51 .
rods to beginning, except a strip
of land 50 feet wide running
parallel with said railroad on
east Bide of said land, of Section
32, in Township 12, North of
Range 9, East of the 6th Prin
cipal Meridian, containing 15.45
acres, more or less, according to
the Government survey, in Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of June E.
Kyles et al, Defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation,
a Corporation, Plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 8,
Sheriff Cass County,
Jyl0-5w Nebraska.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Estate of Cosie Blanchard, deceas
ed. Estate No. 3 418.
The State of Nebraska: To all per-
isons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Myr
tle A. Blanchard, Geneva J. Tomlin
son and Juanita L. Miller have filed
their petition alleging that Cosie
Blanchard died intestate on or about
.April 16, 1927, being a resident and
inhabitant ot Wray, Yuma county,
Colorado, and died seized of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
The north one-half (N) of
the northeast quarter (NEU)
of Section twenty-eight (28).
Township ten (10), North of
Range nine (9), East of the
6th P. M., Cass county, Ne
braska leaving as his sole and only heirs at
,aw lhe following named persons, to-
?' 3 ine above described real es-
L10" or the time of the death of said
cosie tfiancnard and of his heirs, the
lsree oi Kinsnip and the right of
descent Of the real nronprt-ir hinn..
S'to the said deceased, in the State
It is ordered that thA sam
hnfiVon the 4th Ay of Aug
ust. 1939, before the County Couft
of Cass County in the court house at
Plattsmouth Nebraska, at the hour
or 10 o clock a. m.
Pafu,at plattsmouth. Nebraska,
this Sth day of July, a. D. 1939
saoix 4, , H- DUXBURY,
(Seal) JylQ-3w County Judge.
lrDhnf oOaes and all sorts