THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1939. PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL Ihe Plattsmouth Journal "" ' PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT Entered at Potto ff ice, Plattimoath, MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAS IN FIRST POSTAL ZONR Subscriber liTin-p In Second PoaUl Zone, 12.50 per year. Beyond COO milea. 3.00 per year. Rate tp Canada and foreign countries, $3.10 per year. All eubscriptiona are payable etrlctly in advance. Murray Mrs. John Frans was In Omaha Friday of last week looking after some business matters. Visit our funeral home Learning the facts brings peace of mind. Por ter Funeral Home, Nebraska City. John If. Fitch was in Plattsmouth last Saturday night looking after business matters and visiting friends. ' Mrs. Susan Berger. manager of the Murray hotel, has been feeling rather poorly and has not been able to look after her work and has been assisted by her son, George Berger. ; George E. Nickles and wife w ere in Omaha Monday looking after some business and also visiting friends. During their absence the lumber yard was looked after by James E. Gruber. Carl J. Schneider, vice-president of the Plattsmouth State bank, with Mrs. Schneider were in Murray one night last week enjyoing the open air moving picture show, a feature sponsored by Murray business men. The Ladies' Aid of the Murray Christian church was entertained last Wednesday by Grandmother Topliff at her home. A most enjoyable time was had and the ladies did much coed work Tor iheir organization and foV the church. Miss Mary Smith who was so ser iously injured when she was struck by a steel fence post while riding on : the side of an auto is reported as doing fine. She was able to return from the hospital last week and is getting along nicely. Messrs. W. G. TJoedeker and G. H. Gilmore were in Weeping Water last Sunday attending the funeral of their old time friend. Mr. Charles Philpot, who had resided in Cass county for more than sixty years. They report a large attendance at the funeral: ' . Postmaster C. D. Spangler and daughter. Mrs. Margaret S. TPdd. assistant postmaster, were down to Nebraska City last Monday morning attending the funeral of Mrs. Ida Roddy, mother of Eugene Roddy, car rier of mail on the Murray rural route. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard are having their country heme refinished with paining, papering and some car penter work to make some desired changes. M. G. Churchill is doing the w-ork, having worked last week and expects to 'have the changes made by the end of this week. Eugene Gruber who is stationed rn the LT. S. S. Colorado as a mem ber of Uncle Sam's navy, with the ship went from San Francisco tc Seattle and then on up to Birming ham where the ship is to be repaired and changed, the crew to remain with the ship while it is undergoing the changes. Enjoy Visit at Lincoln. C. L. Armstrong and wife, the lat ter a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Desles Dernier, came down from Omaha last Sunday and picking up the parents drove to Lincoln where I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY nMililr Kraturt h I'rlrr l,nrrr 'Mr. Moto in Danger Island' Mote pits liis oriental cuimim? in liis (transrest crime ai vrnturt-. I'lii.- lt Itojcrrx in a new Fast-Action AN" etem: 'Shine On, Harvest Moon . llusic-al Show You'll Like Also larr l-II of Itni Circle crlal Matinee Saturday, at 2:30 Adults 25c Children. . .101 SUNDAY - MONDAY MHIILfcY TEMFI.K In 'Susannah of The Mounties' . 'Famous ttory of the Northwest Also Donold Iuck. Lincoln in the White House ani News. A fine Sunday show. SlMAV ITIKU AT '.'i30 igbt fcbowat, 7 aad O Matinee, 10-25c Nights, 10-30c j TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY S HHi HKtlIN DAYS. fZriyr. i. Iliihlnnon, Kranrrx Itlrrr In 'Confessions of a Nazi Spy' It's a privilege of every American to this Dirturt':. Stark. Powerful: Also omely Miollight. Matinee Tues day at Xiht thows at -7 and 9. All Shews, 10 and 15a , THURSDAY ONUY Mmrth- Hmyr ana l"'" Mpe la 'Never Say Dis ie f-jri-v.est rictura tr.ev ever mace. s9 Corned'- and' NeveUr Reels r,4 e laet FREfc Sickle, given ! A the - PLATTS2XQUTH, V722ASXA Neb., as tecad-flap mail natter they spent the day visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Woodard White and Miss Pearle Deles Dernier, the ladies being two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Deles Dernier. A most en joyable day was had. all returning to their homes in the evening. To Have Water in Church. Arrangements have been completed for the installing of water in the Christian church, which will be a service for the Ladies' Aid. as they often meet in the church building when they have their regular ladies aid meetings and when they give sup pers. Enjoying Vacation This Week. Olin Morris is enjoying his vaca tion this week. He is employed in South Omaha with the United States government and has a regular vaca tion once a year. He is visiting for a part of the time at the home of his parents in Union, and with the wife was enjoying a visit last Sunday from the parents of Mrs. Morris.1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meade and family for Sunday dinner at the Morris home in Murray. ; Work on Water Tank. The tank whiih has been ereited, and still remains inaomplete is being worked on as it has to be riveted and made water tight. The wcrk of com pleting it will require about three weeks yet. but the work on all por tions of the water system is being pushed forward and it is expected to be completed on contract time. Celebrates Birthday Anniversary. Chester Sporer was just thirty-five years of age last Sunday and the good wife arranged to celebrate the event in proper fashion, which was by having the other members of the family there for dinner. Those to join Chester in the celebration of the ! event were Martin Sporer and fam ily. Charles Sporer and wife, and Wm. Sporer. father of Charles. Enjoyed Fishing Outing. Last Sunday at the Missouri river near the Beil lake, a party of young men consisting of Mason Dies. J. A. IScotten and Harry McCulluch, repair ed to the river and tried their luck, which was not bad for they caught a number of fish.. However an acci dent occurred to mar the pleasure of the outing, when the skiff which was manned with oars, one of which could not stand the heavy work of the fcwift current and was broken, leaving but one oar to guide the craft to shore. Mrs. Geary Better. Mrs. C. D. Geary who was so ser iously ill that she was taken to an Omaha hospital where she underwent an operation has been showing good improvement and was able to be re turned home this week. Her many friends are wishing that she may soon be in her former health again. Home From the North. The family of Lucean Carper who with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paape, the latter a sister of Mr. Carper who were spending some days in the north part of Minnesota where they enjoyed fishing and outing. They tell of the weather being very cool there, so much so that they contracted colds. But when htey returned home Wed nesday of last week they found that intensive hot weather and wished they had not returned. But they had to come some time and it had just as well be then as auy time. OVERLAND Theatre . Nebraska City Be Refreshingly COOL for 2Q Sat-- Sun. - Mon. - Tues : SONM' . . TYRONE . HENIE.POWER rfriMi ftiYfliivrfi T HUU iUI TAVfOT 4 llatiues- Ut. f. Styiy 2 :30 xiStfs, Comely, Cartoon Weeping Water Miss Jeanne Mansfield, of Des Moines, Iowa, is a guest of her cousin, Mrs. Harold S. Bowers. Sunday guests at the Fred Linville home were their daughter and hus band. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fleshman, of Nehawka. Harold Krecklow of Manley was a business visitor in Weeping Water on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Max . Richards, of Omaha, were week end guests at the L. J. and L. R. Lane homes. Mrs." Jane DeWolf spent the week end visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Alice Bates at Plattsmouth. H. S. Bowers left Sunday evening for Fort Crook for another two weeks training as a reserve officer. Henry Lemke has been busy paint ing signs for Forest Stock for his newly acquired service station. Earl Oldham was in Omaha for three consecutive days with stock for farmers near Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Harmon spent last week at the home of Duane'sjlo give her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Harmon. Perry Rector and family who have been making their home at Union and from there driving to his work has moved his family . to Weep ing Water. Mrs. J. M. Hayes, of Culbertson, Montana, is spending this month visiting with her brother. Alec Mitchell, and other relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Doane Harrison and two children. Helen and Jack, of Lincoln, spent last week visiting at the home of Mr. Harrison's aunt, Miss Edith Clizbe. The Ralph Kecklers have been en Joying a visit during the past week from Mrs. Keckler's niece. Jean Deer ing, of Onawa, Iowa. She returned to her home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bender and little daughter, Joan, were in Sutton last Sunday, guests of the parents of Mr. Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bender, finding them all feeling very well. Mr. and Mvs. Chas. Gibson enter tained a group of eighteen friends at a picnic supper on their lawn Fiiday evening. The evening was spent visiting and thoroughly en joyed by all. O. C. Hinds and his son-in-law, Wilbur Long, joined a party consist ing of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hinds and Ross Martin, of Lincoln,. and all went to Cass Lake. Minnesota; for a ten day vacation. Plans had been made' to hold the union vesper services last Sunday eve ning on the lawn of the Congrega tional church. Owing to the rain coming at the hour of the service plans had to be changed. The ladit3 of the M. E. church held an all day meeting in the church basement Wednesday. A cov ered dish luncheon was enjoyed at noon, and the day was spent tying c.finforters, p.nd with other sewing. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baldwin and two daughters. Ragene McNally and Margaret Baldwin were visiting friends in town Saturday. They ex pect to leave in a few days for a three weeks vacation in California. Twenty-four men were discharged from Camp Cass on June 30. On July 5, 53 men vere enrolled, and on July 14, fosir more men were en rolled, making a total enrollment of 04 men at the camp at the pres ent time. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Poore of At lanta, Ga., arrived in Weeping Water recently and have been visiting at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. ind Mrs. Thead Davis and with other friends. They expect to remain here for about two weeks. Oscar Gapen. Sr., of Plattsmouth was visiting with a number of friends in Weeping Water Tuesday Df this week. Mr. Gapen in other years lived cast of Weeping Water but during the past eight or ten years has made his home in Plattsmouth The eeping Water Camp Fire Girls entertained the Louisville Camp Fire Girls at a bard times party Wednesday evening at the American Legion Hall. Miss Mayme Michelson. guardian and Miss Ruth Wade, spon sor, assisted in every way to make the evening a succcas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bills who are spending some two weeks here from their home at Los Angeles, were visiting over last Monday with friends- in Lincoln and then went to Omaha for a visit before departing for their homo in the west. They have greatly enjoyed their visit here. Their home is at Huntington Park, a suburb of Los Angeles. Miss Margaret Ranuey entertain ed her Sunday school class at her home Tuesday afternoon. Games were played, pictures were taken H-W:-K-H-H-K-HK- Tioma$ Waiting Company Abstracts of Title Y Ptrn$ 334 - Flatt$:acr.ith and the children had a happy time. Ihose present wre re Sally Speck. "Pat ty' LaRue, June. Everett, Evelyn Lyritsen. John Domingo, John Ran nty, Viola Thomason, and two visi tors Patty Uickford and Joy Ann Lc-nker. Ice cream and cake were served and all went home happy. Has Narrow Escape. What might have been a very ser ious accident occurred Friday at noon, when Marvin - Frisel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frisel, was play ing near the belt in the Farmer's Union elevator. Not knowing that the children were playing there the machinery was suddenly started and Marvin v.-as thrown head first to the floor. He threw out his hand to save his face. The result was that he had a badly bruised arm. Although very painful there was no bones broken Mrs. George Spohn Very Poorly Mrs. George Spohn who has not been in the very best of health for .ome time past, has just iecently been quite a bit worse and in orde an pi;K:tunity to rest visitors have been ind recuperate, forbidden. Visited Over Sunday Here. Corporal Vera Amiok, who is his second year at the CMTC at Fort Crook and Marice Shirley who : there for his first year, were enjoyin an over Sunday furlough with thei folks at Weeping Water. They were returned to the camp by Jean Jones where Mr. Shirley was visiting for the time. Buildings Proeressine Nicely. The preparations for the annual conference of the Menonite church af Nebraska which has selected Weep ing Water as their central headquar 'ers for the state have during the past several weeks been building house and a tabernacle in which to hold their annual conference early in August. A kitchen and a numbe of other smaller buildings which will be used as eating house and dormi tories are nearing completion. Work was started on the tabernacle last week and is progressing nicely at this time, with the framework in place and the work being pushed on th enclosing of the structure. As th convention will be held here early in August the work must necessarily be hurried. The erecting of this buildings i adding much to he busy atmospher of Weeping AVa-ter which has man other enterprises now in the process of completion. Hake Changes in Business Forest L. Stock who has been con nected with the west side service sta tion, known as the Handy Station managed by Wm. Van Every, has resigned his position and Mr. Van Every has place'lffus son, Russell, in the vacated position. Mr. Stock re signed to take over the Don Philpot 3tation on south - street near the ele vator which has been conducted by Frank Elgaard who has disposed of it to enter into other lines Mr tock will Philpot in business. be associated with the carrying on of Don the Visitors From Oklahoma. Mrs. Lyle Standing and her two laughters, Glorida and Susanna, of Oklahoma City, were guests of Mrs Moody's sister. Mrs. Jess Collister for a week and left for Hastings tccompanied by Mrs. Collister, to visit with their mother. Mrs. Hattie Moody. Persuading her to return home with them all returned here for a more extended visit, when Mrs Moody was called back to Hastings by a message telling of the death of her sister, Airs. May Hollister, of Hastings. She left immediately for her home. Weeping Water Garden Club. Weeping Water Garden club held their regular meeting Friday evc- ning at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Day, with a good attendance in spite of the intense heat. Mrs, II.. C. Wilkinson presided at the business meeting, after which the program chairman. Mr3. J. M. Ranney. intpo- duced the two speakers. Mrs. Edna Shannon and Mrs. L. P. Wolcott. Mrs. Shannon had as her subject "White and Red Gardens' Mrs.. Day favored DEAD ANIMALS WANTED For Prompt and Dependable Service Reverse Calls to Plattsmouth 499 Murray 3312 Union .1.2601 Nehawka 2291 Avoca 3310 Fort Crook...,. .Market 3541 Tito Fort CrooIC Rendering Worlis Ft. Crook. Nebr. the club with a piano solo. "Hazel Blossoms." Mrs. Wolcott followed with 'Yellow and Blue Gardens" aa her subject. A forum on "Dry Weather Flowers" was then open for discussion by. all. The general opinion was that petunias and por tulaca are the best dry weather flowers for this climate. Home' made ice cream and small cakes were served by the hostess, and plans were made to have an out-of-town speaker for the next meeting. Will Build New Home. Harvey Rich has given orders for the erection of a new home to be constructed on the south side ol the Weeping Water creek upon which construction will begin at once. The home will be 24 by 2 8 feet and will be of the bungalow style, but will be completely modern in its appoint ments.. Passes Examination. Another one of our Weeping Wa ter boys is making good at his chosen work. Marvin Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt, has been attending the Northern Radio-Television Institute at Minneapolis. Word has come that he has passed the R. F. C. C. examination successfully and that he has received his govern ment radio operators license. Mar vin's many friends here will rejoice with him over this successful culmin ation of his school work. Feeling Quite Badly. Peter H. Miller, the produce sta tion man. while striving hard to take care of the business, the con dition of his legs are such that it seemed almost impossible for him to work. When a man comes with large cars of cream Mr. Miller can have him unload the tans, but when a woman or girl drives in w ith a large consignment it is difficult to care for it as when the can is large and well filled Mr. Miller with his lame legs cannot unload it. neither can the ladies. To Visit Here Over Sunday. Ross Shields, whose home when a lad was at Gosport, Ind., but has been away for many years, made a visit there last year with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shields and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shields and little daughter will arrive here Saturday tor a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ross "hields. Mr. and Mrs. Shields visited- the old home last year and also when Harold Meyers and party were ba ck - eaet Vece n 1 1 y t h e" "v isi t ed a t '"t h e home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shields, who are to be guests here this week end with his brother, Ross and wife. Visited Here Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askew were host and hostess at their country home last Sunday and had as their guests for the occasion Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carsten and family who were also joined by Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sudduth and son who make their home near Murray. SOCIAL WORKER FLOWER CLUB The Socialy Worker Flower club met for the July meeting at the home of Mrs. Peterson with Mrs. Mumm and Mrs. Harris assistant hos tesses. Mrs. Spangler had charge of the meeting and plans were made for the picnic to be held August 9th at the Spangler grove. Roll call was answered by each member telling where they would like to spend their vacation. The world's fair was the popular place. Mrs. Haith, Mrs. Mayficld and Mrs. Newton Sullivan and baby were visitors. The hostesses served a delicious two course luncheon. RETURN FROM OUTING Deputy Sheriff Emery Doody with Mrs. Doody and their children. Tommy and Jimmie who have been enjoying an outing in the Black Hills and other rartg of the country, re turned home Sunday. They had a very fine time and enjoyed to the utmost the opportunity of visiting with their relatives and old friends n that part of the west. coooooosoosoeoooosoooecoQ Open Mesh Shirt; IN WHITE $,25 Very Cool and Comfortable This Hot Weather Wescott'g Where Quality Counts OLD RESIDENT OF COUNTY Frank M. Massie, who is probably one of the oldest residents of the ounty in the number of years that he has spent here, was in the city Saturday from his home in Mt Pleasant precinct. Mr. Massie is eighty-five years of age and was born in Ohio, but his Hie has been spent in the west aa he was brought by his parents to Nebras ka when six years of age and he has ince been a resident of this part of the west. It was his part of the settlement of the new west to suffer mapy pf the privations of the early day settlers. He well recalls the pioneer settlements here at Platts mouth and the firm of Tootle & Hanna. which maintained a large general store In the east part of Plattmouth and facing the river which flowed at the foot of Main street. This firm was one of the leading establishments for the out fitting of those going to Denver and the war west, the firm receiving their stocks by shipment from steamboats from St. Louis and St. Joseph. Mr. Massie is feeling very well and ascribes his long and useful life to his active practice of the golden rule in living and associating with his fellow man. BUSY LITTLE BEES Our 4-II club met at the Mynard community hall on July 13. President Eloise Cole took charge of the meet ing. Most all the members were present. Demonstrations were given by Elizabeth Perry on the hand towel, Marilyn Beckman showed us how to make an even basting stitch. Marilyn Lutz showed us how to make the cross stitch and outline stitch. We practiced our new club song and yells. Delicious refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Alice Woster and Eloise Cole and Mary Margaret Cole were hostesses. Nancy Jane Trilety and Mary El len Woester were visitors. The next meeting will be July 25. By MARGARET SMITH. UNDERGOES SEVERE OPERATION The many friends of Mrs. G. B. Smith, former resident here, will re gret to learn that she-has just been compelled to undergo a very perious operation at a hospital at Atwood, Kansas. - where, the family have re; sided for the past several years. She was doing very well, however, in the last word received by her sister, Mrs. Henry Kaufmann. TO VISIT IN MISSOURI From Tuesday's Daily Mrs. Henry Marksbury and chil dren. Henry, Jr., and Gene are leav ing early Tuesday morning for Mar sha!!, Missouri, where they will spend two weeks vacationing and visiting with Mrs. Markbury's father. E. R. Peterson as well as other friends and relatives. VISIT IN THE CITY Sundav afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jess Scurto of Nebraska City were in the city for a short time to visit old friends. They were en route to ! Omaha to attend an announcement party of a brother of Mr. Scurto. the brother planning to be married in a short time. m"- ' It nlTl tO tW. Handy C" Nehawka Omar Schlictemeier and family were in Lincoln Monday of this week looking after some business matters for the day and trying out their new Dodge auto. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paap of St. Louis while returning last week fr!:i a fishingtrip to northern Minnsot;i. stopped for a visit with the moMur cf Mrs. Paape, Mrs. Gertrude Car per. John G. Wunderllch who has bcn sick for so long is able to get out and around and still rinds It a pleas ure it roe his friends as well as wher: he desires. However -he is not feeling 1.8 strong at he would like. Charles Hemphill who ahs been so seriously 111 for several week is ro portd as being much improved and able to sit up for a short time at Intervals. His many friends arc hoping that he may soon be able to be out and well again. Stuart Rough, with iiis daughter. Mrs. Martin Ross is departing 'today' (Thursday) for Austin, Texas, where they go to visit at the home of an other daughter. Mrs. L. R. Benson ind family. They will remain in the ;:outh for some two weeks or perhaps longer and enjoy a good visit with the Benson family. Working on Vacation. Albert Anderson, the faithful sales man at the J. H. Steffens store is taking a week's vacation from the store and while away the work is being looked after by Lavernc Stef fens. Mr. Anderson scorns laying 2round during his vacation, and rath er than go away where the mosquitovs are big and not very many fish con cluded he could find some work about the home to keep him out of mischief for a few days and is Ftraightening up the home and paitning the house and getting a number of those little things done which he has not been finding time to do while working. He feels the vacation will be a profitable one for him. Visited With Aunt Here. Miss Mary L. Harper of Elgin. III.. 3 niece of Mrs. Ernest Kropp, arrived in Nehawka one day last week and visiteu for a number of days at the home of the Ernest Kropp family, en joying her stay here most pleasantly and on Tuesday morning of this "week departed front Plattsmouth for Chi cago on her return trip home Mr. and Mrs. Kropp driving her over to catch the train. Entertained for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McReynolds and Miss Lanna McReynolds were host and hostess for the day last Sunday it the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McReynolds when they had for their guests for the day and dinner John Hopp and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bogenrief of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dodson and son of Nehawka. Celebrates 89th Birthday. Mrs. Allie Hughes and Mrs. Grace Chambers and Harve Gregg gave a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of their mother, Mrs. Lizzie Gregg on her 89th birthday. The guests were Roy Gregg and family. Ben Noell of Murray. Mrs. Chambers and non. John Harvey Chambers and wife of Kan sas City. Mo., and Mrs. Hughes' daughter and husband Mrs. L. C. McBridc of Lincoln. Another New Dramatic Program on KOIL! STARRING EDWARD G. ROBINSON CLAIRE TREVOR 7:30 P. M. Eyety Friday WtMl3 PRESENTED ay mm mm 1 fldMlU, 25c Children, ice i tWitT-- ..?...............