The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 17, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, JULY 17, J939.
Walter Thi.ngan has purchased a
new tractor for use on the farm.-
Paul Stock, the implement man
v. as looking after business in Weep
ing Water Tuesday of last week.
Nels Peterson has been assisting
wiih the work or harvesting and
threshing at the Albert Theil place.
Jess Stock and John W. Kruger,
v. ho have ben busy combining wheat
fm some time, have just about com
p Ji ted their work.
Ray Gamlin departed last Thurs
day for Clinton. Mo., where he secur
ed a truck lord of watermelons and
brought them back to supply the
towns of this vicinity.
George Small, the patrolman, with
the aid of Eirl Elliott and another
mechanic, have been overhauling the
tractor which is used by Mr. Small
in the road work in this vicinity.
Rolland Rikli, who was so serious
ly injured by a tractor rolling over
i n him. has been getting on nicely.
rm1 while th? severe lacerations he
received at tne time have not all
healed he is now able to get about
with the aid of crutches and is
rliowing good improvement each day.
I,ee Armer of Nebraska City drop
red into Murdock one day last week
and called on J. II. Buck and W.-T.
Wrddell. two old friends whom he
lu:1 not seen for more than forty
jears. It w;i3 purely a coincidence,
but they hud been talking about
tin whereabouts of this old friend
just before he appeared. All enjoyed
the meeting and reminiscences of old
t;i:ies when tl.ey were all many years
j oi:nger.
Supper in Honor of Mother
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McDonald en
tertained at a supper one evening last
wfek celebrating the passing of the
birthday anniversary of Mrs. Hannah
McDonald. Those present for the oc
casion were Mr. and Mrs. Henry A.
Tool and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Besack
(both ladies being sisters of Mrs.
M Donald). Lacey McDonald (a son)
i-i.d wife, and Mrs. Chester Moomey.
A most pleasant evening was had
and all expressed congratulations and
bf-st wishes for many more happy
Getting on Nicely
Bryan McDonald, who was so se
verely injured when a pole fell on
him. tearing his leg. has been get
ting along very niceiy. since the ac
cident. However, the lacerations that
v ere very extensive, will require
seme time to heal. Mr. McDonald
1u.k been able to be down stairs and
to get about some with the aid of
crutches, but the leg still is far from
healed. His many friends are hop
ing for a and complete rc
f every.
New Pump Arrives
The new pump for the new well
for the Murdock waterworks system
arrived last week, and preparations
have been made for its installation.
It is hoped tlu new well will furnish
rn abundance of good water and the
water problem in the city will be
To Swim This Week
This is swim week at South Bend,
rn event sponsored by the American
Led Cross in order to teach folks, es
pecially youngsters to take care of
themselves in the water. Murdock
joungsters will take their training
tbre again this year. Louisville had
its turn two weeks ago and last week
the instruction was given at Mer
rill's beach north of Plattsmouth.
This is one of the fine services that
tlx- Red Cross is rendering through
out the nation.
Swim week begins Wednesday af
ternoon July 19, at Lake Park mar
South Bend. There will be no train
it.;; on Sunday, but Monday and
Tuesday wilf finish up the training
iii:Jer Loren Hnizda, who has been
tl.e efficient instructor for the Red
Cross for several years.
Permits for this training must be
obtained and rigned by parent or
guardian before free admission will
IF a fire should sweep
down on your home or
your business just how
far would your insurance
go to replace your loss?
If you want to feel se
em e, call . . . SEARL S.
DAVIS tomorrow morn
ing. Searl 5. Davis
PlatU. Stat Bank Blda
be given at the park. It is under
stood those granted permits will
take th: training. Permits may be
obtained at t tie bank.
Owing to depletion of fund for
local program it will be Up to the
parents to take care of transporting
children. This is our sixth year we
have provided instruction, free ad
mission to pools and volunteers have
given transportation.
The Chapter officers and local rep
resentatives of Red Cross have been
tireless in their work in promoting
thi? work to make the existing bas
al ds of our sandpits safer for those
v.ho play near them. These workers
receive no pay for this service.
Making Improvements at Home
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bushnell, who
live north ot Murdock, have been
making numerous improvements to
their farm home, including a new
porch and other alterations designed
to provide greater convenience and
comfort. Th house is also to be re
rainted. J. C. Crawford has been
doing the repair work.
Visiting Folks in Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Meyers of
Sioux City arrived in Murdock "Wed
nesday of last week for a short visit,
coming to get their children who
have been visiting here at the home
of the grandparents. Mrs. August
IV.nska and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. George
ork were also visiting at the home
t.i Grandpa ;.nd Grandma Tool. Mr.
p.rd Mrs. Woriv came Sunday for
them and wiin the departure of the
Meyers children quietness has set
tled over the home. They were all
full of life and the grandparents
were very 3l:id to have them with
Depart for Home
William Gakemeier and family of
Chicago, who have been visiting rel
atives in Murdock for some time,
departed last week for home, but are
areveling a circuitous route that
will take thorn into Minnesota. Wis
consin and Michigan before they get
bi-ck to their home in the windy city.
They enjoyed a pleasant visit here
and were expecting to call on other
relatives at different points.
Celebrate 59th Anniversary
Henry Gakemeier, who has reach
children for supper. Rev. Walter
is near that a?e. were celebrating the
pessing of their 59th wedding an
niversary on July 6th. On that date
in the year 1 8 SO Henry Gakemeier
ai.d Miss Bertha Thieman were
united in marriage and made their
home near where in later years the
town of Murdock was established.
They remember well the coming of
the railroad :j;id establishment of the
town of Murdock, having had a part
in this early day development.
The anniversary was quietly ob
served, they being joined by their
ed his 83rd year and his wife who
and wife of Arlington were also pres
ent for the evening meal and to ex
tnd congratulations and best wishes
to this venerable couple whom all
hope will liv'j to enjoy other happy
Swimming Awards Made
Mrs. H. A. Tool, secretary-treasurer
of the Cass county chapter of
the American Red Cross, together
with Mrs. R.-iy Norris of Weeping
Water, life saving and swimming
chairman, were at the pool near the
Cass county line- north of Nebraska
City to attend the making of awards
t; student swimmers at the end of
swim week there. Nebraska City had
many enrolled, also a goodly number
from Union ind Nehawka who found
it their closest point of contact.
The swim week prograjn of the Red
Cross is proving very popular. This
coming week, starting Wednesday is
Murdock's turn at South Bend. De
tails are found in a separate article
if. this department.
Free Swim Week.
The free swim week and training
course will be held at Lake Park, at
South Bend, under the auspices of
the Red Cross, starting Wednesday,
July 19th and ending Tuesday, July
25th. This will be the last of the
."cries that have been held over the
"ounty and residents of Alvo, Mur
dock. Elmwood. Wabash,. Greenwood,
nnd South Bend, are urged to take
advantag3 of the opportunity to have
the youngsters receive proper trail
ing Tor safety and life saving. On
Wednesd.-y there will be a meeting
of the representatives from all of the
communities to receive instructions
2nd also a picture of the group. It is
hoped that there will be a fine co
operation in transportation and aid
In making this a success.
We can.rurnTsTi yon ?lut
bar Stamps made to order at a
prica considerably below that you
have been paying. Prompt aervlca
If you need stamps, sea us.
Elmwood News
Work is progressing nlcey on the
new addition to the Trunkenbol? Oil
company's service station.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wood were
guests at the home of their son, Stan
ley Wood and wife in Weeping Wat
er last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Julian were
in Omaha ltst Sunday, visiting at
ths home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fran
cis. The ladies are sisters.
A group of young men from Wav-
erly were in Elmwood last Tuesday
posting bills for the Fireman's Frolic
to be held there July 20 and 21.
Simon C. Boyles, president of the
Farmers and Merchants bank at Alvo
waa a business caller in Elmwood
one day last week and also paid a
fraternal call to the Elmwood bank.
Uncle Joshua Mairs, better known
. ..... . A
as Cy flairs, nas movea 10 me
room formerly occupied by Henry
Moien with his shoe shop and sleep
ing quarters prior to the latter's re
moval to Eagie.
Manager Emmitt Cook with his
what he hopes and what promises to
be the invincible ball team was over
to Greenwood last Saturday where
they crossed bats with the Green
wood team in a spirited game that
resulted in Greenwood winning. 8 to
3. A return game will be arranged.
Leonard Parish left Tuesday for
Kimball county, where the wheat is
reported heavy this year and harvest
just starting. This territory has a
reputation for raising a large volume
tT wheat, but the last few years has
l.een hard hit by drouth. Leonard
expects to remain until the harvest
is completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stanton are
putting in long days, just now, es
pecially on Saturdays, when the
furm?rs bring their cream to town in
the evening. After finishing testing
the cream and other duties they wait
tor the cream truck, which comes
through about three in the morning,
making the day a very long one for
Stationed on TJ. S. S. Maryland
Marion Turner, son of James Tur
ner and wife, is now with the United
States battleship Maryland, where
li is one of the boys who are guard
ing the rights and liberties of the
United States, while his brother
Frank is still at the Great Lakes
training station near Chicago. Frank
expects soon to be transferred to a
Mother Visiting in Elmwood
Norville 3othwell made a trip to
Cozad in the western part of the
state, where he visited his mother a
short time and on his return was ac
companied by the mother, who will
visit here for some time with the
son and family.
W. C. T. U. Meets
The members of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union met last
Tuesday at the parlors of the Elm
wood Methodist church with Mrs.
August Huffman, their president, di
ne ting the well arranged program.
Visiting in California
Mrs. Morris Penterman left last
v eek for Los Angeles, where she will
visit relatives. In about two weeks,
Morris will drive out for a short visit
and both will return together, ex
pecting to arrive here in time for
Elmwood's big celebration.
To Celebrate Again This Year
With the abundant success of the
Golden Jubilee celebration in Elm
wood last year, it has been decided
to celebrate t:gain this year having
three full days instead of the two of
last year. Committees are in the
fold doing preliminary work and get
ting matters in hand. The dates and
further information will be given
from time to time.
Hands Poisoned
Harry Miller, the painter, has had
the misfortune during this hot
weather to have his hands become
infected from the zinc in the paint.
The poisoning was so bad he was
unable to work for a time, but is
now improving and he hopes soon to
bo able to return to his work.
Lemuel Parish Very Poorly
Lemuel Parish, a pioneer citizen
of Elmwpod, has been in poor health
lor some weeks and i3 critically ill
at this time. He lived south of the
railroad tracks, and is being cared
for by his friends. His condition hae
btcorae so had that the members of
Hie family, most of whom are away,
v ere called to" his bedside" fie rallied
briefly, but ha3 since relapsed and
fears arc entertained for his recov
ery. Encouraged Otef Yield
Rocsld ScbJicbteajeier was over
rear Murray last wee, af tbe b"?
of his parents, Frank Schllcbtemeier
and wife, assisting' with the harvest
ing of tbe small. gVain. He reports
the wheat as averaging about
bushels to th-j acre, but says the oats
yield was very poor. The rye yield
ed about 20, buahels,. considerably in
excess of what had been anticipated,
considering the dry weather this
Celebrated Passing Birthday
Miss Ruth Box, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Box", was passing ber
birthday anniversary yesterday, and
In honor of the occasion a group of
relatives and friends, laden with an
abundance of good things to eat,
went to one of the parks in Lincoln,
v here they enjoyed themselves immensely.
Enjoyed Her Vacation
Mrs. Lucy Lyle, chief operator at
the Elmwood telephone exchange,
who is on a vacation, has been spend
ing some timo in Denver, where she
found the climate very , cooling and
refreshing. Leaving there she vis
ited in Kansas and will also visit in
Missouri before returning to her
home here.
Free Swim Week.
The free swim week and training
course will be held at Lake Park, at
South Bend, under the auspices of
the Red Cross, starting Wednesday,
:nly 19th and ending Tuesday. July
25th. This will be the last of the
series that have been held over the
county and residents of Alvo. Mur
dock. Elmwood. Wabash. Greenwood,
and South Bend, are urged to take
advantage ot the opportunity to have
the youngsters receive proper train
ing for safety and life saving. On
Wednesday there will he a meeting
of the representatives from all of the
communities to receive Instructions
and also a picture of the group. It is
hoped that there will be a fine co
operation in transportation and aid
in making this a success.
Mrs. Cora Campbell and Russell
drove to Plattsmouth Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stander spent
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stan
der. William Blum's called at the
Henry Tool home in Murdock Thurs
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Frahm and
son were Sunday visitors at the J. Lt
Carnicle hom. - - ,-.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carnicle and
con were Sunday guests at the Merril
Sehwartz hom at Ithaca.
Sunday evening callers at William
Blum's were Mrs. Ida Thieman and
Eda and Marvin Sutton.
Mr. and Mrr. Wm. Blum and fam
ily enjoyed ice cream and cake at
the V. D. Livers home Sunday even
ing. Mrs. George Braun drove to Alvo
Fiiday to be with her mother, Mrs.
Yeager who hasn't been so well this
Clyde Jones has been transferred
from the CCC camp in South Dakota
to the CCC camp in Pawnee City,
Monday evening callers at the Wm.
Blum home were Mrs. Oscar Dill,
Mrs. Geo. Vogel and Loran, Mrs. F.
J Knecht, Mrs. Helena Timm and
Mrs. Charles Fosberg.
Mrs. Sterl Smith went to Des
Moines .to visit a sister there. She
will return t.T the O'Brien home as
soon at Mr. and Mrs. Win. O'Brien
return from Rochester, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Kempton and
daughter Erville Faye of Randolph,
Icwa. and Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Park
inson of Tabor, Iowa, visited at the
F. J. Knecht home Tuesday. Erville
Fae remained for a longer visit.
Lloyd Carnicle had the misfortune
to cut his hand while sharpening a
sythe Monday morning. The tendon
in the back of the hand was severed.
Several stifclics were taken to close
the wound, tie is still under a doc
tor's care.
John Rishel, Jimmy Mauzy, Bruno
Rcichstadt and Charles Grosshans of
Plattsmouth and UU) Rosencrans left
late Saturday night for Estes Park,
Colo., where they will spend two
weeks in the mountains. Their Scout
training will help them greatly to
enjoy tbeir trip.
Swim Week
Tbe Red Cross will sponsor their
ennual Swim Week, at ' Lake Park
from July 9 to July 25. Permits for
those requlrfug the consent of par
cuts or guardians to' enter may be
obtained ' at the store. Mr. Hulzda
w'ni again give ' free instruction . to
all wbo wibb to learn to swim. Tb1
ja a wonderful opportunity for any
one and should be-appreciated by all.
Free Swim Week." .' .
Tbo free jgwltn week and tracing
course w U be held at .take Parky at
South, Bend', under, tbe 'auspices of
J the Red Cross, starting" Wednesday,
Jul 19th arid ending Tuesday, July
25th'. This will be the last of the
series that have been held over the
county and residents of Alvo, Mur
doch, Elmwood, Wabash, Greenwood,
and South Bend, are urged to take
advantage of the opportunity to have
the youngsters receive proper train
ing for safety and life' salving. On
Wednesday there will be a meeting
of the representatives from all of the
communities to receive" instructions
and also a picture of the group. It Is
hoped that there will be a fine co
operation in transportation and aid
In making this a success.
Friendly Circle Club
The Friendly Circle club held their
July meeting on Thursday at the
Fisheries. Each lady responded to
roll call by giving a poem.
Mrs. Lottie Knecht was chairman
of the refreshment committee. The
ladies enjoyed a picnic lunch. Mrs.
Sturzenegger and Erville Fae Kemp
ton were visitors.
The next meeting will be held
with Mrs. Helena Timm in her beau
tiful outdoor living room. Each lady
to answer roll call by singing a song.
Helen Moonoy Is chairman of the
rt frephment "committee.
Mrs. Sherrell Fifer was a Lincoln
visitor Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Cook was a Lincoln
viritor Wednesday.
John Hcnriksen of Clarion, Iowa,
as spending a few days at the Simon
Rehmeier home.
Mrs. Simon Rehmeier and son
and John Honriks'en were Lincoln
visitors Wednesday. They were vis
iting places of interest in the city,
showing John Henriksen the city ot
Threshing Machine Burns
Arthur Skinner had some bad luck
Wednesday afternoon when his sepa
rator caught on fire while he was
doing some threshing over near
Elmwood. The cause of the fire was
not known. The machine was in a
pasture some distance from any
buildings and the threshing crew
were able to get the grain racks
away from the burning machine and
no one was injured.
Arrival of Son
Earl Fairfield had word from his
daughter, th former Miss Alice
Fairfield and her husband of Illi
nois, announcing the arrival of a son
the latter 'part of the week. Mrs. Earl
Fairfield is in Illinois with her aged
mother who has been in falling
health for several weeks. Mrs. Fair
field is near her daughter and fam
ily. Earl Fairfield and son plan to
leave for Illinois in a few days.
Visits Relatives
Mrs. Henriksen and small son of
Clarion, Iowa, came to Omaha Sat
urday, where Mrs. Simon Rehmeier
met them and brought them to Alvo
for a visit. Sunday Mrs. Rehmeier
and sons accompanied by Mrs. Hen
riksen and John drove to Omaha to
sec the Jimmy Lynch show at the
Ak-Sar-Ben field.
Mrs. Henriksen returned home,
but John returned with his aunt
and cousins for a longer visit.
Recovering Nicely
Clyde Skimier, who was a victim
of a car accident a week ago Sun
day afternoon is recovering nicely.
Ilia broken arm is getting along well
and the physician removed the
stitches from the cut on hs head.
Clyde was injured when he and
his sisters, Dorothy and Marvel were
on their way to Ashland to attend a
ball game. Their car was hit by an
other car that pulled onto the high
way from a side road. The accident
occurred at the crossroads just
scuth of the Giis Woltzel home.
Harvest Season Over
The harvest season for small grain
is practically over in this community.
Most of the grain was combined. The
second cutting of alfalfa . is being
ciired for with tbe crop rather short,
but considerable, heavier than the
fnst crop. Farmers are beginning to
do their fall plowing for wheat.
Mother Dies
Mrs. Artbur Roelofsz received word
that '.her mother pasBed" away early
Friday radrnfog She lives near Hast
ings. Mr. and Mrs.: Roelofsz have tbe
heartfelt sympathy of tbeir - many
friends- - ' r .
Free SinV Week. .
The f'c rswim week and training
course will be held 'at -Lake Prk, at
South Bend,' under..-' the : auspices 1 of
the - Red. Cross, starting Wednesday,
July 19th and ending Tuesday. Jul'
25th. This wilt be the last of tbe
leries tb?C have been bold over, tbq
cotjuty an'd residents of Alvo,' It,"
dock', Elmwood, Wabastf, Greenwood,
and South Bend," are urged to take
advantage of the bpportunlty to have
the youngsters' receive proper train
Irig for safety and life saving. On
Wednesday there" wilt be a meeting
of the" representatives from all Of the
communities to receive Instructions
and also a picture of tne group. It is
hoped that there will be a fine co
operation in transportation and aid
In making this a success.
Misses Lorene and Margaret Dall,
.vho are attending Normal school at
reru, were home for a week-end
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rauth were
called to Plattsmouth last Saturday,
where they had some business mat
ters to look alter.
While Harvey Bergman was tak
ing his vacation of one day each
week, last Saturday, the rarents, Mr.
and Mrs. Rudolph Bergman went to
Omaha to visit and look after
business matters.
Oscar Dowler was taking a vaca
tion a short time since and during
his absence, Eli Keckler, who is an
experienced road man, was working,
in his place.' Mr. Dowler Is now
back and on the job again.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray liv
ing . northwest of town have been
making some substantial improve
ments at their home, including new
windows all over the house. They" al
so expect ' to paint the property In
the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Otis of Lin
coln, accompanied by Claude Breck
eufeld. who is managing an Earl
May store there, drove down, from
fh capital city last Monday even-1
ing and were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ran.
Have Gas in Manley Now
The crew of workmen who have
been here laying mains' and service
lines and installing meters in" ho'mefl
at customers for the serving ot nat
ural gas have completed their work
and departed. Manley now has nat
ural gas available to all her citizens,
a great improvement and convenience
to those who have installed it.
Entertained at Cards
Mrs. A. V." Stander and Miss
Leona Darvaux were hostesses at a
rleasant afternoon at cards at the
Manley hall Wednesday afternoon of
last week. The affair was given" as
a benefit for the Altar society of St:
Fatrlck's church and was very suc
cessful, with a large number pres
ent. Married on West Coast
Swind Nieison arrived home from
California last week, being accom
panied by a wife. Swind was called
to California some time ago by the
death of his brother, Peter.-.who was
badly "burned when his car caugh
afire and later died. After attending
the . funeral , ot his brother; he re
mained to look after business mat
ters, and before starting home was
united in marriage to an old sweet
heart. En route back to Nebraska
via auto, they took fheir time, stop
ting at various places of interest.
They will make their home here,
where Mr. Nieison will contliiue to
farm. Congratulations!
August Krecklow Doing Nicely .
August KreCklow, who was so b
rerely injured some time ago when
he slipped and fell in the bath tnb,
fracturing a number of ribs, is get
ting' along very nicely at the present
time, reports received' here' state. -
His son Harold and wife, are ex
pecting to go back to Michigan for
a short visit 'some time in August,
end on their return will be accom
panied home by the parents.
Faye Kestard Buried Sunday.
Faye Kestard, who last Thursday
Icft.hls home In Manley for riatts
mouth to secure hl3 license plates
as he had a Kansas license, having
lived in Atchison before coming here,
He had secured the license add was
on his way home Jut before the
noon hour and wa3 taken with a
sinking spell, being subject to such
illnesses and bping unable to drive
the car, it veered over on the wrong
side of the road where his car with
that of a man from Davenport,' Iowa,
rame. in collision. Almost immediate
ly following John Borncmeler who
was on his way from Omaha,' came on
the wreckage. Both men were taken
to the hOBpUal at Omaha., where Mr.
K,estard Pawed away Friday nigbt.
Tbe 1 funeral wa held Sunday at
Omaha and burial had .there beside
tbeiwifc who preceded blm in death
a few yearB ago.; David Brann and
wife were, in Omaha to attend the
funeral,.-Messrs.1 David Brann and
Faye Kestard behrg" brothers-in-law.
rfubber 5tsrrrpar, prompt tfeflt
ry, lowest priced All sties at Ihe
Journal fflca.
Irma Maher spent Friday and
Saturday with Virginia Burks.
Miss Esther Hanson visited with
Mrs. Louise Hanson on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mh. Robert Burks were
shopping in Lincoln last Wednes
day. Nine Jeffry's Sunday school claM
enjoyed a picnic at Rock Creek Wed
nesday. Lucille Reece of Ashland spent
Inst Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.
Elton Keller.
Greenwood won the baseball gam
last Sunday from Memphis, by a
score of 15 to 3.
Peggy Fauihabcr of ThedXord, Ne
braska, came Wednesday fo visit her
sister. Mrs. James Brown.
Mrs. Wayne Kinney of Alvo visit
ed her paren's, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
K: les on Monday afternoor.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burks of
Eagle were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burks.
The Deal-a-Deck club met Thurs
ria with Mr?. Lillian Jardlne. This
was their last meeting until fall.
Lavona Mefford fell from the car
In which she was riding with Edwin
Kirk Tuesday. She was uninjured.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peters visited
fin Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Koehler Thursday afternoon and
Mrs. Ed Fisher was called to Lin
coln Tuesday morning to be with her
daughter. Mrs. Grant, who wai
taken sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ersie McNurlln re
ceived word that their sister-in-law.
Mrs. Carl MjNurlin of Osceola had
passed away ?t an Omaha hospital.
Mrs. Wallace, wife of Dr. Wallace
of Friend, Nebr., spent Monday at
the Joe Kyles home. Her son Leon
srd accompanied her home after
visiting here for two weeks.
Miss Marian Hartsook, who has
"been In Bryan Memorial hospital at
Lincoln for two months, came home
Saturday. Her many friends are
glad she is able to be home.
The Dorcas Society met Friday
With Mrs. Myrtle Coleman as hostess.
The next meeting win be held on
Friday, July 21st. with Mrs. Cam
eion and Lottie Bright entertain
ing. Mrs. Tweet'on's daughter, Mrs.
fcarger of Ashland was operated on
Monday morning at Nicholas Senn
hospital in Omaha. Mrs. Tweeton re
ports that she is getting along as
'well' as can be expected.
Several Greenwood people attend
ed the funeral of Herman Frederick
at Nebraska City. The family form
erly resided here. Herman died from
injuries received in a crash between
tht car he was driving and a bus.
Free Swim Week.
The free swim week and training
ccurse will be" held at Lake Park, at
South Bend, under the auspices of
the Red Cross, starting Wednesday.
July 19th and ending Tuesday. July
25th. This will be the last of the
series that have been held over the
county and residents of Alvo. Mur
dock. Elmwood. Wabash, Greenwood.
'and South Bend, are urged to take
advantage of the opportunity to have
the youngsters receive proper train-
ring for safety and life saving. On
'.Wednesday there will be a meeting
of the representatives from all of the
communities to receive Instructions
and also a picture of the group. It Is
hoped that there will be a fine co
operation in transportation and aid
in making this a surrepn.
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