PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1939. PAGE TWO Ihe Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI'WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, HEBBASXA Entered at Poetofflce, PUttamouth, 'Neb., as Mcond-claa mall matter 33 MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCMPTIOU PEICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FERST POSTAL ZONE Subicribere Urine in Second Postal Zone, $3.50 per year. Beyond COO miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, $3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. UNION ITEIS. Regardless of the hour or the dis tance, we are ready to serve you. i o'rter Funeral Home, Nebraska City. Victor Clarence was called to Oma ha Monday to look after some busi ness matters. Mrs. Willett, Dorothy and Fred were entertained at a splendid sup per at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lidgett. Miss Ila McQuinn of Omaha was a guest of her parents over last Sun day, spending the day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McQuinn. V. A. Ost and Thomas McQuinn were both shipping hogs to the South Omaha market Sunday night iu order to be on the market Monday. Miss Gussie Robb was a guest over Sunday at Lincoln at the home of her brother, Flemming Robb, return ing home the first of the week. Rev. and Mrs. L. R. McGaughney were spending a few days extending over the Fourth of July holiday at the home of a daughter at Lexing- brothers. Walter and George Mr. Elliott Ozbun of Waukee, Iowa where he operates an elevator for the Farmers Grain company was visiting with his friend, George A. Stites for a time last Monday after noon. Harry Garrens and family of Kan sas City were visiting over the 4th of July at the home of Harry's mother, Mrs. Mollie Garrens and were accompanied also by Mrs. May Shot- well and babe. Mesdames Elmer Chapman and Winfield Swan were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jas. S. Pittman where all enjoyed a very fine visit, and an ex cellent dinner. Superintendent Howard D. Bugby and wife departed last week for northern Minnesota where they will enjoy a well earned vacation and try their luck at fishing in the lakes of the northern country. Henry Lidgett who has been here during the illness of his father has .returned to Visalia. Calif. Ho return ed to California by way of Sacra mento where he visited with his two ton. Mrs. Willett, Dorothq and Fred Willett. Mrs. Joe Lidgett and Mrs. Jack Lidgett motored to Lincoln. They went through the capitol build ing and enjoyed the day very much. Word aws received of the very se vere illness of Mrs. A. R. Eikenbary at her home at Brush. Colorado. Mrs. James Pitman, a sister, departed to be with her and assist in her care. Mr. and Mrs. John Heavner, cousins of Mrs. V. A. Taylor, mak ing their home at Sidney, Nebraska were visiting for a short time at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor. Obie Tickering, who is now mak ing his home at Clinton, Mo., has been spending several days visitnig with his mother, Mrs. Martha Pick ering and his brother, Taul Picker ing. WARREN OIL GO. $2.50 . H. H. Becker, Manager hk ffi:hi MOTOR OIL 5 Gallons for with a Can of Pressure Gun Grease Free Warren Oil Co. II. II. IIKt KF.K, naMxrr UNION - - - NEBRASKA .Mrs." AVillett, of Chicago, III., sister-in-law of Mrs. Joe Lidgett and Dorothy and Fred Willett came in from Chicago to visit Mrs. Lidgett. She was gladly surprised by them and enjoyed their stay very much. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rathe of Adams were vistlng last Sunday at the home of the mother of Mrs. Rathe. Mrs. L. G. Todd, and were accom panied by the children who when the parents returned home remained to visit ' with their grandmother - for i time. Nadine Booher who has boon visit ing with her friend, Mrs. Smith at Auburn returned to Union last Sun day where she is visting with her sister. Mrs. Paul Griffin. During this week her parents. Rev. and Mrs. E-'P.' Booher will visit here and Miss A'adihe will accompany them home to Cedar Bluffs. Charles Attc berry and family and Louis Burbee and family and Frank Bauer and sister Anna and their three house guests ewre over to' the jChris Beil home where they attended the celebration of the 37th birthday anniversary of Greeley Beil, and which was attended by Grandmother Chris Beil who was 9 4 years of Tgf. The Union baseball team lost their game at iturr last Sunday in which the Burr team won in a nicely con tested game by the score of 2 to 0. though -still in a cast and is being attended by a nurse. Mrs. Barritt went to Omaha to see the sister last Monday evening and is assisting in her care. Honored on Birthday. Mrs. L. B. Mougay entertained a number of friends of her mother, Mrs. John C. McCarroll on the pass ing of the birthday of Mrs. McCar roll, who makes her home with the daughter. A number of the friends called and spent a very enjoyable day with her, as they have known each other for years. A delightful lunch con was served and the guests when departing extended the sincere wish for many more happy years for Mrs. McCarroll. Here Comes the Boys. Yes, three of them. Three young men have come to Union and vicinity, ihey being, a son for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mansfield who were born last week at St. Mary's hospital at Ne braska City and with the mother are doing very nicely. The second young man to arrive is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc Carroll. who contributed to the hap piness not alone of the parents but also- Grandfather and Grandmother Moss McCarroll. The third of the trio of young men is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meade who came last Monday morning, and who with the mother is doing nicely. He just missed being born on his nation's birthday, the Fourth of July by one day. Local CCCrs Lose Belongings in Dakota Fire Camp Savoy in South Dakota Where CCC Boys Located, Suffers Loss From Fire. Visiting in Union. Misses Dorothy and Rachel Pell, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pell nf. Omaha were guests of relatives and friends in Union over last Sunday tnd the Fourth of July, they being quests at the homes of Loy Pell, a brother, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Clar ence, Mrs. Clarence being a sister, and also with Grandmother Mrs. Rachel Pell. OVERLAND Theatre . Nebraska City Saturday - Sunday - Monday K K TIIK UK IIKT SHOWS uiri.i, ski-: this v i:ii Henry Fonda, Marjorie Weaver in "YOUNG MR. LINCOLN" WITH Al.lfi: IIIIADY Matinee Sat. and Sunday, 2:30 Undergoes Operation. Mrs. Carl Peters of Nebraska City, who has been troubled with attacks of appendicitis for some time, last week went to the St. Mary's hospital in Nebraska City where she under went an operation for correction of appendicitis and since has been mak ing very fair progress toward re covery.. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banning and her brother, Lucian visited her last Sunday and found her doing nicely. Charles Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason, and Gordon Rob bins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rob bins of Plattsmouth suffered the loss of all of their persona! belongings in a fire which raged at Camp Savoy in South Dakota recently, completely destroying the barracks in which theyreslded. The young men enlisted in the CCC training camps early in April and left for Weeping Water April 15. Upon arriving in Weeping Water the young men were assigned to the South Dakota area with Camp Savoy as their destination. The young men, at the time of the fire which broke at 5:20 p. m., were on duty in training to combat forest fires. At 6 p. m. when the group, accompanied by their captain, return ed to the barracks they were aston ished to find them burned to the ground. The origin of the fire is still unknown. The young men were then taken to Camp Robeaux, a near by camp. Mr. Mason, who had been in Platts mouth visiting recently, returned to camp with all of his clothing, includ ing a suit that he had just purchased as well as other valuables that he possessed. All of these were destroy ed in the fire. Mr. Robbins also suffered the loss of all of his clothing, he also having all that he owned with him. lie had just purchased an expensive camera and all that he possessed was in a mass of ruins. A large number of the young men were unfortunate in losing a consid erable amount of- cash that they possessed, some losing large amounts because of the recent pay that they had received. NATIONAL PARKS TO OFFER MORE CAMPING SITES Murray Regardless .of the hour or the dis tance, we are ready to serve you Porter Funeral Home, Nebraska City, A party, composed of .Harry Noell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mar- tis, Jr., were in Omaha last Monday attending the Ak-Sar-Ben races. Mrs. Joe Long who with the hus band and little daughter, Miss Patty recently moved from Omaha to Ne braska City were visiting for the day last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Belle Frans. While Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles were in the western part of the state lookfog after the harveting of the wheat crop on their farm there which required nearly a week, Lee Nickles of Plattsmouth was looking after the lumber yard. Mr. and Mrs. Ora A. Davis enter tain one evening last week and had as their guest3 Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Stuart, their son, Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boedeker, Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore. A most pleasant eve ning was enjoyed. Herman Hough of Plattsmouth was a caller in Murray last Monday, having some business to look after. James W. Holmes, owner of the building in which Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merritt reside, will have a garage constructed from the material sal vaged from the barn which is now on the property. Preaching Service Next Sunday. Arrangements have been perfected for the holding of services at the Christian church the coming Sunday, July 9th, when the Rev. J. W. Taenz- ler, pastor of the Christian church at Plattsmouth will contluct the ser vices. Rev. Taenzler to accommodate the congregation at Plattsmouth has arranged to hold services at 9 o'clock which is before Bible school and while he is teacher in the Bible school has arranged for someone to take his class the day which he is to preach in Murray. What arrange ments are to be made after the com ing Sunday is as yet not known. R. W. Tyson of Murray and Dr. R. R. Andersen, both of whom were out on calls and so a call was placed for Dr. G. H. Gilmore who was found. While Dr. Gilmore does not praetice. he having retired from the practice, he responds in an emergency. He found on arriving at the scene that Miss Chapman Was the most seriously injured and administered first aid and allowed to rest for the night and the next mornin taken to the Clarkson hospital in Omaha by the Hobson ambulance. She was re ported as showing improvement at the hospital and is ejected to re cover rapidly. Boyd Mayfield is also rallying nicely as well as a sister, Charlotte Mayfield and two young men Eddie Brown of Lincoln and James Ruteard of Arapahoe. While the wreck was bad enough. all were fortunate it was not worse. Return to Their Home. Misses Myrtle Mason, Mildred Booker and and Mary Gilmore, all from near Calloway, in Custer coun ty, who were visitnig in Murray and vicinty last week, guests at the homes of their many friends in and about Murray, after a very pleasant visit returned to their home in the west late last week. Miss Mildred Booker will in a short time depart for Oma ha where she is to enter a hospital to take a course in nurse's training. AGRICULTURAL CON SERVATION PROGRAM Natal Day Last Monday. The birthday anniversary of L. R. Upton and that of Mrs. P. V. Rihn occurred Monday, July 3rd, while that of D. Ray Frans came one day later. July 4th. They quietly cele bratrd the passing. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Double 1-Valnrr Tim Holt, irulnta Wclillrr II nd Are, Wonilrr Dng In 'The Rookie Cop' Tlirill-a-Minute Aetion-I'ackcrt Drama Zane Urry'n evr Outdoor l(mnrr 'Heritage of the Desert Also Chapter 1 Inrr Drvllx ( Hnl Circle. Fastest action mystery serial ever nlirtea. Matinee Saturday at 2:30 Adults 25c Children. . .10c SUNDAY - MONDAY Mjm jny and Itnltert Talor la 'Lucky Night' Jlowlirtf hilarity hits a new high. Also (Comedy, Disney Cartoon anil News! StSnAY MATIYEK AT 2:30 Meht Khowra. 7 nd 0 Matinee, 10-25c Nights, 10-30c . TUESDAY ONLY ! Barirnln Dnj I.upr Vfln, Donald j Wood anil I.ron Krrol in 'The Girl from Mexico' 'A high-?1" f"t peppv lauKh how. Also t'omrtr, Murrh of Time and Jrehe-tr Keel. Matinee Tuesday, 2:30. All Shows, 10 and 15o WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY ' Double FVntnre Program Lucille J Nail and Allen l.ane In 'Panama Lady Tropic Drama! - Action! - Romance! nd Edith Fellow In The Little Adventuress Action packed storv of love and ad venture. Also- Orchestra Novelty Keel. jAdults; 25c - - GnilfJretv 105 Walter Evans Visits Ilzre. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kvans. now of Cedar Rapids. Iowa, where he has been for a number of years visited here with some of the old time friends, among who were D. Kay Frans and Frank Bauer. Mr. Evans ; resided here many years ago but now is a contractor at Cedar Rapids and with the wife have been visit ing both at Omaha and Nebraska City and called on friends here last Saturday for a short time. Mrs. Bryan Some Better. Mrs. Esther Cryan, who some weeks ago tripped on a rug at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Bar ritt and foil, fracturing her hip and was taken to an Omaha hospital, has so far improved that she was taken to her home in Omaha last week, al- Air Cooled 8 HURTS Open Neck Plain White, Blue, Green ' or Grey -Lounge Collar $.45 . Wescott's I Check of performance is going ahead as rapidly as possible, espe cially since this is a busy part of the season. A complete mailing list is being sent out over the county, giving In formation as to qualifications for producers desiring 193D wheat loans. All liens listed on county records must be waived before a loan may be certified. All personal taxes must be paid "up before a wheat loan will be certified. Five hundred wheat crop Insurance losses have been reported so far. If the adjuster does not get around to your place before harvesting, that is, if you combine, save all records. It would be to your advantage to have a neighbor verify the disposition of wheat. Question Box j Q. What will the loan rates for farm storage loans be? A. No. I hard winter, C9c; No. 2 hard winter, 68c; No. 3 hard winter, 66c; No. 4 hard winter, 63c; No. 5 hard winter, 60c. Q. What will the loan rate for the warehouse storage he? A. No. 1 hard winter 77 c; No. 2 hard winter, 76,4c; No. 3 hard winter, 74,ic; No. 4 hard winter, 71 Uc; No. 5 hard winter, 68 ',4 c. Q. Can wheat loans be made if the wheat is stored in a bin in a livestock barn? A. No. Q. What grade most wheat test to be arceptable for a loan? A. It must test No. 3 or better; or number 4 or 5 solely on test weight. Q. Is it permissible to plant Ilegari on ground from whicn wheat nas been harvested and not receive pen alty? A. Yes. O Where Quality Counts' yecoeoosooooeoooesecososGiS DEAD ANIMALS WANTED For Prompt and Dependable Service Reverse Calls to Plattsmouth 499 Murray : 3312 Union 2601 Nehawka 2291 Avoca : 3310 Fort Crook ..Market 3541 The Fort Crook Rendering Works Ft. Crook, Nebr. SAN FRANCISCO (UP) Amer icans are rapidly becoming tamping conscious according to Julian H. Sal omon, National Park Service camp ing specialist of Washington. On a tour of th& California camp ing sites, Salomon explained this phase of the National Tark Service's work as follows: "It is assumed." he said, "that there were numerous agencies in the country interested in camp oper ations if they could be assisted in obtaining suitable sites and facil ities. "It was also thought that smaller agencies operating camps would be .iblc to pool their .efforts if offered improved facilities to encourage bet ter service. "As a result, through consultation i'.Uh local agencies, camp develop ment was studied thoroughly from the viewpoint of 'committee's needs. Out of these consultations came or ganized camping for family boys, girls educational and other groups utilizing facilities carefully ' planned to provide the greatest use at a mini mum cost." Salomon said that in 1936 there were only nine camps in operation In the United States with a total of 37,310 camper days. For 1938 these figures were in creased to 49 camps with a total of 376.173 camper days. The service expects to have at least 60 camps in operation with a prob able total of 60,000 camper days for 1939. Visited With Friends Here. Last Monday Elliott E. Ozbun of V'aiikee, Iowa, father of Frank L. Ozbun who formerly resided in Mur ray and worked for A. D. Bakke, he being well known in Murray was visiting here Monday. They had come to Plattsmouth to vist with Mr. Oz- bun's sister, Mrs. M. S. Briggs and husband. Frank I-Oisiuii and fam ily- were also here last Tuesday. July 4th for a short time, they having, to return on the evening of the Fourth as they had to return to work at Waukee Wednesday morning. Entered Royal Hospital. Dr. John Gilmore, who graduated from the University of Nebraska med ical college recently and who depart ed for Victoria, British Columbia, at Vancouver, to become an interne in hospital there has taken up his work and writes his parents and many friends here telling of his en tering upon the work. Mrs. Geary Very Poorly. Mrs. C. D. Geary who has been in serious condition with repeated at tacks of hemorrhage of the bowels was taken to the Clarkson hospital last Sunday evening where she will be given a course of treatment which it is hoped will effect a cure notwith standing she is very seriously ill on entering the institution. CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sterner ot near Bradshaw celebrated their gol den wedding anniversary Sunday, June 25. They were guests at a family dinner, given by their chil dren at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Sterner. Many relatives ana friends called during the open house in the afternoon. Miss Hulda Peterson and Charles Sterner were married at Plattsmouth June 26. 1889, and resided at Schuy ler and Plattsmouth until 1902. Since that time, they have lived north of Bradshaw. Mrs. Sterner was born ,near Rogers, Neb., in 1869, and Mr. .Sterner in Norrkoping, Sweden, in 1857. They have five children: Cyril and iHilliB, Bradshaw; Hilbert, Los An 'geles; Mrs. Olga Worrest. Lincoln; and six grandchildren. 4. hh-MW-W-W-H- Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title Phone 324 - Plattsmouth 1 4. -hh-WWI-H! 4- Have Seriou3 Auto Wreck. Last Sunday evening just before dark there occurred a wreck which was very costly and as well fraught with danger and caused much injury to a number of occupants of the two cars involved. C. G. McCarthy of Union with the wife and their son, Donald, went to Nehawka and picked up Mrs. Alber- tina Ost. mother of Mrs. McCarthy and they all drove out to the farm they own near Nehawka to look after some business. Mr. McCarthy and son Donald desired to see about some matters in one of the fields which necessitated driving out to the road leading south near the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Theile, which they did. Meantime a car driven by Boyd Mayfield was coming from the north and it was evident neither saw the other until just as the car of Mr. McCarthy entered the highway and the two cars crashed. In the crash the car of Mr. McCarthy was badly damaged with Mr. McCarthy and j Donald badly shaken up. The car of Mr. Mayfield, occupied by some seven people turned over, both cars rolling into the ditch. The occupants of. the Mayfield car were also badly shaken up and some quite badly Injured. Mr. Mayfield very badly injured his knee and leg, striking the gear shift lever, break ing it off, showing the force of the impact. Miss Beatrice Chapman, cor respondent for the Nebraska City News-Press was very seriously shak en up and received a cut on her mouth and lips and had her back in jured and was unconscious when taken from the car, as were the other passengers. A doctor was called im mediately, calls being placed for Dr. Attend Birthday Celebration. Greeley Beil was passing his 37th birthday anniversary last Sunday jThimgan, rf and was given a recention and birth. Parriott, cf -.. k jm r Chovanec, cf 3 V " " J lUIIUIIIUUltl f - 1 . Chris Beil, who herself has reached the advanced age of 89 years. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merritt were over to en joy the occasion. Plattsmouth Wins One Sided Game Sunday Defeats Co. D, 17th Infantry by Score of 17 to 6 Locals Score 11 in One Inning. The Plattsmouth Aierchanta base ball team trounced the reputedly strong Fort Crook outfit Sunday by an overwhelming score of 17 to 6. It was a shutout until the eighth inning whn fhc Merchants eased up and allowed 5 runs to be scored on but one safe hit. The soldiers got only two hits all game off the fine pitching of .Floyd Thierolf. The Merchants while hanging up their seventh victory were on a bat ting rampage again, getting 17 hits for 17 runs. The sixth Inning was really a big one as 15 men batted in this frame. In this inning "Kid" O'Donnell got his homer with the bases loaded. Before Jack went to bat the umpire had called time out, but on the first ball pitched Jack hit a short fly to second which was caught, but as time was called in lack was allowed to bat and this time homered. This brought much heated argument from the Fort Crook man agement as they claimed O'Donnell was out. This outfit Is to return later in the season and they promised Ray Shafcr they would have a better team and swore they could beat the hustling Merchants. The way "Terry" wa3 pitching, he deserved a shutout for sure, but a few bonchead plays in the late In nings gave the Eo!dIer3 0 unearned runs. Next Sunday Manager Ray Shafcr has engaged A. C. Nelsons aggrega tion again. This team played here three weeks ago, with the Merchants winning the thriller 2 to 1. The box score: Plattsmouth (17) ab rt n ro E. Smith, S3 5 Ault. lb 5 Phillips, 3b 4 O'Donnell, If 5 Hayes, 2b 4 Thierolf, p 5 B. Smith, c 3 4 2 1 Visited in Lincoln. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brubacher and Beverly Ann went to Lincoln where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Haupt man where they enjoyed seeing the littel lady. Miss Beth Anna Haupt man, who came to their home one day last week. They found the little lady doing very nicely and the par ents happy over the arrival. 1 0 1 0 7 1 1 o 0 15 1 0 0 A 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 E 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 40 17 17 27 Fort Crook (6) ab n Rlruba. If-p 5 1 Larsgard; 2b 4 2 Cohagen, cf 3 1 Moore, cf 1 0 Burke, c-lf 5 0 Trlzzle, (ss 4 0 Aholtz, p-c 4 0 LInd. rf 3 1 Perrin, 3b -3 1 Madison, lb 2 0 h ro A 0 2 3 3 0 0 6 1 7 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 K 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Visited Friends Here. Mrs. James Persinger and daughter of Washington state whom Mrs. J. If. Faris and her son visited when they were in the west a short time ago, as they were coming to Elmwood to visit their sister. Mrs. Albert Box John Box and family and Miss Lizzie Box. also came to Murray to visit with Mrs. Farris for over night, re turning to Elmwood the following morning. , 35 6 2 24 10 4 Home runs: O'Donnell; Two base hits: Thimgan, 2, B. Smith; Sacri fice hits: Ault; 1st on errors: Platts mouth 3, Fort Crook, 2. Strikeouts: Thierolf, 13. Slruba, 8, Aholtz. 3. Hits: off Thierolf, 2; Aholtz. 16; .Slruba, 1. Hit by pitcher: Phillips (Slruba). Bases on balls: Thierolf, 3; Slruba, 4; Aholtz, 2. Wild pitches: slruba, 2. Umpires Speck and Sween. Scorer, Gavin Farmer. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE MURRAY STATE BANK of Murray, Nebr. Chart-r No. 578 In the State of Ne braska at the Close of Business June 30, 1939 Dr. George LeRoy McCIun GRADUATE VETERINARIAN Telephone No. 40 Louisville, Nebraska LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS ! FOR SALE: All modern dwelling lo cated at Eighth and Main Sts. P. O. Box 38, Plattsmouth. Jy3-2tw Assets Loans anl Discounts $167,7SS.2? i 1 venlraf ts 66.07 l"nitei states Government 1 ( )I1 ia t ions, direct andor I fully Kiiaranteed 73,779.00 Ohlipations of States anl I Political Subdivisions 1. 148. 43 Banklnff House. Furniture j anl Fixtures 3.240.00 Cash in Bank ami P-tie from National anil State Banks, subject to check.. $ 65.290.54 Check ami Items of Exchange 123.95 65.414.49 TOTAL J311.433.23 Liabilities Capital Stock Common 20.000.00 Surplus Fund I'niliviflert Profits (Net) 4,325.82 Individual Deposits subject to cbe;k. .1122,659.04 Demand Certificates of Deposit 5.000.00 Time Certificates of Deposit 144.125.80 Cashiers Checks.. 5,322.57 277,107.41 Another Exciting Serial on KOIL! TOTAL $311,433.23 S3. FOR SALE 92 acre hill farm. 62 cultivated. 7 miles south of Platts mouth. Small house, other buildings, 14 mile to river. $500.00 down. H. R. Crook, P. O. Box 200, Beatrice, Nebraska. ltw State of Nebraska County of Cass I. Charles H. Boedeker, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is a true and correct copy of the report made to- the Department or Banking. CHARLES H. BOEDEKEIt. Cashier. Attest: V. ;. BOEDEKER. Director O. M. MIXFOK1), Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July. 1939. A. J. TKILETY. (Seal) Rotary Public. (My Commission expires Jan. 15, 1942) "V00 FAMILY 1MB True-to-life adventures of a real American Family ! 12:30 P. v - Monday thru Friday A 1 i 1 PRESENTED BY Sealtest Approved Ice Cream 1 i