Nebr. Stats Eistcrical Society She Vol. No. IV PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1939. NO. 43 Presbyterian Summer Confer ence is Over Richard Hitt, One of Delegates Repre senting Local Church, De scribes Activities. Each year the Presbyterian church conducts Summer Conferences all over the nation for its youth. The theme of these conferences this year was: "World Christian Fellowship." The conference conducted the past week at Dana College, Blair, Nebr., is one of the series of these confer ences. The conferences began Thurs day afternoon, June 22 and closed Thursday morning, June 29. Each day was filled with inspir ation and worship. The day of in spiration began with the Morning Watch. This was the personal relig ious part of the day. Each delegate found a shady place and there had prayer, mediation and communion with the Lord. After the Morning Watch came classes in the Bible, missions, meth ods of leadership, and general courses on the church and problems besetting it today. The afternoon was divided with a rest period (1 hour) any sort of recreation such as croquet, tennis, baseball, kittenball, and swimming. Each evening an inspiring speaker spoke to us in the vesper period. These inspiring vespers took place on a little knoll in front of the Admin istration building overlooking the city of Blair. After this had our evening pro gram. Mrs. Weld of Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa gave us her im pression of the different customs, ad ventures and people she met as she made her trip around the "world visit ing mission stations of our church and others. The last night was the most in spiring of all. This was our com munion service. t)n a level plain be tween the men's and girl's dormitory, chaVs were arranged for the dele gates. The altar was fixed in front of this with a canopy of blue sky overhead and a natural green floor of grass underneath. Up in the garden a little removed from the scene was a supremely beautiful lighted cross. When each group had taken communion we took candles and lighted them from the candle of Christ and then went up into the gar den singing "Follow the Gleam." When we reached the top we divided and formed a circle. Everybody was invited to tell what the conference had meant to them. Several re sponded, one said the conference had made her see where she had erred and that she was going to be a Christian like the one she used to be, another said the conference had meant much to him in spiritual ex perience and hoped that it meant the same to the others. The procession then left the garden by whatever path they chose. After this all the delegates who wished to go went on a moonlight hike. When they arrived at their place designed, a fire was built and every one was given marshmallows to toast. Then everyone spread out their blankets to sit on and Mr. and Mrs. Pfeiffer of Hastings College led us in singing such old favorites as "Heme on the Range," "Old Black Joe" and others.. Thursday morning the conference officially closed when all the dele gates and faculty joined hands in singing "Blest Be the Tie." The certificates were then given out to the delegates and another year of the Presbyterian Bellevue summer conference came to an end. A week of Inspiration, fellowship, commun ion, and worship to bring back to our own churches and our daily lives. HERE FROM TEXAS From Saturdays Dally This morning Mr. and Mrs. Em mett Mullen and children, Emmett, Nadine and Noreen, of Galveston, Texap. arrived here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullen, parents of Mr. Mullen, as well as at Denison, Iowa,- with the relatives of Mrs. Mul len. The party had a fine trip and arc delighted to be here with the relatives and the host of friends. Mrs. Lora Lloyd Kieck and Mrs. Fred Lugsch are entertaining Mon dry for the Texas visitors and the Mullen family. HERE ON VACATION John Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs William KeTley of Mt. Pleasant pre cinct, is here for a visit with the home folks and the many old time school friends and associates in this community. Mr. Kelley is a student at St. Benedict's college at Atchison, Kansas, where he is studying at the theological seminary for the priest hood of the Roman Catholic church He has been at Campbell, Nebraska, where he has been conducting a sum mer parochial school for the past few weeks. Former Official Sues County for Mileage Claims Robert D. Fitch Appeals Rejected Claim for Mileage to District Court for Hearing. From Friday's Dally This morning in the office of the clerk of the district court an action was filed by Robert D. Fitch, former county surveyor, against the County of Cass, seeking to recover $1,217.38, claimed to be due for mileage while the plantiff was surveyor of Cass county. The claim which was filed with the board of county commissioners, was disallowed at the session of the board on June 7th, covered claims from September 1933 to December 1938 when the plantiff retired from office. VERY SUCCESSFUL SALE OF TAX PROPERTIES From Saturday's Dally Approximately $2,800 was realiz ed at the sale of tax foreclosure properties this morning by Sheriff Joe Mrasek. This included 12,240.50 in bid money an average of slightly over 27 cents on the $1 in back taxes foreclosed, phis $306.80 in current yfar taxes and $106.43 in special improvement assessments, exclusive of current taxes and special improve ment assessments on properties pur chased by the city. Bidding was brisk on some of the properties on others not so good. The city purchased the Goos Hotel building, as it had intended to, be ing now in position to determine the conditions of its resale, and guard against its being torn down before opportunity is given to see what can be done to interest industries to lo cate therein. The city also purchased two of the residence properties and three unimproved premises. Follow ing the taking of deed, these will be disposed of to acceptable buyers, the city officials state. Purchasers of properties are mak ing plans for improving the same, either to make homes for themselves or as investment rental properties. WILL UNDERGO TREATMENT Leo Eoynton, local world war vet eran. Is to enter the United States Veterans' hospital at Lincoln for examination and possible treatment. Mr. Boynton has been a sufferer from the effects of war disabilities and at different times has been forced to take hospitalization. VISIT RELATIVES HERE From Saturday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. Edward Egenberger and children, of Nebraska City were here today for a short visit at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. Joe Mrasek, parents of Mrs. Egenberger and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly, parents of Mr. Egenberger. LEAVE FOR HOLIDAY From Saturday's Dally . Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Nlckles of Murray left this morning for Hol brook, Nebraska to spend the week end with Mrs. Nlckles aunt, Mrs. Orley Perry. During their absence. Lee Nickles, brothel of G. E. is look ing after the lumber yard business. HERE FROM LINCOLN Mjps Helen Farley, teacher In the city schools at York, who is attend ing summer school at the University of Nebraska, came in Friday for a visit here during the Fourth of July with her parents, County Commis sioner and Mrs. George L. Farley. Juniors Prepare to Aid in King Korn Karnival Junior C. of C. and Junior Wom an's Club to Help Put Over Fall Festival. The Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Junior Woman's club met for a joint meeting Thursday evening at tffe Hotel Plattsmouth dining room, a large group of the members being present to discuss the coming events of the King Korn Karnival, and aid as the two organizations could afford in making this year's karnival a complete success in every way. The presidents of the two or ganizations. Miss Wilbelmina Hen- richsen and Vincent Kelley were in charge of the meeting and discus sion. A committee was formed to inves tigate the arrangements and plans for the coming dance to be held in the near future for the members of the two organizations. Last evening Joseph Knoflicek, Vincent Kelley, and Miss Gertrude Vallery, who comprise the committee, motored to Omaha to interview Rick Lindsey in regard to holding the dance at Playmore Park. Friday, July 28 was the date set for the dance, the music being in charge of Mr. Lindsey. Thursday evening, July 6 a num ber of the members of both organiz ations will motor to Murray and Union, resuming their ticket-selling campaign in these two towns, this campaign advertising the King Korn Karnival to be held in September. Ordell Hennings, secretary-treasurer of the Jaycees, is in charge of the transportation and anyone desiring to go may do so by meeting at the court house at 7 p. m. Thursday. The Junior Chamber of Commerce will hold a noon-day luncheon on Monday, July 3 in the dining room of the Hotel Plattsmouth. VISIT WITH THE SICK Thursday afternoon Chief of Po lice Barclay, City Treasurer M. D. Brown, E. H. Wescott. R. W. Knorr and James G. Mauzy were at Omaha to visit two of the Plattsmouth resi dents at the hospital there. They visited with Henry F. Goos at the Clarkson hospital, where he is recovering nicely from the ef fects of a recent operation for gall stones. He was feeling very good and in the best of spirits. The party stopped at the St. Jo seph hospital to spend a short time with E. H. Schulhof who has been there for a number of weeks under treatment and is now recuperating from an operation. They found Mr. Schulhof doing very well after the severe ordeal that he has been through. APPEALS APPRAISERS AWARD From Saturday's Dairy This morning in the office of the clerk of the district court an appeal was filed by the Nebraska State De partment of Roads and Irrigation from the award of the board of ap praisers on a tract of land near Mur ray, condemned for the use of the new overhead pass. The appraisers awarded the sum of $1,180 to Clara Druecker and others for the small tract that was taken by the state. The matter will now be tried before the district court. The work, however, is progressing on the overpass regardless of the liti gation. DEPARTS FOR THE EAST From Friday's Dany This morning Mrs. Mable Cum mins departed for the east where she will enjoy an outing and visit with friends for a short time at Washing ton, D. C, and look over the places of interest in the national capital. Mrs. Cummins will also visit the world's fair at New York City and be the guest of her son, Norrls Cum mins and family at that place. TO VISIT AT ULYSSES From Saturday's Dally Miss Lillian G. White left early this morning for Ulysses, Nebraska where she will spend the Fourth of July holiday visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Gil-mour. IN SERVICE AS GUIDE John H. Gayer, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gayer of this city, is spending the summer season at New York City, where he is engaged as a guide at the World's, Fair and has the fullest opportunity of visiting the fair and in'assisting the large par ties of tourists over the grounds. The young man, was selected in competi tion with a group of over 2,000 and ranked among the very highest and which places him as one of the heads of this department of service. Objections Filed to Will of Byron Golding Nephew of Deceased Merchant and Pioneer Resident Asks Instru ment Be Not Allowed. From Friday's Dany The hearing on the matter of the probate of the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Byron Golding, deceased, a well known resident and merchant of this city was postponed this morning in the county court. Objections to the admission of the will and its acceptance to probate was filed this morning by Mark Perles. a nephew of the deceased. through his attorney, Leon F. White. Judge Duxbury set the date of the hearing of the objections for Thurs day. August 3rd. In the objections filed it is alleged by the opponents of the will that the instrument was not prepared in due form in compliance with the laws of Nebraska: that the deceased at the time of making the will had not the capacity to make the same; that the parties designated as beneficiaries were of more disUut relationship than the objector. It is also alleged that the will offered does not revoke previous wills made by the deceased. PRESBYTERIAN LIGHT BEARERS The Light Bearers of the Presby terian church were one year old Wednesday of this week. A delight ful celebration of the event was planned by their leader, Mrs. Virgil Perry. They , held their regular weekly meeting at 9 o'clock a., m. in the church Fellowship room, then at noon sat down to a covered dish luncheon together. The flowers and birthday napkins displayed the color scheme of pink and white. Three round tables were used and each one had a cake bear ing one pink candle. Dr. and Mrs. McCIusky and Miss Frances Cloidt were guests at this merry birthday party. Dr. McCIusky congratulated them and compliment ed them on the place the work of this organization held in the church ac tivity, and the very fine course of instruction so efficiently carried out by Mrs. Perry, their leader. RETURN FROM CONFERENCE Thursday afternoon Dorothy Jean Turner, Eleanor Giles and Helen Hiatt, who have been attending the conference of Presbyterian young peo- e at Blair, returned home. The girls with Richard Hitt of the local church, have been in attendance at the meetings held at Dana college, and found a most inspiring and in teresting time in the fine programs arranged. TO SUMMER AT DENVER Mrs. Joseph Wooster and son, Ray mond, have departed for Denver where they will Join Mr. Wooster who Is engaged there in railroad work. They are planning on spend ing the heated period there in the pleasant Colorado climate. Raymond will return in the fall to resume his work at the University of Nebraska. RETURN TO CRAIG Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fridlund of Craig, Nebraska, who have been here visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. McCIusky, the latter a sister of Mrs. Fridlund, returned to their home Thursday. The Craig couple were guests of the Presbyter ian minister and his wife since Sunday. Subscribe for the Journal. County Court Has Busy Session in Hearings Today Many Probate Matters Come to the Attention of County Judge Dux bury at Morning Session. From Friday's Daily A hearing was had on the matter of the probate of the last will and testament of Richard Deles Dernier, deceased, of Elmwood, the instru ment named the widow, Mrs. Laura Deles Dernier, as the executrix of the estate, who with the two daughters, were present at the hearing and ap pointment made. In the estate of -Mrs. Mathilda Turner, deceased, of Elmwood, John E. Turner, a grandson, was named the executor CTA. The will had designated C. S. Aldrich, now de ceased, as the executor. The heirs are three sons, O. S. and James Tur ner of Elmwood and Melvin of Cali fornia. Hearing on claims was held in the estate of Rosabelle Ferguson, de ceased, of Elmwood. Application was made for probate of the will of Mary A. Murphy, de ceased of Manley. Mrs. Anna Rauth, a niece was named as the executrix. Hearing was set for July 2Sth. Hearing was held in the estate of Louis Anderson, deceased, of Weeping Water and in which estate Chris Ras- mussen was named as the administra tor. Hearing on claims was had also in the estate of William T. Richardson, deceased. BACK TO FIRST LOVE The following from the Lisle (Illi nois) News tells of the return to his wire act of Ben Hankinson, for a number of years a resident of Platts mouth. The family resided at Lin coln avenue and Marble street and many will recall Mr. Hankinson as he practiced his wire act near the home. He was also seen in perform ances at the Parmele theatre and in local street attractions: "Returning to his old profession as a high wire performer, after be ing out of the business for the past seventeen years, Mr. Ben Hankinson is now daily polishing up the old act with new stunts at his residence yard in West Lisle where he has a tight wire mounted about twenty-five feet in the air. He expects to start billing the act around the 4th of July. "Known in former years as 'Zar eli.' the daring and defying high wire act, he played large fairs, cir cuses and outdoor attractions. His son Nate, who died last year, was an agile tumbler with him on the wire when he was but a small boy. Mr. Hankinson began his career on the wire at the age of nine. "He stated that he was present when Jumbo, the elephant, was kill ed. Jumbo, old timers remember, was the largest elephant ever to be brought to this country he was im ported by Barnum of "There's a sucker born every minute" fame. "Relating the incident, Mr. Han kinson said Jumbo sensed the train would hit the herd and he picked up a baby elephant on the track and threw it to safety, then lowered his head and met the oncoming train Jumbo was killed by the impact and the engine was knocked off the track. "Lisle folks may catch the act be ing formed at the Hankinson home most any early evening. Ben is now 60 years old." SHOPS HAVE HOLIDAY From Friday's Dally The employes of the Burlington Refrigerator Express Co. shops in this city are to enjoy an extra day holiday at this week end as the shops are not operating today and will be closed as usual on Saturday and Sunday. With Tuesday as a holiday also, Monday will be allowed as a holiday. SUFFERS INJURY IN CAR Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Harry Rainey suffered a very painful injury when she caught one of her fingers in the rumble seat of her car. She was hurried to the office of Dr. R. P. Westover by Mrs. E. G. Ofe and upon examination it was found that she had smashed the finger quite badly. VISITS AT BOYS TOWN John M. Meisinger of this city was at Omaha Thursday to enjoy the day in visiting friends and also took the opportunity of visiting at Boys Town, the center of Father Flanagan's Home. Mr. Meisinger was much impressed by the plant and the wonderful record that has been established there in rescuing and saving the homeless and helpless boy. A much larger building pro gram is planned at the home to give greater facilities for aiding the boys of the nation. Stewart-Hoffman Wedding Held at Lowson Home Bride Prominent Young Lady of Alvo and Groom Member of Well Known Ashland Family. Friday evening, June 30th, Mr. Harold Hoffman of Ashland and Miss Josephine Stewart of Alvo came to PlatWmouth to be married. Rev. J. C. Lowson performed the double ring ceremony at the Methodist parsonage. The young people were accompanied to Plattsmouth by Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Stewart and Emily Stewart of Alvo, parents and sister of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hoffman, of Ashland, parents of the groom. Mr. Hoffman is a graduate of the Ashland high school and is now a radio operator at Fort Omaha. They will be at home in an apartment in Omaha after August 1st. Mr. Hoffman is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henrichsen, Sr.. and cousin of Coach Bion Hoffman of the Plattsmouth high school. The wedding was in the nature of a surprise to the friends of the young people as it had been planned to have the ceremony performed on July 5th, but owing to an order of the war department regarding the marriage of enlisted men in the army, if was necessary to have the cere mony performed before July 1st. After that date marriage of the en listed men will cause their discharge from the service. HERE FROM CALIFORNIA From Friday's Daily George W. Towle, for many years a prominent resident of Cass county, was in the city today to attend to some matters at the court house and was accompanied here by Theo Davis, of Weeping Water, an old time friend. Mr. Towle is back in Nebraska for a two months stay and is busy meet ing the old friends and getting a number of business affairs arranged. Mr. Towle was at the Cass county picnic held at Long Beach, California, where he has resided for the past few years. Ke also reports a very pleasant visit from his cousin, Mrs. Jerry McHugh and Mrs. Thomas Walling, Sr., and family. VISIT RELATIVES HERE Mrs. Ona Lawton and son, Lyle Young Lawton, of Omaha, were here for a short time Friday evening as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young and with old friends. Mr. Lawton was at Lincoln Friday where with a large group of college gradu ates he was sworn in as a member of the bar, before the supreme court. Miss Madge Garnett of this city and James F. Begley, of Lincoln, were also sworn in by the supreme court. TO VISIT AT 0K0B0JI Early Saturday morning Misses Alice Hiatt. Wilhelmlna Henrichsen, Marie Nolting, Rita Libershal, and Lucille Meisinger departed by auto for Lake Okoboji. The girls expect to spend the week-end at this fine summer resort. Alice Hiatt is the driver of the car. They plan to see the sights of Iowa before returning home. TO ENJOY SHORT OUTING From Saturday's Daily City Attorney and Mrs. J. Howard Davis and daughter, Carol Ruth, left this afternoon for Geneva, Nebraska, where they will visit until Wednes day at the home of Mr. Davis parents and the many old friends in that community. Death of Edward Krug Sunday at Home of Daughter Long Identified in Business Life in Southeastern Nebraska Was 85 Years of Age. Edward H. Krug, 83, a resident of southeastern Nebraska for the past sixty years, died Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Mullen, with whose family the aged man had t made his home In recent years simo the passing of his wife. Mr. Krug has been confined to the home for the greater part of the time, in the past few years due to his advanced years. Mr. Krug was born in Philadel phia, Pennsylvania, on October 13, 1S54, and spent his youth In that part of the country, later coining west to Nebraska and locating in the southeast part of the state and where he has been Identified with busi ness activities in Stella, Shubert, Falls City and other communities be fore coming to Plattsmouth. He as sisted his son-in-law, Mr. Frank Mul len in the local meat market for a few years when his health would permit. The deceased was married to Miss Ella McMahan at Falls City, and who preceded him in death in 1932 In this city. Two children have also passed on before the father. There is surviving the passing of "Grandpa" Krug. one daughter and two sons, Mrs. Frank Mullen of this city, John Krug, of Lamar, Iowa, Marion Krug of Lorunes, Iowa; one brother. John Krug, Benkelman, Ne braska; three sisters, Mrs. R. Mc Naulty, Falls City, Mrs. George Tim- merman, Stella, Mrs. Anna Casey, Pender. Nebraska. There are also surviving eleven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren as well as a large number of other relatives. The funeral services of Mr. Krug will be held at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning at the St. John's Catholic church, Monsignor George Agius cele brating the requiem mass. The Sal tier funeral home will be in chargo of the funeral. MYNARD COMMUNITY CLUB The Mynard Community club held its regular meeting on Friday night at the community building and with a large number of the members and several visitors present. The meeting was presided over by Royal Smith, club president, Mrs. Og!a Wiles giving the secretary re port. , Raymond Cook led the community 3inglng in patriotic songs that all Joined in with the greatest feeling. After the business session of the club the east side committee gave a very interesting program and which comprised a round table discussion of the subject, "Is America to Take Part in a Foreign War?" Those who participated in the discussion were Mrs. Gertrude Barnard, Mrs. Pearl Cole. Grace Louise Wiles, Will Nolte, Edward Wehrbeln, Richard Cole, each one taking their part in the argu ment very nicely. After the round table the members of the club Joined i:i asking questions on various phases of the question that had been brought out by the speakers. The club meeting closed by the members Joining in singing, "God Eless America." TO THE PATRONS OF THE UNION POST OFFICE As I leave the government Bervlce as your postmaster for the past twelve years, I wish to express my appreciation for your kindness, your patronage, and the opportunity ot serving you. This has given me great pleasure and I trust the same cooper ation and consideration will be given your new postmaster. Believe me sincerely, AUGUSTA ROBB. SPEND TIME WITH PATIENT Thursday Henry J. Donat, Mrs. Hamilton Mark and daughter, Rosy Iln and Mrs. Vern Hendricks were at Omaha where they spent the time visiting at the Clarkson hospital with Mrs. Henry Donat. Mrs. Donat is recovering from the appendectomy that she underwent Wednesday and is rallying very nicely from the effects.