The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 26, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, JUNE 2S, 1939.
Tiano lessons, 3K and 50.
Jean Bornemeier. . lt-sw
V. A. Backomeyer of near Green
wood was looking after businens mat
ters in Murdock last Wednesday.
Mrs. George Utt has had water in
stalled at her home and will no long
ci have to depend on the well for
her water supply.
Edmond McIIugh departed last
week for North Platte, where he had
employment awaiting him and where
he expects to make his home for the
Sir. and Mrs. E. V. Thimgan and
son Larry of Flattsruoufh were Sun
day guests at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan McDonald.
Mrs. Una Mcliugh arrived home
last Sunday night from. a visit of
five weeks in the west. During her
absence, she visited the San Fran
cis"o World's fair.
L. V. Davis, .the Elmwood well
man, was looking after business mat
ters in Murdock Wednesday of last
week and also enjoyed meeting nu
merous friends while here.
A. J. Tool, Lacy McDonald and the
Doctor were enjoying an outing last
Wednesday, doing a bit of fishing
in the Platte river. Mrs. Tool looked
after business at the store.
L. Neitzel was a visitor in Lin
coln last Sunday, going to address
the Bible school class that is taught
by Edward Linch as one of the units
of the Feoplea Mission of the capital
A. D. Zaar has been unable to get
eround as usual due to a sore foot,
caused from stepping on a piece of
wood with a nail protruding there
from. He is getting along nicely at
the present time, however.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowe and the
children, returned to their home at
IIyanni3. Nebr.. last Wednesday, af
tti a visit here at the home of Mrs.
Lowe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Neitzel and with Grandfather L.
Nt Itzel.
A group of Murdock young men
went to Plattsmouth Sunday, where
they enjoyed a few rounds of golf at
the Plattsmouth country club. Those
who went iWe Lacy McDonald, Dr.
Formanak. Bryan McDonald and O.
B. Lapadus.
Rev. and Mrs. Harvey A. Schwab
and two sons arrived home last week
from Naperville, 111., where they had
bten guests of her parents and other
relatives and friends. They were ac
companied by the parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Smith, who will visit here for
some time.
Vernon Rikli, who is employed in
Omaha, was a visitor at the home of
his parents over the week end and
was taken back to his work by his
parents. They were accompanied
home by their little granddaughter,
Naomi, who will spend some time
here visiting her grandparents.
Charles Zaar, who is' located in
Chicago, where he holds a position
as salesmen with the Firestone com
pany, has been spending the past ten
days at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Zaar. He returned to
the windy city last week to resume
his work after an enjoyable vaca
tion. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Meyers and
children of Sioux City spent Fathers'
day in Murdock as guests at the
heme of Mrs. Meyers' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Tool and with Mrs.
August Panska, mother of Mr. Mey
ers. A very pleasant time was had.
The children are remaining for a
two weeks' visit with the grandpar
ents. William Rikli is the first in this
neighborhood whom we have heard
cf, to start harvesting his small
grain, as he was cutting and bind
ing his oats crop last Tuesday. Due
to dry weather earlier in the season,
the straw is not nearly so heavy as
in ordinary years, but was so it could
be bound. The sheaves are of good
size and fairly well filled, but it is
impossible to predict the yield.
4-H Club News
Our 4-H sewing club met on June
21 for the third meeting, at the
home of Rose Marie Thiel. All eight
members were present.
Our oflicers are: Wanda Jean
Euell, president; Rose Marie Thiel,
vice president; Betty Rose, secretary,
and Lillie Klemme, news reporter.
We have made pin cushions and
needle cases and arc to work on a
hand towel for our next meeting to
b held on June 28 at the home of
Evelyn Rieckman. Reporter.
Held Another Enjoyable Meeting
The second meeting of the Merry
V'lsers cooking club and th'e Can
nes Clan .vanning club of Murdock
was held at the home of Carolyn
.Schafer on June 16. All but one was
present, with Jean Eisele as guest.
Each member brought a sample of
and each Judged the cakes as to
their own ability on the following
either a butter cake or Bponge cake,
points: (1) general appearance; (2)
lightness; (3) crumbs and (4)
flavor. All of the cakes were good
on most of these points.
There was also a demonstration on
tow to make a pie crust, given by
the leader and another demonstra
tion on how to prepare a salad, giv
en by Carolyn Schafer.
After the meeting, a refreshing
lunch of ice cream and cake was
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Margaret Mills. Reporter.
Visited with Folks Here
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Buck and child
ren" who reside at Exeter, where the
father and husband is employed by
the electrical company, visited rela
tives and friends in Murdock during
the past week. They returned home
last Wednesday.
Reinforcing Corn Crib
Forty-two years ago when Walter
Thimgan was a lad of 13 years old,
a corn crib was built at the farm
home and as Walter grew to man
hood and after he became a man and
farmed for himself, this same crib
served to house the crops which he
grew. Then, as time went on. a new
roof had to be placed on the struc
ture, but still it served very satis
factorily as a granary for the farm
stead. Lately the building has de
veloped a disposition to bulge at the
foundation, and Walter was in town
last Wednesday securing some rods
and an iron plate to reinforce the
building and have it ready for the
abundant crop of corn he expects to
raise this year.
Home from Western Trip
W. O. Gillespie who, after the close
of the school year and release from
the duty of transporting students to
and from school five days a week,
drove out to the western part of the
state and over into the state of
Wyoming, where he had some busi
ness matters to look after. Leaving
here, he first went to North Loup,
where he picked up Harry Gillespie,
and together they drove to Casper,
Wyoming, also visiting at Cheyenne.
Wheatland, Douglas and other points
in that state. At Wheatland they
met and visited with John J. Gustin,
who resides there. Mr. Gustin was
greatly surprised to meet his long
time friends and they enjoyed a most
pleasant visit together. Mr. Gustin
has recently purchased a farm near
Wheatland, the land being under ir
rigation and very productive. On the
return trip, the Gillespies came via
the northern route, through Craw
ford. Alliance and on down through
central Nebraska. Another of the in
teresting sights they saw was the
Kingslcy dam, built for irrigation,
which, when completed, will be the
largest earth fill dam in the world
and impound water for power pro
duction and irrigation purposes.
Enjoyed Visit Here
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Eichoff. oi
Pomona, California, have been visit
ing relatives and friends here, being
guests at the home of Mrs. H. R.
Schmidt, who is a sister of Mr. Eich
off. They wore accompanied by Mrs.
Chester Hendricks, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Eichoff and her son.
Mr. and Mrs. Eichoff are former
citizens of Murdock and Mr. Eichoff
was engaged in business here in the
years gone by.
Concluding their visit here, they
left Thursday for St. Louis, where on
Saturday they attended the wedding
or their youngest son, Elda Eichoff,
to Miss Rose Kelfer. After visiting
vith them for a time, the party will
continue on to Enid, Oklahoma,
where they will visit with the moth
er of Mr. EichofT. Mrs. L. C. Eichoff.
who is now 9 4 years of age but 311
joying life and the best of health.
After their visit there, they will go!
to Ardmore, Texas, for a visit at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Eichoff,
stopping at Dallas, Texas, where
they will visit a sister of Mr. Eichoff,
Mrs. Westley Young, and then back
Fred Buell Severely Injured
While Fred Buell was assisting
with the work of cultivating corn
on the farm, using a tractor and a
power driven cultivator, he attempt
ed to force the cultivator shovels in
to the' ground by jumping on the
fi.nne, but slipped and fell, being run
over -by the tractor, which luckily
was equipped with rubber tires in
stead of eteel wheels. This fact un
doubtedly raved him from even wors-j
injuries man he suffered. As it was,
his right hip joint was dislocated
and the 'eft side of the pelvis or hi?
bone was crushel, also a severe gas.a
cut on the back of his head and bis
face lacerated and "oruised severely,
ly he t-'i drawn into the shovels of
the cultivator. George Brakhage wes
driving ,the tractor, but could not
Ftop before the damage had been
Efforts were made to secure a doc
tor, but as Dr. Formanak was away
on a call and could not be reached,
the doctors in Elmwood could not be
located and later a doctor at
Ashland was secured. After being
given first aid, Fred was has
tened to Lincoln to the Bryan Me
morial hospital, where he was treat
ed and placed in a cast. Although he
is resting fairly easy, he will have to
remain in the cast for a long time.
Seeing Much of World
Louis Hornbeck, who is a travel
ing auditor for the Modern Wood
men of America, in the course of his
work travels about over the country
a great deal. Recently he was as
signed to work in the state of Vir
ginia, and the nation's capital city
of Washington, D. C. While in Wash
ington he has been able to visit the
George Washington lodge at Alexan
dria, Virginia, of which the Father
of his country was both a member
and an officer. He is able to see a
great deal of interest during the
course of his travel about the coun
Mrs. Joe Kyles was in Lincoln last
Maxine Hurlbut is visiting in
Lincoln with her sister, Anna.
Lula Hurlbut visited in Waverly
Tuesday with Mrs. Ed Hurlbut.
The funeral of Adolf Bakelman
was held last Sunday at the M. E
MiBS Wilma Stradley is visiting
at Hampton, Nebr., with Mrs. Rose
The Cemetery association met last
Wednesday with Mrs. Frank Welton,
at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Teters and
Virgil Elrod were in Omaha Mon
day evening.
Friends have received word of the
death of Mrs. Gilbert Crouch of Long
Beach, California.
Tatty Lou Welton of Colon has
been staying with her grandmother,
Mrs. Frank Welton.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brokhaga of
Ashland spent Thursday evening at
the Glenn Peters home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gable are the
parents of a nine pound daughter,
born Thursday, June 22.
Mrs. Fred Etheridge has gone to
Grand Island for a visit at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Diemer.
Arthur Highshoe, whose home was
formerly in Greenwood, passed away
Wednesday at his home in Mexico
George Welton and family, of
Colon, were Sunday dinner guests
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wel
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Keller and
daughter, Janice, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keller of
Mrs. Henry Kirk and Mrs. Gus
Brokhaga entertained the Dorcas
Circle Friday. A nice crowd attend
ed the meeting.
Little Nola Boulder was taken to
Nicholas-Senn hospital in Omaha,
where she underwent an operation
for appendicitis.
The condition of Mrs. Williams,
wife of Rev. Williams, who has been
suffering from an abcess on her head,
is considerably improved.
Mr. and Mrs. x Fred Holka and
children visited at Ceresco Sunday,
with their daughters Margaret and
Mamie. Margaret returned home
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jardine and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Otto of Colon
were home with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hurlbut, for a fam
ily dinner Sunday.
A young man and his bull and
pack horse passed through Green
wood Wednesday night. He started
from Sun Valley, Idaho, and is en
route to New York to the World's
fair. He and his horse performed a
few tricks for the people's entertain
ment while here.
Leo Peters and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Peters and son, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Peters and family, Mrs. E. L. James
and sons, Mrs. Lou Neuman, of Riv
erside, California, and Norman 'Pet
ers, of Auxvasse, . Missouri, enjoyed
a family dinner at the Elsie. Peters
home last Sunday.
Shower in Honor of Bride
A shower was held at the Chris
tian church Tuesday afternoon, with
Mrs. James Armstrong, a recent
bride, as the guest of honor.
A large number of friends were
present and the bride was the recip
ient of many beautiful and useful
gifts. A delicious lunch was served
late in the afternoon by the hos
tesses. Before her marriage, Mrs. Arm
strong was Miss La Verne Adair.
Elmvood New
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Julian spent
last Tuesday afternoon in Lincoln.
During their absence, Ted looked af
ter the business.
Louis Herman, who moved to Elm
wood some time ago, has purchased a
new DeLuxe Ford car that will en
able him to get around.
Mitchel Shelley, who works in
Omaha, was home over Sunday to
spend the day with his wife and
other members of the family.
Elmer Shreeve and Clarence Sch
lanker were in Lincoln last week,
going to get Clarence's stolen car,
which was recovered at York.
. David Enterline has been assisting
with the harvest work at the home
of John Box whenever the weather
has permitted working in the field.
Ronald Schlichtcmeier was called
to Lincoln Tuesday morning to look
after business matters. During his
absence, Albert Alfred looked after
the garage.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Landon, form
er residents of ths vicinity, but now
residing at North riatte, visited rel
atives and friends here during the
past week.
Doyle Enterline, son of Mr. and
Mrs. 'David Enterline, has been en
joying a prolonged vacation visit at
the home of Mrs. Enterline's parents,
near DouglaB.
Mrs. Simon Rehmeier of Alvo was
a visitor in Elmwood last Tuesday,
coming to see the doctor, and also
enjoyed visiting with a number of
friends .while here.
James Carper and wife of Lincoln
called on. friends here briefly while
en route home from a visit at the
home of their son, John F. Carper
and family, near Manley.
Miss Betty Clement left last week
for Camp High at Denver, where
she is to supervise some of the activi
ties at this popular summer camp,
as she has for the past several years.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Penterman
visited at the home of a sister of
Mrs. Penterman, Mrs. D. W. Adair
and husband, in Ashland last Sun
day. Leaving rather early, they got
home before the hard rain' came.
Charles Gerbeling, who has been
here for some time doing some work
on his property, now has it in good
shape and rented. Upon completing
the work, he returned to Platts
mouth, where he is making his home
with his son, Floyd, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stanton attend
ed a show in Weeping Water Sun
day evening. When the show was
over, it was raining hard and they
nearly had to have a boat instead of
a car to get home. However, they
made it alright by going around on
No. 50 and 34.
The front of the garage building
occupied by Ronald Schlichtemeier
has been greatly improved in appear
ance by a coat of paint. The ceiling
of the porch projection was also
painted in a light color and throws
a great deal more light into the
workroom as a result.
Full Load Both Ways
Shorty West was in Omaha last
Tuesday with a load of stock, con
sisting of six hogs for Ralph Kruse,
a calf for George Miller and a calf
for Joe Parriott. On his return, he
brought back a load of oil for the
filling stations here.
The End of "Sammy"
"Sammy," the squirrel, wheh was
a pet of Kenneth West and friendly
to everyone, as they say, was "get
ting cuter every day." But as he was
playing about the yard unmindful of
lurking datager, a neighborhood torn
cat slipped up on him and before he
could get away, the cat had him
so now he is only a memory.
Family Gathering Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schlichte
meier entertained members ot Ron
ald's family at a pleasant gathering
last Sunday. Those present were his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schlich
temeier of near Murray; Paul Sch
lichtemeier and family of Lincoln,
and Mrs. Mary Koch and two child
ren of West Side, Iowa, who have
been visiting at the home of the
parents near Murray for some time.
Entertained ladies 'Aid
The Ladies Aid of the Christian
church met last Tuesday afternoon
at the home of the McFall Sisters,
where they were very pleasantly en
tertained. After the business session,
the ladies did some quilting and en
joyed a social hour that was cli
maxed with the serving of delicious
Road is Now Open
The road east of Elmwood that
has been under construction for sev
eral months is now completed, and
ready for . the malntainer to finish
the job of making it a smooth, all"
weather highway. The work done was
quite extensive and included the
straightening or the roadway and
construction of a new bridge. The
men who were employed on this pro
ject have been assigned to work at
ether points and the road is open to
unobstructed traffic once more. A
great improvement has been made
and a dangerous place eliminated.
Stolen Car Becovered
Clarence Schlanker, farmer, living
south of Elmwood, was in Lincoln a
week ago and while looking after
some business matters, left the car
parked with the ignition key in the
switch. When he came out to got
Into his car, it was gone. Three days
later it was found at York, stripped
of a portion of the tires. He has re
covered it and will probably not
leave the keys in the car again when
he parks it, even if only for a few
Entertained Sorority Sisters
Mrs. Emily Gonzales entertained a
group of fellow members of Alpha
Sigma Phi sorority from the Univer
sity of Nebraska last Tuesday after
noon, the guests driving out from
Lincoln. The afternoon was spent in
most pleasant manner as the ladies
recounted the days when they were
students at the university. Delicious
refreshments were served before the
hour of departure.
Ralph Greene and Wife Home
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene, who
spent some three weeks visiting in
the cast, arrived home Friday ot last
week. While away they visited many
places, but most of the time was
spent in Virginia, where relatives of
Mrs. Greene live and New York state,
where Ralph's relatives make their
home. The ancestors of Mrs. Greene
came to Virginia before the Revolu
tionary war and most of the family
still remain there. Mr. Greene's
ancestors settled in New York four
or more generations ago.
Henry Smith was in Omaha last
Tuesday, taking a truck load of hogs
to market for Fred Marquardt.
John Ruhge, Jr., and wife of near
Ta Image were guests last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. H.
Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Kokjer and
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Kokjer were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Osi.last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hallstrom and
son and daughter were in Lincoln
Tuesday afternoon, visiting friends
and transacting business.
Mary Lou Kirkwood, a niece of
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Zaiser, with her
little girl friend from Omaha spent
a number of days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Zaiser.
Elmer Hennings and the family
visited relatives near Cedar Creek
last Sunday. While there they also
tried their luck at fishing, but we
have received no report.
Dr. J. W. Brendel and wife and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Zasier were in
Omaha last Monday, the men folks
looking after business matters while
the ladies visited friends.
Charles Kaufman, former resident
of this vicinity, but now living near
Peru, Kansas, visited old friends in
this vicinity Monday. Peru is located
in the southwestern corner of the
Sunflower state.
Avoca received two and a halt
inches of rain and a considerable
sprinkling of hail last Sunday even
ing. While all wanted the moisture,
it would have done a lot more good
if it had come a trifle slower.
Fred Marquardt, wife and daugh
ter, together with Fred's mother,
Mrs. Caroline Marquardt and an
aunt. Miss Menta Bashford, were
looking after business matters in St.
Joseph, Missouri, Monday of last
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Corbin and
Mr. and Mrs.; Edwin Terrell were
at Weeping Water last Sunday, be
ing guests during the afternoon at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Dchning. On their return home in the
evening water got into the ignition
system on their car and they had to
dry out the wiring and do consider
able coaxing to get it going, being
delayed in arriving home.
Pastor on Vacation
There will be no preaching ser
vices at the Congregational church
in Avoca the coming four weeks as
Rev. R. D. Hall and wife are taking
their vacation. They will visit at a
number of points in Ohio, with rela
tives of Mrs. Hall, also in northern
Helped Uncle Louis Out
Uncle Louis Carsten, who lives
alone, has .not been able of late to
devote the customary time to his
household work aud so last Tuesday
his daughters and grandaughters
paid him a visit and put the house in
perfect condition. Those present were
Mesdames Louis Carsten, Jr., Fred
Greenrod, Frank Greenrod, Fred
Carsten and Calvin Carsten.
To Celebrate Fourth
Under the leadership of Rev. J. M.
Kokjer as general manager, a num
ber of committees are actively at
work on arrangements for celebrat
ing the Fourth in Avoca, according
to the custom of other years of hold
ing the celebration on July 1st.
The Otoe band will provide music.
There will also be a dance and var
ious other forms of entertainment.
Remember, the date is Saturday of
this week, July 1st, and come to
Avoca to enjoy the day. Money de
rived from the sole or articles on
the streets will be used Tor the ben
efit ot the Avoca public library.
Wabash News
Ralph Richards, who was laid up
with a badly sprained ankle, has re
covered from his injuries and is able
to look after his work again.
Louis Schmidt and family were in
Murdock last Sunday, guests at the
home of Mr. Schmidt's parents and
also enjoying a visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Eichoff, who are visiting
there from California.
Mrs. Herbert Stivers, formerly
Miss Blanche Richards, who resides
In San Antonio, Texas, has been visit
ing at the home of her brother, War
ren T. Richards and family. During
"jer stay she has also enjoyed meet
ing many of her old friends.
With the completion of the project
of straightening the road that runs
east from Elmwood, the men from
Wabash who have been employed
there, are being transferred to' other
projects, some going to Weeping
Water and some to other points.
Barn Destroyed by Fire
The barn on the farm belongng
to Miss Myrtle Wood and on which
Henry Knaupe resides, was destroy
ed by fire last week, leaving Mr.
Knaupe without a place to care for
his stock.
Stray Dog Created Havoc
A stray dog recently came to the
home of Sherman Hardaway, where
it was taken in and fed. In exchange
f,or the kindness bestowed upon it.
the animal sought to get at some
meat that had been placed on a high
shelf on the porch. To reach the
shelf, the animal climbed on a table
that contained a large assortment of
potted flowers, representing a lot of
work on the part of Mrs. Hardaway.
The dog upset the table, sending the
flower pots hurtling to the floor and
breaking many of them. You may
well imagine the consternation and
indignation of Mrs. Hardaway when
she discovered the havoc that had
been done. Many of her most prized
plants were destroyed and those that
can be reset will be slow in getting
started again.
To Celebrate Church Centennial
During the past week there was
held a three day gathering at the
Lutheran church north of Manley on
the Louisville-Greenwood road, at
tended by about a hundred ministers
from the different churches in this
Besides considering regular busi
ness, one of the important matters
before the group was the planning
of a proper observance of the one
hundredth anniversary of the Luth
eran church in America.
One hundred year3 ago a large
group of people migrated from their
homes in Saxony, Germany, to the
United States, where they knew they
would be guaranteed religious free
dom and escape the oppression being
bestowed upon them. The group com
prised five sailing boat loads of men,
women and children. On arriving in
this land of freedom, they pooled
their capital and purchased 4,400
acres of land in Perry county, Mis
souri, then a western frontier, and
there organized the first church in
this country. The growth of this de
nomination was rapid and today it
is among the larger church groups
in point or membership.'the church
southwest of Louisville being one of
the many hundreds over the nation.
Harold Krecklow, whose handi
work has created many useful things,
has set about making a replica of
this first church, built of logs, and
upon its completion it will be used
as a collection box for the church.
An appropriate celebration of the
founding of the church in America
will be held in Lutheran churches
all over the nation this year.
Dockage facilities maXa Plaits
mouth an Ideal factory site. Wel
come and a splendid opportunity
to expand should be an induce
ment to those contemplating a
change in location from the more
thickly populated centers and
flood areas of the east.
Miss Kate Wolpert, who has been
feeling poorly for some time, is re
ported considerably better at this
Mr. and Mrs. John Bergmau and
little son were in Plattsmouth last
Saturday, looking after business mat
ters there.
Harry Haws and wife were at
Clay Center, Kansas, over the week
end, guests at the home of their son,
Virtus Haws and family.
Hail caused considerable damage
last Sunday night to the homes of
Paul Mann, Henry Voglcr and Wal
ter Mockenhaupt. A large number of
window glasses were broken.
Father Henncssy, pastor of St.
Patrick's Catholic church of Manley,
attended the funeral of Father O'
Sullivan at Lincoln last week. The
two were very close rriend.s
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth were in
Plattsmouth last Saturday, going to
meet their nephew, Jack Huse, who
was coming from Jackson. Nebraska,
for a visit of a month at the Katitli
Mrs. Rachel Cochran and three
children were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flaiscliman, the
children remaining to spend the bal
ance of the week with their grand
parents. Ralph Welte, who was one of the
boys selected to attend Boys State
at .Lincoln last week, returned home
at the close of the week's camp and
is well pleased with the experience
which he obtained.
Miss Claudia Honor, of Omaha, baa
been spending two weeks nt the home
of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter O'Brien and considers it a
very special privilege to get to spend
the time on the farm.
Mrs. George Davis, in attempting
to alight from their auto, flipped
and fell. As a result she suffered
injuries that required the attention
o the family physician. She is now
considerably improved.
John C. Rauth and son Herman
sowed seven acres of sudan grass
seed last. Tuesday, to be used for pas
lure. They completed the Job just
before the coming of the rain, which
should make the seed sprout and
grow rapidly.
Miss Ellen Kelly, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, who is a stu
dent at St. Joseph hospital in Omaha,
taking training to become a regis
tered nurse, visited over Sunday at
the' home of her parents, returning
to the hospital at the beginning of
the week.
A machine for digging ditches in
which to lay the gas service lines for
Manley, has been at work here for
some time. The pipes are being laid
and in the very near future Manley
folks will be able to enjoy the con
veniences of natural gas in their
homes and places of business.
Man? Attend Conference
At the Lutheran church north of
Manley on the Louisville-Greenwood
road, a largely attended religious
conference was held this past week.
The attendance ran nearly a hun
dred. This conference was the fore
runner of a general celebration to
observe the one hundredth anniver
sary of the founding of the Lutheran
church in Perry county, Missouri.
Honor Father Last Sunday
A dinner was served on Sunday.
June 11, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. V. Stander, in honor of the
father of Mrs. Stander, who has Just
passed his S2nd birthday. Those who
were present for t lie occasion were
John Palacek, Sr., and two daugh
ters, of Plattsmouth; A. V. Stander
and family and John A. Stander and
Married at St. Patrick's Church
On last Friday morning Miss Dor
othy Miller antl Mrs. Julius Bornclle
were united in marriage at St. Pat
rick's Catholic church. Father Ilen
nessy, pastor ot the church, conduct
ed the ceremony, after which the
bridal party repaired to the home
oi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller for a
wedding breakfast. Those present
were Father Henne.ssy, Mrs. Cather
ine Earhardt. grandmother of the
brido and Mr. and Mrs. Miller, her
Hail Causes Damecc
Accompanying lest Sunday'3 rain,
hail fell at spotted points in this
vicinity. The ctones were "specially
large in the vicinity northeast of
town, where damage wr.s reported.
At the home of Earl Mann some 50
window lights were hammered out
end at the home of Henry Voclei
150 were broken. The home of John
Mockenhaupt is another place that
suffered considerable damage.
Harold Krecklow, the carpenter,
reported he had orders for the re
setting of 275 new window panes de
stroyed by the hail.