PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTTR1TAL THTJP.SDAY, JTJ17E 15, 1939. Subscribe for the Journal. top PBie. PAID FOE POULTRY EGGS CREAM We are in the Market for Springs Special Prices Open Every Evening Bring In Your Produce! HOME DAIRY Conveniently Located 5th and Main Center of Business Section HERE FROM PENNSYLVAinA Mrs. Ella McCray and grandson, Ralph McCray, Jr. of Erie, Penn sylvania arrived at noon Tuesday to visit here with Mrs. Almeda Flem ing. Mrs. McCray and Mrs. Fleming are cousins, and the former visited in Plattsmouth nine years ago -and has a number of friends who are glad to see her back again. While here they will visit with friends and rel atives at Xehawka. CARD OF THANKS SPEND WEEK END HERE Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hughes anc daughter, Maxine and son, Melvin of Lincoln were week-end visitors in Plattsmouth at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bourne. Melvin stayed here over Monday, being a guest of Dale Bowman. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of deepest sympathy during the long illness and recent death of our dear daughter and sister. Also we thank those who took part in the services and the beautiful flowers. May God bless you all. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hofacker and family. HAVE UNUSUAL TREAT MOVE TO NEW HOME Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson, who have for many years made their home on Wintersteen Hill, have removed from the old home on Second street to 'their newly acquired residence property at Ninth and Gold streets. The family is now settled in the new home and are well pleased with the location. Fresh, Delicious Oatmeal Cookies, per lb ft' Fresh Chocolate Stars FlufTv Marsh- T CiC mallow Topping . . & Lbs. Ad for Plattsmouth, Friday, Saturday, June 16 and 17 Shredded Wheat TASTY CEREAL Regular Packages 2 for 23c Standard Quality TOMATOES NO. 2 Cans 4for25c Armour's Star Corned Beef 1 2-oz. Can IPirfe L3on ISatt USeeS Eoactt it. .H6C Trndrr, Juicy, 1. S. Graded Itert Shoulder Cut". Selected (Center Cuts, lb., 13y2) End cuts, lb Frenbly Ground Ilerf Cuta. Tf 1 Cudahy's Pure, Hex Brand, in bulk, 3 lbs Minced Luncheon or BolOgtta Selected, 2 Lbs. . . . Spaire E&313dg L. HSc Lean, Meaty IPonrEi SflaipG . .S7C Seletrl Lean. Fancy. AMMortcd linked I.oavra Squar Lb. Lb. 9lc Suear-Cured Kfew lPttaitis I 17c .19c S. No. 1 Large Washed California Shafter Whites or Texas Bed Triumphs. 10 lbs 5)C SB Cherries Extra Fancy Per lb. Large, Luscious Washington Bings. TntMfAAi! F'rm. Red Ripe Carrots Texas. 2-Ib. Bskt. . California Green Top flg Large Bchs 2 forC Watermelons ffiSff-jr . ...3c Fla. Tom Watson, guaranteed Sweet. Red Ripe New Cabbage EST. !?... 3c D1liMr Fcy- Cat. Red Beauty. Lge. MTlUlliZi Sq. Bskt., 45c; Qt. Bskt AJC Blackberries PEARS, or Smith No. 10 Can 1W 3 Cans, $1.25 Blue Ribbon MALT Hop-Flavored Light or Dark 3-lb. can 49' DAIRY FOODS! for health and energy! We join Nebraska farmers in urging you to serve a variety of healthful, 'economical dairy foods! When you help them you help yourself!. Fresh, per Quart OC Cheese Kraft, American or Brick, 2-lb. loaf .HC KZfltlf'tf'A CASCO, 1-lb. Carton, 26c 12) Id llC XL parchment Wrapped, lb Miller's Crispy Corn Flakes 2 for IS Miller's Toasted Wheat Flakes 9Qc Beg. Pkgs 2 for mwlJ (Cup or Saucer Free) FlOUSr Rrd?!-:'-. ".C. . . . OUC Super Suds CfuPnL'Kg 17c Shinola !3&TCl. A.s.sor.ted I7c Spry Shortening at . . . 49c Butter-Nut JeM spkrgld .F,f r?ff 4c P8G Soap Giant Bars, 10 for. 3gC Oxydol tkl?r. ..gc DreSt Amazing Suds, reg. Pkg., 14; large. 22C Camay J&JFm&air& .Women. .17c Miracle WMp fc'ASSV'."" 32c Bread Fresh Sliced White, 16-oz. Loaf 6c Salmon Old Pals Alaska, Lib. tall can HOC Salt Carey's Plain or Iodized, 26-oz. tube 7C SUgar Fine Granulated Beet 10 lbs. 4&C Heinz Ketchup Large 14-oz. "fl 7C Bottle ; JL A Heinz Pickles Fresh Cucumber fl h Style. 24-oz. Jar 1L Heinz Vinegar Pure Cider or White -f q Quart Bottle . Jl fl (ff! Sunrise, Sweet rroota Miw Mb. Bag, 15 3 Lbs. 412 jr.. Linen-ized for Softness 4! Reg. Rolls, S WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Butter-Nut (5I?FEIS Specially Mellowed (Regular or Drip Grind) 2-lb. Can VlCC or Glass Jar. -4 Sunday at the morning service at the First Presbyterian church, the congregation had a very delightful musical treat afforded them in a lovely vocal solo given by Miss Lois VanKirk of Oil City, Pennsylvania, a house guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robertson and fam ily. The number selected by Miss VanKirk was "Consider , the Lilies' by Scott, presented with beauty and artistic expression which the Arte soprano voice of the soloist was at its best. It was a very great pleasure to the congregation and choir to have this talented lady with them for the service. Mrs. H. F. Goos was the accompanist for the number In her usual artistic manner. VISITS OLD FBIENDS Lee Taliaferro of Kansas City, Missouri is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Mark. Mr. Taliaferro made his home in Plattsmouth a few years ago being one of the main men with the Smith Construction Co. Mr. Mark and Mr. Taliaferro work ed together at Oklahoma City and Concordia, Kansas after leaving here so it has been some time since they have seen each other. After the visit here he will be stationed in Des Moines. Ia., for some time. Mr. Taliaferro has been with the Smith Construction Co. for many years. IEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA From "Wednesday's Laily Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hartwick departed this afternoon for Wahoo and from there will join their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Neal and daughter, Mary on a motor trip to the Pacific coast. Mrs. McNeil, of North Carolina, a sister of Mr. Neal, will accompany the party. They will visit at Los Angeles and other parts of the west coast be fore returning. They will visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards, the former a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Hartwick. HERE FROM DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. David Hawksworth, of Detroit, are in the city, the boy hood home of Mr. Hawksworth. mak ing a visit with Mrs. E. W. Cook, sister of Mr. Hawksworth, and meet ing the many old time friends. AN APPRECIATION I wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who during my ill ness brought me beautiful flowers and words of encouragement. Also for the delicious delicacies that helped bring my appetite back, which I so badly needed to regain my strength. MRS. HOWARD BURCHAM. LEAVE FOR VACATION Mrs. Blanche Potter, of Lincoln, and son, Billy, Mrs. Fred Lugsch, and Mrs. Lora Kieck- and children left Tuesday morning for Minouri, Texas, and Mexico where they will spend some time visiting and vacationirg. VISITS IN THE CITY Miss Marjorie Lee Smith, of Coun cil Bluffs, is in the city to enjoy a visit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Donat and other relatives and friends. Ad for Plattsmouth Friday, Saturday, June 16-17 I J PHONE 93 and 95 WE DELIVER U mm A CABBAGE Solid, Crisp Miss., lb. 2Ug 7 A SUGAR BEET 10-lb. Cloth Bag for j A 7 HEW POTATOES Wh, Shatters Red Triumphs 10-lb. Bag for BAHAMAS , Golden Ripe Per Lb. - 5c PflFFFF BUTTER-NUT, Drip or CA. UUITCC Reg., 2 lb. Tin or Jar. . . 3UC ORANGES SwTB., . ea. 1c SOAP P r& G, Crystal White or O-K, Giant Bars, each... .4c A OMAR FLOUR 48-1 b. Bag $3.-3.9 CHAD Lux Lifebuoy, Camay or OH a OUHl Palmolive. Choice, 4 bars. .vw conn Tomatoes or Green Beans 4Q No. 2 Cans 4 for Ww n l. O DMM Windmill 3 No. 2Vs Tins 25c PEACHES 5nA,PB,.cSTf?r29c Yosemite Brand in Syrup. TOMATOES Tex. Red Ripe 2 lbs. 19c CANTALOUPE Jul 10c l AftriTfll AIIISC Cal. Vine Ripen'd nbo size, each. JAR RUBBERS BS&.'iEi. , . . .4c inn AnilC Ball Mason Per dozen 19c MULLEN'S MEAT DEPARTMENT Phone 95 and 93. We have Four Deliveries Daily 8:30 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. BEEF ROAST, extra fancy quality, lb.. 16 PLATE BOIL, 3 lbs. for 25 HAMBURGER, fresh cut, 2 lbs 25 BEEF STEAK, Shoulder, per lb 19 PORK BRAINS Illb. H SAUSAGE PURE PORK Wis. US PORK BUTT ROAST, lean, lb W FRESH PORK STEAK, 2 lbs. for -35c; PORK TENDERETTES, per lb 30 FRESH PORK TENDERLOIN, lb.. 35$ BEEF TENDERETTES, per lb 30 Sunlight, American or Brick (SDHEESE l 2 lb. Dox VEAL BROWNIES, per lb 25 LEG OF LAMB, lb. 25 LAMB CHOPS, lb 25 WE ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF Cold Meats - Dressed Poultry - Dill and Sweet Pickles ! 'Eat Fleischmann's Yeast for Health ;J0EZ FAIR. mm r1 ROASTER FRESH BLUB "G" COFFEE Pound Serve with fruit and pep up the whole family. 2 LGE. PKGS. II kr.. STEAM TREATED TISSUE 3 Large Rolls 29c ASK ABOUT OUR STEP STOOL OFFER 1 WW AN IOA WORLD'S FAIR SPECIAL IGA CENTER-SLICED Pineapple OQc Large Can IGA SLICED OR HALVES Peaches if Ac Heavy Syrup. Large... IGA (No Cereal) Potted Meat QKc Large Cans, 4 for There's A Reason Grapenuts 2 Pkgs. for IGA Tomato or Mustard Sardines flflc 1-lb. Oval Can IGA CRUNCHY Corn Flakes J7c 2 Larne Pkgs IGA PAD-L-JAR Mustard 9-oz. Jar Jelly Assorted. Tall Glass. BEST BLEND Ice Tea Tall Tumbler IGA BRAND ..9C Apple Butter 4 Rq Full Quart i5c 25c Quart IGA BRAND Catsup 14-oz. Bottle .... SHURFINE Milk Tall Cans, 4 for. . IGA Wafer Sliced Bee Per Jar 25c IGA BRAND Soap Grains 4 7c Large Size Pkg IGA Cleanser 2 Cans IGA RED CAP SJf8 25c IGA Brand Pickles 32c Full Quart IGA BRAND Grape Juice pQc Quart Bottle J yM jl Oranges ff BRIGHT'S VINE-RIPENED Cantaloupe, jumbo size, 2 or LARGE, SOLID, CRISP Head Lettuce, 2 or FIRM, RED RIPE Tomatoes, 2-lb. basket JUICY SUNKIST (300 Size) Lemons, per dozen BEAUTY Red Plums, basket FULLY RIPENED (24 Size) Pineapple, each CHOICE WINESAP Apples, 4 lbs.. . . RED TRIUMPH or WHITE SHAFTER Hew Potatoes, 10 lbs 19c 29c .25c igc 5Qc 25c IHEEF RiAST Choice Corn Fed Shoulder. Per lb PORK CHOPS, lb. ...... 15c PORK STEAK rteshe Ks;?rN.bBUi:T?....16e 5 to 7 lb. -if- Avg. Per lb -I U(; spoiled picnic mm SPARE RIBS, lb 11c WILSON'S PURE LARD 3 lbs. 25c MINCED HAM Wilson's 2 lbs. 25c Wilson's Olive and Pimento Loaf or C Wilson's Thuringer Summer Sausage, lb &1L MOCK CHICKEN LEGS, Delicious. 6 for 25 Fresh Dressed Fryers - Fresh Cat Fish AD FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WE DELIVER PHONE 23 AND 24 3 "Eat Fleischmann's Yeast fop Health"! S