MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1939. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO ' 7 t. . the Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSJIOUTH, NEBBASKA Entered at Postofflce, Platumouth, Neb., aa ieoond-claii mall matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PKICE $2.00 A YEAR IN . FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers Uvtns In Second Postal Zone, 2.50 per year. Beyond 600 miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreigrn countrlea, $3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly In advance. ALVO Miss Grace Muenchau, who at tended Peru Teachers' college last year, lert Monday to attend summei ucbool there, after a few days vaca tion at home following the close of the regular school term. Visited Friends Here Mrs. Carrie Appleman, who has been living in New York for several months, has been in Alvo the past week visiting relatives and friends. She returned to Lincoln to visit rel atives Thursday morning. Mrs. Appleman was feeling well and enjoyed a pleasant stay here, i-he plans to return to New York soon. June Meeting of Aid The June meeting of the Ladies Aid society was held in the church basement Wednesday afternoon, June 7, with Mesdames Turner McKin lion. Ion McKinnon. Charles Holmes and Glenn Dimmitt as hostesses. There were twenty members pres ent. Mrs. fVm. Timblin had charge vt the devotions. The business meet ing was in charge of the president, Mrs. Talbert Edwards. All present enjoyed a most pleas ant afternoon. Honored with Shower The young ladies of the class of '3S honored Mrs. Edward Brenning, the former Miss Iona Weiehel. with a miscellaneous shower Thursday af ternoon at the church basement. The thurch was beautifully decorated for the occasion. A large crowd was present, including a number of out of town guests. Mrs. Brenning was the recipient or many lovely and useful gifts and dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses at the close of thciBouqucts of mock orange and paul pleasant afternoon. To live in Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brenning, who were united in marriage at a quiet ceremony in Lincoln Sunday, May 2S. will make their home in Lincoln. Mrs. Brenning is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiehel and grew to womanhood in this com munity. She graduated from the Alvo consolidated school with the class of 193S. Mr. and Mrs. Brenning have the best v.i.shes of their friends for a happy and prosperous married life. Dr. Story Pays First Visit Here, Dr. Bert I.. Story, the newly ap- t , Thcmas Walling Company ? ! Abstracts of Title ! . Thone 324 - riattsmouth .J- Automobile insurance Elates Automobile Insurance rates arc changing. It will pay you to see us before writing or renew ing your Car Policy! All Stock Companies Local Agency JJ Service ?r CALL OR SEE INSUANCe- AND BONOS mi tXP PHONf 16 Plattsmouth pointed district superintendent, with his wife and son were present for the morning church services last Sunday. . . Dr. Story spent rart of the church hour reminiscing, as the Alvo church was his first charge after entering the ministry. He told how very good I the Alvo people had treated him and how they had helped him get his start in the ministry, etc. He and his family received a very hearty welcome from the entire con gregation. Several of the young people were back from college to help with the choir Sunday morning and everyone present enjoyed the music very much. The help of these young folks and their interest in the church is great ly appreciated. A delicious dinner was served in the church basement at noon. x Receives A. B. Degree Warren Hammel, son of Rev. and Mrs. Ilamrnel was among the gradu ates at the University of Nebraska, graduating from the College of Arts and Sciences. Rev. ami Mrs. Hammel were pres ent for the graduation exercises and also for the baccalaureate service on Sunday evening. Warren has the congratulation? of his many Alvo friends. Alumni Banquet The annual alumni banquet was held in the church basement Tues day evening at seven o'clock, with forty-one present. The banquet din ner was prepared by a group ol Ladies' Aid members. The tables were decorated in red and white and the color scheme was carried out by the use of red and white napkins, red and white nut cups and red and white programs. scarlet roses did much to make the dinner hall attractive. The program included a play, a solo by Dale Ganz, a duet by Mar garet Jean Stroemer and Ruth Ann Ganz and the following toasts: Mrs. Mickle, speaking on "Aims;" Mrs. Hemke, president of the Alumni giv ing the welcome, and Miss Marvel Skinner of Lincoln the response. Officers elected for next year are: William James, president Carl Rose now, vice president: Nita Mullen, secretary, and Ellis Mickle. treas urer. A very enjoyable time was had despite the fact that the attendance vas not as large as had been antici pated. ATTENDED PRESBYTERIAL MEET Wednesday evening Dr. H. G. Mc Clusky, pastor of the First Presby terian church of this city, with sev eral of his elders, E. C. Giles. John Wehrbein, Carl J. Schneider and Frank A. Cloidt attended a meeting of elders of the Nebraska City Pres- nyterial at Lincoln. LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS FOR SALE Threshing machine, good condition, reasonable price. Lewis Mougcy, Uuion, Xebr. jl2-3tw FOE SALE Two used Allis-Chalmer combines one Allis-Chalmer W. C. tractor on rubber; cue 10-ft. power binder and work horses. Cbas. Vallery, Allis Chalmer dealer, riattsmouth, Ncbr. J12-3tsw Put an ISmberlla Over Your (Drops Hartford Hail Insurance costs little and is such a comfort! SEE wmm -I. 1 1 - ill SOUTH BEND Loran Vogel spent Friday after noon with Herbert Blum. F. J. Knecht transacted business in Weeping Water Thursday. Mrs. Bernard Dill called at tht Wm. Blum home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Cora Campbell spent Mon day evening with Mrs. Charles Fos berg. ' Kenneth and Wayne Carnicle spent Thursday afternoon with Loran Vogel. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Duerr and daughter spent Sunday evening at William Blum's. Mrs. Albert Glaubitz of Platts mouth is visiting Mrs. F. J. Knecht at the present time. Mrs. F. J. Knecht and Mrs. Glau bitz were Monday evening callers at the Chas. Fosberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Copsey and fam ily drove to Omaha Saturday, tak ing Edine to her work there. A group of farmers drove to Plattsmouth Wednesday to attend the meeting of the county commis sioners. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Hansen and children spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Hansen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fosberg. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fosberg and daughter Verna Mae accompanied by Mrs. Fosberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Larsen, all of Omaha, visit ed Robert's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fosberg, Sunday. B. O. Mooney received word last Wednesday night of the serious ill ness of his aged father in Missouri. Accompanied by Mrs. Mooney, Billy and Robert, be left immediately for the bedside of the father. Wm. J. O'Brien came home from Rochester, Minn., to spend a day, returning the same evening, as Mrs. O'Brien is still seriously ill there. Her many friends are hoping she may soon recover and come home. This community has received two nice rains this week. Although too late to be of much benefit to the wheat and oats crops, the moisture will be of great help to the corn and pastures. Traffic was halted for some time Sunday evening near the four cor ners a mile west of town when a Lincoln car left the road, going down a steep incline. Two wreckers were required to get it back up on the road again. Fortunately no one was injured. Club Holds Enjoyable Meeting The Friendly Circle club. met last Thursday at the park. A large crowd was present to answer roll call with their favorite Bible verse. A short business meeting was held. A delic ious lunch was served and the ladies enjoyed the day visiting while the children enjoyed swimming in the lake. Tw.o visitors, Mrs. Glaubitz and Patricia Leddy, were present. The next meeting will be held on July 13, with Mrs. John Kupke. At this meeting each lady is to answer roll call by reading her favorite poem. Injured when Car Struck Mrs. Cora Campbell and Russel and Frank Koziol were Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday. While parked on the street, Russel was standing beside the car when another car crashed into them. Russel was thrown down and rolled on the street, causing a number of injur ies. He was taken to a doctor, and several stitches were required to close the wounds. He is still in much pain. The car was badly damaged. Fire Destroys Home Fire of unknown origin destroyed the house on the W. J. O'Brien farm, formerly the H. Hunter property, on Monday. George Small, who occupied the place, had moved to Murdock a week before, so it was vacant at the tune. The Ashland fire department was called, but the flames spread so rapidly that the house could not be saved. Attended Graduation Exercises Mrs. V. D. Livers and Verla and Mrs. H. B. Dill and Jamie drove to Central City Sunday, where they at tended baccalaureate services and graduation exercises. Miss Grace Christensen. a sister ol Mrs. Dill, was a graduate of the college there. Mrs. Dill also attended the Alumni luncheon, she being a graduate of the college. They returned home Tuesday evening, being accompanied by Miss Christensen who is enjoying a week's visit here. Visited in Missouri Florence Nelson and daughters and Don Skinner drove to Elmo. Missouri, to spend the week end with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Winget and family. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Johnson in Iowa. Doris Nelson stayed to spend her vacation with her grandparents. SOCIAL From Thursday's Dally Return From Outing Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Webb return ed to their home in Plattsmouth after spending the past montn' and six weeks visting in South Dakota and Missouri. Mrs. Webb spent the month In Odessa, Missouri visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wake man, while Mr. Webb was in Belle Fourche, South Dakota where he was employed during that time. Their daughter. Miss Diane also returned home with them, she accompanying her mother to and from Missouri. Entertain on Anniversaries Wednesday evening at the Meth odist parsonage, Rev. and Mrs. J. C Lowsoo entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Don Seiver and daughters. Shir lev and Donna Boa. The event was in honor of the twentieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Seiver and Rev. and Mrs. Louson. Mr. and Mrs. Seiver were married here at Plattsmouth, while Rev. and Mrs. Lowson were marri?d at their home in England. St. John's Altar Society ihe general meeting of the St. John's Altar society was held Wed nseday afternoon at the church club rooms with twenty members present. Circle 2 entertained, the hostesses being Mrs. Don Harris, Mrs. Dieter, Mrs. Lester Gaylord, Mrs. Ernest Elliott, Mrs. J. Gochenour, Mrs. John Hobscheidt, Sr., Mrs. John Hob- scheidt, Jr., Mrs. William Hartwick, and Mrs. John Hiber. The business meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Baltz Moisinger. Mrs. Lester Gaylord, sec retary, read the minutes of the May meeting. Following the business session card playing was indulged in by the mem bers and guests present. In the pin ochle Mrs. Rufffler was -the winner of the prize, and Mrs. Henry Stark- john received the prize in the bridge game. A special prize was given to Mrs. Thomas Brizendine during the afternoon. At the close of itie afternoon the committee served refreshments. W.-D. S. Club : W. D. S. club held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Alvin Meisinger, a storlshower being given in honor of MrsAlvadore Tilson by members of the 'club. Games were enjoyed by all. Many beautiful gifts were re ceived. Turkish towels were received by Airs. Alvin Meisinger. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Alvadore Tilson June 15. Tuesday Afternoon Club Mrs. Robert'.sJed served as the hostess to the Wednesday afternoon bridge club in the basement of the James Mauzy home yesterday. Two guests, Mrs. Russell Kunz and Mrs. W. S. Eaton, were present. Mrs. W. V. Ryan received the first prize; Mrs. Theodore Ptak, second; and Mrs. Robert Reed, the ace of spades prize. - A luncneon concluded the after noon party. ; St. Paul's Auxiliary The Women's Auxiliary of the St. Paul's church met Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock at the church par lors for their semi-monthly aid meet ing. Hostesses for the occasion were Misses Elizabeth and Emma Hirz and Mrs. F. Nolte. Due to the inclement weather, a large number were un able to attend. Miss Elizabeth Hirz, program chairman, was in charge and an nounced the various numbers on the program. Miss Eleanor Giles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Giles, rendered a vocal solo. "Summer Rain," Mrs. Wiley Sigler being her accompanist "Abide With Me," by Henry Park er was the vocal solo given by Miss Juanita Sigler, her mother serving as the accompanist. The Speck sisters, Shirley and Eidell, were beard in tnrce numbers, "When Pa Courted Ma," "Peanuts." and "Little Old Lady." Miss June Keil was the accompanist for the girls. Mrs. Ray Herring was also on the program and gave two fine read ings. "It Couldn't Be Dons," by Edgar Guest, and "The Boy Your Mother Thinks You Are." At the close of the program the committee of three served refresh ments. From Friday's Dally G. E. Birthday Club The G. R. Birthday club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Marge Price, Mrs. Ed Schmader being co- hostess, in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Max Bowman. The afternoon was spent in playing bingo and very nice refreshments were served. Thursday Afternoon Club The Thursday afternoon bridge club met yesterday afternoon with Mrs William Schmidtmann at her home at 438 Main" street. Mrs. Theo dore Ptak and Mrs. Walter Tritsch were guests of the club. First prize went to Mrs. L. S. Pucelik and second to Mrs. Ptak. At the conclusion of the party the hostess served a luncheon. Bi-Monthly Club The Waters' new home on North Sixth street was the scene of a gath ering of the Bi-Monthly pinochle club last evening, Mrs. Ida Waters serv ing as hostess. The guests present were Mrs. Frank Horsak and Mrs. Eleanor Christensen. The prizes for the highest scores in pinochle were given to Mrs. Hor sak, who received the highest honor and Mrs. Walters, who received sec ond highest. Refreshments served by Mrs. Wa ters concluded the evening of card playing. Adult Class Meets The Ladies' Adult class of the First Methodist church, of which Mrs William Baird is teacher, met Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. J. Million north of riattsmouth. Despite the rain there were sixteen of the members in attendance. The business meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Val Bur kel with Mrs. A. M. Boynton leading the devotionals. The regular business meeting was held during the after noon. Following the business meeting, the rain being over, a picnic dinner was served on the lawn. Thursday Bridge Club Miss Verna Leonard entertained the Thursday afternoon bridge club at her home in the Coronado apart ments yesterday afternoon. Two guests. Misses Mia and Barbara Ger ing. Avere present. Mrs. John Donelan was awarded the first prize, while Miss Barbara Gering was given the second prize. Following the bridge party, which consisted of two tables. Miss Leonard served refreshments. Miss Leonard's apartment was beautifully decorated with floral decorations of the summer roses. Stitch and Nibble" Club-- The Stitch and Nibble sewing club entertained at a miscellaneous shower last evneing at the home of Mrs. Joseph Knoflicek in the Coronado apartments in honor of Mrs. Theo dore Spaustat, formerly Miss Mary Swatek whose marriage to Mr. Spaus tat occurred on Saturday, May 20 at the Holy Rosary church. Eleven club members and one guest were pres ent. The recent bride received many gifts, consisting of kitchen utensils from the club members. Those present at the shower In cluded: Misses Antionette Koubek, Lillian Koubek, Rose Janda, Dorothy Svoboda, Anna Knieke, Beatrice Kno-flice-, Mrs. William Nelson, Mrs. Frances Koubek, Mrs. John V. Svo boda. Jr., Mrs. .Joseph Knoflicek, Mrs. Ernest Janda. and the guest of honor, Mrs. Theodore Spaustat of 4518 South 14th street, Omaha. Bouquets of carnations and sweet peas formed the decorative scheme of the Knoflicek apartment. T. R. Club Meets Thursday evening, June 8 the T. R. 4-H club held a social meeting at the home of Miss Mary Rishel on Orchard Hill. The evening was spent in playing games and singing. tAt the close or the evening re freshments were served in keeping with the colors of the club, green and white. The five members present were: Misses Lois Wolever, Geraldine White, Darlene White, Helen Hough, Mary Rishel, and the club leader, Mrs. Worth. Guests of the club included Misses Margaret Rea, Catherine Kaffenber ger, Betty Fae Reed, Marian Fricke, Alary Jean Hatt, and Mrs. Walter Lovis. Surprised on Birthday Last evening: at the home of Air. ar.d Mrs. John Meisinger, Jr., on north 3rd street, a very pleasant birthday surprise was held, the event honoring the anniversary of Mrs Morgan Meis ingci. The members of the party en joyed games during the evening that was most pleasurable to all. In honor cf the event Mrs. Meisinger was pre sented with a large number of hand some and attractive rememberances of the anniversary. At an appropri ate hour a very delicious luncheon was seived that addad to the pleasure of the ocacion. .Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roads and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norris, of Blair, Lindora and Theodore Smalley, Myra Jane Pebley of Syracuse, Earl Miller, Jack Christy, Ronald Dean Kruger, Omaha, Geraldine Ann Cady, Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bailey and daughter, Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. John Meising er, Jr., Mr. jind Mrs. Morgan Meis inger. Surprise Mr. and Mrs. Seiver Mr. and Mrs. Don Seiver were ue- righlfully surprised Tuesday evening when a group of friends dropped in for a picnic party, the occasion serv ing as a celebration on the eve -of the twentieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Seiver. A large group of country and city friends were present as participants of the picnic party held on the rear lawn of the Seiver home. Following the luncheon hour the time was spent in a general good time, the women engaging in visit ing and the men engaged in playing pinochle. The guests of honor received a lovely gift as a token of greetings on their anniversary from their friends. Guests present at the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. John Rummel and son, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Rummel, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Babbitt and son, Naason, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Margaret Kaffenberger and daughter, Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. George Kaffenberger and sons, James and Charles, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Nolting and son, Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nolting, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tritsch and sons, Marion and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Born and son, George, Eugene Mei singer, Wesley Gradoville, and the guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Don Seiver and daughters. Donna Bea and Shirley. Junior C. D of A. Meets A combined business-social meet ing was held by the Junior Catholic Daughters of America last evening at the home of Miss Gertrude Cloidt at 1311 Main street. Fourteen were present. Mrs. William Woolcott, the club's counsellor, presided over the business session, this later being followed by the playing of a number of games. The meeting was closed with the serving of light refreshments by GREETINGS FROM Omaha's Business Men Compiled by Mrs. K. Yarbery BUY YOUR VACATION LUGGAGE at KORAN'S OMAHA TRUCK CO. 1318 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEBR. Phone Jackson 0480 g rOOOGOCGOCOOeOSOSOSOCeOCOSCQOSOSOSO GEORGE F. RUSHART, DISTRIBUTOR Falstaf ff ioldenlilarvesi Seer 77W3 BELLEVUE, NEBR. . 77W4 CCCGCOOOOOSOCOOC9GOSCCCCCOOCCOCOGCCOSCOOOCO I Trusses-Supporters FITTED BY Seiler.SurgScal Company, Inc. Jj Physicians', Nurses, Hospital and Sick Room Supplies k Medical Arts Building . - Omaha, Nebraska 0 Phone ATIantic 5825 & Q Q iboCOOQOCCCeOOCiCOSOQCGOGOSOOCOOCGOCOa Gorn From Chicago Elevator Fire We have the pick of the pile, and are picking out the best and now shipping it here in car load lots. Exceptionally good for Hogs. 300 a Bushel A. A. NIXON a CO. 29th and N Streets FU 629 Barker Bldg., Omaha, Neb. "A BRUSH FOR EVERY PURPOSE" FOR SERVICE WRITE ALBERT MILLER. WEEPING HATER, HED. the hostesses. Misses Gertrude Cloidt and Delores Gradoville. The young ladies present at the mootinz were: Renee Brown, Betty Jo Libershal, Catherine and Rose Brink. Norma Bryant, Betty Auit, Shirley Petersen, Catherine Strick land. Gertrude Cloidt. Delores Grado ville, Shirley Walling, Wilma Swatek, itfa'ry Alice Ault, and Mrs. William Woolcott. Fr'ecbyterian Federation The regular meeting oi me rrc- byterian church women's federation was held Wednesday afternoon in the Fellowship room of the church. Circle 3 had charge of the program and entertainment, Mrs. E. H. Bern hardt serving as chairman of the en tertainment, and Mrs. Virgil Perry serving as program chairman. Mrs. Roy Knorr, federation presi dent, presided at the business ses sion. At the close of this session, the program was in charge of the Light Bearer girls of which Mrs. Terry the leader. The purpose of this pro gram was to familiarize everyone of the church with the splendid work and aims of this society. The girls also had on display some of the work they have accomplfshed and rendered several musical numbers. The afternoon closed with the serving of a luncheon by the commit tee in charge. PROVES GREAT ATTRACTION The Plattsmouth American Legion junicr drum and bugle corps which has in the last few years been one of the most successful entertaining bodies in this section, are receiving many opportunities for bookings. Leslie W. Niel, the booking repre sentative of the corps has received invitations from Omaha for July 4th and several other dates and among these the Legion state convention. The Hamburg, Iowa, Reporter, speaking of the drum and bugle corps in its appearance at the peony show at that place, has the following: "A unique feature in the parade was the Girls' Dancing Drum Corps, of St. Joseph, Missouri. The Platts mouth, Nebraska Drum and Bugle Corps was another dandy attraction bigger and better than last year, and trained to a fineness that made them a pleasure to watch." ifALBAN CAFE The Best Steak and Chicken Dinners in Omaha 4443 S. 13th Phone Mr 302 nil & Elastic Hosiery EXPERTS Omaha, Nebraska a J v. f n V H. r