THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE UNION ITEMS. No distance too far our telephone makes us neighbors. Porter Funeral Heme, Nebraska City. A. L. Becker and grandson, Don ald, were in Lincoln last Friday to look after some business matters. Henry II. Becker and wife were In Omaha Monday of this week where l hey were called to look after some business matters for the day. While D. Ray Frans was attend ing the graduation of their nephew, Dr. John Gilmore, Jesse Dysart was looking after the lumber yard. Mrs. Robert Whitmore, formerly Miss Sara Upton who makes her home ncr.r Adams, was a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Upton from last Friday until Sunday. The Union ball team was over to IVrcival, Iowa last Sunday where they played with a ball team of that place with the result that the Iowa team won by a score of 11 to 4. The members of the Union Wom an's club were enjoying their annual outing on Tuesday, June 6 by driving to Omaha for a picnic and to Jrselyn Memorial and other places of interest. Mrs. Victor Clarence was called to Nebraska City last Saturday and was accompanied by the children, where after attending to an errand they had in hand visited with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Rihn were spendnig Sunday with friends at Beatrice, driving over in the morn ing and enjoying a visit for the day, with an excellent dinner and a very Messrs. and Mesdames Oscar Mid- kiff of Nehawka and Mathew Midkiff of Avo.a were guests for the day last Sunday at the home of -their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Midkiff where all enjoyed a very pleasant visit, pleasant afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Porter who at tend the Methodist church in Platts mouth were over last Sunday and w ere accompanied by some of tir friends, they attending the morning st rvices as well as meeting a number of their friends in Plattsmouth. Mrs. W. A. Taylor and grandson, Donald Hoback, were in Nebraska City last Saturday morining looking a tier some business matters for a short time, and in the afternoon Rev. Taylor was called to Plattsmouth to look after some business matters. Dr. and Mrs. G. II. Gilmore of Murray and Mr. and Mrs. D. Ray Frans were attending the graduation exercises at Lincoln Monday where Jchn Gilmore was a graduate of the medical college of the University of j Nebraska.. He will be an Interne at lain down for a brief rest, and hav a hospital at Victoria. B. C. inS fallen asleep was much surprised Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Griffin and jwen awakened by a group of ladies daughter, Miss Ruthan were guests 'singing "Happy Birthday to You." for the day last Sunday at the home (However she gave them a royal wel of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Griffin, where come, and they were soon all busy they enjoyed an excellent dinner. Miss Opal who is assistant postmis tress, was spending her Sunday in Ashland with a lady friend. Enjoyed Nice All Day Trip. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Bugsby with Dale Karnopp and family made a happy party who last Sunday morn- ing drove to Peru where they crossed Ihe Missouri river into Missouri and drove to the farm of Supt. and Mrs. ' Bugsby where they spent the day at the far, with a picnic dinner at the noon hW and during the after noon drove V a number of other places, returning through Iowa view- Put an Merila Over Your Srops harlford Hail Insurance costs little and is such a comfort! SEE The World's biggest-selling SINGLE-EDGE Blade 3 1 For GEfl - and Ever-Ready RAZORS i lng the country and stopped at Shen andoah where the flower show was in progress. Attended Family Gathering. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Banning de parted last Thursday for Keokuk and Grinnell, Iowa, where they visited with relatives of Mrs. Banning at both places and enjoyed a family re union with the folks of Mrs. Ban ning which was held at Grinnell. Mrs. Banning formerly resided there and many of the relatives now make their home in and about Grinnell and Keokuk. Mr. and Mrs. Banning were able to visit them all and en joyed a very pleasant time there, re turning home last Monday evening. Visited Greenwood Sunday. Frank and Anna Bauer, and the trio of granddaughters, Ruth, Dor- othy and Bessie Anna Nickles who are house guests at the home of Frank and Anna, made a merry party who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schrcader at Greenwood last Sunday. A very pleasant visit was had and an excellent dinner, with a merry ride through the west ern portion of the county, returning home in the evening. Beth Families Now Settled. With the coming to Union last month of Gilbert Edmonds who pur chased the garage of Charles Land when he went to farming, the Ed mnods family were not able to secure a house to live in but later got one and were able to move to Union and become actual residents. Later George Poulas, Jr., mechanic at the garage was married and was not able to get a place to live until the closing of school when they were i able to secure a residence property owned by Charles Atteberry. Virited With Friends Here. Thaddius Becker, a brother of our townsman, A. L. Becker, the former making his home in California, but working as a traveling salesman in this territory, while the wife is visit ing with her folks in Sioux City, was visitng over. Sunday wth his brother here. Register of Reeds Ray F. Becker and wife of Plattsmouth were also guests at the Becker home as well as Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ehlers and little daughter, Delores Anna. Birthday Celebration. ' As Thursday, June 1st was the birthday- of Mrs. Clara James, Paul, Doris and Lenna Barber, who reside in the home, thought to give her a surprise by inviting in a few rel atives for the afternoon. Mrs. James, who was somewhat weary from her household duties, had reminiscing about former associations together. Those present to enjoy this pleas ant gathering besides the family were: Mesdames Laura and Mable Reynolds. Myrtle Swan, Robert James, Alan Madsen, Fannie Eiken bary and sister, Mrs. Carper. Also Ada Clark and Mary Davis, sistees of Mrs. James. Lovely angel food cake, ice cream strawberries, wafers, candy and cof- fee were served at the close of the aftcrncon. WOULD ELIMINATE ALCATRAZ WASHINGTON, June 7 (UP) At tornty General Frank Murphy today termed Alcatraz prison a "place of horror" and proposed transfer of hardened criminals from the "rock" in San Francisco bay to a new secur ity penitentiary to be located in some isolated part of the country. "It is a great injustice to San Francisco to have that place of horror ,n, ,the dc,orstcp o thc titv MurI,hy aia at a press conference. "The whole institution is conducive to psychology that builds up a sin ister and vicious attack among pris oners. he said. Murphy said no definite action was likely for two or three years but that he had ordered justice department officials to study the situation. D Weeping Water Miss Mayme Hillman has bought a restaurant at Louisville. She took charge June 1st. Knude Jensen was in Omaha last Sunday attending the races and visit ing his many friends. G. R. Binger was called to Omaha last Tuesday where he had some busi ness matters to look after. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler were in Omaha last Sunday attending the Ak-Sar-Ben races and visiting with friends. Miss Cleo Jameson left Sunday night for Chicago, after a month's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jameson. Lawrence Earhardt of between Murdock and Wabash was looking after some business matters in Weeping Water Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Lauren Mickle, of Denton ;pent last week veiling at f.he home of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Ruby and Mr. Ruby, and at the Clifford Cooper home. II. A. Henderson, who was taken ill while at his office at the U. S. Engineers quarry, a week ago is able to be out and around again, and is improving rapidly. Henry Crozier was in Elmwood cn Tuesday of this week, called there to look after some business matters in connection with some property in terests he has there. Clifton Cooper, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooper, has been in bed for about five weeks with an infected hip. His condition re mains about the same. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Almquist, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Almquist and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Almquist en joyed a picnic dinner Sunday at Mor ton park at Nebraska City. The new residence which is being built by Troy Davis for a home is progressing rapidly and it is expect ed that it w ill be completed in a short time and ready for occupancy. Miss Vera and Reba Stock were at Milford Sunday attending the re gional conference of the young people of the Menonite church. There were about one hundred delegates in at tendance. Miss Marve Way, a freshman ; in the Weeping Water schools, was tak en to the St. Mary's hospital at Ne braska City where she underwent an operation and since the ordeal has been getting along nicely. Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Herman and son, Jack, moved into their newly remodeled and redecorated home this week. They have been making their home at Rest Haven. They are now at home one block south of Rest Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Philpot re ceived a gift last week which they prize greatly. It came from a cousin, Lynn Barrett, of Calgary, Canada,, and was a silver tea spoon engraved with the picture of the king and queen of England. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Wilson were down from Crete and spent Satur day night visiting friends in Weep ing Water. Mr. Wilson was connect ed with the Missouri Pacific railroad here for several years, and their visit was greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dawson, of Gandy, arrived in Weeping Water in time for Decoration day, and visited with friends anti relatives until Wed nesday evening when they went to Omaha to visit with Mr. Dawson's sister, Mrs. David Foltz. Eugene Ludwick and family were over to Irretta last Sunday visiting for the day at the home of of the par ents of Mrs. Ludwick. Mr. Ludwick returned heme while Mrs. Ludwick and the kiddies are to remain for a week and visit the folks. Edmond Moore left this week for Peru, where he will attend school this summer. Mr. -Moore has taught the Laurel Hill school for the past three years. He has been elected as teacher in the Chilson school north of town for the coming year. Faula and Reginald Speak are in Livcna, Iowa, visiting with their paternal grandparents. They were taken to Omaha and traveled alone on the train to Des Moines, where they were met by an aunt who took them on to Livoni. They expect to remain a month. Mrs. Henry Lemke was in Omaha Friday when she had two impacted wisdom teeth removed. These teeth had given her trouble for some time and it is to be hoped that their re moval will be of great benefit to Mrs. Lemke. Mrs. Cy Erandt, her daugh ter, accompanied her to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shields were in Plattsmouth last Sunday, just driving around and looking over the country. They report much, evi dence of small grasshoppers but not yet doing much damage but in uificient numbers that they may eat the crops if it should continue dry. Louis F. Neuman who farms be tween Manley and Murdock was a business visitor in Weeping Water fuesday morning. He tells of young grasshoppers being very numerous in the vicniity of his farm but says no particular damage is being done yet but expects great damage to crops should the weather remain dry, but 3ays if there is plenty of moisture the damage will be negligible. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pool received word that their cousin, Rev. Abra ham Woodard, of Bloomington, In diana, his wife, and son, will arrive here for a few days visit on Thursday of this weeK. tev. woodard was born in Weeping Water and attend ed our public schools, and it will be a great pleasure to his friends to have a visit with him and his good wife. Rev. Woodard is superinten dent of the Methodist church, with headquarters at Bloomington. The 500 club met Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ras mus Lauritzen. This club meets every two weeks and is composed of a group of eight ladies who always enjoy an evening together. Miss Marie Wade was taken very ill last Friday and was taken to St. Joseph hospital in Omaha, where she underwent an operation for appendi citis. She is reported to be improv ing rapidly. Mrs. Edd Scown, of Marion, Iowa, left for her home Wednesday after a week's visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Maude Moulten. Jean Elizabeth Day, of Lincoln, came down Monday and visited un til Wednesday afternoon with friends. Jean reports that her grandmother, Mrs. Murfin, of Denver, is visiting at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Day and Mrs. L. P. Wolcott motored to Crete last Sunday to attend the Baccalaureate services at Doane college. After dinner, at Gaylord Hall, they at tended the alumni reception and the hobby show at the college. They report a most enjoyable day. Mrs. F. H. Gorder entertained at a luncheon Wednesday. Guests were Mrs. C. E. Pool, Mrs. Edward Lor ensen, Mrs. J. M. Ranney, Mrs. C. E. Tefft and Mrs. L. P. Wolcott. Mrs. Fred Klepsei was hostess to the Bide-A-Wee club this afternoon at her home. The Bide-A-Wees are the oldest social club in town, and include a congenial group of women v.ho visit as they ply their busy needles and spend a most delightful afternoon together every two weeks. Mrs. G. S. Hunt, Mrs. Ole Olsen, Mrs. W. D. Ambler. Mrs. John Do mingo and Mrs. Robert Hall, of Avoca, left Wednesday afternoon for Crete to attend the Women's Retreat of the Congregational churches of Nebraska. This meeting is held each year on the campus of Doane col lege and lasts from Wednesday af ternoon through Thursday and Fri day. Among1 the Graduates O. R. (Ray) Clark received his doctor's degree in botany this spring at the University of, Nebraska. Duane Harmon is a graduate of this year's class also, and three daughters of former Weeping Water people are among the graduates this year. They are Mary Beth Hitchman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hitchman, of Ord, and Miss Betty Clizbe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Clizbe, of Valentine, both at the University of Nebraska, and Miss Ann Stoker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Stoker (Mabel Murtey), of Shelby, Iowa, who graduated from Christian college for girls at Colum bia, Missouri. Milford Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ray Smith, was a member of the 1939 graduating class of Wahoo Lutheran college. Graduating exer cises were held May 29, with 42 graduates. Milford is a graduate of Weeping Water high school and at tended the University of Nebraska v,fnro Ptitprincr Wahoo college. He left this week to enter the summer school of the University of Nebraska to take preparatory work so that he will enter a school of embalming this fall, probably at Cincinnati, Ohio. To Hold Joint Meeting- Here A meeting of the Fellowship of Congregational Women will be held in the Weeping Water Congregation al church next Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. This group is com posed of the women of the Congre gational churches of Paisley. Syra cuse. Avoca and Weeping Water. Mrs. Ole Olsen. president of Wom en's Work" for 'the Lincoln district, will preside, and the Syracuse wom en will have charge of the program. Undergoss' Critical Operation. Mrs. Wm.' Gussett who has been troubled with a mastoid growth for some time was taken iast week to the Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln where she underwent an operation for the removal of the growth, and was kept on the operating table for Borne two hours and a half, the operation being very severe and re-jof quiring delicate work in the removal of the growth from the base of the brain. Following the operation the patient was very seriously ill, but after a few days showed indications of improvement. Mother and Daughter Luncheon The annual Mother-Daughter lun cheon given by the ladies of the Congregational church was held on Tuesday of this week, with eighty- five in attendance. Mrs. Edward Lorensen and Mrs. B. A. Olive were in charge of the arrangements. Mrs. L. II. Behrends superintended the serving of the luncheon and Mrs. L. P. Wolcott was the toastmistress who guided the passengers on their journey by air plane, as the airplane was the theme of the after luncheon program. Plane models were suspended from the ceiling over the tables and at each plate were air mail letters bearing the program. With Mrs. Wolcott as pilot the guests had a happy journey as they were entertained with music and talks furnished by the passengers, as follows: Invocation, sung by the passen gers. Welcome, Camp Fire Girls. Song, by passengers. "High Flying," Mrs. Frank Mar shall. Vocal Solo, Sarah Hunt. Piano Solo and Duet, Janet Loren sen and Patricia Wainscott. "Air Currents," by Mrs. Herbert Ambler. Song, "Whir of the Motor," by Camp Fire Girls. "Flares and Beacons," by Mrs. Lloyd Ranney. Vocal Solo, Miss Betty Hinds. "Sky Pilot," Mrs. John Domingo. Song. "Follow the Gleam," by passengers. Business Changes Hands The bowling alley which was es toi.ncV.ori in wppnintr Water a short time ago has been sold by the man who installed it, the purchase being made by Ralph Keckler and Knude Jensen, who have installed James Wilcott as manager. Mr. Wilcott is well acquainted with the game and chould make an excellent man to care for the business. Visited Folks Here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Buchanan and family of near Nehawka, and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sudduth and family from southeast of Murray were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askew Sunday, the ladies being daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Askew and sisters of Lawrence Askew. They all enjoyed a very pleasant day and an excellent dinner. Sewer Work Progresses. With some hundred men actively vorking on the installation of the Weeping Water sewer system the work is progressing very satisfac torily and every day sees the work farther ahead and completion nearer in sight. It Is necessary to go deep in rome places to get the proper drainage, which of course requires more work, but with the completion of the work will be the very best. Taking Their Vacation. Rev. Harold Baker and wife and their three children of Valley were visiting at the home of the parents of both Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baker for a few days and while Rev. and Mrs. Baker are looking after some work out of town the kiddies are staying at the home of Grand father and Grandmother Baker. While they are taking their vaca tion Mrs. Baker had her tonsils, which have been giving her much trouble, removed. Visited With Friends Here. David Ewart, a former citizen of Weeping Wrater, who has been mak ing his home at Wahr.o where he has been employed on the Wahoo Wasp, a newspaper of that piace. and mak ing his homa there for a number of ;ears, was visiting friends in Weep in? Water Tuesday ol this week. Divid has many friend? h?re where hi lived for many yeara and gradu ated from the Weeping Water school. Earl Oldham Very Poorly. Earl Oldham, the trucker and pro prietor of the produce station, has been feeling quite badly for Bome time past on account of returning attacks of asthma which makes it very difficult for him to breathe. During the summer when polen is on the vegetation he is troubled with the asthma to that extent that it seems sometimes he will be compelled to give up the business here, altho it is paying very welL but health comes before even business. New Weeping Water School. The new school house which has been under construction for the city Weeping Water has been going forward with much alacrity, and besides the very rapid manner in which the building has been erected the building is one of great beauty and most substantial and up-to-date in every respect. The marble floors are being laid and are a piece of work of great beauty. While the time for the opening fo school in the fall is some distance away the contrac- tors are to move to Fremont where they have another building under construction and are desirous of get ting their force of men at work there. Sells Many Poppies. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Philpot re ceived a letter from their son, Lloyd, who lives at Garden City, Kansas, telling them that their grandson, Marvin, seven years old, received the prize of a Legionnaire son's pin for selling the greatest number of poppies on "Poppy Day." He was the youngest person to sell poppies and sold $27 worth of the flowers. He was also chosen to place the wreath on the unknown soldier's grave on Memorial day. Makes New Discoveries. Dr. L. N. Kunkd has made some new and important discoveries re cently when searching for Indian relics. He unearthed some Indian corn and fragments of matting made of hemp and cornstalks, some rare pipes made into the form of animals, such as ducks, deer and antelope. He also unearthed specimen of paint rock, a fine speciman of grinding stone and muller, beside many new and beautiful specimans of pottery, some of which are in a good Btate of preservation., Dr. Kunkel states that the corn i3 about one thousand years ofd. Celebrate Birthdays. Twenty-eight relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooper Sunday, to celebrate the birthdays of Mrs. Lauren Mickle and Mr. E. M. Ruby. All brought well filled baskets and a bountiful dinner was served. The afternoon was spent in visiting and late in the afternoon ice cream, cake and home grown strawberries were served. Those who were present to share in the happy event with Mrs. Mickle and Mr. Ruby were Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Mickle, Bonny and Wayne, of Denton; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard El rod, Benton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mickle, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. John Dietrich. Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ruby and Charmaine, Shen andoah, Iowa; Blain Racine, Clar inda, Iowjt; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ruby, Nebraska City; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Philpot. Mrs. Nettie Amick. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ruby, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooper, Clayton, Rol iand and Lulu Jeanine. EAGLE IIEl'JS ITEMS Mrs. Mary Adams and daughter, Jane, arrived in Eagle last Sunday from Phoenix, Arizona. E. P. Betts is visiting in Akron, Iowa, with his granddaughter, Mrs. Jay Busker and Mr. Busker. Dinner guests of Mrs. Pauline Ollerman last Thursday, evening were her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Wulf, Mrs. Lloyd Vance and Mrs. Carrie Daugherty of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McMaster and sons of Beloit, Kansas, came Saturday evening. Mr. McMaster re turned Sunday evening, leaving the other members of the family for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Sex- son and other relatives. Mrs. Mary Wachtcr spent Satur day evening and Sunday in Lincoln with her daughter, Mrs. T. M. Pet erson and family. Mrs. Carl Oberle and sons return ed on Wednesday of last week from Venango, where they had visited Mrs. Oberle's parents for the past ten years. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Morrison and family of Gandy came last week and are visiting Mrs. Morrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Scattergood and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wr. B. Hursh and Fioyd left last Friday morning for Denver, Colorado, where they will visit until the middle of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hursh. Mrs. Myrtle Blanchard and daugh ter, Mrs. Archie Miller, of Wray, Colorado, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Oberle, Mr. and Mrs. William Ketelhut and Mr. and Mrs. William Winters the first of this week. Mrs. Lennie Deles Dernier visited from Saturday until Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horn. She re turned to University Place on Tues day of this week. ' Mib. George Winkler entertained the Trinity Lutheran Aid at her home last Thursday afternoon. Carl Rodaway, who has been visit ing here for several weeks, left for California last Saturday morning. He was accompanied by Ralph nans ford, who will make an extended visit with relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wulf and Mrs. Pauline Ollerman visited at the Al bert Maahs home last Sunday after noon. Miss Lois Jean Lytic is employed at the Eagle Cafe. Daymond Norris and family moved out to their farm on Monday of this week. Mrs. Blair and daughter, of Har lan, Iowa, are visiting Mrs. Blair's sister, Mrs. John Peterson and Mr. Peterson. Miss Aletha Tyson, who taught during the past year at Mitchell, Nebr.. visited last week with sisters, Mrs. Ira Stull and Mrs. Elmer Frohlich and their families. William Hohson was in Eagle on Thursday of last week visiting old friends. Mr. and Mrs. U. 05. Palmer, of Detroit, Michigan, arrived Sunday and are visiting Mrs. Palmer's moth er, Mrs. Leoua Gardner and otLcr relatives. Mrs. Rudolph Finland, who recent ly underwent an operation at the Lincoln General hospital, is report ed to be getting along nicely. Her friend3 hope she will be able to re turn home soon. Caddy-Schrader Miss Edith O'addy, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Harry Caddy, became the bride of Richard Schradcr of Lin coln, June 3rd. 1 The ceremony was performed by Rev. Donald Spring er at the home of the bride, in the presence of the immediate families and intimate friends. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ruth Gaddy and Willard Gillespie was best man. After a vedding trip, they will reside in Eagle. Best wishes are extended this young couple. Bride-to-Be Honored The Blackbird club honored Miss Edith Caddy at a party at the home of Mrs. Willard Gillespie in Lincoln cn Wednesday evening of last week. The honoree was presented with a lamp. After an informal evening, the hostess served delicious refresh ments. Those present were Miss Edith Caddy, Mrs. Alfred Thomson of Tal myra. Mrs. Paul B. Johnson of Alvo. Mrs. Howard Stege of Elmwood, Miss Melva Wall, Miss Maxine Wetenkamp tnnd"frs. "Willard Gillespie of Lin coln. Forestry and Bird Club Meets The Camp Creek Forestry and Bird club held their fourth regular meeting at the home of Dorothy Frohlich, May 31st. We were to have had one bird house made and also a bird bath. Our trees are to be taken care of and later each mem ber is to judge all the trees. We planned a hike for our next meeting, so we will have an oppor tunity to observe different kinds of birds and trees. We plan to meet at the home of our leader, Mrs. Bert Muenchau. very soon, where a pro gram for the Camp Crook Women's Home Extension club will be plan ned. Club Reporter. Snarry Stitrhers Club Elects The Snappy Stitchers held their first meeting at the home of their leader, Helen Nelson, Monday. May 2fth. Officers were elected, as fol lows: Inez Althouse, president; Vcrda Ilockonbach, vice president: Dorothy Frohlich, secretary, and Doris Bird, news reporter. After the business sossion adjourn ed a delicious lunch was served. The next meeting of the club will be at the home of Dorothy Frohlich. Yum-Yum Cooking Club The Yum-Yum cooking club held their first meeting at the home of ' Tl f : ft 1 Tt . . .1 . . 1 I, Tl, ... V r n " ,luuu""'- 4 "v ...-.. are taking up cooking and are busy pouring through recipe books. Those who have Joined the rlub are Betty Folken, Hazel Rudolph. Fay Scattergood. Fae Rudolph, Mar ion Dysart. Elizabeth OJardner, Lau retta Herrmann, Eva Mae Rocken bach, Virginia Meyers, Margaret Wulf, Velma Siekman and Barbara Boren. The officers are: Margaret Wulf, president; Hazel Rudolph, vice pres ident; Velma Siekman, secretary, and Barbara Boren, news reporter. The club leaders are Inez Althouee and Viola Root. All the members were present at this first meeting of the club, and Virginia Wall was a visitor. Delic ious refreshments were served, after which the members enjoytd playing games. Barbara Boren, Reporter. See the goods you buy. CaU'oa but how about tna oood when Cesjsrlptipns are alluring enough, you set themT