The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 29, 1939, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, MAY 29, 1939.
St. John's Holds
Closing School
Program Friday
Exercises Are Very Largely Attended
Mary Kratochvil and Mary
Helen Zimmerer Orators
Last evening the closing exercises
of the St. John's parochial school
was held at the Knights of Colum
bus hall with a very large audience
in attendance to enjoy the fine pro
gram. The event was also the graduation
of the class of seventeen young men
and women from the eighth grade, a
ceremony that marked the attain
ment of eight faithful years of study,
in this old and long established
church school, one of the oldest in
the state.
1 he class valedictorian was Mary
Helen Zimmerer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. F. I. Zimmerer, while the
saUitatorian was Mary Kratochvil,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Kratochvil, the two young ladies
having been very brilliant students in
their years at the school.
The members of the class com
prised the following young people:
John Aitschaffl, Terrance ' Bennett,
James Brown, Richard Case, Thomas
Doody, Matilda Glaubitz, Johu Had
raba, Nadine Heigl, Mary Kratochvil,
William Knofiicek, Edward Kubicka,
John Lorenz. William Pittman, Eliza
beth rittman, Arthur Salerno, Helen
Wiater, Mary Helen Zimmerer.
The rrogram of the eveningw as
quite extensive and in which each
of the students from the school was
given a participation in the clever
and entertaining playlets, recitations
and sketches that had been prepared
for them, all of these being well
The program of the evening was
salutatory of Miss Kratochvil, in
which she extended the welcome to
the families, the faithful teachers,
the religious instructors . and the
large group of friends of the school.
It was well given and carried the
sincere message of the young people
about to attain the goal of their
school work.
Present Play Programs
The little folks of the kindergar
ten department were very winsome
in their recitation and which was a
fine example of the training that
they have received even at their ten
der years.
The second grade students were
presented in a recitation sketch,
"Doctor's Busy Day," cleverly given
and much enjoyed by the audience.
The older boys of the school, com
prising the graduates and seventh
grade groups, gave an interesting
playlet, "The Camp Up Copper's
Creek," one in which they portrayed
the life of the boys in their club
organization and oh the outing in
the country camp, filled with many
clever dialogues and special features
that held the close attention of the
audience. The members of the cast
comprised: John Aitschaffl, Edward
Oradoville, Thomas Doody, Richard
Case, Edward Kubicka, James Brown,
Wilbur Eaton, William Knofiicek,
Arthur Salerno, John Lorenz, Ter
rance Bennett, William Pittman,
John Hadraba, Vernon Shiffer, Leo
Brink, George Aitschaffl, Edward
and John Berlett.
One of the clever presentations of
the program was the little folks of
the first and second grades in their
costumed sketch of "Men and Women
of Tomorrow," the little folks ex
pressing their desire of the part that
they might take in life, each dressed
for the role that they wished to
The girls of the upper classes pre
sented a play, "Don't Tell a Single
Soul," which they gave a most real
istic setting and cleverly carried out
their roles. The play was one of
the residents of a neighborhood and
the gossip that kept all astir with
the affairs of their neighbors. The
young ladies in their clever lines
kept the audience in a constant
laugh as the plot of the story was
revealed. The cast comprised Char
lotte Jaeger, Mary Helen Zimmerer,
Elizabeth Pittman, Mary Kratochvil,
Patricia Libershal, Helen Wiater,
Nadine Jfeigl, Dolores Glaubitz, Ma
thilda Glaubitz.
The intermediate grades of the
school from the third to the seventh
were presented in the playlet, "The
Luck Clover" in which the students
gave a very clever presentation.
Presents Valedictory
The valedictory of the class was
very ably given by Miss Zimmerer,
who expressed the appreciation of
the class for the care and help that
had been given them In their years
of work as students. The careful
and earned religious instruction that
had been given by Rt. Rev. Monsignor
George Agius, the love and care that
the faithful Ursuline Sisters who had
served as the teachers from their
first steps into the school to the
graduation day, was most gratefully
acknowledged by the speaker, who
also expressed the deep feeling of
the class members to parents for
their aid and making possible the
advancement to the goal of com
mencement. Miss Zimmerer urged
that the class members, now -'embarking
on careers in other schools
or activities, should carry with them
always as a safeguard the religious
inspiration that had been made the
foundation on which their education
had been based.
Monsignor Agius expressed his
gratification at the fine class that had
completed their work, praising them
for the years they had come through
in attaining this goal. He thanked
the parents for their fine co-operation
in making the school to function
and also to the Sisters for their un
tiring devotion. Monsignor Agius
also presented County Attorney Wal
ter H. Smith, as the speaker of the
evening, who spoke briefly.
Walter H. Smith Class Orator
Mr. Smith stated that the occa
ion recalled to his mind the day
when he too had graduated from the
eighth grade parochial school, the
pride that the young boy or girl
might feel in attaining that goal to
which they had pointed their way
for the eight years of school life. Mr.
Smith urged the class to make their
lives worthy of the teachings that
they had received and the sacrifices
that their parents had made for their
education. He urged that all strive to
make honesty and loyalty the car
dinal principles of their life.
Mr. Smith pointed out that the
students to attain their full measure
of successful service must be true
to themselves, to make their respon
sibility a matter of personal honor
and pride as a part of an honorable
Monsignor Agius made the presen
tation of the awards to the students
for their activities and services to
the school during the eight years of
The closing exercises was a real
tribute to the fine work that the
Ursuline Sisterhood has carried out
in this city -in the years that they
have served at the St. John's school.
Their wholehearted and unselfish
devotion to the school has been re
sponsible for its success and in the
success of the students they have
sent forth a reward at which they
are deeply gratified. Many of their
students have been outstanding in
higher educational institutions as
the result of the fine groundwork of
teaching and character that the sis
ters have given them in the eight
years of schooling.
Prize for general excellence award
ed to the eighth grade as follows:
John Aitschaffl, Terrance Bennett,
James Brown, Richard Case, Thomas
Doody , Matilda Glaubitz, Nadine
Heigl, John Hadraba, Mary Kra
tochvil, Edward Kubicka, William
Knofiicek, John Lorenz, Elizabeth
Pittman, William Pittman, Arthur
Salerno, Helen Wiater, Mary Helen
Students' final certificate for ex
cellence in penmanship awarded by
the A. N. Palmer company, to: John
AltschafTl, Terrance Bennett, James
Brown, Richard Case, Thomas Doody,
Matilda Glaubitz, Nadine Heigl,
John Hadraba, Mary Kratochvil, Ed
ward Kubicka, William Knofiicek,
John Lorenz, Elizabeth Pittman, Ar
thur Salerno, Helen Hiater, Mary
Helen Zimmerer.
Prize for catechism given by the
Catholic Daughters, drawn for by the
seventh and eighth grade. Prize
drawn by Mary Kratochvil.
Prize for catechism given by the
Catholic Daughters, drawn for by
3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades. Prize
drawn by Joan Gradoviile.
Prize for catechism given by the
Catholic Daughters, drawn for by the
kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.
Prize drawn by Patricia Kocian.
Prise for perfect attendance at
school awarded to: John Aitschaffl,
Terrance Bennett, James Brown,
Thomas Doody, Matilda Glaubitz,
Nadine Heigl, John Hadraba, Mary
Kratochvil, Edward Kubicka, William
Knofiicek, John Lorenz, Elizabeth
Pittman, Helen Wiater, Leo Brink,
Wilbur Eaton, Edward Gradoviile,
Dolores Glaubitz, George Aitschaffl,
Joan Gradoviile, Gertrude rittman,
Hetty Aitschaffl, Cyril Kocian, Ta
tricia Kocian, James Doody, Edward
Eaton, Etta Lee Heigl, Joan Ault,
Sally Gaines, John Downs.
S. S. Gooding, who has just re
turned home from several weeks
spent in Wyoming reports that Carl
Speck, former Plattsmouth young
man, who was very severely injured
several months ago, is slowly Im
proving. He is able to exercise one
of the legs now that was fractured
and it Is hoped that the other may
in time be back in normal condition.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. McDonald were
spending last Sunday in Avoca.
W. J. Rau was a visitor in Lin
coln last Wednesday where he is
taking treatment for his health.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth were
guests last Sunday at the home of
their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haler
man of Omaha.
Harvey Bergman, a member of the
CCC camp at Weeping Water has
JusL-completed a 10 day vacation and
returned ot work Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mockenhaupt
and Miss Sue Mockenhaupt were in
Lincoln last Thursday visiting and
looking after business matters.
Some eighteen members of the
Catholic Youth organization were
down to Nebraska City last Sunday
attending a picnic given by the
Roddy family.
Miss Leona Daveraux, housekeeper
at the St. Patrick's parish house
was visiting for a few days at the
home of relatives at Rulo returned
home last Saturday.
Last Thursday Rudolph Bergman
was enjoying his 55th birthday, and
was receiving congratulations of his
many friends. He has made his home
in Manley for many years.
On Wednesday of last week sur
yors for the rural gas service were
in Manley locating lines for gas
mains and pipes, which looks like
Manley is to enjoy gas for fuel in
the near future. ,
Fred Fleischman has been painting
the barber shop on the inside, the
ceiling being given a light cream
?olor while the walls are made slight
ly darker. He painted the outside
of the building last year.
Miss Eva Haurahan of Omaha and
a co-student in the Clarkson hos
pital where both young women are
taking a course in nurse training,
was visiting her folks her for a few
Jays during their vaction.
Lawrence O'Brien and family of
Ravenna arrived in Manley Thurs
day of last week and visited friends
and relatives, being house guests
for the time at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Murphy.
Mrs. Jose Huse of Jackson was a
visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John C. Rauth, all attending, the
runeral of the late Mrs. Edward
i ighe which were held at Council
Bluffs Wednesday of last week. From
there Mrs. Huse returned to her
home at Jackson with her. husband
and Paul Tighe who were also' at
tending the funeral.
Ladies Give Shower.
The ladies' of the vicinity of the
Chilson school gave a pre-nuptial
shower in honor of the teacher for
the past few years, Miss Dorothy
Reisler who is to wed early in June.
Graduated at Weeping Water.
A number of scholars from Man-
and vicinity were members of
the graduating class of the Weep
ing Water high school and were given
diplomas, among who are Ernest Gru
ber and Wilbur Rhoden.
Visited With Parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Risso of St.
Paul, Nebraska, arrived in Manley
and visited for a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rohr
3anz, parents of Mrs. Risso. Mr.
Risso came to Lincoln to attend the
wedding of a gentleman friend last
Saturday night. A family dinner was
held at the home of Herbert Rohr
danz. To Marry June 4th.
The ladies of the neighborhood of
the Chilton school where Miss Dor
othy Reister was teacher for the
past school year gave her a very
enjoyable pre-nuptial shower one
clay last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Wiles. She received
many beautiful and useful gifts and
wishes for many years of health and
happines. She is to be united in mar
riage to Kenneth Roeber June 4th.
From Saturday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Thomas,
of Los Angeles, who are here visiting
at the home of Mrs. R. A. Bates, de
parted this morning for Lincoln
where they will be guests of Mrs.
George Thomas of Lincoln over the
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
John HIrz, deceased. No. 3403:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate i Sentom.
ber 25th, 1939; that a hearing will'
ue uaa ai me county Court room In
Plattsmouth on September 29th,
1939 at ten o'clock a. m. for the pur
pose of examining, hearing, allow
ing and adjusting all claims or objec
tions duly filed.
Dated May 26th, 1939.
(Seal) m. 29-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska
Countu of Cass
By Virtue of
an Order of Sale issued by C. E.
Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court,
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on
the 1st day of July, A. D. 1939, at
10:00 o'clock a. m., of said day at
the South Front Door of the Court
House, in the City of Plattsmouth in
said County, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Commencing at a point 353.7
feet West of the S. E. corner of
the S. W. U of the S. W. i of
Sec. 18, Twp. 12, Range 14,
East of the 6th P. M.; running
thence North 190 feet; thence
West 73 feet; thence South 190
feet; thence East 73 feet to the
place of beginning, the same be
ing a part of Lots 27 and 28 of
said Section IS, Twp. 12, Range
14, East of the 6th P. M., afore
said, Cass County, Nebraska;
Lot 9, and the W. Vz of Lot
10, Block 9, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lot 12, Block 30, JMty of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
The W. Vi of Lot 4, Block 34
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
The West 36 ft. of Lot 2,
Block 50, City of Plattsmouth,
Lot 4 and the West of Lot
5, Block 25, Young & Hayes
Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block. 42,
Young & Hayes Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Block
4, Duke's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
The West of Lot 3, and all
of Lot 4, Block 11, Duke's Ad
dition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lots 23- and 26, Block 9,
Thompson's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
The East 55 ft. of Lot 47, and
all of Lots 48 and 49, of Wise's
outlots to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska; .
Lot 1 of Streitweisser's Ad
dition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska; '
Lot 12, Block 167, City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots 9 and 10, Block 52, City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
The West 3 ft. of Lot 4, and
all of Lot 5, Block 18, City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
The North 69 ft. of Lot 12,
Block rs. City of Plattsmouth,
Lot 2, and the Northeast 14
feet and 3 inches of Lot 3,
Streitweisser's Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lot 5. 6, and 7, Block 13,
Townsend's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Nels Steel,
et al. Defendants, to satisfy a juag
ment and decree of said Court re
covered by the City of Plattsmoutn,
Nebraska, a Municipal Corporation,
Plaintiff, acainst said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 27,
Sheriff of Cass County,
m29-5w - Nebraska
In the District Court Cass
County Nebraska
In the matter of the Application
of Frank A. Cloidt, Guardian of
Frank Fight, a Spendthrift, for Au
thority and License to Mortgage
Real Estate.
Now on this 11th day of May,
1939, this matter came on for hear
ing on the Petition of Frank A.
Cloidt. cuardian of Frank Fight, a
spendthrift, for authority and li
cense to mortgage real estate of said
ward, to secure payment of a loan
to be made for the purpose of pay
ing an existing mortgage on said
real estate in favor of the Murray
State Bank or assigns in the amount
of $1,700.00 plus interest - at the
rate of 6 per annum from April
15, 1939; taxes on real estate be
longing to said ward in the amount
of $169.14; and costs of this action
and incidental expenses and indebt
edness of said ward in an amount
not exceeding $$130.S6.
It is therefore Ordered that all
persons interested in the estate of
Frank Fight, a spendthrift, appear
before me at chambers in the City
of Plattsmouih, Nebraska, in said
county, on the 12th day of June.
1939, at the hour of ten o'clock a.
m., to show cause, if any there be,
why a license and authority should
not be granted to Frank A. Cloidt,
guardian of Frank Fight, a spend
thrift, to secure a loan in the amount
of $2,000.00 from Philip Born for a
period of five years, with interest at
the rate of 5 per annum, give his
note therefore as such guardian, and
to secure payment of said note by
executing and delivering to the said
Philip Born a mortgage on the
West half (W) of Northwest
quarter (NW',4) and the West
half (W) of the Southwest
quarter (SW) all in Sec
tion thirty-five (35), Township
twelve (12), North, Range
twelve (12) East of the 6th P.
M., in Cass county, Nebraska
for the purpose of securing funds
for payment of debts and expenses
of said ward as above set forth.
It is further Ordered that a copy
of this Order- be served upon all per
sons interested in the estate of the
said Frank Fight by causing the
same to be published for three suc
cessive weeks In the Plattsmouth
Journal, a legal newspaper printed
and published in said county.
By the Court.
Judge of the District
ml5-3w ' Court.
Cass county nas no ttonffecT in-
debtedness, as, like the state, we
have paid cash for our hard sur
faced roads and other Improve
ments as we went.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Arminda J. Graves, de
ceased. No. 3407:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of W. G.
Boedeker as Executor thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 9th day
of June, 1939, at 10 a. m.
Dated May 13th, 1939.
(Seal) ml5-3w County Judge.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Estate of William Short, Deceased.
Estate No. 3408.
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Fer
dinand J. Hennings, also known as
F. J. Hennings, has filed his petition
alleging that William Short died in
testate on or about January 1, 1885,
being a resident and inhabitant of
Cass county, Nebraska, and died
seized of the following described real
estate, to-wit:
The west half (V) of the
northwest quarter (NW'i) of
Section twenty-six (26). in
Township twelve (12), north,
Range twelve (12), east of the
6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons,
Catherine M. Short, widow,
and William Short, Alice F.
Fenley, Mary C. Short, and
Fannie S. Short, children;
That the interest of the petitioner
in the above described real estate is
subsequent purchaser, and praying
for a determination of the time of
the death of said William Short and
of his heirs, the degree of kinship
and the right of descent of the real
property belonging to the said de
ceased, in the State of Nebraska.
It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 16th day of June,
1939. before the County Court of
Cass County in the court house at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at the hour
of ten o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 22nd day of May. A. D. 1939.
(Seal) m22-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Edna Conn, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Executor of
said estate has filed his final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of his administration ac
counts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on June 9, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated May 9, 1939.
(Seal) ml5-3w County Judge.
TO The American Surety Company
of the City of New ork; H
N. Dovey, first and real name
unknown, guardian of the Es
tate of Maggie Larsen, Incom
petent; E. A. Fisher, first and
real name unknown: Carrie
Fisher; E. H. Kintner, first and
real name unknown; Louis Lar
sen. Guardian of Estate of Mag
gie Larsen, Incompetent; Louis
Larsen, Administrator of Mag
gie Larson Estate; The heirs.
devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all persons in
terest in the estates of Ole
Nelson, deceased. Maggie Lar
sen, deceased, Henry Larsen
deceased and Louis Larsen, de
ceased, real names unknown;
All persons having of claim
ing any interest in or to
the North Half of the North
east Quarter of Section Four
teen. Township Eleven Isortn
Range Nine, East of the Sixth
Principal Meridian, Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, real names un
known, and each of them,
You. and each of you, will take
notice that George V. Erickson and
Mary Larsen Marshall, as plaintiffs,
filed their petition in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and each of the defend
ants, the object and prayer or wmcn
is to quiet title in and to the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit: ine
North Half of the Northeast quar
ter of Section Fourteen, Township
Eleven North, Range Nine. East of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, Cass
County, Nebraska, and to cancel and
annul, of record, certain mortgages
and liens thereon, and to have the
defendants and each of them,
dludaed to have no lien on or in
terest in any of the above-described
real estate. You and each of you
are required to answer said petition
on or before the 3rd day of July,
1939, or the allegations of said peti
tion will be taken as true and decree
entered accordingly.
H. V. Noland. Attorney
Ashland, Nebraska
mlS-25, J l-S-15 ,
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons Interested In the
estate of F. G. Frlcke, real name
Frederlch G. Fricke, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Executor of
said estate has filed his final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of his administration ac
county, determination ot heirship, as
signment of residue of said estate and
for his discharge; that said petition
and report will be heard before said
Court on June 9, 1939, at ten o'clock
a m.
Dated May 10, 1939.
(Seal) ml5-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska
Countu of Cass
ny virtue oi an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way, Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Nebras
ka, and to me directed, I will on the
10th day of June, A. D. 1939, at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
front door of the court house in the
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in
said county, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash the
following real estate,' to-wit:
The west half of the south
east quarter of Section No. sev
enteen (17); Also the north
east quarter of the northwest
quarter, and Lot two (2) in the
southeast quarter of the north
west quarter, and the west half
of the northeast quarter of Sec
tion No. twenty (20); all in
Township No. eleven (11), North
of Range No. fourteen (14)
East of the Sixth Principal Me
ridian, and containing in all
two hundred seven (207) acres
more or less according to gov
ernment survey, all in Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Erna Lapi-
dus, et al, Defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
The Travelers Insurance Company, a
corporation, Plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 3, A.
D. 1939.
Sheriff Cass County,
By Nebraska.
Deputy Sheriff.
m i-5w
To all persons interested in the
estate of Amelia Monroe Wynn, de
ceased: You and each of you are hereby
notified that the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, on the 9th
day of May, 1939, -entered the fol
lowing order in the Matter of the
Estate of Amelia Monroe Wynn, de
ceased: .
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
In the Matter, of the
Estate of Amelia Monroe ORDER
Wynn, Deceased. J
NOW on this 9th day of May,
1939, this cause came on for hear
ing upon the application of Nettie
Ackerman, Administratrix -of the
estate of Amelia Monroe Wynn, de
ceased, praying for license to sell
the following described real estate
of the estate of the said Amelia
Monroe Wynn, deceased:
The West One-Half (W) of
Lot Four (4), Block Thirty-
three (33), City of Plattsmouth,
Cass County, Nebraska; and
Lots Thirty (30), Forty-seven
(47), Seventy-one (71),
Seventy-two (72) and Ninety
seven (97), all in the South
west Quarter (SW4) of the
Southwest Quarter (SW ), Sec
tion Eighteen (18), Township
Twelve (12), Range Fourteen
(14), East of the 6th P. M.,
Cass County, Nebraska.
That said license is desired for the
purpose of paying the debts allowed
against said estate, allowances and
costs of administration for the rea
son that there i3 not a sufficient
amount of personal property in the
possession of said Nettle Ackerman,
Administratrix, belonging to said es
tate to pay said debts, fees, allow
ances and costs.
It is, therefore, Ordered that all
persons interested in said estate ap
pear before this Court at Chambers
in the Court House of said County in
the City of Plattsmouth, on the 12th
day of June, 1939, at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if
any there be, why a license should
not be granted to said Nettie Acker
man, Administratrix, to sell the
above described real estate of said
decedent to pay the debts and ex
It is further Ordered that a copy
of this Order be served upon all per
sons interested in said estate by
causing the same to be published in
The Plattsmouth Journal, a news
paper printed and in general circula
tion in said County, once each week
for three successive weeks prior to
the said day of hearing.
By the Court.
ml 1-3 w Judge.
We can furnTan you wHTl Rub
ber Stamps made to order at a
price considerably below that you
have been paying. Prompt service.
If you need stamps, see us.
8 J. Howard Davis a
Attorney at Law s
Plattamouih H
In the District Court of the
County of Caes, Nebraska
Maxine Cowden,
Raymond Cowden,
You are hereby notified that on
the 11th day of January 1939, the
plaintiff filed her petition and com
menced an action against you, the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of divorce, the
restitution of her maiden name Max
ine Hanni, and for such other and
further relief as may be Just and
equitable in the premises.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, the
tenth day of July, 1939, or the al
legations of said petition will be
taken as true and a decree rendered
in accordance therewith.
n29-4w Her Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Hannah Penn, deceased. Estate No.
To all persons Interested in said
You and each of you are hereby
notified that i May L. Ratcliff, as
Executrix of the estate and last will
and testament of W. C. Ratcliff, now
deceased, has filed a final report here
in on behalf of W. C. Ratcliff, for
merly Executor of the estate and
last will and testament of Hannah
Penn, deceased, together with an ap
plication praying therein that said
final report be approved and allowed,
and the bond of the said W. C. Rat
cliff, as executor of said estate be
released and said Executor dis
charged. You are further notified that a
hearing will be had in said matter
upon the said final report, and ap
plication before this Court on June
23, 1939 at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m. in the County Court Room of
Cass County, Nebraska, in the City
of Plattsmouth, at which time you
may appear and make objections to
said report, if any you have, and
show cause why said report should
not be accepted, approved and al
lowed and the prayer of said appli
cant should not be granted.
Dated this 25th day of May, 1939.
m29-3w (Seal) County Judge.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Robert M. Painter and
Edna Mae Painter,
J. V. HInchman, first real
name unknown, Mrs. J. V.
HInchman, first real name
unknown, M a t h e w B.
Boyd, Mrs. Mathew B.
Boyd, first real name un
known; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal repre
sentatives and all other
persons interested in the
esates of J. V. HInchman,
first real name unknown.
Mrs. J. V. HInchman, first V NOTICE
real name unknown;
Mathew B. Boyd, Mrs.
Mathew B. Boyd, first real
name unknown, and Man
ley W. Greene, also known
as Manly W. Green, and
M. W. Green, each de
ceased, real names un
known, and all persons
having or claiming any
interest in and to lot nine
(9), in block fifty-nine
(59), in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County,
Nebraska, real names un
known. Defendants.
Hinchmah, first real name unknown.
Mrs. J. V. HInchman, first real name
unknown; Mathew B. Boyd, Mrs.
Mathew B. Boyd, first real name un
known; the heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estates of
J. V. HInchman, first real name un
known, Mrs. J. V. HInchman, first
real name unknown. Mathew B.
Boyd, Mrs. Mathew B. Boyd, first
real name unknown, and Manley W.
Greene also known as Manly W.
Green, and M. W. Green, each de
ceased, real names unknown, and
all persons having or claiming any
interest in and to lot nine (9), in
block fifty-nine (59), in the City of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
real names unknown.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Robert M. Painter and
Edna Mae Painter, the plaintiffs
filed a petition and commenced an
action in the District court of Cass
County, Nebraska, on May 18, 1939,
against you and each ot you; the ob
ject, purpose and prayer of which is
to obtain a decree of court quieting
the title to lot nine (9), in block
fifty-nine (59), in tho City of Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, in
plaintiffs as joint tenants, and for
equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 10th day of July, 1939,
r the allegations contained In said
petition will be taken as true and
a decree rendered in favor of plain
tiffs and against you and each of
you according to the prayer of said
Dated this 24th day of May, 1939.
Attorney for Plaintiffs. ' m29-4w