MONDAY, MAY 22, 1939. PIATTSMOUTH " SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAL .PAG2 IT7E MURDOCH IS William Ettman of Lincoln was a visitor in Murdock last Wednesday, er.lling on his old friend, Paul Stock. Mrs. Frank Isaacs of near Manley was a visitor in Murdock last Tues day, being a guest of Miss Geraldine Schmidt. The I. C. McCrorey service station have installed new gas tanks and pi:mps and will handle a different brand of gasoline in the future. Mrs. Glen Hargus and little son have been enjoying a visit with her folks at Huntley during the past two weelfs. They returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Craig were over near Alvo last Sunday, May 14, whore they enjoyed a visit at the home of Mrs. Craig's father, E. D. Friend. James Crawford of South Bend was in Murdock several days during the past week, doing some plaster ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kruger. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Robson, of Lincoln, were visiting in Murdock on Mother's day and were guests at the home of Mrs. Kobson's father, Edward Ganaway. Paul Stock sold and delivered a pew tractor and power farming out fit to his brother, Gus. who will use it for his farming operations on the farm east of town. George Small, who has been mak ing his home near South Bend, ex perts to move to Murdock about the first of June. lie is engaged in high way maintenance and will find this location more convenient. Mrs. Mary Bornemeier, who is employed by the Telephone company at Louisville took advantage of her half day off by coming this way and with her sister drove to Lincoln to do some shopping last Wednesday. Henry Heineman has been doing some repair work at the farm home of Ferdinand Hesse, getting the place in good shape. Mr. Hesse has been living alone and batching along with the farm work, which is rather diffi cult. It is surmised that he is plan ning on making other arrangements. Improvements have been complet- cd at the beauty shop of Miss Geral dine Schmidt. Redecorating of the walls and woodwork, new floor cov ering and new-draperies, are among the additions that make the shop a very attractive place of business.The barber shop which is operated in connection with the beauty parlor has also been redecorated and is a very fine looking place. Working in the East A letter from Louis Hornbeck to his brother here, tells of his being located at Staunton, Virginia, the former home of President Woodrow Wilson. He is continuing his work as auditor for the Modern Woodmen o;' America and will be located in that part of the country for some time. His present assignment in cludes work in Washington, D. C, where he will audit the accounts of a number of M. W. A. lodges. Visited in Lincoln I. C. Hornbeck and Miss Elsa Bornemeier drove to Lincoln, where Mr. Hornbeck attended the conclave of Scottish Rite Masons and the ban quet which was included in these ceremonies. Miss Elsa attended a picture show and visited friends in the capital city until a late hour, when they returned home. Visitors in Murdock Four residents of the Nebraska Masonic Home at Plattsmouth were Murdock visitors last Wednesday, be ing the Messrs. King, Skinner, Deck end Bronkop. While here they en joyed spending a part of their time with L. Neitzel. who has visited the Heme on numerous occasions, acting a.j Bible school teacher. To Visit West Coast Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amgwert left lest Monday on a trip to California f NOBODY ever wants tc be financially liable for a smashup. Bat when two cars collide someone must pay. Protect yourself to daynow before an ac cident occurs with in surance! Call or see Searl 3. Davis Platts. State Bank Bldfl. that will occupy the next three weeks or longer. .They expect to visit Los Angeles and other cities on the coast, and will probably take a .peek at the fair while out that way. They went by way of McCook, where Mrs. R. D. Morgan, a sister of Mr. Amgwert, resides, and were accompanied that far by their son Jack, who will be a guest at the home of his aunt un til the parents return. Visited at Peru Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Goerthey and daughter Miss Dorothy and Miss Fern Buck went to Peru, where Miss Irene Goerthey is attending school, and spent the day Sunday there. All enjoyed a very fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Goerthey returned home in the evening, but Miss Dorothy Goerthey and Miss Fern Buck remained for a week's visit with Irene. Visiting in the East Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gillespie de parted last Monday for a trip to Stevens Point, Wisconsin, where they will spend some time at the home of Mrs. Gillespie's parents and other relatives. In writing to friends here, they tell of enjoying a very fine time and say they have witnessed evidence of good crops and good times in that part of the country. During the ten days or more they will be away, W. O. Gillespie will look after carrying the mail to and from the post office end the Rock Island station. Makes Garden Auto Cultivator J. H. Buck, when not occupied with the routine duties of his shop, is always busy trying out some de vice aimed to produce better farm and garden work or to improve the method of doing things in the black smith shop. His latest creation is an auto cultivator aimed for use in the garden. We watched him give a demonstration of the machine in the hard road and it worked to perfec tion. He assembled it from parts of numerous discarded machines, in cluding a Dodge car and a number of farming implements. A one cylinder gasoline motor has been installed to furnish the power and he has a ma chine that will not only care for large gardens, but will cultivate corn and in fact all manner of row crops t; perfection. Visited in Hampton Gayle McDonald, of Hampton, at which place he holds a position of rural mail carrier, drove to Murdock Wednesday afternoon for his mother, Mrs. Hannah McDonald, who accom panied him home to attend the com mencement exercises in the Hamp ton schools, where her granddaugh ter. Miss Bernice McDonald, is a member of the graduating class this year. Interesting Masonic Meeting At a meeting of the Masonic lodge a i Weeping WateiMast Monday even ing, visitors were present from Ne hawka, Plattsmouth, Elmwood and other points to witness the confer ring of the Master Mason degree on three Fellowcraft Masons Floyd Ilite, a former Murdock man, Rich ard Keckler and Stanley Schraugh er. Ivan McCrorey of Murdock was among those present. Attended Funeral Service Henry A. Tool and I. C. McCrorey were in Elmwood last Tuesday, where they attended the funeral of Richard C. Deles Dernier, who died at a Lin coln hospital on Sunday, following an operation a few days before. Mr. Deles Dernier had been a member of the Masonic order for many years and was buried with Masonic honors by his local lodge at Elmwood, of which Mr. Tool and Mrs. McCrorey are members. Judge Duxbury to Speak Miss Myrtle Wood to whom was assigned the matter of securing a speaker for the exercises to be held at the Wabash cemetery on Memorial Sunday, May 28, has been able to tecure County Judge A. H. Duxbury of Plattsmouth. If the weather is fair, a large crowd will assemble at the cemetery to pay Memorial trib ute to the deceased war veterans who are buried there and hear the address of the learned jurist. Water Supply Failing The well which has heretofore sup plied barely sufficient water to meet the needs of the community, is de creasing in volume until it has be come necessary to look for a more plentiful supply. Two test holes have been put down, but no satisfactory results so far. It is hoped that an adequate supply of good water may be located. Similar conditions prevail in many towns, where wells that for years have furnished an abundance of the aqua pura are gradually drying up. forcing the communities to take other means. Weeping Water and Nehawka are but two near-at-home examples of this condition and at Murray a great deal of experimenting and expense was necessary before an adequate well was located. Until a greater amount of moisture comes to this territory, there is probability of the condition becoming more aggra vated rather than better. Expect to Make Home in Lincoln During recent years there seems not to be sufficient employment in the line of painting and home deco ration in this vicinity to enable all in this line an opportunity to make a comfortable living. Homer H. Law ton has been compelled to accept em ployment in his line and has done much work in the capital city. Just recently George Small, who has been making his home near South Bend, sought to buy a home in Murdock and he and Mr. Lawton made a deal, and Mr. Lawton is now making ar rangements to locate in Lincoln. The trouble is not so much a lack of work to be done in the decorat ing line, but the fact that scanty crops do not supply nor warrant the spending of any extra money. Blue Eibbon Pig Club The Murdock Blue Ribbon pig cub met at the home of John Schlaphof on May 15. John is leader of the club, which is doing some splendid work. All the boys were present. The club membership now numbers eight boys. James Mills, Donald Rikli, Silas Schlaphoff. Warren Rikli, Stuart Mills, Merle Buell, Howard Bornemeier and George Buell. Mr. Johnson, the county agent, was pres ent and was able to assist materially with the study period. The lesson consisted in naming the different parts of a hog. Sor gum crops were also discussed. Mrs. Schlaphof served a fine lunch at the conclusion of the session. Stuart Mills, reporter. MANLEY NEWS Mrs. Andrew Schliefert has been feeling quite poorly during the past week, but at last report was feeling some better. Theo. Harms and son Teddy were in Lincoln last Tuesday, where Mr. Harms was looking after business matters, and Teddy was taking in the town, including the wholesale district. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flaischman spent the day last Sunday at the home of their daughters, Mesdames Charles Gade and Albert Cochran and their families, celebrating Moth ers' Day with them. George Trunkenbolz, president ot the Trunkenbolz Oil company of Eagle and Lincoln, was a caller in Manley Monday of last week, looking after business in connection with their oil business and also meeting many of their customers and friends here. ' Howard Thilpot has been in"- the western part of the state at Arnold, where W. J. Philpot has many in terests. Howard says there has been more moisture out that way than here and in like manner things were looking better. A good rain recently has enhanced the prospect of a good wheat crop for that part of the country. Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snell. A most delightful supper was enjoyed. The visit was especially pleasant because of the fact that Mrs. Rauth made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Snell when a girl, and a relationship not unlike that of mother and daughter exists between them, so it was very appropo that the Snells should time their visit to the occasion of Mothers' Day. Now Visiting in East August Krecklow, who has not been in the best of health for sev eral months and unable to do much work, received an invitation from his son. Louis Krecklow, inviting himself and wife to come and visit them, and proposing to drive out af ter the parents, which he did last week, leaving Monday for the re turn trip to his home at Waukesha. Wisconsin. The parents expect to spend thirty days or more there. BIECH SHIPPED FOR PLANES SAINT JOHN, N. It. (UP) Hun Ireds of tons of New Brunswick birch logs are being shipped from Saint 'ohn to British ports this season. Ex porters say the timber is being util ized Britain's stepped-up. airplane production program. See the goods you Tuy. CalaToo hut how about th aoodt when descriptions are alluring enouaii. , you cet them? Greenwood Mr. Sturm was quite sick Thurs day, but is better at this writing. Misses Beuna and Dorothy Leesley spent last week end at the A. E. Leesley home. Mrs. Charles Marcott and Janice Jean of Lincoln spent Friday with Mrs. Fanny Sayles. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and Mrs. Johnson of Omaha spent Friday at the Ed Fisher home. Mrs. Dora Leesley returned from Omaha Thursday, having visited in that city since Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert and Winifred were dinner guests at the A E. Leesley home last Sunday. Dota Buskirk suffered a great deal the past week from an infected hand, but it is some better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Osborn and children spent the week end in Ash land at the C. R. Robinson home. Misses Elsie Kunz and Mable Men- denhall, teachers in the Elmwood school, called on Mis3 Elva Coleman Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McDonald at tended a banquet at Lincoln Thurs day evening, given by H. P. Lau for their retail merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howard, of Long Beach, Calif., who are visiting relatives here, spent a few days in Lincoln the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W.- T. Eignell and Henry Buehn, Jr., of Beverly Hills, Calif., visited at the H. G. Buehn home the past week. The Cemetery Association is mak ing plans for the dinner to be given Decoration day in the Olson building on Main street. Everyone is wel come. The M. E. church entertained Mr. Stooner, district superintendent, at a farewell dinner Thursday. Mr. Stoon er will take up his work at Kear ney soon. Mrs. Angie Lemon entertained the L. C. C. Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Helen Lemon was a guest. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Tauline Armstrong. Bob Shepler met with an accident that injured his arm quite severely when he fell from the wall of a building that is being erected in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howard at tended the eighth grade graduation exercises at Springfield Thursday night. Bob Shepler was a member of the class of 24 and presented the welcome. The Greenwood high school base ball team went to Valparaiso Friday afternoon, where they played the Valparaiso team, winning by a score or 5 to 4. A number of the high school students accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shupe and fam ily of Kansas City visited at the M. L. Shupe home and with Mrs. Relda Newkirk of California at the Clyde Newkirk home during the past week. Mrs. Shupe is a granddaughter of Mrs. Relda Newkirk. To Sail for Ireland Wednesday. Miss Margaret Greer will sail from New York May 24 on her fifth trip to Ireland. A lovely afternoon tea was given in her honor on May 12th at the home of her niece, Mrs. Vernon Greer, who was assisted by another niece. Miss Dorothy Greer. Mrs. Carl Swanson and Mrs. Walter Collins served, about 75 ladies being present. Miss Greer is visiting in Lincoln before leaving on her voy age. Senior Class Night Friday night the Senior class en tertained the public with a program consisting of the class history, will, prophecy and poem. Miss Josephine Lewis played a piano selection and songs were sung by the Misses Lois Cope and Betty Anne Card. The pro- gram was concluded with a class song. After the Senior class program, Mr. Dyer presented awards to stu dents of the school who have had perfect attendance records, those on the honor roll and for merits in basketball and dramatic work. In last week's paper the list of graduates failed to contain the name of Esther Vinson, for which we offer apologies. Auxiliary Tea Wednesday The American Legion Auxiliary held a lovely tea May 17 at the hall, with about twenty-five attending.. The business portion of the meet ing was presided over by Mrs. Walter Collins, unit president, the meeting being opened in ritualistic form. . Following the business session, a fine program was presented, under the direction of Mrs. J. S. Gribble. The numbers included: "A Tribute to Mother," which was beautifully read by Mrs. Collins. Lela Ruth Collins then read "Since Ma Has Upper Her Hair." A chorus from Greenwood high school under direction of Miss Mc Kinney sang "Thank God for a Gar den." The girls included Betty Card, Lois Cope, Arnetta Brakhage, Betty Adair, Lila Bauers, Cathern Maher and Grace Whitlach. They were ac companied by Alice Leesley at the piano. Lucille Kelly then read "At the Dim Gate" in the same pleasing manner that characterizes all her readings. Following the program, the mem bers and guests were served at a beautifully decorated table, the cen ter piece of which was spirea and purple iris. The lunch consisted of ribbon sandwiches, white tea cakes in the form of May baskets, iced tea and coffee, and mints. Mrs. Roy Comstock and Mrs. Soren Peterson served. Mrs. John Downing was chairman of the refreshment commit tee. AH attending expressed their ap- i preciation to the Auxiliary for a lovely afternoon so fittingly observed for "Mothers." School Picnic The school year in District 49 was closed Friday, when the annual pic nic was held, attended by a large number of the patrons. The usual picnic dinner was served at noon. A ball game between the pupils of the school and the men was the feature of the afternoon. The pupils presented the teacher, Miss Edna Engblom, who is leaving after five very successful years there, with a lovely gift. To conclude the afternoon, every one was served with all the ice cream they could eat. This is always the treat given by the district on the closing day of school and is much enjoyed. WABASH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hardaway were business callers in Lincoln last Wednesday. During their absence, Roy Stanley was in charge of the store. Harold Richards of Lincoln, who visits Wabash frequently as a sales man for the- firm by which he is employed, was here last Wednesday to visit the home folks. Frank Marshall was looking after business matters in Omaha Tuesday, delivering some oats to the market there, for which there is a good de mand at the present time. John C. Browne, who is at the present time making his home with his daughter, Mrs. A. B. Stromer and family at Alvo, is reported confined to his bed. A number of friends from here have gone to Alvo to call on him and all are anxious that he may recover from his illness. Straightening Winding Eoad M. V. Wood came over from Elm wood Thursday to visit his brother, John, who is located here in the garage business, Mr. Wood working on the winding road near there and getting it ready for gravel sur facing. When the grading is done, John will again resume his rock hauling activities and the men will be transferred back to the quarry. The straightening of the road will be a great improvement. Corn Planting About Finished Farmers in this vicinity have been busy of late with their corn plant ing, which is now about completed. Some of the earlier planting is al ready showing itself above ground, and growing nicely. All are hope ful the drouth will be brok en this year and a good growing sea son again produce the bumper crop for which Cass county has long been noted. Eoad is Passable Again There has been a piece of roadway between Wabash and highway No. 1, to the north, which was very rough and rutty. Louis Schmidt, the road man, got at it last Wednesday and when he had completed the "going over" process had it in splendid con dition. He has earned the plaudits of all motorists who have occasion tf drive over this stretch of road frequently. A line piece of work, Louis! Tripped the Tra-la-loo Not alone are little girls in the primary and intermediate grades able to trip the tra-la-loo (skip the rope to you), but some of the older folks as well. This fact was demonstrated in Weeping Water the other day as a merchant there handed a jumping rope to one of the more mature lad ies from this vicinity. Even though the store was crowded, she prompt ly accepted the challenge and skip ped the rope as gaily as in the years of her school days. Those things which are learned in childhood's happy hours are not Boon forgotten. 1 Elmwood News Mrs. Verona Olsen, who has been ill for some time, is reported much better at present. Uncle Oscar Turner, who has been 111 at his home here the rast week, is reported improving. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Corbln ot Avoca were Mother's Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean. In a baseball game between the Elmwood team and Rueter's Hill Bil lies, the Elmwood boys won by a close score. 7 to 6. Milton Beechner and family came from Lincoln to spend Mother's Day with Mrs. Beechner's mother, Mrs. Bess Streeter Aldrich. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Clements were in Lincoln last Sunday, spending Mother's Day with their daughter, Miss Betty Clements, who is a stu dent at the University of Nebraska. The close of the school year in Elmwood was the occasion of hold ing a picnic last Friday at the school grounds, in which all grades participated and everyone seemed to bo having a grand time. Dr. O. E. Liston spent several days the past week in St. Louis, where he attended a convention of physicians. During that time, Mrs. Liston has been at Evergreen, Colorado, a guest of their son, James Liston. Among those who came to attend the funeral of the late Richard Deles Dernier were Stuart Rough and Mar tin Ross and wife, of Nehawka; J. Howard Dane and wife, of Iowa City, Iowa; John E. Turner, Joseph Cap well ( Clarence Ledgway and Ray Becker, of Plattsmouth. . Mothers' Day at Greene Home Last Sunday a number of rela tives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene for a most enjoyable reunion. Those present included F. H. Walker, Max Lamb and wife and Miss Phyllis Greene, of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler and Bob, Richard Keckler and wife and their daugh ter, Dorothy, W. Waltz and wife and daughter, Ruth, as well as Miss De nice Greene, who is located in Chi cago and was pleased to be able to get away and come to join the happy group for Mother's Day. Seek Admission to Navy Marian Williams, who was here on a furlough from the navy at the time of the death of his mother, has re turned to duty. Incidental to his visit here and glowing accounts of life in the navy given his friends, a number of the young men of Elm wood have evinced a desire to be come sailors. Don Kelley, Dan Bor-sc-meier. Homer Williams and Ed ward Interline went to Nebraska City last Tuesday to take examina tions and make formal applications at the recruiting station there. Long and Faithful Service For the same number of years that the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness and sought a way out (forty, in case you don't know your Bible history), William Hulflsh has looked after the interest and welfare of the students and board of educa tion of the Elmwood schools. " Everyone connected with the school has learned to depend on Mr. Hulflsh and he has never disappoint ed them. Last Wednesday at KOWH, Minor elites, the blind singer, dedi cated a song over the air to this vet eran caretaker of the Elmwood pub lic schools. Funeral of Richard Deles Dernier Richard Deles Dernier was born near Nehawka, just north of the Stu art Rough place, 74 years ago, and made his home in Cass county dur ing his entire lifetime. Some 40 years ago, he was united in mar riage to Miss Laura Munn, and they located on a farm in this vicinity, where they have since resided. Two children came to bless their home, both grown and married and living in homes of their own. They are Mrs. Arnold Pratt, of near Elm wood and Mrs. Cisco, who resides near Avoca. Besides his wife and the two child ren, Mr. Deles Dernier is survived by a brother, Norman C. Deles Dernier, who resides near Murray. Two broth ers, James W. and J. U., preceded him in death. Six cousins, Stuart Rough, of Nehawka; Miss Agnes Rough and Arthur Rough, of Weep ing Water; John Rough, of Tecum seh; Mrs. J. J. Donelan, of Havelock, and Mr. Rough, of Lincoln, are in cluded among the surviving relatives of the deceased. In the death of Mr. Deles Dernier, there has been. lost to the commun ity one of its beloved and respected citizens, a man whose friends were numbered by his acquaintances. He was an active member of the Elm wood Methodist church and a de voted follower of the -Master. He was also a member of the Elmwood Masonic lodge, which organization presented its ritualistic services at the cemetery. The funeral discourse was deliv ered by the Rev. Sala, a former pas tor of the Methodist church here, who is now located in Lincoln. A large number of the old friends were present to pay their last tribute of respect. School Year at End After a successful year's work, the school term has come to a close in Elmwood. A class of fifteen young men and women have been gradu ated and leave the school to take their places in the world or con tinue in educational fields. The baccalaureate sermon was de livered by Rev. E. M. Hawkins of the Elmwood Christian church. Mrs. Guy Clements played the processional as the class entered. The invocation was by Rev. F. H. Stevens and was followed by the singing of a special number by Miss Lucille Stevens, then the group song, "A Japanese Garden" by a sextette of young ladies com posed of Catherine Seiker, Margaret Cook, Pearle Kuehn, Gertrudo Wood, Lucille Stevens and Lucille Vogt. Following the address of Rev. Rev. Hawkins, Rev. Stevens pro nounced the benediction and Mrs. Guy Clements played the recessional. At the commencement exercises, Mrs. Clements played the procession al. Rev. Stevens gave the invocation, James Lake and Catherine Seiker were heard in Salutatory and Vale dictory addresses and Miss Betty Winkler rendered a special number. Then followed the address of t lie evening by Lieut. R. T. Schrein, a special number by Darlene Hollen beck, the conferring of honors by Miss Velma Schrein, presentation of diplomas to the graduates and eighth graders by Ralph Greene and Miss Elsie Kunz, a solo by A. L. Boberg and the benediction by the Rev. Hawkins. The members of the graduating class are David Bornemeier, James. Lake, Nettie Bornemeier, Dale Mc Laughlin, Francis Fischer, Bryan Quellhorst, Donna Fleischman, Cath erine Seiker, Gertrude May Hays, Mary Alice Sumner, Robert Hill. Opal Stege, Ted John, DeLos Turn er and Homer Williams. High school faculty members in clude Roger C. Smith, superinten dent; Miss Velma Schrein, principal; Harold Aleck, athletic director, and Miss Donna Clarks, music supervisor. 4-H CLUB NEWS March 4 the Milk and Beef for Health calf club met at the home of cur leader, Richard Spangler. We looked at his cows and calves after our lesson. For lunch we had pop corn. April 1 we met with Jimmie De les Dernier. We decided to go on a tour the next meeting day. We also look ed at their cattle, especially Jimniie's calf. We judged some. We had a nice lun-ch and enjoyed our meeting. May 6 we gathered at Scotts for our business meeting. Then our lead er took us to each member's home and we looked at the members' calves and judged them. This was an in teresting meeting. We had refresh ments at Lloyd Scott's later. CHARLENE SPANGLER. Reporter. Subscribe for the Journal. If you own property you need Insurance! Protect What You Have Get our rates for a policy on your household goods. You will be surprised at the LOW COST! CALL OR SEE INSURANCE AMD BONDS PHONS 14 Plattsmouth i li i