THtm$DA, MAY 18. 1929. PAGE SIX PIATTSMOtTTS SEAS . tffcEKl? JOtfeNAt Mother's Day is Theme in the Local Churches Sermon and Musical Program Carry Out the Thought of Honor to Motherhood of World. In the churches of the city as well as in home gatherings over the com munity Sunday, was carried out the Mother's day theme, while in the various congregations there were large groups of the mothers and their families. The First Christian church had prepared a special Mother's day pro gram with a very inspiring sermon by Rev. J. V. Taenzler on the glori fication of mother. " There were thirty-one mothers In attendance and over half of the congregation were mothers and their families. Mrs. George Stones was the mother ot 'the largest number cf children, eight being present with the parents for the service and Mrs. Stones was pre sented a fine potted plant. Mrs. Clif ford Hardison was the newest moth er present and received a fine bou quet of' tulips. During the service Greth Garnett gave a very beautiful vocal solo, "I'm Wearing a ' Flower for You Mother Mine." There were 13S In the congregation at the morn ing service. At the morning service at the Methodist church, Rev. J. C. L'owson brought a very inspiring sermon, "The Motherhood of God," a beauti ful and strong address, that brought the message of the inspiration of the mother. The choir of the church gave two special numbers for the service, "Little Mother O' Mine" and "Mother Macree," two cf the loved mother songs. The Y. M. B. C. of the church held their annual Moth er's day service at the morning hour, giving the beautiful and touching silent tribute to the mothers. At the First Presbyterian church Dr. II. G. McClusky brought the mes sage of Mother's day in his sermon, "Mother's Gift" which was much ap preciated by the large congregation. Frank A. Cloidt gave the very beau tiful solo number, "Little Mother of Mine." The ordination of R. W. Kncrr as elder of the church was also a part of the morning service. Dr. McClusky conducting the ordf nation. Phone news items to No. G. CARNATION, PET, BORDEN'S OR ROBERT'S TALL CAN Kg) EBeeS KloastJ: u. .28ci Tender, Julcr, V. S. Graded Iteef Shoulder Cut. IHIaDimlbiuiirgeiP L.SC)C Freak 1 7 (iron ad Beef Cuts. Tender I. S. Graded Ileer, Poirilx S!In!p)G Lb. .2c Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat., May 19 and 20 selected center g Cuts, lb., 16 f I I End Cuts, lb J- L ILnnmicIhi R5att i.22c Choice. Lean. Aborted YnrielleM- Inrlndintr I'lekle ant IMmleulo, Muearonl ami t'heeoe. Liver I. oaf aud Souxe. Minced Luncheon or BolOgtta Selected, 2 Lbs. . . .25 DnAn BACKS, fancy Sug. Cured DdCUIl Any size piece, lb IjW Y Cudahy's Pure Rex Brand. aa Lara in bu'r 3 us. zoc Ci1ftMAM Kippered Choice, Chunky Pieces, lb... 25C ADRirATQ Standard Quality Sunrise Brand No 10 TOMATOES Peanut Butter i Mite or RED BEANS 9 Gsreeim ISeasooc. (PSew lPottaltoeGT Fresh, Crisp, Stringless Pji. - - I-ar&e Clean Bed Triumphs or Louisiana's Finest. Lb Calif' Wasted Snafter Whites, lO lbs.2vC CuncmiinmlbesrG LasciNew Calblbage u,..$c Texas Long Green, for Slicing. Fresh, Solid Mississippi. Timnattes u. . 1125c Madiaclhies 2L Ec Firm, Bed-Ripe Florida. Fresh, Full-Eed, Homegrown Van Camp's CRISCO SUNRISE SWEET, MILD TOmatO Juice All-Purpose Shortening COFFEE IQc Giant 50-oz. -fl Qc 3Ah' fftfnC 15; 3 lbs... Can Jit Can SP ROYAL BRAND FLOUR Q-f! C Van Camp's 2 A T A Fl A TV A 481b- Sack O iL TOtnatO SOUP Gre c Flour, 48 lbs.89 I , a, x V2-lb. Pkg.33 ; y4-lb. 17C Santa Clara Can (10-oz.) ... Brown L., 0. Pekoe PRUNES fjffc Dozen Cans. 59i i2-lb. Pkg. 37 ; 14-lb. AV1 Lge. 40-50's, 3 lbs.. & P Miller's Crispy Corn Flakes Large Pkgs 2 for 15c Miller's Toasted Wheat Flakes Beg. Pkgs 2 for (Cup cr Saucer Free) 23 Shredded Wheat &BVs""r.23c Omar FSour Sack .29 Bo- Peep Ammonia Bottle 2HC Boy Bllie ELUING, regular bottle ........ 9C Salad Dressing quJT ja;NUT 33c P & G Soap Giant Bars, 10 for 35C Oriydol aSfepffBiWiX.. 20c tT r nn C VT Ihe SoaP of Beautiful Women aiildy Regular Bars, 3 for AjC Ba&'O Cleans quickly and easily. Can. HOC Bread Fresh Sliced White, 16-oz. Loaf &C Butter Pineapple A Hfwti s4-r Choice Blenheim Dried ipF&COlS Fancy Mixed Dried Fru OUgai? Fine Granulated Beet 10 lbs CASCO, lb., 28c; HINKY-DINKY, lb Excello Margarine, 1-lb. Ctn., 2 for 25c aiafC Dole's Gems Pineapple 4r. Cubes. 14-oz. Can JLUC (or i its, 2 lbs. 29c SOILAX Cleaner Water Softener Excellent for Cleaning Painted Walls Large Pkg. 19c Clorox Cleans, Bleaches, Deodorizes ! Quart Otfp Bottle Ziil Waldorf TISSUE egular Bolls 6 for 25c Scottissue Soft as Old Linen! Beg. Bolls 4 for 29' 3S8 Regular or Drip Grind 1-lb. Can D 7L C or Glass Jar. Specially Mellowed 2-lb. Can or Glass Jar "" SHOWS IMPEOVEMEMT Mrs. Anna Svoboda, wife of the former Constable Tom Svoboda, ia showing slight improvement at the University hospital where she under went a serious operation last Wed nesday. Mrs. Svoboda remained on the operating table five hours and her condition ivas such that it was necessary to give her a blood transfusion. CALLED ON SAD MISSION Mr., and Mrs. Henry Jacobs de parted Sunday evening for Morrill, Nebraska, where they were called by the death of a niece of Mr. Jacobs, Mrs. Louis Haskins.- They go by the way of Clay Center to be joined there by others of the family. UNDERGOES APPENDECTOMY Mrs. Eugene Snodgrass of this city underwent an appendectomy oper ation at the Clarkaon hospital Mon day. She was able to withstand the operation very well and her condi tion is said to be improving. POUILTRV&EG Prices are Lower HENS 5 lbs. and up, per lb 11 Under 5 lbs., per lb 9t Leghorn Hens, per lb 9 Roosters Native Roosters, lb. . 7$ Leghorn Roosters, lb.. . . .5 EGGS, Cash, dozen . ... 11 CREAM, Today, lb.. . . .20$ Plenty of BABY CHIX at (h(S each On Advance Order Wool Market Slightly Higher A. R. CASE Phone 2S8-J, Plattsmouth WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SPECIALS at OENMICHSENP: Datiste Fast Color Large Selection of New Patterns 10c yd. Work Shirts Full Cut Blue and Gray Chambray Well Made 49c Muslin UNBLEACHED Full 36 Inches Wide 5c yd- VJork Gloves 10-oz. Heavy Flannel hoc pr. Turkish Towels Large Size 2040 Inches IVork Shoes STAB BRAND Plain Toe Leather or Composition Sole 01.90 Sport Slacks Ages 3 to 20-Priced at 59c to 6U i'Jork Sox Eockford Style and Plain. Colors Special Price ioc pr. run; e i?a Overalls 8-oz. Denim Sanforized Shrunk Per Pair 09c Straw Hats Season's here. Large variety of stylesAll Sizes 2Sc and 50c i m mm mm m . It s easy to be smart in these lovely shoes. Their beautiful lines, new materials, and exciting colors make them "fash ion's favorite" $2.98 Many Other Styles $1.98 to $7.50 FETZER SHOE CO. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA , J 'Eat Fleischrnann's Yeast for Health" A. QT. JAR Smooth, cramy-rich IGA Salad Draanng ia nada with nor. 99 ... put a lilt into youw farorita aalads - tatt ea jut right, rurj timul 33 It's Salad Tim again and we're ready with all sorts of makin's for delicious, appetizing salad combinations. Tomato Juice 50-oz. Tin . Casco Butter SOLIDS 9EC 1-lb. Cartcn Sweet Pickles Pennant Brand ' SC Full Quart M Jr Grapefruit IGA 93C IMo. 2 Cans... 2 for - mm me ' 15 mm? ib. 24c TomH Waal two oc titt ol llim fins srinrtltir-"- ut-x-ioc svsasaM str( asd sport ' nrz. Hany baioc omx tap- '! " St - - j ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE 7V2& each FIRM. RIPE Tomatoes 15 lb. Cucumbers S each GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 4 lbs.. 25 Asparagus 2 Bchs., 150 FANCY NEW POTATOES 10 lbs., 290 Pineapple 100 each KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes 3 Pkgs. for Shurflne Green and Black Mixed Tea T.Rc S-ox. Pkg JOHNSONS nooa pousb Johnson's Glo-Coat Per Can 59c The Treats on Us 30c Value for 25c 1 Box of Sunshine Martini Crackers 1 Box of Sunshine Butter Cookies A Grand Combination Doth for OUR JOY Hawkeye Assorted Catsup Oc Preserves iJQc 14-cz. Boitle .. 2-lb. Jar -"-V LUX or LIFEBUOY IGA Ripe 'n Ragged Soap fl7c Pineapple Ofc 3 for No. ZVz can :ra3nt' ph8 23 - - -- Wilson's Certified All Meat. Per Ib Choice Corn Fed Shoulder. Per Ib. 2o 19c Frankfurters BEEF- E1AST POElEi CEfOPS-lb. . . .17c P590E Wilson's 2 lbs. Wq m Select 2 lbs. 25c OACOH SQUAOES Hot Sliced, Ib. 10c POmlnOAST Ib 15c r.iincED imr.i ib. ic FRESH CATFISH AD FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Our Delivery Service: Six outgoing trips daily. Truck leaves the store for territory north of Main street at 8:30, 10:4 5, 1:30 and 4:30. For territory south of Main street at 9:30 and 3:00 o'clock. -' "Eat Fleischrnann's Yeast for Health" C5 i 7 Fr