THURSDAY, MAY 18, .1939. PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEM - WEEKLY - JOURNAL the Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Poatofttce. Plattflmouth, Neb., as second-clas mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers Uvlns In Second Postal Zone, 12.50 per year. Beyond 600 miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, $3 50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. M urray Rex Young was looking after some business matters in Murray last Mon day. The workmen on the new grade were making a road out for Fred Drucker last Monday. Mcsdames O. A. Davis and E. S. Vupp were over to Omaha last Mon day, they being driven over by Miss Thelma Pittman. John P. Becker and w ife of Platts mouth were calling on their friend, J. D. Lewis last Sunday. Mr. Lewis has been seriously ill. Mesdames Georgia Creamer and Lulu Wolfe were calling on J. D. Lewis last Sunday, who has been ill :or a number of weeks. Mrs. N'elle Wehrbcin was hostess !o her son, Victor Wehrbein and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Lloyd, Mrs. Lloyd being daughter, they be ing guests for Mother's day. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith of near Xebawka were guests for the day last Sunday in Murray at the home of their son, Lawrence Smith and wife. Elmer Heirs, a farmer near Louis ville was in Murray and made the purchase of a new tractor from Lu cean Carper, which Mr. Heirs is to use in farming. Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles were enjeying a very fine dinner in Platts mouth last Sunday, also visiting the cemetery where their friends . and relatives are sleeping. Mr. and Mrs. John Gourley of Council Bluffs, la., were visiting in Murray last Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. John Sheard, when all had a very fine visit. , - Harry Knabe of near Nehawka was looking after some fcueljness natters in Murray last Monday morn ing while on his way to Omaha to lcok after some business. - - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton are the proud parents of a fine seven pound son. born Sunday at an Omaha hospital. The mother and little one are reported as doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop took the day off last Sunday and went over to the river in the woods where they enjoyed the day gathering flowers and looking at the works of nature. A representative of the Phillips GO Oil company was in Murray last Mon day changing the signs for the Mur ray Garage, as it was near the door OVERLAND Theatre . Nebraska City Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues. Wallace Beery in "SERGEANT MADDEN" Pete Smith Specialty, News and Robert Benchy Short Mat. Sal. ami Sunday al 2:30 Balcony. 20 FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY IlonMr Fentiirr llatxrlla Tmr ml II I in in UnrKaR in 'Adventures of Jane Arden Action! Thrills! Kxcitemont: nmi ;k.oim;k O'HIUK.N In 'Trouble in Sundown' A bafllingr new twist to the Mazing old west. Also Floyd Oihbons Adven ture story and Serial. Mat. Sat. at 2:30. Adults 25c Children. . .10o SUNDAY - MONDAY Bettc Davix, Ihe Sereen' Urr-nteiit In 'Dark Victory' The year's finest romantic drama. Also Comedy and Latest News. A fine show! gVMllY MATIXRB AT 230 ight Mi una. 7 nod Matinee. 10-2o Nights, 10-30c TUESDAY ONLY Harsnln Day Harry! V. Zauuck'i 'In Old Chicago The great " American motion picture! JJeturn engagement at Bargain prices. Also Comedy and Orchestra Number. See It agnin! Tell your friends! Mat inee at 2:30 and two full nisht shows. All Shows, 10 and 15o WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY UdlllLU KEATIHE Michael W'helan no'' J can Uogfr in 'Inside Story' . The story a girl dared not. tell. Also Ann Shirley and Janiea Elllaea la 'Sorority House' A different sort of rolleee life. All for regular mid-week admUaion. 3 and 10. leading to the cafe, while the pumps were over to the other side. J. D. Lewis who has been so ser iously ill still remains very poorly, although he seems slightly improved. He was in receipt of a very fine bou quet coming from his son, Wayne Lewis and family of Pacific Grove, California. Mesdames C. S. Sherman and Aunt Lois Troop were down to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop last Friday and went to Plattsmouth in the evening where they visited a number of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. Gorder. Lucean Carper and family were aver to Greenwood last Sunday visit ing at the home of an uncle and aunt of Mrs. Carper. Mrs. Henry Hoffman, a sister of Mrs. Carper with the family, were- also visiting there it the home of John L. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt were guests last Sunday, Mother's day at the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hayes in Plattsmouth where they enjoyed a very fine visit and an excellent dinner. These folks have been friends for the past forty years and more. Mrs. Ray Burton, thinking to marie a garden sowed some packets of seeds, cabbage and tomatoes, but did not i;now how many she needed, found the had more than she could use vhen they came up, like a boy want ing a arge piece of bread and butter, found her eyes were bigger than her needs. Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. Rhoden were host and hostess last Sunday at their heme for Mother's day, saving as quests the members of the family, among who were Lenora Gauer and family of Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. 31en Kaffenberger and family, Shra- Lder Rhoden, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rhoden and Harry Albin and famny. Mrs. Earl Merritt was over to the home of her brother, Lloyd Lewis caring for hre father while Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewi3 went to Platts mouth to the home of Mrs. Lewis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Godwin. lso there were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Godwin, and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Godwin. Ruth, which made a very happy gathering. Font Wilson Very Poorly. Font Wilson was not feeling the best at first, and later was taken with something like the flu which kept this gentleman at home and in bed for some four days. Just lately it is reported he is feeling better and I able to be up but not able to do any I work. Vi'it?d With Murray Friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lash of Au burn, parents cf Mrs. G. E. Bru- ibacher, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gil- liott and son. Guy, also of Auburn, !md Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hauptman of Lincoln. Mrs. Hauptman a sister of Mrs. Brubnohnr and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lash enjoyed a very pleas ant day at the Lrubacher home Sun day. Fthan Allen Working Here Kthan Allen has accepted a posi tion at the Murary Garage and ofe .ip.d i3 working in the latter depart ment. He reports the folks feeling well and Mildred employed in Omaha, while Van Allen, a brother, is in Caliornia where he has a position with the Pullman company. Walter was out to the coast but returned to Omaha last week. Cime Dangerously Near. Barricades r.nd roa'd signs are placed along the highways for the 8 Initialed T,V -,V 8 h Initialed Key Chain Atitizciicu xvercniers N .and ; Many Other Useful jj Articles Wescbtt's I ii a r , a 1 1 1 gwncre vuamy uounis x 0 PERSONALIZED i 1 Graduating Gifts Q FOR Y0U1JU MEN q g Initialed Belt protection of those who drive on the roads, not as a joke. When a sign 6ays detour, it does not mean to go on through, it means detour, and is placed there for the safety of the public. Some people think a sign is placed on the road to inconven ience them and seem to think the rorld is coming to and end before they get where they are going. In the work of grading the highway through Murray, there is now a 30 foot jump-off for everyone who does not care to heed the warning signs A few days ago a car coming from the west was scattering dust and bits of sand, hclter skelter and were oure trying to go where they did not want to go, that is the morgue, a near route to the cemetery. The car with a nonsensical drive wripped around the barricade near the lumber .yard and tore over the newly constructed grade, and it was only when they came to the jumping off place that they saw. there was a grinding of brakes and shrieks of a car filled with women. Fortunate the new grade was soft and the car stopped almost instanly on the brink of the 30-foot jump-off. This should be a warning to this car load of people, but will it? Entertain at Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spangler entertained a number of guests at dinner Tuesday evening, they being Mrs. J. F. Brendel, Miss Eileen Joy, Miss Irma Dvork, Mrs. Margaret Todd, Dick Todd, Harold Grier, Charles and Charlene Spangler, who with the genial host and hostess made a jolly group all of whom spent an enjoyable evening after the sumptu ous dinner. Return to California. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ferry de parted Monday for their home in Orange, California, after visiting a few days with friends and relatives in eastern Nebraska and especially with their mother, Mrs. Catherine Perry in Murray, this being the sixth consecutive year they have come to spend Mother's day with Mother ferry. A Very Kindly Deed. As my little daughter Louise was aaving some trouble with her glasses and I had to go to Omaha to have them changed, and by chance we missed Mr. Garnett, so the sfieriff tvas so very kind ' in taking us up io Omaha and getting the eyes tested and glasses fitted. And now she can see much better for her school work. Mrs. John Sheard. Honor Grandmother Perry. At the C. D. Spangler home were gathered a large number of the rel atives to pay honor to Grandmother Catherine Perry in celebration of Mother's day. Three sons and two 'laughters of this estimable lady were present for the occasion, they being Walter Perry of Orange, Calif.; Chas. Perry, Lincoln; Verner of Big Springs. Neb.; Mrs. W. A. Cook, of Elmwood; and Mrs. C. I). Spangler of Murray. Three daughters, Mrs. S. G. Unland, Mrs. K. V. Cole, and Mrs. A. II. Lang, all of whom reside in California, being unable to come. A bountiful dinner was enjoyed at the noon hour which was prepared by the various members of the fam ily. The afternoon was spent in visiting and taking many kodak pic tures which will long be a happy re membranre of the day. Those present to enjoy the day with mother, grandmother, and great- 'grandmother Perry were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Perry of Orange, Calif.; Ver ner Perry and daughter, Edyth, Big Springs; Mr. and Mis. Martin Sporer md daughters, Mary Katherine, Mar tina and Marilyn of Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Noble Kiscr of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kiscr, Hubert and Beulah, of Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Orest Cook, AIvo; Mrs. V. A. Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Leltoy Cook, and daugh ters, Judith and Sharon, Elmwood; Mr. and Mrs. Chas.' Perry, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Orven Perry, and sons, Donald and Elton, Malcolm; Mrs. Addie Perry and Miss Ilelcne, Platts mouth; Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Leon ard. Whipple, Shirley, Donald and Robert, Plattsmouth; Mr, and Mrs.! Virgil Perry, daughters, Elizabeth and Nancy Ellen, Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spangler, Charles and Charlene, Mrs. Margaret Todd and Dick and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Spangler, all of Murray. Upon their departure in the eve ning the guest3 were unanimous in expressing wishes fcr many more such gatherings with Mrs. Perry, who will long cherish happy mem ories of thi3 day spent with members of her family. Thomas Walling Company , Abstracts of Title ' ! Phoue 324 - Plattsmouth 4m , C AL From Monday's Dally Have Home Gathering A dinner party was served at the E. J. Ferrie home last evening where the children of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrie gathered to help observe Mother's day.' Among the out-of-town children present were Mr. and Mrs. Lorcn Otto of Auburn, Nebraska. Mr. Otto was a business visitor in Omaha today, he later returning to Plattsmouth and both Mr. and Mrs. Otto returned to their home in Au burn. Entertain Iowa Guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horsak enter tained at a dinner last evening at their home at 1224 Vine street in honor of a group of friends and rel atives from Dos Moines and Council Bluffs, Iowa who were their guetss of the day. The guests included Miss Carrie Christoperson of Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. Kcnnard Gardiner, Walter Liv ingston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avis of Council Bluffs. Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horsak and family. Join in Porch Picnic Dr. and .Mrs. H. G. McClusky, their guest, Kathryn Tower of Laurel, Ne braska, with Miss Fearle Staats, Misses Stella and Caroline Baird joined the Sewell Sanderson family in Lincoln Saturday afternoon, in a porch picnic supper. The occasion was planned so they could enjoy the wonderful gardens. Mr. Sanderson specializes in tulips, having many rare varieties and every color. Ilia gardens attract visitors f'-um near and far. Sunday Evening Club Mr. "and Mrs. Kay Herring served as host and hostess to the Sunday evening bridge club at their home last evening. All of the club mem bers were present. In the women's division, Mrs. Ray Bryant won first prize and Mrs. Rich ard Beverage second. Richard Beverage was awarded first prize in the men's division and Fred Sharpnack second. Refreshments, served by the hos tess concluded the evening's card playing. Old Friends Enjoy Dinner The I. B. Hayt-s family had as guests ai dinner Sunday, May 14 Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Auclimuty of Omaha i-ud Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt whose friendships began more than thirty years ago when none ot the party wore married. It was also a surprise celebration for Mr. Hayes' birthday whkh had occurred during the past week. Mis3 J'an Hayes was also heme to enjoy Mother's day and dad's dinner party. She returned to attend the baccalaureate ceremonies for the senior class at Westside, Iowa, where she teaches. Honor Gradoville Family Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kahoutek entertained at a dinner paity last evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gradoville and four youngest cnildren, Norman, Betty, Paul and Phillip of Des Moines, Iowa, who were week-end guests of Mr. Gradoville's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grado ville. The dinner was served Ly Mrs. Kahoutek to the members of the two families. Betty Gradoville was operated on for the removal of her tonsils early this morning at the St. Catherine's hospital in Omaha! Mother's Day Dinner Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Drucker of tl is city had as Sunday g.ipsts a number of their children from dis tant points who were here to observe Mother'.-, day. A dinner served at the noon hour was the main feature of the day, tho dinner being served by Miss Corrine Drucker assisted by her mother, Mrs. F. J. Drucker. Those present were: Miss Inez Drucker of Denver, Colorado; Mrs. Joseph Sty ska 1 of Albion; Mrs. F. W. prucker of Portland, Oregon; Rosella Drucker, Pete Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Drucker and daughter, Cor rine, Mrs. C Kopischka and duugh ter, Catherine, of this city. F'om Tuesday Dairy Enjoy Picnic Party Garficdd park was the scene of a DEAD AfJir.lALS WANTED Fop Prompt and Dependable Service Reverse Calls to MArket 3541 The Fort Crook Rendering WorXx Ft. Crook, Nebr. student picnic party this afternoon when the first, second, and third grade students of the Central build ing hiked out there to spend the afternoon. They were accompanied by their teachers, Misses Amelia Mar tens, Jane Oakcs, Selma Diehm, and Garnette Clare. Have Family Celebration The home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. j Warthen, long time residents of the city, was the scene of a very pleasant family gathering on Sunday and at whiCti there were present fifty-three cf the family. A fine dinner was en joyed and the afternoon and evening spent in visiting and a good time. Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Warthen and Harold Beach, of Chicago, Roy Warthen, Newton, Missouri, Harry Warthen and family, Mrs. J. W. Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Warthen and family, Mrs. Viral Nickelsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hardin and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, all of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wiles f and family, Mr. and Mrs. Uorman Warthen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saleron and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Carr and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carr and family, all of this city. There were five great grandchildren in the group. Announce Engagement Monday evening County Attorney and Mrs. Walter II. Smith entertain ed at dinner at their home in the north part of the ctty. the occasion bcng the announcement cf the en gagement of two friend3 I.Iiss Ther rsa Peter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Val Peter of Omaha and Mr. Ray mond Fox, who is graduating this -pring from the Creighton university ichool of law. TIih wedding will take place in the later summer. Miss Peter is pctive in the social liiiu of Omaha and was the queen of the Creighton university prom in 1937. Mr. Fox has beeu prominent in the activities of the university. Shower for Mary Swatek Mrs. William Nelson entertained a group of 30 young ladies at her home last evening at a miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Mary Swatek whose marriage to Theodore Spau ctat will take place May 20th. In the game of "Bride" Mrs. Les ter Thimgan . was most successful. Miss Bertha Kramolish was winner in the Pursa Search. Miss Margaret Bauer was awarded the prize for de signing the most artistically decor ated tea towel. The theme of the shower was clev erly tarried out with birds feather ing the nest and Miss Swatek was presented with many beautiful and useful gifts which had been con cealed in a bridal house. In the serving of refreshments Mrs. Nelson was assisted by Mrs. William Swatek, Mrs. George Swatek of Lincoln and Miss Emily Kramolish of Omaha. Junior Class Party The 193D junior class of the Platts mouth high school held their spring party at the high school gymnasium last evening with a large group in attendance. Miss Jessie Whelan and Mr. Lumir Gerner, sponsors for the class, were also present and helped to arrange for the evening's enter tainment. A program was given during the evening, the program committee con sisting of Ralph Stava, chairman; Aileen Reed, Helen Slatinsky, and Bernard Kubicka. Lowell Devoe, Jr. presented a magic show. A "Shadow ricture' was a clever ikit put on by a group of the young people of the class. The characters comprised: Ralph Stava, doctor; Bernard Kubicka, interne; Helen Slatinsky, nurse; and Lumir Gerner, patient. Much laughter was derived from this feature of the program. Games, Bill Knorr serving as chairman of this committee, were also played during the evening, these being bingo, Chinese checkers, and ping pong. Prizes were also given to the lucky winners. The srames were followed by a NOBODY ever wants to be financially liable for a Emashup. But when two cars collide someone must pay. Protect yourself to day now before an ac cident occurs with in turancel Call or see Scarl S. Davis Piatt. State Bank Bids. ITS "SB dancing party comprised by the stu dents themselves. Following the party refreshments were Berved by a committee headed by Miss Betty Jean Vroman. From "Wcdneday:s Dally Shuffle and Deal The Shuffle and Deal card club met with Carl Ofe at the Coronado apart ments last evening. All of the card olub members were present. Dr. L. S. Pucelik was awarded the first prize, and George Jaeger re ceived second prize.. A Dutch treat served by the host concluded the evening's entertain ment. Hold Picnic Party Mrs. Luke Wiles, Mrs. Lillian Freeman, Mrs. L. W. Egenberger, and Miss Sophie Kraeger held May picnic party Monday, motoring out to the Joseph Bierl farm where they spent the greater part of the day in the woods. During ,the picnic hour they en joyed a dinner together, and later they again were guests at an eve ning dinner party at the Joseph Bieii farm home, the hostess being Mrs. Bierl. All reported a profitable and en joyable time spent during the day. Degree of Honor Meets The Degree of Jlonor ladies met Tuesday afternocfn at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. August Roessler at 404 Ave. A. A large attendance was re ported. The regular May business meeting was held, .it being presided over by the president. Miss Anna Hassler. A social hour followed the meet ing, and the afternoon was concluded with the serving of refreshments by Mrs. Roessler assisted by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Carl Roessler of Chicago. Standard Fearers Picnic The Standard Bearer girl3 of the First Methodist church held their last meeting of the school year in the form of a picnic gathering on Monday afternoon-. The occasion was held at Garfield park and each came with large varieties of food. Fifteen of the young ladies were in attend ance. The dinner was served in the early evening, cafeteria style. Also present at the event were Miss Dorothy Glock, the girls' spon sor, and Misses Evelyn Ripa and Garnette Clare. Covered Dish Luncheon The young ladies B. V. M. Sodality of the Holy Rosary church held a covered dish luncheon at the church club rooms last evening, this being a social meeting of the month. An attendance of about fifteen of the Sirls were present. The occasion took place at 6:30. Following the luncheon the mem bers indulged in visiting and social gathering among the group present. The committee in charge of the an'air was Miss Florence Sedlak. incident of the society; Miss Dorothy Zitka. vice-president; and Miss Ruth Slavicek. EEFBIGEEATION SERVICE The Larson Refrigeration Service of Omaha is carrying an ad in this issue of the Journal. Mr. Larson has had thirteen years of experience in this lino of work and ha3 installed and services a large number of both both household and commercial re frigerators in Plattsmouth and Cass county. AVhen your refrigerator goes haywire, you want prompt service, and, as suggested in the ad, it might ba well to preserve Mr. Larson's ad dress and telephone number so you will know just where to get that type of guaranteed, dependable ser vice. Subscribe for the Journal. 3 1(g)(CAIL From Monday's Dally Miss Agnes Konfrst of Omaha was . . . . i e a weeK-enu guest at me uume ui hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koufrst. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jauda of Oma ha were Sunday visitors in the city at the home of Mr. Janda's sister, Mrs. Frank Slavicek and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hallstrom ot Avoca, were here Sunday to visit for the day with Mrs. J. II. Hallstrom, mother of Mr. Hallstrom and with Mr. and Mrs. James G. Mauzy. From Tuesday's Dally Lumir Gerner, English and speech Instructor in the Plattsmouth high school, visited w ith his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gerner in Crete over the week end. Mrs. James Ttacek of Chicago, who has been here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Yc !ick, the latter a daughter, returned Saturday evening to Chicago. Judge Jesse L. Root of Omaha, Walter Wunderlich of Nehawka, and Elmer Hallstrom of Avoca were in this city Tuesday attending to mat ters of business in their respective line of work. RIYERVIEW CLUB The Riverview club met with Mrs. Fred Slagcl on Tuesday, May IMh, with a very pleasing number in at tendance. The afterr.con va:i rpent with a Mother's day program, all taking iart and several songa'were given for the mothers living and passed on. The whole program was devoted to the memory of the mothers and recol lections of their many act3 of kind ness. Mis3 Lucille Scott was presented with a quilt during the course of tho afternoon. Several visitors were also present to enjoy the day with the club mem bers. The next meeting of the lub will be with Mrs. Robert Rea on Juno 13th and at which a Father's day pro gram is planned. Mrs. Slagel served a very lovely luncheon at the close of the after noon. April Meeting The Aprl meeting was held with Mrs George Brinklow, an afternoon of songs, as well as business passing the time. Plans were made for a v.einer voast for. the evening of May 2 1st. The hostess served a delicious luncheon to trie members of the .jarty. HERE FROM LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Croskary and daughter, Patty Jo of Lincoln spent Mother's Day in Plattsmouth with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Storm. Mrs. Storm is mother of Mr. Croskary. SURFACE YOUR DRIVEWAYS WITH f CRUSHED 0GK Call 2111 for Deliveries or See H. L. GAYER h NOW ON ICOIL One of Radio's Most Popular Serials Bachelors Children Amusing - Dramatic Entertaining 7:45 A. M. Monday thru Friday n PRESENTED DY Old Dutch Cleanser V - i