The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 15, 1939, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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"srmnis? flit is :oa
iji-t 3vA, juw j3;jr s
Ti l;t jn-ii rj ill
333AT. X1LT
Ft tic Ttxrr Xrry-
Etrs.xa-& i.t "K"n.f5 5. Jfn lit 7f
lTiy if".rrii''X tI'v r.l.y i.V.r-
?lTea lit- ? ;l:-r
ii'rl.' iij M ia Kiys.
S.-iSitutf is aie Uri s.'.lc. ilee.
Tiey re;t.-t2 ft f'jJl ic iii -i
ry ;i'.rrtitf j-1t p:f -l'--!.
Miia Hiys eij'.'.r .c !a f'li".".?-
ll 5y.a3 wikr jlijr e-ii".:!
cUita:. &T ali iriiity Jfl Ti-.-Siity
Tli Cs flirt if S.c?i.iws C'f ATuTi?:i
A (ti' (tf.grSftjf ifis, IUH M-Whi r-3yd .'it.459 it LtStT33i Tiurs-dny wr;52sg
V --i
trtty G-v;'i4 Kt?rtt
i iwcwicffl S-1 j;tj-!y Wfii itt tics
ty AJ .ai&iky. ws-
Til fcir?i4 va a. a Stti2T
fai. 22-wtica d a.i. C3-3
?.ttt S.01 ni 'iciT-'i.tiV2ii . si iiiJi f1
.tc. ti;'Ai vt- ,b
Wis. -!jr Vit-t J i ..'-
,-.- i ' j,-'?
.'.ty U- A- .Lf, tiy
itt . ','ts"jt g,iy4 h v,t-r .f
. o;.J )oi' t ". 0U th frUkO,
t tiJ.l t Js .. ;, fr
Pork Hoclcs
Pork Liver
Minced Luncheon
Salt Pork
Jirliy, lt --,
Whiting Fish
3 IU. . 4UU
tM Mn1r .SIIcmI or Half
w. ay cm JL3
Ktiiw-r' Economy
P2-ft t'fift. $1.15
Apricots AC
jo v. ilr
COCOA -f -fl c
J jb, Coil il Jl
Cucumbers Cc
for ftliril.fc'. Kall
Jgiiy J'JorUia. Mn) Hc-4lf6
Grapefruit occ
New Potatoes
V, H, No, lAujairtiiit
Hcil THum,ha, 10 lbs, 33
New Cabbage
lr lb. fctt1
Ciitpy Corn ' r 4
3 for 25c
SaiUa Clam
pnuNES cpKc
,Stmrio Hrarul
Peanut Duttcr
;;,2:L3 for 25c
Pnn Cm. 00
targe TVs,
LYE 3 Cant
Ad far rutttmouth. Tue. Wp!.. Wy 10-17
Quantities of the above U)
',:ty fk 6rvsiitti t.
V, F, Jf , 8
: t.rl toitfi M)S J,Ur jrr,,w JyJ.y', lJIy
.' j.t-e4y mtth'm.. h'stil lt,"lK. B. Club Wt
ues Ji f M.y a -lW'f ;i-f(,4 t th? horn f if, Hnry
t'ilf-Ul tt -! Mt wU it
tr giiMf ji "ort it t J r-d
iff Jt, JJ.. lly JJ It 4v'
(i.tJ for it KJg'J'"i .f Mavj l
lit ftitwi thi jyii rs if'
(,:! ty a iUjar Jr lJia tit
j -1 J aJ iit Iti yai'ss slU'Jy ar'J
ftitts.L; tn,w sr'ualy it lath(U
rxlja, fc-(,Hi- Jf(i it J
flfi;la. Wt. Ua MMak-fi aMJ an
!aijl ty litaii'li . not a
Tt rKilar iiUsltf-in fJI'w-'1 and
Mill ii'Hr proj;faa Ktad . t''a"
for it Thatik OfIHtg aitl Moitr
tttfi (;tiieM-r t'r"Kaiii, Tt lfti
of it fiMi'"iH eiv ty Mra,
I tifngati froii It lmly took, "Mov
(nif tJillJotis' itU totniirUinis It
siit taiiir, TtU tatir waa
tlMni ty It tiaM SUtof of or
ileal, Iri'lla vto (a truly a (.'h!Mai
lt-u1lii tH it-ot(. This iblii'ly ffik
i ue1 ty ry ooii))nailof( tlixly'
U fot'fcJeu tdlasiotiij itts yar wicl
-otyi ftjtit ll3, trlnea us !''-
Otl'lf I lolIS,
'ft !irf'J-nt also rf)liii-l tt
urtt,fta that It lln Is atort to
oii(lt it fiJlllnal bvj r'itjlr
(ifis til iriuh on i-llgttl lo t Jn
'lni in it tioxiy of it Bal
y.ttli s a fa't of It imlAU- pro
gram, "1 1 llat'-'l In Hvtiiy
Vars," 'ftls otJrt will tilug u
:-lul (i-roon.i gtowlh If folowd.
At il con hiaiof of It tmtMltit;
1 1 toalc-ca, ticclalfi) ty tr alsU ra,
M-o.luii,-a VVIIrs, b tv(J t-rr-tiiiittlH,
Th iniiilis iltaM'l. tavlK
atiM mi ftijoyii tin jiihI (ironiatln
afit iioott,
AtUul Avofti Party.
Mr, mid Mrs, i:iitir ftundalrom
and Mr, and Mrs, 1 , H, Hninnr wri
af Avoit last -viiiii( vvlic-in luy
uiindd a narly of Hi May Hird
iluli mmliis at llio In. inn of Mrs,
O.oigf -:haUy, Dm naily IIiik an
i 11 11 Hal affair, Tli iiie-tnln-iBlilp of
lit iluli ciiimlois of nil tlitt adls
r - ' ' w
Set your goal, then build safely toward it!
8AVF. . . . ye. Then take one final and important
tfj be' uto your Saving nro SAFE!
Whether you ave $10 or $100 every month,
every dollar you invest in this Association is
fully protected, up to $5,000, by the Federal
Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation.
Different members of a family can each carry ,
an account here, and every such separate ac
count will be insured up to $5,000.
Not only safety, but reasonable earning! from dividends are offer
ed through our inventment of your fundi in long-term first mort
gage leant, made mainly to home-ownert in our own community.
Small mini or Urge ... in initallmcnti or ingle payment! ... all
can earn imome here with iniured afety. Let ui givo you details.
Plattsmouth Loan & Building Ass'n.
Bekins Building on Sixth Street
-;-i.i ,.J -ry f'-nr
zrrit:z -i itiwkw hy li huV -"-5y, sift nJf.fcfiir
V4si.tviy Atlxrutyti Cist
Mrs, 'n,-'Jvff I'Jftfc th.
t,',Lt mt,fr, t4 Mf, V, V, Uyn
iff, Kfank JJ-fr wot Krt prlz.
11k, Jottt VoIJT. M"-nJ, Mr. Emil
V.'itt, itJfJ,
)f.'iJJii-Jy t'AUtwltitc ft I'laylKic
,f r, h'UtfUUr er-l fcirawtrry
tU'tt i' at.
Ertrtajs at Luncheon
Mrs, K, J. Ill' ty -M-rtaWl at
1tiifsJay aftrnoon trl'l tlut ai
tr to;i. Ht was Irt lb
:.rvlfij ty tr nlsir, Mrs. Marart
'ft rnitrs -ncaicd in playing
til'Je followliiif tt luihoM. MIks
Vrna I-onafu r'-ivJ it first lrlz
3inl Mrs, Frank Cummin bcomJ.
Mrs, Kail j;rowr of 1'aollllon and
Ms. Ilnry M-Makn of Orriata,
m-fntrs of it ijl, wr orsnt.
Kntertftin Detroit Ouet
W. ;. J!axWr of Detroit, Michigan
was a (.ftn-fct of Mr. utnl Mrs. IloUrt
'altn tl latt two (Jay.
Ijst cv-oiritr Mr. ami Mrs. IatUn
iititain-l at ft 0 oVIock JInnr at
ttir ooirnj in Ms honor. Ciuxt pre
nt intluji-i M(ss Jdii Tatton of
Onalm, un'J Mr. ami Mm. Hubert
J'attori and family, and th jrut-st of
honor, Mr. W. fj. Ilasslr,
Mr.Iasftlr U-fl fur Urnoln wh-rc
h intends t tsoi-nd aorrtu time vinit
Jntf with fiin'ls and rIatlv-h Ix-fore
rtlurh'unz to MUhijfan.
Bi-Monthly Club
Tt Ill-Monthly nlnohl club met
with Mrs. I'mi I Vandrvoort at her
lioinn lust cvtrnlnir, this lub also re
loiltriK that all of Us n-mb-rM were
( pi esint.
Mis, V'andervoorl won flntt irlz,
nd Miss Marl Horn was awarded
Hfiiliirie-tils wcrfl served by Hie
ItostcsH at llui elose of the evening.
TliurRday Afternoon Club
Mrs. Herbert Hrliuetz nerved on
hostess tu tin Thursday afternoon
hrldK" dun at her homti at the ('or-
Abraham Lincoln said:
"Teach economy. That is
one of the first and
highest virtues.
It begins with
saving money"
,v .
Tt a. t'Al'jysti tyy ill. 5
'A i08'ty i,y jl ifji,
AlUr &KeXy Party
f ir I 1 f r fc't, J'a' A3tr
ttitni i't't ifvfc 'i4 It
fJhK itiJr f.ryrl r.itt..
At th lai ,f it pvtty rfrfct-
utttA it srr! ty ft mtutuWl:
tt4l by Ut. liMz MUfjjfr, wto
u'tJ tairwft.
FHdy Afternoon Bridge CI nt
Tt Friday aftnoon trll tlob
inl yliday afirnoon with Mr
Krd fctarina'rk on !'arl ktrt.
Ttr ruta, Mrs. Krd Worth. Mm.
WillUrn K:taildMiano. Jr and Mrs.
f-"arl KK-bni4cr, wr prnt.
Mr. Ill'tard ltrra w award'
d It flrt irlz. and Mm, rman
TIkotir n-fr:Id tt a':ond friz.
IifrtmM K-rir-d ty lb tots
r:tlmaz-d It aftrnoon parly.
Celebrate Double Birthday
Friday a vry oteasant 2outI
birthday part)' waa bld at the Arthur
Halerno born, the oecanlon telujr the
birthday of Mm. Halerno and little
Miss Kos Marie Kalerno.
The afternoon was jileaantly pnt
In frames and vlslilut; and in which
all enjoyed to the utmost. Mis Min
nie Klasllnic assisted in the nerrlng.
Those who attended the event
were: Kddie Katon. Jo Ann Ault,
Cyril Koclan. Hetty Mines, Jimmy
Doody, Uonald Warthen, Norma Jean
Warthen, Deana Hose Lusbinsky,
Vera Solomon, Jimmy 'Markham, Kve
lyn Markham, Mary Ellen Carr, Mr.
and Mrs. Clark K. Mack ham.
Nu-Fu Jitter's Club-
The Nu-Ku Jltter'a card lub wai
entertained at the home of Miss Jac
queline (jiaHHman last evening.
Misses Joan Moore. Lcwanna Kellcy,
and Mrs. Hex ISourne were the guests
Mm. Hayniond IJourne won the
flrt prize, while MIhb Joan Moore
received the second award.
The evening was concluded with
the nervlntc of refreHhments by MIbb
Junior Legion Auxiliary
The Junior Legion Auxiliary mem
hers met Friday afternoon at 4
o'clock at the home of Dr. and Mrs
it. P. Westover. Mrs. Elmer Webb
and Mrs. Hay Larson, representatives
of the American Legion Auxiliary,
were guests of the young ladies.
Due to the absence of the presi
dent, MIkh Maxlne Nielsen, Miss
Ituth Westover presided over the
business session. Mian Westover then
presented the visiting guests who
uddressed the members on the plans
for aiding the Junior drum corps.
The girls are assisting in the pro
motion and the success of tag day.
which was sponsored today, Mr
Lowell H. Devoe being In charge of
the young ladies.
Plans and arrangements for a card
party to be held on Tuesday, May
23 were tnado.
A scrapbook, which the girls nro
compiling, will he sent to the Vet
erans' hospital nt Lincoln.
Following the business of the
afternoon Mrs. Westover, assisted by
her daughter, Miss Ituth, served re
LIWCOLN, May 12 (UP) State
Kuglneer A. V. Tilley said today low
bids on six highway construction
projs Ms totaling $30,337 hav been
iceer-td but construction wM not
tie it varded until determination by
the ifglslaturo on the funds available
for I lahways. lllds previously taken
u tl projects totaled 147,013. They
were rejected as excessive, lihls also
weir taken yesterday on an e-stl-
matid ICS, 000 of gravel maintenance
Low bids on the armor-coat proj-
tclr Included: Dawson south. 9.6
mil?, Yant Construction company,
On aha. $5,933; Engle-Union. 9.9
m'ies, Abel Construction company of
Lincoln, $9,319.'
Ii 131 Ja tirist
jJa c'-'' t ly 1a4 tJi
XL f',;;r'4 wStb zsimh
J Jiii?t ai'J ilcrt ti.k.t 5t.j t?
ilftjM-viti M."- IcjrrJia it 4 Mr. K, A.
t .',x.E.i':'-.::rrv.
Tt .-...! ;itrT, t'.Tf.iJi4 'A
-Uytr4. C. O.k, Frss-Je A- WAtx,
11. fi. S,UAn)iy zz4 it. V- Kh'jtt
hAtA in rs.J tKiJrs ih
f, a. ViVcu tt zfTupiitt.
Tt iuuk 'ft J.reide3 orer ty
Car! li. Ganz, A AJo, ot. of ite
UtSAnr. riutnatn6 of it (bounty.
Frown TJ.wriMjiy's IaJJy
Today fruity HLrir
IfAAr and family are moriae tc
their t' fcora on Maim street from
tb reSda: property on Boutb tb
tret wtitb they bare o lot,j occu
pied. Tb lxfj4y family has pur
';taed It fti-ioer L. O. Minor home
wtJ h ha bn reraodeled to vjv.t
extent and all redecorated and ar
ranged for the isw occupants as well
as a new roor &ca-a to tse tome.
From Thur3ya Illy -
John Cloidt, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Cloidt of this city, was
arnont; tne r.rty stuoents 01 me
Creljcbton School of Journalism class
at the Crefghton Unirereity who at
tended the big annual picnic held
at Flayrnore park yesterday. The
student party attending the event
were only the freshman class mem
bers of tbe Creighton School of Jour
nallsm, John Cloidt being a member
of this class.
The Plattsmouth high school en
tries In the state high school net
tournament at Omaha, were out in
the second round of the doubles
Stephen Devoe and John TIdball los
ing to Evans and Durland of Norfolk
C-l. G-4.
Howard of Lincoln beat Don Mar
tin of the Plattsmouth team in the
second round of the singles, 6-2, 6-1
Mrs. E. W. Cook and Mrs. Grace
HawkBworth left for Burlington
Iowa. Friday morning to be at the
bedside of their aged aunt, Miss Mary
Schaffer who is at the present time
in critical condition. Miss Schaffer
had the misfortune of suffering a fall
some time ago, injuring her arm se
verely and since that time has been
quite ill.
From FrlJoy's Dally
Representatives of the Plattsmouth
high school were at Lincoln today to
compete in several events on the Uni
versity program. Stephen Devoe and
John TIdball are competing In the
state high school tennis doubles and
Hon Martin in the singles.
Hill Knorr is to represent the local
3chool in the high school golf tour
nament at the university.
ST. CHARLES. Mo. Miss Jean
Knorr of Plattsmouth, Neb., appear
cd recently in a studio recital at Lin
denwood College. She Is specializing
In piano under Miss Eva Englehart
and played the Andante molto and
Alia menuetto of "Sonata Op. 7,
WATSEKA. 111., May 12 (UP)
State police arrested Charles Sulli
van. 16, of Omaha today after a chase
across fields. Sullivan admitted he
tola ft car found in his possession
at Omaha yesterday. It was identi
fied as belonging to John H. Becker,
The Plattsmouth Garden club ot
this city announces the coming event
of their annual Irish Show wnicn
will be held this year on Wednesday
and Thursday. May 24 and 25, the
show to bo held in the American .Le
gion building. Watch for further an
1 S1 r-y Ttr ii ti-
Crftc.4 Rfrnx IZj.
V3e- Fie jrEt Mil
Pre- ietess Jf.'T. TViliiiia
L.'Torer Mr. Wjlaxa Woc-ni.
Fs-istiil Se-.TeAry Mn.
TTAXZ.r-.r Miss J Ryf.
ViOtiiXfjr Mr. Bilxz Meiritzer.
Kei.t5x.eJ Mrs. JvLc Kubkka.
Ortfitiit Mnr. E:ry fdT.
TrjLk".E Mre. iler&5 sroV.-da.
Mr. JcliB aSu
Mm. V!2iar3 Vookoti. ts2ZjSAr I
for tb JciJcr C L t,f A,, presetted
i report on tie a:tir5i5es ittat tie
ro33 ladies tftTe doce darSc Lert
irra of rSMc a tteir oaae!3or.
-iJelerateit to repreect tt lora! ;
virt at the Catholic Daughters cos- j
jrention to be held the latter part of
May at Colcmtus. ebrajxa were v-1
leete!. Mm. Elmer Bennett being
botQ aji tie delegate acd Mm.!
E.'cier Webb, as alternate. j
Tbe C. D. of A. bap!aic. Father;
Joseph li. SinkaEa, was preent and '
raTe a talk to the members on bis i
recent trip in the southwest. -The j
talk was one that created a gTeat deal
of interest among tbe isembem and
was enjoyed very much.
The case of Searl S. Davis, guard
lan vs. J. W. Philpot. et al. which!
has been on trial in the district
court before Judge W. W. Wilson
since Monday, was brought to a
close Thursday at the noon recess.
The parties In the case which has
brought on much testimony, reached
an agreement at the close of the
morning session and after a confer
ence of all of tbe parties In the ac
tion it was decided to have the case
continued and tbe matter of account
ing which was asked will be carried
out. Judge Wilson entered tbe order
for the continuance of the case.
Word has reached here of the birth
of a son to the Rev. W. J. II. and Mrs.
Petter, of Greenville, Texas, on May
4th. The baby was still-born, and
burial took place in Forest Park
cemetery, Greenville, on May 5th.
Mrs. Petter will be remembered as
Miriam Tritsch, who upon her mar
riage, moved to Greenville, where
Mr. Petter is rector of St. Paul's
Episcopal church.
Mrs. Mike Tritsch of this city,
mother of Mrs. Petter, is at Green
ville with the Petter family.
Prom Tuesday's Dally -
William Woolcott, financial secre
tary of the local Knights of Colum
bus, returned home last evening after
spending the past two days in
Beatrice where he attended the state
convention of the Knights of Colum
bus, he being a delegate from Platts
mouth. Mr. Woolcott reported that
the present officers of the organiz
ation were re-elected to serve for the
coming year. ;
S. S. Gooding of this city depart
ed Saturday for Wyoming where he
will visit at Casper with the John
Speck family and then will go on
to the Thermopolls hot springs to
spend a few weeks. Mr. Gooding has
been in failing health for several
weeks and it is htoped that the treat
ment and the Invigorating climate
of the mountain country will benefit
Miss Rolane Janda, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Janda of Kan
sas City, Mo., arrived here Thursday
evening to spend some time visiting
with her grandmother, Mrs. Josephine
Janda and her aunt, Mrs Harold Lil-
lie, and little cousin, Rose Mary. The
ittle girl is three years of age and
was brought here, by her parents.
The fire department was tailed
Wednesday evening to the residence
of Oliver Wilcox at 12th and Main
street. A gasoline stove in the kitchen
had exploded and started a small fire
but which was extinguished without
any serious loss before the arrival
of the fire truck.
n3r r.
Black &l"J(iife
Tils Ad f:r T-m. Ej:d Wei
Ozr DeiiTery Serrioe: Six c-t-goizg
trij-s iiUj. Trzck leaTei
lie ftcre fcr territory rcrti c!
Kaia stret at 8:30, 10:45,
1:20 azd 4:30. For tenitcry
scuth cf 3fyn street at 9:30
srd 3:00. Pione year crder!
6 Pig. fcr.
Green Beans Offr
No. 2 Can 2 for
Corn Flakes Offo
2 Pkos. for
1 Box Wheat Flakes Free
Juice flQc
5Q-QZ. Tin JL J
Country Gentleman
Corn OQc
No. 2 Tin 3 forfttV
Pioneer Brand
Peas ORc
300 size Cans, 3 for. 4i'
Craig's Perfection
Tomatoes one
No. 2! Cans. .3 for
Pork & Beans
No. 2V2 cans. each.
te mm,l mA
-lb. Pkg., 33 4 In
ii-lb. Pkg. X C
Black Orange Pekoe
-lb. Pkg., C7
U-lb. Pkg. Af.
Potatoes OQc
10 lbs. for
Cucumbers He
Large Size, each
Lettuce fRc
Large Size, 2 for
Grapefruit 2C
Large Size, 6 for
Tomatoes 4 Rq
Fancy Quality. Lb
Radishes He
3 Bunches for
Heat Department
Sausacc OAc
Per lb.
Pork Steak
Pork Hocks flflc
Per lb. AW
Pure Lard if no
2 lbs. for iW
Special Picnic Items
Free Lighted Parking Lot in
rear of our store. Watchman to
guard your car on Wednesday
and Saturday nights. Use it!