The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 15, 1939, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MAY 15, 1939.
City Council
Has Busy Session
Monday Night
FWrl '
First Meeting of the Month Brings a
Large Number of Matters
for Consideration.
The regular session of the city
council, the first in May was held
May 8th and brought to the mem
bers of the city legislative body a
great deal of business.
The report of City Treasurer M. D.
Brown showed that $19,6G4.32 was
In the city treasury, while City
Clerk Albert Olson showed an excel
lent collestion for the past month of
A communication from L. L.. Hor
ton asked that permission be grant
ed to cut the curb on North Seventh
jtreet near his new funeral home.
This was granted, with work to be
done under supervision of the city
and a bond posted.
Permission was granted Roy Tay
lor to remove a part of the paving
on North Sixth, street for a sewer
connection at the property of Mrs.
Janet Clement.
Senator Fred Carsten acknowl
edged receipt of the resolution of
the city council for support of L. B.
336 for a rural fire protection dis
trict. The senator had presented the
resolution and expressed his support
for the measure.
The council by a unanimous vote
granted license to Charles Petersen,
Jr., for a recreational parlor.
Fire Prevention Report
The city also had a communication
from the state fire prevention bu
reau and in which it gave the results
of the check made of city owned
property here a few weeks ago. The
Perkins House building was found
delapidated and not worth repairing,
the property at 125 South 4th street
was found to need new electric equip
ment and also window glass. At the
scale house on North 5th street wir
ing changes were recommended and
also protection on the floor for the
gas heater. The building at 332 Main
street, now used as the Recreation
Center, it was recommended that
hanging light wires over nails be
discontinued and that stairways to
the basement and first floor , be cared
for. This was referred to the tax
and properties committee for their
The report of acting Chief of Po
lice Pickrell showed seven arrests
for the month.
Clean Up This Week
Mayor Tushinsky for the board of
health announced that cleanup days
in the city would be on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, May 11, 12 and
13. It was urged that all of the
residents get interested. Trucks will
be on the north side on May 11 and
a half day the 12th and on the south
?ide a half day the 12th and all day
the 13th. The tity will not haul
ashes or garbage on the trucks, the
mayor announced.
Police Judge C. L.. Graves reported
that there had been three arrests
the week of May 4th and fines and
costs of $15.75 collected.
Committees Report
Chairman Rebal of the judiciary
committee presented an amendment
to ordinance No. 694, in the form of
revised ordinance 739, setting the
yearly tax of those operating trucks
for the sale of goods on invitation
or request of Plattsmouth residents.
The ordinance, however, does not re
peal any of the anti-peddling features
of the other ordinances or provisions
of the occupation tax ordinance.
Chairman Webb of the tax and
property committee reported that the
final settlement In the sale of the
Dovey property was to be consum
ated this week and the titles cleared
and the city receive its funds.
Chairman Gabelman of the streets,
alleys and bridges committee, gave
report of the work of his committee
which has been quite busy In the
past two weeks in looking after road
work in several parts of the city. He
stated also that a new dump truck
was needed and also repairs to the
tractor were necessary.
Mayor Lushlnsky, reminded by the
finance committee of the low con
dition of the road and other funds
at the close of the fiscal year, stated
that the expenditures must be held
down as far as 'possible. .
Chairman Tiekotter of the license
committee, reported the application
of Joe Lapidus for an off and on sale
beer license, the place of operation
being 102 North 6th street. This
was accompanied by the bond form
for $2,000. The application was re
ferred to the license committee of
the council to report at the next
meeting on May 22nd.
Chairman SchuU or the Are and
water committee, reported that the
firemen were preparing to divide
their organization into two groups
tor fire fighting, one to handle hose
ip si a
American Super-Liner S.S.
now enroute to the Canal Zone
maiden voyaae, is the world's
shiix sinlcproof. fireproof and
proof. Its cabins are completely
lated in both side walls and
with lire-proof mineral
wool the wool that
insulates many Amer-
New Beach Fash
ion Ann Sheri
dan, noted film star,
takes time off to
get some suntan.
Note the two piece
bathing suit
and the other in rescue and ladder
work in case of a serious fire.
Chairman Finnefrock of the parks
and improvement committee, reported
that the flagpole in Garfield park was
in need of repairs and that he would
take the matter ua with the park
Chairman Painter of the police
committee reported that Chief of Po
lice Barclay was still in the hos
pital. The extension of bonds for
members of the department were then
presented, the bonds to cover ser
vices of the police for the next year.
The bonds were for the amount of
? 1,000 each covered David L. Pickrel,
Herbert W. Johnson and Frank Boe
tel as members of the police force.
Chairman Vroman of the lighting
committee, reported that a test would
be made of a Neon warning step and
go sign and which all councilman
were asked to attend.
Bond of L W.. Niel as secretary
of the cemetery board, was approved
by the vote of the council.
Mayor Lushinsky reported that the
surviving members of the Woman's
Relief Corps had asked that the city
have the flagpole in the G. A. R.
section of Oak Hill cemetery repaired
and repainted. On motion the sum
of $30 was appropriated for this pur
pose. Seek Park Fence
Ordell Hennlngs, secretary of the
Junior Chamber of Commerce, was
present and took up with the council
the matter of the placing of a fence
around Athletic park, one of the
projects sponsored by the young men.
It was desired that the city give ap
proval of the matter in order that it
might be made a NY A or WPA proj
ect. There was considerable discus
sion over the matter. The action of
the council at a previous session was
read at which time a motion was
adopted that the ity would agree to
sponsor the proposition if the city
vas not required to furnish the funds
and assurance be given that the cost
of the fence would be forthcoming
from sources outside of the city treas
ury. Chairman Webb of the WPA com
mittee, reported that the question of
an adequate supply of rock for the
Chicago avenue sewer project seem- j
ed to be solved as the city had se
cured a quarry at the Tennant farm
near Louisville and where the need-.
ed 2,400 yards of rock could be se
cured. A drag line was now clear
ing off the land for the rock haulera.
The Bills
The following bills were ordered
paid by the council:
Plattsmouth Water Corp., hy-
drent rental $483.96
St. Paul Mercury Indemnity
Co., premium 6.68
Bestor & Swatek, sale tickets 4.09
Ivan Taylor, washing sts. 16.88
Iowa-Nebr. Light & Power
Co., street lights 250.95
Iowa-Nebr. Light & Power
Co., city hall and gas
Kroehler Hardware, repairs
Wm. Schmidtmann, supplies.
Cloidt Service, supplies
Standard Oil Co., grease
Plattsmouth Journal, printing
1 Ml
m. ......-.... 7 -7 UK i i
I? -..-4'
u mr is
ej & p s En 't-s
Fashion Note Oh via
DeHavilland. featur-,
ed screen star, mod-i
els a smart new
print dress combin
ing shades of lug
gage, turquoise and
k. X
f w " I-:-x-S I
white. A
- - Ss I I
patch pockets and
on her
smoke -
p 1 1
Kitty Carlisle, stage and screen
star, primes the well under the
200 foot derrick of the Petrole
um Industry Exhibition at its
formal dedication at the New
York World's Fair. At the cere
monies, representatives of the
18 oil-producing states also
pored oil. flown here from
their states, into the well
Above (left to right) Jerry
MacMellon. Mayor Fiorello
H. LaGuardia. iCitty Car
ion plate
night owl
lisle and Boy Scout.
and supplies 12.45
Duxbury & Davis, bonds for
officers 72.50
C. E. Ledgway, fee bill 71.60
Ivan Taylor, street work 30.60
D. L. Ramel, tractor work 35.56
D. L. Ramel, wash and paint
ing -streets 11.25
Franklin Kief, hauling gravel 3.20
Franklin Kief, washing sts.,
material 12.80
Franklin Kief, street work 22.40
Harry Gouchenour, st. work- 12.00
Harry Gouchenour, washing
and marking streets 29. SO
Dr. O. Sandin, expenses at
convention 20.00
George Taylor, hauling gravel 5.20
George Taylor, washing sts.,
marking 12.80
George Taylor, street Avork
with team 41.60
Thomas Walling Abstract Co.,
abstract 124.25
J. Howard Davis, W. A. Rob
ertson, attorneys 107.80
E. J. Richey, coal, supplies 22.85
WPA Chicago Avenue
Paxton & Vierling, 20 cast
iron grates $300.00
Ira Clinkenbeard, truck hire 30. S2
C. E. Markham, same : 48.82
Charles Crawford, same 45.68
Ira Johnson, steel rolls 1.70
Bestor & Swatek, supplies 9.82
Joe Mrasek, sand and gravel 54.10
Puis Hardware, wire netting,
supplies 66.29
Joe Mrasek, sand and gravel 20.12
E. J. Richey. supplies 1.50
Tidball Lumber Co., supplies 40.38
Diocean Council of Catholic Women
recently conducted an essay contest
in which members were requested
to,supplya 1,000 word essay on the
subject, "The Essential Qualifications
of a Successful Leader in Catholic
Mrs. Walter II. Smith of thi3 city,
one of the active figures In the work
of the Plattsmouth deanery and mem
ber of the St. John's church of this
city, submitted an entry in the con
test. Mrs. Smith has been awarded
one of the prizes for her excellent
The prizes will be awarded at a
banquet , to be held in Lincoln on
Radio station KOWH was favored
Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 4:45
with an address given by Mrs. E. H.
Wescott of this city. Mrs. Wescott
addressed the radio listeners on the
observance of music week. She told
her listeners that Nebraska stood so
very well In observance of music week
and that Plattsmouth was rated very
highly according to a recent report.
Her address was very much enjoyed
by all who had the pleasure of hear
ing her voice.
The Plattsmouth friends will be
pleased to learn of the birth to Mr.
and Mrs. R. R. McGrath of Omaha,
of a fine baby girl, on Friday evening
at 8:45 at the St. Joseph hospital at
Omaha. Mrs. McGrath was formerly
Miss Eva Rauen of this city.
- I'll
5 r &
border o
trims the
rjssis y
Lucius Beebe is unique among
columnists on two counts. He s
America's number one male fash'
and combines the habits of the
with those of the lark. Shown at
I.' i, i - . u
his desk at the New York Herald Trrbune
bright and early in the morning Beebe is
checking proofs of his popular column. "This
New York." On his wrist is the newest wrin
kle in men's timepieces, a Gruen Verithin.
thinnest wrist watch in the world. This slim
gold watch (inset) times the active day of
one of the busiest men in America. ?t
Platters Lose
to Madison in
Opening Game
Locals Drop Game in State High
School Easeball Tournament 4
to 3 in Hard Finish.
The Plattsmouth high school base
ball team Thursday afternoon drop
ped their opening game in the state
tournament to Madison by the score
of 4 to 2 in a close and exciting finish
in which the Madison team by taking
advantage of several bobbles at a
critical stage gave the foes a one
point advantage.
The work of Smith on the mound
for the Platters was excellent and
he held the seven bingles of the
Madison group well scattered and
kept his team out in front until the
fateful seventh inning.
Jimmie Jones served as the chief
batting feature of the day when his
double in the third inning brought
the Platters out in front as the blow
registered a run for the Platters and
later Jones scored himself. Bob Hayes
hit a long smash in the fourth that
seemed destined for a home run but
v. a-3 taken by Schmidt in left gar
den for Madison in a sensational
The Platters led three to two up
into the final inning when the Madi
son team was able to push over the
needed runs, a close decision on the
bases making possible the fourth tallv
for the win.
The box score of the game was as
Smith, p 4
Parriott, If 3
Sedlak, 2b 2
Hayes, ss 3
York, lb 3
Phillips, 3b 3
Lutz, rf 2
Noble, rf 1
Jones, c 3
Steinkamp, cf 3
27 5 21 4 1
Kufall, lb 3 2 8 0 1
Kxeuger, ss 3 0 12 0
Schmidt, If 3 14 0 0
Ganser, c 4 13 2 1
Preuss, 3b 4 10 0 0
Dickey, 3b 3 0 3 0 1
Morning, rf 4 2 0 0 0
McDermott. cf 3 0 10 0
Ehlers, p 2 0 10 0
29 7 21 4 3
Mr. and Mrs. Carlvin Warthen and
Mrs. Warthen's brother, Harold
Beach, are in the city visiting over
tho week end with Mr. Warthen's
parents and relatives and friends.
They expect to return to Chicago on
Rubber Stamps, Targe or small,
at right prices at the Journal.
Physicians of
County Authority
on Archaeology
Dr. Gilmore, Dr. Kunkel and Late
Br. T. P. Livingston Have All
Had Part in Discoveries
Two Cass county physicians have
contributed materially to the study
of archaeology in Nebraska, accord
ing to Fred Minder, field secretary
of the Nebraska Press Association.
"In compiling our 'Who's Who in
Nebraska, we have discovered many
interestins facts about the state," he
"For example. Dr. George Gilmore
of Murray, who first became inter
ested in archaeology in 1910, has
greatly aided Dr. Earl H. Bell of the
University of Nebraska in uncover
ing and excavating various sites. He
and the late Dr. T. P. Livingston of
Plattsmouth in 1910 discovered at
Rock Bluff the ruins of a prehistoric
"Two years later Dr. Gilmore dis
covered a nine-house prehistoric
dwelling in Rock Bluff cemetery.
This was excavated by Dr. William
Duncan Strong of Smithsonian In
stitute. In 1933 Dr. Gilmore assisted
the University of Nebraska In ex
cavating two house sites near Table
The Behrns site near Nehawka was
excavated in 1935 with Bell in
charge. In 1938 Gilmore discovered
skeletons of an ancient people in
prehistoric mounds near Nehawka.
Dr. Lloyd N. Kunkel. with his book
"The Archaeology of the Weeping
Water Valley." also is a contributor
to this field, MIndner pointed out.
Kunkel has directed the Weeping
Water band and Little Symphony or
chestra in addition to his writing
and practice.
"Who's Who In Nebraska" will
nrovide an invaluable record for
homes, newspaper offices and librar
ies, Minder says. "For the first time
it assembles in one volume important
facts hitherto unrecorded. It will em
body in condensed form the many
sided picture of Nebraska develop
ment. "
"Cass county has several 'firsts,'
as we ' found in scanning the bio
graphies selected for inclusion. The
Ole Olsen quarries at Weeping Wat
er lead tho state in limestone pro
duction. Andrew F. Sturm establish
ed the first business, a lumber yard,
in Nehawka, and himself incorporat
ed the town. When he was state sen
ator, he originated and sponsored a
till directing that school children in
the state be given free compulsory
medical examinations."
Emmons J. Richey, Plattsmouth
lumber dealer, is author of a five
year farm relief program suggesting
that banks lend money on corn exact
ly as the government is doing today.
President Roosevelt wrote him a let
ter of appreciation for offering this
"Cass county is to be commended
for Its Interest in reading," Minder
remarks. "Miss Olive Jones, Platts
mouth librarian, has given her time
and effort that the city might have
good books. At one time this library
was third largest in the state and
had the highest per capita circula
tion of any member of the American
Library association.
"Abraham Lincoln Tidd, Platts
mouth attorney, aided Miss Jones in
obtaining funds for the first Carne
gie library. He also established the
first annual flower show in the city
and was instrumental in locating and
building the first dock in Nebraska
on the Missouri river.
"Men have no monopoly on honors
in Cass county. Mrs. Helen Gray
Robertson of Plattsmouth was a
member of the first Woman's Equal
Suffrage League of Lincoln, was the
first woman to be a member of the
Plattsmouth school board and wrote
the criminal code for the state of
"Mrs. Viola Norris of Weeping
Water, 4-H leader, also has many
achievements. She organized and
was leader of the first 4-H bird club
in the nation; she trained two grand
championship teams for the Nebras
ka state fair, one of which was
awarded a trip to the world poultry
congress in Canada, and in 1936 she
was awarded a merit of honor for
rescuing a girl from drowning.
"Other interesting facts regarding
the county include: Father George
Agius of St. John's church, Platts
mouth, was a classmate in Rome of
Pope Pius XII . . . William !G. Boed
ecker, Murray banker, was in Ger
many in 1938 when Hitler ordered
the march into Czecho-Slovakia . . .
Mrs. Emma Bauer Egenberger of
Plattsmouth is the only licensed
woman real estate dealer in the coun
ty . . . Everett B. Day of Weeping,
Water, oldest resident listed fn the
county for our book, introduced the
first Hereford and Jersey herds; he
was born November 3, 1S50 . . . Ed
win G. Steckley of Weeping Water
is a noted commercial hybrid corn
producer . . . William Baird of
Plattsmouth collects old tombstone
inscriptions and poems.
"The youngest resident listed is
County Attorney Walter II. Smith,
born April 23, 1914 . .' . Educators
run a close second . . . Roger C.
Smith, superintendent of Elmwood
schools, was born May 23, 1909; E.
C. Stimbert, superintendent of Ne
hawka schools, was born September
25. 190S.
"Lack of space prohibits mention
of many other persons fully as in
teresting," Mindner says. "We are
indeed fortunate to be able to
dude their names in this book."
From Thursday's Daily
Thomas Clifford, who has been
visiting old friends in Omaha, return
ed today to remain over to attend to
some matters in county court Friday.
Mr. Clifford will return soon to his
home at Los Angeles.
Rev. J. C. Lowson and C. C. Wes
cott were at Blair today to attend a
meeting of the board of trustees of
the Crowell Memorial home for the
aged, a state Methodist institution.
Mr. Wescott is a member of the board
of directors.
From Friday Daily
Harry Robertson, Eagle banker,
was in the ity Thursday afternoon
for a few hours visiting friends.
James Philpot, of Gandy, Nebras
ka, was here Thursday to attend to
some matters in the district court
and later visited with his relatives
at Weeping Water and vicinity.
From Saturday's Dally
Miss Kathryn Tower of Laurel,
Neb., is a visitor In Plattsmouth as
the gnest of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Mc-
Clusky, returning with them when
Mr. McCIusky officiated at a funeral
in Laurel last Tuesday.
Mrs. Dale Reynolds and daughter
Marilyn arrived in Plattsmouth from
Creighton, Nebraska today. They will
be special guests and visitors of their
mother and grandmother, Mrs. Fan
nie Crosser over the week end.
Appointed Plattsmouth ambassador
to the court of Ak-Sar-Ben for the
seventh consecutive year, Elmer A,
Webb has been advised that the den
shows will start Monday, June 12
The date for Plattsmouth night has
not yet been set, but will be an
nounced soon.
The Ak-Sar-Ben is sponsoring t
widespread program, including the
spring racing meet from May 27 to
July 4, the six weekly den shows in
June and July, coronation ceremon
ies on October 6 and stock show
week, October 22 to 28, inclusive.
Racing officials have been forced
to turn down many applications from
horsemen for the coming meet, and
are picking only the best, since even
the enlarged stable capacity at the
field will not accomodate all seeking
entry at this spring's meet.
From Saturday's Daily
This afternoon Warren Reed, Allan
White, Joe York and Robert Richter
were at Lincoln to participate In the
all state high school track meet. The
local boys qualified Friday and with
Reed beating out many of the stars
from the Omaha schools for a place
in the 100-yard dash. White placed
in the 220 to represent the local
school. York and Richter will make
the other two of the relay team
which has showed so well this season
in their matches. Relay teams that
are competing in class A are Au
burn, Blair, Kearney, Lexington, Lin
coln, Betfson, Central, Tech, Pierce,
Sottsbluff, Grand Island, North Platte
and Plattsmouth.
H. T. Batton of this city has re
ceived word of the death of E. F.
Klnsky, 45, of Laramie, Wyoming,
husband of a granddaughter of Mr.
Batton, which occurred a few days
ago at a Laramie hospital. Mrs.
Kinsky is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Grassman, one time
residents here but who have lived in
Alliance for a great many years.
From Saturday's Dally
The Junior high track squal will
be at Glenwood this afternoon to
compete in a number of events with
the Glenwood school. Those who are
making the trip are Lars Larson,
Kenneth White, Robert Grassman,
Dan Jackson and Clarence Favors.
Sing a Song of
Bargains for All
Ladies Toggery Calls Attention to
Some Very Outstanding Items
for the Thrifty Shopper
Just unpacked a new shipment of
cool Cotton Frocks, guaranteed fast
color. Every dress pre-slirunk. Smart
ly styled dimities in dots and prints
with organdie and rie-rac trim. Sizes
12 to 20, 38 to 52. Very special at
Jfl.OO each.
Silk Hosiery, cable twist, three or
four thread, ringless. All sizes and
colors. Very special, G9.
New 2-way Etretch Girdles made
by Munsingwear. Sizes small, med
ium and large for only .ftl.OO.
Very special a large assortment
of Ladies' Hats. New shapes, plenty
of white, black and navy, only JjH.
Special discount on all remaining
Spring Coats and Toppers and Suits.
Come in and see if we have your
size and color. If so we can save
you money. Toppers as low as $2.95
!are included.
Shop of Personal Service
The park board of tho city, com
posed of George Conis. John Cloidt
and Robert Wurl, has been taking
active steps to make some improve
ments in the parks of the city.
A large number of new trees have
been set out in Garfield park on
South Fifth street where in the past
few hot summers the trees have suf
fered very much from the effects of
the drouth and heat.
At the Athletic park steps have
also been taken to have the toilets
at that place repaired and placed in
a much better condition and these
will be carefully watched to prevent
depredations by those who visit the
Mrs. B. A. Rosencrans of Chicago
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett
and daughter, Barbara Ann, of
Uvalde, Texas, with Mrs. Harriett
Bennett and daughter, Miss Mary
Jane Bennett, of Omaha, aro here as
guests at the home of Mrs. Phillip
Thierolf, mother of Mrs. Rosencrans
and grandmother of Mrs. Robert Ben
nett. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett
and daughter are to enjoy a month's
vacation in the north with the rel
atives and friends and Mrs. Rosen
crans will later go on to Chicago to
Join her husband.
Alvin Jones and Marion Hobson,
well known well digging contractors,
are engaged at this time in the con
struction of a well at th farm ot
Frank Dashner, south of Glenwood.
Both of the well contractors are ex
perienced and successful well men
and have brought in a great many
good flowing wells in this section.
Whether your printing Job Is
large or small, it will recelva our
prompt attention. Call No. 6.
At tb flnt ilrn of Diarrhea.
CaeeldiMia. Cholera. Typhoid
r any intmtinal troobla
LAR-O-SEP in tha drink.
Poultry raisers swear by it.
AVKVItK II If tl)!t Ail I .rialtranath
III(IK llTIIi:iV I'lstlnmoulh
A. J. TOO I, Mnrdurk
K.K'IIT S'1-OHK South llrul
Poultry, Egg
and CrcdiTD
Bay Casco Butter from Your
Grocer Accept No