! THUBSDAY. HAY 11, 1939. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOITBITAL PAGE THBEE J 4 i SUFFERS FROM ILLNESS Mrs. Frank A. Rebal has been con fined to her home for the past sev eral days as the result of illness and which has caused her to be bedfast for the greater part of the time. It is hoped that in the next few days ehe may be able to resume her usual activity. LAND, FARM and RANCH BARGAINS PREACHES FUNERAL SERVICE From Tuesday's Dally Dr. and Mrs. H. G. McClusky were at Laurel, Nebraska, today where they were called to attend the funeral of an old friend. Dr. McClusky was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Laurel before coming to Plattsmouth and the deceased a member of his church and at whose request Dr. Mc Clusky was to conduct the funeral cervices. WANTED Stock to pasture. W. G. Fornoff, Cedar Creek. m8-4tw FOR SALE Fifteen-acre tract with a four-room cottage, well, good barn. Will sell reasonable. Located one half mile north of town. See Ray mond Kriskey, 1424 Main st. ltw CANE SEED FOR SALE The A. CP. states that cane lor fodder will not be classified as soil depleting this year. Plant the time tried favorite and insure plenty of Teed. Roy O. Cole, phone 4003, Plattsmouth. VISIT AT WAH00 Henry J. Donat and mother, Mrs Edward Donat, Sr., Mrs. Vern Hen dricks and Mrs. Hamilton Mark, were it Wahoo Sunday where they visited at the home of vMr. and Mrs. Emil Ilavelka, the latter a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Donat of this city. PARENTS OF SON Mr. and "Mrs. Marlon Henry ol this city are the parents of a boy born to them Saturday afternoon at their home. The mother and little one are progressing very nicely. The mother was the former Miss Mar garet Austin. SPONSORED BY DR. JOHNSTON, Omaha, Neb. Plattsmouth Hotel PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 For the benefit of the people of Plattsmouth and surrounding communities, we will give one member of each family an exami nation without charge. These FREE health examinations in clude a thorough analysis and explanation of your entire system, given on a most scientific diagnosing instrument. By use of this instrument, we are enabled to find the location and cause of your trouble without it being necessary for us to ask a single question regarding your condition, or for you to remove any clothing. Married women should be accompanied by their hus bands, so that both will have a thorough understanding of the condition. DR. JOHN P. JOHNSTON, D. C. Clinic Hours 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. I Plattsmouth Hotels - Plattsmouth, Nebr. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 (Please Bring This Ad with You) AC CIIMBYAV filAV A 8 B W WVIIIVO M ITU m I "Tr SOENNICHSEN'S is headquarters for Mother's Day gifts! Come in today youll find our salespeople willing and helpful in making your choice! "Admiration' HOSIERY Thread Chiffons at 79c Beautifully sheer 3- chiffons. Gen- twist. 0 thread j nine crepe k 3 and 4 fCT Smart Handbags with top strap handles 1 s T SUMMER GLOVES ijl Rayon Fabrics - Lovely Colors b 8 CREPE SLIP fMDf! W A front and ffn ii O a 111 RAYON o Q favorite tailored style. Shadow proof panel O TIT) TrOof KPQTnel To- ynaa m A A GOWNS and PAJAMAS $' ri iin Knn ana boucle rayon with lace and contrasting O color trims. Blue and tea rose 8 Dainty Embroidered Handkerchiefs 25 and 10 v vuuai ttliu oeis O $j Gay Boutonnieres 25 And a Grand Selection of Slips, Nightgowns and Pajamas at $1.95 I Soennichsen's CHANGE IN TIME OF COM MUNITY EDITOR PROGRAM The "Community Editor Speaks" program on radio station KOIL that has been broadcast at 12 o'clock noon on Saturdays, is being changed to start at 12:15 p. m.t effective May 20, according to word received from R. Bruce Wallace, station manager. On this program, important news stories from Iowa and Nebraska daily and weekly papers are broad cast. The Journal has been one of the participating papers ever since the program was started in March, 1938. The letter from Mr. Wallace also advises that due to a special broad cast of the Holland Tulip Festival this coming Saturday, May 13, th Community Editor program will be heard from 2:00 to 2:30, instead of the regular noon hour time. Then, beginning the following Saturday, May 20, and thereafter the program will start at 12:15. Through this medium, the Journal has been able to broadcast general rews of interest from its columns to the large audience that listens to KOIL daily. Phone news items to No. 6. (W Sunday Make this a Happy one, with a Mother's Day Cake Appropriately Decorated . with Roses-in-Snow Prepared by Experts from Choicest Ingredients REASONABLE PRICES Plattsmouth Bakery Our Bread Sold at All Grocers Sc Loaf, 2 for 15c Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., aSturday, May 12-13 PHOniE 93 and 95 WE DELIVER A Strawber's Full Red Ripe Arkansas Full Quart Box FLOUR Omar H?BPr.'f??.19c PflFFFF BUTTER-NUT, Drip or Eft, wUrrEC Reg., 2 lb. Tin or Jar. . . vllC FAIRVIEW WORKERS CLUB PnonESSK".0,,,K.,".???..15o A HEW POTATOES Calif. White Shafters 10-lb. Bag for 2Qc 7 D1I6IFIC Thompson Seedless llttltf 11119 3-lb. Cello Bag, 21c BANANAS SsarvJT- iE"! . .6c PI HEAPPLE ilV&'ilL 1 0c Per Crate of 36, $2.98 Buy them Nowl A LETTUCE Solid, Crisp Lge size Heads Ssea. GRAPEFRUIT JRS s?!".e.s.s...25c A ORANGES Sunkist Navels Sweet, Juicy Lge. Size, Doz. 2s OfinP! Tomatoes or Green Beans OQ trUllli No. 2 Cans 4for9C PORK & BEANS JKS5 Jfcu.r.25e Windmill Brand Large No. 2V2 Cans. PDAPrfirnc 1-b-box and Buttep91p ullftlmtLlld Cup Cookies, both.. 31 Waldorf Regular 38c Value. I EPIftNC SUNKIST, 300 Size Fresh, Juicy. Doz. 25c COOKIES Kamo Spotlight Marshmallows and Cremes 2 lbs. 25c 71 SODA WATER Lu!!,e3s2Tfo?! . 25c Your Choice Plus Bottle Deposit. sugar sasriss. ss. . . . . . 50c MILK Kamo V&JT. 25c OATMEAL ?Rara. PLg.Buo. . .1 9c r.lULLEU'S r.lEAT DEPARTr.lEfJT Phone 95 and 83. We have Four Deliveries Daily 8:30 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. BEEF ROAST, extra fancy quality, lb 18 PLATE BOIL, 3 lbs. for 25 BEEF STEAK, Shoulder, lb.. 20 HAMBURGER FRESH CUT 2 lbs. 25c PORK STEAK FRESH, LEAN LEG OF LAMB, per lb 23 LAMB CHOPS, per lb 23c VEAL BROWNIES, per lb 25 BEEF TENDERETTES, per lb. v ... .30$ PORK TENDERETTES, per lb A.... 30 Pioneer Sliced IBASkJ 5 lb. Box . . 7.c We also Carry a Full Line of Cold Meats and Freshly Dressed Chickens The Fairview Workers club held their April meeting at the home of Mrs. Phillip Tritsch, with Mrs. May nard Tritsch as assistant hostess. The program was conducted by Mrs. Ernest Ilild and Mrs. Glen Wet enkamp. Most of the members were present and one visitor. Prizes for contests were won by Mrs. Elizabeth Stohl nan and Mrs. Glen Wetenkamp. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Buechler, with a covered dish luncheon. a few hours. Mr. Moody has exten sive land interests in Iowa and re ports that in his section of that state there has been excellent rainfall, a five inch rain falling just before he came to Nebraska, where he was greatly surprised to find such dry conditions prevailing. VISIT IN IOWA II. L. Moody, of near Winfield, Iowa, who has been visiting at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Kendall, of near Union, was in the city Saturday for NOTICE TO GARAGE MEN Next Saturday, May 13 at 1:00 P. M. Regular Sale Day at the Plattsmouth Sale Barn WE WILL SELL A Complete Line o Garage Tools for Mr. Krecklow of Manley He is quitting business and we will sell the entire lot of hi3 tools. Besides this, we will have a general sale! KARL GROSSHAHS, Mgr. 1 m m I rill r c - i mm mm mm m m m I -7 ( ( Si If t J F I F 9 1 'ar I I A r.. ? -7 AN v - v Men! Monday's the Day! Put your old felt on the shelf and step out in a new straw from SOENNICHSEN'S. Come in today and see our grand collection of new straws! Choose yours early while selections and sizes are complete. The straw illustrated above is a "once-in-a-life-time" buy washable bankoo with perforated air-cooled crown, "Sweatcraft" sweat and grosgrain ribbon band. 0 Our low price Men's Straw Hats $2,-45 Porous, washable 'Kooler Bankok straw in populai surf shape ! Grosgrain ribbon band and perfor ated leather sweat! Men's Straw Sailors One of the most popular straw hats we carry, at an unusually low price! 'Flexo' head conforming insert assures perfect fit. 'Sweatcraft' sweat. Men's White Oxfords 8 j $.98 Cool and comfortable for summer! Sport style with thick crepe rubber soles. Comfortable medium toe. A gTand value at this price! Men's Slade Socles 8ML '"' Men's Sportswear $09. K i ml hL M il I SHIRTS and SLACKS $2-45 per set SHIRTS of cool, comfortable crash In 2-color plaids. Pocket and short sleeves. SLACKS Sanforized 99 shrinkproof ! Light weight summer suitings, bar tacked. $2.4 5 a net. Lastex top! Light colors with white heel and toe. WHITE BELTS Genuine bridle cowhide. Sizes 32 to 40. fJAn Extra value PU' Boys' Belts 25 ashablc Slaclts Vat Dyed Patterns- Sanforized Men's Sizes $1.25 Boys' Sizes . ; 90 Elastic Back, Self Belt Sport Shirts Men's and Soys' Sizes A O f Cool and comfortable! Each GDIrOOOliT Cass County's Largest Store, Plattsmouth, Nebr. Oil I I n 7s- VA h 1 googooooopoooooooooooocopoooooooc