PACE SIX ' 1 1 PIATT SHOUTS RTWT . WEEKLY JOTOHAL THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1929. HERE FROM ILLINOIS From TuJ"day's Dally Miss Ella Lotz of Lockport. Illinois, arrived this morning on the early Burlington train from the east and will visit here at the home of her nie-ce, Mrs. R. A. Bates and enjoying a short vacation. Phone Printing orders to No. 6. RETURNS FROM OMAHA Mrs. Verna Fillmore has returned from Omaha, where she was enjoy ing the Golden Spike celebration as a guest of her niece. Miss Margaret Squires at the Irwin hotel. Mrs. O. Sandin and daughter, Miss Anna May, were also guests of Miss Squires. RETURN TO CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Edmund W. Scotten and Mrs. F. C. Weber of Chicago, who were visiting at Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Murphy and here with Miss Margaret Scotten, departed Sunday for their home. While here they had the pleasure of meeting many of the old time friends. uner s Forward March! These de licious Kuner Canned Foods are on parade ready to march from our shelves to your pantry! Kuner's Pro ducts are famous for their high quality. And at our low prices, are very economical! Buy in quantities and save more! (See our circular for additional KUNER Values). KIM:R TKXDRIl CtHDEX PEAS No. 303 Cans. .2 for Dozen cans, 9133 No. 2 Can, 14 le Dozen. $1.59 2 for 23c Kt'XKR'S Fnney Oram Style . tirnt or Owltlrn Ilantam CORN No. 2 Cans 3 for Dozen cans, $1.15 2QC KI AKH'S K.CV KRAUT No. 2'2 Cans. .3 for Dozen cans, 95 HI Klt'S SOMIJ PACK TOMATOES No. 303 Cans. .3 for Dozen cans, 89 25c 25c Kl'XF.R'S Mllr High Ilrand Cut Wax or (irra BEANS No. 2 Cans 3 for Dozen cans, 95 25c KIXEIl'S FAXCV Tom. Juice Giant 50-oz. Can. . Dozen cans, $2.25 10c Kl'XEIVS FAXCV ClT WAX or Green Beans No. 2 Cans .2 for Dozen cans, $1.33 2Jc Kt XER'S MILK HIGH 1)11.1. PICKLES Quart Jars. . . .2 for Dozen jars, 91.45 25c BeeS HaGtt . .2c Trndrr, Juicy, I'. S. Gradrd lirr-t Shoulder Cot. IHIaIml3sTlBDrgelr, L.SDC Frrahly Ground Beef Cut. eeS Heairtts u. . 2c You UK, Trndrr. Cn rvi Fresh Picnics -vlp J I (Shank End) , lb.. J f (Q J2 V xiutb ijiiu vuto, ty Choice, Ira n w lW W join or -XHme, 10. j Tender Sound, Sir loin or T-Bone, lb Trodrr I". S. Gradrd Ileef, Cheese tLA.?,,r.'?!?.!': r. .35c Minced Cudahy's Quality, 2 lbs... 25c TC7f 5 " FISH, Headless, Dres'd aa vmisng 15-ib. box. 95c: 3 ibs...zoc TDnESTO A T0TIDTT PJe w FttafteG IT. S. No. 1 Louisiana mtti Bed Triumphs 10 lbs.. . g(C ILetiitimceiPerTa-d ..bc Large 5-Dozen Size Heads Fresh California Green-Top Can Them Now! Cuban. Per Crate of 36 Fancy, Fresh $2.90 Each. Jew (SalblbagG Fresh, Solid Green jf California, lb. JC ipaipeffffmfitl; for, 2Sc Florida Marsh Seedless, 86 Size. Fancy California Full Pods Standard Quality TOMATOES NO. 2 Cans . 4 for 25c Sailor Sliced PEARS No. 2i2 Cans (In Syrup) 2 for 25c Sunrise Brand Peanut Butter 2-lb. Jar 21c True American MATCHES 6 Box Carton Apple Butter Mi Choice Brand fl I q 2-lb. Jar Big 'R' Brand Grapefruit juice 46-oz. Cans .2 for 29' Pure Strained HONEY 5-lb. Pail Avalon Whole Unpeeled APRICOTS No. 2y2 Can Miller's Crispy Corn Flakes Large Pkgs 5C eled 15c 2 for 15c Choice Blenheim Dried Apricots or Fancy Mixed Dried Fruits 2 lbs. 29c Sunsweet. Prunes LARGE SIZE Mb. Pkg., 10$ -fl TOp 2-ib. pkg. JL a Shredded Wheat Reg. Pkgs., 2 for SUNRISE SWEET, MILD COFFEE Mb., 15; 3 lbs. ROYAL BRAND FLOUR 48-lb. Sack Coronet FLOUR 48-lb. Bag 23c MILD 6C ...99c Heinz Ketchup Large 14-oz. f Bottle JL d Heinz Pickles Fresh Cucumber fl QhQ Style. 24-oz. Jar JL 7 Heinz Vinegar Pure Cider or White fl Quart Bottle JL U 10 Giant Bars . . . Crystal WEaate Goap i Palmolive Goap 5e?ourap. .B?. 17c Can Cleans and Opens Drains, can 20C Galad Dressing gtT. 33c Luti FSalieo &wlnAFu??!n?! .22c Lun Toilet Goap Sr.ffr? 2Sc Pillcbuiiry'G Flour U '& ..01.59 TOlHatO GOISP Van Camp's, IOV2-OZ. cangC Gold DUSt Washing Powder, large Pkg..7C Bran Flakes, -Kay Rog. Pkgs. 25c Eten-L-Ration F.?D:.1.:,.b: . . .ISc Geminole Tissue '&Ts.o:r. .tilt 25c Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri-Sat.. May 5-6. 'Buttcur-Nut 2I7I7ISIS Specially Mellowed (Regular or Drip Grind) 2SC 1-lb. Can or Glass Jar 2-lb. Can or Glass Jar PAID FOE POULTRY EGGS CREAM We are in the Market for Springs Special Prices Open Every Evening Bring In Your Produce! HOME DAIRY Conveniently Located 5th and Main Center of Business Section BARN BURNED TO GROUND The large barn and garage at the farm of Fred Campbell, south of this city, was destroyed by fire last night at 10 o'clock and with the loss of one of the horses as well as oats, corn and hay in the barn at the time, the garage was also burned to the ground. The fire was discovered when a email child that had retired noticed the light and called the family's at tention to it and it was discovered that the fire had a good start. One horse was saved from the ctable but the spread of the flames made it impossible to secure the other Animal which perished. The auto and truck were also saved from the garage before it was consumed. 1 Neighbors responded to the fire call but there was little that could be done to check the spread of the flames through the doomed struc tures. The barn was the property of Mrs Maggie Gobelman, owner of the farm and had some insurance. ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES From M nday's Dally A number of the county officials and friends of the John E. Turner family were at Elm wood this after noon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ann Turner, grandmother of the county treasurer. Among those going were Register of Deeds Ray F. Beck er, Clerk of the District Court C. E. Ledgway, County . Superintendent Lora Lloyd Kieck and E. H. Wescott. TO HOLD COURT TUESDAY District Judge WVW. Wilson will be here Tuesday, M&y 9th to hold a session of the district court and will take up at that time the case of S. S. Davis, administrator vs. J. W. Philpot. The case Is one that it is xpected will cover several days as there is a great deal of documentary evidence to be offered in the case. SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Friends' will be pleased to learn that E. p. Schulhof, one of the highly esteemed residents of the city, is showing some improvement at the St. Joseph hospital at Omaha where he is under treatment. Mr. Schulhof is able to be up and around and en Joy a part of the day in the open In the grounds of the hospital. (Poultry I7anied FrL, Sat., Mon. HENS 5 lbs. and up, lb 14 Under 5 lbs,, per lb 13 Leghorn Hens, lb. .....lip BROILERS White or Buff, lb 17 (Full Feathered) Colored and Leghorns. . . 15p OLD ROOSTERS, lb.... 7 Baby Ghix White Rocks - White Wyndts. English White Leghorns Buff Orpingtons Reds and Barred Rocks Buff Rocks ALL ARE "TRIPPLE A" STOCK Price per Hundred Chlx available Mon. and Thurs. You must Order in Advance WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR Cream, Eggs, Wool and Hides A Convenient. Dependable Cash Service. We appreciate your busi-i ness and strive to please you I !A. R. .CASE -1 Phone 238-JL Plattsmouth l FREE PARKING LOT IN REAR OF OUR STORE WATCHMAN TO GUARD YOUR CAR GOLD-TOST COM TIME liiii I WUI1T V WuMO'Um I O Lik the modern airplane, builders, IGA is always searching for new was to reduce ..wasted effort and step up efficiency in order to better serve you IGA Stores measure right up to the minute ! KftAKLKRISP Wheat Flalies GOLD-TOST Wheat Puffs . GOLD-TOST Hice Puffs Bran Flafces QS Q2 9 Edwards Assorted Home Made Chocolates 4 Re 1-lb. Box JISW Zion Chocolate Covered Mint Patties ozc 1-lb. Box FRESH OREGON Prunes fin No. 22 Cans.. 2 for FAIR PLAY WHOLE Apricots UCr No. 2V2 Can. JL2J IGA RED CAP Olives OKp Per Jar OUR JOY Catsup nc 14-oz. Bottle V" Peanut Butter IGA RED CAP 4 ftp 1-lb. Jar AVC Apple Butter i.r;r m Casco Butter SOLIDS 1- lb. Carton Wilson's Certified Cheese Toc 2- lb. Box 3jyw Oxydol Large Size, each... Giant Size, 59c FREE Pint Bottle Hilex with Qt. Bottle at.. IGA BRAND White Haptha Soap OQc 2ic i 9 2Sc 8 Giant Bars. o 3 Bars IGA Lye 3 Cans for. . . LIGHTHOUSE Cleanser 3 for Elf , . 17c 2ic ...10c Soap Chips 5-lb. Box KLEN QUIK 29c LULU BELLE Country Gentleman Corn No. 2 Tin 3 for Pork & Beans AMOUR'S HflC No. 2'2 cans. each. . HUW FIRST PRIZE Hominy 9C 3 No. 2Vz Cans ' Lewis Lye OCn 3 Cans for Ai' Tomato Juice 50-oz. Tin NEBIA ASSORTED Jellies Per Jar Honey Per Comb SHURFINE Beverages 3 Giant 32-oz. Bot. (Plus Deposit) .IQc 15c 15c 25c MEW-TASTE SENSATION Special Demonstration .MARTINI CRACKERS Butter Cooliies 2 Reg. Boxes 25c Large Dox FRUITS & VEGETABLES RED TRIUMPH Hew Potatoes, 10 lbs FRESH, FULL RED Radishes, 3 bunches LARGE and MEDIUM SIZE Oranges, doz. . . . 29c and FRESH, FULLY RIPE Pineapple, 2 for. . FANCY YELLOW RIPE ( Bananas, 4 lbs. or . . : LARGE SIZE Grapefruit, 6 for FRESH, HOME GROWN fjf Asparagus, per bunch 7 2C FANCY ICE BERG Head Lettuce, 2 for FRESH PEAS AND BEANS STRAWBERRIES S5c 10c 19c 25c 25c 25c 15c Gooch's Best Flour 48-lb. bag . in a Calico Bag TRIUMPH Flour 48-lb. Bag Oleomargarine SAVORY ORC 2 lbs. for.... tJ)' $1.21 ..90c BAKER'S Cocoa 16-oz. Tin 14c Marshmallows FRESH, FLUFFY fl Rp 1-lb. Cello Pkg Wheatics 2 Pkgs. for One Box Horn Kix FREE! 25c EEF TOAST Choice Corn Fed Shldr., lb. . WILSON'S KING KORN SUGAR CURED 3-1 b. Pieces and Up. Not Sliced. Per lb... MBNCEGHAM Wasons Sb BACON POTO CIHIOIPS Choice, lib WUE ILATO Wilsons, ...10c ...25c a a HEINZ CHOICE QUALITY BULK Dill Pickles, 4 for. . WILSON'S (Not Sliced) Bacon Squares, lb.. EVERYBODY LIKES MOCK Chicken Legs, 6 for So FULL PINT JARS of Pickled Pigs Feet. FRESH (3-lb. Pieces and Up) Pork Roast, lb. . . . FRESH Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. . . . 18 c ...15c ..25c FRESH CAT FISH FRESH DRESSED YOUNG HENS PICKLED FISH AD FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We TOTlnrfofV fl SVVuOs Phono Deliver 2Ja3Li0?i V V UUii ibKS 23-24 Unexcelled Delivery Service! Six outgoing trips daily. Truck leaves store for territory north, of Main street at 8:30, 10:45, 1:30 and 4:30 for territory south, of Main street at 9:30 and 3:00 o'clock.