MONDAY, APRIL 24. 1929. PAGE SIX PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI - WEEEL? JOURNAL SOCIAL From Thursday's Paily Celebrates Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John T. Torter, re ndins? ia the south part of the city, observed their thirty-ninth wedding anniversary Wednesday at their home and in which the members of their family here joined with them. Miss Jessie Fleming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fleming, and John T. IVrter, were married on April 19. 19'0. at the home of the bride's parents, three miles south west cf Murray. Rev. Taylor Sur face, a well known U. B. minister of Mynard and Union performed the Keck Bones OCc Fresh, Meaty, 7 lbs. Pork Liver fc Tasty, Tender, lb AW Pork Hocks ijflc Tasty, Meaty, lb JJ Hamburger Freckly Ground Beef Cuts. 2 lbs. for 4 W Minced Luncheon Cudahy's Quality 2 lbs. for A3)' Salmon or Sable ' Fish Oflc Sliced or Piece, 2 lbs.A Big Brand Grapefruit Juice S2 for 29c Sailor Sliced PEARS (In Syrup) L 2 for 25c Phillips Delicious PORK & BEANS .6for29 Pioneer Vacuum Packed COFFEE QQn 1-lb. Glass Jar Genuine Hed Eiver U. S. No. 1 Delicious, Sweet Strawberries Eed Eipe, Louisiana's QE? finest. 2 boxes AD Seed Potatoes No. 1 Early Ohios C-tf AO 100-lb. Bag XOT (Wt. Net when Packed) Fresh, Green Top Carrots Large Bunch 3r Cabbage cc Fresh, Solid, per lb Fresh, Solid California Iceberg Head Lettuce Large, 5-Dozen Size JLp Heads. Per head W Juicy California Sunkist Oranges Seedless Navels Om Medium Size, doz Ail .Flambeau Soaked PEAS Jc No. 2 Can P Choice Blenheim Dried Apricots or Fancy Mixed Dried Big 4 White Naptha SOAP QQc 10 Giant Bars ftPLP Champion High Test Eegular Can f Big 4 Soap FLAKES ST., 29c True American MATCHES -flCfc 6 Box Carton - ULtP Kershey Bars Milk Chocolate or Almond 9flIC 2 Large Bars & fj) Ad for Plattsmouth, Tnes., Wednes., April 25-26 ceremony. Since that time they have continued to make their home . in Cass county and for many years lived on a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Porter are the parents of eight children, all of whom have grown to manhood and womanhood. Yesterday they had the members of the family present for an anni versary luncheon, which was featured by the large wedding cake baked by Mrs. Arthur Sampson, a daughter. Wednesday Afternoon Club The Wednesday afternoon bridge club met with Mrs. V. V. Ryan. One guest, Mrs. Russell Kunz was pres ent. Mrs. George Jaeger was awarded the first prize, and Mrs. Theodore Ptak second prize. Refreshments were served at the close of the party. Presbyterian Circles The Presbyterian church circles met on Wednesday afternoon at the homes of the various members where a good attendance was reported by all circles. Four guests were present. Circle 1 met at the home of Mrs. George Lushinsky, Mrs. Wylie Sig ler and Mrs. George Fornoff being the associate hostesses. The business meeting was presided over by the circle chairman, Mrs. Leonard Stoehr. The devotionals were led by Mrs. Wylie Sigler. The business meeting was followed by a number of piano accordian selections render ed by Mrs. Henry Nolting. At the conclusion of the meeting refresh ments were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Bertha Shopp entertained circle z ai ner nome, iirs. jouii fenberger, Misses Margaret Hodgert and Olive Jones being the associate hostesses. Mrs. Henry Schneider, circle chairman presided over the meeting. Mrs. S. A. Wiles gave the missionary lesson. During the busi ness hour Rev. H. G. McClusky was present and gave a short talk to the members. The meeting was con cluded with the serving of refresh ments. Circle 3 met with Mrs. Minnie Nolting with Mrs. George Farley and Misses Blanche and Olive Horning as sociates. The business meeting was presided over by the circle chair man, Mrs. H. F. Gansemer. Mrs. Mary Beverage had charge of the missionary program. At the conclu sion of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostesses to the large group present. ' Circle 4 met at the home of Mrs. Carl Schneider. Mrs. Searl S. Davis presided at the business session, and Mrs. Clayton Cross had charge of the missionary lesson. Refreshments were served Immediately following the meeting by the hostess, Mrs. Schneider assisted by Mrs. Floyd Becker and Miss Florene Tritsch. Mrs. Carl Ofe served as hostess to Circle 5 at her home yesterday after noon. The circle chairman, Mrs. Wil liam Schmidtmann, Jr., presided. Mrs. Hilt Martin led the devotionals. This meeting was also concluded with the serving of refreshments by the hostesses, Mrs. Emil Wurl and Mrs. Carl Ofe. Methodist Chnrch Circles The various circles of the Meth odist church met on Wednesday afternoon, each circle meeting at their respective places. The Dorcas circle met at the church parlors with a very good at tendance. The chairman, Mrs. Pete Carr presided at the business meet ing. The devotionals were given by Mrs. Harry White. At the close of the business ses sion Miss Eleanor Giles and Shirley Walling sang some numbers. Following the short program Mrs. Pete Carr served refreshments. Mrs. Adam Kaffenberger entertain ed the Naomi circle at her home, Mrs. Lois Carr having charge of the lesson. The devotionals were led by Mrs. V. T. Am, which was followed by the business meeting. The meeting was followed by a Wednesday SpecnaBs CLEANING & PRESSING Cash and Carry No One Day Service MEN'S 2- Piece Suits 3- Piece Suits Top Coats Felt Hats Any Two Plain Garm'ts $ 1 .00 Any Combination of the Above Garments 9x12 Rugs Cleaned & Sized $2.75 LUGSCH CLEANERS Phone 166 - 416 Main St - Plattsmouth social hour and closed with the serv ing of refreshments by the hostess, Mrs. Adam Kaffenberger assisted by the co-hostesses, Mrs. James Yelick, Mrs. Earl Carr, Miss Marie Kauf mann. The Gleaner's circle was enter tained at the home of Mrs. Don York with eighteen members present. The circle chairman, Mrs. A. H. Duxbury, presided over the meeting. Mrs. George Erinklow led the devo tionals. At the close of the meeting the hostesses, Mrs. Carl Hall, Mrs. Julius Hall, and Mrs. Den York served re7 freshmen ts. From Friday's Daily Thursday Afternoon Club The Thursday afternoon bridge club met at the home of Mrs. W. V. Ryan yesterday afternoon. Three guests, Mrs. Walter H. Smith, Mrs. Walter Tritsch, and Mrs. Waldemar Soennlchsen were present. Mrs. Carl Schneider was awarded the first prize and Mrs. Carl Ofe was given the second prize. At the conclusion of the party re freshments were served by the hos tess, Mrs. Ryan. Delta Deck Club Miss Mathilda Soennichsen enter tained the Delta Deck card ?lub at her home at 811 Main street last evening. One of the members, Mrs. Mollie Gobelman, was present dressed In one of the Golden Spike dresses of 1862, which is a popular fad now existing in Omaha for the preparation of the world premiere of the picture "Union Pacific." The first, second, and third prizes were awarded to Mrs. L. W. Egenber ger. Miss Laura Meisinger, and Miss Amelia Martens respectively. The evening was concluded with the serving of refreshments by the hostess. Two Square Club Mrs. John Bergman was hostess Thursday afternoon to the Two Square club at her home, the event being in the nature of a charmingly three course dinner, given in honor of Mary Ann, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bergman. The tables were arranged in decorations of sweet peas while artistic place cards added a pleasing touch to the set tings. In the serving Mrs. Bergman was assisted by Misses Alice and Mar garet Rea. The ladies also enjoyed the after noon at cards with Mrs. Lester Gay lord winning the first prize; Mrs. Henry Starkjohn, second and Mrs. William H. Woolcott, consolation. The Ace of Spades prize was award ed to Mrs. Frank Rebal. The ladies were delighted to have iss a guest Mrs. Agnes Bach of Omaha, a friend of many years standing. Attend Birthday Party County Register of Deeds Ray F. Becker and Mrs. Becker were guests Thursday evening at a birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruby near Weeping Water, the event being the anniversary of their daugh ter, Miss Thelma. There were some thirty in attendance and the guest of honor received a large number of very attractive gifts. Announce Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Joy G. Andrews of Omaha are announcing the marriage of their daughter. Miss Dorothy Ann Andrews, to Mr. M. R. Lagerstrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lagerstrom of this city. The wedding ceremony was performed at Papillion on August 7, 193S. St. John's Circles The circles of the Altar society of the St. John's church were enter tained Wednesday afternoon at 2 O'clock and each of the three meet ings had a very fine attendance and much interest in the business and so cial features of the event. Circle No. 1 met at the home of LADIES Mannish Suits Pl.l-Pc.Dresses Spring Coats 2 Plain Skirts Mrs. Oscar Sandin with Mrs. Peter Claus, Mrs. Dershell and Mrs. Ben nett. The afternoon was spent in visiting and conversation, with Mrs. Albert Altchaffl receiving the special prize of the afternoon. There were fourteen members and three visitors in attendance. The hostesses served dainty refreshments at an appro priate hour. Circle No. 2 met at the home of Mrs. Ed Ulrich in the counrty and who was assisted by Mrs. Catherine Bintner and Mrs. Sue Strickland. Nineteen were present with one guest. Games served as the diver sion of the atfernoon and in which the prize was awarded to Mrs. Wal ter H. Smith. A much enjoyed lunch eon was served by the hostesses. Circle No. 3 was entertained at the home of Mrs. Ray Bryant, who was assisted by Mrs. Harry Sniffer. Cards and checkers served -to pass the time and Mrs. Emmons Ptak was the winner at pinochle and Mrs. John at Chinese checkers. Refresh ments closed the afternoon. Sextette Pinochle Club Albin Chovanec and Frapk Aschen- brenner entertained the Sextette Pin ochle club at the Frank Chovanec home last evening. One guest, Henry Krejci was present at the club's semi monthly activity. The group indulged in playing pinochle during the evening. At the conclusion of the party re freshments were served by Miss Lil lian Chovanec. sister of one of the hosts. The club will meet again on Fri day evening. May 5 at the home of Matthew Sedlak, with John Slatinsky as assistant host. ' P. E. 0. Meeting: Chapter, F, P.E.O. met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Goos at 2:45. A large group of the members were present at the regular business session. The business meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. P. T. Heineman. Mrs. J. E. Wiles led the devotionals during the afternoon. The general theme of the meeting was on International Relations." Group singing, consisting of patriotic songs in observance of the event. Was held. Milo Price, social science instruc tor in the Plattsmouth high school, was the guest speaker. He address ed the group on "international Re lations," a topic chosen in keeping with the theme of the society's after noon program. The business and social meeting was concluded with the serving of re freshments by the hostess. Entertain at Scavenger Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kriskey served as host and hostess to a group of young people, comprising eight couples, at a scavenger hunt party rhursday evening, April 0. The time was spent profitably in enjoying a jolly good time anion; the group and the evening was concluded with a luncheon. The following young people were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kriskey: Har- ley Minniear, Jacqueline Grassman, Mr. and Mrs. Bronson Timm, Roy Turner, Veda Capps, Robert Slavicek, Jeanette HIrz, Vincent Kelley, Laura Mrasek, Mark. Wieckhorst, Beatrice Am, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bourne. Honor Miss Diehm On Friday evening Mrs. J. C. Low- con entertained at a six o'clock birth day dinner In honor of Miss Selma Diehm. A delicious three-course din ner was served. - Those who comprised the party were: Misses Agnes Muenster, Jane Oakes, Dorothy Clock, Ellen Ubben. Evelyn Ripa, Sylvia Korbel, Florence Bieghley Garnette Clare, Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Lowson, Florence, Ruth and Aileen Lowson and the honor ue3t. The party was a complete surprise to Miss Diehm, which made the event even more enjoyable, The guest of honor received a num ber of lovely gifts as remembrances of the occasion. TO VISIT AT COLUMBIA Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt de parted Friday afternoon for Colum bia, Missouri, where they will visit their daughter. Miss Frances, over the week end holiday. They drove as far as St. Joseph, last evening where they were the guests of friends and today continued on to Columbia. Miss Frances Cloidt, the daughter, is a student at Stephens college. CAST IN D0ANE PLAY Joe Hendrlx, junior at Doane Col lege, is a member of the cast of "Outward Bound," the last produc tion of the Doane Players to be pre sented this season. The author, Sut ton Vane, is famous for his unusual plots and characters, and the dra matic appeal and beautiful phil osophy make It an excellent play. PLAN FOR MUSIC WEEK The Plattsmouth Woman's club is sponsoring the observance of Nation al Music Week, May 7-13, as pro moted by the National Music Week committee of New York City. Spon sors for this observance include Ne braska's own governor, R. L. Coch ran. Dr. Reuben T. Shaw, president of the N.E.A., Mrs. J. K. Pettengill, National Council of Tarents and Teachers, Edwin Hughes, president of National Music Teacher associa tion, Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, presi dent of the general Federation of Women's clubs and a host of other presidents of groups of distinguished people. Emphasis i3 being placed on group performance this year. Articles will appear in the Jour nal from time to time explaining more fully the plans of the commit tee who ask for the co-operation of every citizen in Plattsmouth in the observance of National Music Week, May 7-13. Music Committee, Platts mouth Woman's club, Mrs. Hilt Wes cott, Mrs. Lowell S. Devoe, Mrs. Roy Knorr, co-operating with Mr. Peter Gradoville of the Recreation Center. OLD RESIDENT VISITS CITY Mr. and Mrs. George McCavigan of Kansas City arrived Wednesday to spend some time here visiting with a rilimber of the relatives and the old time friends of years ago. Mr. Mc Cavigan was an employe of the Bur lington here for a great many years and will be remembered by the older residents as will Mrs. McCavigan. Mrs. McCavigan is a sister of Wil liam Schmidtmann, Sr., and was a sis ter of the late Mrs. Gl G. Pitz and Mrs. John Ledgway. Mrs. Fannie Haybiddle cf the Nebraska Masonic home is also a cousin of Mr. Mc Cavigan. ATTEND LIBRARY MEETING From Thursday's Daily Mrs. P. T. Heineman and Miss Verna Leonard motored to Nebraska City this afternoon where they at tended the district meeting of the Nebraska Library Association. Miss Leonard, local librarian, served as a guest speaker during the afternoon, her topic for discussion being "New Books for Adults." SHOWING IMPROVEMENT The many friends of Mrs. E. M. Godwin will be pleased to learn that she has so much improved that she is now able to be up and around with assistance. Her (condition was very critical for some time and it is a great pleasure to the family and friends that she has been able to show this improvement. RETURNS FROM 0ZARKS From Thursday's Daily Mrs. E. G. Ofe returned home last evening after spending the past ten days in the Ozarks where she visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McBride. En route home she also stopped at St. Louis, Mo., where she visited with friends and relatives. POTATOES LOOK GOOD W. O. Troop was in the city Thurs day where he attended to matters of business and visited with a num ber of his friends and relatives. Mr. Troop reported that his first crop of potatoes that he planted some time back have large sprouts and are maturing quite rapidly. TO UNDERGO HOSPITALIZATION Mrs. Cleo Stones or this city was taken to the Anton Kani hospital where she was placed for treatment and observation. Mrs. Stones has not been in the best of health and it was necessary for her to undergo hos pitalization. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Sommerville. of Hugo, Colorado, are here for a visit at the home of County Treasurer and Mrs. John E. Turner, the latter a sister of Mrs. Sommerville. They are returning to their home in the west after a motor trip to the east. TOP PEN PAID FOR POULTRY EGGS CREAM We are in the Market for Springs Special Prices s Open Every Evening Bring In Your Produce! HOME DAIRY j Conveniently Located 5th and Main 1 Center of Business Section 0 From Thursday's Dally C. E. Rutledge of Lincoln was a guest of Pete Carr today. Mrs. Lora Lloyd Kieck, county superintendent, Mrs. Fred Lugsch and Mrs. Henry Starkjohn, were at Lincoln Wednesday for a few hours visiting with friends. II. A. Schneider, president of the Plattsmouth State bank war. at Lin coln Wednesday where he visited for a few hours with County Treasurer John E. Turner at the U. S. Veter ans' hospital. From Friday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Twiss and L. J. Mayfield of Louisville, were here to day to spend a few hours and look after some matters of importance. From Saturday's Daily Miss Gertrude Cloidt motored to Omaha where she will spend the week end visiting with her friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Busche of Louisville, were here Friday after coon to visit with their old time friends and looking after some mat ters of business. Cyril Kalina departed this morn ing for Lincoln to visit his son. Ed win, student at the University of Ne braska and to look over the spring football practice of the Huskers. CEDAR CREEK TREE PLANTERS Our club met at the home of Dona delle and Kathleen Larson, Friday night, April 21. All were present ex cept two. We discussed the'subject of mounting twigs. Our leader Lester Wagoner gave us the cardboard for mounting the twigs. Bonadelle and Kathleen Larson, Shirley Meisinger, Shirley Chamberlain, Hugh Stander, Robert Schneider and Robert Wag oner are to march in the parade for Golden Spike days at Omaha Friday, April 28. Our next meeting will be held at the home of Shirley Cham berlain on May 5. REPORTER. HERE FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rakow of Marysville, California, are here for a visit at the home of Mr. Rakow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Rakow and with the other relatives. They have been located for the past few years in the vicinity of California where they have found a very pleas ant place of residence. FIND CHIEF IMPROVED Friends were at Omaha Wednes day afternoon to call on Chief of Police William M. Barclay at the Clarkson hospital. They found him feeling better and quite cheerful. Mr. Barclay is recovering from a very severe operation and while he has shown excellent progress the course of recovery has been quite tiring on the patient. WILL PRESENT PLAY The Luther League of the Eight Mile Grove church will present a three-act play, "Don't Darken My Door on Thursday evening, April 27th. at 8 o'clock at the church par lors. Admission Adults, 25c; Chil dren 10c. a24-ltw-3td NEW WAY Phone 05-93 We Deliver Ad for Tues., Wed., April 25 and 26 Carrots Large Bunches, 2 for. Radishes ((lc Fresh, Crisp. 3 Bunches Celery if c Florida Pascal Stock Oranges ?Oc Calif. Sunkist 252's. Doz w Matches llgc G-Box Carton Graham Crax -flQc A-l. 2-lb. Caddy MULLEN'S DEPARTMENT Phone 95-93 We Deliver Ad for Tues., Wed., April 25 and 26 AMERICAN or BRICK Cheese AZc 2-lb. Box Jm" Veal Brownies Ofjc Try them. Per lb Oleomargarine gc Clover Blossom. Per lb or., uid Resident Here, Passes On Dies Friday at Omaha Hospital After Long Period of 111 Health Operated on Monday. The death of Andrew Rabb, Sr., 77, a resident of Plattsmouth for many years, occurred on Friday at an Omaha hospital where he has been for the past week and where he was operated on Monday for gall stones. Mr. and Mrs. Rabb made their home here for many years in the west part of the city and during the long years of their residence here made many friends who will regret to learn cf the passing of this old friend and neighbor. While here Mr. Rabb was engaged in working for the Burlington in the local shops and later with the Mis souri Pacific until his advancing years made necessary his retirement from active duties. Six years ago Mr. and Mrs. Rabb moved to Omaha where their children had located and since that time they have made their home In that city. Mr. Rabb is survived by his widow, Theresa; sons, Andrew, Jr., Thomas, Fred; daughters. Mrs. Otto Kruger, Mrs. Edward Vejvoda, Mrs. Mike Opperman, Mrs. Louise Schmader, Mrs. Louis Frady; fifteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, all of Omaha. One brother, ThomaB, of California also survives. The body is at the Kunold mor tuary to await the funeral arrange ments. The services and burial will be in Omaha. From Saturday's Dally John Cloidt. Jr., Creighton Uni versity student at Omaha, attended the ball at Peony Park last evening sponsored by the Tri-Lang club of Creighton University of which he Is a member. Black &t"Jhitell This Ad for Tues. and Wed. Our Delivery Service: Six out going trips daily. Truck leaves the store for territory north of Main street at 8:30, 10:45, 1:30 and 4:30. For territory south of Main street at 9:30 and 3:00. ' Phone your order! IGA BRAND White Naptha Soap 27c 8 Giant Bars Energy Bleach Gallon Size, 49c f2C Quart bottle ...... .Ar Chore Girl Qc Household aid. Each. V Woodbury's Soap 3 Bars for 25c 10o Bottle Hand Lotion FREE Tomato Juice VAN CAMP'S 50-oz. Tin . 3LQc Orange Juice PAR GOLD flQp 46-oz. Tin JL17 Texan Grapefruit Juice flRc No. 2 Cans 2 for FRESH Prunes 80-100 size. 4 lbs... 25c POST TOASTIES or IGA Corn Flakes OCZo Lge. Size, 3 for Peanut Butter TASTEWELL OT0 32-oz. Jar eat Department FEESH Pork Roast Hfc 3 lbs. up. Lb. AUW Bacon Squares Not Sliced. rn Per lb. JiUC PICKLED Pigs Feet flop J p H - Pint Jar 44. w -