The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 24, 1939, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    IIONDAY. APP.I1 24, 1929.
Cass County
Auxiliary Units
to Meet Here
Spring Meeting Wednesday Covered
Dish Luncheon at Noon Milo
Price Guest Speaker
American Legion Auxiliary units
of Cass county will hold their spring
meeting in Plattsmouth Wednesday,
April 2G, beginning with a covered
dish luncheon at the noon hour. The
luncheon and afternoon business ses
sions will be held at the American
Legion community building.
Last year's spring meeting was
held at Louisville and the fall meet
ing at "Weeping "Water.
Mrs. Roy Comstock of Greenwood
is county chairman. New officers are
elected at the spring meetings.
Plattsmouth unit will provide the
meat dish, rolls, coffee and cream,
while visiting groups will furnish
ether portions of the noon-day meal.
The theme of the business meet
ing is "Conservation," a subject of
particular interest to Legion posts
and Auxiliary units this month that
brings us Arbor Day and the urge to
plant trees.
Mrs. Eugene Nutzman, of Ne-
hawka, the district president, will be
among the guests. Units at Nehawka,
Weeping Water, Elmwood, Green
wood and Louisville are expected to
be represented.
Milo Price, History, instructor in
riattsmouth high school will be the
guest speaker of the afternoon.
touching on world conditions of to
day and the conservation theme as
Grace M. Matous, 22, of 3201 De
catur street, Omaha, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Matous. formerly
of this city, died Wednesday after
noon at an Omaha hospital after an
illness of two months. She has been
instructor in the commercial depart
ment of the Benson high school since
Miss Matous formerly resided at
Havelock where her parents moved
from Plattsmouth, being born and
reared in that city, the family mov
ing to Omaha in 1923. She was a
graduate of Creighton university and
taught in the s:hools at Minden
and Orleans before coming to the
Benson school.
She is survived by her parents;
sister, Mrs. Wililam Beck, of Omaha.
Mrs. George Tartsch, of this city,
Mrs. Marie Hoffman, of Los Angeles
and Mrs. Mike Warga, Jr., of Have
lock are aunts of the deceased.
The Mynard Community lub will
meet Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The
east side committee will furnish the
Truck Owners
Your trucks can be loaded with
dry sand or dry sand-gravel at our
plant in LESS than one minute.
Can arrange night service.
Saving in truck time reduces
your cost per ton mile haul.
Beli Gravel Go.
P. 0. Box 295 Telephone 4113
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
mo F1HE
Saturday Afternoon
April 29th
The Hill Chick Truck will be
at our place of business with
several hundred chicks of all
250 Wh. Rock Chix
A New Vista of
Summer Fashions
Mixtures, Plaids, and a Wide Array
cf Plain Colors in the New
Wearing AppareL
New Suits . . New Coats . . New
Dresses . . and New Millinery!
Plenty of black, plenty of navy,
mixtures, plaids, new colors! With
almost every express delivery, new
summer fashions are pouring in to
eager patrons.
You'll revel in the newness and
freshness of this new collection.
Be you 1C or ;G0, or wear size 9 or
4 6, you will find it fun to pick out
your coat, suit, dress or hat at the
Ladies Toggery, the Shop of Per
sonal Service. So come in today
Smart washable Cotton Frocks at
91.00, $1.95 and $2.95. Little
Sister Wash Frocks, sizes 4 to 1C,
Tor only 91. OO.
Full-fashioned Silk Hose. Your
choice of size and color, 69 and
New Wash Blouses, $1.00. New
Sweaters with boat neck, ask to see
them for only $1.00.
New slacks and farmerettes, all
sizes and colors, a regular $1.95
value for only $1.00.
Just arrived a new shipment of
Rayon Satin Princess Slips, black,
navy and tea rose a very outstand
ing value for only 9 LOO.
This store open Wednesday even
Shop of Personal Service
The Social Circle club met April
1 1th at the home of Mrs. Will Cook
with Mrs. Bruce Wolf assisting as
hostess. This was an afternoon meet
ing with most of the members pres
ent. Everyone was pleased and sur
prised to see Mrs. Roy Becker present
after the long illness and little Mary
Ann Becker was greeted into the club
with great pleasure. The birthday
3ong was sung for little Harold
Gobelman and little Tommy Wolf,
also for the members whose birthdays
came in April. A short business ses
sion was held and plans for the
forthcoming achievement day pro
Cram to be held at Nehawka were
made. The club songs were sting and
the afternoon ended with a delight
ful lunch of fruit salad with whip
ped cream, cake, cookies and coffee,
Easter eggs and a bunny rabbit as
favors, in keeping with Easter. There
were three visitors present, Mrs. Moss
McCarroll, Mrs. Wayne Atkley and
.Hiss Violet Axline. Everyone enjoy
ed the afternoon immensely, and the
next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Art Pearsley with Mrs.
Ezra Albin assisting.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotner were
at Tarkio Thursday where they at
tended the Tarkio-Peru track meet
to witness the triumph of Tarkio by
the score of 74-C2. They also were
pleased to see the fine record made
by their son, Donald and Stuart Por
ter in the various events for the Tar
kio team.
Porter was first in the shot put,
forty feet seven and a half inches.
and was first in the discs, 130 feet
and three inches.
Cotner was tied for first with
Mather of Peru in the broad jump.
at twenty-three feet five inches. Cot
ner has kept first in the events that
he has entered in this class. In the
100 yard dash Cotner was second in
the spirited sprint with Mather of
Peru taking the first place.
The Plattsmouth Creamery is local
dealer for Roscoe Hill Hatchery Egg
Bred chicks, Lincoln. Hybrids, Sexed
Chicks. 3c up. a6-tfw
Sweet Clover, $3.95 bu. Purity
99V2, Germination 92. Yellow, $4.35.
Alfalfa, $12.50. Cobblers. $1.50 cwt.
Sudan, $3.70. Brome, $16.75.
JOHNSON BROS., Nebr. City.
FOR SALE Cross Bred Corn, ten
varieties of yellow, all grown in sep
arate fields, then shelled, graded and
blended as one variety. We think
this will give you as good a yield or
better than hybrid. Also white cob
white corn. Germination, 9S. Price
91.50 a bushel. Sweet Clover, White
Blossom, 93.60 "bushel." 960 hybrid.
95.00 a bushel, if you want it!
alO Murray, Nebr.
AIvo News
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright spent
Sunday at the Ellis Mickle home.
Mrs. Buehlerwas on the sick list
this week, but is feeling much bet
ter again.
Mrs. Rehmeier called on relatives
and friends while in Omaha Wed
nesday and Thursday morning.
Mis. Frank Taylor entertained the
local chapter of the Royal Neighbors
at her home Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Carrie Appleman returned to
Lincoln last week from New York,
where she had spent several months
with her daughter, Mrs. Gladys
Mrs. Betty Appleman of Lincoln
v. as on the sick list this week and
was unable to accompany the Read
ing club members to Malcolm Thurs
day for the club meeting with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hardnock drove
to Lincoln Wednesday afternoon to
call on Mrs. Lauren Mickle of Den
ton, who is at the St. Elizabeth hos
pital for treatment. They also called
on Mrs. Chris Hansen of Lincoln, a
niece of Mr. Hardnock.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherell Fifer will
make their home in a few weeks in
the vacant house on the Hoffman
farm that was formerly the Orville
Quellhorst home. This house, which
is a nice little bungalow, will make
them a very comfortable home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams of
Chicago went to Wymore Sunday
evening after spending a week at
the home of Mrs. Williams parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook. They
plan to return and will spend an
other week here visiting before they
return .to Chicago.
Sunday dinner guests at the Frank
Cook home were Mr. and Mrs. George
Eornemeier and Phyllis Lee, Mr. and
Mrs. Roger Williams of Chicago.
Misses Margaret and Alice Davis of
Lincoln, Miss Jane Pennington, Miss
Betty Gleason, Margaret Johnson
and Lauren Hansel, all of Lincoln.
Organize 4-H Clubs
Miss Baldwin was at the local
school house Wednesday noon and
organized four 4-H clubs. They are
a girls' sewing club, a rope club for
boys, a weed club for boys and a
cooking club. About. 50 children and
young folks are enrolled in these
Mrs. Bnehler Hostess to Clnb
Mrs. Buehler was hostess to the
Mothers and Daughters Council club
members Friday afternoon, April 14.
A large crowd was present to enjoy
the lesson that was presented very
well by Mrs. John Hammel.
This lesson on "Personality," was
most interesting and brought out
some very important reasons and
ways of improving one's personality.
The ladies enjoyed the discussion
Several guests were present.
Mrs. Buehler served a very delic
ious lunch after the meeting.
Attended Beception in Omaha
Mrs. Simon Rehmeier drove to
Omaha Wednesday to be among the
Danish people that welcomed Crown
Prince Frederick and Crown Princess
Ingrid of Denmark and Iceland.
Mrs. Rehmeier remained for the
reception at the Fontenelle hotel
Wednesday wening where Danish
friends paid tribute to the Royal
Dr. Hoist. P. S. Petersen and L.
M. Kirkengard were among some of
the Omahans to help sponsor the re
Mrs. Rehmeier reported having
had a very fine time and pleasantly
enjoyed the entertainment and trip.
Mrs. Christensen Entertains Club
Mrs. Carl Christensen of Malcolm
was hostess to the Reading club
members Thursday afternoon.
Several club members took cover
ed dishes and enjoyed a luncheon at
one o'clock at the Christensen home.
Mrs. Orval Buehler had charge of
the lesson, "Hobbies." She presented
the lesson in a most interesting man-
WISE drivers carry ade
quate automobile insur
ance. You never know
what the other fellow
may do! See this agency
Searl S. Davis
Plaits. State Bank Bldg.
5 v '
if ;: ...
. .. , A
r &-
t - .
i nt )
HIGH PRIESTS HOLD COUNCIL to decide whether they shall
bring Christ before Pilate, in this scene from the I.uenen Passion
Play, world's oldest drama. Now presented in English, on the
modern American stage, critics acclaim the effect of its mammoth
scenes and Old World beauty.
To Be Presented in Omaha
Playing in Omaha at the city
auditorium May 1, 2, 3, afternoon
and evening, the Luenen drama is
expected to draw crowds from
hundreds of neighboring cities.
Omaha has been host to two
other Passion Plays before, but
both of those were presented in
German, according to W. F. Co
zad, president of the Omaha Coun
cil of Churches, sponsors of the
production in Omaha.
"This play, which has been
shown in Luenen, Germany, since
1242, has now been translated in
to English," Mr. Cozad said.
Josef Meier, who heads the
troupe and rortrays the Christus.
13 the seventh in line in six gen- j
erations 01 nis iamiiy to play tnis
First Presented by Monks
Meier, who became an Ameri
can citizen in 1933, is the first
person to translate this age-old
story of the Cross into English
and bring it to America. He is
now 33.
The play was first presented by
monks in Luenen and it wasn't
until the 17th century that lay
men were permitted to take part.
The Meier family has held the
ner by collecting several people's
hobbies and presenting them for ob
servation of club members.
Some of the collections included
Mrs. Mabel Winn's tea towels, Mrs.
Carl Rosenow's canes. Mrs. Vincent's
post marks from envelopes and a
number of others, such as stamps,
Held Dramatic Contest
Five Elmwood ladies, members of
the Tlmwood W. C. T. U. group, were
present Sunday evening at the local
church to hold their dramatic con
test. The ladies presented some very
fine readings. Other program num
bers were two violin solos and a
soprano solo that the audience' also
appreciated very much.
Mrs. Fifer Honored with Shower
A large group of friends honored
Mrs. Sherell Fifer with a miscellan
eous shower at the church basement
Saturday afternoon.
The decorations favored a pink
and white decorating scheme.
Mesdames Archie Miller, Lyle Mil
ler, George Vede and Albert Swan
son presented a one act play.
Luncheon was served as a tea,
with Mrs. Charles Edwards and Mrs.
Sidney James serving. They were as
sisted by Mrs. Ted McCartney of
Mrs. Fifer was presented with
many lovely gifts by the SO guests
present. A considerable number from
out of town were here for the occa
Final reports were submitted to
day on the very successful benefit
week sponsored by the Finance com
mittee of the Plattsmouth Woman's
club for the local organization. The
week began with a benefit card and
checker party which was held at the
home of the president, Mrs. Elmer
Sundstrom. and was very largely at
tended by a number of the citizens.
Mrs. Pete Carr served as chair
man of the occasion with Mrs. Philip
Hirz, another member of the Finance
committee, assisting her. They were
ably assisted by a group of the other
members and young ladies who help
ed them in the arrangements and
serving, they being Mrs. L. S. Devoe.
Mrs. John Wolff. Mrs. P. Y. McFet
ridge, and ' Misses Ruth Ann Hatt
b n t ri ai r 1 n 8
lire sour nows dnarp ana ueaay.' 3
q Electric and Acetylene Welding If we can't Weld It, throw it away, h
Expert Auto and Tractor Repairing All work Guaranteed! X
6th Street -and 1st Avenue East of TidbaU's
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
I have an expert Plow Man and General Blacksmith to put that
machinery in shape for you. Lawn
"'- M
-j J':tm-tnatil. Iftmtt. femur.
. ..a 4. . ... isu w 1
4 -
- '. ; ' 1.., t s:
leading role for more than 140
Now on tour of the middle west
the Passion Play, presented in
twenty-two scenes, vividly por
trays in colorful, yet gentle man
ner, the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Carload of Scenery
Each summer, for three months,
it will be presented in the Black
Hills of South Dakota in an open
air setting with hundreds of par
ticipants. It is Meier's aim to es
tablish the Black Hill3 as the per
manent home of the Passion Play,
in the same way as it has had its
home for centuries in Luenen,
A full carload of lighting and
scenic equipment is necessary to
produce the play. Stage settings
include the house of Pilate, the
Temple, the house where the Last
Supper was held, the Crucifixion,
and many others. Such scenes as
the Last Supper, Gethsemane and
the Ascension become glorified
paintings with the use of specially
constructed lighting and effects.
Reserved tickets may " be ob
tained either by writing to the
Council of Churches, Omaha, or
at the box office of the Omaha
and ronces Minniear.
Prizes, consisting of various ar
ticles, cash donations, as well as re
freshments and arrangements for the
event were all generously donated as
an aid for the success of the benefit
week by the business houses of this
city. The business firms responding
whole-heartedly to this cause were
the following who gave prizes for the
party: Wescott's Clothing Store, the
Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power Co.,
Black & White Grocery, Ladies Tog
gery, Farney Cafe, Bestor & Swatek,
Conoco Oil Station, Hirz Meat Mar
ket, Cloidt Service Station. Wurl's
Crocery Store, Hall Style Shop, Glen
Vallery Implement Store, Weyrich &
Hadraba, Cass Theater, Journal of
fice, Egenberger Grocery Store, II.
M. Soennichsen Dry Goods Store, E.
J. Richey Lumber and Coal Company,
Lugsch, the Cleaner, Gamble Store,
Hiatt Furniture Company, Farley
Furniture Company, Florene Beauty
Shon. Hulda's Beauty Shop, Etta
Belle Beauty Shop, Hollywood Beauty
Shop, O. K. Beauty Shop, Ofe Oil
Service Station, Bauer Garage, Joe's
Nu-Way Grocery Store, Lorenz Bros.
Grocery and Market, Fricke Drug
Store, Warga Hardware Store, Mauzy
Drug Store, Bates Book Store, Nor
folk Packing Company, Kruger Paint
and Paper Store, Peterson Recreation
Parlor, Plattsmouth Creamery, Jas
per Floral Shop and Dan Reichstadt
Shoe Repair Shop.
The business houses donating the
refreshments for the occasion were
Carl's Market, Home Dairy, Gross
han's Dairy, Mullen's Meat Market,
Plattsmouth Bakery of this city, and
The Ideal Potato Chip Company of
Knorr's Variety Store donated the
arrangements, consisting of tallies,
scorecards and napkins for the event.
The following firms and individuals
gave cash donations: One dollar do
nations. Dr. R. P. Westover, Sattler
Funeral Home, Brink Hatchery,
Plattsmouth State Bank. Hotel Coffee
Shop, Dr. L. S. Pucelik, Drs. Wilbur
Eaton and Frank Molak, Cass Coun
ty Motor Company, Highway Cafe,
and the Waterway Construction Com
pany. Fifty cent donations. Dr. W.
V. Ryan, Vallery Service Station, Dr.
P. T. Heineman, Standard Oil Com
pany, Cass County Implement Store,
Mrs. John Tidball and Mrs. Thomp
son. Twenty-five cent donations,
Solomon Fruit Market, Conis Shin
Mowers Sharpened and Repaired, jj
ing Tarlor and Mrs. E. H. Wescott. J
Fifteen cents were given by Miss,
Dora Fricke. j
The net proceeds of the affair
totaled $40, of which $10 was voted!
upon to donate to the Plattsmouth
band to buy music racks.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bergman
were in Lincoln last Monday, where
they looked after business matters
and visited friends.
While August Krecklow was so
seriously ill that he could not get
out to care for the service station
George Davis was looking after the
John Gruber was a visitor at
Avoca last Tuesday, where he was
looking after business and calling on
relatives and old friends. He form
erly resided there.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Massoth and
son of Geneva were guests several
days during the past week at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Mas
soth, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sheehan
Sr., and as well with other relatives
and friends here.
Mrs. John Mockenhaupt and Miss
Mamie Maher, sisters, went to
Greenwood last Sunday to call on
their father, Martin Maher, who was
taken suddenly and seriously ill on
last Saturday. They found the father
quite a little better on their arrival.
which was good news to them.
C. F. Harris, of Union, was a Man
ley visitor last Saturday, calling on
his friends, Aug. Krecklow and wife
both of whom are confined at their
home with sickness. The condition
ot Mr. Krecklow has been particu
larly alarming, but he is now show
ing pleasing improvement.
Chosen to Boys' State
The American Legion post at
Louisville at a recent meeting elect
ed Ralph Welte of Manley as a
member of Boys' State this year.
This is a program in government
training carried on by a group of
boys from all over the state at the
agricultural college of the University
of Nebraska, where the boys spend
a week early in June.
Attended Deanery Meeting
The Deanery meeting of the dis
trict held at Syracuse last Tuesday
was largely attended. Among those
from Manley who went were Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Rauth, Miss Mamie Maher
and Mrs. John Mockenhaupt. A
most enjoyable time was had at this
all day session. Interesting reports
were heard on the past year's work
and officers elected for the ensuing
In Honor of Robert O'Brien
Robert O'Brien, member of Uncle
Sam's naval forces on the Pacific
coast, who is spending a ten days'
furlough here, was honored last Fri
day when his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter O'Brien gave a reception to
which a number of his old friends
were invited. All told there were
about thirty-five present and a most
pleasant evening was spent, follow
ing the service of a delicious sup
Those who were there included
Frank H. Stander and daughter. Miss
Lillian, of Omaha; Bertha Kelley
and family, Baltz Meisinger and
wife and R. D. O'Brien, of Platts
mouth; John Murphy. Michael Hon
or and family, John P. Stander and
son Frank, all of Omaha; Edward
Stander and family of Manley.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Banks of
the citv are the hanny parents of an
eight-pound boy born to them at
Blair, Nebraska on April 14. Both
the mother and little son are doing
very nicely and the event has brought
considerable happiness to members
of the family. Mrs. Banks was the
former Miss Hazel Payton, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Payton of this
May 1. 3 Matinee and Kvenlng
' I.M - 73 - oOo
Matinee: Students, 2So; Adults, 75c
Mail orders promptly filled.
Council of 'Cliurclies, YMCA, Omaha
, JOSEF mnti
Lr(a Cut at Celebrated
BjIH Ift alii ii n !
Platters Win
from Weeping
Water Friday
Locals Score Victory 5 to 3 With
Jacobs Pitching Excellent
Game for Locals.
The Plattsmouth high school base
ball team Friday afttrnooii won from
the V'eeping Water team at the local
park by the score of 5 to 2 in a close
game outside of the opeuhiT inning
when both teams scored.
In the opening of the first the
visitors started the firewoiks by hit
ting Noble and who was alo wild
and granted several passes to tho
initial sack while errors also gave tb"
visitors the chance to uuux two
The natters in their half of the
5rst took a lead that they Ik Id for
the rest of the game. Hayes and
Noble were on base v. hen Smart
Sedlak laid the ball far down tho
field for a heme run and scoring his
team mates ahead of him. K. Gruber,
Weeping Water hurler, suffered
through errors by his team that Jielp-:-d
swell the Plattsmouth scoring.
In the third inning Sedlak was
safe on an error and stole second,
and Jacobs was put on the bases also
with an error. The Weeping Water
team by overthrows at the bases en
abled the two Platters to crors the
plate for the two runs.
In the hurling. Noble had one
strikeout in two innings and Jacobs
eleven in five frames of the game.
The batteries of the game were:
Weeping Water E. Gruber and J.
Gruber. Plattsmouth Noble and
Wilson; Jacobs and Phillips.
The Four-Mile Community club
diet April 11 at the pleasant home
of Mrs. Hugh Stander with Mrs. F. G.
Nolting assistant hostess.
The president called the meeting
to order after which "Our Creed" was
read by Mrs. Henry Horn.
The business meeting was held
after which the meeting was turned
over to the leaders.
Two lessons were given. The first
was "Some Health Heroes we Should
Know" was very ably given by Mrs.
Henry Born who gave a very instruc
tive account of the lives of Florence
Nightingale and Miss Clara I'.arton
who were two of the world's most
famous women.
The second lesson was in charge
of Mrs. Philip Kehne and was a gar
den lesson which was very timely.
Kach lady wore a garden hat and
some wonderful creations were dis
played. Mrs. Henry P.orn received
first prize for her hat which was
trimmed with lettuce leaves, bright
red radishes and carrots. Mrs. Earl
Becker was awarded the booby prize.
Mrs. Kehne's talk made one see the
beauty of the garden. A contest was
held to see which ones ould find the
most song titles in the garden dis
play and the ones which were under
the leadership of Mrs. Sterling Ing
werson won first prize and those led
by Mrs. Henry Born were second.
Following this an exchange of
seeds, bulbs and plants was held. The
hostesses. Mrs. F. G. Nolting and
Mrs. Hugh Stander served a very
delicious lunch after which all de
parted for their homes to meet again
May 9 at the home of Mrs. Earl
Or, yivia-
Hew 1939
,1 LattKTT P"
lit. -
Economy Power-P-ek
Nolhfog ls to buy!
Farley Furniture
; , I I - f fi ' ;
Phone 21 So. 6th St Plattsmouth