IJC1TDAT. APRH 3. 1929 PAGE SIX PIATTSMOUTH SEKI - WtEfilT JOTTRITAX 1 i I ft 1 f 8 8 ENTERS NOT GUILTY PLEA In the county court Wednesday afternoon a hearing was had in the case of the State of Nebraska ex real, Frank Warden vs. Joe Green a complaint to keep the peace. 9,OSOOCO5OGO09&99O9OSOOCOCOSOOOOOGOOOOOQO -Mi Km. m iMM NEW! Matched Accessories Now! Complete matched acces sories for your Easter ensemble! Choose Marine Blue, Pottery Tan, Claret or White you'll find them all at Soennichsen's ! Patent Hand Bags Dig simulated leather bags with top strap handles. Completely fitted. $ 1 Other Hand Bags at $1.98 - New Spring Gloves Rayon Fabrics Tucked or Fancy Back Styles. Navy, Black, White, Japonia, Fuchsia, Chartreuse. 89c $1 Gay Boutonniers Dig bunches of violets, field flow ers, roses and other Easter flowers! 25c Other Styles at 10c Men's Dress Shirts Beau Brummsl White and Patterns Sanforized shrunk less than 1 shrinkage of fabric. Non - wilt starchless collars. 14 to 17 Other Dress Shirts 98c Cass County's Largest Store 1.45 The defendant entered a plea oj not guilty to the charge and the bond was fixed at $500 which was supplied and the hearing set by Judge A. II. Duxbury for April 15th. The parties are residents of the vicinity of Union. Nub Spun Rayon Blouse Popular Pastel Shades Sizes 34 to 40 79C and $1 All Wool Pleated Skirt Slide Fastener Closing Pastel Colors $1.95 Head into spring with colorful r A I 0 -w More charm and dash than you ever dreamed of finding Brims turned up, brims turned down, brims in every daring new ver sion all of them alive, exciting and styled in the very latest Paris-inspired manner ! Beau tiful straws gay with flattering, feminine trims. Dress Socks Rayon & Silk 25c Pair Mercerized rib top, heel, toe. IJlack. navy, brown, gray. Slack Socks . . . 25c Men's . Neckties Hand Made Resilient Wool Lined Triple stitched to hold their shape. Popular pat terns. 69c Bartlett" Hand Tailored Suits Finest Wool Fabrics New Spring Patterns $23.50 Double Breasted, $1 More SOENNICHSEN'S HOME FOE .VACATION Miss Maxine Cloidt and Mrs. Edna Dalton, teachers in the McCook pub lic schools, are home to enjoy a ten day Easter vacation from their duties in the schools. Miss Cloidt is with new .... Hats $1.49 $1.98 $2.98 1 urn - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt and Mrs. Dalton with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Shopp and family. Rubber Stamps at toweai prices at the Journal Office. "Hollywood" Sport Jacket Colorful Plaids, 14 to 20 $3.95 Your Legs Will Look So Lovely "PHOENIX HOSIERY Hi's raw Phoenix Personality Cotor called INTRIGUE will 60 .things for you! It's a delightful toasted tan to wear with your Copper and Mahogany costume shades. And so glowing ... so soft and yet so attractive to the eye! Soe In trigue in 2. 3 end 4-thread weights 79c and $1 Yffihl I I ijr a ou 11 oe the very personification of femi nine charm. . . your whole being will be in tune with this joyous season... fitted in a pair of these radi antly beautiful shoes. $1.98 anrl $2.98 Plattsmouth Nebraska yil ( fffThA COUNTY COURT HEARINGS From Friday Dally The county court was busy to day in hearing a number of cases pending before Judge A. 11. Duxbury. Final settlement was had in the estate of Henry V. Meinse, deceased, the daughters, Florence and Blanch being here for -the hearing. Francis V. Robinson, former deputy attorney general appeared for the estate. Hearing on claims in the estate of Margaret Schafer was had, Elizabeth Schafer, a daughter, executrix of the estate was present. Hearing on claims in the estate of Martin G. Stava deceased was also held by the court. LOG CABIN BIRD HOUSE J. A. Pitz, who in his leisure time enjoys woodworking and gardening, has a very attractive bird house on display in the Main street windows of the E. A. Wurl store. The house which is destined to provide a home for wrens, is made of large slabs and in a manner conforming to the old time log cabin. It is very at tractive and skillfully made. Dole's PINEAPPLE -f jfc GEMS, 14-oz. Cans iLxJr1 Old Pals Alaska SALMON -fl gc Mb. Tali Can JiP Beef Hearts 4fi Ycunc, Tender, lb Hamburger or Bulk Sausage OQc Fresh, 2 lbs Choice, lean Pork Chops 'ptfr Center Cuts, lb Minced Luncheon or Eiing Bologna r)f"c Selected, 2 lbs. ,t2 Salmon or Sable Fish ' 9f c Sliced or Piece, 2 lbs. Headless, Dressed ' Whiting Fish gc HERRING Mixed, 9-lb. Keg 85C Milkers, 9-lb. Keg 95C Pioneer Vacuum Packed COFFEE 9Qc Mb. Glass Jar Big 4 White Naptha SOAP QQc 10 Giant Bars Lewis PtZc LYE 3 Cans... 3) Lighthouse r STRAWBERRIES, Delicious Bed Bipe Louisiana Finest 2 Boxes 25 CEIEBY, Tender, Well Bleached Stalks 1O0 YAMS, V. S. Ho.' 1 Porto Bican, 4 lbs. 19 GBAPEFBUIT Sweet, Jcy. Tex. Seedless, 10 for 29 1 PCT0T0ES Gen. Bed Biver Early Ohios. Peck 29 100-lbs. when packed, $1.75 Large, Clean, Smooth, Seed or Table Stock Sailor Sliced PEARS (In Syrup) for 25c Smith Brand TOMATOES CNans2:A. 3 Phillips Delicious PORK & BEANS ca5&for29c POST TOASTIES 5SL. 3 for 25c Ad for Plattsmouth, Tues.-Wed April 4-5 (We reserve the right to limit quantities of the above items) DIES AT McCOOR From Friday's Daily This afternoon L. L. Horton, of the Horton funeral home, received a mes sage that the body of Baldwin Tig ner, was being shipped from McCook, Nebraska, to this city. The message asked the funeral arrangements' be made for Saturday afteroon at 2 o' clock at the Lewiston cemetery. The Tigner family were residents in the Murray and Union communities for several years. RETURN FROM CONVENTION Mrs. L. S. Devoe, Mrs. Frank Mul len, Mrs. Pete Carr, Mrs. Elraer Sundstrom, Mrs. John Wolff, and Mrs. Roy Knorr all returned home from the Woman's club convention held at Auburn this week, this be ing the 26th annual convention of Nebraska Federation o Women's clubs. Monday evening Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Devoe attended a dinner for the officers of the first district, Mrs. Devoe being district chairman of the American Home department, and Mrs. Carr being a special guest. FARM SALE Of Frank M. Massie four and a half miles northwest of Nehawka, Thursday, April Cth at 1 p. m. Six head horses, 11 head of cattle, five young milk cows, four large brood sows. 10 shoats weighing 50 lbs. Farm equipment of all kinds. Adv. ltw MRS. R0BEBTS0N NOT WELL Mrs. James M. Robertson, long time resident of Cass county, is not feeling so well the past few days and has been confined to her home on Vine street. At her advanced age the illness of Mrs. Robertson has caused the family some apprehension. HAS NEW' LOCATION Charles Turnbaugh, who has been operating the barber shop in the Hotel Plattsmoflth building, is now located at the Charles Waters shop on the east side of Sixth street. Mr. Turnbaugh commenced work at the new location on Monday. RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA Henry Sander, who lias been spending the winter in California with his daughter, Ann, and other relatives and old friends, rturned home Wednesday. Mr. Sander had a very fine visit and returns home feeling fine and in excellent health. ENGAGED AT STYLE SHOP Mrs. William Wehrbein of Mur ray, who has been engaged In work ing in the Style Shop of Wilbur and Mildred Hall here, has been called back to her dulies and assisting in business of this smart style shop. NEW WAY Phone 95-93 We Deliver Ad for Tues., Wed., April 4 and 5 Brinj? This Ad, for Double Votes Northern Navy BEAMS With $1.00 Pur chase. 5 lb SALAD DRESSING Pt. Size 17c Qt. Size. . . Cracker Deal 1 lb. Waldorf and 1 lb. Butter tup Cookies Dothor ULLEfJ'S DEARTMENT Phone 95-93 We Deliver Ad for Tues., Wed., April 4 and 5 Bring- This A1 for Double Votes BEEF ROAST lb. . . . . . . PLATE HBL 1! J zJ lb. ..... . HAM BURGER Fresh Cut 2 lb. . . . . Girls'. State is Sponsored by Le gion Auxiliary .,. !: Will Be Located at Camp Kiwanis June 10th to 15th Many Girls to Participate in Camp. The Cornbuskcr Girls' "late, spon sored by the Nebraska American Le gion Auxiliary, will be hold at Camp Kiwanis (between Lincoln and Mil ford), June 10-15, lrs. J. A. Ku:era, department president announces. The purpose of this activity is to bring the girls of Nebraska a knowl edge of the fundamental principles of American government through ac tual practice. About one hundred girls can be ac commodated, two from each uni cameral district. To be eligible for selection, . girls must be Juniors in high school this year and must be sponsored by one or more organiz ations. According to the plan an nounced by the officers, sponsors must pay the registration fee and be responsible for transportation of their girl. Application .blanks and instructions are in the hands of the secretary of each Auxiliary unit. Membership in Girls' State Is not confined to daughters or relatives of members of the American Legion Auxiliary or the American Legion. In selection of the girls, it is suggested that a local committee pass on the Kirls' qualifications. The local school authorities, clergy and camp fire offkials can give valuable as sistance here. It is urged that girls who show outstanding qualities of leadership be chosen. ilack&Ufiife This Ad for Tues. and Wed. Ask for Your Rural School Votes Bring Our Ad for Double Votes i!ggngg" fau. J... I.- m Manchester Waldorf SPECIAL 1 Box Butter Cookies 1-lb Eox Crackers Doth for . . , 251 imlnnui IGA Cake Flour Large Pkg 20c 1QA Cocoa 16-oz. Tin Baking Powder IGA Brand 1-lb. Tin . 1QC IGA Corn or Gloss Starch 2 Pkgs. 15c Thompson Soedless Raisins OOn 2 lbs., 15c; 4 lbs 9 Hearts of Grapefruit IGA ERAND No. 2 Cans. . . .3 for 33c IGA Sliced Fancy Pineapple 0(q No. 2 Vi can IGA BRAND Flour 43-lb. bag . . $1.19 Pioneer Brand, Center Cut, all Green Asparagus jinc No. 2 Can Peanut Butter IGA RED CAP 4ff 1-lb. Jar JlV IGA BRAND Toilet Tissue Large Rolls 3 for All Kinds o2 Seed Potatoes Heat Department Dacon Squares UP Not Sliced lb.. (J Pork Roast 3-lb pieces and up 16e Fisfi of All Hinds iftc U 30COOOGOCOCCOO OQOSOOCOC