The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 03, 1939, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1939.
Ihe Plattsmouth Journal
Entered a Poatoflice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as ecmd-lMs rnail matter
MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, J 2.60 per rear. Beyond
600 miles, 13100 per year. ' Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
IJ.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly In advance.
Wall Paper, 5 a roll and up at
Greene's Drug Store, Elmwood.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hardnock and
Lloyd Mickle spent Tuesday evening
at the Orval Gerbeling home.
Money saved on "Wall Paper ia
money saved. Greene's Drug Store,
Elmwood. m27-2w
Mrs. Don McKinnon has been on
the sick list for several days. She
suffered from an attack of appen
dicitis. Joe Taylor is assisting with the
chores and field work at the Frank
Taylor home while Frank is unable
to work.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham of
Cedar Hill were visitors Sunday at
the home of Mr. Graham's niece,
Mrs. Fred Dietman and husband.
J. C. Brown, Mrs. A. B. Streamer's
father who returned from the hos
pital last week after taking treat
ments is reported to be feeling much
Friends of Mrs. Walter Speece,
the former M'iss .Mar jorie Am (who
for three years taught at the local
school) were grieved to learn of
the very recent death of her father,
V. T. Arn. Mrs Speece has the
heartfelt sympathy of her many
friends of this community.
Meet in Interest of New Gym.
The school board members called
a mass meeting for the purpose of
explaining the PWA setup for the
new gym that is under consideration.
The architect and engineer Avere
present to give full information,
Tuesday evening
To Be Honored at Shower.
Mrs. Fifcr, the former Miss Merle
Vickers, will be given a miscellaneous
shower Saturday atfernoon, April 15
at the local church basement. ,Tbe
committee in charge extend a cor'
dial invitation for Mrs. Fifer's
friends to attend.
Receives Eroken Finger
Frank Taylor received a compound
fracture of a finger on his right hand
while doing some road work Iat
Tuesday afternoon. He was grading
Notice is hereby given to the quali
fied voters of School District No. 102
of Cass County, Nebraska, that by
vote of two-thirds of the District
Board of said School District, an
election is hereby called and shall
be held at the Fire House in the
Villape of Alvo, in said District No.
102, Cass County, Nebraska, on the
4th day of April, 1939, between the
hours of eight o'clock a. m. and
eight o'clock p. m., at which elec
tion there shall be submitted to the
qualified voters of said school dis
trict, the following proposition:
"Shall the District Board of
Trustees of School District Num
ber 102 of Cass County, in the '
State of Nebraska, issue the
bonds of said Schrtbl District in
the amount of Five Thousand
($5,000.00) Dollars, bearing in
terest at a rate of not to ex
ceed four per cent (4) per
annum, payable semi-annually,
bonds to mature in a period not
to exceed twenty years: and
Shall the District Board of
Trustees of said School District
cause to be levied annually
against the taxable property of
said school district, a tax suffi
cient for the payment of the in
terest and principal of said
bonds, as the same becomes due,
the proceeds of the sale of said
bonds to be used for the pur
pose of building an addition to
and altering the present school
building, and furnishing the
necessary furniture and ap
paratus for the same in said
School District No. 102 of Cass
County, Nebraska?"
"The ballots to be voted upon and
cast at said election shall have print
ed thereon the foregoing proposition,
with the words:
FOR said bond issue and
said annual tax levy
AGAINST said bond issue and
Bald annual tax levy
"Voters who desire to vote in favor
of said proposition will indicate the
same by marking an X in the square
following the words "For said bond
issue and said annual tax levy.'
Voters who desire to vote against
said proposition will indicate same
by marking an X in the square fol
lowing the words 'Against said bond
issue and said annual tax levy.' "
By order of the said District Board
this 8th day of March, 1939.
' Secretary Board of Education
School District No. 102.
on the highway south of town and
due to some difficulty with the
grader hit his hand, causing an in
Jury to a finger. Mr. Taylor will be
laid up from his work for a few
weeks. Due to the fact that it is
a compound fracture much, care is
necessary to prevent infection.
Honored With Shower.
Mrs. Lynch, the former Miss
Gladys Keller who was married a
few weeks ago at Columbus to Mr.
Lynch of Seward, was honored with
a miscelalneous shower at the church
basement Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Lynah was the recipient of
many lovely and' useful gifts for
her new home.
The committee in charge served
delicious sandwiches and cup cakes.
Many out of town relatives and
friends were present for the occa
sion. Entertains S. 0. S. Club
Miss Nita Mullen was hostess to
the S. O. S. club members Tuesday
afternoon. About 10 members were
present for the meeting. Mrs. Frank
Taylor presided over the business
Mrs Timblin-was in charge of the
program, "All Americans."
The hostess served refreshments
at the conclusion of the afternoon.
Spend Day at Cook Home.
Guests at the Frank Cook home
Sunday were Misses' Margaret and
Alice Doris and Henry Birby of Lin
coln, Mrs. Joan Carter, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Wolcott, Betty and Jim, all
of Weeping Water, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wolcott of Lincoln, Mr. and
Mrs. Norris of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs.
George Bornemeier and Phyllis Lee
and Dee V. Reber.
Sunday someone, thought to be
probably a group of boys, stole a
number of dynamite caps from the
Burlington section house at South
Band, and so far the caps have not
been located. The railroad officials
and Sheriff Joe Mrasek are warning
those who took the caps that they are
very dangerous and may cause death
or injury to the parties if any of
them are accidently discharged. It is
supposed that they were taken by
some boys and who are warned to
look out for the potential death
From Wednesday's Dally
This morning at the court house
occurred the marriage of Donovan
Rowe Mesenbrink and Mary Eliza
beth Strickland, both of Denison,
Iowa. The wedding was witnessed
by Mildred Mesenbrink of Denison
and Sarah A. Milliner of Omaha. The
marriage lines wer read by Judge
A. H. Duxbury in his usual impres
siv cmanncr.
Insure Your Car
Today with
i .i
m mm w u in i i
erence on
Leisure to Be
Held at Lincoln
Estimated That 500 Will Attend the
Meeting to Be Held Under
Auspices of WPA.
From 100 communities in the
state, it is estimated that 500 per
sons will visit Lincoln on April 14
to participate in a state conference
on leisure which is sponsored by
the Works Progress Administration.
While the meeting which was plan
ned primarily for members of local
recreation councils, it has been en
larged to permit all persons inter
ested in this field to attend. The
conference will end with a dinner
meeting at which Edward C. Llnde
man, national director of Works Pro
gress Administration recreation proj
ects, will speak.
The recreation program for Ne
braska under WPA. is a project spon
sored by the state board of con
trol with local units spcnsoivd by
cities, school boards, and county
commissioners. The units are now
being operated in 150 communities
ranging in size from towns of 125
population to the big program direct
ed by the welfare board of the city
of Omaha. These projects are dis
tributed over the state and are now
employing 550 persons.
Communities wanting units are
planning to send delegates to the con
ference. The conference -will be
broken up into five (5) sectional
meetings devoted to planning as it
affects the various . phases of the
recreation programs. This planning
conference was called to assist com
munities that have been operating
small projects and have found that
the needs of their -community de
mand expansion. Planning for sum
mer activities will also be given con
sideration. Reservations for these meetings
can be made by contacting the di
rector of recreation, Works Progress
Administration, 900 North 16th
street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Recreation Center of Platts
mouth, to satisfy the demand of in
numerable ping-pong fans, is spon
ooring a tournament of the pyramid
type. This is a perpetual type of
tournament which will run until Sat
urday, April 22. .
In order to acquaint everybody
who is interested in this tournament,
the "ground rules" are as follows:
1. Players may challenge any play
er in the row directly above him.
2. Players cannot challenge or be
challenged when his name tag is
turned over.
3. All matches must be played in
the order contracted for.
4. Report all games played and
contracted for to the tournament di
rector. 5. Two out of three games shall
constitute a match.
6. Each player must accept at
least one challenge per week.
7. Each player must play at least
one match per week.
8. Failure to play one match per
week shall automatically eliminate
that player from the board. PlSyers
may be reinstated by waiting their
turn for placement on the bottom
row of the pyramid.
9. Players challenged may have
three days in which to accept any
challenge from players advanced dur
ing the current week.
10. Saturday night shall officially
close any one week.
11. Do not change positions of the
lags unless directed to do so by the
tournament director.
12. This tournament shall end on
Saturday, April 22, 1939.
13. Five awards will be given to
players in the five top positions at
the close of the tournament.
14. The tournament manager shall
witness all tournament games and
set In the capacity of referee.
15. Each player shall pay an en
Irance fee of 10c to be eligible for
fournament play.
16. In all cases, U. S. T. T. A. rules
will be considered as official.
Mr. Farney and Mr. Jackson of the
Recreation staff will act as tourna
ment directors.
Anybody who is interested in this
tournament is invited to come in to
the Recreation Center and get their
name on the pyramid.
The Junior high school students,
under the supervision of their teach
er, Dow Armstrong, have formed a
club which is a project that is a help
and guide to them in their civics
class. The project under way at the
present time is the lawn movement,
a project that i3 to keep the students
off the. lawn of the high school and
aid in keeping the school grounds a
place of beauty. A new patrol is
formed each week to assume the re
sponsibility of trying to keep the
students off the lawn. v
Within this club the students are
arranged into four groups, and each
is represented by a treasurer or
loader. The groups are: Alvin Vro
isan is treasurer of the seventh grade
boys, the seventh grade girls are
represented by Miss Delores Ruse.
Rachel McMaken is treasurer of
the 8A .clacs, and Dorine Weiland
heads the SB class. The club has as
its particular study current affairs
and forty-throe copies of the maga
zine "Junior Scholastic" is provided
each week to all members present.
Each week the young people study a
special lesson, a topic which is ar
ranged for them each week. The
3tudy this week comprises the subject
"California" and its various places
of interest, important cities and
other points of discussion. The main
topic of the day is the world's fair
which is in progress in California.
The following titles have been se
lected for the new Y. L. R. R. A.
books, they will be ready for circu
lation April 1st. These are avail
able to members upon the payment
of $1. Everyone welcome to join.
Help your library to get new books;
more than 1400 books have been
placed in the general library through
this organization:
"Patriot," by Buck; "Thread of
Scarlet," Williams; "Tree of Liberty"
Page; "Run Masked." Robb White;
"Grandma Called it Carnal," Damon;
"Lenient God," Jacob; "Husband for
Hillary," McCord; "Seasoned Tim
ber," Canfield; "Bitter Creek," Boyd;
"Deacons Road," Flint; "Spring Is
a Woman." Shipman; "English Rue,"
Hare; "Wilderness Wife," Pinker
ton; "Crippled Spendour," Evans;
"Moon Is Feminine," Dane; "Song of
Years," Aldrich; "Murder for Christ
mas," Christie; "Snow Water," Gar
diner; "Juliet Inc.," Hauck; "Ordeal
of Minnie Schultz, Martin; "Cloth
of Silver," Offord; "Peacock Place,"
Stebbins; "Spring Journey," Steph
ensou; "Wayward Pilgrim," Brace;
"Brown Honey," Hancock; , "Mar
riage for Rosamund," Hauck; "Mur
der in the Game Reserve," Taylor;
"Demon Daughter," Morrow; "Re
member the End," Turnbull; "Dis
puted Passage," Douglas; "Seventh
Hour," Lutz; "Frost Flower," Hull;
"Northern Sunrise," Hahrt; "Wind
Without Rain," Krause; "Crum El
bow Folks," Barnes; "Fathers,"
Ttate; "Smouldering Fire," Steven
son; "Our Lives Have Just Begun,"
Myers; "Star to Steer By," Taber;
"Long Lane," Stong; "Wait for the
Tide," Holton; "Valient Woman,"
Kaye-Smith; "New England Born,"
Bassett; "Code of the Woosters,"
Wodehouse; "East fo the Giants,"
Stewart; "Mortal Storm," Bottome;
"High Road," Baldwin; "Here I
Stay." Coatsworth: "Bidden to the
Feast," Jones; "A. Hall and Co.,"
Lincoln. , .)
C. L. Revnolds. state agent for
the Sun Indemnity company at Fre
mont, was a business visitor in
Plattsmouth Tuesday. That com
pany, with its headquarters in New
York, is the oldest Insurance com
pany in the world, it having been
established in 1710.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wondra have
moved to Monroe. Missouri where
they will make their home in the
future. Mr. Wondra is employed as
a dredge operator on a river project
in Monroe, and therefore, necessi
tated the removal from this city to
their new home.
Bion Hoffman, ' athletic coach at
the Plattsmouth high school, was
at Ashland Wednesday afternoon
where he wa3 called to attend the
funeral services of his uncle, Oscar
Hoffman who had passed away a few
days prior.
Thomas Walling Company
Alitracti of Title
Phone 824 - Plattsmouth 4
1-H 'M'I-M-t-I'
l.OO to $3.95
LOO to 2l95
Francis Toman, employed by the
Union Pacific, was in the city over
Sunday to visit with his wife and
other relatives and old friends. Fran
cis in company with the railroad em
ployees and hundreds of others in
Omaha, is preparing for the observ
ance of the premier of "Union Paci
fic" which is to be held in Omaha.
He has grown a beard that gives
him a real pioneer aspect and which
should be very luxuriant by the
time of the showing.
Cancer Foes
Begin Fund
Drive Today
Mrs. L. W. Egenberger, Vice-Commander,
Will Head Drive in
Cass, Otoe Counties.
Fiom Saturday's Daily
Mrs. George Crocker of Omaha,
state commander of the Women's
Field Army, Nebraska division oi
the American Society for the Control
of Cancer, announces that dates of
its annual fund-raising drive will be
April 1 to May 1. Mrs. Crocker,
who will direct the drive, said the
slogan will be "Cancer can be con
quered if we do our part now."
With 150 thousand persons dying
of cancer every year, the annual toll
exceeds the number of American
lives lost in the World war, Mrs.
Crocker said.
Mrs. L. W. Egenberger of this city,
who is vice-commander of the Cass
and Otoe county division, will head
the 1939 cancer drive in the two
The following is some of the dan
ger signals that may mean cancer
and should always mean a visit to a
physician, a very small part of the
literature and pamphlets that will
be distributed out in the two coun
ties: 1. Any persistent lump or thick
ening, especially of the breast.
2. Any irregular bleeding or dis
charge from any part of the body
3. Any sore that does not heal,
particularly about the tongue, mouth
or lips.
4. Persistent indigestion, especial
ly when accompanied by distaste for
meat. "
5. Sudden changes in the. form or
rate of growth of a mole or wart.
Pain is a late symptom do not wait
for it. Fight cancer with knowledge.
The book, "The Nebraska Bird Re
view," which the Plattsmouth Gar
den club have subscribed for, has
arrived at the Plattsmouth public
library, this being the first copy of
the review. Tbfe book is issued twice
e. year and the numbers are from
January to June and July to Decem
ber. The book was placed on the
shelf at the library and anyone in
terested in the study of birds and
animals or is desirous of reading
the book may call at the library and
partake of the educational, whole
some contents that it contains. The
book is quite an acquisition to the li
brary and the librarians desire to
take this means of expressing their
appreciation and thanks to the local
Garden club for the fine interest they
are showing and taking by supply
ing the library with valuable books
and magazines.
A new book entitled ' The Thi
taults," by Martin Rodger DuGard
(kis been added to the pay shslf of the
library- It was first published in
the French language ia 1V :' and
first issued in five volumes Out has
nnvf been condensed in on? vjluuif
under an American publication.
Miss Winifred Kaffenberger, clerk
at the Unique Dry Cleaners, is quite
ill at her home suffering from the
effects of an attack of the flu and
grippe, and which has necessitated
her being absent from her regular
ALL insurance policies
look very much alike but
the real test is the service
you receive after you
have a claim!
Searl S. Davis
Platta. State Bank Blslfl.
A. C. Davis. Well
Known Railroad
Man Passes
Former Plattsmouth Resident and
Chief Clerk for Superintendent
of M. P. at Falls City.
A. C. Davis, 51, well knonn rail
road man of Falls City and formerly
of Plattsmouth, died Wednesday
night at 11 o'clock at the Missouri
Pacific hospital at St. Louis. Mr.
Davis was taken ill Saturday night
and taken to St. Loui3 for care, but
has steadily grown weaker and de
spite four blood transfusions he
gradually failed until his death.
Death was due to stomach ulcers.
The news of the death received
here this morning was a very severe
shock to the old time friends who
iiad knowi this splendid and mia!
gentleman and his family during
their residence in Plattsmouth.
While here Mr. Davis was engaged
as chief clerk at the offices of the
Burlington shops and later entered
the services of the Missouri Pacific
where he has since remained. He has
been for the past several years the
chief clerk in the office of Division
Superintendent J. I.. Kendell, at
Falls City.
Mr. Davis is survived by the
widow, Blanch Davis; three daugh
ters, Mrs. Kenneth Payton, of Cali
fornia and Mary and Barbara, both
at home. He is also survived by the
mother and 6ister who reside at Den
ver. Mrs. Davis, who was with her hus
band at St. Louis, is expected home
tonight with the body and so far no
funeral arrangements have been
made. It is thought that services
will probably be held Saturday, how
Applications for enrollment in the
Civilian Conservation Corps are now
being accepted by the Cass county
assistance office in the court house.
Enrollment date is April 5, at
which time a number of Cass county
boys will be selected for enlistment.
Those eligible Include young men
between the ages of 17 and 23, or
men who have not reached their
24th birthday, who are physically
fit and citizens of the United States.
Each enrollee is given an oppor
tunity while in camp, to obtain
manual training and attend school
besides the regular work of forest
improvement and protection, trail
making, soil erosion control, flood
control, landscaping and develop
ment of park and recreational areas
and similar projects.
While in camp the enrollee par
ticipates in a program of recreation
and sports.
Boys who show leadership qual
ities have the opportunity of promo
tion and increase in pay.
Young men interested in enroll
ment should make application to the
selecting agency before April 4 th,
if they wish to be considered for the
April enrollment.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Griffin, of
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, are here for
a visit at the home' of Mrs. Griffin's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Krejci in
the west part of the city. Mr. Grif
fin, who is engaged in engineering
work has been transferred to Omaha
where they will locate at once. Mrs.
Griffin was formerly Miss Beatrice
Incle Me
Says ...
"Feed your Chicks the best
feed you can buy." GOOCH'S
is 'the best. The price is right
in line with what you receive
for your poultry nowadays.
We are handling Gooch Feed
on small profit and quick turn
over. Chick Starting Mash $2.35
Chick Growing Mash $2.10
Chick Starting Pellets$2.40
Laying Pellets -31.75
Oyster Shell .05
Concentrate, 32 $2.50
Stock Salt, 100 lb. sack- . .50
Block Salt .40
Chick Scratch .-51.75
Emil J. Weyrich, one of the best
known photographic enthusiasts in
the eastern section of Nebraska,
whose work with the camera has
won him recognition, was the guest
of the Rotary club at their luncheon
Mr. Weyrich has in recent years
enjoyed his vacations with his camera
in many of the greatest scenic won
derlands of the nation and these
scenes he has preserved in colored
motion pictures that are objects of
the greatest beauty. Selected with
the skill of Mr. Weyrich they repre
sent some of the most artistic charm.
In the pictures shown Tuesday at
the luncheon was views of the Yel
lowstone national park of Wyoming,
Bryce's canyon, and many of the
other national wonderlands of the
United States.
Howard Baker, and John Benton
Livingston, high school students, who
were members of Rotary for the
month of March, gave very fine talks
on their impressions and apprecia
tions of the work of Rotary.
The meeting was under the lead
ership of Dr. P. T. Heineman and
with R. W. Knorr, vice-president
presiding, owing to the illness of
President Arthur Troop.
-rii for r Journal.
Grimm Alfalfa Seed.- State test
shows no weed seed and high ger
mination. Priced lower than others.
Ornold E. Schliefert, Manley, Neb.
I have a number of extra good
horses for sale. They are in fine
condition and ready for field work.
123 No. 11th St. Telephone 4852
Weeping Water, Nebr.
Makes no difference what kind
or shape or color suit you may
want We will design it and
make it for you to your com
plete satisfaction.
GO Years Experience
Since 1879
Where Quality Counts
of Plattsmouth, Nebr,
Charter No. 7S6 In the State of Ne
braska at the Clone of ISusiness
March 29, 1933.
L.oans and Discounts . J
Vnlted States Covernment
obligations, direct ;indor
fully ffuiirantppcl
Obligation of States and
Political Kllhrilvlaln r a
Other bon is, notes, and de-
ankiner house, furniture
and fixtures
Cash in Hank
and Due from
National and
State Hanks
subject to
rheck ....... . 224.947 "2
Checks and
items of ex
change ...... '2:15.52
. . .$1,102,858.28
Capital Stock Common $
Surplus fund
Cndlvlded profits Nt)...
Jteserve for Contingency s,
t'nearned Interest .".'.
Individual d e-
posits subject
to check .$ 451.642.86
Time certlfl-
. cates o f de
Posit 345,976.23
Savings De pos
its 144.4C2.44
Certified checks 51.00
Cushiers checks 7,423.51
9 13.55606
SI. 102.85S. 28
State of Nebraska
i as'.
, Coumy of Cass J
-- T. If. A. KrhnIHt T'r I H - -
above named bank, do solemnly nwear
that the above statement in a .,, i
correct cop of the report made to the
Department of Banking:.
Attest: President
HENRY HOHN. Director.
FRANK A. CLOIDT. Director.
Subscribed and sworn to befnr- mm
tills 1st day of April, 19.19.
ceal) Notary Public.
(My Commission expires Oct. 19, 1944)